Diversidade Cultural: uma proposta de ensino por meio do gênero
Diversidade Cultural: uma proposta de ensino por meio do gênero
Versão On-line ISBN 978-85-8015-075-9 Cadernos PDE OS DESAFIOS DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE NA PERSPECTIVA DO PROFESSOR PDE Produções Didático-Pedagógicas SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO Superintendência da Educação Diretoria de Políticas e Programas Educacionais Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional QUEILA HELIODORO DE SOUZA PAULOVSKI DIVERSIDADE CULTURAL: UMA PROPOSTA DE ENSINO POR MEIO DO GÊNERO MÚSICA. LONDRINA - PR 2013 1 Título: Diversidade Cultural: uma proposta de ensino por meio do gênero música. Autor: Queila Heliodoro de Souza Paulovski Disciplina/Área: Língua Inglesa Escola de Implementação Colégio Estadual Arthur de Azevedo.Ensino Fundamental, Médio e do Projeto e sua Profissional. localização: Município da escola: Núcleo Regional Educação: São João do Ivaí de Ivaiporã Professor Orientador: Michele Salles El Kadri Instituição de Ensino Superior: Universidade Estadual de Londrina- UEL Relação Interdisciplinar: Resumo: O presente projeto é uma das atividades exigidas pelo PDE (Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional), que está voltado aos professores da educação básica do Estado do Paraná. Este trabalho tem como objetivo implementar intervenção pedagógica nas turmas de Ensino Médio com o uso de música , tanto para problematização da diversidade e relacionamento quanto para a motivação em Língua Inglesa, através de atividades que levarão a discussão e problematização dos assuntos levantados.Procurando desenvolver atitudes de sensibilidade, tolerância e compreensão diante da Diversidade. Uma vez que, hoje em dia o ensino de LI tem sido alvo de descontentamento por muitos professores e até muitos alunos, que mesmo sabendo da importância da LI, não se esforçam e são desmotivados em aprender outra língua. Desse modo, o trabalho com gênero música, envolverá novos significados para as aulas de LI, para que o aluno perceba que ao aprender uma nova língua podemos aprender com textos significativos e prazerosos, tentando despertar o interesse do aluno pelas atividades apresentadas e pelas aulas de Inglês. Palavras-chave: Gênero; música; diversidade; relacionamento; Língua Inglesa. Formato do Material Didático: Unidade Didática Público: 3º ano do Ensino Médio 2 APRESENTAÇÃO Este material didático terá como objetivo trabalhar o gênero música envolvendo o tema diversidade e relacionamento para que o aluno perceba que ao aprender uma nova língua, pode-se aprender com textos significativos próprios da língua estudada, fazendo isso de um jeito prazeroso, tentando despertar o interesse do aluno pelas atividades apresentadas e pelas aulas de Inglês. Uma vez que a música desperta sentimentos e emoções, aumentando afetividade e auxiliando na formação do ser humano como um ser capaz, crítico e criativo. 3 MATERIAL DIDÁTICO PEDAGÓGICO UNIT 1 GENDER DIVERSITY http://www.doistercos.com.br/quem-sao-os-%E2%80%9Ctranstornados-de-genero%E2%80%9D/ Objective: Implementar intervenção pedagógica na turma de Ensino Médio com o uso de música, tanto para a problematização da diversidade e relacionamento quanto para a motivação e aprendizagem em língua inglesa. Read the text below: Sexual Diversity: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Intersex More and more, people think of Canada as a diverse society. For example, Canada is home to people of a wide variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds, skin colours and languages. In other words, we are all not the same: there are many ways in which human beings are different from each other. Sexuality is one of the ways that people are different from one another. Although the term “sexual diversity” can apply to many different aspects of sexuality (for example people are diverse in terms of their sexual likes and dislikes), it is usually used with respect to sexual orientation and gender identity. 4 LGBTQ Stands for… The acronym LGBTQ is a reflection of sexual diversity within society. Some people wonder what exactly it stands for so let’s quickly review what each letter stands for in the acronym. L is for lesbian. Lesbian refers a female person whose primary sexual attraction is toward females. G is for Gay. Gay refers to a male person whose primary sexual attraction is toward males. B is for Bisexual. Bisexual refers to a male or female person who is sexually attracted to both males and females. T is for Transgender and/or Transsexual. Transgender refers to a person whose gender identity is neither exclusively female nor male. Transsexual refers to a person whose gender identity is the opposite of their biological sex. Q is for Queer or Questioning. Some non-heterosexual people refer to themselves as Queer because they are uncomfortable labeling themselves according to the more traditional categories of gay, lesbian, or bisexual. A person who is Questioning is in the process of arriving at a clearer sense of what their sexual orientation is. Sexual Orientation The term “sexual diversity” is often used in the context of sexual orientation. Not all people are heterosexual. Some people are gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, or questioning (for a more detailed definition of these terms see Sexual Orientation and Coming Out). In other words, within the population there are people with different sexual orientations and this is an example of sexual diversity. Gender Identity The term “sexual diversity” is often used in reference to gender identity. In part, this refers to the fact that not all people have a gender identity that conforms exactly to their biological sex. To make this easier to understand, let’s define the basic terms relevant to a discussion of gender identity. Biological sex: Most people are born with a body that is clearly either male or female. So, for example, when a boy has a penis and testicles, we can say that his biological sex is male and when a girl has a vagina and a uterus, we can say that her biological sex is female. Gender identity: Gender identity refers to how a person sees themselves in terms of being male or female. In other words, gender identity is about how a person feels with respect to being male or female which is a different concept than their biological status as male or female. 5 Transgendered, transsexual, trans: For some people, their gender identity does not exactly match their biological sex. A person who sees themselves as being neither exclusively male nor exclusively female in terms of their gender identity can be described as transgender. A person whose sense of gender identity is opposite to their biological sex (e.g., a person who feels that they are male but who is biologically female; or vice versa) can be described as transsexual. Some transsexual people seek out medical treatments to help align their bodies with their internally felt identities. People in the transgendered and transsexual community often identify themselves as “trans”. Intersex Western society has typically made a very clear social distinction between people who are classified as male or female. However, in terms of biology, there are some people whose genitals and/or reproductive organs are a mix of both male and female. For example, a person may be born looking female on the outside but be mostly male on the inside. Or a person may be born with genitals that appear to be in-between or a mix of male and female. Intersexuality is usually the result of hormonal factors during prenatal development that affect the reproductive organs. An intersex person will develop a gender identity that best reflects how they feel. Some will think of themselves as predominately male or female and some will adopt a transgender identity. Awareness and Acceptance of Sexual Diversity In the past, sexual diversity within the Canadian population was less apparent and visible than it is today. Over time, Canadian society has become much more tolerant and accepting of the differences between Canadians along lines of religion, ethnicity, race, and sexuality. This includes a recognition that we are a diverse community with respect to sexual orientation, gender identity, transgenderism, transsexualism, and intersexuality. Texto disponível em: http://www.sexualityandu.ca/sexual-health/sexual-diversity. Acesso em 28-10 2013. 1. Strategies for reading the text: a) Go to the text and underline the cognates b) Select 10 words you can`t infer and look up for their meaning. 6 2. Match the columns: a) Queer or Questioning ( ) uma pessoa do sexo feminino, cuja principal atração sexual é para mulheres. b) Bisexual ( ) se refere a uma pessoa do sexo masculino, cuja atração sexual primária é para os homens. c) Lesbian ( ) Uma pessoa que está questionando está em processo de se chegar a um sentido mais claro do que sua orientação sexual é. d) Gay ( ) Se refere a uma pessoa do sexo masculino ou feminino, que é sexualmente atraída por ambos os machos e fêmeas. e) Transgender and/or Transsexual ( ) Transsexual refere-se a uma pessoa cuja identidade de gênero é o oposto do seu sexo biológico. 3. Find in the text : a) Há muitas maneiras em que os seres humanos são diferentes uns dos outros. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ b) Sexualidade é uma das formas que as pessoas são diferentes umas das outras. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ c) A sigla LGBT é um reflexo da diversidade sexual dentro da sociedade. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 7 d) A maioria das pessoas nasce com um corpo que é claramente masculino ou feminino. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ e) Identidade refere-se à forma como a pessoa vê a si mesma em termos de ser do sexo masculino ou feminino. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. According to the text, define: a) Sexual orientation. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ b) Intersexuality. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ c) Biological sex ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ d) Gender identity ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 8 5. Complete the crossword with words in english: APLICAR MASCULINO MAIS MUITAS VEZES PROCURAR SOCIEDADE TOLERÂNCIA RUMO FORMAS AMPLO MARAVILHA PODE MAIS CLARO SENTIR CONSCIÊNCIA FEMININO SEX0 IDENTIDADE RÓTULOS 9 6. Identifying connectors Identificar e aprender a usar as palavras conectivas é de grande importância não apenas para aprender a decifrar os significados de um texto em inglês como em qualquer outra língua. São denominados também de “marcadores do discurso”, articuladores, etc ... e servem para articular as idéias e dar coesão e elegância ao texto. Em inglês recebem várias denominações: Discourse markers, connection words, logical connectors, cohesive markers, linking words, etc Acesse o site: http://descomplicandoingles.blogspot.com.br/2009/03/identificando-conectivos.html. Veja uma lista dos conectivos mais usados na Língua Inglesa. Now go to the text and circle the connectives (at least seven). Then write their meaning and function in the lines below. ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stereotypes Warm up- Watch the video and note the stereotypes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8GDUIh_Tis 10 Think about it... • If you find a person tattooed all, what is your first thought? • What is your concept of a descendant of Asiatic? • Have you heard of stereotypes? • Do you usually judge people by appearance? Definição de Estereótipo: A palavra estereótipo vem do grego stereos e typos compondo uma "impressão sólida". Uma marca ou cliché como forma de caracterizar ou representar pessoa, objeto ou grupo social. É a imagem preconcebida de determinada pessoa, coisa ou situação. São usados principalmente para definir e limitar pessoas ou grupo de pessoas na sociedade. O estereótipo é geralmente imposto, segundo as características externas, tais como a aparência (cabelos, olhos, pele), roupas, condição financeira, comportamentos, cultura, sexualidade, sendo estas classificações (rotulagens) nem sempre positivas que podem muitas vezes causar certos impactos negativos nas pessoas. http://www.unifoa.edu.br/portal/plano_aula/arquivos/04621/Esteri%C3%B3tipo,%20Preconceito%20e%20Discrimina%C3%A7% C3%A3o%20-%20Material%20ALuno.pdf Now let's watch a video about stereotypes and discuss with the class: Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOZd11Mcej4 7. In the video, what kind of people do we find? ( ) Brazilian ( ) Mexican ( ) Asian ( ) Blonde ( ) American ( ) Gays ( ) Religious ( ) Black ( ) Rich 8. Tick the sentences that appear in video: ( ) I really don’t know. ( ) we are equals. 11 ( ) I don’t have Aids. ( ) I’m not who you think I am. ( ) Stop judging me. 9. What is the request that they make at the end of the video? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 10. Match the columns: ( ) See ( ) descobrir, resolver ( ) Promiscuous ( ) palavra ofensiva a uma pessoa negra ( ) Shallow ( ) direto, correto ( ) A genius ( ) a julgar ( ) things ( ) ver ( ) Belong ( ) raso, superficial ( ) Judging ( ) promíscuo ( ) Straight ( ) Um gênio ( ) Figure out ( ) coisas ( ) A Nigger ( ) pertencer 11. Watch the video and complete the sentences: a) I just don’t _____________________________ b) I don’t __________________ why. c) When will __________________ a change? d) When will___________________ I’m not who ______________I am. e) I breath _____________________ you do. f) I bleed the same_______________ you. g) I shed_______________________ you do. 12 ►MUSIC◄ Listen to the song, pay attention to the video clip and try to infer the main message. Music- the Best Thing about me is you - RicK Martin. Disponível em: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzxoQ9rbDAA&list=RD02ZzS_yyNQESo 1. Now, Listen to the song and complete it using the verbs in the imperative: Don´t act - give – take off – take – let – make – come - take - make Da da did did... did da da da Da da did did... did da da da Da da did did... did da da da I'm as happy as I can be Cause I'm allergic to tragedy The doctor says something's wrong with me The smile on my face has no remedy [Chorus] So baby, Don't say no ---------- on..and just say yes You know it's time to keep it simple Let's----------- a chance and hope for the best Life is short so ---------- it what you wanna ------------- it good, don't wait until mañana I think I'm cool cause your name's on this heart shaped tattoo, now The best thing about me is you My cryin' days are now history I had a change of philosophy I take each day as it comes to me And I won't take myself all that seriously..so [Chorus] It's you... Now the best thing The best thing... It's true..wooo..oo ------- ----- your shoes, lay back, and ------ a load off -------- me your blues, ------- me love it away Nothing to lose, so don't ------ like such a grown up -------- ------ all night in the moonlight with me (Just say yes) Come on... and just say yes You know it's time to keep it simple Let's take a chance and hope for the best Life is short, so make it what you wanna, Make it good, don't wait until mañana! I think I'm cool cause your name's on this heart shaped tattoo Now the best thing about me is you..wo..ooo Is you wooo Now the best thing about me is you And the best thing about me is you Best thing about me is you The best thing about me is you 13 2. Answer the questions below about the Song: a) Do you know Rick Martin? b) Has he ever participated in a band? c) Was he involved any controversy recently? d) What is the title of this song? What does it mean? e) Why do you think he wrote this song? f) What principles are mentioned in the song? g) What are the views and attitudes displayed? h) What is the controversial topic brought by this song? ►VOCABULARY◄ 1. What do the expressions used in the song mean? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) I'm as happy as I'm allergic to tragedy something's wrong with me The smile on my face Don't say no Let's take a chance hope for the best Life is short Make it good don't wait until mañana ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) não espere até amanhã ) não diga não ) Faça o melhor ) A vida é curta ) apenas diga sim ) alérgico à tragédia ) tem algo errado comigo ) Estou sempre o mais feliz ) O sorriso no meu rosto ) Vamos nos arriscar 2. At the beginning of the video clip, several words appear. Find the correspondent word in English of these words: a) igualdade ______________________________________ b) injustiça _______________________________________ c) amor __________________________________________ d) opressão_______________________________________ 14 e) liberdade_______________________________________ f) inocência_______________________________________ g) malícia ________________________________________ h) harmonia_______________________________________ i) paz____________________________________________ j) felicidade _______________________________________ 3. Songs generally bring implicit messages to the listeners. In Rick Martin’s song, the message is that: a) Peace has the power to increase the love between men. b) We’re equals as human beings. c) We should accept all. d) Everything that is in me is in you. e) Inequality between people. 4. “I think I'm cool cause your name's on this heart shaped tattoo, now”. The appropriated translation to the line above is: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ►LANGUAGE STUDY◄ Imperative Form Usos: • • Dar ordens Be careful! Use somebody else´s computer. Dar sugestões ou encorajar pessoas a fazerem coisas Let´s get up early tomorrow and check our e-mail. 15 Affirmative form: Negative form: Use discount cards at stores. Don´t use discount cards at stores. Let´s try to trace that voice. Let´s not try to trace that voice. Activities 1) Take out of the song four sentences in the imperative form: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ►UNDERSTANDING THE IMAGES ?◄ 1. Look at the images below. What kind of message do the images convey? Match the columns: a) c) b) d) 16 e) f) g) h) i) j) ( ) refuge ( ) oppression ( ) discriminal race ( ) happy ( ) malice ( ) silence ( ) innocence ( ) freedom ( ) harmony ( ) equality 17 DISCUSSION IN GROUPS 1. Answer the questions below in Portuguese: a) Have you experienced any excluding situation? How did you react to? b) We live today in a world of diversity, but many people did not understand it yet. What do you think about it? c) What are the types of diversity? d) How do you think a person who suffers discrimination/ prejudice feels? e) Many people who are victims of discrimination or prejudice suffer in silence, so many times, we do not realize their suffering. What consequences does it may generate? Choose the alternatives: ( ) happiness ( ) sadness ( ) depression ( ) joy ( ) suicide ( ) love ( ) hate ( ) revolt 18 f) After discussing all of it, what message can we take from this song? Copy a verse of the song which demonstrates this message. g) Give your opinion about everything we discussed. ☻☺READING☺☻ Read the text and do the activities: Managing Diversity in the Workplace The Chancellor's Committee on Diversity defines Diversity as: "The variety of experiences and perspective which arise from differences in race, culture, religion, mental or physical abilities, heritage, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and other characteristics." So why is it when many people think of diversity, they think first of ethnicity and race, and then gender? Diversity is much broader. Diversity is otherness or those human qualities that are different from our own and outside the groups, to which we belong, yet present in other individuals and groups. It's important to understand how these dimensions affect performance, motivation, success, and interactions with others. Institutional structures and practices that have presented barriers to some dimensions of diversity should be examined, challenged, and removed. A good starting-point for thinking about diversity is to become familiar with UC’s system wide Non-Discrimination Statement: “It is the policy of the University not to engage in discrimination against or harassment of any person employed or seeking employment with the University of California on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual 19 orientation, citizenship, or status as a covered veteran. This policy applies to all employment practices, including recruitment, selection, promotion, transfer, merit increase, salary, training and development, demotion, and separation.” Of course, diversity also encompasses a wide variety of other differences, including work experience, parental status, educational background, geographic location, and much more. And managing diversity means more than simply observing legal and policy requirements. It also means actively promoting community and comfort with difference, as noted in UCSF’s Principles of Community: “We recognize, value, and affirm that social diversity contributes richness to the University community and enhances the quality of campus life for individuals and groups. We take pride in our various achievements and we celebrate our differences.” As this suggests, workplace diversity can provide tremendous benefits in terms of improved morale, outside-the-box thinking, greater teamwork, and an atmosphere of mutual understanding and respect. (Texto adaptado)UCSF Human Resources, 3333 California Street, Suite 305, San Francisco, CA 94143, (415) 476-1645. Sitemap | Contact Texto disponível em : http://ucsfhr.ucsf.edu/index.php/pubs/hrguidearticle/chapter-12managing-diversity-in-the-workplace/ (acesso em 20-09-2013) What are cognates? Cognatas são palavras de uma língua estrangeira que, além de parecidas na forma, são também parecidas no significado com palavras do português. A língua inglesa possui várias palavras desse tipo, geralmente derivadas do latim ou do grego. Ao ler um texto em inglês, procure sempre usá-las como apoio. Para facilitar a sua aprendizagem, vamos dividir as palavras cognatas em duas categorias: 20 1. IDÊNTICAS: radio, piano, hospital, hotel, sofa, nuclear, social, total, particular, chance, camera, inventor, etc.; 2. PARECIDAS: gasoline, banks, inflation, intelligent, population, revolution, commercial, attention, different, products, secretary, billion, dramatic, deposits, distribution, automatic, television, public, events, models, electricity, responsible, explain, activity, impossible, lamp, company, etc. Disponível em: http://www.metropoledigital.ufrn.br/aulas/disciplinas/ingles/aula_04.html acesso 30-10-13 1. Find the cognates words in the text: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. From the cognate you found, sort them into "identical" or "similar". IDENTICAL COGNATE SIMILAR COGNATE 21 What are false cognates? False friends? Os chamados falsos cognatos (false friends) são palavras que parecem significar uma coisa, mas, na verdade, significam outra, totalmente diferente. Você não deve ficar preocupado (a) porque a probabilidade de uma palavra semelhante ao português ser um false friend é muito pequena (menos de 0,1%). Portanto, é mais provável que você acerte do que erre. Mesmo assim, é importante conhecer essas palavras pelo fato de que um termo entendido erroneamente pode alterar todo o sentido da interpretação de um texto. Há casos nos quais a mesma palavra possui significados diferentes, dependendo do contexto em que é empregada, funcionando vezes como um cognato, vezes como um false friend. Veja o exemplo a seguir.TO DEPEND (v) To depend on 1. If one thing depends on another, it is changed or affected by the other thing. Prices vary depending on the computer you need. (COGNATO) 2. To need someone or something in order to survive or be successful. The young birds depend on their parents for food for several weeks. (COGNATO) 3. To trust someone. You can depend on me. (FALSO COGNATO) It/that depends Used when you cannot give a definite answer, because different things are possible in different situations • • How much will I have to pay for a car? It depends what type of car you want. (COGNATO) <http://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/american/depend>. Acesso em: 11 jan. 10.[Adaptado] http://www.metropoledigital.ufrn.br/aulas/disciplinas/ingles/aula_05.html acesso em 30-10 -2013 22 1. Answer the questions about the text: a) What is the text about? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ b) According to the text, what is diversity? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ c) For, UCSF the definition of diversity can be much broader. Explain it. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ d) What should happen with the discriminatory practices that hinder people's success? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ e) What is the University's policy against diversity? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ f) What does the University recognize? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Now, let’s see how the issue of Gender has been treated in different countries: As the issue of Gender has been treated in some countries: 23 76+ countries where homosexuality is illegal 76+ (or 78 or 82) countries with anti-homosexuality laws Click image for list of people in jail or awaiting trial. The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, or ILGA, lists the following 78 (plus 4) countries with criminal laws against sexual activity by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex people (LGBTIs). Links in the list lead to this blog’s posts about individual countries. The total is 82 if you include political entities such as Gaza/Palestine, the Turkish-controlled northern portion of Cyprus, and Indonesia, where two large provinces outlaw homosexual acts. 24 The total is 76-plus countries, according to a list from the St. Paul’s Foundation for International Reconciliation, which uses that measure in its Spirit of 76 Worldwide program aimed at repealing those laws. AFRICA 1 Algeria 2 Angola 3 Benin 4 Botswana 5 Burundi 6 Cameroon 7 Comoros 8 Egypt 9 Eritrea 10 Ethiopia 11 Gambia 12 Ghana 13 Guinea 14 Kenya 15 Lesotho 16 Liberia 17 Libya 18 Malawi(enforce 19 Mauritania ment of law suspended) 20 Mauritius 21 Morocco 22 Mozambique 23 Namibia 24 Nigeria 25 Sao Tome 26 Senegal 27 Seychelles 28 Sierra Leone 29 Somalia 30 South Sudan 31 Sudan 32 Swaziland 33 Tanzania 34 Togo 35 Tunisia 36 Uganda 37 Zambia 38 Zimbabwe ASIA, INCLUDING THE MIDDLE EAST 39 Afghanistan 40 Bangladesh 41 Bhutan 42 Brunei 43 Iran 44 Kuwait 45 Lebanon 46 Malaysia 47 Maldives 48 Myanmar 49 Oman 50 Pakistan 51 Palestine/Gaza 52 Qatar Strip 53 Saudi Arabia 54 Singapore 55 Sri Lanka 56 Syria 58 United Arab Emirates 59 Uzbekistan 60 Yemen 57 Turkmenistan Two Asian/Middle Eastern countries are listed separately by the ILGA under the heading “Legal status of homosexual acts unclear or uncertain”: 25 In Iraq, there is no law against homosexual acts, but homophobic violence is unchecked and self-appointed sharia judges reportedly have imposed sentences for homosexual behavior. In India, enforcement of the law against homosexual activity has been suspended by court action. AMERICAS 61 Antigua Barbuda & 62 Barbados 66 Guyana 71 Trinidad Tobago 67 Jamaica 63 Belize 64 Dominica 65 Grenada 68 St Kitts & Nevis 69 St Lucia 70 St Vincent & the Grenadines & In the United States, anti-sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003, but they are still on the books in 13 states: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Virginia. Conservative state legislators refuse to repeal the laws and, in some cases, police still enforce them. Reportedly, in the past few years more than a dozen LGBT people were arrested for violating those laws, but the arrestees were freed because prosecutors won’t seek convictions based on defunct laws. OCEANIA 72 Cook Islands 73 Indonesia (A 74 Kirbati ceh Province and South Sumatra) 77 Papua New 78 Samoa Guinea 79 Solomon Islands 75 Nauru 76 Palau 80 Tonga 81 Tuvalu 26 EUROPE 82 Northern Cyprus Also in Europe and worth mentioning but not on that list of countries with laws against homosexuality are: Russia, which enacted a law in 2013 prohibiting any positive mention of homosexuality in the presence of minors, including online; Ukraine, which has considered, but so far has not adopted a similar law against “gay propaganda.” Moldova, which adopted and then repealed such a law in 2013. For more information, see the ILGA’s world map, its 2012 report “State-Sponsored Homophobia,” and ILGA’s updated and reformatted 2013 report. Related information: 76 Countries Where Anti-Gay Laws Are As Bad As Or Worse Than Russia’s (Each country’s law summarized in a list compiled by BuzzFeed. With photos.) Disponível em http://76crimes.com/76-countries-where-homosexuality-is-illegal/ acesso 05-11-2013. Activities about the text: 1. Make yes to the country that homosexuality is free and no to countries where homosexuality is forbidden. País Yes No Russia Brazil Angola Argentina United States France 27 Portugal Indonesia England Japan Homework : More information about Equality, Rights, LGBT, Civil Union Marriage, Violence, ONU and OMS go to the blog http://www.dzai.com.br/igualdade/blog/blogdaigualdade?pag=6 and write one page about what you understood, and what you think about these issues. Now, listen to the song. What is it about? When I Was Your Man Bruno Mars Same bed, but it feels just a little bit Too young, too dumb to realize bigger now That I should've bought you flowers and Our song on the radio, but it don't held your hand sound the same Should've give you all my hours when I When our friends talk about you had the chance All that it does is just tear me down Take you to every party Cause my heart breaks a little Cause all you wanted to do was dance When I hear your name Now my baby is dancing, but she's And all just sounds like ooh, ooh, ooh, dancing ooh, ooh With another man 28 dancing My pride, my ego With another man My needs and my selfish ways Caused a good strong woman like you Although it hurts To walk out my life I'll be the first to say that I was wrong Now I never, never get to clean up Oh, I know I'm probably much too late The mess I made To try and apologize for my mistakes And it haunts me every time I close my But I just want you to know eyes I hope he buys you flowers, I hope he It all just sounds like ooh, ooh, ooh, holds your hand ooh, ooh Give you all his hours when he has the chance Too young, to dumb to realize Take you to every party cause I That I should've bought you flowers and remember held your hand How much you loved to dance Should've give you all my hours when I Do all the things I should've done had the chance When I was your man Take you to every party Cause all you wanted to do was dance Do all the things I should've done Now my baby is dancing, but she's When I was your man 29 ♪♪VOCABULARY STUDY♪♪♪ 1. Find the words in English: K J D N A H K H S S N X J W W R K A E R B B U T A W O M P N U V H O Q H Z R R C L I K E T O C H U C A O A C T H G U O B Y O B U X N E L T T I L O H U W E M T G H W F R U Z I D A T D T A E P U E A B H H J K U A K H P Z S E E L L E S R C N K E E O I L H M Z U S I U V T E M L L L L L A A O O F O M S E M D O A K T S U P L L N N O T O L G E J O N R K C E W F C A I U I R B D I T A L S M S M L W C Z O Y D D D F E A S S E M J G E W E C L E A N T T E O U MESMO CAMA SENSAÇÃO A NOSSA SOM – FALAR -TUDO LÁGRIMA – CORAÇÃO QUEBRAR UM POUCO – OUÇA - O TAMBÉM PARA PERCEBER – COMPROU – REALIZADA TOMAR ORGULHO EGOÍSTA FORTE COMO BAGUNÇA TARDE DESCULPAR – QUANTA MÃO - DE PERTO – ASSOMBRA 2. Match the columns: a) Too young, too dumb to realize. ( ) Para tentar me desculpar pelos meus erros. b) When I hear your name. ( ) Jovem demais, tolo demais para perceber. c) My needs and my selfish ways. ( ) Minhas necessidades e meu jeito egoísta. d) I know I'm probably much too late. ( ) Quando ouço o seu nome. e) To try and apologize for my mistakes. ( )sei que provavelmente estou muito atrasado 30 WRITING 1. Encontre: a) Uma oração que contenha uma conjunção adversativa que indica oposição. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ b) Duas frases em que ele fala como deveria ter agido. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Comprehension questions: a) What is the song about? _______________________________________________________________ b) What does the song title suggests? _______________________________________________________________ c) What does he feels when the name of his beloved is mentioned? _______________________________________________________________ d) Why does he say "Too young, too dumb to realize." Do you agree with it? _______________________________________________________________ e) According to the author, how should a man act with the woman he loves? _______________________________________________________________ f) The man recognizes his mistake. How can we confirm it? Exemplify it with excerpts from the song . _______________________________________________________________ g) There is a phrase that shows that he was not with a clear conscience. What sentence is this? _______________________________________________________________ h) How do we know he is sorry? _______________________________________________________________ 31 i) After all, what is the authors’ desire? _____________________________________________________________________ j) If you were his girlfriend, would you forgive him? _______________________________________________________________ k) Have you ever had a situation like this? What happened? _______________________________________________________________ LANGUAGE STUDY - MODAL VERBS Usados para dar um significado específico para o verbo principal, os verbos modais ou modal verbs, como são chamados em inglês, têm características próprias. Tais como: ⇒ Não precisam de um verbo auxiliar, mesmo nas formas negativas e interrogativas, pois seu papel na frase já é de um verbo auxiliar. ⇒ São sempre utilizados na forma infinitiva som o TO. ⇒ Sempre vêm antes do verbo principal, que por sua vez também vem na forma infinitiva sem o TO. ⇒ Têm a mesma forma para todas as pessoas, não se flexionando a regra de mudar o verbo nas terceiras pessoas do singular. Não tem nem passado e nem futuro (com exceção do CAN que possui passado e condicional). ⇒ Esses verbos modais ocorrem com muita frequência na língua inglesa, por isso exigem um pouco mais de cautela e tempo ao serem estudados. Para simplificar um pouco mais a forma de estudo, vamos ver cada verbo separadamente e seu devido uso. CAN (pode): Expressa capacidade, habilidade ou permissão (capacity, ability or permission). Em alguns casos podemos usar com sentido de possibilidade (possibility), 32 porém, devido a confusão que pode causar com o uso no sentido de capacidade, é aconselhável o uso de MAY o MIGHT para possibilidade. Porém, considero que seja de muita importância considerar este fato, para não ficarmos confusos ao nos depararmos com tal situação. Exs.: Charlie cell therapy can repair a damaged tissue. (A terapia com células-tronco pode reparar um tecido danificado) - expressa capacidade, ou seja, a terapia com células-tronco tem a capacidade de reparar os danos do tecido. I can speak English. (Eu posso falar inglês) – expressa habilidade, ou seja, eu tenho a habilidade de falar inglês, eu posso falar. Sua forma negativa se dá através do NOT após o verbo, ou de sua forma contraída CAN’T. COULD (podia, poderia): Também expressa capacidade, habilidade ou permissão, só que no passado. Seu uso como PODERIA é um uso mais formal ao se expressar um pedido. Exs.: Sebastian could read when he was four years. (Sebastian podia ler quando ele tinha quatro anos) – expressa habilidade no passado, ou seja, ele já tinha a habilidade de ler com quatro anos, e se refere ao passado pois imagina-se que hoje ele não tenha mais quatro anos. Could I use your cell phone for a minute? (Eu poderia usar o seu celular por um minuto?) – expressa permissão. Could you bring me a birthday present? (Você poderia me trazer um presente de aniversário?) – expressa um pedido. 33 Sua forma negativa se dá através do NOT após o verbo, ou de sua forma contraída COULDN’T. MUST (deve): Expressa obrigação, proibição ou dedução. No caso de querer expressar uma obrigação no passado usa-se HAD TO. Exs.: Those scientists must learn more about stem cell transplants. (Aqueles cientistas devem aprender mais sobre os transplantes de célulastronco) – expressa obrigação, ou seja, os cientistas são obrigados a aprenderem mais sobre o assunto, pois o que já sabem não é o suficiente para um bom transplante. Derek must be tired after his soccer pratics. (Derek deve estar cansado depois de seu treino de futebol) – expressa dedução, ou seja, imaginamos que Derek esteja cansado depois de treinar futebol por horas. You mustn’t get out of bed today. (Você não pode sair da cama hoje) – expressa proibição, ou seja, alguém está proibido de sair da cama hoje. Dr. Phillip had to go to his office las Saturday. (Dr. Philip teve que ir ao seu escritório no último sábado) – expressa obrigação no passado, ou seja, ele tinha que ido, mas não foi. #DICA: HAVE TO pode ser usado no lugar de MUST para indicar obrigação, sem alterar seu sentido. Sua forma negativa se dá através do NOT após o verbo, ou de sua forma contraída MUST”T. MAY (pode): 34 Expressa permissão, possibilidade ou dedução. Porém, ao expressar permissão, MAY é usado em contextos mais formais do que o CAN. Em alguns casos também é possível usar o MAY para expressar um desejo, como fazemos quando usamos o verbo TO WISH. Exs.: May I go to the bathroom? (Eu posso/poderia ir ao banheiro?) – expressa permissão, ou seja, estou sob as ordens de outra pessoa, por isso não posso me retirar para ir ao banheiro quando eu quiser, preciso pedir permissão antes. The body’s ability to grow may fail sometimes. (A habilidade do corpo para crescer pode falhar às vezes.) – expressa possibilidade, ou seja, essa habilidade pode ou não falhar. Joseph may be angry last night when screamed. (José deveria estar nervoso ontem á noite quando gritou) – expressa dedução, ou seja, não temos certeza de que ele estava realmente nervoso, mas imaginamos que este seja o motivo pelo qual gritou. #DICA: MAY também pode ser utilizado para fazer um pedido, pedir ou dar permissão e oferecer ajuda, mas nestes casos, ele se torna mais formal, sendo usado num contexto, obviamente, mais formal. MIGHT (podia, poderia): Expressa possibilidade, tanto no passado quanto no presente. Exs.: Anna might have lunch with us tomorrow. (Anna poderia vir almoçar conosco amanhã) – expressa possibilidade, ou seja, ela pode ou não ir. SHOULD (deve, deveria): 35 Expressa conselho ou recomendação. Exs.: You should study more. (Você deve estudar mais) – expressa conselho. You shouldn’t smoke so much. (Você não deveria fumar muito/tanto) – expressa conselho Sua forma negativa se dá através do NOT após o verbo, ou de sua forma contraída SHOUDN”T. Esses verbos acima, são os principais verbos modais usados na língua inglesa. E sem eles não poderíamos ter dedução, possibilidade, nem proibir, dar conselhos ou oferecer ajuda. Por isso eles são de extrema importância. http://maniadeingles.com.br/modal-verbs-verbos-modais-para-que-servem/ acesso 04-11-2013 Activities: 1. Copy two phrases from the song that have modal verbs. What do they mean? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Tick the ideas that the modal verbs can express: a) May I use your phone? ( ) permission ( ) capacity ( ) ability b) Sorry, I cannot understand what you are saying. ( ) prohibition ( ) capacity ( ) permission c) The students must do their homework. ( ) permission ( ) obligation ( ) capacity 36 d) You should see a doctor. ( ) obligation ( ) permission ( ) advice e) Mother, Can I leave now? ( ) permission ( ) possibility ( ) advice 37 UNIT 2 RACE – DIVERSITY Fonte: http://www.joaquimnabuco.edu.br/noticia/exibir/cid/11/nid/1595/fid/1 Reducing Racial Prejudice and Racism. Posted on 24, April 2012 by pujols 1. Read the text below: Reducing Racial Prejudice and Racism Prejudice is an unfavorable or discriminatory attitude or belief towards another person or especially members of certain racial or ethnic groups based on skin color or ethnicity. There are three forms of prejudice, which include cognitive, behavioral, and affective prejudice. Cognitive prejudice is what people believe to be true. Behavioral prejudice refers to the prejudice on how people are determined to behave. Affective prejudice refers to what people dislike or like. All of these forms of prejudice can be harmful for the wellbeing of a child. However, there are many developing strategies, which parents and schools employees can apply to reduce, racial, religious and ethnic prejudices to improve intergroup relations. 38 How can racial and ethnic prejudice be reducing in society? Well, at an early age, parents should start teaching their children in their own home how to avoid the occurrence of prejudice. However, parents need to start with themselves because children are very attentive to their parents actions. A child’s brain is like a sponge just waiting to absorb any form of information available in his or her environment. By performing prejudicial actions around our children, they are more than likely to perform the same actions. Schools officials could also take part in the process to reduce these forms of prejudices. Public and private schools need to take necessary actions to reduce the occurrence of prejudice. For instance, Schools Officials should not be tolerating ethnic jokes or slurs. As stated earlier, children learn fast and often time the carried the information that has being thought with them as they grow older. Moreover, Schools Officials should also answer questions directly instead of evasively. For example if a child asks, “why does he or she have dark skin?” a teacher might then answer by explaining that it is the effects of genetics and melanin in the skin. Reducing the occurrence of racial prejudice and racism should be everyone responsibilities in any society. Prejudice could lead to racism, which is illegal and can be harmful to society. This process could not happen overnight. Therefore, it is everyone responsibilities to go further than personal experiences and remarks to comprehend broader public issues and apply them to our daily life. Indeed, with the support of authority, parents, and everyone in general, an increase in intergroup relations could be achieved, which in return could have a positive effect in reducing prejudice. Texto disponível em: (http://livingtextblog.andosciasociology.net/2012/04/24/reducing-racial-prejudice-andracism/ ) This entry was posted in Uncategorized by pujols. Posted on 24, April 2012 Bookmark the permalink. ►UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT◄ 1. What is the meaning of these words in the text: a) prejudice ( ) relacionamento ( ) brigar ( ) preconceito ( ) preferir 39 b) behave ( )acreditar ( ) comportar-se ( )aprender ( ) criar c) wellbeing ( )felicidade ( ) elegante ( )bem- estar ( ) escolher d) to avoid ( ) pedir ( ) controlar ( ) tirar ( ) evitar e) available ( ) capaz ( ) avaliar ( ) disponível ( ) ausentar f) slurs ( ) gritos ( ) insultos ( ) sussurros ( ) luvas g) skin ( ) braço ( ) olhos ( ) cabelo ( )pele 2. Answer the questions about the text: a) According to the text, what is racial prejudice? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 40 b) There are three forms of prejudice. What are they? Explain them. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ c) How should parents act with children in relation to prejudice? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ d) What about institutions and schools? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ e) Whose is the duty of reducing racial prejudice and racism? Let´s Sing the Song 1. Fill in the blanks with the words of the music box: South Africa – illusion – significance – Angola – war – day – finally – necessary – Superior – citizenship – continent – morality – Africans – permanently – nation – philosophy – inferior – victory. Bob Marley – War Until the ______________which hold one race ______________and another______________ is ________________and _________________ discredited and abandoned Everywhere is___________, me say _________ That until there are no longer first class and second class citizens of any _____________ _________ the color of a man's skin is of no more _______________________ than the color of his eyes Me say _____________ 41 That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all, without regard to race Dis a ____________ That until that __________ the dream of lasting peace, world ______________ rule of international _________________ will remain in but a fleeting ________________ to be pursued, but never attained Now everywhere is ___________, ____________ And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in_________________, in __________________, ___________________ sub-human bondage have been toppled, utterly destroyed Well, everywhere is _______, me say _________ _________ in the east, _________ in the west _________ up north, _________ down south _________, _________, rumors of ___________ And until that day, the African ______________ will not know peace, we _____________will fight we find it ___________and we know we shall win as we are confident in the _______________ Of good over evil, good over evil, good over evil Good over evil, good over evil, good ever evil. 42 2. Answer the Questions about the song: a. Who is the singer? Where is he from? And what is the name of the song? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ b. What does the word "war" mean? Why is it the title of the song? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ c. Which countries are mentioned in the song? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ d. According to the singer, what is necessary to avoid wars? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3.Write T (True) or F (False) according to the lyric: ( ) There is war in the world. ( ) There is only war in the east and west. ( ) There will be war, while the rights are not equally guaranteed. ( ) The war does not exist because of differences in race. ( ) Until there are no more class divisions, there will be war 4. Match the columns: 1) war ( ) o bem sobre o mal 2) citizens ( ) Vitória 3) color of this eyes ( ) Continente Africano 4) human rights ( ) paz 43 5) regard to race ( ) sonho 6) dream ( ) privilégios de raça 7) peace ( ) direitos humanos 8) African continent ( ) cor dos olhos 9) Victory ( ) cidadãos 10) Good over evil ( ) Guerra Eye on ENEM 5. Questão 94 (Enem 2011) Bob Marley foi um artista popular e atraiu muitos fãs com suas canções . Ciente de sua influência social, na música War , o cantor se utiliza de sua arte para alertar sobre : a) A inércia do continente africano diante das injustiças sociais. b) A persistência da guerra enquanto houver diferenças radicais e sociais c) As acentuadas diferenças culturais entre os países africanos d) As discrepâncias sociais entre mulçumanos e angolanos como causa de conflitos. e) A fragilidade das diferenças radicais e sociais como justificativas para o início da guerra. 6. A canção War foi composta por Bob Marley, a partir do discurso pronunciado pelo imperador da Etiópia, Hailé Selassié (1892-1975) em 1936, na Liga das Nações. As ideias do discurso, presentes na letra da canção acima, estão associadas: a) Ao darwinismo social, que propunha a superioridade africana sobre as demais raças humanas. 44 b) Ao futurismo, que consagrava a ideia da guerra como a higiene e renovação do mundo. c) Ao pan-africanismo, que defendia a existência de uma identidade comum aos negros africanos e a seus descendentes. d) Ao sionismo, que defendia que o imperador Selassié era descendente do rei Salomão e da rainha de Sabá e deveria assumir o governo de Israel. e) Ao apartheid, que defendia a superioridade branca e a política de segregação racial na África do Sul. Disponível em: http://www.chumanas.com/2013/01/descolonizacao-da-africa-e-da-asia.html http://www2.richmond.com.br/vestibulares/PDF_ENEM_ING/ENEM_2011_INGLES.pdf acesso 09-102013 ADDITIONAL READING A referida música do Bob Marley, na verdade, baseia-se em um discurso do Imperador Haile Selassie I, da Etiópia, antes da Assembléia da ONU, de 1963 (fonte: Wikipédia). Eis o discurso de Haile Selassie I: That until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned; That until there are no longer firstclass and second-class citizens of any nation; That until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained; And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed; Until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and good-will; Until all Africans stand and speak as free beings, equal in the eyes of all men, as they are in the eyes of Heaven; Until that day, the African continent will not know peace. We Africans will fight, if necessary, and we know that we shall win, as we are confident in the victory of good over evil. – Haile Selassie I Texto retirado do seguinte site: http://direitosfundamentais.net/category/musica/. Acesso 10/10/2013 45 VOCABULARY STUDY 1.Check the alternative that gives the correct meaning in Portuguese of the words in italics: a) That until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior… ( ) mantém uma raça inferior e outra superior. ( ) mantém uma raça superior e outra inferior. ( ) mantém duas raças, superior e inferior . b) That until there are no longer first-class… ( ) Até que não haja mais ( ) Como até aqui ( ) Até que haja c) That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race ( ) direitos humanos e igualdade garantida ( )direitos humanos básicos sejam igualmente garantidos para todos, ( )igualdade de direitos humanos d) That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion. ( ) o sonho de paz e cidadania será uma regra. ( ) o sonho de paz duradoura e de cidadania mundial e do Estado de moralidade. 46 ( )o sonho de paz e cidadania sempre será uma ilusão. e) And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed; ( )os bons regimes mantém nossos irmãos em boas condições e não foram destruídos ; ( )os regimes aprisionam nossos irmãos em condições subumanas e infelizes devem ser destruídos ; ( ) os regimes ignóbeis e infelizes, que aprisionam nossos irmãos subumanas escravidão foram derrubados e destruídos; em f) Until all Africans stand and speak as free beings, equal in the eyes of all men, as they are in the eyes of Heaven; ( ) Iguais aos olhos de todos os homens, pois eles são aos olhos do Céu; ( )Iguais somente aos olhos dos homens, pois não são aos olhos do Céu; ( )Iguais somente aos olhos dos Céus, pois não são aos olhos dos homens. g) We Africans will fight, if necessary, and we know that we shall win, as we are confident in the victory of good over evil. ( ) Nós Africanos lutaremos e sabemos que vamos ganhar. ( ) Nós Africanos somos confiantes na vitória . ( ) Nós Africanos lutaremos, pois somos confiantes na vitória do bem sobre o mal. 47 NOW LET´S WATCH THE FILM: http://osofadadri.blogspot.com.br/2013/08/filme-historias-cruzadas.html. Ideologias do filme 1. DEBATE ABOUT THE FILM: TOPICS FROM DISCCUS: • Racism • Position of woman in the society • On inequality of labor • Profile of the society of the time 48 Now let´s see the clip of the song : Where is the Love? Black Eyed Peas What's wrong with the world, mama or would you turn the other cheek People livin' like they ain't got no mamas Father, Father, Father help us I think the whole world addicted to the send us some guidance from above drama 'Cause people got me, got me Only attracted to things that'll bring you questioning trauma Where is the love (Love) Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism Where is the love (The love) But we still got terrorists here livin' Where is the love (The love) In the USA, the big CIA Where is the love The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK The love, the love But if you only have love for your own race It just ain't the same, always unchanged Then you only leave space to New days are strange, is the world discriminate insane And to discriminate only generates hate If love and peace is so strong And when you hate then you're bound Why are there pieces of love that don't to get irate, yeah belong Badness is what you demonstrate Nations droppin' bombs And that's exactly how anger works and Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little operates ones Nigga, you gotta have love just to set it With the on going suffering as the youth straight die young Take control of your mind and meditate So ask yourself is the loving really gone Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, So I could ask myself really y'all what is going wrong In this world that we livin' in People killing, people dying people keep on giving in Children hurt and you hear them crying Making wrong decisions, only visions of would you practice what you preach them dividends 49 Not respecting each other, deny thy Selfishness got us followin' in the wrong brother direction A war is going on but the reason's Wrong information always shown by the undercover media The truth is kept secret, Negative images is the main criteria it's swept under the rug Infecting the young minds faster than If you never know truth bacteria then you never know love Kids act like what they see in the Where's the love, y'all, come on (I don't cinema know) Yo', whatever happened Where's the truth, y'all, come on (I don't to the values of humanity know) Whatever happened Where's the love, y'all to the fairness in equality Instead in spreading love we spreading People killing, people dying animosity Children hurt and you hear them crying Lack of understanding, would you practice what you preach leading lives away from unity or would you turn the other cheek That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling under Father, Father, Father help us That's the reason why sometimes I'm send us some guidance from above feeling down 'Cause people got me, got me There's no wonder why sometimes I'm questioning feeling under Where is the love (Love) Gotta keep my faith alive till love is found Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) People killin', people dyin' Where is the love Children hurt and you hear them cryin' The love, the love would you practice what you preach or would you turn the other cheek I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder Father, Father, Father help us As I'm getting older, y'all, people gets send us some guidance from above colder 'Cause people got me, got me Most of us only care about money questionin' making Where is the love (Love) 50 Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Letra - disponível em: http://www.vagalume.com.br/black-eyed-peas/where-is-the-love.html. Acessado em 08-10-2013. - Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpYeekQkAdc. Acesso 22-11-2013 1. Match the Columns 1) To send ( ) viver, morar 2) To die ( ) pensar, achar 3) To kill ( ) viciar, depender 4) To try ( ) conseguir, obter, receber 5) To bring ( ) atrair 6) To attract ( ) trazer 7) To addict ( ) tentar, experimentar 8) To think ( ) matar 9) To get ( ) morrer 10) To live ( ) enviar 2. Find a sentence that says: a) O que há de errado com o mundo. __________________________________________________________________ b) Tenha controle de sua mente e medite. ________________________________________________________________________ c) Pessoas matando, pessoas morrendo. _______________________________________________________________ 51 d) Você pode praticar o que você prega? _______________________________________________________________ e). Identify in the music the verses that talk about racism. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3. WORD HUNTS G B D X R F B L T H A Z E G N R N T I A L I B N E W N I O N P V C E O V K Y G T E K L W D T V K U I N U D H Q K E I E X B F I N K M C I U S B R D Q V X B Z S A N A A I I D I Y V O C B E H I R L A G M W G U H Q R N I Y T I N A M U H E Q P C G E D O T E V O L E A N I M O S I T Y L V X K Q A Y I G S O N M W B S N U N I T Y I Z X B U W V Q ABOVE BELONGEQUALITY LIVIN UNITY ANIMOSITYCHEEK GIVING LOVE BACTERIA DYIN HUMANITY PREACH 52 4. Check the correct alternative: a) Who the author speaks at the beginning of the song with? ( )brother ( )father ( )mother ( )sister ( ) daughter b) whom the author refers in the chorus of the song to? ( )Father ( ) Mother ( ) God ( )Brother ( )Daugther c) ( ( ( ( This can be proved by the phrase ... ) or would you turn the other cheek ) send us some guidance from above ) Negative image is the main criteria ) would you practice what you preach d) What is necessary to get to know the love? ( ) the prayer ( ) the reason ( ) the truth ( ) the happiness ( ) the music e) According to the song, what could change the world? ( ) the truth ( ) the reason ( ) the justice ( ) the love ( ) the union 5. Answer the questions below according to the song: a) What's wrong with the world, according to the author? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 53 b) According to it, it is only through love that we will end all human differences. Do you agree with the song? Why? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 6. Let´s go to the computer lab. Research the meaning of xenophobia, racism, tolerance. WRITING In groups, create a poster on issues of racism, xenophobia, tolerance and"where is the love". Exhibit it at the school. 54 UNIT 3 CULTURE AND RELIGION –DIVERSITY http://cidadaniamodelo.blogspot.com.br/2010/07/religiao-brasil-x-africa-do-sul.html Pre- Reading Every nation has its customs and beliefs. See, in the following text as solidarity can overcome cultural intolerance. READING The Christmas Menorah On Sunday morning, someone took a baseball bat and broke the front window of a house in Newtown, Pennsylvania. It was the only house on the street with a lighted menorah in the window, and the criminals smashed it. A menorah is used to celebrate 55 the eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights. As a Nativity scene reminds Christians of their heritage and faith, so does a menorah for Jews. The Woman who lived in the vandalized house was no stranger to prejudice. She had come with her mother, a Holocaust survivor, to the United States to escape persecution in the old Soviet Union. Lisa Keeling, a neighbor, heard about the incident on returning as from Mass with her family. She was astonished. She had never heard of anyone`s being threatened because of faith or ethnicity in Newtown. Lisa had an idea. She ran into another neighbor, Margie Alexander, who had been horrified as Lisa when she heard the news, and they decided to act. Word got around, and several Christian neighbors dropped by, asking what to do. That night, when the Jewish woman turned onto her street, she stopped in amazement. Greeting her was a sea of orange menorah lights, shining in silent solidarity from the windows of all eighteen Christian houses on her block. Blinking with tears, she went home and replaces her own menorah back in the window. Margie and Lisa are hanging menorahs again this Christmas. “It taught us a wonderful lesson. Just one step in the right direction can make life better for everyone.”Lisa Keeling, a neighbor, heard about the incident on returning as from Mass with her family. She was astonished. She had never heard of anyone`s being threatened because of faith or ethnicity in Newtown. Lisa had an idea. She ran into another neighbor, Margie Alexander, who had been horrified as Lisa when she heard the news, and they decided to act. Word got around, and several Christian neighbors dropped by, asking what to do. That night, when the Jewish woman turned onto her street, she stopped in amazement. Greeting her was a sea of orange menorah lights, shining in silent solidarity from the windows of all eighteen Christian houses on her block. Blinking with tears, she went home and replaces her own menorah back in the window. Margie and Lisa are hanging menorahs again this Christmas. “It taught us a wonderful lesson. Just one step in the right direction can make life better for everyone.” Ladies `Home Journal, December 1997. Apud English for All, Eliana, Maria Clara, Neusa . Editora Saraiva. Vol.2.p76-80.1ªed, 2010. São Paulo. 56 VOCABULARY STUDY 1. Match the columns: a) someone ( ) vizinho b) broke ( ) sobrevivente c) window ( ) herança d) menorah ( ) desconhecido e) smashed ( ) alguém f) Jewish ( ) quebrou g) heritage ( ) janela h) stranger ( ) objeto com velas i) survivor ( ) judaica j) neighbor ( ) despedaçou UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT 2. Understanding the text: a) What happened on a Sunday morning in Newtown, Pennsylvania? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ b) Why was there a menorah in the window? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ c) Who was the lady in the vandalized house ? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 57 e) What did the neighbors do that night? _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ f) What lesson did they learn? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ f) What does this text leads us to think about? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ h) Do you know someone who has suffered prejudice because of their faith or Ethnicity? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ i) The attitude of the neighbors was surprising, right? if you were one of those neighbors, would you do the same? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ j) Prejudice breeds hatred, but good attitudes generate love. Do you agree? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Now watch the video: Disponível em: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRG0dJiprjg 58 3. Now , it is your turn: introduce yourself and say what is the object that best represents your culture or religion. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 4. Listen to the song and find seven errors: One Tribe Black Eyed Peas Compositor: Will.I.Am e Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! The place where the little language is Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! unity Woah-oh-oh-oh-ooooh! And the continent is called Pangaea Oh-woah-oh! And the main ideas are connected like a spear One Tri... One Tri... One Tribe, One Time, One Planet, One Race It`s all one blood, don't care about your face The color of your eye Or the tone of your skin Don't care where you are Don't care where you been Don't care where you been Cause where we gonna go Is where we wanna be No propaganda, They tried to upper hand us Cause man I'm loving this peace Man, man, I'm loving this love Man, man, I'm loving this peace I don't need no leader That's gonna force feed a Concept that make me think I need to Fear my brother and fear my brother And shoot my neighbor Or my big missile and you If I had an enemy to [enemy] 59 If I had an enemy to [enemy] If I had an enemy But, we know that the one [one] Then my enemy is gonna try to come The evil one is threatened by the sum and kill me [sum] Cause I'm his enemy So he'll come and try and separate the There's one tribe ya'll sum But he dumb, he didn't know we had a One tribe ya'll way to overcome One tribe ya'll One tribe ya'll Rejuvenated by the beating of the drum We are one people Come together by the cycle of the hum We are one people Let's cast amnesia, forget about all that evil Forget about all that evil, that evil that they feed ya Let's cast amnesia, forget about all that evil That evil that they feed ya Remember that we're one people We are one people One people, one people [One People] One people, one people [One People] One people, one people [One People] One tribe, one tribe One tribe, one time, one planet, one [race] Race, one love, one people, one [and] Too many things that's causing one [to] Forget about the main cause Connecting, uniting But the evil is seen and alive in us So our hopes are colliding and miracle And our peace is sinking like Poseidon Freedom when all become one [one] Forever One tribe ya'll One tribe ya'll One tribe ya'll We are one people Let's cast amnesia Forget about all that evil [evil] Forget about all that evil [evil] That evil that they feed ya Let's cast amnesia Forget about all that evil [evil] That evil, that they feed ya [feed ya] Remember that we're one people We are one people One people, one people [One People] One people, one people [One People] One people, one people [One People] One love, one blood, one people One heart, one beat, we equal Connected like the internet United that's how we do Let`s break walls, so we see through Let love and peace lead you 60 We could overcome the complication One tribe ya'll cause we need to One people, one people [One People] Help each other, make these changes One people, one people [One People] Brother, sister, rearrange this One people, one people [One People] The way I'm thinking that we can change this bad One people, one people [One People] condition One people, one people [One People] One people, one people [One People] Wait, use you mind and not your greed Let`s, let`s cast amnesia Let's connect and then proceed This is something I believe Lord help me out We are one, we're all just people Trying to figure out what it`s all about [what it`s all about] One tribe ya'll Cause we're one in the same [one in One tribe ya'll the same] One tribe ya'll Same joy, same pain We are one people And I hope that you're there when I Let's cast amnesia need ya Forget about all that evil Cause maybe we need amnesia Forget about all that evil, that evil that And I don't wanna sound like a they feed ya preacher Let's cast amnesia But we need to be one Let's cast amnesia, forget about all that evil One world, one love, one passion one That evil, that they feed ya race One tribe, one understanding We're one tribe ya'll Cause you and me can become one We people, we people Fonte - http://www.vagalume.com.br/black-eyed-peas/one-tribe.html acesso dia 22-11- 2013 Clip fonte - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5E_yFyGDjM. Acesso dia 22-11-2013 61 1. General Comprehension: • Finding the Main Idea Chose the alternative that contain the main idea of the text. “People are from different cultures and colors and we should not accept them.” “No matter who you are, we are all equal, we are all brothers and sisters.” “People will always be different.” “Remember that weren´t one people.” 2. Good News or Bad News? Some words have a positive meaning. They are good news (GN) . Others have a negative meaning; they are bad news (BN). Write GN or BD for each column: 1- Love 2- Blood 3- Evil 4- Peace 5- Uniting 6- Hope 7- Miracle 62 8- Dumb 9- Freedom 10-Believe Note: Gírias (Slangs): são expressões usadas, na maioria das vezes, em letras de rap. Os rappers utilizam esse tipo de contração pra conseguir mais rimas ou melhorar a sonoridade das canções. Ou, mesmo, em alguns casos, só pelo prazer de escrever diferente mesmo. São vocábulos que fazem parte da fala coloquial. 3. Match the columns, according to the translation of slang or contraction: 1) Don´t care ( ) Cara 2) Gonna go ( ) vamos quebrar 3) Wanna be ( ) vamos lançar 4) It´s all ( ) todos vocês 5) That´s gona ( ) é tudo 6) ya´ll ( ) não importa, não se preocupa 7) Let´s cast ( ) isso vai 8) Same joy ( ) irei, iremos 9) Let´s break ( ) mesma alegria 10) Man ( ) queremos estar 4. Find in the song the appropriated translation to the phrases below: a) Não importa onde você está. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 63 b) O lugar onde o pequeno idioma é único. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ c) Porque cara eu estou amando essa paz. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ d) Vamos lançar aminésia, esquecer todo o mal. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ e) Lembre-se que nós somos um povo. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ f) Uma tribo, um tempo, um planeta, uma [raça]. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ g) Liberdade quando todos se tornam um [um] Para sempre. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ h) Um coração, uma batida, somos iguais. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ i) Aguarde, use sua mente e não sua ganância. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ j) Mesma alegria, a mesma dor. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 5. Words in Context: a) Is The language of the song formal or informal? Support your answer with examples from the song. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ b) In the Second song, the author says “we are one tribe, one time, one planet, one race”. What do you think he is talking about it? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 64 c) The author says this is something that I believe. What is he talking about? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ d) According to the text we can infer that we are all equal regardless of religion, race or color. Do you agree with it? Why? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ e) The author says that evil is seen and alive among us. How can we perceive it? Bring verses from the song to confirm it. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ f) "But he did not know we had a way to overcome." According to the song, how will this be overcome? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ g) How can we understand this passage? “Wait, use you mind and not your greed Let's connect and then proceed”. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ h) Why does he say “Let's cast amnesia”? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 65 6. Now let´s to Watch a video about the religion in the world and answer the questions: Disponível em: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cROUJEwPqc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg4uAVSukWo a) Answer the questions about yourself: 1- Do you have a religion? 2- Do You go to church or temple with frequency ? 3- Do you believe in God? 4- Do you often pray? 5- When something bad happens to you, what do you do? Do you seek for God? 6- Do Your friends attend any church? 7- Have you ever argued with someone about religion? 8- Do You follow the religion of their parents? 9- Do You get involved in a misunderstanding about religion? Yes No 66 10- Have you suffered Bullying because of your religious choice? b) Listening: listen to the song and order the verses: Losing My Religion R.E.M. But that was just a dream Oh, Life is bigger Consider this (2x) (try... cry... why... try) It's bigger than you The hint of the century That was just a dream, just a and you are not me Consider this dream, The lengths that I will go to The slip that brought me just a dream, dream... The distance in your eyes To my knees failed Oh no I've said too much What if all these fantasies I set it up Come flailing around Now I've said too much I thought that I heard you laughing I thought that I heard you sing I think I thought I saw you try That's me in the corner Every whisper But that was just a dream That's me in the spot light Of every waking hour I'm That was just a dream Losing my religion Choosing my confessions That's me in the corner Trying to keep up with you Trying to keep eye on you That's me in the spotlight And I don't know if I can do it Like a hurt lost and blinded fool Losing my religion Oh no, I've said too much (fool!) Trying to keep up with you I haven't said enough Oh no I've said too much And I don't know if I can do it I thought that I heard you I set it up Oh no, I've said too much laughing I haven't said enough I thought that I heard you sing I thought that I heard you laughing I think I thought I saw you try I thought that I heard you sing I think I thought I saw you try Fonte: vídeo - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwtdhWltSIg Letra - http://www.vagalume.com.br/r-e-m/losing-my-religion.html 67 1. Working Vocabulary: Do you know these verbs? PRESENT PAST FUTURE Are Know Say Lose Try Heard Choose Think Wake See 2. These words are from the music “Losing My Religion”. Write them in English: a) extremos i) deslize b) canto j) de joelhos c) atenções k) sonho d) demais l) apenas e) suficiente m) rindo f) magoado n) olhos g) perdido o) bobo h) cego p) a dica 68 3. Comprehension about the text: a) Why do you think he said too much? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ b) What can we understand about the stanza below? “That's me in the corner That's me in the spot light Losing my religion Trying to keep up with you And I don't know if I can do it.” _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ c) What was the authors’ feeling in the end of the third stanza? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ d) What was just a dream to the author? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ e) And you, what is your opinion on the subject of the song? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ f) Do you believe in a relationship where people are from different religions? Why? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 69 REFERÊNCIAS http://www.sexualityandu.ca/sexual-health/sexual-diversity http://descomplicandoingles.blogspot.com.br/2009/03/identificandoconectivos.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOZd11Mcej4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzxoQ9rbDAA&list=RD02ZzS_yyNQESo http://ucsfhr.ucsf.edu/index.php/pubs/hrguidearticle/chapter-12-managingdiversity-in-the-workplace/ http://www.metropoledigital.ufrn.br/aulas/disciplinas/ingles/aula_04.html acesso 30-10-13 http://www.metropoledigital.ufrn.br/aulas/disciplinas/ingles/aula_05.html http://www.metropoledigital.ufrn.br/aulas/disciplinas/ingles/tabela_1.html http://www.dzai.com.br/igualdade/blog/blogdaigualdade?pag=6 http://www.dzai.com.br/igualdade/blog/blogdaigualdade?pag=6 http://maniadeingles.com.br/modal-verbs-verbos-modais-para-que-servem/ http://www.chumanas.com/2013/01/descolonizacao-da-africa-e-da-asia.html http://www2.richmond.com.br/vestibulares/PDF_ENEM_ING/ENEM_2011_ING LES.pdf http://direitosfundamentais.net/category/musica/ http://osofadadri.blogspot.com.br/2013/08/filme-historias-cruzadas.html http://www.vagalume.com.br/black-eyed-peas/where-is-the-love.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpYeekQkAdc http://www.vagalume.com.br/black-eyed-peas/one-tribe.html acesso dia 22-112013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5E_yFyGDjM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cROUJEwPqc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg4uAVSukWo 70 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwtdhWltSIg http://www.vagalume.com.br/r-e-m/losing-my-religion.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8GDUIh_Tis 71