Margaret`s Musings - First United Methodist Church
Margaret`s Musings - First United Methodist Church
Tell Us Your Story!! The Good Lord has brought us through yet another tremendous month of experiencing and living out the ministry which God calls us to: We rolled up our sleeves and got involved in the community through our annual Faith-in-Action Day on October 12th; We celebrated being a vibrant local church through Charge Conference on October 13th with District Superintendent, Rev. Eradio Valverde; We listened to ministry witnesses in Worship conveying their passion for the Church; We saw a new ministry being birthed in Children’s Ministry with the Children’s Choir performing on September 29th and October 20th; We gave Bibles to our children thanks to the work of our Education ministry We were witnesses to a precious baby, Lorraine Grace Stalcup, being welcomed into the faith community through the sacrament of baptism; We learned new things about the life of stewardship which God calls us to through our Consecration Sunday – a very blessed time in the life of the church; We celebrated again our active Children’s Ministry who brought a fresh approach to Fall Festival through “Fall Fest Sunday” Let me be the first to say “thank you” again for all that you as members and friends of Sinton First have done to make so much possible. As you can see from September’s and October’s activities, God has so much in store for the Church, locally and globally. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we continue to invite you into a living, loving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as we seek to live out our calls and do ministry in great and greater ways. What Is Your Story? One day, my younger son, Sean, told me that his favorite song in church was at that time “Blessed Assurance,” (United Methodist Hymnal, #369). Somehow, I got the feeling that he liked this hymn so much because of the refrain which simply says: “This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long; this is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long.” What is your story? I am excited at this time to begin talking about and telling stories of faith as we launch into a second sermon series entitled “Stories of Faith: Their Stories, Our Stories.” During this series we invite all to come and learn about the faith journeys of Abraham, Moses, Rahab, Ruth, David, Elijah, Mary, Elizabeth and Paul. As we learn about these “heroes of faith,” we’ll be inviting you to “tell your story” as well, through the giving and sharing of testimonies. Please prayerfully consider sharing your testimony of faith during Worship on special Sundays. Come prepared to witness to what God has done in your life and how Jesus has made a difference. A special time of testimonysharing will take place in Worship throughout November and December, culminating on January 5, Epiphany Sunday, as we hear “stories of light” beginning with the wise men who followed the star, bearing gifts for the Baby Jesus. And now, let us continue to be thankful for all God has done…. In Christ’ most precious love, Pastor Rosie SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 EXERCISE 10:00 3 COMMUNION 4 EXERCISE 10:00 G-The Coates Family Y-Open 10 6 Children’s Ministry Meeting 6:30 PM RX PROGRAM 1:00 PM Trustee Budget Meeting 6:00 PM 11 EXERCISE 10:00 7 EXERCISE 10:00 WN ProgramFellowship Hall “Healthy Holiday Foods” 11:00 AM Free Blood Pressure & Diabetic Screenings by our Wesley Nurse 9:00 AM Christian Men’s Fellowship 8:30 AM 5 EXERCISE 10:00 12 EXERCISE 10:00 CRAFTY LADIES 10:00 WN ProgramFellowship Hall “Medicare 101” 10:30 AM Finance Budget Meeting 5:30 PM 13 EXERCISE 10:00 14 EXERCISE 10:00 EXERCISE 10:00 CRAFTY LADIES 10:00 UMW Meeting 2:30 PM Finance Monthly Meeting 5:30 PM H-Open G-The Coates Family Y-Open 17 18 EXERCISE 10:00 19 20 EXERCISE 10:00 21 EXERCISE 10:00 EXERCISE 10:00 CRAFTY LADIES 10:00 CHURCH COUNCIL H-Open G-The Coates Family Y-Open 24 Community Thanksgiving Service 6:00 pm Sinton FUMC H-Open G-The Coates Family Y-Open 25 EXERCISE 10:00 26 27 28 EXERCISE 10:00 Office Closed Office Closed Hello from the COGS! Hello from the COGS! The youth were able to pitch in during Faith in Action. We babysat 2 children and one baby and had A LOT of fun! We played games and watched movies with the little ones, and rocked the baby, so their parents could contribute their time and effort to their community. We assisted with decorating one of the upstairs classrooms in preparation for our Fall Festival. Then, during the service the youth helped with the games. We continue to work on our acolyte program, with plans to have t-shirts and books of instruction for the children and youth. We also continue to visit once a month at Tri-Sun. We visit on Wednesdays at the youth meetings at the Baptist Church with the Sinton Youth Ministry. We’re still collecting aluminum cans and ink cartridges. If anyone would like to contribute to lunch for the youth on Sundays, the sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board with the sheets for hospitality and greeters. We appreciate any effort. Have a great November and Happy Thanksgiving! Mary Anne Hartung Youth Director ANNOUNCEMENTS & UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, November 24, 2013, Sinton Churches Aligned invites you and your family to attend our Community Thanksgiving Service at 6:00 p.m. at Sinton FUMC, 405 W. Sinton Street, Sinton, Texas. Please make plans to attend this very special event!. Sunday, December 1, 2013, will be the first Sunday of Advent and Hanging of the Greens day. We will be decorating the church and getting it ready for the upcoming Christmas season. Please bring your family and friends to help beautify our church! Sunday, December 15, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. the Community Choir will present their Christmas Cantata, “One Quiet Night,” at First Baptist Church, 320 W. Borden Street, Sinton, Texas. Everyone is invited to this very special event. GREETINGS FROM THE WESLEY NURSE! The holiday season is upon us. While it is a time of great joy and festivities, it can also be a time of great stress and anxiety. If your holiday season tends to leave you frazzled, frustrated and wishing that New Year was here so things will return to normal, it is time to think about a holiday plan. Take some time this week to look at what the next two months will look like. If you haven’t already started your Christmas shopping, go ahead and make your list and start setting aside time to get this done earlier instead of later. Does the list take your breath away? Consider talking with your family about getting gifts for the youngest only. Ordering on-line is another time saver; don’t forget to use to do so! If you plan to travel, get those arrangements taken care of now. Think about the food and the parties. The holidays really shouldn’t be a time when we give in to the gluttony of eating everything in sight! If you can remember from years past, that makes us feel awful and adds to the stress of the season. Plan what you are going to eat before going to festivities. Try not to go to parties starving and if possible eat a salad or raw vegetables prior to going so you can eat your favorites in moderation. Choose wisely and if you want to indulge on a favorite treat, be sure that you cut back on rich foods during nonparty times so those calories do not continue to add up. Many of these activities will have alcohol. Decide what your drink limit will be and stick to it. Alcohol dehydrates so be sure and drink plenty of water the next day to replenish your fluids. Remember that alcohol can cause your blood pressure to elevate so be sure that you don’t forget your blood pressure medicine. Manage your stress by taking some time during the week to slow down and do some deep breathing. Focus on what is really important and try not to sweat the small stuff! Prayer calms the spirit and keeps us centered so be sure that you have time carved out for it. Being in a high state of anxiety and frustration during the holiday season is no fun for anyone. Make sure your expectations are realistic and manageable. No one is perfect and you should not strive to be either! Enjoy yourself, your family and the happy spirit that pervades this time! Peace and joy! Kerry DuBose Wesley Nurse Children’s Ministry Busy, Busy, Busy!! That is the best way I can describe Children's Ministry for the month of October! Thanks to our wonderful church family, the children of Sinton FUMC are learning about and growing in their relationship with God in ways that keep the children engaged and learning! October began with the children settling into Wednesday evening choir practice sessions. The moms have taken turns feeding the children each evening followed by practice led by Monica Reagan. The sounds of laughter, music, and joy abound through the halls of this church on those evenings! What a blessing to see our children growing in Christ! The children then performed "Lord's Army" for the congregation on October 20th. That performance was followed by the children receiving Bible books. We ended the month with a Fall Fest celebration during our very first children's church. The children played games. received prizes, and read Bible verses that assured them "Have No Fear, Jesus is Here." We have so many wonderful things in the works for Children's Ministry! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for your continued support of our endeavours. We couldn't do it without our many wonderful and dedicated volunteers and our church family! Blessings, Holly Houser Lorraine Grace Stalcup October 20, 2013 ANNOUNCEMENTS & UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, November 24, 2013, Sinton Churches Aligned invites you and your family to attend our Community Thanksgiving Service at 6:00 p.m. at Sinton FUMC, 405 W. Sinton Street, Sinton, Texas. Please make plans to attend this very special event!. Sunday, December 1, 2013, will be the first Sunday of Advent and Hanging of the Greens day. We will be decorating the church and getting it ready for the upcoming Christmas season. Please bring your family and friends to help beautify our church! Sunday, December 15, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. the Community Choir will present their Christmas Cantata, “One Quiet Night,” at First Baptist Church, 320 W. Borden Street, Sinton, Texas. Everyone is invited to this very special event. Prayer List: Kevin, Betty & Irene Wahl Lisa Willis Mark Gillitzer David Miller Mr. & Mrs. Everett Murff Teresa Schubert Diana Colon Grahm Wisian Neta Deleon Ryan Rivera, Jr. Donelle Bethel Juan & Teresa O’Cañas James Haverla Brandon Marshall The Family of Frank Bennett Thelma Kelley Rev. Gregory Hackett The Family of Uncle Otto Lois Lister Patsy Cluiss Lou Little Rhonda Rosenauer Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Long-Term: Memorials (Received October 1-31, 2013) Sallie Brewer Delora Lane Dot Burch Mary Jackson MARJORIE LITTLE Arlan W. Maley ELAINE LITTLE Military: Arlan W. Maley Mr. & Mrs. Gary Stalcup Wesley Hartung Cameron Collier Rachal O’Cañas Crystal O’Cañas Matt Lowder JOE TUMLINSON Mr. & Mrs. Gary Stalcup If you would like to add a loved one to our prayer list, please, call the church office at 364-2031, or email us at GIVING TO FUNDS AUGUST 2013 APPORTIONMENTS FUND= $50.00 BUILDING FUND=$625.00 COMMUNION RAIL FUND= $196.00 GENERAL FUND= $13,353.75 MEMORIAL FUND=$50.00 SPECIAL-COOKBOOKS=$10.00 SPECIAL OFFERING=$203.27 WESLEY NURSE=$200.00 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP=$25.00 ATTENDANCE & OFFERINGS AUGUST 2013 AUG. 4: AUG. 11: AUG. 18: AUG. 25: Worship -81 Sunday School-21 Total Offering: $4,746.91 Worship -61 Sunday School-21 Total Offering: $4,125.36 Worship -68 Sunday School-14 Total Offering: $3,125.10 Worship -56 Sunday School-25 Total Offering: $2,715.65 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P. O. Box 276 Sinton, Texas 78387 Community Thanksgiving Service Sinton Churches Aligned invites you and your families to attend our Community Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 24, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at FUMC Sinton, 405 W. Sinton Street, Sinton, Texas. SINTON METHODIST NEWS 2013 A Publication of the First United Methodist Church of Sinton Email: Website: 9
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