Spiral On! - SpiralScouts International


Spiral On! - SpiralScouts International
Spiral On!
A Magazine for members of SpiralScouts International
Mabon 2015
Welcoming Mabon with SpiralScouts
Standing Announcement Poles
Spirit Badge Ideas
Printable Coloring Sheet
Photography Contest Winner
Day of the Dead Celebrations
Reconstructed Mammoth bone hut, based on finds in Mezhyrich
Spiral On!
Enhance your SpiralScouts experience
and connect your Circle or Hearth with others.
Table of Contents
Day of the Dead Celebrations
Photography Contest Winner and Next! 4
Contact Us
Ways to Help SSI
Spirit Badge Ideas
Bones Coloring Sheet
Welcoming Mabon with SpiralScouts
Standing Announcement Poles
Our co-ed global scouting
program cultivates tolerance,
cooperation, responsibility,
ecological conservation through
child-directed learning for ages 318
Celebrating the Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de Muertos) is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico, in particular the Central and
South regions, and acknowledged around the world in other cultures.
The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have
died, and help support their spiritual journey…. Traditions connected with the holiday include building private altars called
ofrendas, honoring the deceased using sugar skulls,marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and
visiting graves with these as gifts. Visitors also leave possessions of the deceased at the graves.
Scholars trace the origins of the modern Mexican holiday to indigenous observances dating back hundreds of years and to
an Aztec festival dedicated to the goddess Mictecacihuatl. The holiday has spread throughout the world, being absorbed
within other deep traditions for honoring the dead.
- excerpted from Wikipedia
There are many great blog articles and books to help inspire creative celebrations.
Here are photos and instructions for Recycled Sugar Skulls from Pink and Green Mama:
This project is a great way to recycle and use up old cereal boxes, cardboard, and corrugated cardboard coffee cup sleeves!
Start by making basic skull shapes with various layers and types of cardboard.
Add eye sockets, nose hole, and teeth!
We cut ours with scissors and used Elmer's school glue.
Paint the cardboard skulls with white craft paint or Gesso.
Allow glue and white paint to dry completely.
We split this project up into a few different sessions to allow drying time for the glue and then the paint.
The Day of the Dead celebrates the life of people who have passed on.
We talked about and shared our favorite memories of grandparents, and family friends we have lost to cancer
while we decorated our skulls. We drew happy things like hearts and flowers.
The Photography Contest Winner
of Black Bear Circle #182
He will receive a wand from
WillowRoot wands!
New Contest for Yule edition of Spiral On! :
Create an instrument and send us a photo with a
description about it.
Winner will receive a three-month
subscription to Alex Gordon Radio!
Email the entry to:
photo courtesy of Voice Chronicle
We are raising funds for a new
website to serve our scouts better!
Our GoFundMe campaign link is
Goodsearch will give us a penny every
time you use them as a search engine~
Select SpiralScouts International as your
charity today!
Your ad here!
Email magazine@spiralscouts.org
for more information on
advertising in Spiral On! Magazine
Spirit Badge Ideas
The Spirit Element represents the SpiralScouts pursuit of deeper knowledge,
the binding force, the spirit of "we" not just "I",
knowing yourself and your family and community,
taking a stand on controversies, guiding your life through your own moral
engaging with your community through service, volunteering and activism,
and how communities are united through common visions
expressed by storytelling, dance, and pageantry.
Create the cuisine of another culture
Mythology comparisons of gods/goddesses and climate
Interpret the phenomena of our Solar System through crafts and patterns
Face painting and Costumes of Mythological characters
Analyzing Drama and Theater through lapbooks
Puppetry tools and techniques
Cross-cultural Dance and costume Study
Musical Instrument Creation
For more inspiration, visit our Pinterest Board dedicated to this series of badges: www.Pinterest.com/spiralscouts/spirit-
Welcoming Mabon with SpiralScouts
Create centerpieces celebrating hearth and home
Share your gratitudes in a creative way
Pick apples together at a local orchard
Make nature art with fall leaves
Honor the coming darkness
Go to a pumpkin farm
Host a food drive
Backyard Chant -- Mabon Prayer
Autumn colors of red and gold
As I close my eyes tonight
Such a wonder to behold
I feel the God/dess hold me tight
Watch leaves turning one by one
Though it grows dark, I shall not fear
Captured bits of Autumn Sun
For Divine Love protects all here
Soon they'll fall and blow away
Through the night, until the morn
The golden treasures of today
When the shining Sun's reborn
When the trees are bare
Time to sleep, time to dream
And the ground grows cold
Till warm gold rays upon me stream
These warm memories
I'll still hold.
--- Akasha Ap Emrys
by Tomasz Alen Kopera
Copyright © 1997-99 Akasha, Herne and The Celtic Connection
All rights reserved.
Standing Announcement Pole
A Standing Announcement is a decorated pole that shows the accomplishments and history of the Circle in symbolic form.
Place a symbol at the top of the pole that represents your Circle.
Beneath, place either a crosspiece or hang a hoop from which you
can suspend symbols that mark special accomplishments.
5’ hardwood
Circle pennant or flag
painted designs that have meanings or are in significant patterns
As the Circle earns accomplishments,
you’ll need to add new crosspieces or hoops.
Standing Announcement Poles can be taken to:
tribe meetings
camp-outs to mark and identify your Circle and
parade float
while doing volunteer work
booth at a fair or fundraiser
It is a symbol of pride and history that the children will
love to talk about and explain to others.
Children may also make individual, personalized Standing
Any kind of base will do; from a Christmas tree stand, to a 5
gallon bucket filled with sand or gravel.