ffitewarzyszenle ffint'er"uvencji ffiravrnej Association for Legal Interveniion ul. Siedmiogrodzka 5 lok.51 AT2A4 Warszawa tpl./fax. (+ 48) 22 621 51 65 e-mail : biuro@interwencjaprawna.pl www. i nterwe n ej a p:'awna. p i WaLsaw, 09.10"2013 OPTNION,ABOUT MEDICAI,,rySVCHCILOGICAL ASSTSTANCE F'OTT FORECED VIIGT{ANTS IN PCILAF{D The Association for Legal Intervention (Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej * SIP) is a Polish watctri dog organizatton whose mission is to strive for the observance of human rights and against unequal treatment. In order to trigger change in the systems of law and social polfcies, rve take part in conferences and consultations of iegal acts, as well as oomment on legal regulations, conduet '!Ve research, carry out monitoring and issue expert opinions. also educate and provide infoimation" SIP is mainly working in the field of legai assistance for rnigrants, i.e. asylurn seekers, rceognizedrefugees and people granted subsidiary protection in Poland. We also help our elients in everyday contacts with the Folish community - authorities, hospitals, ernployers, etc. We accompany our ciients as interpreters during their medicalipsychological visits so we are weil 'Vy'e infbrrned abcut cument acoess and quality of medical assistance in Foland. regret to have to ceriify that althc*gh the medieal care for asylum seekers is free and reeognized refugeos or thcse gr*nted subsidiary protection have exactly the sarne access to the publie healthcare as Folish citizens, it is stili.rery difficuit fcr them to get the proper speeialized treatment timeiy. The problem is that the public healthcare sysiem does not function well in Poland. Eecause of lack of' money in the state's budget and bad organization patients have to wait for a very long timo for a medicai consuitation witli a specialist and later on for partieular rnedieal fteatmerrt. This applies tc both, Folish citizens as.weli as asylum seekers and refu,gees. As for chiidren with cornplicated disabilities, due to serious financial limitations, it sornetimes takes a couple of months to do ai1 the ftecessary examinations to give a final diagnosis and plan the appropriate treatment. Then patients have to 'wait for a iong time tc start the treatment and to get ali the necessary rehabiiitation procedures. The rehabilitation which might be covered from the stare budget is not ftequent enough and on a basic ievetr, therefore can hardly ever lead to the expected improvement cf tire patient's state. If parents cannot afford to pay for the additicnal rehabilitation procedures in private meeiieal healtheare, their children mighr never obtain the access to the quaiity treai"menl they need. Both groups, Folish citizens and, mrgrants, arc affected, but it seems that forced migrants suffer even rnore than citizens from tiris situation. They usuaily airive with manv serious diseases nevor treated in their cotrntries of origin and they need tlte immediate and ccmplex treatment. Xn addition to this, their living eonditions are usuaJly substandard, access to sociai housing for migrants being extreme}y difficult and the social assistance, espeeially in its financial as-pect, very iirnited" Misjq Sicwarzyszenia Interweitcji Prawnejjest dziatanie na rzecz osob dyskrynrinowanych lub zagrozonych wykluczeniem spoiecznyrn poprzez udzielanie im pomocy pravunej i wsparcia integracyjnego Association for Legal Intervention ul. Siedmiogrodzka 5 lok' 51 En OL-ZAA Warszawa wencji tel./fax. $ a8| 22 621 51 65 e-mail : bir.lro@ interwencjaprawna'pl Fra,vrnej www.i nterwencjaPrawna.Pl As for psychological assistance, there are very few psychologists _formed to lvork with people with war traumu urJ they cannot cover all the needs. Many forced migrants affected by PTSD or conditions. After the depression cannot count on long and intensive psychotherapy in appropriate in war uryt,t- procedure the access to a psychologist speaking foreign languages and being specialist trauma is hardlY Po ssible. have consultations Language barrier is another great problem. In hospitals, where asylum seekgrs Few volunteers wittipsyctriatrists or other spJcialisis there are no interpreters employed by thb state. who heip as interpreters can cover only a slight percent of all the needs' not get professional There is a serious threat that foreigners who would be sent back to Poland would medical treatment timely, let alone intensive rehabilitation or psychological assistance. Fltowarzvs zenie [! nterwencii p rawnej ul. Siedrniogrodzka 5 lok.5l 0l-204 Warszawa the Board of the Association Legal Intervention lu$ zagro2onych Misjq Stowarzyszenia Interwencji Prawnei jest dzialanie na rzeczosdb dyskryminowanych integracyjnego iwsparcia prawnej pomocy im poprzez udzielanie wykluczeniem spotecznym