STONE RAMBLERS MEMBER OF RAMBLERS HOLIDAY PARTNERSHIP & AFFILIATED TO HF HOLDAYS STONE GROUP, STAFFORDSHIRE AREA. RAMBLERS ASSOCIATION WINTER 2016-2017 A warm welcome is extended to EVERYONE to walk with us COMMITTEE Chairwoman Nicky Davis 07914 357 864 Vice Chairman David Wright 01782 392 737 Secretary Derek Sweet 01782 351 112 Treasurer David Franklin 01785 615 156 Membership Dorothy Wilson 01785 812 078 Programme Gerald Gittens 01785 815 141 Publicity Carol Skelton 01782 768 864 Footpaths Norman Dracup 01785 603 607 Countryside George Greensides 01785 813 067 Pamela Bradley 01785 811 227 Glenda Exley Nigel Temple Andy Trowell 01785 816 940 01785 749 057 07939 597 607 YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY All participants in a walking group owe each other a ‘duty of care’. All participants should, to the best of their ability, act in such a way so as not to cause, or allow through neglect, foreseeable damage to befall others or their property. Every care is taken in planning walks, events and work parties, but no responsibility is accepted by the Group, organisers or leaders for any form of accident or liability, however caused. Participation in any event is entirely at an individual’s risk. BENEFITS FROM OTHER ORGANISATIONS HF Activity Club As an HF Activity Club member, the group earns points for each holiday booked, which may be used for a discount on future group holidays. Members on group holidays will not be charged the associate fees. Various other group holiday discounts will be offered. Our group is a shareholder in HF Holidays, and can take part in the progress of the society by participating at General Meetings and so on, as well as earning annual interest on the shareholding. In addition, we will receive revenue for publishing the HF Holidays advertisement in our programme. Finally, we will be covered by HF Holidays public liability insurance when undertaking group activities. Ramblers Holiday Walking Partnership As a member of the Ramblers Holiday Walking Partnership we receive a financial contribution every time a member of our group books an holiday with Ramblers Worldwide Holidays. In order to qualify the person travelling must nominate the group when booking. As members we will also receive special offers and access to exclusive events. Cotswolds Outdoor Cotswolds Outdoor is the Rambler’s recommended outdoor retailer. This relationship provides benefits for Rambler’s members in the form of a 15% discount, free boot fitting, private shopping events and kit recommendations. YHA We have not renewed the Group Membership card as no one was using it. The card mainly provided a quite substantial discount on group bookings. Let the membership secretary know if you would support renewal. WE HAVE FOOTPATH WORKING PARTIES ON ALTERNATE TUESDAYS CONTACT DAVID WRIGHT 01782 392 737 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING We generally work between 1000 and 1400 and take refreshments. Work is under the guidance of Staffs County Council Rights of Way staff on the day. LOCATOR BEACON We have a Locator Beacon (about the size of a hand held GPS\Mobile phone) for use by Group leaders or Individual members of Stone Group when walking in areas where, either there is no mobile phone signal, or they are on their own and unable to reach a phone. IT IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR A MOBILE PHONE NOR IS IT TO BE USED WHERE A PHONE CAN BE ACCESSED LOCALLY BY ONE OF THE GROUP. See the information on our website to borrow the beacon. EVERYONE CAN LEAD A WALK The quality of the programme depends on the number of leaders we have. Stone Ramblers is a members’ group and you will feel more involved and have a greater sense of ownership by making an input to the walk programme. We need a wide variety of walks and associated activities to keep people interested. You do not have to invent walks. You can use a walking guide book; many are available for our area. If you walk it out beforehand, you will feel more confident If you feel uncertain about leading a walk on your own contact the Programme Secretary of Stone Ramblers, who will assist you to find a suitable walking partner. 2 MAPS Having maps of the areas in which we walk will add to your enjoyment of the walk. They are especially useful if you need to meet the leader at the starting point and will enhance your appreciation of the walk and may help in emergency. Ordnance Survey Explorers Maps 243,244,258,259, OL24 are the ones most commonly used in our programme. They provide easy to follow detail and are ideal for planning walks. OS Explorers are the maps quoted for Grid References. WALK PROGRAMME Please help the leader to make the day enjoyable and safe. Changes and detail available on The meeting point for WALKS is generally Westbridge Park Long Stay Car Park. Variations from a 9.30 leaving time are in italic bold print. Grid references, where shown, indicate the location of the start of the walk for those wishing to travel direct. Walks are subject to change if leader is indisposed or weather unsuitable. Please let the leader know if you are going to the start point in case of changes to arrangements. E = Easier walks, usually flat and taken very leisurely L = Includes some modest hills and possibly rough ground M = Includes a substantial steep hill or a lot of hills usually<600m S = Challenging hills/mountain usually >600m of climbing. Essential to contact leader before the walk. If in doubt ask the leader if he thinks you are fit enough to enjoy the walk. If a PUB stop is indicated - this means that lunch WOULD BE AVAILABLE if you wish to eat a picnic this may mean that you have to eat it outside the pub. If you use the facilities please purchase something, at least a soft drink. Copies of walk programmes for the whole area can be obtained from Peter Matthews, 1 Barbrook Ave, Longton, Stoke on Trent, ST3 5UG by sending him stamped addressed envelope. Also VISIT and the area website link on our website. If you have any comments or ideas, please speak to the leader, or contact one of the committee. EVENTS YOU MAY NEED TO BOOK We often need to confirm arrangements well before the actual event! Please help the organiser by BOOKING EARLY. Places will always be allocated on a first come first served basis. Group holidays and events will give priority to paid up members of our group. Cancellation may occur if numbers are not viable. Further details can be obtained from the organiser. Payments by electronic transfer are preferred, Contact Treasurer Dave Franklin for details. Alternatively use cheques made out to RA Stone Group unless otherwise specified by the event organiser. 3 MIDDLEPORT POTTERY FACTORY TOUR Thursday 20 October Port Street, Burslem, Stoke on Trent ST6 3PE Janice Coomer and Eileen Ward Middleport Pottery is the home of world famous Burleigh pottery. Established in 1889, it has recently been restored by The Prince's Regeneration Trust. Our tour commences at 11.00 a.m. and costs £7 for concessions. (Pay on the day). The tour lasts 75 minutes and offers an opportunity to follow the whole Burleigh production process. Afterwards, there is a cafe for refreshments or, for those preferring a picnic, a stroll by the canal. Phone Janice or Eileen (01785 256016/851673) by 11 October to book your place. STONE RAMBLERS AGM 19.30 WEDNESDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2016 CHRISTCURCH CENTRE, CHRISTCHURCH WAY, STONE This will be the usual format; the AGM plus buffet and a speaker. It is a splendid social occasion and formal business is conducted in as brief a manner as possible. This year’s speaker will be Peter Durnall who will be showing some of his superb wild life films. QUIZ NIGHT AT GREEN MAN MILWICH 1930 TUESDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2016 BOOK BY NOV 1st to David Wright 01782 392 737 Fish & Chip Supper (£6.75) Limit to 24 people. Teams of 4 STAFFORDSHIRE AREA AGM SUNDAY 27 NOVEMBER 2016 This year the host group is Chase & District meeting at the Burntwood Memorial Community Hall. The address is Rugeley Road, Burntwood, Staffs, WS7 9BE, SK 064 091. They are offering two walks as follows: Walk A approximately 7miles starting from the venue at 9.30 Walk B approximately 5 miles starting from the venue at 10.30 The walks are followed by your picnic lunch in the hall followed by area AGM and talk by an important visitor. Meet leaders at the start FESTIVAL of WINTER WALKS FAMILY WALK THURSDAY 29TH DECEMBER 2016 Leader Nigel Temple & Diane Warrilow 01785 749 057, 07896 769 259 A 4 miles walk starting at Westbridge Park and wandering around the Stone Area at a gentle pace. We will return to Westbridge Park by 1245 and those that wish can join us for lunch at the 3 Crowns in Lichfield Street. You can book a place for lunch on the day at 1000 at Westbridge Pk or before by contacting Nigel. STONE RAMBLERS NEW YEAR WALK AND LUNCH SATURDAY 28th JANUARY 2017 Coordinator David Wright 01782 392 737 This will take place at Peveril of the Peak Dovedale (OL24 SK 158 505 DE6 2AW) Cost will be £16.25 per head for 3 courses including coffee/tea. It will be preceded by a 4-mile morning walk, meet for 1000 start at Peveril of the Peak. Venue will be open from 1100 for non-walkers, to allow time for guests to chat. Lunch will be served from 1300. Menu will be available at the AGM to make choices Bookings, ASAP as places limited, with cheque payable to RA Stone Group to David Wright. 4 4 DAY WINTER WALKNG BREAK TUESDAY 14 FEBRUARY- FRIDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2017 Organiser John Rawlins 01785 822 079 LONG MYND HF HOTEL CHURCH STRETTON 3 nights Dinner B&B and 2 packed lunches. 4 Self guided Walks. Quizes. £209pp for 3 nights. No single supplement for limited number of rooms. Non walkers & Day walkers welcome. Contact John if interested in going may, still be vacancies. RAMBLERS HOLIDAY COAST and COUNTRYSIDE OF MINORCA – FRIDAY 5th MAY 2017 7 Nights Coordinators Gerald & Audrey Gittens 01785 815 141 This is a D grade holiday, a gentler holiday than some recent club Ramblers Holidays. Leisurely walks full of charm, wildlife, archaeological and geological interest with lovely towns to explore. Thus it is suitable for those not keen on high hill, or mountain climbing. Mahon is a good centre for those not interested in walking every day or even at all. Cost will be £965 flying from Manchester, £130 single supplement. We will be staying in a 4-star hotel in Mahon P84 Ramblers Summer 2016 brochure. Expressions of interest welcome, booking will be Sept/Oct . HF HOLIDAY GLEN COE - SCOTLAND - SATURDAY 9th-16th SEPTEMBER 2017 Coordinators: David Franklin & Nicky Davis 01785 615 156 3 levels of walks (E/M/S) Approx £694pp max full board including packed lunches. No single supplement. Price may decrease depending on group discount. Some Premium Rooms available. Deposit £75pp payable Nov 2016. 5 Grid references, where shown, indicate the location of the start of the walk for those wishing to travel direct. Walks are subject to change if leader is indisposed or weather unsuitable. Please let the leader know if you are going to the start point in case of changes to arrangements. Passenger voluntary contribution to motoring costs, A=£1, B=£2, etc e.g Oct 2 C7.5M = £3/ 7.5miles /Moderate BIGGIN VIA WOLFSCOTE DALE 0900 Westbridge Pk. cpOL24 SK 156 549 at Stonepit Plantation Sun Oct 2 C 7.5 M Picnic Derek Sweet 01782 351 112 GERARD'S BROMLEY 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex243 SJ 765 331 Green B6L Picnic Geoff & Margaret Loadwick 01785 284 359 otd. 07710 215 428 REVIDGE-MANIFOLD- ECTON long 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 104 594 Figure of 8 walk, could do 1st half only C 10 L Picnic David & Glenda Exley 07939 597 607 REVIDGE-MANIFOLD-ECTON short 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 104 594 C 5.5 L Picnic David & Glenda Exley 07939 597 607 Thu WHEATON ASTON - BISHOPS WOOD Oct 6 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex242 SJ 851 125 B 9.8 M Picnic Gerald & Dorothy Gardiner 07771 717 826 Thu Oct 6 Sun Oct 9 Thu Oct 13 Sun Oct 16 Thu Oct 20 Sun Oct 23 FLASH - GRADBACH 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 025 672 Flash Village D9M Picnic Gerald & Audrey Gittens 01785 815 141 07528 645 738 WATERHOUSES-BEESTON TOR-WATERFALL 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 085 502 Waterhouses Manifold Track cp C 7.2 L Picnic David & Glenda Exley 07939 597 607 DOXEY, STAFFORD 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex243/Ex244 SJ 902 238 Behind church Meet leader at start 10.00 A5E Snack Carole Pattison 01785 602 304 WHALEY BRIDGE & GOYT linear 0830 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 050 725 Poole's Cavern. Train to Whaley ridgr Train included D 12 M Picnic John Knott 01782 644 182 07738 544 975 HANCHURCH 1000 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258 SJ 839 399 A6E Picnic David & Glenda Exley 07939 597 607 THE DALES OF HARTINGTON 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 128 604 D 9 L/M Picnic Janice Coomer & Eileen Ward 01785 256 016 01785 851 673 MIDDLEPORT POTTERY FACTORY TOUR 1015 Westbridge Pk. see Events LIMESTONE WAY 3, Linear BONSALL TO TISSINGTON 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 178 520 Tissington Trail Car Park Pair up in Cars C 10 M Picnic Carol Skelton 07772 954 909 BIDDULPH OLD HALL 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258 SJ 893 593 Biddulph Country Park C 6.5 M Picnic George & Hilary Greensides 01785 813 067 C9M Picnic David Hillard 07817 587 868 THE ROACHES AND GRADBACH 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 006 615 Thu Oct 27 Bill Black 01782 951 412 SHUGBOROUGH PARK 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SJ 973 210 Milford Common cp Snack or Cafe about 1100. 6 B5L Home at end. Pauline North & Peter Hopkins 01785 818 436 07845 618 894 Sun Oct 30 Thu Nov 3 Sun Nov 6 LIMESTONE WAY linear TISSINGTON TO ROCESTER 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex259 SK 115 394 Rocester Football Club Pair up in cars B 11 M Picnic Carol Skelton 07772 954 909 ECCLESHALL 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex 243 SJ 831 291 Meet leader Eccleshall X roads A7L Picnic Mike & Maureen Malyon 07850 363 787 WINSTER-YOULGREAVE 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 239 603 D9M Picnic Andy Trowell 07551 355 452 CONSALL . 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258 SJ 995 483 steep steps B6M Picnic Dorothy Wilson 01785 812 078 CANNOCK CHASE 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SK 004 206 B9M Picnic Frank & Vanessa Chapman 01785 850 838 07800 882 420 B5L Home/pub at end MADELEY 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex257 SJ 773 451 Madeley Centre Wed Nov 9 Thu Nov 10 STONE GROUP AGM See events 1930 Christcurch Centre, Stone Derek Sweet 01782 351 112 ALREWAS, RIVER SWARBOURNE, YOXALL AND RIVER TRENT 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex245 SK 168 153 C8M Picnic Gerald & Dorothy Gardiner 07771 717 826 MILWICH AND SANDON PARK 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258 SJ 971 323 Milwich V H A7L Picnic Jean, Janina, Terri 01782 397 619 01782 392 780 D 11.5 M Picnic Paul Mason & Clare Butters 07415 196 138 07813 910 309 GRADBACH, DANEBRIDGE, WILDBOARCLOUGH, 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SJ 998 662 Sun Nov 13 7.5 M Picnic, Possible pub drinks WOOLISCROFT COTWALTON & MODDERSHALL 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258 903 335 Westbridge Park Tue Nov 15 Thu Nov 17 QUIZ NIGHT AT GREEN MAN MILWICH BOOK BY NOV 1st 1930 Green Man Fish & Chip Supper (£6.75) Limit to 24 people. John & Sue Haine 07941 321 403 David & Anita Wright 01782 392 737 KNYPERSLEY RESERVOIR 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258/Ex268 SJ 895 550 Public cp B 10 M Picnic Norman Dracup 01785 603 607 WILDWOOD 1, STAFFORD 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SJ 945 208 Meet leader at start 1000 B5E Snack Carole Pattison 01785 602 304 TIDESWELL CIRCULAR 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 153 752 Park roadside, meet B6049 @ Richard Lane. E5M Picnic Nicky Davis & Dave Franklin 07914 357 864 07830 109 219 TIDESWELL FIGURE OF 8 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 153 752 Park roadside, meet B6049 @ Richard Lane. E9M Picnic Nicky Davis & Dave Franklin 07914 357 864 07830 109 219 OSMASTON-SHIRLEY FIGURE OF 8 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex259 SK 199 440 Outside the Church C9M Picnic Gerald & Audrey Gittens 01785 815 141 07528 645 738 OSMASTON-SHIRLEY 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex259 SK 199 440 Outside the Church C5L Picnic Gerald & Audrey Gittens 01785 815 141 07528 645 738 Sun Nov 20 Thu Nov 24 John Spriggs 01782 791 360 07715 530 059 7 Sun Nov 27 Thu Dec 1 Sun Dec 4 Thu Dec 8 Sun Dec 11 STAFFORDSHIRE AREA AGM & WALK Make own arrangements to get there. See events. cp Ex244 SK 064 091 Start 0930 for 7miles and 1030 for 5miles C 7/5 L Picnic ALTON , BRADLEY IN THE MOORS 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex259 SK 062 431 Ramblers Retreat ST10 4BU B 9.5 M Picnic David Hillard 07817 587 868 TRENTHAM - BARLASTON OR BUST 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258/Ex243 SJ 871 407 A6L Picnic Philip Jones 07914 263 895 AROUND THE ROACHES 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 004 621 lay by C 10 M Picnic John Knott 01782 644 182 07738 544 975 THE CLOUD 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex268 SJ 894 627 C7M Picnic Derek Sweet 01782 351 112 HOUGH 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex257 SJ 715 505 Lay by village football field Cobbs Lane Meet leader at start 1015 C9L Picnic Bill Minshall 07771 985 846 A6L Pub Lunch or home. MEIR HEATH-FULFORD 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258 SJ 930 400 WIndmill Pub STANAGE EDGE FROM HATHERSAGE 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL1 SK 232 814 F9M Picnic David & Anita Wright 01782 392 737 Derek Sweet 01782 351 112 7.5 L Heather & Graham Picnic or back to Evans Stone 01782 642 872 STONE TO BURSTON 1000 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258/Ex243 SJ 904 336 WETTON MILL TO BUTTERTON AND GRINDON 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 095 561 Wetton Mill C8M Picnic Dave Franklin & Nicky Davis 07830 109 219 07914 357 864 COCKSTER VALLEY 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258 SJ 885 411 A 6.5 L Picnic Graham Evans 01782 642 872 Sun Dec 18 SANDSTONE WAY 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp Detaill will follow 8M Picnic John Hartley 01785 222 568 Thu Dec 22 BUNTINGSDALE - COLEHURST 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex243 SJ 676 339 Meet leaders at start 10.00 Market Drayton Swimming and Fitness Centre cp TF9 1JT C7L Picnic Howard Goodall & Sue Thompson 07776 196 552 Sun Dec 25 MILFORD 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SJ 973 210 Milford Common Meet leader at Start 1000 B8E Picnic Ewan Robertson 01785 602 304 Thu Dec 29 FESTIVAL OF WINTER WALKS 1000 Westbridge Pk. See events Thu Dec 15 4E 3 Crowns MILFORD AGAIN Sun 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SJ 973 210 Milford Common Meet leader at the start Jan 1 1000 8 B8E Picnic Nigel Temple & Diane Warrilow 01785 749 057 07896 769 259 Ewan Robertson 01785 602 304 LASK EDGE 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258/Ex268/OL24 SJ 955 578 C 10 M Picnic John Knott 01782 644 182 07738 544 975 HAZELSTRINE ARM 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SJ 946 226 Tilcon Ave. Industrial Estate B6L Picnic Rowena Cass 01785 245 418 07718 353 617 TYRLEY LOCKS AND THE DRUMBLES Sun 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex243 SJ 676 339 Meet leader 1000 at the start cp Market Jan 8 Drayton Swimming and Fitness Centre TF9 1JT C9L Picnic Howard Goodall & Sue Thompson 07776 196 552 Thu Jan 12 SWYNNERTON-HANCHURCH HILLS 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258/Ex243 SJ 853 365 Refreshments afterwards at Gerald and Dorothy's A7L Snack Gerald & Dorothy Gardiner 07771 717 826 Sun Jan 15 ALSTONEFIELD-SHEEN-HARTINGTON 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 130 556 C 8.5 M Picnic Robert Huxley 01785 812 897 07875 999 237 Thu Jan 19 CARSINGTON AND BRASSINGTON 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 241 517 Pay and Display cp D 10 M Picnic Liz Charlton & Derek Pratts 01785 660 480 LOYNTON MOSS 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex243 SJ 786 242 B5L Geoff & Margaret Loadwick 01785 284 359 otd. 07710 215 428 BARTON-UNDER-NEEDWOOD TATENHILL 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex245 SK 187 187 C8M Picnic Gerald & Audrey Gittens 01785 815 141 07528 645 738 WIN HILL & BRIDGE-END PASTURE 0830 Westbridge Pk. cp OL1 SK 202 859 F9M Picnic Andy Trowell 07551 355 452 HAYWOODS HOP-OVER 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SJ 983 208 Satnall Hills c.p. B6L Picnic Rowena Cass 01785 245 418 07718 353 617 NEW YEAR LUNCH & WALK Peveril of the Peak, Thorpe cp OL24 SK 158 505 See events to Book C4L Thu Jan 5 Sun Jan 22 Thu Jan 26 Sat Jan 28 TITTESWORTH CIRCULAR 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SJ 994 602 Titteswoth Reservoir Includes new improved path on Western shore. cp £4.70 C 4.5 L Picnic Nicky Davis & Dave Franklin 07914 357 864 07830 109 219 TITTESWORTH FIGURE OF 8 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SJ 994 602 Titteswoth Reservoir Includes new improved path on Western shore. cp £4.70 C8L Picnic Nicky Davis & Dave Franklin 07914 357 864 07830 109 219 MAYFIELD TO SNELSTON AND ELLASTONE 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex259 SK 161 447 Car park C9M Picnic Dave Franklin & Nicky Davis 07830 109 219 07914 357 864 PARKSIDE, STAFFORD 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SJ 916 257 Parkside Primary School Meet leader at start 1000 A5E Snack Carole Pattison 01785 602 304 B6L Picnic Andy Trowell 07551 355 452 Thu Feb 2 Sun Feb 5 Thu LOGGERHEADS Feb 9 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex243 SJ 738 358 9 Sun Feb 12 WILDWOOD 2, STAFFORD 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SJ 945 208 Meet leader at start 1000 Tue Feb 1417 LONG MYND HOTEL (4 Day Winter Walking Break See Events Page) Tue Feb 14 Wed Feb 15 Thu Feb 16 B5E Snack Carole Pattison 01785 602 304 LONG MYND HOTEL-LONG MYND-ASHES HOLLOW 0900 Leave Stone. cp Ex217 SO 448 934 Meet at Hotel cp1030 F7M Picnic John Rawlins 01785 822 079 07710 140 683 RAGLETH & HOPE BOWDLER HILLS 0900 Leave Stone. cp Ex217 SO 448 934 Meet at Hotel cp 1030 F9M Picnic John Rawlins 01785 822 079 07710 140 683 LONG MYND & MINTON HILL 0900 Leave Stone cp Ex217 SO 448 934 Meet at Hotel cp 1030 F9M Picnic John Rawlins 01785 822 079 07710 140 683 STILE COP-BEAUDESERT 0930 Westbridge Pk. Ex244 SK 039 151 B8M Picnic Jean Wilson 01785 662 295 F7M Pub/Picnic John Rawlins 01785 822 079 07710 140 683 Fri Feb 17 LONG MYND HOTEL-PICKLESCOTT (LINEAR) 0900 Leave Stone cp Ex217 SO 448 934 Meet Hotel cp 1030 Sun Feb 19 BLITHFIELD RESERVOIR 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SK 062 239 , north CP Meet leader at the start 1000 B8E Picnic Ewan Robertson 01785 602 304 WOOTTON, RAMSHORN 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex259 SK 104 462 Weaver Hills C8M Picnic David Hillard 07817 587 868 AQUALATE 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex242/Ex243 SJ 787 203 B5L Picnic Geoff & Margaret Loadwick 01785 284 359 otd. 07710 215 428 CASTLE RING 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SK 044 126 C6M Picnic George & Hilary Greensides 01785 813 067 TITTENSOR CHASE 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258/Ex243 SJ 839 398 A 11 M Picnic Heather & Graham Evans 01782 642 872 ALSTONFIELD, HALL DALE, SHINING TOR 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 130 557 carpark and toilets C 8.5 M Picnic David Hillard 07817 587 868 Thu Feb 23 Sun Feb 26 Thu Mar 2 BOUGHTON CHURCH-LOGGERHEADS 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex243 SJ 766 337 at Broughton Church B6L Pub Lunch Star at Copmere David & Anita Wright 01782 392 737 HULME END-WARSLOW-BUTTERTON 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL24 SK 102 592 C8M Picnic Robert Huxley 01785 812 897 07875 999 237 RAMBLERS' RETREAT Nr. Oakamoor 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex259 SK 062 432 B6L Picnic Rowena Cass 01785 245 418 07718 353 617 Sun Mar 5 10 Thu Mar 9 Sun Mar 12 Thu Mar 16 Sun Mar 19 MILFORD, CANNOCK CHASE 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SJ 973 210 Milford Green cp Meet leader at start 1000 B5E Snack Carole Pattison 01785 602 304 HIGHGATE COMMON 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex219/Ex218 SO 837 896 D 10 M Picnic Liz Charlton & Derek Pratts 01785 660 480 NOTTINGHAM 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex260 SK 540 330 Clifton South park and ride NG11 8BF £2.50 F9L Picnic Derek Sweet 01782 351 112 CHURNET VALLEY 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258 SJ 997 476 B 8.5 M Picnic Heather & Graham Evans 01782 642 872 RUSHTON SPENCER 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex268/OL24 SJ 932 625 C 10 M Picnic Norman Dracup 01785 603 607 STANLEY 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258 SJ 933 523 B6M Picnic George & Hilary Greensides 01785 813 067 H6M Picnic or Cafe Gerald & Audrey Gittens 01785 815 141 07528 645 738 IRONBRIDGE-COALBROOKDALE 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex242 SJ 672 033 S of Ironbridge Bridge JACOB'S LADDER-KINDER SCOUT 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL1 SK 124 853 Thu Mar 23 Sun Mar 26 Thu Mar 30 E9M Picnic Jim Burns 07984 089 747 BLITHFIELD RESERVOIR, HEATLEY, KINGSTONE WOOD 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SK 055 260 Blithfield Education Centre B 6.5 M Picnic David Hillard 07817 587 868 FRADSWELL, COTON & GAYTON 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex244 SJ 976 268 Weston on Trent green Park near Woolpack pub. Many stiles; some awkward. A 8.5 M Picnic Peter Hopkins 01785 818 436 07521 141 728 KINDER RESERVOIR HORSESHOE 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL1 SK 036 869 Hayfield Visitor Centre E 9.5 M Picnic Jim Burns 07984 089 747 SWYNNERTON OLD PARK 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex258/Ex243 SJ 840 398 Water Tower A6L Picnic John Spriggs 01782 791 360 07715 530 059 EDALE-LOSE HILL- MAM TOR 0900 Westbridge Pk. cp OL1 SK 123 832 E9M Picnic John Chadwick 01785 760 356 07813 142 934 WOODSEAVES, RANTON 0930 Westbridge Pk. cp Ex243 SJ 786 241 B 8.5 E Picnic Dorothy Wilson 01785 812 078 STONE WALKING FOR HEALTH WALKS Health walks are aimed at non walkers who want to improve their health, become more active and meet new people. People who currently take little or no exercise and those who are recuperating are welcome. Walks are tailored to the ability of the walkers present. The STONE walks take place every Tuesday. Most walks take place in STONE, but to add variety, on alternate weeks we car share to local beauty spots. We meet at 10.50am in Westbridge Park by the Scout hut. There are two distinct walks on offer, a shorter (approx.45 min.) and a longer (up to 90 min) walk, all subject to last minute change if necessary. No need to book a place just turn up. New Leaders Always Welcome and training is provided. Contacts Pam Bradley 01785 811 227 Chris and Colin Rhodes 01782 396 279 11 HEALTH WALKS WINTER PROGRAMME 2016-17 This programme is also available on-line at Dates 4 Oct 11 Oct 18 Oct 25 Oct 1 Nov 8 Nov 15 Nov 22 Nov 29 Nov 6 Dec 13 Dec 20 Dec 27 Dec 3 Jan 2017 10 Jan 17 Jan 24 Jan 31 Jan 7 Feb 14 Feb 21 Feb 28 Feb 7 Mar 14 Mar 21 Mar 28 Mar Contacts: Walk Trentham Monument – uneven woodland paths, steady climb and descent The Station – towpath and tarmac. Can return through the town. Downs Bank – established well walked slightly uneven paths, longer walk involves some hills. The Coppice at Aston – towpath, return through estate paths. Parking Monkey Forest cp Westbridge NT cp Hem Heath Woods – Wildlife Trust site, uneven paths, can be muddy in places. Wellies recommended. Common Plot – towpath followed by slightly uneven paths and town. Hidden Trentham -explore the Trentham urban area on well walked and surfaced paths. Crown Meadow +. – slightly uneven paths and towpath. Meir Park – grassy meadows and estate footpaths. Aston Village – towpath and quiet lanes. Hanchurch Woods – short fairly level walk in the woods. Longer walk some uneven, steep paths, stiles and lanes. Whitebridge – towpath and tarmac, various return routes. NO WALK Aston Marina – along towpath, short stop at Marina for shop/café. Return route through estate paths. Wolseley Bridge – around the Wildlife Trust grounds, or, tracks, stiles, fields on the old Wolseley estate. Nanny Goat Lane – surfaced town paths. Two uphill sections. Loynton Moss – Wildlife Trust site, towpath to Norbury Junction and return. Longer walk includes stiles and farmland. Little Stoke – towpath, estate paths and return along Lichfield Road. Longton Park – delightful Victorian Park plus undulating walk on landscaped, reclaimed colliery land. Old Road – variety of quiet lanes to and around Oulton. Longer walk includes climb, stiles, views and meadow. Barlaston – through village to canal for circular walk. Aston Marina – along towpath, short stop at Marina for shop/café. Return route through estate. Cannock Chase – well established paths through woodland. Meaford Locks – towpath and tarmac. Longer walk may include Common plot and return through town or estate. Sandon Church – uphill through church grounds, over grassy meadows, stiles and lanes. The Coppice at Aston – towpath, return estate paths. Hem Heath cp Pam Bradley: 01785 811 227 or Westbridge Westbridge Trentham Church cp Westbridge Tesco cp Westbridge Lower Water Tower cp Westbridge Westbridge Garden Centre cp Westbridge Loynton cp Westbridge Cocknage Road Entrance Old Road Village Green cp Westbridge Punchbowl cp Westbridge Opp. Dog & Doublet Westbridge Chris and Colin Rhodes: 01782 396 279 12