The Correllian Times


The Correllian Times
Second Edition, Issue 71
September - 12 Aquarius
The Correllian Times
A Free Publication
The Editor’s Corner
“Always looking for more inspiration,”.
As we move forward into our second issue as a team, we find that rolling with the punches is an important part of our
job. Life is always around us, sometimes showing us the next great thing and sometimes felling an obstacle on the path.
I find that despite (and perhaps because) of this, our team grows stronger and our resolve hardens. Things happen
around everyone, from illness to the start of a new job to moving across the country to losing a loved one; yet we find
the courage to push forward in the best way we know how.
At no place is that more relevant than here at the Times. We are always looking for more inspiration and reader, that
inspiration comes from you. We talked last month about not being able to fix it if we don’t know it’s broken—I hope
that you can take this to heart. We are still striving to improve each issue and to build our team but we need your input,
your feedback, your insight to help that along. We’re also looking for people from the Southern Hemisphere to join the
team and give some insight on Sabbats and the Seasons on the other side of the equatorial door.
Over the next couple of months we will be continuing to expand the publication to include sections such as reader submission, a children’s
section and letters to the editor. We need YOU.
Several people have come forward with an interest in contributing to the Times and as we move forward, everyone will
find the niche that fits he or she best. But to continue in our quest to become the most informative and well-presented
pagan e-zine, we need your help. Don’t hesitate—help us to turn on the lights and find our way.
Don’t forget to check us out online, at our Facebook page at It’s a great place to
post ideas, send feedback or to see what is new at the Times. You are also welcome to contact me via email at anytime. I promise to get back to you as soon as I can. Patience is appreciated however, as remember, life is always around us.
Table of Contents
Editor’s Corner
Correllian Tradition News
Correllian Tradition Updates
Pagan News
Ing’s September Tarot Reading
Ocean Depth’s – Pt. 2
Walking the Wiccan Way
Mabon on the Cheap
New Beginnings
Mythic Rites
ElemenTree Tarot Review
Visions of the Past
Agony Aunt
Mabon Celebrations
Ing’s Personal readings
Inspirational Visions
Words of the World
Coloring Pages
On a final note, I’d like to thank our team, both veteran and new members, for all the time you put in to really make our publication a success. We
do have a few new contributors this month and in our next issue, we will give you a little more information and some of the details on who they are
and where they come from. To the editing team at the Times: an extra special thank you for all of your help and hard work so far. Your job isn’t an
easy one, but it is vital to the success of this e-zine.
Thank you everyone, and Blessings ~
The Future Expansion of Witch School
By Rev. Faemore Lorei
… It Is A Matter of Trust
Witch School International is expected to expand for the future; this skill set, but still are entrepreneurs at heart.”
according to Mr. Ed “The Pagan” Hubbard, the current CEO of the pagan edWitch School is a project worked on day by day, and it will continue
ucational institution. This is a timely development coinciding with the cele- to be worked on. The CEO remarked on Michael Ferrell, Maryann Kay, Anna
brations of the imminent 11th Anniversary of the school.
Rowe and many others who drive the site on a daily basis. The effort of imForming new leadership is of paramount importance with Witch provement is constant. As for the WSI Visioning Committee Mr. Hubbard
School accomplishing 11 years of operation on September 4 th. As far as commented:
online presence and virtual reality goes this makes it a bona fide institution “It is a private group pulled together by myself, because they have the skills
on the World Wide Web. One vital idea is that the Internet never sleeps, re- that will help build a new plan for a new decade. Each person was a choice,
maining in a state of constant flux. It therefore gives pagans formidable pow- whether they were personally approached by me or volunteered themselves. I
er to educate ourselves and others, if we only but have the mind and the will
needed to see if we could get people who can act as a team because they have
to act.
some experience on executive and managerial levels. I will add people as
“About six weeks ago, I started a WSI Visioning Committee, which is needed for their skills and people will likely leave when their specialty is remade up of individuals with amazing talents and skills, to spend a year ex- solved. In all cases, the Visioning Committee will sunset on June 30 th, 2013,
ploring this initiative and finding the next CEO,” said Ed. “This has grown so and a new Board of Directors and CEO will be in place.”
much we need an individual or individuals with a much wider administrative
According to Ed, the first obstacle WSI faces in its plans to expand is
finding the people who will create an execution plan without a personal agenda - with community service as their goal - and finding a way to compensate
“I don't care if you are staff or volunteer, everyone needs to feel compensated
for what they do. This is an undertaking that the vast majority of Pagan projects fail to do; they generally take for granted and are ungrateful for the volunteers, staff and resources given to them.”
Ed “The Pagan” Hubbard, CEO of Witch School
Image: Ed Hubbard
The Witch School CEO also said, “Trust is the single, largest challenge, because we must have it. However, we as a community create these
wonderful organizations in which everyone can say no, but no one seems able
to say yes. We limit our actions to mediocrity - to assure we do not offend and the largest minimal support. We do not trust each other, and when we
have an amazing project, it often cannibalizes itself in a mad rush to see who
we place in charge. It is in this moment that we fail most; and when we have
succeeded, then we see a battle ensue and all backing melt away through resignations and pulled support. The more successful the project, the more likely
you will find an early battle resulting in member resignation in order to avoid
the real work … the work of building trust.
“The greatest restriction is true of all human endeavors and all acHe warns however, that no bribery or flattery will be the success of
tions in this physical universe - resources of all kinds; the most precious be- real change, as far as marketing offers and ploys go. The expansion process
ing time, the second being exceptional management, and the third being the will only be interactive insofar as the members decide, if they wish to particnecessary materials including the money, work, supplies and space. The ipate through feedback and support, to become more involved.
more you have the better off you will be,” he added.
New subjects students can expect to be taught will depend on the
The expansion of WSI will not include a physical location or campus, gaining of source materials that Witch School can use under copyright laws.
at least not under Mr. Hubbard’s watch. As far as he has personally experi- This is very important for improving the quality of the course work with the
enced, a physical location is more a vanity than a reality. It is not needed and expansion of the school.
not at all supportable.
“I spent years trying to convince Llewellyn Worldwide to open a school, but
“We are simply not a community that has a need for or can afford it. After
all, being a Witch, Wiccan or Pagan is not a paying job. To have a physical
location it would require at least half-million dollars in the early investment,
and depending on staff and costs a minimum of a hundred thousand dollars
in an annual budget,” said Ed.
they never took up the offer,” said the CEO. “So source material is the restriction, and organization of class materials is the limitation. More people
with real skills in creating classes will determine which way we go.”
A formal announcement will be made on September
4 , 2012 in observance of the school’s anniversary, and the
He continued: “Now what is supportable financially but never has seating of the new CEO will take place no later than June
gotten financial support from the community is local and temporary Witch 30th, 2013. As far as Mr. Hubbard is concerned expansion is
School Intensives. These could be set up for as little as a $1000 in overall always necessary, for that which is not growing and thriving,
cost, and ran over a weekend.
is dying.
“This would allow a lot of priestesses and priests to teach, and be fully
For those of you concerned with losing the legacy of Witch School,
backed by the massive online presence. But alas, this is an idea that everyone don’t be. Ed assures us that Witch School will remain Witch School but will
has turned down over and over again. They all want Hogwarts, not a be incorporated, along with Tarot College, into a larger online University or
backroom of a store or a hotel.”
Seminary Institution for pagan education. With this University model, DeThe expansions are already underway, as Witch School is always and gree programs will be offered, and all the major classes of Witch School will
constantly working on expansion, improvement and repair. As far as future be available for Charter Members as promised. There may however be an
management is concerned, this will be left to the new CEO and Board of Di- overhaul of the look of Witch School; a new look to go with the new focus
rectors. And this is why trust will be of paramount importance, along with and direction of upcoming expansions.
the formation of new leadership.
As far as the potential student body WSI hopes to attract and maintain, and
Mr. Ed “The Pagan” Hubbard is looking for serious change. Market- the implications of the expansions for the school’s students and administraing strategies for the WSI expansions have not been decided on as yet, so if tive staff alike, these decisions and outcomes will be left largely up to the
you want to see amazing changes reader, this is an amazing time and oppor- present Visioning Committee and later on, the new Board and CEO.
tunity to work with Witch School as they ask. If you have an idea, share it “Personally, the handover (to the new Director) is all I’m focused on at the
with Ed and talk to him about it. You can reach Ed through his email ad- moment,” Mr. Hubbard said. “And I am asking for help, looking for the peodress at
ple to guarantee we build on this great global foundation.”
Temple Profiles
Each month Correllian News Reporter Jamie Scott will profile one chartered full
Correllian Temple. This month Jamie focuses on
The Temple of Sedna and Rt. Rev. Anna Rowe
By: Jamie Scott
Rt. Rev. Anna Rowe, head of the Temple of Sedna, had always said she wasn’t interested in running a temple, but that began to change one weekend in April 2004.
“I had a sudden, overwhelming urge that I should start a shrine,” Rowe said. “It had to be then and there, no waiting or thinking about it, so I immediately applied for a shrine.”
It was from the Inuit goddess of the sea, Sedna, and an astronomical announcement that Rowe chose the name of this shrine.
The tale of Sedna has many versions. Each version ends with her fingers being cut off by her father as she clings to the side of a kayak, so that she
is cast into the watery depths. Sedna becomes ruler of the sea and her lost fingers become sea life.
“It was all water related, so it all seemed to fit at the time, and I have a huge affinity for water,” Rowe
On March 15, 2004, the discovery of a new planet was announced (its classification has since been
downgraded) and named Sedna.
“This is significant as my birthday is March 15. I had the overwhelming urge that the name of my
shrine should be Sedna,” Rowe said. “Incidentally, I didn’t like the name at all, but that seemed to be
irrelevant then. I still don’t like the name Sedna.”
She later discovered, though, that when Sedna comes into your life it means you must seek out your
fears, and that despite these fears and mistakes, we are all worthy of respect and love and that we deserve to
be treated well by others. Rowe felt the sentiment was apt at the time and still holds true. She felt Sedna had
manifested herself and mustn’t be ignored.
The sigil for the Temple of Sedna is a blue mermaid sitting atop a red planet with the sun behind her
with a background of stars (the “planet” Sedna is seen as red in astronomy). This represents the Goddess
Sedna and the “planet” Sedna, and ‘above and below’.
Since its creation, the Temple of Sedna Formal Shrine of Healing has evolved, and in 2005, the Temple of Sedna, located in Suffolk, became the first temple in the United Kingdom. The temple’s presence is
mostly online, allowing membership to those who otherwise would not have access to a temple, such as the
housebound and disabled.
Sigil of the Temple of Sedna
Image: Anna Rowe
“We have members from across the world. I’m happy to have anyone apply to join no matter where they reside,” Rowe said.
New members join regularly, and to date, there are 48 people registered as Inner Court members, and a large number of Outer Court members/
Friends of Sedna who also belong to the Witchschool Ning group and the Correllian Ning group.
The temple has a loose structure with members’ main concentration being working with the Ritual Organizers group, which provides online ritual
on a regular basis for Lady Anna’s other temples.
Temple Profiles
Reverend Karl is the temple treasurer, and White Eagle, who runs, is the Chief Rituals Officer now that Mick
Battley has retired. White Eagle, via his website, provides the rooms for
all rituals plus the mentor training room used for Witchschool, and the
meditation room for the Meditation Temple Formal Shrine’s online meditations.
The principle purpose of the temple is teaching Correllian material and providing the 3rd Degree intensives. Sedna also sponsors a number
of online support groups, such as Disability and Illness Support and Caring for Elders Support. It is also the link to the other temples Lady Anna
In time, Rowe hopes to provide all the intensives as online courses via the Sedna School of Wicca (,
an online school where the degree courses and others she has written are
Rowe is currently keeping busy writing courses for Witchschool.
Because of this, she is encouraging anyone who would like to write for
Sedna or be involved in expanding the Sedna School of Wicca to contact
her. Rowe can be reached through the temple’s website at with the email addresses or
Some interesting facts on the Temple of Sedna…..
Up Close and Personal with Lady Anna
In Carlton Colville, just outside the coastal
town of Lowestoft in Suffolk County, United Kingdom, Lady Anna Rowe finds herself immersed in work for the Correllian
Tradition and Witchschool International.
Beyond these duties, however, in seldomfound free time, a wide variety of interests
vie for her attention.
In addition to a love of gadgets and
new electronics, Rowe enjoys jigsaw puzzles, gardening, and needle working, especially petit point. Because of her fondness
for reading, she tries to read every night
before bed. Science fiction/fantasy is one of
her favorite genres, and Terry Pratchett and
Tom Holt are among her favorite authors.
She has a collection of books on the occult,
spiritual topics, Wicca/witchcraft, ancient
Egypt, particularly those on the goddess
Isis, and some of HP Blavatsky’s works
due to her interest in theosophy.
Rt. Rev. Anna Rowe,
Head of the Temple of Sedna
Image: Lady Anna
Her current reading selection is “Time: The Ultimate Energy” by Murray Hope. A fascination with time has manifested in Rowe’s adoration of
clocks, a large assortment of which can be found throughout her home along
with her collection of crystals and tarot decks.
Keeping her company at home is a Cairn terrier called Mysti and two
female cats, a tabby named Starlight and a black and white named Pixie.
 The Temple of Sedna was privileged to hold the first international gathering of Correllians in 2006, with the Rites of Passage Intensive in London.
Several people came from other countries to attend, including Lord Terry Power from the United States and Lady Harwe from Spain.
 The Temple of Sedna held the first international Lustration in 2008 when Lord Don, Lady Krystel and Lady Debbe attended.
 The Temple of Sedna takes and processes applications for Outer Court and all three degrees of Correllian Clergy.
It is that time again, as you are likely familiar, when we reach out for your support in donating items to be offered in our Silent
Auction that coincides with the Lustration of the Living Regional Lustrations.
This semi-annual event has been able to raise much needed funds because of your participation.
Our supporters of this event love to get items that have been made by and / or donated by our family members and friends of the
Tradition and Witch School. Many folks have said - “I want to send something, so be sure to let me know”. Here is that reminder!
Many have already sent items, but we want to make sure everyone who wants to, has the opportunity to participate.
So, if you are creative and want to share your talents, or if you have “Pagan / Wiccan ” items in your home that you are ready to pass
along to other’s who share your path - now could be the time!!
With the always helpful Lady Anna Rowe who creates the auction web-page and both Lady Anna and Windy who do all of the announcement and update posts, this next Silent Auction is scheduled to go live on August 24 th through September 5th. It will then be
on display for live in-person silent bidding during the Regional Lustration weekend, September. 7 - 9th in Lake Worth, FL, hosted by
Children of Gaia and Sacred Light Temple. There is always spirited bidding when those attending get to see all of the wonderful
donated items in person.
Therefore if you would like to have your artistic talents showcased in this auction, or have wanted to pass along that special item to
another within our family, please contact me at: to arrange for mailing.
Check out all the fantastic items from previous auctions by following this link:
There you will see all the diverse arts & crafts, personal items and how well they are received by the past bidders.
Peace and Light,
Rev. Mike Neal
CNT Fundraising Office
Up Close with the Correllian Order of Web Weavers
Over several decades, a crystal web has been created, which connects
people and places through the use of buried crystals. This web “can be used
to facilitate Earth healing, spiritual attunement and communication, and to
act as a battery offering additional energy
to practitioners,” according to The
website also provides a lesson on how to
create a Crystal Web access point and use
it in the future.
Outer Court member or Inner Court member of the tradition.
There is also the Crystal Web Club which any one can join by visiting
either the Ning social site ( or the
Yahoo site (, or
you may contact LaJoie directly at To add your Crystal Web access point to the map of the Crystal Web, you may contact MaryAnn Kay at
LaJoie also heads the Order of Recovering Correllians and the Order“MaryAnn (Kay) did a map with House of Survivors and has a personal shrine, the Shrine of the Hooded
all locations, since I and members could Crone. Outside of her duties as the head of
the Order of Web Weavers, LaJoie is an
not come up with a good mapping system,” Rev. Windy LaJoie HP, head of the avid reader and she abstains from limiting
herself to certain authors. She reads any
Order of Web Weavers, said. A link to
the map of the Crystal Web can be found book she is drawn to, which are many
Sigil for The Order of Web Weavers
Witchcraft themed books as well as a few
other subjects. She enjoys bead work as
It was the unique system of the Crystal Web that drew LaJoie to head
well, often making tiny amulet bags.
the Order of Web Weavers. Continuing the theme of the Crystal Web, the
LaJoie also volunteers at a store in
sigil for the Order of Web Weavers is a colorful spider.
her hometown of Spencer, Massachusetts
The goal of the Order of Web Weavers, LaJoie said, is to use the
that opened last year to help the owner.
Crystal Web “as a way of connecting to everyone and sending energy where
Rt. Rev. Windy LaJoie, Elder
It’s “an old world witchery store,” LaJoie
needed, not only to members, but all around the world.” Everyone throughout
Image: Lady Windy
Witchschool and the Correllian Tradition may partake in the ritual held
monthly on the 11th to bring balance to the world and allow people to utilize
Are you looking for more information on the
the energy raised.
Correllian Tradition?
“The 11th was chosen because on Sept. 11, 2001, we did one for the
Visit to find out about the prominent leaders of the
downfall of the World Trade Center twin towers, so we kept the ritual on the
11th of each month,” LaJoie said.
Tradition, upcoming events, applications for the Inner and Outer Court
and the locations throughout the world!
Though there are no formal meetings, there are the monthly online
rituals. There are currently 34 members in the Yahoo! Online Order of the
Web Weavers group and anyone may become a member by joining as an
Click button to find out
about WitchSchool
Membership options.
New Members of the Tradition
Outer Court: Eric Reany
Sacha Pepper
Lillie Dawn
Victoria Crockett
Hannah Froeschile
John Thomas Littrell (Shrine of the Sacred Priesthood )
Avalon Rainsong
Stagstorm Wildwood
Kyle Whitis
First Degree: Rev.Pamela Frey
Tradition Applications
UK and Europe
Rev. Anna Rowe, HP
South Africa
Rev. Raene Packery, HP
North America and all Countries
Rev. Don Lewis HP
All Outer Court Applications can be sent to:
Rev. Windy Lajoie, HP
The following clergy are registered with the South African department of Home Affairs, through the Correllian Nativist Tradition South
Africa as Legal Civil Union (Heterosexual and Same-sex marriages/handfastings) marriage officers.
Rt. Rev. Raene (Cape Town) Email: Cell: 083 775 6052
Rev. Susan (Pretoria) Email: Cell: 078 441 1315
Rev. Linda (Cape Town) Email: Cell: 084 402 8658
Rev. Willem v/d Merwe (Centurion) Email: Cell: 082 330 6339
Rev. Gitta Seyfert (Jeffrey’s Bay) Email: Cell: 082 495 8630
Have you had a chance to
check out the Facebook page
for the Correllian Times?
Find us online at
Image Created for The Correllian Times Facebook page by Photo Editor, Tiamat Chaos
Pagans Need Jobs – Shifting Shopping Dollars
By: Ed the Pagan
The problem I see in Pagan circles is the lack of attention to the value of lifestyle items. Let us take soap, one of the most common products
created by small Pagan businesses. The soap industry of a million or so Pagans would average around $30 million dollars at the low end. So as a community, if we accept that we are one million strong, spend a lot on soap, and
if even a small amount of this was focused on buying from suppliers we
agree with, we would provide millions of dollars and hundreds of jobs to
our community by simply deflecting money that would already be spent.
Not a single new dollar would be required and the quality of life of consumer and seller would be improved.
So if our community simply looked at what we use in our lifestyles,
and whenever possible, replace a commercial company’s product to one
from our own community. In this exchange, I would demand that the product be as good if not better than the commercial product it is replacing, and
that the costs would come as close as possible. In most cases, this is easily
obtained, and will be sustainable over time. Every time we can exchange a
dollar from a commercial seller to our own community is a dollar that helps
support our own growth.
Now to create a supportive network will be a bit tricky because we
cannot use advertising along usual avenues to promote ourselves to our initial markets. So instead of advertising, we will need to create a word of
mouth marketplace. This means you and I will have to talk about products
we like and help connect you to sellers we ourselves use. Be it soap, incense, books, services, or whatever it is we need, if we have a community
supporting alternatives, then we can recommend them. In fact, it may be the
only way we will trust the seller enough to buy from them on a wide enough
scale to allow them real success, enough success to in fact hire people. So
we need a word of mouth network to support this grand economic move
from commercial to community purchases for even the simplest household
items. We have to be willing to share our experiences. We have to be willing to share our suppliers.
“We do not need to be poor. We don’t have to sell out. “
– Ed The Pagan
So let us take this one step farther, the personal care (Body Soap)
industry in the United States was 4.6 Billion dollars annually, in 2009. So if
we can buy from our community, we strengthen ourselves. If we can get our
friends, families, and acquaintances to join us in our purchases, regardless
of their faith or practices, we can see real growth and sustainable long term
jobs in our community. By getting those around us to share in our economic
values, loving the products we are using, and pooling their lifestyle dollars
with our own, we can help sustain ourselves. If we could even move a total
of 1% of the Body Soap market to our own, that would be nearly 50 million
dollars and thousands of jobs. So moving even a tiny portion of any market
to our communities businesses can rapidly make a difference to our community in the short term as well as create long term sustainable careers for our
So to make this difference, to begin creating jobs, we need look only
to our own shopping habits. If we can, we can replace our commercial products for community products, and that will make a difference. If we can get
enough of our community to do this, it creates sustainable businesses. When
we can get even a small amount of mainstream business creates a resource
that can grow our community for generations to come. Something so small
can make an awesome change, and it all begins with us. Just by paying attention on how you spend your money could help create jobs in our community, starting today.
Used with permission from the Witch School Blog at
fter seeing that a Wiccan Priestess in the state of Virginia was denied
clergy status, the question was raised as to whether or not Wiccan clergy experience similar issues in the rest of the world. Confusion
abounds as to whether legal and official clergy status is granted when
an individual completes studies, such as the Correllian Degree system, or if it is
established in reference to legally being able to perform ceremonies similar to
Protestant ministers, such legally binding marriages.
Clergy Status in the World
By: Catha Moren
To clarify for the purposes of this piece, legal clergy status will refer to a priest/-ess who has the same rights and obligations as a Christian minister, while
clergy status will denote those who have achieved the requirements for clergy status under the Correllian tradition but do not have the legal right to perform
certain tasks that a priest/-ess should be able to do.
In Sweden
In Sweden there are two groups who have status as religious communities. They are “Forn Sed”, a shaman community and Vanasamfundet Moder Jord
(Vanir Society Mother Earth) for Goddess worshipers. Both are registered religious communities but neither has the right to perform legally binding weddings; in order to be granted this privilege in Sweden, there must be 3000 members in your community.
Upon further investigation and interviewing, neither group is interested in acquiring legal clergy status. Forn Sed for example, believes that it should be the
job of the state to take care of the legal aspects of a marriage, and the Vanir Society has never expressed an interest due to the difficulty in maintaining such a
large number of individuals in a small country such as the pagan-diverse Sweden.
Another option available to individuals wishing to legally marry others is through a civil union. The County Board in each county issues such licenses but
requires that the municipality should have requested an additional ceremony to be recorded. Although it is not explicitly stated as a requirement to issue the
license, there no evidence that if you do not have a traditional and formal education or have worked with the trust in the municipality you will not be able to
legally perform the ceremony. Each individual is then appointed by the provincial government as a Wedding Officiate, meaning that one can then be required to wed whomever, without choice, regardless of religious belief.
Because Swedish individuals have freedom of religion, the state and the church are separate from each other and are provided with the right to be free for the
Sabbats. Having a registered religious community costs about $ 75/year.
The rest of Europe
Information throughout the rest of Europe is hard to obtain and difficult to confirm. One country in Europe where some pagan religions/traditions have legal
clergy status is Spain, where Hermandad Druida Fintan (Fintan Druid Fellowship) and Tradición Wicca Celtibera (Celtiberian Wicca Tradition) are two of
these legal traditions. But it must be noted that weddings for all faiths, except those of the Spanish “state religion” of Catholicism, must to be married twice first in a civil ceremony and then a marriage ceremony performed in the church/religion one belongs to.
Regarding the UK, information was not easily obtainable as to the official status of pagan clergy, however it is known that individuals may take a day off to
celebrate Sabbats.
In Belgium, France and the Netherlands, there are no pagans with legal clergy status. Belgium pagans are not entitled to take the day off to celebrate the traditions Sabbaths. The state looks at Paganism is as some kind of a hobby.
In Greece there have been attempts to start a common pagan temple but it fell through due to different traditions could not agreeing on the particulars.
Of the countries currently under investigation, Israel provides a completely different view. Here Wicca is not recognized as a formal religion, however as
Judaism is the formal state religion, none of the other Abrahamic faiths are given credence either. Everyone in Israel is born as a Jew instead of choosing
to become one.
Where does it leads us?
After review, it might be time to try to work together in across each country and on the idea
of the direction of the pagan religion. It is quite clear that the differences are quite large between countries, and even though many countries claim to be separate from and have religious freedom, such is not always identifiably so. Should it not be the case that the meaning
of religion and religious freedom is the same regardless of which country you are in?
Being a pagan does not mean the same thing for everyone as some individuals define themselves as Wiccan, while others adhere to Druidism, Shamanism or any other direction. Taking Shamanism as an example, there are many different paths even within that specific religious heading. In Sweden there are two camps on the question of the shamanic religions:
one group believes that Shamanism is a way of life, while others believe that it is a religious
set of beliefs. How to unite them? Can we be united under one roof? We must stand together as a group if we are to get through many of the changes. While each individual tradition may not have an encompassing group of members, together the pagan community is a
large global network.
Reaching out from one tradition to the next, we also need to try to make contact with other pagans throughout the world to explore how we can work together and support each other in a positive way. Experiences, ideas and suggestions should be shared not held secret. In Spain, for example, the Druid Fellowship said it is willing to cooperate and help in the process. So what do you say? Is it time to start working to get a more open and tolerant attitude to
paganism itself regardless of which country you live in and what belief system you adhere to?
Interested in writing for the Times? Message Lindsay Irvin at for more information!
Upswing in Salem
… Business as Usual
By Rev. Faemore Lorei
When one hears the words Salem, Massachusetts, images are conjured of
pointy, black hats and arched back cats, spooky shops of dark delights and
happy horrors all aglow with oranges and greens, and things that go bump
in the night unseen. Silent buildings loom over streets, thick with ghostly
atmosphere, heavy with haunted vibes. Mystery and fun play well together
here. In fact, they are very old friends.
In reality the witches of Salem don’t wear any pointy black hats unless it’s
actually October 31st, just like everybody else. Their arched, black cats are
kept safely inside while they work their nine to fives, and all else is just
gimmickry exploiting the well-established traditions of a historicallysignificant place. More important work is being done, and according to Al
McCarthy of the WSI-sponsored PagansTonight Betwixt and Between radio show, it’s on the rise.
And for those of us interested in travelling to Salem in this lifetime, those
businesses are opened from 10:00 or 11:00 A.M., with the occasional 9:00
AM opening. Some will even open at night, specifically for night, and for
particular events, mostly in October.
What is the magick trick to a successful witch business in Salem? Well, as
Salem is primarily tourist-dependant it's all about the “flash” of the business.
For example, employees and employers dress overtly "witchy" and provide
products that harken back to days of yore. Aside from that they are managed
like any other business. If the books are well taken care of and the numbers
are good, the business will thrive.
However, it is not without its share of adversity.
“The Salem Chamber of Commerce is making it challenging for the
magickal community to continue on by favouring "non-witch" businesses,” Al said.
“For instance, getting a building permit or passing a background check is
more difficult for a member of the witch community nowadays. And the
businesses that are already established are also being held to stricter
In response, many groups are attempting the impossible - trying to thrive,
business as usual … and actually succeeding.
“There is always a sense of magick in the air in the Salem area,” said
McCarthy. “Where old shops have folded, new ones have opened, taking
their place. Botanical shops and apothecaries are being used. In the face of
politics, it's business as usual.”
Al McCarthy
Image: Self
As for those who manage the shops, according to Al McCarthy, most of
the owners are middle-aged and hail from the older magickal community.
However, they are taking a teacher's role and allowing employees from
the younger generation of witches to manage the shops and interface with
the community at large. All the magickal shop owners are experienced
practitioners trying to integrate and educate the younger generations.
“What sparked this movement, in my opinion, seems to be the idea of the
times: "Youth is valuable",” Al says.
McCarthy credits opportunity as the cause of the upswing in Salem activity, specifically the opportunity of spaces opening up around the city and
ambitious folks snapping up the property to rent or own (mostly rent).
“I would call it "business as usual" because, knowing the political climate
and seeing the shop owners thrive in the face of it, tells me that magickal
folks are best at dealing with adversity.”
As a causal effect of this rise in activities, it seems younger and younger
people are getting involved, looking beyond the flash of surface experiences, and digging deeply down for the roots that matter. Al McCarthy
correlates this to Christianity’s oppression of expression, stating that conversely within the craft, there are many paths and options and an open
attitude to exploration, all of which the current generations require to
grow up healthily and happily.
Al McCarthy says he’s merely a vocal supporter of the magickal community in Salem. Having recently begun a career in the psychic field, specialising in mediumship and medical intuition, he is a staunch ally of the
Correllian Tradition and a champion of the younger generation of witches from the wider magickal community. His tools of choice are tarot and
tea leaves, and he works for the Original Tremont Tearoom in Boston.
Many thanks to you Al McCarthy for the interview! And now, back to
business as usual.
The Salem Inn Salem, Massachusetts
Image: Al McCarthy
Winter Solstice 2012
By: Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
Many people are discussing the Mayan calendar and prophecies concerning the Mayan Long Count calendar, which comes to an end at Winter Solstice of
this year. Here, briefly, is what this is all about:
We are now completing one vast precessional cycle through all 12 signs of the Zodiac (or five “Suns” on the Mayan Long Count Calendar) of 25,920 years,
as the position of the rising sun on Winter Solstice once again aligns with the center of the galaxy—which is the established “starting point” of the entire cycle—just as we mark 12:00 as the starting point on a clock face, and Jan.1 as the first day of the Western civil New Year.
Picking a starting point in a cycle has a certain degree of arbitrariness, but for cycles of time we usually pick some appropriately significant moment: Midnight on a daily clock, for instance.
Ancient Mediterranean and European Pagans variously claimed Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Nov. 1, and April 1 as
their New Year’s Day—and other cultures, religions, and nationalities all celebrate their own New Year’s according to
their respective traditions and customs.
And the time the Mayans (and Western Astrologers as well) chose for the beginning of the 25,920-year precessional cycle
is the point that the Winter Solstice sunrise aligns with the center of the Galaxy—which Mayans called “The Golden
This coming Dec. 22 will literally be “The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius,” as the celestial alignments move us from the
Aeon of Pisces in which we have been for the past 2,160 years, into the Aeon of Aquarius. The last time we entered the
Age of Aquarius—26,000 years ago—was the “Creative Explosion” that produced the vast proliferation of cave art, Goddess figurines, music, pottery, crafts, magick and Shamanism.
So consider this transition exactly as you would the end of a solar year. Time to take down the old calendar, toss it into the
trash, and put a new one up in its place. And we get to choose what the new calendar will look like for the next Aeon (or
Mayan “Sun”). Will we choose apocalypse or apotheasis?
Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
Image: Self
Many magickal people throughout the world—including indigenous shamans of many cultures—are focusing on this transition to catalyze the Awakening of Gaea—the globalization of consciousness. We are envisioning a vast worldwide meditation to this effect—similar to the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. The ritual will begin on Dec. 21 with traditional Yule
celebrations, then move into the usual all-night vigil of songs, stories, and meditations; and culminate with the sunrise on
Dec.22, with the song, “Aquarius,” from the musical “Hair.”
As magickal people, we have great power—and hence great responsibility—to shape the coming era with our own Intention. For the world is shaped by Stories—and we are Storytellers.
I’m presently writing and illustrating a major article on all this, which will be part of an e-book (with Harvey Wasserman of Solartopia) to be out in October.
Stay tuned...
Ing’s Monthly Reading — September
By: Rev. John (Ing) Snodgrass, HP
ou should take note that that the
month of September has been
divided into 5 increments –the
first 4 are 7 days long and the last
increment is 2 days long.
The deck of Tarot Cards I am using is
“The Norse Tarot” by Clive Barrett… a
very beautifully illustrated deck steeped in
imagery based on Norse Mythology.
Note: Although I show all the Tarot
Cards in their Upright position - their true
position is noted under the individual card
and in the card meanings.
The First 7 Days of September finds the
2 of Cups card in its Reversed position…
Upright the Twos are about things in
balance, energies - Yin and Yang, time day and night, people – male and female,
these are in status, both existing for a
moment, as at twilight or dawn. Reverse
the Twos and the yin/yang forces start
vying for dominance rather than coexisting. Something is keeping the two
from co-existing and the result is upset or
The Second 7 Days: 09 - 8 to 09 - 14
(Card 2)
Illustration: The illustration shows the
decorated whetstone scepter found during
the excavation of the
Sutton Hoo ship burial. It
is of a ceremonial scepter
symbolizing the element
of fire and signifying the
flame of the thunderbolt.
The Second 7 Days of
Upright, the 2 of Cups is one of the most
September finds the Ace
romantic cards in the deck heralding the
of Wands card in its Reversed position …
recognition of a kindred soul, a new friend, Upright the Aces are the spark, the initial
or lover. Reverse this and the two figures
energy of the suit: unfocused, undirected,
The First 7 Days: 09 - 1 to 09 - 7
are not even gazing at each other, they fail pure, and new. They have no purpose
(Card 1)
to even notice each other and the Yin and
yet, but only filled with raw potential –
Yang forces start striving for dominance
an active energy ready to be used. They
Illustration: The card shows two young
rather than co-existing and the result is
also represent a hope, a possibility, an
people together in their
action to take, a future that you can create.
home, sharing a drink. The imbalance.
Reversed the Aces then there is no spark of
man holds the woman’s
energy, idea, emotion or luck, or that the
The message of the 2 of Cups card, for
shoulder showing his
potential for these is blocked.
this week – some important things that
affection for her, while
need to happen this week will not – instead
she gazes upwards into
his eyes. Around them are people, places, and things that need to meet The upright Ace of Wands represents a new
spark of energy for a new passion. We feel
and be together will not be…love affairs,
all the possessions of the
home. They have stability marriages, weddings this week are in need our energy level rise, we feel the heat of
passion, and they want more of it. Reverse
of extra close attention…
and are happy together.
the Ace of Wands and it means we feel no
stirring of the energies of the Ace, thus we
see no new prospect, or feel no ambition to
do anything on our calendar or to do list.
The message of the Ace of Wands card, for
this week – important things needed done
this week will go undone; we have not the
energy, nor the ambition to do them… we
need to find our major malfunction and fix it.
The Third 7 Days: 09 - 15 to 09 - 21
(Card 3)
Illustration: The young Prince stands
before a dark mountain pool, into which
flows the water of a bright
stream. He holds out his
chalice as if offering it to
someone unseen.
The Third 7 Days of
September finds the Prince
of Cups card in his Upright
position … Although the
Princes, or Knights, usually portray a male,
they can stand for males or females. The
Princes, or Knights, represent the spirit
of change, movement, action - they are
never still. As the Princesses, or Pages,
most often suggest messages, the Princes
suggest travel and are about spreading
what they know, and about engaging in
The upright Prince of Cups may speak of
recreational travel to lake, river, or sea, or
by water. He can also indicate changes
that involve emotional ups and downs.
He may speak to the current mood in our
environment, problems with friends or
family, rapid mood switches from elation
to depression, from sorrow to optimism.
Especially in regards to a relationship this
card can indicate a time of emotional flux,
of fights about feelings.
The message of the Prince of Cups card,
for this week – be on your guard for the
sudden atmospheric (emotional) changes
in ones work environment, family life or
love life this week that may effect how we
get along with others in the now and near
distant future…
The Fourth 7 Days: 09 - 22 to 09 - 28
Illustration: Heimdall, the Guardian of the
Gods, watches unceasingly over Bifrost, the
Rainbow Bridge that links
the Earth with the Realm of
the Gods.
He has senses so keen that
he can hear the sound of
the grass growing on the
hillsides and the sound
of wool upon a sheep’s
back. He was able to see things clearly at
a distance of a hundred miles, by day or
night. Because of his having knowledge
of all things known, he is worshipped as
a God of Great Intelligence. In addition,
his requiring very little sleep, he is able to
keep up his long vigilance almost without
To help him further in his task the Gods
gave him two wonderful gifts. The first
was a fine sword and the second, the
trumpet Giallarhom, upon which he was
to sound a warning if ever the enemies of
the Gods ventured to approach their home,
He is shown dressed in white and
known as Heimdall the Bright; he is the
personification of benevolent fire. The
Rainbow Bridge made up of ice crystals of
three colors, the red of fire, the blue of air,
and the green of deep sea.
In the card Heimdall looks out over the
Rainbow Bridge with his horn in his hand
and sword ready by his side. He is clothed
in white, but his cloak checkered in red,
symbolizing the power of controlled fire.
His arm raised high in a salute to the dawn,
and beneath him in the morning light
shines on the cold stones and snow of his
lonely mountain top vantage point.
The Fourth 7 Days of September finds
The Hermit card in his Reversed position
… Upright, the Hermit is about a time of
solitude and introspection, of investigation, the number of Physical or Intellectual
learning, and enlightenment.
completion (the Tens are about Spiritual
completion). The Nines are among the
Reversed .... the Hermit is upside-down
most powerful cards in the deck, usually
and he has lost the light from his lantern.
granting us what it is we are seeking.
The power of the Hermit - his energy –
is in his lantern. The Hermit has keen
The 9 of Wands is often called the
insight, and an ability to see what is hidden “failure-is-not-an-option,” card. There is
to others, to look beneath the surface. If
no giving up, no going back after all we
this is reversed, then the Hermit’s lantern
have done to get this far. It tells us to dig
has been shuttered. It offers no light and
deep, find some reserve of energy, and
the Hermit is left in darkness.
keep going. Though we may not know it,
this will be our last investment before we
The message of The Hermit card, for
complete what we set out to accomplish.
this week – This week, many of us will
be having trouble shedding light on a
The message of the 9 of Wands card, for
problem, for we are alone in the dark of
this week – We will soon get what we
the situation. To get out, they must find a
have sought for, for so long - a career
way to rekindle our lantern. For without
goal, leadership position, whatever we
the light we cannot concentrate, we cannot have invested our energy into is about to
think, or see things clearly…
pay off. We only need to stand assured
that we do have the necessary reserves of
The Last 3 Days: 09 - 29 to 09 - 30
energy and strength for this week’s final
(Card 5)
Illustration: The warrior awaits his
enemy safe in the knowledge that he has
the full backing of his
family behind him. His
position is secure.
The Last 2 Days of
September … finds the 9
of Wands in its Upright
position... The Nines are
The Month in Summary:
(Card 6)
Illustration: An explorer has travelled
as far as the land beneath his feet will
allow. Now, standing by the sea’s edge,
he longs to move onward to further new
The Month in Summary: Here we
find the 2 of
Wands card in its
Upright position
… Upright the
Twos are about
things in balance,
energies - Yin and
Yang, time - day
and night, people
– male and female,
these are in status,
both existing for a
moment, as at twilight or dawn.
The Suit of Wands is about passion, and
yet passion is not something that works
well when split - it requires a single
focus. Thus the 2 of Wands indicates a
choice about where to put our energy and
The message of the 2 of Wands card, for
this month – We will be presented with
many choices - each of equal value and
each will lead us to where we need to be
or go, what needs to be picked up and
what is to be left behind … but as we can
only put your energy into only one of
the choices each time … we just need to
know that there will no regrets from our
choices, only that you did not have the
ability to do them both…
Presented for your reading pleasure is the second excerpt of Ocean
Depths, authored by
Sea Shelly.
The subsequent installment will be continued in the next edition of the
Correllian Times.
Chapter 1 – “The Edge OF Heartbreak” - continued
I suddenly gasped for deep breath as my jeans began to feel wet
around my feet, creeping up around my ankles, as the water was
coming into the cab. “Oh god...” I hissed at myself, startled by the
sound of my own voice. I started shivering, as the water crept up inch
my inch. By head swam dizzily. I tried to steady myself and figure out
if my body was hurt. I felt nothing except the creeping cold.
Then my mind began to worry about my Grandmother making it home
OK. I needed to text Tad so that Grandma could pick up him and
Candice up. Where was my cell phone? It should have been in my
pocket, oh shit; I had put it in the cup holder between the seats! I
poked around between the seats, but the cup holders were crushed
between the two seats, no cell phone.
I wiggled against the imprisoning seat belt. The buckle on the seat belt
was pinned into the seat mechanism. I remembered the ‘Lifehammer’
seatbelt cutter commercial on late night TV. Mom would bring work
home and have the TV on, glancing up at infomercials as she did her
paperwork. She got 3 Lifehammers, I knew there was one in the glove
box. I reached carefully in between the shredded, tangled and ripped
airbags, towards where I thought it would be, touching twisted metal
and plastic. I probed the brokenness where the glove box should have
been. I couldn’t make sense of what I was touching, “Ouch” I
squeaked, “Damn!!!” Hot engine parts, was all I needed. I pulled back
my hand, brushing past something that felt like nylon, “Oh my back
pack”, I whispered as I fumbled with it and found my water bottle. I
twisted the cap off and drank the whole thing. I let it go into the
airbag mess, searching for the seat belt that held the pack next to me,
of course it worked. I pulled the pack next to me, and awkwardly used
the waist strap to snap it around my middle, avoiding the air bag and
seat belt. The water wasn’t flowing in to quickly; the cab seat wasn’t
in water yet. I was thankful for my warm coat, but I didn’t know how
long I could wear it if it got wet. I took all my things out of my pockets
and stuffed them into my pack. I couldn’t reach the passenger seat
door, I was ducking down from the crushed cab roof, which made my
whole back ache, as I was forced to slide as far down as my seat belt
would allow.
I didn’t know what to do next. I realized I was getting colder with my
feet and legs in ocean water. I was frustrated by not being able to free
myself. The worst thing was the darkness, I felt like my eyes were
peering into a black hole in space. The constant rocking motion
invaded my shivering. I struggled to remember something besides the
song that kept pricking at edges of my mind coming through the ear
buds, something very important. What was it about shock that I had
read in the health class? I couldn’t remember. I was really tired and
thought I should be able to fight this light headed feeling, god, I hope
I’m not blacking out. I shuttered in my wet pants and finally closed my
unseeing eyes just for a second…
OK, so I was sitting on my surf board in the ocean on a dark moon
night, but without my wetsuit on, really? Just relax, sit and wait for
another wave to ride back to the shore. Then, I could dry off and walk
home along the beach with my surf board balanced on my head. I must
be within walking distance of my house as usual. I could take a nice
warm bath when I got home. As I waited on the ocean to help me,
knowing that I would feel the pull of board to the right wave, I heard,
"Life is chaos; we all get to feel glad, feel bad, real sad”.
I wondered why I had my ear buds in and was listening to music while
I was surfing, how odd…
Suddenly, I banged my head hard and woke up with a start. Utterly
confused, feeling panic rise up in my throat as my mind tried to realize
just where in the hell I was, “Damn, the truck, I was in an accident. It's
floating on the ocean and will sink soon.” The cab had pitched
abruptly to the left, suddenly perching me an odd angle. My brain
screamed at me to think as my head ached with dizziness. I pulled my
ear buds out of my ears, stuffing them in my pack. Nausea slowly
crept up on me. I began to struggle again for several minutes, fidgeting
with the seat belt as a piece of metal hit my foot. It kept banging on
my left foot between it and the side door. I strained to pin it with my
foot, shoving it sideways up the battered door as I reached for it
through the tattered air bag. I finally grabbed onto it, the Lifehammer!
I felt the pieces of airbag sticking to it and freed it of the debris. I
remembered what my Mom had taught me about using it as I held it
carefully in my hands.
She was so funny the day we got 3 of them via the internet, one for
each of our cars, she read all about them. She practiced using them
over and over, even shutting herself in the hall closet. Why? It was
dark, and she wanted to learn how to operate them in worse case
scenarios. My brother and I thought she was nuts when she was in the
closet talking to herself as she used it on a piece of woven nylon
strapping. Then she came out and instructed both of us carefully on
how to make it work. She even had each of us go into the closet, Tad
was first. I laughed at him as he smirked while Mom slowly closed
the closet door behind him…
Tears started running down my cheeks as I held the tool in the dark. I
began using it on the seat belt, working it. The belt went slack across
my middle as it released my shoulder; I hurriedly wiggled out of it. I
unstrapped my back pack from my middle and struggled out of my wet
coat as it had become a soggy weight around my body. I decided less
was probably best sense I was going to have to swim. I put my back
pack on again, right this time. I knew I would be buffeted in the water
and worried about the sheer embankment that I was positive was
nearby. I thought a moment about my running shoes and decided to
leave them on, they weren’t that heavy and I would need them on the
rocks. I pulled on the squashed door cab handle next to me several
times. It was so mangled that it wasn’t going to open. I used the
Lifehammer, to ‘feel’ for the window, not wanting to feel around with
my hand. The window opening seemed like a crushed metal wall
instead of a door with a window. I held on tightly to a part of the seat
belt strap that had previously held my left shoulder, and picked my
way through the air bag with my fingers, across the passenger seat, as
the cold water got deeper on that side of the cab. I gingerly felt for
where I thought the door handle had to be, nothing, just water
everywhere, then the cab lurched again listing to the right, the truck
was sinking!
Chapter 2 – “Dark Night”
He sat on the slippery rocks in the dark night, watching the high winds
whip salt water spray all around him, while the rain buffeted him as he
stared out at the ocean. His head jerked around quickly as he heard the
screeching noises over the oceans’ chaotic churning. High above him,
up on the highway he saw several headlights skittering out across the
ocean at odd angles shining onto its heaving black mass. He stood up
quickly, and looked up the embankment where he heard the horrible
metal scraping noises.
Suddenly he saw one set of car lights pointing straight out at ocean,
moving towards the embankment. The silver truck hit the guardrail,
smashing through it. The guardrail snagged the truck, turning it
sideways, sending wood and metal shooting out over the cliff as it
rolled over and over down the embankment towards the ocean. With
each tumble, it gathered speed and lift. It finally flew past the
outcropping of rocks he was standing on and smacked down onto the
ocean right side up. It floated upright, rocking with the wild ocean
waves near the rock wall of the embankment, stuck in an eddy of
wildly lurching seawater. It would eventually sink, inch by inch, there
was no doubt, submerging into the darkness.
Slowly several people began to gather at the cliff’s edge and looked
down the embankment. They saw someone standing on the rocks
below. He watched the floating truck for a few seconds. As it began to
sink farther in the water; he positioned himself to dive into the heaving
ocean. Some of people yelled at him to stop, but he didn’t hear them as
he dove into the cold, wildly bucking black ocean waves.
When his body hit the water, he changed into what he was. The storm
tossed the ocean as his form cut through the churning waves like a
dolphin with speed and agility. He sliced down through the waves. His
eyes adjusted to the blackness of the Ocean, like a cat with night
vision, seeing the undercarriage of the truck precariously rocking back
and forth in the dark waters next to the embankment. He flew up out of
the water, jumping over the smashed cab that was still above the water.
As he came down past the right side of the cab, he saw that there was a
person in the partially smashed cab.
As his body again entered the water, he turned, going back towards
the truck, carefully floating near the broken out passenger door. He
bobbed on the surface of the water, coming close enough to lightly
touch the mangled door frame opening. He peered in as he and the
truck moved on the water together. He saw a young woman, in a pink
ski cap, wearing a back pack crawling across the seats towards the
right side of the cab, holding onto a broken seat belt strap. As she
reached for the door she spoke. He darted sideways out of her view,
thinking she saw him. Her teeth chattered as she said, “Dad, I know
you can see me and I don’t know what to do because it’s so freaking
dark! This truck won’t float forever, give me a hint, I need a little help
down here!”
Another wave hit the cab and the water flowed in almost effortlessly.
“SHIT!” she screamed as she struggled against the odd angle of the
cab. She realized her only way out would be going out where the water
was coming in from. She grabbed the passenger seat belt, inching her
hand along it, amongst the submerged air bag and pulled herself
against the water flow. Hoping there was room enough for her body to
get out of the cab door. She pulled herself against the force of the
water coming in. It pushed on her hard as she struggled to free herself
from the truck. She felt the opening and guessed it was still big enough
for her to get through.
She drew in a big gulp of air and went into the water headfirst toward
it, pushing hard with her feet against the inside of the cab. But she
couldn’t quite get free of the truck, and felt panic rising in her throat.
“No, no, no, I have to get out and get air.” Her mind screamed at her.
Just then, someone worked at freeing her pack from the ragged edge of
the truck and pulled her carefully through the opening. They swam
together quickly up through the wildly rocking water. Suddenly she
surfaced and took a gasping breath. Sea spray splashed her over and
over, but she was floating, with help. His eyes looked at her carefully
assessing if she was getting the air she needed as he held her shoulders
just above the lurching water. She had to keep blinking the salt and
rain water out of her eyes, as she whispered a ‘thank you’ to him. She
heard him say, “Relax.” as he guided her away from the now almost
submerged truck and the sheer rock embankment. The ocean rocked
wildly around them as they swam slightly out to sea, but parallel to the
shore. She let him tow her along in an effort not to hinder him. She
realized he was searching for an area where they could come ashore.
Rev. Selene Lilitu
A few weeks ago I was walking with my daughter through some semi-wild
land. We go out riding horses together on weekends, and part of the whole experience is that we go into the fields to round up the horses. This is an extra special treat for me, because Horse is a totem spirit of mine. I always leave the stables feeling peaceful, fulfilled and intrinsically connected to Goddess. My
daughter also loves horses, and to watch her get so excited to be around them is
something that makes my heart soar.
As we were walking, we noticed a lot of spider webs. They are always there,
but because the rain had fallen the previous night, they were covered in water
and dew and they were glistening in the sunlight. They were truly breath taking
to behold, so intricate and so delicate, yet so strong and unshakable. Most of the
webs had big beautiful Argentata spiders, what we have nicknamed “Queen
Spiders,” perched within their threads. My daughter, all enthusiastic about new
things, ran up to a web to try to reach a spider and in so doing broke a few of
the gossamer threads. I called to her to stop because those spiders, though not
poisonous they deliver quite a nasty bite. I also wanted to impart to her a lesson
that my own mother had taught me when I was her age.
“Those webs and threads you see are the Spider’s home,” I said to her. “We
don’t want to destroy their homes, do we? That’s not very nice.” I’m proud to
say that my daughter, like me, has a strong sense of empathy. “Would they
cry?” she asked me, entirely disturbed by the idea of hurting them. “They
would,” I said. She studied them for a moment, fascinated. “I don’t want them
to cry, mummy,” she said. Then she asked me how they made their homes.
“Mother Nature teaches them,” I told her. As we walked on we saw several
more webs, and several flower buds opening, which I told her was, “Mother
Nature at work.” It was the same phrase my Mother told me countless times
when I was growing up.
A funny thing happened in the next few weeks. I had been searching for a Totem for a little while. I kept having the feeling that one was heading my way.
For two weeks after that day, I encountered Spiders everywhere. Tiny little spiders we call “Daddy Long Legs” kept landing on me and skittering up and
down my arms. I’m not afraid of small spiders, so I would just gently blow
them off. I would get a gossamer thread across my face whenever I walked the
doorways. Whenever I got in my car, a spider would be waiting on my windshield for me. Then one night, I wasn’t doing anything related to Wicca or spirituality, when I suddenly had a realization that Spider was calling to me as a
I was amazed and looked up Spider’s correlations. I know Spider is an animal
of the Crone that is an aspect of Goddess, of which; I have been a bit fearful.
Spider Woman is the Grandmother in Native American lore. Her threads connect the Human World with the Other World. Spiders are delicate, but strong,
just like their webs. They are hardworking, revel in solitude, and are independent and free of restraint. They call to the most creative parts of those they reveal
themselves to.
I had been searching for a connection to the Crone as I finally felt ready to face
Her. In such a small way, she revealed herself to me. Like the Crone, I love Spiders, but I also fear them. They can be just as destructive as they are beautiful,
as is the Crone. With Spider as a Totem, I can finally connect to the Destroyer
and let her take from me all that is unnecessary and that which does not serve
I was not working a ritual, indeed, I was not even praying. I was merely spending time with my daughter and enjoying nature. In such a simple yet poignant
moment, I received what I had been asking for, though it took me a few weeks
to realize it. In your daily life, stay alert to all the signs that Goddess may send
As we reached the crest of the hill and came in view of the horses, a flock of
you. She can be subtle and mysterious, but always beautiful. Stay open to Her
pretty yellow butterflies got caught in a wind and swirled around us. I wish I
message, and even if you fear it, know that She will only call when you are
had taken my camera with me that day to capture my baby girl dancing with the ready. Until next time, Blessed Be.
butterflies, another Totem of mine. With the beautiful horses looking on peacefully, it is a memory I will carry with me always.
Mabon on the Cheap
By: Heather Adkins
The heat of summer has begun to fade and the cool fingers of fall are creeping in at
the edges of our awareness. After months of overbearing heat and sunshine we are
given a reprieve. The leaves consider turning beautiful shades of brown, yellow, and
red, lighting the trees into campfires against the blue sky. Refreshing winds sweep
past us, and we dream of the crisp days ahead.
It’s almost Mabon; a time of thanksgiving. Sure, you could stage a spectacular ritual
complete with costumed elementals and $100 worth of produce from the grocery.
But...why? There are so many quick and simple ways to honor this holiday, and they
don’t even cost a dime.
There is a key word in “thanksgiving”—giving. It’s time to start thinking about trading
the shorts for blue jeans and the tank tops for sweaters, which means it’s a good
month to go through last year’s winter wardrobe and figure out what no longer fits.
The sweater Aunt Hilda knitted for you that resembles the contents of a baby’s diaper? Give it to charity. Those blue jeans you’ve been clinging to since college, hoping
they’ll one day fit again? Goodwill can find a new home for them. There are many
people out there without money who could really benefit from your old clothing, and
what better way to honor the selfless spirit of Mabon than by helping others.
Lacking the time or energy to get out and enjoy the change of weather? Bring nature
inside! Create beautiful centerpieces for your dining table out of a large basket filled
with autumn leaves, sticks, and pinecones—all of the above can be found in your
backyard, or a local park. Put up cornstalks outside your front door, drape your mantle and fireplace with ivy, or place fake bundles of grapes on all available surfaces. A
one-time investment of fake fruit at a local Hobby Lobby—a craft store that is incredibly inexpensive!—can decorate your house every year.
September is usually the time of county and state fairs, or community harvest festivals. Suit up for a day of games and fun! My state fair falls a bit earlier, in August, and
I await its arrival with bated breath each year. Other than a one-time entry fee—
usually between $10 and $20—you can have a day of harvest fun on the cheap. See
pumpkins as big as a chair and cucumbers shaped like S-hooks. Watch the horse
shows, browse the wares, and just bask in the atmosphere of fall. The magic of community, of seeing the accomplishments of those around you, is sometimes much more
powerful than a circle.
But if you want to do some kind of magick for the holiday, I leave you with a simple
yet effective spell that anyone can do—and you won’t spend a penny. Each year, I
patiently wait for the leaves to turn, to grow crinkly and blanket the land like some
magnificent patchwork quilt. What better way to connect with the season than to use
I can’t think of Mabon without thinking of grapes. That train of thought leads to wine, its symbols in your magick?
which is equally yum-worthy, but I digress. Grapes aren’t the only fruit prevalent in
On a windy day, pick a fallen leaf that speaks to you. Choose one that is pleasing to
the early fall—blackberries, apples, peaches, an array of delicious, mouth-watering
your eye and still lively, rather than the dry brown ones. Use a thumbtack to etch a
produce is ripe on the vine and ready for the pickin’. Take some time to hop in your
wish into the waxy skin of the leaf. It could be anything—a new house, a job promocar and visit a local orchard. In September, the orchard near my home has Apple Picktion, or simply a blessing for your household.
in’ Time, and October bleeds into Pumpkin’ Pickin’ Time. Take your family along and
make it a day to be at one with nature. Not only are you supporting local agriculture,
Holding the leaf by its stem, raise it above your head and let the wind rush against it
but you can take your pickings home and feast, knowing exactly where it came from.
as you hold tightly. Concentrate on your intent. Really believe that it will come to pass. When you feel ready, let the
Those leaves start to fall this month. Don’t bemoan them; not only does a blanket of
wind carry your leaf away, and know that the universe has
leaves on the ground prepare the soil for next year’s growth, but it sure can make a
received your wish.
killer playground! Rake them into giant pile and jump in or use a little imagination and
create a fort. No children's just as fun for grown-ups!
New Beginnings
Authored by: Rev. Phoenix
FireStar Rising
I suppose the place to begin is the
beginning. All beginnings start with
a single step. This is the beginning of
my journey and that step.
Virtue: According to
1. Moral excellence; goodness;
2. Conformity of one’s life and
conduct to moral and ethical
principles; uprightness; rectitude.
3. A good or admirable quality or
Piety: According to 1. Reverence for God or devout
fulfillment of religious obligations.
2. Dutiful respect or regard for
parents, homeland, etc.
Study: According to to treat others as I have wanted to
be treated. It doesn’t always happen
though. 1. Application of the mind to the
acquisition of knowledge, as by
Virtue is like the Wiccan Rede:”An
reading, investigation, or reflection.
Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will”.
However, over time my view of this
2. The cultivation of a particular
has also changed. I feel that anything
branch of learning, science, or art.
you do, right or wrong, affects others
and sometimes even right actions
3. A personal effort to gain
affect others negatively. I have
learned, through my own faulted
thinking, that even right actions can
hurt others. I decided to start here rather
than with the virtues (Wisdom,
Virtue is slightly different than the
Piety, Vision, Courage, Integrity,
rede in that it’s not so much a rule
Perseverance, Hospitality,
or law but a way of life. To live true
Moderation and Fertility) because
to yourself and yourself only, but to
I think a good base is what counts.
do the best you can. Accept that you
This is my attempt to build that base
can’t please everyone all the time but
and give myself a jumping off point.
as long as you live true to yourself,
that’s what matters.
Virtue, for me, is how I act towards
myself, my family, and others;
especially those on the outside so
that they see me for who I am fully. I Piety and Study will be the next
subjects I cover in following months.
have always tried to be myself; tried
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Ritual Tools
Mythic Rites
Mabon “Labyrinth” Ritual
By Rev. Faemore Lorei
bull and stallion. Cross Earth and Sky and Sea, The
Mabon I shall be.
By Earth and Water, Air and Fire, with blood and
spirit and desire, a fire in my head, I will wear the
antlered crown.
And in the forest dance with me, and in your heart
you shall be free, for I am you and you will find,
that you are me.
Mabon is the Autumnal Equinox and the second
harvest holy day. It is the time of the waning sun.
The days grow shorter and the nights grow longer.
Traditionally, the fields are being felled as the
harvest continues and the life of the God is ebbing
away. It is the Sunset of the Year.
As Mabon is a harvest holy day, the autumnal
harvest is drawn upon to decorate its celebration:
pumpkins, turnips, gourds, cornucopias, apples,
corn, vines, grapes, wheat and grain. Haystacks and
scarecrows also serve to embellish and heighten the
Mabon is the last festival of the Wiccan liturgical
year. It is a time of meditation and reflection, a time
of devotion and deep gratitude for the year that
will soon end. A wonderful devotional song to sing
during your Mabon ritual is The Mabon by Damh
the Bard, the lyrics of which follow:
Twisting shapes in the moonlight, I hear the rhythm
of the distant pagan drums … within the hills.
Shadows dance in the sunlight I feel the power of
the wise and ancient ones … Now I must go.
Beyond the world we see, where Spirit runs with
bull and stallion. Cross Earth and Sky and Sea, The
Mabon I shall be.
By Earth and Water, Air and Fire, with blood and
spirit and desire, a fire in my head, I will wear the
antlered crown.
The Labyrinth is walked in darkness, for
darkness gives way to light. (Google Images)
Fires burning at midnight, across the world I hear
my story being told … Father and Son.
Chanting voices at midnight are singing songs
about the power that I hold … the newborn Sun.
Beyond the world we see, where Spirit runs with
bull and stallion. Cross Earth and Sky and Sea, The
Mabon I shall be.
By Earth and Water, Air and Fire, with blood and
spirit and desire, a fire in my head, I will wear the
antlered crown.
And in the forest dance with me, and in your heart
you shall be free, for I am you and you will find,
that you are me.
Shadows cast in the sunlight, I see my children turn
their eyes towards the sky … towards the Sun.
Dawn of life in the sunlight, Mithras, Osiris,
Dionysis, Herne and Pan … We all are one.
Beyond the world we see, where Spirit runs with
This ritual reflects upon the inner worlds and
their intricate workings. It is introspective
in nature and calls for intrinsic exploration,
contemplation and awareness. It is the
Labyrinth. The Labyrinth is a maze of many
paths, leading to a small, open space at its
center. The Labyrinth can be complex as you
will or as simple as a spiral turning in towards
its core.
This ritual can be enacted by either the solitary
practitioner or at a group gathering. Decorate
your sacred space, circle and altar with the
afore-mentioned symbols of the fall season,
inspired by the harvest. Light your favorite
incense, or myrrh, which promotes spiritual
opening, meditation and healing. All of these
are wonderful correspondences for your
labyrinth rite, especially healing, for the year
that has gone and for the winter yet to come. Be
sure to have some cake and a chalice of ritual
wine for libation.
For this ritual, we will be constructing a simple
spiral Labyrinth, the path of which will be
demarcated with jar candles. This will create
beautiful and delightful scenery within which to
enact your Mabon ritual. You will need several
jar candles and a lighter, and also to make
certain the center of the spiral labyrinth has an
adequate amount of open space to comfortably
fit all participants involved.
Before you begin, be sure to impress upon
all present that the entering and departing of
the labyrinth is a walking meditation, and
an externalization of a spiritual process they
are about to undergo, and therefore should
not be hurried. Participants should focus on
going inside themselves as they walk into The
Labyrinth. At the center of the Labyrinth they
should formally ask a question they wish to be
answered and say an affirmation of gratitude
for it being done. As they walk out of The
Labyrinth, they should focus on the knowledge
that the answer is already on its way to them.
a nautilus, like a whirlpool, like a tornado.”
Proceed gradually to the third pair of candles
in your spiral labyrinth. Focus on the feeling of
the spiral, involuting like the shell of a snail,
pulling you farther in and deeper down.
Light the next pair of candles on either side of
your path, when you stand between them. Say:
“Turning into myself, the whirlpool pulls me
gently under; the tornado twists me lightly
Advance slowly, to the next pair of candles in
your spiral labyrinth. Focus on the feeling of
slipping into a trance, of slipping into self.
Light the fourth pair of candles in your spiral
labyrinth, as you reach them. Say:
In the center of The Labyrinth, stand
with your arms outstretched or assume a
comfortable sitting position, and formally
ask your question in your own words,
psychically opening yourself to the answer.
When you are finished, affirm with gratitude
the answer being sent. Say:
“Beloved Mother Goddess, beloved Father
God, thank you for the wisdom already
within me, for my knowledge of the key you
send, for my understanding of the door it
opens. By my will so mote it be and be it
ever to my greatest good.”
Slowly retrace your steps through the spiral
labyrinth, extinguishing the flame of the
candles as you pass them in leaving.
Repeat the line “I turn out of myself and
depart the world within me. The world
“As I am pulled and twisted, I find myself.
within me spirals as I return to myself”
Into inner awareness, I shift and slip and spin. until all the candles are out and you have
Cleanse and consecrate your sacred space in
Deeper and deeper, down and down.”
the way of your Tradition. In the way of your
once again returned to the beginning of The
Tradition, call your quarters and your Gods.
Labyrinth and ordinary consciousness.
Continue gradually forward to the center of the
Stand at the entrance of The Labyrinth and light spiral labyrinth.
Eat the cake and drink the wine with deity
the first two candles on either side of your path.
in mind, and if in a group, with each other.
As you light each pair of the remaining candles Remember to leave an offering outside for
on your path repeat the line “Deeper and
the wee ones. May the blessing be upon it!
“I turn into myself, and walk the world within deeper, down and down” until you are in full
trance and have reached the open space in the
In the way of your Tradition, thank your
center of The Labyrinth.
quarters and your Gods. Open your circle
Walk slowly, relaxed and with leisure to the
and release all excess energy from your
The amount of candle pairs to be lit depends on sacred space. Until we merry meet again,
next pair of candles in your spiral labyrinth,
both the size of the ritual space and the group
ever bearing you towards its center. Focus on
may you brightly blessed be, and may you
gathered. A dramatic adaptation of this for a
the feeling of withdrawing into your being.
return to the trees and myths, to sit beneath
group gathering is to have the ritual leader
their stories
light the candles, while the participants follow
When you reach them, light the second pair of
and boughs …
behind him/her in a single line, repeating each
candles on either side of your path. Say:
phrase after him/her, until all have reached the
Sources: Rev. Donald Lewis-Highcorrell, Ritual, Theory &
Practice, Witch School, 2008
center of The Labyrinth.
“The world within me spirals downward, like
The ElemenTree Tarot
Review of The ElemenTree Tarot
(James Preston Trice)
by Owl Phoenix
record the cards, months and positions so that he can give me
feedback later to see how on track it was.
At first, I was not comfortable with the imagery on the cards.
He uses more water images in the air cards and he has not done
the more usual placing of the appropriate number of items in the
imagery. For example, the 4 of Earth has 3 money signs in it. For
him, money is Earth. I can see that (stability). The sigils he has
used for Earth and Air seem reversed to the way that I learned
them. The line crosses the triangle at the lower half for air and the
upper half for Earth.
On July 10th, I was invited to take part in a special Ekphrastic
poetry venue. Ekphrastic poetry is poetry writing that is inspired
by other works of art. These are usually paintings, but can also be
dance, music, sculpture, etc.
This venue focused on writing poetry inspired by the artwork
of The ElemenTree Tarot deck. At the end of the event, I was
asked to do a reading for the general reception of the event and
the cards. This was a new deck, never opened and was given to
During the interview with Mr. Trice he said that it took him
me for review. I did a five card spread and the very first card that
spoke to me, was one that I knew definitely represented the artist five years to complete this project. He spent months painting
himself. Mr. Trice and I had never met, or spoken, before this day. in a trance state doing the major arcana. He has studied with a
Shamaness and she is represented in this deck. He also spent
years studying the Kabalistic representatives for this deck. The
Card: 3 of Air
Hebrew alphabet represented on the cards are listed in their own
As I read the card, I looked up and said, “This card is you.” After section in the booklet that comes with the deck for those who are
not familiar with the Hebrew letters.
the meeting he told the host of the event, his friend and fellow
poet/artist Susan Vogel Taylor, that I’d
“nailed him on the head with the reading.”
Since this initial reading, I have given
2 free readings with the deck to test the
ability to use this deck. It is so different,
with it’s deceptively simplistic imagery and
I have had good results. I did a wheel of the
year reading for Mr. Trice and it seemed
to be right on at the time, I asked him to
For the collector of tarot cards this is a unique deck that I
think many will enjoy. For the more experienced readers, it is
workable and the imagery fresh, if simplistic. I would not advise
the newbie’s to try reading with this deck without spending a
lot of time learning the differences between standard decks and
the ElemenTree deck. On a personal note, I like the deck. I am
amazed at the energetic feel I got off the cards at the first opening
of the pack. No one had handled these cards since they were
printed and yet, I felt the artists energy all over them.
Card XVII The Moon
Card: Ace of Air
Einstein’s theory...
in the silence
an owl
Card: Ace of Earth
Were there wolves
worshiping the
The music of the
Singing stones
echoes chants –
full wolf moon
Poetry inspired by the art of J. Preston Trice
All originals by Brenda Roberts (aka) Owl Phoenix
the weight of the
world carried by
ancient turtle –
I lay down my bag
The images in this review are property of J. P.
Trice and have been used with his permission.
The poetry is mine. I have other poetry
available for use, should you wish it, by Cliff
T. Roberts & Susan Vogel Taylor. These cards are only available through direct
purchase. If anyone is interested in buying a
deck, they are $15 and I can get you in touch
with the artist if you email me at br3phoenix@
Card: 0 The Fool
the trip to Oz
remembered in
Technicolor –
a double rainbow
Attached are photos of some of the poets
reading their works at the Benbrook Library
with the cards they wrote in response to
above them to the side on a large overhead
screen. Also attached are photos of me doing
the 5 card reading at the end of the night.
The photos were taken by Cliff T. Roberts
and permission is given to use them with this
The following are photos of Owl
Phoenix conducting a 5 card spread
using the ElemenTree deck.
Visions of the Past - The Gudehovet Site
By: Ravenwolf
A woman once said to me “You choose the path for you because you
feel drawn to it. Not for any other reason.” This is so true. Ever since I first
discussed Wicca I felt the desire to dive deep into its history and current practises; the urge to ask questions and be as open minded as possible with those
of different paths.
Christian temple in South Yorkshire. (If you’re not familiar with this name,
North Yorkshire Moors railway “Goathland Station was transformed into
Hogsmeade” for the film Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone.) Ironically
that close by, lay a true pagan historical site.
This site referred to as a “pagan sanctuary”, Gudehovet, is believed to
In my own family there are different beliefs. While I practise at my al- have been built around 400AD and the area below the sacrifice altar had “been
tar, my wife shares a Roman Catholic point of view. She does not believe one regarded as sacred or at least had a special status long before the stone altar
should require going to church to believe, just as many Pagans do. People have was built.” At the site they also discovered a pole building which the archaeolthought that because of our different beliefs, that it’s strange or unusual for us ogists believe housed idols in the form of sticks with carved faces of Thor,
to be married. Ironically, we are beginning to see this more now-a-days. ReOdin, as well as Frey and Freya, who are brother and sister in Norse mytholomember, in a time when the earliest churches of Rome were constructed, Pagy. This is of great historical significance to all those who continue to worship
gans and Christians live side-by-side more or less at peace with each other,
these deities today and is of great historical value to the entire worldwide Paand that trend is in the beginning stage of repeating itself.
gan community as the article indicates this structure may have been built by
those who were escaping conversion to Christianity. During this time and that
of the inquisition, so much literature, culture and architecture was lost, that
any site that can be preserved surely would be of historical value to all of us.
However this site will not be so preserved for future generations as our
ancestors intended when they purposely buried it. As stated by Guhnfeldt, the
site will be” removed forever to make way for housing.” Preben Ronne from
the Science Museum/University of Trodheim said “Unfortunately housing
construction is now underway.” It is a sad day indeed. It is my only hope that
when excavated, future sites will be treated as sacred. Could you imagine if
other ancient religious sites were simply bulldozed to make way for a subdivision instead of being preserved? Is our history that un-important?
One only needs to scratch the surface to find many Pagan roots
throughout history and archaeology have been striving in recent years to do
just that. I feel that unveiling our heritage is of great importance to help describe where we’re at now and where we’re going in the future.
A recent discovery published on 23 Dec 11 in the Norwegian Paper Aftenposten; Cato Guhnfeldt wrote about the un-earthing of a pre-
If there is one thing we can take from this is that no matter what tradition we follow, we all hold our places of worship for our deities as sacred. Perhaps in the future we can work together for such preservation.
Stay tuned for more historical discoveries and the strides that archaeology has been making to unlock her secrets.
Sleep Paralysis
while we are still in REM sleep paralysis and what
follows is a confusing mixture of waking world
perception and dream imagery.
Common Symptoms are:
1. Feeling unable to move or as if you are being held down.
2. Pressure on the chest, throat and abdomen.
3. Extreme fear and terror
4. Pounding heart rate
5. Strange sounds like buzzing or crackling paper.
6. Bizarre shifts in gravity and bodily feelings.
7. Breathing difficulties
8. Feeling a presence in the room
9. Seeing an apparition. Often a nightmarish figure.
10. Being touched by that apparition.
11. Full mental awareness, i.e., “It was real!”
Biology of Sleep Analysis
Nightmare’ by Henry Fuseli (1741-1825)
Authored by: Rev. Iona Winton
Of all the terrifying sleep issues, Sleep Paralysis
(SP) is the least understood. Nightmare and night
terror sleep scientists and dream researchers are
gradually discovering the whys and what to do’s.
But SP, also known as the Hag Effect, the Incubus
Effect and Witch Riding remains the dark and
unknown figure in the room. So what exactly is
Sleep Paralysis?
It is an intrusion of dream imagery into the waking
world experienced by roughly half the population
including both narcoleptics and healthy sleepers.
Ordinarily in REM (dreaming) sleep, our muscles
are paralysed as we sleep. According to scientists,
this is a feature designed to keep us from living
out our dreams so we do not hurt ourselves or
a sleeping partner. But sometimes we wake up
Biologically speaking, SP is harmless; it is
perfectly natural if it is not accompanied by the
symptoms of narcolepsy or sleep apnoea. The
muscle paralysis occurs when our brain is flooded
with the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which
suppresses muscle tone in all the major muscle
groups that are not autonomic (such as the heart,
lungs and intestines). Many lose sleep over SP,
which contributes to insomnia. Insomnia actually
increases the odds of another SP attack. That is
the tricky part as SP can get even creepier as it is
sometimes associated with powerful hypnologic
hallucinations (HH). So although you can feel your
body, but not move it, as well as seeing where you
are sleeping accurately, your vision and senses are
also filled with dream-like images. Known as REM
intrusion, its really pretty magical, a hybrid state of
consciousness that is like dreaming with your eyes
However for some it is not magical at all. It’s
terrifying because we assume we are awake, fear
increases, driving more dream based imagery. What
results is pretty much the worst thing imaginable.
The Stranger Cometh
The most terrifying symptom of SP is the feeling
that someone is in the room. A presence that
sometimes cannot be seen and yet at other times
makes it self very clear. This is where SP and HH
merge into a lucid nightmare leaving sleepers
dazed, horrified and afraid to go back to sleep for
hours afterwards. In medieval times the incubus
was the demon known to sit on women’s chests to
molest them. In Hawaiian society the spirits are
known as Night Walkers, and in Teutonic lore, the
Doppelganger. We cannot overlook the fact that
most ‘Alien Abduction’ tales begin with being
paralysed in bed. Here are some examples I have
heard on the subject of SP/HH
“One several occasions I felt choked, hit and held
down. My throat and vocal cords were paralysed
when I tried to scream”
“Some one was lying on top of my head and I tried
to shout, but could not make myself heard”
“…Demons trying to possess me. Trying to break
my neck, scream in my face, and engulf me with
thick damp humid sensation of a god awful feeling
of sinister corruption”
The stories seem to have similar themes of demons,
stranglers and alien abductions. I see it as SP being
an initiation into the Dreaming Arts. The initiation
can come when we are at our most stressed, as
we take on new roles and responsibilities, or
are suddenly forced to face existential realities
such as death in the family or our own mortality.
Some are life-long sufferers because it runs in the
family. They may not be aware of this as it is not
an experience readily shared for fear of ridicule
or disbelief of other family members. There is no
know gene for SP although research shows it is
more prevalent among women and especially AfroCaribbean/American women.
and its pain as well as its beauty. The vulnerability
is a double edged sword, pointing towards great
creativity and great also great anguish. The
good news is that SP can be managed and even
cultivated. There are simple ways to lessen SP if
you want the attacks to go away. Transforming SP
into a lucid dream or an Out of Body Experience
(OBE) is another way to spin this unique hybrid
state of consciousness into a new opportunity. And
for the truly bold & brave you can invite SP by
understanding its causes and instigating it for your
What all SP sufferers have in common is a greater
ability to be touched by the world, to experience life own ends.
Causes of Sleep Paralysis
Here are some external causes of SP that can be
managed through life circumstances
centred and focus on your breathing. Sometimes
this unknown figure can turn out to be a deceased
relative, an angel or a goddess. They may have
something to tell you. This article is designed to
reframe how we look at Sleep Paralysis and related
visionary states. Sometimes just knowing that
this experience does not have to be a nightmare
is enough for people to break out of paralysis and
explore the amazing world of dreaming.
1. Keeping an erratic sleep schedule
2. Sleeping on your back
3. Increased levels of anxiety – especially social anxiety
4. Overuse of stimulants - including caffeine
5. Physical fatigue
6. Significant life changes – divorce, moving home etc..
Learning to control your SP experiences can have
7. Medication for ADHD
a positive effect on your dream time. What follows
8. Side effect of prescription drugs.
is a piece from kindly donated from one of our
readers. This is in her words:
Lessening SP Nightmares
If you want to cut down on SP altogether then the
first priority is a regular sleep pattern, less stress &
less caffeine. Even if we clean up our health and
diet, we’re still busy people, so try to have a light
snack containing carbohydrates and protein before
bed. No sugar and no cheese or red meat. Make
your bedroom a safe haven for sleep and rest. Soft
music and aromatherapy oils are helpful along with
meditation. Avoid loud and violent films on TV or
arguments over the phone or internet. Keep a daily
dream journal of your night-time activities so you
can keep a track on what you eat, see or do before
bed and this could lead to your recognising your
own personal SP triggers. Discuss your experiences
with family or a close friend. Sharing these fearful
episodes will lessen their effect on you, and give
you support & comfort from others.
Some times the hardest part of sleep paralysis is
the hallucinations that follow the encounter with
the dark figure in the room. This is where fear
can really get in the way. It is important to stay
In my knowledge of what was happening, I knew
that what I was seeing and feeling wasn’t real but
only a portion of the SP event. I didn’t feel any
specific eminence with my visitor but did feel as
though I was being watched. Perhaps observed to
find out how I reacted in the episode. “He” never
moved nor made a noise and as I blinked at the end
of the episode he disappeared.
I will say that after two more episodes of SP over
the next 45 minutes or so, I did give up on actually
achieving a restful sleep for the night. On that
particular occasion I experienced 5 separate
instances of sleep paralysis. Never before or since
have had I endured an evening as such. My bed felt
like a battleground between myself and sleep as the
events transpired over a four hour time period. The
other 4 incidents passed more or less uneventfully
as I knew what was happening and was able to
relax and breathe through it.
Having experienced sleep paralysis on several
occasions at this point, I knew what was happening
the moment I had to pry my eyes open. As this was
the third occurrence on this particular night, I was My usual succession of events is this: waking but
beginning to think that I might never get to have any having to fight to open my eyes – the indicator
restful sleep.
of what is going on; a heavy feeling throughout
my body, as though I no longer have the strength
See, along the way I learned that I could have some to lift even a finger; an accompanying feeling of
semblance of control over the events, even to the
weightlessness and floating; a shimmering quality
point of inducing them myself. I usually experience to my surroundings, once I get my eyes open;
sleep paralysis on my way too sleep rather than
occasional flashes of bright light in the room; the
waking with it. For a suffering insomniac who
inability to speak or communicate; the feeling of
sees sleep as a fragile state of being, SP exists as
being watched and pressure on my chest, making it
another barrier to actually achieving rest.
difficult to regulate my breathing. My breathing is
actually important as once I recognize the indicator,
This third instance was unlike any before as this
I can relax and breathe through the incident until
time I didn’t seem to be alone in the room. To my
it subsides. There really isn’t much else to be
left was a very tall, narrow individual who was
done. Having achieved the ability to control myself
covered from top to bottom with a black robe.
throughout SP, as well as being able to induce an
There were no visible seams or inconsistencies
episode, has given me an interesting outlook on sleep
in his garb and there was no hint of any physical
and awake and all the land between. I have been
features. In truth this hallucination didn’t resemble able to experience lucid dreaming and have a greater
any living being.
control over my subconscious when I’m not awake.
Chrone of wisdom
By: Iona Winton
Last week I received the following account of
a Sleep Paralysis episode from a reader of the
Correllian Times. She was not at ease with her
SP episodes, but many are still scared and unsure
of how to control of get out of these dream states.
I will therefore offer up the suggestions I have
found to work in these instances.
“During the first incident, I didn’t know what
was happening, and it seemed to drag on for an
hour. I woke and opened my eyes, but nothing
happened. I couldn’t open my eyes. I tried to
lift my hand to my face but found that my hand
wouldn’t move either. Not knowing what was
going on, I tried to scream for my husband, who
was asleep right next to me. Even though in my
mind I was piercing the air in my distress, the only
sound that issued from my mouth was a hiss of air.
Of course, he didn’t hear me. My body was heavy
but seemed to rise above the bed. I was floating,
wasn’t I?
Meanwhile I continued the struggle to open my
eyes and finally succeeded. Realizing I couldn’t
move a single muscle otherwise, I darted my eyes
toward the window, sure that all the stories of
alien abduction were true. The window seemed
to shimmer but there was no sign of any beings,
otherworldly or otherwise. But then the noise
came. It was a scruffy grating noise, sounding as
though someone or something was gargling stones
in my ears. Still I could see nothing other than
the window which looked as though I was seeing
it through a shallow pool of water. All at once the
sound stopped, my foot jerked and I was able to
move again. My first instance of sleep paralysis
was over”.
Top Five Ways to Get Out of Sleep Paralysis:
1. Don’t fight, relax into the sensation, and go with the flow.
2. Wiggle your toe – this is the best way to break the SP dream.
3. Clench your fist – a variation on the toe wiggle method... Or try scrunching up your face.
4. Breathe deeply and fully. This prevents run-
away fear and can also shake you out of the dream.
5. Prepare an affirmation when you notice you are yourself out of the house and start looking for a
job. Depending on where you live it can be by
signing on at job agencies, signing on for welfare
payments, or going into shops and asking about
present and future vacancies. Remember to have
a copy of your CV (aka a resume) to hand in at all
If paid work is not imminent, the next step is to
find charity work. Whether you work with animals
at a kennels, or a soup kitchen for the homeless, or
gardening for the elderly in your local community,
is up to you. This will be a great way to make
new friends, add to your social life and connect
with other spiritually motivated people.
sleep later but you wont slip straight into REM (dreaming) sleep.
3. Have a carb heavy snack such as bread or pasta. Your last problem can be remedied today! Join
Stay away from heavy fats & sugars. A glass of Witch School! Once you sign up to Witch School
there are many lessons which you can take for
milk or cocoa is another classic remedy.
FREE. Some of the courses come under the
headings of:
Dear Crone,
I lost my job last year and have not been out of
the house or met up friends since then. None of
my friends are Pagan or spiritual, and I want to
learn about Wicca but I don’t have any spare
in SP. Something like: “I am in sleep paralysis, money. The courses are so expensive and one
I am not in danger, and don’t forget to breathe.” website quoted me $350.00 to become a Priest. I
am lonely and I am losing the connection with my
spirituality. Can you help?
Three Ways to Prevent Multiple SP Attacks
From. JJ Alabama
on the Same Night
1. Do 10 minutes of exercise before going to bed. This will prevent repetitive bouts of SP because of the indirect way exercise affects mood and emotions.
2. After an attack of SP, and before going back to sleep, turn on a lamp and look at it for a full
minute. This resets the bodies’ circadian rhythm. You will still be able to go back to Dear JJ,
Thank you for writing in and sharing your
situation with me. I would advise you to first visit
your Doctor to make sure you are not suffering
from depression or related illnesses. If you get
the all clear I am sure you can pull yourself
out of your present situation. You need to get
Alternative Therapy
Arts & Crafts
Divinatory Arts
Gods & Goddesses
Branches of Paganism
Psychic Development
There is a General Forum where you can get
involved in discussions. There are Special Interest
groups, Correllian/Witch School TV & Radio
Virtual Reality classes. The site is always
being updated and you could reach your goal of
becoming a Priest for a very small fee once you
start paid work again.
Blessings to you JJ,
The Crone.
Mabon Celebrations
By: Pami Griffith
stowed upon her children to get us through the cold of winter. You may
notice that many stores are beginning to decorate in fall colors and many
have their Halloween accessories out, ready to be bought. The colors for
Mabon are of an autumn nature, sticking to hues of oranges, browns, and
reds. A time for thanksgiving and meditation, re-establishing balance in
one's life, or on the awareness that death must precede re-birth, (and so the
dark must be accepted before we can embrace the light). This is a good
time to focus on bringing balance into your life, between inner and outer
lives, between emotional and physical aspects.
Let’s look at the holiday and see what we are talking about.
Merry Mabon, Second Harvest, Witches Thanksgiving, Autumn Equinox,
September 20, 2012. However you want to recognize it, it is coming!!!
Depending on where you live, (I live in Baltimore, MD) the days are getting shorter and, especially here, you might start to feel a slight cooling in
the air. Most of our children are back in school, routines are now starting to
take hold and life is a little more orderly.
Mabon is often referred to as "the Witches Thanksgiving," marking the end
of the second harvest, a time when the majority of the crops are gathered.
The Goddess enters the "Crone" stage at this time of the year. Now, as at
Ostara, the days and nights are equal once again. Gardens are in full bloom
and heavy with nature's bounty. There is a slight nip in the air already and
preparations begin for the long cold months to come. Nature begins its decline, and readies herself for winter as the God prepares to leave His physical body toward renewal and rebirth from the Goddess. This time of year is
often a good time to consider the balance in our own lives and that within
nature. Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox, is often associated
with a sense of wisdom and mysterious lore. Despite the climate in some
areas feeling still much like the summer season, this is a time to be thinking about the fall and to be grateful for the bounties the Goddess has be-
‘The eight major festivals (or "sabbats") are distinct from the Wiccan "esbats",
which are additional meetings, usually smaller celebrations or coven meetings,
held on full or new moons.
Alban Elfed,
2nd Harvest, equinox
Fruit Harvest,
Wine Harvest, Gŵyl
Ganol yr Hydref (Welsh)
Sun's position
20–24 Sept
20–23 Mar
0° Libra
0° Aries
As Correllians we have the most wonderful class written by Lord Don Lewis-Highcorrell in Rituals in Theory and Practice. If you don’t have it, I highly recommend that you get it. Not only are our rituals explained but they are beautifully laid out. So let’s see how others celebrate.
Mabon Ritual
For this ritual you will need an apple and a chalice of wine or juice. Grape
or apple juices are excellent choices if you cannot drink alcohol. If it is at
all possible, this ritual should take place in a secluded cemetery. If this
isn't possible, you should try to visit a cemetery where your loved ones are
buried and leave apples to wish them a quick rebirth.
When you are ready to begin, cast your circle, and invite your deities.
Blessed be this season of Mabon, time of the second harvest, the harvest of
fruit and wine.
Tonight all things are in balance: Goddess and God, Life and Death,
Light and Dark.
Tonight the darkness will conquer the light, leading us deeper into the
waning year.
If you are not at the cemetery of your loved ones, visualize if you can their
resting places. Take the apple and hold it in front of you at heart level.
Ancient symbol of life, death and rebirth, take away my mourning.
Help me to be assured that death is not a permanent parting,
but a new and joyful beginning.
If you are in the cemetery place the apple in front of the grave of a loved
one. The apple symbolizes reincarnation. If you aren't at the cemetery, you
save the apple to bury in the Earth later to symbolize your hope for rebirth to
all life. With the somber part of the ritual over now, you should turn yourself
to gladness and honor the God of wine and the aging Crone Goddess. Take
the chalice of wine and hold it upward.
Blessed Crone, thank you for bringing me safely to this season.
God of wine, thank you for your gift of the grape.
Now you can make a toast to whomever or whatever you like. Make as many
as you toasts as you want and make them as silly as you want!!
When you are finished, say:
Blessed be Mabon, season of bounty.
Now spend some time in your circle meditating or communing with the spirits that may surround you. Then close the circle however you wish.
( n.d.)
Mabon Food and Recipes (my favorite!!!)
As you can see the rituals do contain some of the foods of the season. For those more ambitious cooks I am going to include a few more recipes and if you
can, get the children in the kitchen to give a helping hand.
Harvest Morning Muffins
3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 tbs. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup grated apples
1 cup grated carrots
1 cup whole-wheat flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease a 12-muffin tin or line it with paper liners. Set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer, blend the eggs, sugar and oil until
well combined. Stir in the grated apples and carrots. In a separate bowl, sift the flours, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Blend the dry ingredients with the apple mixture
until just combined. Spoon the batter into the muffin tins and bake for 25 minutes.
Makes 12 muffins.
All Things Harvested Pot Roast
4-5lb pot roast
1 stick butter
1 large onion sliced
3 celery stalks, chopped
1-8oz package raw baby carrots
1-16oz pkg. frozen broccoli/
cauliflower mix
2-10oz cans French onion soup
4 large potatoes, quartered
1 garlic clove, chopped
¼ tsp. dried thyme
¼ tsp. dried parsley
1 bay leaf1/8 tsp. black pepper
¼ tsp. salt
In a dutch oven or oven safe pot w/lid brown both side of the roast, using half the butter. Set the roast aside. With remaining butter, saute' the onion, garlic, and celery until
onions are tender and beginning to brown. Add the thyme, parsley, bay leaf, and pepper. Mix well and then return the pot roast to the pan. Sprinkle salt over the roast and
add the french onion soup. Cook at 325 degrees for 4 hours. Baste meat as needed. Add potatoes and carrots and salt to taste. Cook for another 45 minutes. Add broccoli/
cauliflower mix and cook for 20 more minutes. Serve with hot bread.
Makes 8 servings
Share the Wealth Applesauce
24 tart apples
Juice of a lemon
2 cups water
1 cup sugar
4 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup raisins (optional)
Peel and core the apples, then cut them into chunks. Place the apples in a large nonreactive saucepan, and add the lemon juice and water. Stir in the sugar. Bring the mixture
to a boil, then reduce the heat to low. Cover the pot and cook for 30 minutes or until the apples are soft. Remove the mixture from the heat and add the cinnamon and raisins, if desired. Stir light for a chunky sauce and rigorously for a smooth sauce. For a pink applesauce, use red apples and leave the skins on. Once the apples are soft, you
can strain out the skins or lift them from the sauce with a fork.
Makes 2 1/2 cups.
( Pour into re-sealable jars, decorate to give as Harvest gifts to relatives, friends, and neighbors.)
Mabon Crafts
Apple Candle Holders for Mabon
Leaf Print Tablecloth
Here is what you will need for your project:
Take two bright red apples that are the same size and will sit up
nice and straight.
Leaves - all sorts
Paints - different colors
Polish them with a soft cloth so they’re shiny.
With an apple corer, hollow outa hole in the top of the apple (the
stem end) about an inch deep and as wide as your candles.
Then, into the hole, place a sprig of rosemary and two soft, grey
leaves of Lambsear (a type of plant).
Insert a candle that’s about 6 inches tall in each apple. (This will
also help anchor the herbs in place)
POOF! You’re done – and it should look like this:
A white disposable paper tablecloth (You can find these at
dollar stores, drug stores etc)
Take a leaf, paint one side of it with any color paint, or even
paint a rainbow on it.
Then turn the painted side over and press it carefully on to
the tablecloth .
Do this several times with different leaves until you have
filled up your tablecloth with all sorts of lovely colors.
Works Cited
Craig-Gaddis, Lora. Pooka Pages. n.d. (accessed 5 3, 2012).
Fitzgerald, Waverly. n.d.
Kynes, Sandra. The Llewellyn Encyclopedia. 11 28, 2006. (accessed 6 25, 2012). n.d. (accessed 6 25, 2012).
Wigington, Patti. About.Com. n.d. (accessed 6 25, 2012).
Wikipedia. 6 3, 2002. (accessed 6 25, 2012). (Craig-Gaddis n.d.)
Ing’s Personal Tarot Reading
By: Rev. John (Ing) Snodgrass, HP
Tarot Reading for: 20102 RSC
Date of Reading: 08 10 2012
about commitment and resourcefulness.
This is the person who aims to get to the
top and does all that is needed done to get
there, you see too much restraint can - if
fact - hold you back and keep you from
achieving important things.
to that future. It is a
drink of cool water
(knowledge) in the
wasteland, a promise
of tomorrow.
Reverse The Star card
The Readers Question: What does
and there is no future,
CARD TWO: The Chariot (Reversed):
our financial future look like?
no hope, no healing,
Upright, The Chariot
and more to the
is all about moving
point, that any hope
Note: Although I show all the Tarot
forward. It is not just
or promise offered
Cards in their Upright position about charging blindly
to you is going to
their true position is noted under
ahead, but rather
be false. There is a
the individual card and in the card
seeing where you
want to go, taking the feeling of being lost, that doesn’t mean
there is no hope, but that we just cannot see
reins in your hands
it from where we stand.
and directing every
CARD ONE: The Devil (Upright):
energy forward.
The Devil card is
The SUMMARY: There seems to be
perhaps the most
If reversed, then your more than just finances causing you mind
misunderstood card of
chariot is at a full stop boggling problems right now. You just might
all the Major Arcana,
- no movement in any be about to become obsessed by, or with, a
he is not the Christian
direction – plus the
person, idea, or a life pattern that you need
“Satan” but is in fact
to realize is or may become “bad” for you
Pan, the half-goat half- complete loss of any means to get going
again for now - You are stuck in the mud
(before it becomes too late to step away
man God of Pleasure
and mire of your own making.
cleanly from). To see the area around you
and Abandon, of wild
better you may need to move to the right or
behavior and unbridled
CARD THREE: The Star (Reversed):
to the left of the center of your goal. To get
The Star is a card of hope and healing, it
a cleaner, better overall view of the whole,
forwards, backwards and to each side of the
The Devil card is also promises that there is a future, and offers
main point of your life plan.
a card about ambitions, a light to guide the person on their way
Ing’s Personal Tarot Reading
CARD TWO: 4 of Pentacles
(Upright): The
Tarot Reading for: 45850 TSC
Fours most often
signify stability.
Date of Reading: 08 08 2012
The first stage of
our project has
The Readers Question: I’m in the
been completed,
process of changing careers. Do you see
deeply rooted,
it in the cards that this may be the way
and strong - a
for me as a main career?
solid foundation
on which to build
Note: Although I show all the Tarot Cards
By: Rev. John (Ing) Snodgrass, HP
The Hierophant, best seen as the
“you are never
alone” card, is the
moral and social
conscience of the
deck. He offers
spiritual guidance
through troubled
times and ethical
dilemmas. He
also represents the
wider workings of
in their Upright position - their true
society, everything
position is noted under the individual card
from common
and in the card meanings.
The 4 of Pentacles while often called courtesy (the Social Graces) to the
the “miser” card. Sometimes it is
“must be strictly adhered to” laws of
CARD ONE: Ace of Cups (Upright): good just to hold onto what you have, the land.
The Aces are the root force, the spark, as this card may also be read best as
or seed energy of
advice being given.
The SUMMARY: To begin with you
their suit.
do have the extra energies needed
CARD THREE: The Hierophant
for your new career choice and it is
The Ace of Cups
(Upright): While The High Priestess a good match for you mentally and
is filled with raw
connects us to the esoteric - with her financially. Remember that to really
passion, feelings,
private, secret solitary rites, The
enjoy what you have and to seek
thoughts, and need Hierophant (or High Priest) leads his new areas of expertise you need to
to be directed
flock in shared, communal rituals move forward as standing still only
into something or
his purpose is to bring the “Spiritual” leads to stagnation… Of both mind
down to Earth.
and soul.
Blue Marble Ball by Sea Shelly
Blue Earth by Sea Shelly
Do you have some interesting photos of your favorite sacred space or altar?
Do you write your own poems, create pictures or have DIY projects?
Contact Lindsay at so that your work
can be featured in our upcoming Reader’s Panel’s!!
The Secret Beginning by Lindsay Irvin
Words the World is Made of
Insatiable Hunger
Dylan Cook ©2012
Insatiable hunger
Gnawing at my insides
A co dependent lover
That I can't abide
Insatiable hunger
Gnawing at my insides
A co dependent lover
That I can't abide
Insatiable hunger
Gnawing at my insides
A co dependent lover
That I can't abide
Worms crawling in me
Inside my brain, inside my veins
I've got to break free of this misery
Or I'll go certifiably insane
This hunger controls the earth
Even people that I seem to despise
It seems create, to give birth
To all kinds of greed and lies
I pray to my higher power
To get a daily respite from this
To set me free to deliver
Me from this decadent darkness
Selections on Haiku 俳句で選択
By: Owl Phoenix
One Stormy Night
(haiku/senryu sequence)
the sound after
a storm
rolling thunder
forecast hail
a neighbor's sprinkler
rushing to move the potted plants
beyond the lightning -
-- only a bit of rain
5 a.m.
where is the rain?
the cat sits on
a flower shelf
still he talks of storms
September Horoscopes
Remember that it takes acorns and a lot of
time and patience to make a shady oak tree,
and that seeds planted now may take a long
time to come to fruition. Avoid making enemies over minor matters, even if you feel you
are right. An interesting evening could develop from what seems to be a very boring affair. Guard your tongue when referring to a
higher-up’s private life.
The variety in your social life may have
reached the bedlam state and you should
take time to sort things out and do away with
the unnecessary dates on your calendar so
that you can enjoy the truly important ones.
Give a thought to spending time with an older
person who cares deeply for you. Career improvement is possible now if you make the
proper overtures to the proper person.
A major purchase you have been planning
should perhaps be delayed for a short while
until you get some definite information on a
promised promotion or pay raise. Consider
becoming involved in some community project which could utilize your talents and yield
personal pleasure as well as make a definite
contribution to the community.
Your ability to expend energy over and above
your normal expected share is a rare gift —
but you should be cautious of doing so much
that you endanger your health. As the season
begins to move more definitely into the cooler
period, you should be careful of exposure and
drafts. Expect an important letter in the mail
which could alter your present lifestyle
Use that recently acquired bit of “found” money in ways that will bring personal pleasure.
Saving is a good habit — but you also need
to indulge yourself once in a while, in order to
keep the creative juices flowing. Don’t go off
the deep end over a new love interest. That is
not to say you should ignore chances for fun
and frolic — just try to keep things on an
even keel and don’t expect too much.
Family illness or an accident could mar your
plans for a long-planned outing
or vacation. Keep your money in your sock instead of throwing it away on projects which will
not do much for your personal pleasure or
your long-range improvement. An introduction
to a striking companion could set the stage for
a highly interesting relationship.
Be satisfied with getting the job done, even
if the credit is claimed by people of little real
ability. Wise observers will know who is responsible and arguments over a credit line
could prove harmful. Financial matters
should be handled promptly and advice
should be sought from an older and more
adept person if problems develop.
A change of direction or profession is not impossible for you at this point. It is not advisable
to throw away years of preparation on a lark —
but remaining in a situation because it is easy
is not the best move either. Seek advice from a
person who has faced a similar situation. An
old flame could make an amusing, yet attractive, proposition.
Be careful not to assume the worst about a
close friend or lover, particularly if someone
comes to you bearing tales. If the charge is
serious, face up to it and ask for an explanation — but don’t convict before the defense has a chance to speak. Absolute honesty in a work situation is vital, as there are
those who are observing you closely in relation to a possible promotion or job offer.
Your love life may be in for an exciting, if
bumpy, period during which there could be
some exhilarating highs — and a few deep depressions. If you hang on for the entire ride,
however, you will probably be glad that you did.
Career choices could be many at this time, but
give full consideration to your present position
before you grab for the brass ring. Ignore a
threat from a jealous person.
If at all possible, plan to get away for a few
days in the near future so you can re-think
some long-made plans for the future. A
change in direction now might be difficult —
and even painful — but not as much as it
could be later. Give up on a romantic project that has been hanging fire. It could be
reopened later to the advantage of everyone concerned.
Your business life could become inescapably
involved with your private life, bringing a good
deal of frustration and even unhappiness —
unless you follow a strict rule about fraternization in the office. Keep your head down in any
family arguments and avoid direct confrontations concerning your past. Gain an undying
friendship by being discreet concerning a minor
September Games
by Lily Greene
2012 Lustration of the Living Maze
Can you find your way to the
Lustration of the Living
hosted by
The Children of Gaia Temple and
The Sacred Light Temple?
Pagan Word Find
September Pagan Scrabble Words
(Use the red letters to help answer the question.)
What is the name of the Chinese ritual snacks made from
lotus seed or red bean paste, is served during the MidAutumn Festival and is also called 'moon cakes'?
September Crossword Puzzle
1 – _____ Hamilton is the host of the “Pagan
1 – In Chinese tradition, the _____ ______ is held on the eve of Mid-Autumn. (1)
Variety Hour” Sunday nights on
3 – Mabon is celebrated on the Autumn ______.
2 - _____ Minor is one constellation that can be viewed in the night sky. (1)
4 – Mabon can also be thought of as the ____ of the year. (2)
5 – The ______ Law and karma are two ideas to help create a Mabon ritual. (2)
6 – The _____ of Minos is famous from Greek myth. (2)
7 – A grape ____ can be a lovely altar decoration.
8 - She is the wife of the Cretan King Minos who gave birth to the Minotaur. (2)
9 – First noted the precession of the equinoxes. (6)
10 – Harvested during this time; used to make beer. (1)
12 – Mabon ap Modron is _____ for ‘Divine Son son of Divine Mother.’ (10)
14 – Blv. _____ ______ High Correll was the founder of the Correllian Nativist Tradition.
16 – A constellation named after the vain queen in Greek mythology,
11 – An ancient Italian fertility god, also known as ‘the free one.’ (1)
12 – Pan is the Roman god of _______, fields, and fertility, who played pipes. (1)
13 – Zoroastrian holy day, symbolizing the battle between light and dark. (1)
15 – Balance and ____ are two themes of Mabon. (2)
17 – In Cherokee custom, the ____ Corn Moon Festival is held this month. (1)
19 - Cohost on The Crystal Web (at; pushed to keep the
Correllian Times published. (9)
recognized with the distinctive ‘W’ shape. (11)
18 – Greek wine god. (1)
1. Cole, Jennifer. "Ceremonies of the Seasons" (2007) Duncan Baird Publishers; London.
2. Lewis-Highcorrell, Donald. "Witch School: Ritual, Therory, & Practice" (2008) Llewellyn Publications; Woodbury, Minnesota.
6. Aubin, Christina. "Mabon - Overview by Christinia". Retrieved from (2005)
8. Lewis-Highcorrell, Donald. "Correllian Ministry". (2009)
9. From 7/9/12 The Crystal Web show at
10. Jones, Mary. "Jones Celtic Encyclopedia: Mabon ap Modron".
11. unknown. "Cassiopeia"
August Game Answers
¹ B
8 P
4 D
6 C
10 S Q
Crossword Puzzle Answers
1 - A Cherokee celebration also known as
Green Corn Ceremony
3 - Name given to the God in his form as Lord
of the Crops
5 - Aztec harvest festival in honor of Xipe-
Totec, a maize deity
In the Northern Hemisphere, Lughnassadh is celebrated this month,
while _________ is celebrated in the Southern Hemisphere.
8 - _______, daughter of Demeter, journeys to
the Underworld for six months.
10 – One of the Three Sisters.
12 – Venus of ______, lady of life.
14 - ______ Mysteries were ceremonies that
took place during this time of year in
Ancient Greece.
16 – The ______ ________ are the three
essential crops of bean, squash, and corn in
Native American Tradition.
18 – Hungry Ghosts Festival in China, celebrated
during this time of year.
6 –In Cherokee Tradition, Selu is the _____
7 - Tool used to harvest grain: symbolically
used in slaying the God
9 - Lughnassadh is celebrated in the ______
half of the year.
11 - Sumerian goddess of love and war; in
Autumn, ____ goes down into the
13 - Roman name for Demeter; name is root
word for "cereal".
15 - Roman God of agriculture.
17 - Egyptian god of the corn, Nile floods, the
Underworld, and the moon.
Pagan Word Find
August Pagan Scrabble Words Answers
2 – Symbolic tool, usually made of wicker, used
to represent sacrifice.
4 – Imbolc is a Sabbat observed in the Southern
Hemisphere in observance of the ___ half of
the year.
Children’s Coloring Center
By: Pami Griffith