Seattle Outboard Association Celebrating 87 years of Bringing Boat
Seattle Outboard Association Celebrating 87 years of Bringing Boat
Seattle Outboard Association PIT PREVIEWS Celebrating 87 years of Bringing Boat Racing to the Pacific Northwest May 2016 Daren Goehring 850ccmh 106.88** J.W. Myers 700CCR 92.67** John Peeters 175cch 83.72** John Peeters OSY400 76.74** Joe Johnson 300SSH 60.59 Jim Nilsen C Rac H 67.77 J.P. Squires 2.5L Stock109.62 Jim Nilsen C Rac R 61.08 John Peeters CSH 73.53 Jerry Hopp Grand Prix 170.62 Jim Nilsen C Ser R 55.62 Jim Nilsen C Ser H 59.35 Bob Wartinger 500ccmh 84.67 Daren Goehring 850ccmh 104.90 Daniel Korpe 500ccmr 63.69 Members and Race Chairmen Please read Certificates of Insurance for all vendors are needed at our events. Vendors are anyone selling goods and services to us. This includes ambulance, honey buckets, food wagon, coffee carts, photographers, SOA apparel, jewelry, cranes, and any other items as deemed necessary by our insurance. Oroville Kilos & Quarters - 15 records were set at Region 11’s Kilo and quarter-mile speed trials. Speeds are listed at your left, Kilos are marked with asterisks (ii). Thanks to Julie Ann Sparrowgrove for photographs (more pics on pages 4 & 5). Meeting Minutes Category Reports: Stock: Matt Yarno and Ron Magnuson noted we’re waiting on Sidewinder gears. Dave Anderson said the 300ss class has approximately 60 active drivers nationally…Presently 0 in Region 10. Mod: Daren Goehring reported that the MOD ballot is out. The big item is lowering the weight for 750ccmr. Other stuff is minor & really does not affect Region 10. PRO: Jim Nilsen and Dwight Malhiot reported the PRO ballot is out, recommending a “Yes” vote on all items. J-Classes: Jim Nilsen told members that he and Matt Yarno will be handling J props this year. We are/were missing one J prop from 2015, but right after the meeting, this prop was located & retrieved. Race Update: l 4/2-3: Time Trials – Oroville, CA l 4/16: Slough Event - Kenmore Jan Shaw/Ana Cappelletti noted Hospitality night-Fri 4/15 at 192 Brewery, located in Kenmore & all entry fees being picked up by Plywood Supply…thank you to both these sponsors. You will need a fishing license w/tab or a Discovery pass for trailer pit parking. No inboard vintage, other than for display purposes. Hoping to go a little further up the river, but 25 mph speed limit. Steve Greaves recently made a presentation to the Redmond Rotary Club regarding the Sammamish Slough & its history…well attended. l 4/23-24: Inboard Lawrence (1- 2/3 mi record course) Cancelled because of poisonous plant growth on the lake…hopefully taken care of by our Fall Outboard Lawrence Lake race. More news to come in the upcoming months on the fall Lawrence race. l 4/30-5/1: Castle Rock, WA – SO Winter Nationals. Good to go. Testing 1-6pm on Friday, 4/29. Separate pit area for the 45’s…outside the entry to turn 2. First race for us (45’s) using a corral…45 teams, make sure you have radio’s, a radio (corral) person and a launch person or two. SO Winter Nationals is scheduled for Saturday…blow-off Sunday. l 5/21-22: Bremerton, WA (Kitsap Lk) – including CSH NAC + Babcock race alternate (Sat) Paperwork is in…good to go. No camping in pits…possibly motor home parking across the street in the parking lot. Because of the new grass, trailer parking will be somewhat to very much controlled by the race director...Mr. Malhiot. A quad will be provided to help get boats (hand carts) up & down the hill. See Dwight for racer bucks to Brother Don’s Restaurant. l 5/28-29: Newberg, OR (Willamette River) – including 45ss National + Babcock race (Sat) Hopefully the California 45’s will be in attendance. l 6/4: Everett, WA (Silver Lk) – including 20ssh NAC + Babcock race. Because of time restraint, no Novice C class, classes will be combined at the discretion of the race committee & we plan to run Open Hydro…time permitting. l 6/11-12: Oroville, CA – SO/PRO Divisional l 6/25-26: Astoria, OR (Cullaby Lk) – including J Divisional + Babcock race (Sat) 2 l 7/1-3: Kingston, TN - PRO Nationals + selected MOD NAC (350ccmh, 500ccmh/r, 750ccmh/r, 850ccmr) l 7/16-17: Monroe, WA (Tye Lk) Selected outboard classes. No updates at this time…very tentative. l 7/31-8/6: Hinton, WV – SO/ MOD/J National l 8/20-21: Eatonville, WA (Silver Lk) – including MOD Divisional + Babcock race (Sat). Everything is a go…New Folks in Boats on Friday 8/19. l 9/17-18: Yelm, WA (Lawrence Lk + 1 ¼ mi record course) – including DSH & 850ccmh NAC + Babcock race (Sat). No update at this time. l 10/1-2: Lincoln City, OR (Devils Lk) – Time Trials Old Business: SOA Webpage Update: Daren Goehring noted the Website now is up and running, with content added weekly. Pit Preview will be included, as we will soon be discontinuing print copies of the Pit Previews. New Business: New Jon Boats: Daren Goehring reported the club has purchased two new 14’ Jon boats (old boats were beat up & not worth repairing). Bottoms will be Rhinolined & hope to have ready for Castle Rock. Members, please take care of our club equipment…thank you. SOA Decals for sale: Daren noted Free decal with SOA membership and 12, 10 and 8 inch versions available for sale. Please use them to help promote SOA. New Remote 10” Countdown Clock: Daren said he’d It was tested at the work party and worked well. It’s mounted on a metal stand, built by the Adams Family & synchronized minutes Continued on Page 3 minutes Continued from Page 2 with the large course clock. Race Site Search: Daren said we’re still looking for additional race sites for the 2016 Region 10 racing season. If you have any potential sites, please contact him at May General Meeting: The May general meeting will be at the Kirkland Eagles, Tuesday, May24 at 7:30 pm. Round Table: u (Steve Greaves) Center for Wooden Boat Auction – Thank you to SOA for allowing this to happen. The Center for Wooden Boats has yearly allowed us (SOA) to have a display booth at the Wooden Boat Festival around the 4th of July weekend. Each year the center has a big, black tie, gala auction & this year Steve organized & coordinated auctioning off two boat rides (driving school) at this event…the two rides were auctioned off for $700!!! Thanks to Steve for heading this up & to Lee Sutter (& Kyle Lewis) for donating his boat as a display piece. Maybe in the future SOA wants to consider something like this…auction??? u (Kyle Bahl) Kelly Shane & Abby Pond are organizing a raffle for SO/MOD/J Nationals. Jerry Davids build J/AX hydro, including a 15 hp Mercury, Prop & Hardware. Drawing will be at the 2016 SO/MOD/J Nationals, in Hinton, WV. Tickets are $25 apiece or five for $100. See Kyle for tickets, if interested. u (John Laird) John has been working on the two historical SOA benches, located on the shore of the Kenmore Slough. He is working with the local Parks Department. Thank you John for all your work on this project. u (Jan Shaw) Whidbey Island Rootertails race schedule is out. Extra testing, for those looking for (more) test time on the water. u (Jan Shaw) The Anderson family is working on a possible boat build, involving at risk students in the Spokane area…good luck from SOA. u (Skip Horngren) Any thoughts on a turn judge training, to understand turn call protocol, etc? Also, possible safety training for drivers &/or training for all volunteer crew? Something the BOD will discuss. u (Brent Hall) Reminder on capsule training. Fife pool u (Daren Goehring) Looking for donations to go towards a new rescue boat motor…present one is underpowered. See Daren if interested in making a donation. Much appreciated, in advance. u (Rick Sandstrom) We will be doing a Defibrillator training, Saturday May 7th for those interested. More information to come, as it was pointed out that May 7th is Opening Day of boating season. u (Kevin Zahn) Regarding the J boat build project…if anyone has any old J hardware, in particular, a boat cart that you are willing to donate, we have a family interested. Daren pointed out, let him or Kyle Bahl know of any needs & they can post on the SOA website, SOA facebook page, SOA Pit Preview, etc. Raffle: Storage Container – Daren Goehring Tool Magnet Holder – Daren Goehring Hat & 2 glasses – Daren Goehring Carabiners/Kill Switch – Rick Sandstrom Tarp, Zip Ties, Shrink-wrap – Daren Goehring Machete – Howard Shaw Tool Bag – Dave Anderson Slider Station – Jason Schrock Snap Hooks – Jeff & Tanner Cole Storage Case – Brent Hall Mystery Beverage – Rick Sandstrom Pass the Pot: Sam Houghtaling Rick Potter Mike Bartlett (no winner, pot carries over to the April general meeting) SEARCHING FOR STORIES & INFO A comprehesive book on the History of the Samammish Slough Races & related Events is being written by SOA Life MemberJim Benson. If you’ve got intereting stories, photos, or articles, please contact Jim at: 3 4 5 2016 2016 Class Reps SOA/CORA SCHEDULE JH/JR Ken & Josh Zahn 206-380-2689 April 2-3: Time Trials – Oroville, CA AXH/AXR Kierra Marquard 253 820-3127 April 16: Samammish Slough Event - Kenmore, WA ASH Kim Ulsh 253 753-8661 April 23-24: Lawrence Lake Yelm, Wa Cancelled due to an infestation.of an invasive plant species ASR/200ccmh/200ccmr Kelly Hannon 503-536-5702 20SSH Johnny Adams 425 319-0489 April 30-May 1: Silver Lake Castle Rock, WA. (SO Winter Nationals) CSH Nathan Adams 425-829-2320 May 21-22: Kitsap Lake, Bremerton, WA (includes CSH NAC) CSR/25SSR Kyle Lewis 206 457-9693 May 28-29: Newberg, OR (includes 45ss Nationals) DSH Ron Magnuson 425 778-0829 June 4: Silver Lake Everett, WA (includes 20ssh NAC) 302SSH//NOVICE C Dave Anderson 425 246-4710 June 11-12: Oroville, CA (SO/PRO Divisionals) June 18-19: Soap Lake, WA (J-Classes) 45ss Brent Hall 425-205-0286 June 25-26: Seaside, OR (J Divisionals & 200ccmr NAC) 500CCMH Ken McMurphy 750CCMH/850CCMH Daren Goehring 360 540-2037 7/1-3: Kingston, TN PRO Nationals (+ MOD NAC (350ccmh, 500ccmh/r, 750ccmh/r, 850ccmr) July 9-10- Olympia, WA (J-Classes) K-PRO Ryan Gowin 253 852-6091 July 16-17: Monroe, WA (Tye Lake) Select outboard classes OSY-400 Daniel Korpe 253 569-2011 7/31-8/6: Hinton, WV SO/MOD/J Nationals 125CCH John Peeters 206 923-5827 Aug 20-21: Silver Lake Eatonville, WA 350cch Jamie Nilsen 253 709-3559 (MOD Divisionals) 350/500/1100CCR Dwight Malhiot Dwight Malhiot 360 830-4978 JW Myers 206-271-6400 Sept 17-18: Lawrence Lake, Yelm, WA (includes DSH & 850ccmh NAC) Oct 1-2: Lincoln City, OR kilo & quarter mile straightaway time trials CServH/R CRacH/R Jim Nilsen 253 640-6146 6 Email: sgreaves@portagebaysystems. christine@elliotinsurancegroup. Now Featuring Racing Outboards Sidewinder Racing Motor dan@camanoislandcoffee. 253-531-1343 Pitch Gauge Computer Designed $145 See John Adams Adams Racing 425-442-1714 7 SWAP ‘N’ SHOP Advertising Fees: Personal $5 for 50 words for 3 months Business Card $15/year 1/4 page $25/year 1/2 page $40/year. ************** FOR SALE ************** ************** FOR SALE ************** Best prop - 5 blade for 250/350= $550. Sleeveless dickey turtle neck - tuff and light = $175. New stainless fuel tank 19 inches long, 10 inches wide, 6 inches high = $180. Denny Paola 503-320-8435 or email A 250/350 Revolution pro hydro? Make an offer. CSR Sorensen floater boat; w/o hardware, has set many records, $695. CSR Sorensen floater boat; w/o hardware, new, $995. 45SST Boat Motor & Trailer; Grand prix, needs some repairs $2495 ************** FOR SALE ************** CMH 500MH; 11’ 4”. 81’ afterplane, 37” bottom, 3- 350/250 2009 MJR hydro with steering wheel, throttle and stock tower. Tank might be a possibil1/2” lift 125#, $1995 ity. No pipe puller, you need to add. Great shape Steering wheel 12 & 13; rusty, odd bolt pattern, and paint job! National High Point Champion 2014. you paint and drill, $5 each 3 cyl. Rossi 350 cc power head complete with pipes Grand Prix Capsule Mold: 1990 45SST $895. and headers. (no lower unit.) $4000 Jamie Nilsen (253) 709-3559 or email at CSR Sorensen, Hungry Gipo: Very well built, w/hardware $995, w/o hardware $795 ************** FOR SALE ************** Throttles, BTM New: runabout thru deck type, $89.00 each Parts and Pieces sale: I have assorted parts and pieces ready for someone who is just getting into racing (or anyone else for that matter). This includes a chest of drawers that was made for a trailer box but will work in a shop too, two speedos, gas tank, turn fin, a world record holding pushboat and materials to make more, motor stand for the garage ( will fit three to five depending on breed), tarp and poles for a pit tent, and assorted other stuff. Located in North Bend. Come on out and bring your truck, you won’t be disappointed. Email: or call 206.669.2400 PROPS Brass 2 Blades: Oakland Johnson 6 1/4 x 13, 7 x 13 $25 each. Michigan; 7-3/8 x 11, 5-1/4 x 7, $25 each Call Ric Montoya @ 206-283-4773 E-mail: X-04/15 ************** WANTED ************** Looking for a small life jacket and helmet for a boy age 10. Contact Kevin Zahn at 206-380-2689 or Email ******* MISSING A PROPELLER? ******* At lake Lawrence, we ended up with a prop that is not ours. It is a Dewalt “R” prop and we would like to get it back to its owner. It’s possible that it somehow got switched with another. We really want everyone’s props back in the right trailer. If you think it might be yours, please contact us (with the complete number or description) at the number(s) below. Thanks! Anderson Racing Moses Lake, Spokane ************** WANTED ************** New Racers Looking for J stock equipment Cut Suit (youth xl or adult small) - Helmet (youth size small or medium) - Life jacket Good Motor for J stock - Good 2 boat trailer - anything else that a J boater might need! Dave and Andrew Vaillancourt. email phone 206-650-6847 Jason Anderson 509-220-0367 Terry Anderson 509-760-3032 3790 Evans Lane, Moses Lake, WA 98837 8 Seattle Outboard Association 2016 Region 10 Chairman: Rick Sandstrom 206-940-1690 -- E-mail: 2016 Officers: SECRETARY: Jim Nilsen 253-709-0200 COMMODORE: Daren Goehring 360-540-2037 TREASURER: John Adams 425-442-1714 VICE-COMMODORE: Ron Magnuson 425-778-0829 SERGEANT AT ARMS: Matt Yarno 503-828-5919 2016 Board of Directors: Jason Schrock 206-766-0207 Aaron Adams 425-319-0489 Aaron Salmon 206-571-6517 Rick Sandstrom 206-940-1690 Howard Shaw 425-752-3718 Nicole Dunlap 360-863-1219 Floyd Givens Equipment Fund SOA’s equipment fund is named in memory of Floyd Givens, who maintained our radios and worked for the club up to his passing. New for August, Thanks to Ed Raymond for stepping up with a $200 donation to the Equipment Fund. Ashley and Colin Rucker began the fund with money donated from their savings accounts and members are encouraged to follow Ashley and Colin’s lead by contacting Sheryl Rucker with donations in Floyd’s memory. 425-698-5768 Email: Pit Previews is published monthly by the Seattle Outboard Association, an affiliate of the American Power Boat Association. John Paramore, Editor 914 210th Pl SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 Ph (h) 425-672-2757 E-mail SOA Website: Membership applications can be Downloaded from the SOA Website: or by contacting John Paramore at the address, phone, or e-mail address noted above. General membership meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Kirkland Eagles,258 Central Way, Kirkland, WA The SOA Board meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Kirkland Eagles,258 Central Way, Kirkland, WA NEXT SOA GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 26th 7:30 PM AT KIKLAND EAGLES 258 CENTRAL WAY, KIRKLAND, WA 9 The Next Genearal Meeting is at 7:30 P.M. Tuesday April 26th at Kirkland Eagles, 258 Central Way, Kirkland, WA SOA Web Page Returning Soon RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED John Paramore, Editor 914 210th Pl SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 Seattle Outboard Association SUPPORT OUR HYDRO MUSEUM Home of the J-Project 206-764-9453 5017 S 196th St Kent, Washington NORTH I-5 I-405 I-5 Southcenter Southcenter ✪ I-5 180th St 196th St 5917 South 196th St Kent, WA 200thSt SOA’s J- Hydro Project is currently located in a shop near the museum at 19802 62nd Ave S Kent, WA. Please do your part to support the museum with memberships and visits...Don’t forget to take your friends!
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