Everett - Seattle Outboard
Everett - Seattle Outboard
Seattle Outboard Association PIT PREVIEWS Celebrating 87 years of Bringing Boat Racing to the Pacific Northwest August 2016 Silver Lake t t t r e e v E 4 June 2016 J-Hydro: 1 Ryder Rabitoy Snohomish, WA 2 Jack Peterson Seattle, WA 3 Trey Marquard Puyallup, WA 4 Esme Brown Portland, OR 5 Josh Zahn Issaquah, WA 6 Flynn Peterson Seattle, WA 7 Andrew Vaillancourt Bellevue, WA 8 Blake Perti Seattle, WA 9 Taylor Brown Blk Diamond, WA Kyle Bahl tested bride Meghan’s limits and tolerances with a gunshot fast tour as deck rider in 1100cc Runabout...she kinda seemed to like it. J-Runabout: 1 Ryder Rabitoy Snohomish, WA 2 Trey Marquard Puyallup, WA 3 Ken Zahn Issaquah, WA AX Runabout: 1 Ryan Gowin Kent, WA 2 Kierra Marquard Puyallup, WA 3 Tay Diamond Kent, WA C-Service Runabout: 1 JW Myers 2 Gene Laes 3 Dwight Malhiot K-PRO Hydro: 1 Jack Peterson Seattle, WA 2 Travis Ulsh Eatonville, WA 3 Taylor Anderson Spokane, WA 4 Tay Diamond Bonney Lk, WA 5 Andrew Vaillancourt Bellevue, WA A-Stock Hydro: 1 Bob Smiley Kingston. WA 2 Taylor Anderson Spokane, WA 3 Timothy Mattson Kelso, WA 20ss Hydro N/A Championship 1 Johnny Adams Monroe, WA 2 Kyle Bahl Shohomish, WA 3 Aaron Peterson Renton, WA A-Stock Runabout: 1 Will Smoot 2 Taylor Anderson Spokane, WA C-Stock Hydro: 1 Kyle Lewis Seattle, WA 2 Nathan Adams Issaquah, WA 3 Mike Perman Dallas, TX AX Runabout: 1 Ryan Gowin Kent, WA 2 Kierra Marquard Puyallup, WA 3 Tay Diamond Kent, WA 125cc Hydro: 1 Travis Ulsh Eatonville, WA Everett continued on Page 3 Meeting Minutes 28 June 2016 Activity Reports: Stock: Kyle Bahl won in CSR and 20ss, and all Yamato classes were run at Western Divisionals in California. Stock/Mod Natiomals at Hinton WV aren’t being affected by the current eastern flooding. There has been discussion underway regarding overheating 302 motors and what’s causing it. Mod: Kelly Hannon won the NAC for 200cc mod runabout. PRO: No new reports as all are headed back to Kingston, TN for the PRO Nationals J-Classes: Western Divisional winners at Cullaby were: J-Hydro- Colton King J-Runabout - Ryder Rabitoy AX Hydro - Ryan Gowin AX Runabout - Ryan Gowin Race UpdatesSoap Lake (Inboard) June 18 & 19 10 J-Hydros - 9 AX-Hydros 4 J-Runabouts - 4 AX-Runabouts Saturday weather was horrible but we got a few heats in before the wind and rain arrived. Sunday was much better as the weather was beautiful and we and we ran 30 heats in six hours Congratulations to Matt Yarno for being chief referee of his first Inboard event Cullaby Lake: June 25 & 26 Great weather all weekend minus the smoke that blew over the pit area and water which made it a little difficult to see at times, but nonetheless a successful weekend of racing. back that are behind the dock u Kay will be announcing at the event u 2 C’s and 1 J will be there for the New Folks class on Friday u Swap meet will take place during the race weekend in the grass field Kay Brewer did another great job making sure the race went off well and keeping everyone moving and always a great job announcing! Angle Lake September 10 & 11 u JW is still working on the event and says that hw has approval from the land services and they are also working on a speed limit ordinance to allow the race to happen. u The city council meeting on July 12 will determine the approval for the race this year. u They are hoping for this race to be an annual event 2 McMurphy’s took a spill during the course of the weekend Ken Hehr shot out like a cannon from his hydro and Allen Thoreson also took a swim, but all in all a great and safe weekend Black Lake (Inboard) July 10 & 11 Select Outboard Classes J-Hydro - AX-Hydro - C-Stock Hydro - 500cc Mod Hydro 750ccMod Hydro/850ccMod Hydro Online registration for Black Lake is on the SOA website No camping on the trailer pit area... you can camp on Inboard side, call Shawn Waters for a spot No dogs allowed Outboard Nationals Hinton, West Virginia July 31-August 6 Oak Harbor (Inboard) August 13 & 14 Select J classes and let your class rep know if this is a race you are interested in. Eatonville August 20 & 21 u Mod Divisionals u Ron reports it is ready to roll u You can come in Thursday at noon u Ron talked with Mary Henley who asked if her granddaughter can sell food items at the race site, Ron said that a COI will be required and Mary said she would look into that... Ron also talked to Mary about cutting the bushes 2 Lawrence Lake September 17 & 18 u 1 1/4 mile record course u NAC for 850ccmh and DSH u Magnuson’s will be having their annual breakfast both Saturday and Sunday Lincoln City, OR October 1 & 2 Kilos Lawrence (Inboard) October 7 & 8 u 1 1/4 mile or 1 2/3 mile record depending upon water depth u Class reps will be contacting for classes who want to participate Equipment updateRescue boat will be picked up soon Other 2 John boats are up for sale, but one may already be sold New Business Wooden boat festival July 1-4 7 boats will be on display Matt will be sending out an email Come in Friday anytime and boats need to be out on Monday between 1-3pm minutes Continued on Page 3 Minutes continued from Page 2 A second Cullaby race has been discussed but may be around the same time as Angle Lake and Lawrence races. Anyone going to Nationals remember to bring something for the taste of the regions. Raffle WD40/towels- Ron Magnuson Oreo Cookies-Johnny Adams Storage Case- Zoe Adams Storage Container- Ana Cappelletti Reach Tool- Daren Goehring Brake Clock- Rick Sandstrom Blanket-Jerry Kelson Mystery beverage1- Rick Sandstrom Mystery beverage2- Ron Magnuson Above, Aaron Salmon and Daniel Korpe Deck to deck in OSY. Below. J-Hydro kids and crews wait for the countdown to start. Pass the Pot John Maroney Mike Harmon Buzz Thoreson No winner Pot carries over to next month. SEARCHING FOR STORIES & INFO Dueling Kyles...Kyle Lewis holding a slight edge over Kyle Bahl in a tight scrabble for first place in C-Stock Runabout. A comprehesive book on the History of the Samammish Slough Races & related Events is being written by SOA Life MemberJim Benson. If you’ve got intereting stories, photos, or articles, please contact Jim at: sloughrace59R@centurylink.net 3 Everett Continued from Page 1 C-Stock Runabout: 1 Kyle Lewis Seattle, WA 2 Mike Perman Dallas, TX 3 Drew Thompson Mukilteo, WA C-Mod Hydro: 1 Ken McMurphy Happy Valley, OR 2 Sean Byrne Yakima, WA 3 Jim Landers OSY 400: 1 Ken McMurphy Happy Valley, OR 2 Shane Burkhart Dupont, WA 3 Aaron Peterson Renton, WA D-Stock Hydro: 1 Daren Goehring Marysville, WA 2 Ron Magnuson Brier, WA 3 Dave Anderson Kirkland, WA 750cc Mod Hydro: 1 Jayson Shrock Marysville, WA 2 Daniel Korpe Kent, WA 3 Daren Goehring Marysville, WA Daren Goehring had a really good day in the 750/850cc blue bullet, with class wins and a runaway in the open-class shoot-out. 850cc Mod Hydro: 1 Daren Goehring Marysville, WA 45ss: 1 Daniel Korpe Kent, WA 2 Aaron Salmon Shoreline, WA 3 Brent Hall Bothell, WA 350cc Hydro: 1 Olivia Valentine Chehalis, WA 2 Lee Tietze Canby, OR Open Hydro: Daren Goehring Marysville, WA Olivia Valentine stepped well ahead of the J/A boats she began in with a win in 350cc Hydro. 4 Steve Armfield’s C-Mod hydro looks sharp and continues to improves with each race. Jason Shrock was winner in 750ccMH. he’s been doing that a lot lately. Will Smoot, Ryan Gowin and Kierra Marquard cross the line to start a combined A-Stock/AX runabout heat. 5 2016 2016 Class Reps SOA/CORA SCHEDULE JH/JR Ken & Josh Zahn kevinzahn@aol.com 206-380-2689 April 2-3: Time Trials – Oroville, CA AXH/AXR Kierra Marquard mbtcm@comcast.net 253 820-3127 April 16: Samammish Slough Event - Kenmore, WA ASH Kim Ulsh tkulsh@rainierconnect.com 253 753-8661 April 23-24: Lawrence Lake Yelm, Wa Cancelled due to an infestation.of an invasive plant species ASR/200ccmh/200ccmr Kelly Hannon hannonk90@gmail.com 503-536-5702 20SSH Johnny Adams baamadams@frontier.com 425 319-0489 April 30-May 1: Silver Lake Castle Rock, WA. (SO Winter Nationals) CSH Nathan Adams nadams65r@gmail.com 425-829-2320 May 21-22: Kitsap Lake, Bremerton, WA (includes CSH NAC) CSR/25SSR Kyle Lewis hydroracer93r@gmail.com 206 457-9693 May 28-29: Newberg, OR (includes 45ss Nationals) DSH Ron Magnuson mgnsnron@aol.com 425 778-0829 June 4: Silver Lake Everett, WA (includes 20ssh NAC) 302SSH//NOVICE C Dave Anderson daveracerdsh@aol.com 425 246-4710 June 11-12: Oroville, CA (SO/PRO Divisionals) June 18-19: Soap Lake, WA (J-Classes) 45ss Brent Hall BH4688@att.com 425-205-0286 June 25-26: Seaside, OR (J Divisionals & 200ccmr NAC) 500CCMH Ken McMurphy krmcmurphy@hotmail.com 750CCMH/850CCMH Daren Goehring mercguy63@comcast.net 360 540-2037 7/1-3: Kingston, TN PRO Nationals (+ MOD NAC (350ccmh, 500ccmh/r, 750ccmh/r, 850ccmr) July 9-10- Olympia, WA (J-Classes) K-PRO Ryan Gowin jacko335r@comcast.net 253 852-6091 July 16-17: Monroe, WA (Tye Lake) Select outboard classes OSY-400 Daniel Korpe flyingcheckered333r@comcast.net 253 569-2011 7/31-8/6: Hinton, WV SO/MOD/J Nationals 125CCH John Peeters john@penway.com 206 923-5827 Aug 20-21: Silver Lake Eatonville, WA 350cch Jamie Nilsen nilsenj6@gmail.com 253 709-3559 (MOD Divisionals) 350/500/1100CCR Dwight Malhiot Dwight Malhiot dlmalhiot@wavecable.com 360 830-4978 JW Myers jw47r@yahoo.com 206-271-6400 Sept 17-18: Lawrence Lake, Yelm, WA (includes DSH & 850ccmh NAC) Oct 1-2: Lincoln City, OR kilo & quarter mile straightaway time trials CServH/R CRacH/R Jim Nilsen jnilsen529@comcast.net 253 640-6146 6 http://www.portagebaysystems.com/marine Email: sgreaves@portagebaysystems. christine@elliotinsurancegroup. Now Featuring Racing Outboards Sidewinder Racing Motor dan@camanoislandcoffee. http://www.littleparkrestaurant.com 253-531-1343 http://www.camanoislandcoffee.com sandy@price-petersontravel.com Pitch Gauge Computer Designed $145 See John Adams Adams Racing 425-442-1714 patrickgl@msn.com 7 SWAP ‘N’ SHOP Advertising Fees: Personal $5 for 50 words for 3 months Business Card $15/year 1/4 page $25/year 1/2 page $40/year. ************** FOR SALE ************** CSR Sorensen floater boat; w/o hardware, has set many records, $695. ************** FOR SALE ************** Best prop - 5 blade for 250/350= $550. Sleeveless dickey turtle neck - tuff and light = $175. New stainless fuel tank 19 inches long, 10 inches wide, 6 inches high = $180. Denny Paola 503-320-8435 or email r8giddyup@yahoo.com. A 250/350 Revolution pro hydro? Make an offer. CSR Sorensen floater boat; w/o hardware, new, $995. 45SST Boat Motor & Trailer; Grand prix, needs some repairs $2495 ************** FOR SALE ************** CMH 500MH; 11’ 4”. 81’ afterplane, 37” bottom, 3- 350/250 2009 MJR hydro with steering wheel, 1/2” lift 125#, $1995 throttle and stock tower. Tank might be a possibility. No pipe puller, you need to add. Great shape Steering wheel 12 & 13; rusty, odd bolt pattern, and paint job! National High Point Champion 2014. you paint and drill, $5 each 3 cyl. Rossi 350 cc power head complete with pipes Grand Prix Capsule Mold: 1990 45SST $895. and headers. (no lower unit.) $4000 Jamie Nilsen (253) 709-3559 or email at nilsenj6@gmail.com CSR Sorensen, Hungry Gipo: Very well built, w/hardware $995, w/o hardware $795 ************** FOR SALE ************** Throttles, BTM New: runabout thru deck type, $89.00 each 2010 HARM-built Sorensen hydro. Raced only a few times. Decks recently prepped and covered with light coat West System. All hardware ( steering, skid fin, PROPS Brass 2 Blades: Oakland Johnson throttle and cable, but no thrust bracket ). Includes 6 1/4 x 13, 7 x 13 $25 each. Michigan; 7-3/8 x 11, cart. Mercury J motor built last year by Daren 5-1/4 x 7, $25 each Goering and has run only a few heats. 2 wheel flat Call Ric Montoya @ 206-283-4773 bed trailer with frames to haul one hydro. No history E-mail: ricstr4@gmail.com on trailer but is does have lights. Do not believe it has ever been licensed. Second Hydro. Older but ************** FOR SALE ************** still every solid. Built by former Miss Budweiser Sorenson Jackel J/AX/ASR region 10 high point crewman John Rheinberger in late 70’s. Does not boat 57R. This is the boat with the eagle on the side. have throttle and cable but has steering and skid fin. It has served me very well and has performed well Last ran at Moses Lake Nationals and at Soap Lake at two nationals. This last year it had the 6th fastest two years ago. Both boats are close to race ready heat time of all boats run. Complete with weights, other than your new paint. $4300 for everything. fuel tank and transom parts for OMC, Mercury, Side- Contact: Terry Anderson Moses Lake, WA winder. Reason for selling. This old man is slowing 509-760-3042 terryy50@hotmail.com down and the hydro is a smoother ride for me. ************** FOR SALE ************** Contact: Bob Smiley 360-297-1615 rsmiley2@centurylink.net Cut suit pants 30” waist 27” inseam, very good $45, suit type jacket for maybe up to a 120 pounder $45 very good, sleeves mens size S $20 good cond, carry bag heavy with zipper very good $15. Can email photos. Email Norm Coote at: coote@cablespeed.com 8 Seattle Outboard Association 2016 Region 10 Chairman: Rick Sandstrom 206-940-1690 -- E-mail: info@propshopltd.com 2016 Officers: SECRETARY: Jim Nilsen 253-709-0200 COMMODORE: jnilsen529@comcast.net Daren Goehring 360-540-2037 mercguy63@comcast.net TREASURER: John Adams 425-442-1714 johnrv7@gmail.com VICE-COMMODORE: Ron Magnuson 425-778-0829 SERGEANT AT ARMS: magnsnron@aol.com Matt Yarno 503-828-5919 myarno1041@yahoo.com 2016 Board of Directors: Jason Schrock 206-766-0207 jysnshrk@yahoo.com Aaron Adams 425-319-0489 baamadams@frontier.com Aaron Salmon 206-571-6517 acsracer@comcast.net Rick Sandstrom 206-940-1690 info@propshopltd.com Howard Shaw 425-752-3718 mrhshaw@comcast.net Nicole Dunlap 360-863-1219 dunlapracing23r@gmail.com Floyd Givens Equipment Fund SOA’s equipment fund is named in memory of Floyd Givens, who maintained our radios and worked for the club up to his passing. New for August, Thanks to Ed Raymond for stepping up with a $200 donation to the Equipment Fund. Ashley and Colin Rucker began the fund with money donated from their savings accounts and members are encouraged to follow Ashley and Colin’s lead by contacting Sheryl Rucker with donations in Floyd’s memory. 425-698-5768 Email: ruthierae@msn.com Pit Previews is published monthly by the Seattle Outboard Association, an affiliate of the American Power Boat Association. John Paramore, Editor 914 210th Pl SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 Ph (h) 425-672-2757 E-mail watertoyz@frontier.com SOA Website: http://www.seattleoutboard.org Membership applications can be Downloaded from the SOA Website: http://seattleoutboard.org/JOINSOA.pdf or by contacting John Paramore at the address, phone, or e-mail address noted above. General membership meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Kirkland Eagles,258 Central Way, Kirkland, WA The SOA Board meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Kirkland Eagles,258 Central Way, Kirkland, WA NEXT SOA GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING TUESDAY, July 26th 7:30 PM AT KIKLAND EAGLES 258 CENTRAL WAY, KIRKLAND, WA 9 The Next Genearal Meeting is at 7:30 P.M. Tuesday july26h at Kirkland Eagles, 258 Central Way, Kirkland, WA SOA Web Page Returning Soon RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED John Paramore, Editor 914 210th Pl SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 Seattle Outboard Association SUPPORT OUR HYDRO MUSEUM http://www.thunderboats.ning.com Home of the J-Project 206-764-9453 5017 S 196th St Kent, Washington NORTH I-5 I-405 I-5 Southcenter Southcenter ✪ I-5 180th St 196th St 5917 South 196th St Kent, WA 200thSt Please do your part to support the museum with memberships and visits... Don’t forget to take your friends!
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