Binding of ETS Family Members Is Important for the Function of the c
Binding of ETS Family Members Is Important for the Function of the c
Vol. 9, 523-534, July Cell Growth & Differentiation 1998 523 Binding of ETS Family Members Is Important for the Function of the c-sis/Platelet-derived Growth Factor-B TATA Neighboring Sequence in I 2-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-1 3acetate-treated K562 Cells1 Gregory William C. Kujoth,2 Donald F. Robinson, and E. Fahl3 McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, Madison, 53706 Wisconsin University of Wisconsin, Abstract The c-sis/platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-B TATA neighboring sequence (TNS) is a promoter element that is required for the full induction of this gene in K562 erythroleukemia cells undergoing 12-0tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-mediated megakaryoblastic differentiation. Nuclear factors from K562 cells can bind to the c-s1sIPDGF-B TNS, generating four complexes in electrophoretic mobility shift assays. One of these complexes was previously shown to contain Sp family members. In this work, we provide evidence implicating two of the remaining complexes as belonging to the ETS family of transcription factors. This includes the identification of a novel constitutive TNS-binding complex containing the ETS family member ELK-I. The binding of both ETS-like complexes was disrupted by mutations in a central CCGGAA core within the TNS and, for one of the complexes, could be promoted by bringing the sequences flanking the core closer to a consensus ETS binding site. The molecular weights of these TNSbinding factors were estimated by UV cross-linking analysis and found to be consistent with those of several ETS family transcription factors, including ELKI. A consensus ELK-I binding site could compete for the binding of both putative ETS-like factors, and the novel complex could be disrupted by the addition of an antibody raised against ELK-I Transient transfection analysis using mutant TNS promoter-reporter constructs demonstrated a strong correlation between the binding of the ETS-like factors and the transcriptional activity of the TNS. In contrast, . mutations that prevented the binding of Sp family transcription factors had no effect on promoter activity. Thus, ETS family members, such as ELK-I are not only capable of binding to the TNS but seem to be necessary for the function of this element in differentiating K562 cells. , Introduction The ETS family of transcription family of 30 or more members , as sponges, fruit flies, and mammals (1 2). All family members share a conserved -85-amino acid DNA-binding domain, termed the ETS domain, that directs binding to recognition sites containing GGA cores; sequences flanking this trinucleotide core contribute to the binding specificity of individual family members (reviewed in Refs. 3-5). ETS proteins are important mediators of growth-regulating and dif- ETS proteins are effectors of growth factor and phorbol ester signaling pathways involving RAS/MAPK4-dependent signaling events (6-1 0). Not surprisingly, some ETS members have trans- ferentiation forming signaling activity pathways. In particular, (1 1-1 3), and this is also true of the E26 avian retrovirus that has transduced its v-ets oncogene from the cellular c-ets-1 gene (1 4-1 7). The ETS genes PU. 1/Spi-i and Fll-1 are activated by proviral insertion in erythroid tumors induced by spleen focus-forming retrovirus and Friend murime leukemia virus, respectively (1 8-20). Chromosomal translocations involving members of the ERG/Fll-i of ETS genes are frequently seen in various forms tumors (21-27). These translocations can subgroup of Ewing’s produce fusion proteins that bind to ETS recognition sites and display increased transcriptional-activating abilities relative to their wild-type ETS counterparts (28-30). PDGF is the major mitogen in human serum for cells of mesenchymal origin and is composed of two subunits, PDGF-A and PDGF-B. These subunits can form homo- or heterodimers and bind to cell surface PDGF receptors to elicit their biological effects, such as chemotaxis and mitogenesis (31-33). The PDGF-B gene is the cellular homologue of the Received 1/29/98; revised 5/14/98; accepted 5/20/98. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 1 8 U.S.C. Section 1 734 solely to mdi- factors is a large and growing found in organisms as diverse (34-36), v-sis oncogene from the simian and both v-sis and c-sis/PDGF-B of transforming cells in experimental sarcoma retrovirus genes are capable systems (37-40). Al- cate this fact. 1 Supported by American Cancer Society Grant BE-268 and National Cancer Institute Grant CAO71 75. 2 Present address: Department of Medical Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706. 3 To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, at McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin, 1400 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706. Phone: (608) 262-1275; Fax: (608)262-2824; E-mail: 4 The abbreviations used are: MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; Ab, antibody; BrdUrd, 5’-bromodeoxyuridine; CBP, cAMP-responsive ek ement binding protein-binding protein; EGR-1 , early growth response gene 1 ; EMSA, electrophoretic mobility shift assay; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; SPE, sis proximal element; TNS, TATA neighboring sequence; WA, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-i 3-acetate. 524 ETS Factors Bind TNS the PDGF-B though the expression of c-sis/PDGF-B is normally restricted to a limited number of cell types, PDGF-B expression is commonplace in many human tumor cells (41). The mechanisms by which c-sis/PDGF-B gene expression can be turned on in tumor cells are therefore of interest. Although the expression of c-sis/PDGF-B can be regulated at multiple levels, transcriptional regulation has been found to be a major means of controlling PDGF-B production in many cell types (42). One model system that has been used for studying c-sis/ PDGF-B transcriptional regulation is that of K562 erythroleukemia cells undergoing TPA-mediated megakaryoblastic differentiation (43). The steady-state expression level of c-sis/ novel TNS-binding complex is also observed and revealed to transcription factor ELK-i In addition, the previously reported band 2 complex is implicated as belonging to the ETS family, although its specific identity is not yet known. Importantly, the binding of ELK-i and of the band 2 complex to mutant TNSs is shown to strongly correlate with the transcriptional activity of these sequences when placed into promoter-reporter constructs. Thus, we propose that ETS family transcription factors are the critical TNS-binding components necessary for full induction of the c-sis/PDGF-B promoter in differentiating K562 cells. the ETS family contain . Results PDGF-B mRNA is induced in differentiating K562 cells by at least 200-fold, and much of this up-regulation takes place at the transcriptional level (44, 45). Studies of the c-sis/PDGF-B promoter in TPA-treated K562 cells have indicated that two Identification of an ETS-like CCGGAA Core within the TNS. The TNS identified in our previous study (47) is at least 1 0 bp in length and is bound by several unidentified nuclear regulatory the TNS that are necessary for nuclear factor binding, we constructed high-resolution TNS mutants. These i-3-bp substitution mutants (Mi-M7) are shown in Fig. iA. Doublestranded DNAS containing these mutations were tested for nuclear factor binding by EMSA, using new preparations of elements, the SPE and the TNS, control the pro- moter’s response to TPA (46, 47). The SPE is also critical for the basal expression of c-sisIPDGF-B in a number of cell types (48-51), as well as for c-sis/PDGF-B expression induced by thrombin (52) or vascular injury in endothelial cells (53) and by human T-cell leukemia virus I Tax in Jurkat T cells (54). The SPE contains a CCACCC core to which multiple cellular transcription factors can bind. This includes EGR-1 (53-55) as well as members of the Sp family, such as Spi and Sp3 (49, 53-57). Simultaneous binding of Spi and EGR-1 to the SPE does not seem to occur; rather, it seems that Spi occupies the SPE in unstimulated cells and is replaced by EGR-1 on induction or injury (53). The SPE is a lower-affinity binding site than a canonical EGR-1 recognition sequence.5 Therefore, it is possible that a threshold level of EGR-1 protein must be reached before Spi is efficiently displaced off the SPE. In any event, interplay between Spi and EGR-1 on overlapping binding sites is an increasingly common mechanism for regulating inducible gene expression (53, 58-60). The second regulatory element, the TNS, consists of 10 bp located immediately downstream of the c-sis/PDGF-BTATA box and is necessary for the full induction of the c-sis/ PDGF-B promoter in differentiating K562 cells (47). The TNS acts synergistically with the SPE to mediate induction in TPA-treated K562 cells, although the mechanism underlying this cooperation is not yet known. Three specific complexes representing nuclear factor binding to the TNS have been demonstrated using the EMSA (47). One of these complexes is comprised of Sp family members, predominantly Spi and Sp3 (47). The remaining complexes are as yet unidentified. Furthermore, the relative importance of these TNS-binding complexes with respect to TNS function is unresolved. Therefore, we have decided to pursue further characterization of TNS-binding components. In this work, high-resolution substitution mutations of the TNS have been analyzed for their effects on EMSA band formation and transcriptional activity. UV cross-linking analysis has been used to estimate the molecular weights of selected TNS-binding proteins. A 5 D. F. Robinson and W. E. FahI, unpublished observation. factors in EMSAs. nuclear extract. To determine In these the core experiments, sequences within complexes corre- sponding to previously reported bands 1-3 were again seen on the wild-type TNS probe (Fig. 1 B, Lane 1). Band 2 appeared as a doublet containing a thin upper band (band 2a) and a thicker lower band (band 2b). However, both bands cosegregated in all subsequent experiments and are there- fore referred to as band 2 for the sake of simplicity. An additional complex was noted that had not been observed in earlier experiments, and this was designated as band 4 (Fig. 1B, Lane 1). Band 4 appeared in at least three independent preparations of nuclear extracts (data not shown) and was specific for the TNS because it could be competed by wildtype TNS (Fig. iB, Lane 2) and Ji6 competitors, but not by the Ji 7 sequence (Fig. 2, Lanes 1-3). Consistent with our earlier work, no differences in any of these EMSA complexes were observed between TPA-treated and untreated nuclear extracts. Additional bands present below band 4 were cornpeted similarly and poorly by all of the competitors and were deemed nonspecific. Using the TNS substitution mutants Mi-M7 as cornpetitors in the EMSA revealed a striking result. Mutants M4 and M5 failed to compete for band 2 and band 4 (Fig. 1B, Lanes 6 and All of the remaining mutants competed well for both of these complexes, although M3 did so slightly less efficiently than did the wild-type TNS (Fig. 1B, Lane 5). Interestingly, M4 and M5 alter a GGM sequence that is present in the TNS. Members of the ETS family of transcription factors bind to sites containing GGAA core sequences; hence, this result suggested that band 2 and band 4 might contain ETS family members. Consistent with this possibility, a CC 7). dinucleotide is present immediately upstream of the GGM core in many ETS binding sites (see Table 1), and the TNS contains this feature. Band 1 was previously shown to contain members of the Sp family of transcription factors (47). Consistent with this observation, mutants competition for band M2, M4, and 1 (Fig. iB, Lanes M6 showed impaired 4, 6, and 8). The Sp Cell Growth probe) Competitor & Differentiation 525 (TNS A TNS(WT) ccc Ml Probe ..i1-i: M2 w ‘ .0 (rJ c N- TT M3 AA M4 TT cc MS Band1/Sp-#{248}.*-. M6 Band Band AC M7 M8 T . 2..._. !I: 3-- Band4 T J16 J17 !i AACGATCGAT AACGATGCAT B Cl-i Competitor: - -- Band l/Sp-... ....,. Band I Band 3 Band 4 - Fig. 2. ns EMSA analysis using - The 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thisprobe Fig. 1. EMSA analysis using mutant TNS competitor sequences. A, sequences of the wild-type TNS probe corresponding to the -34 to -8 region of the c-sis/PDGF-B promoter and sequences of the TNS mutants, Mi-M8. The TNS is shaded, and dashes indicate wild-type sequence. J16 and J17 contain linker-scanning mutations of the TATA box and INS, respectively. B, EMSA using nuclear extracts from untreated K562 cells and a radiolabeled wild-type INS probe as described in “Materials and Methods.” Unlabeled competitor sequences used at a 100-fold molar excess are as indicated in A. Bands 1-4 discussed in the text are mdicated by arrows. ns, nonspecific complexes. binding site within these on impaired 1B, 3), despite M4, and has a high G/C M6 mutations all change the TNS, the detrimental band Somewhat markedly Lane (5’-GGGGCGGGGC) the M2, G or C residues mutations 1 complex surprisingly, in its ability formation the Ml to compete its addition effects were mutant was for band of a string 9), whereas 1B, Lane more 7). 9 for band M5, which efficiently 1 (Fig. not also 1 (Fig. of cytosines 2, Lane 2). The M3 for band 1 to roughly the same TNS competitor (Fig. 1B, Lanes 5 makes than did the TNS the more wild-type probes. untreated INS more competed 10 EMSA K562 11 12 analysis cells and competitors difficult well for band complexes petitors. slightly The from difference M4, and for band was radiola- M5 were migration that of 18, Lanes 5 1 B, Lane 8). to at least substitution the with artifactual mutants even 4 complexes GAA ETS-like the M6 probe more did 2, Lanes (indicating bands The 2 and were marked not 6-8). partial form also on the Mutants than 4 was Ml , M2, 4 at did the wild-type bound similarly when M4, alter and levels M7 mutant similar M7 EMSA probes and M5 the CCG- bases bound probes to those but in 2 and of site imrneband 2 INS probe (Fig. 2, by both M6 and INS seen M3, paired band M3, of purine-pyrirnidine core), and this probe G/C-rich, and as probes The M3-M5 TNS M5, used results. corn- complete of novel core of the TNS. Intriguingly, the sequence more closely matches an ETS consensus (through its arrangement diately after the GGAA efficiently 9). Band partially of these residual complexes differed band 3. It is unknown whether this was complexes. The INS (Fig. 3 and 3 (Fig. 1B, Lanes 3, 4, 6, and 7), although were seen in the presence of these corn- in mobility probes M3 M7 did so (Fig. (Fig. petition of band 3 by these mutants) or represented competition of band 3 and the subsequent formation EMSA, band The 3, although type INS probe (Fig. 2, Lanes 4, 5, and Formation of the band 1 complex was (Fig. on to assess. able Ml , M2, probes. to compete and M7 mutants competed extent as did the wild-type INS from mutant were Mutants band of of the compete residual quence competed 8 INS poorly more Lane and 7 less efficiently than did the wild-type and 9), whereas M6 competed only upstream of the GGCCGG region of the TNS. However, this result is consistent with the observation that the J16 Sefails 6 mutant extracts formation M7 mutants 1 unexpected. 5 4 using nuclear effects complex Because 3 beled wild-type (TNS) or mutant TNS probe sequences (M1-M8), as described in Fig. 1A. Unlabeled competitor sequences in Lanes 2 and 3 were used at a 1 00-fold molar excess and are as indicated in Fig. 1A. Bands 1-4 discussed in the text are indicated by arrows. The open arrowhead designates a complex formed on the M8 probe that exhibits different competition and Ab reactivity patterns than the band 2 complex formed on the wild-type INS probe. I.q! ,,-. content. 2 .. performed consensus “- all generated with 10). observed was the Ml , M2, M4, and M6 probes the using dramatically were used wild- the irn(Fig. 526 ETS Factors Bind the PDGF-B Table 1 Literature-based INS comparison of huma n ETS fam ily tra nscription M ETS family factors DNA K562L binding characteristicsc member (xicP) -WA +IPA EIS-1 48-54 - + ETS-1 VlI 39-42 56 + + ETS-2 ELK-i SAP-la SAP-lb SAP-2 58-62 58 52 Selected ERG-2 ERG-3 Other ERG FLI-i/ERG-B + + 52-57 59 38/49 51-55 ELF-i MEF GGAT + + + + ACCGGAAGTG/A NACCGGANtG/aT/cA/C/G + - + + G/A/cG/AC/A/gC/AGGAAJtG/a/cCiT/ac C/G C/aGGMG/aIc W W G/MCCGGAAG/aT/cAIG AAJtC/aCCGTA/c/g A’gG/C/ANG/AAIIGGAA/rGWrNMNAJtT/a + - + - + + T/AC/ACNCGGMGTAd + W + - - 90-100 (68) -100 (70) NERF-la NERF-ib NERF-2a NERF-2b E1A-FIPEA3 ER81/ETV-i ERM Spi-1/PU.i Spi-B GGAA A’gCC/aGGAA/rG/aT/CN -45 (mh) 41 ERG-i site + + 56 57 63e 60 62 70 (58) 35 46 60 E4TF1-60/GABP-a TELJETV6 + + W G/aG/cC/aGGAWFG/aT/cN + + + M.AA/tG/cA/C/GG/cTA/GG/C + - - AAAJtG/cA/cG/cTAiTN + - G/AC/gC/aGGAA/tG/aT/cN + + 57-60 + 50-52 PE-i + ERF a b C 75 + + binding is indicated by W. Note that in many binding sites, the GGAAJI core is immediately followed d Sequences derived from a comparison of known binding sites rather than the site selection assay. . The calculated molecular weight in those cases in which the protein W + Molecular weight was determined by PAGE as reported in the literature. The size of SAP-2 is for mouse homologue Net/ERP. Expression in K562 cells at either the mRNA or protein level as reported in the literature. Weak expression is indicated by W. The preferred binding site was determined by site selection assays and the ability to bind GGAAIT cores (underlined) as reported migrates 2). Band 1 complex formation occurred more efficiently on the M5 probe than it did on the wild-type INS probe (Fig. 2, Lane 8). This band i binding pattern is identical to the band i competition pattern that was observed for the mutant INS competitors (Fig. iB). Band 3 complexes were present on all of the mutant TNS probes, although slight differences in mobility could again be seen for several of the mutant probes. This would suggest that band 3 is not dependent on sequences within the INS for binding. This result is inconsistent with the inability of the Ji 7 sequence to compete for band 3 (Fig. 2, Lane 3). Currently, the binding activity of band 3 is not fully understood. However, this complex is unlikely to be the functionally irnportant TNS-binding component, as will be discussed below (see Fig. 6). A subset of ETS family members are able to recognize a GGAT core sequence in addition to the GGAA core recognized by all ETS family members. We were therefore interested in determining whether bands 2 and 4 were capable of binding to a version of the INS with a GGAT core (M8; Fig. iA). When used as a competitor in the EMSA, M8 competed for both bands 2 and 4 somewhat less efficiently than did the wild-type INS (Fig. iB, Lane 10). A more definitive result emerged when the M8 mutant was used as an EMSA probe. Neither band 2 nor band 4 formed on the M8 probe (Fig. 2, significantly more slowly by a purine than would and then in the literature. Weak a pyrimidine. be expected from its cDNA sequence. Lane 1 1). Note that a complex of slightly different mobility than band 2 did appear on the M8 probe. This M8 probespecific complex could be competed only by M8 DNA and not by any of the other mutants or by the wild-type INS (data not shown). Moreover, formation of the M8 probe-specific complex could be disrupted by the addition of an Ab against ETS family member FLI-i (data not shown), a behavior not shared by the wild-type INS band 2 complex (Fig. 5A, Lane 6). Thus, competition and Ab analysis revealed that this M8 probe complex was distinct from the band 2 complex formed on the wild-type INS probe. Therefore, the band 2 and band 4 INS complexes both contain factors that display some preference for GGAA over GGAT core sequences. Sizes of Band 2 and Band 4 Proteins Are Consistent with ETS Family Members. The binding patterns of bands 2 and 4 toward the INS substitution mutant probes and competitors suggested that these two complexes contained members of the EIS family of transcription factors. To provide additional support for this hypothesis, we performed UV cross-linking analysis on these complexes. This method allows one to determine an approximate molecular weight of proteins that are in close proximity to DNA. We could therefore compare the resulting molecular weight values for band 2 and band 4 with the sizes of known EIS family members. For the UV cross-linking analysis, we opted to use a BrdUrd- Cell Growth M6 . Band 2 slices probe Competitor: - J17 - 527 4 slices - M6 J17 6 7 Cl-i ,N. Competitor/Ab: Band M6 - & Differentiation . \C - 200 kD - 97.4 kD - . . #{149}. 68kD- 43 kD - 29 kD - 1. III 18.4 kD.: . 14.3 kD1 2 3 MW 4 probe M6 UVXL 1 2 3 5 4 6 8 7 9 10 11 Fig. 3. EMSA complexes formed on the M6 probe behave similarly to those formed on the wild-type INS probe. EMSA analysis was performed using nuclear extracts from untreated K562 cells and radiolabeled wildtype INS or M6 mutant probes. Unlabeled competitor sequences were used at a 1 00-fold molar excess. The sequence of the consensus Spi competitor is 5’-ATTCGATCGGGGCGGGGCGAGC. The Lane 6 binding reaction was preincubated with 2 g of an a-ELK-i antiserum (Santa Cruz) before addition of the radiolabeled probe. ELK-i SS, a complex supershifted by the a-ELK-i Ab. A novel M6 band formed only on the M6 probe is also indicated. 5 Fig. 4. UV cross-linking analysis of selected TNS-bmnding components. EMSA analysis was performed using nuclear extract from IPA-treated K562 cells and a radiolabeled BrdUrd-substituted M6 probe (M6UVXL) either in the presence or absence of the indicated unlabeled competitors. Gel slices containing band 2 and band 4 complexes were excised, exposed to UV light, and denatured in SDS-containing sample buffer as indicated in “Materials and Methods.” Cross-linked protein-DNA com- plexes were separated labeled protein (ELK-i weight The sizes and positions markers 6). This Ab on the wild-type formation the band M6 probes 2 and band also affected probe (see 4 complexes on both INS to be identical by all of the criteria M6 probe for two reasons: (a) the M6 probe sequence displayed a more abundant band 2 in the EMSA (Fig. 2, Lane 9); and (b) BrdUrd substitution increases the This indicated that the UV cross-linking the M6 probe analysis. was efficiency cross-links slices with which are formed. In a control EMSA UV-induced experiment, to determine the whether covalent M6 probe protein-DNA was it displayed tested the in the same band 2 and band 4 binding patterns as the wild-type INS probe. As expected, the M6 probe bound bands 2-4 as well as or better than the wild-type INS probe but bound band 1 very poorly (Fig. 3, Lanes 1 and 2). Additionally, a novel band (designated as the M6 band) was observed only on the M6 probe (Fig. 3, Lane 2) and may represent the binding of an additional ETS-like factor. Of note, bands 2 and 4 were competed by the M6, J16, INS, and M2 sequences (Fig. 3, Lanes 3, 5, 8, and 9) but not by the J17, Spi, or M5 sequences (Fig. by the Ji6, cause they and M2 binding. for both of the band wild-type competition pattern 2 and INS was 2 and 4 on the wild-type family sequences was of band incomplete, lack the M6 mutation that increases The M8 competitor showed a reduced compete that 4, 7, and 10). Competition 3, Lanes INS, member ELK-i band 4 complexes competitor identical INS supershifted to that observed Finally, band band ability relative (Fig. 3, Lane probe. 2 be- EMSA IPA-treated K562 tuted M6 probe. tion and boiled cross-linked was 2 and experiment cells and performed using nuclear in a SDS-containing were tein markers and for a from BrdUrd-substi- buffer, the gel from extract exposed to UV irradia- and the extracted by SDS-PAGE. The cross-linked proteins with 14C-labeled pro- separated corrected by isolating 4 complexes were and tested. for use in band a radiolabeled The gel slices proteins appropriate apparent molecular weights of the were calculated through comparison size of the cross-linked single-stranded M6 probe DNA (M 9,900). A major protein band of Mr 57,000 (corrected size) was detected in band 2 complexes formed in the absence of competitor (Fig. 4, Lane 1). Ihis protein band was greatly diminished when a M6 (homologous) EMSA competitor binding to corresponding for bands band preparative Ji 7 competitor an Ab to ETS analysis containing 2 to 1 1). This 4 on the M6 probe UV cross-linking “C- band 4 Fig. 5A). seemed substituted of (MW) are given. SS; Fig. 3, Lane complex Thus, by SDS-PAGE. molecular cross-linked 65,000, with Lanes 4 and species in size the 5). 6 and 7). included in the but was negligibly was used were instead observed and not to the Ji7 molecular when a 2 and 3). Two for the band to approximately The calculated preparatory affected (Fig. 4, Lanes latter species being Again, these complexes to the M6 competitor Lanes was reaction 4 complex, M, 58,000 and Mr predominant (Fig. 4, were sensitive only competitor weights (Fig. 4, of all three 528 ETS Factors Bind the PDGF-B INS A , C-i - - F- ,.;‘ CL. F- LU Antibodies: ,i r1 Cl-i (t LU - LU LU CL, 0 B B B - BandliSp-.- - U .< < LU LU c Cl-i B - Cli B Lr-i Competitors: B - 4/ELK-i - U, - -, :‘ __- Band 2 Band3-#{248} 4/ELK-i Band ;z -- 8 TNS - Band1/Sp-..- - Band Ln1 c - - B 9 10 . 0 I 11 234 TNS probe probe - probe TNS Fig. 5. A, ETS family member ELK-i binds to the INS. EMSA analysis was performed using nuclear extracts from untreated K562 cells and a radiolabeled wild-type INS probe. Binding reactions were preincubated with 2 j.g of antisera to the indicated ETS family members before addition of the radiolabeled probe. Lanes 8-i i are assembled from nonadjacent lanes of the same gel and are from a different experiment than Lanes 1-7. B, a consensus ELK-i binding site competes for band 2 and band 4. EMSA analysis was performed using nuclear extracts from IPA-treated K562 cells and a radiolabeled wild-type INS probe. Unlabeled competitors were used at a 1 00-fold molar excess. The sequence of the consensus ELK-i binding site (ELK- 1 CS) is 5’-AAAGAAGGCAAACCGGAAGTACCATCG-3’. The INS and MS competitor sequences are given in Fig. iA. of these sizes protein species of many Identification Cells. Results from the are ETS family of ELK-I from transcription band 4 INS-binding mine whether bers within against strongly we could these We identify specific ETS binding reactions type INS probe. Binding scriptional TNS in K562 and complexes observed function of the INS, ETS to those assayed CR5-Luc background. wild-type INS implicated of the band next individual complexes. reported mutagenesis as components complexes. the 1). to the substitution analysis factors with (Table Binding the INS UV cross-linking family consistent members wanted to deterETS family mem- To do so, we added family transcription 2 and factors antisera to EMSA before the addition of radiolabeled Strikingly, the addition of an a-ELK-i wildAb of ETS-like Factors Correlates with INS TranActivity. To determine which ofthe INS-binding in the selected in the EMSA were important for the INS mutations corresponding EMSA This sequence were reporter introduced construct in its synthetic into a (Fig. 6A) promoter and is fully inducible by IPA (47). When compared similar reporter construct lacking the INS (CR4-Luc; CR5-Luc displayed K562 cells (Fig. 6B). INS of CR5-Luc the contains with a Fig. 6A), 3.3-fold greater activity in TPA-treated Introduction of the M2 mutation into the (CR5m2-Luc; Fig. 6A) had a negligible effect disrupted formation of the band 4 complex (Fig. 5A, Lane 5). None of the other antibodies assayed had any such disruptive effect on either band 2 or band 4. Consistent with the on promoter the binding effect 2 and critical for INS function in differentiating K562 cells. Placement of the M5 or MB mutations into the TNS of the reporter family construct (CR5m5-Luc completely abrogated of the a-ELK-i sus ELK-i band members ELK-i multiple binding 4 in the site EMSA share binding ETS Ab on the band competed (Fig. similar site factors. 5B, effectively Lane consensus used 4 complex, in Fig. 5B for band 3). Many sites Therefore, a consen- (lable should competition ETS i), be so bound of band the by 2 in Therefore, activity (Fig. 6B). In the EMSA, M2 maintained of bands 2-4 but failed to generate band 1. the binding because bands 1 and 3 in the EMSA family 2 and band transcription includes factor ELK-i a yet-to-be-identified . Ihe band 2 complex ETS family member. very complexes and M8 reduced 6B). probe 4 complexes. as being critical 1) to the INS CR5mB-Luc; promoter to the level sequences were but were This Fig. 6A) unable implicates for INS-mediated is not nearly transcriptional and CR5m8-Luc were addition to band 4 was not surprising. These results clearly demonstrate that the band 4 complex contains the ETS likely M5 cells and (band TNS-specific CR5m5-Luc TPA-treated of Sp factors activity, activities in of CR4-Luc both (Fig. bound to generate these by band ETS-like transcription Cell Growth & Differentiation 529 A I SPE -64 I ITATA -45 -31 AdML mr -jTdT -25 -15 +6 +1 I J SPE -64 CR5-Luc 1TATAI4I-ITdT1nrI -45 -31 25 1[%.1 +6 EMSA Band Fig. 6. Binding of ETS family members correlates with the transcriptional activity of the mutant INS sequences. A, schematic representation of chimeric promoters containing mutated c-sis/ PDGF-B TNSs. The -64 to +6 promoter regions of the CR4-Luc and CRS-Luc chimeric reporter constructs are diagrammed. CRS-Luc differs from CR4-Luc only in containing a wild-type c-sis/ PDGF-B TNS. Mutations of the INS corresponding to those used in the EMSA analyses in Figs. 1 and 2 were introduced into the CR5-Luc background. TATA, consensus TATAAA sequence; TNS, c-sis/PDGF-B INS; AdML, INS from the Adenovirus major late promoter; TdT lnr, initiator element from the murine terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase gene. B, relative activities of mutant INS promoter-reporter constructs in transiently transfected K562 cells. The indicated reporter constructs were transfected into K562 cells and subsequently treated with IPA or solvent, as described in “Materials and Methods.” Luciferase activity was normalized to f3-galactosidase activity and calculated relative to CR4-Luc, which was defined as i .0. Mean values of three to four replicates are shown. Error bars, SE of the mean. CR5-Luc CR5m2-Luc I Probe Band 2 Binding Band 3 Band GGCCGGAACA + + + + TT - + + + CR5m5-Luc ++ CC-- CR5m6-Luc AC CR5m8-Luc T-- - + - - ++ + + + - + 4 B T -TPA 5 4 I C) .< I 3 2 1 ill 0 73 - c indicates sufficient that for bound well with respect TNS band The 1 nor band M6 probe (CR5m6-Luc; comparable to that Fig. 6A) displayed of the wild-type CR5-Luc promoter in IPA-treated cells ence between CR5-Luc and CR5m6-Luc significant dent’s at the t test. strongly mutant P 0.05 = Therefore, correlated TNSs. This members, 3 binding sequence is was including the c-sis/PDGF-B level only when the binding (Fig. was ELK-i , is important in differentiating that of bands for the 2 and function TNS-binding presented factors here more that were extensively first 4 of cells. characterizes observed in our the nuclear extract INS. factors the earlier and complex labile B INS-binding TPA-treated in earlier nature complex untreated is identified K562 experiments of its protein cells. The presumably component during preparation. core nuclear Iwo mutational sequence factors complexes, TNS variants with in these analysis critical and the transcriptional band 2 and mutations two of the TNS has idenfor both the binding of band in this GGAA complexes show activity of the 4, are unable core. to bind Furthermore, a preference for bind- GGAA core sequence over a INS containing a GGAT core. These binding patterns suggest that both coming to the plexes Discussion The work reflects J1 B B a novel from of this selected Stu- activity of the of ETS family K562 Ui 7 ‘: High-resolution tified a GGAA not statistically using n :n 7 2 In addition, absence INS-containing 6B); the differ- analyzed with the transcriptional argues that the binding TNS activity report. n cii 7:: r in extracts by band 4 in the EMSA and was an “up” mutant to band 2 binding. A reporter construct contain- ing this mutation was neither activity. n cii c C- and n 73 .N contain members factors. UV cross-linking 57,000 and Mr of the ETS analysis 58,000/65,000 family gives for teins, respectively. Such sizes are ported molecular weights of many of transcription estimated band 2 and consistent ETS family sizes band with of Mr 4 pro- the members. re- 5:, ETS Factors Bind the PDGF-B TNS Indeed, a consensus binding site for ETS family members competes efficiently for both the band 2 and band 4 cornplexes, and antiserum against EIS factor ELK-i disrupts band 4 complex formation. ELK-i is a member of the ternary complex factor subfamily of ETS transcription factors (6i). It forms a ternary complex with a homodimer of serum response factor, p67SRF, bound to the serum response element of the c-fos promoter to regulate serum-inducible (or IPA-inducible) expression of that gene (62-65). Ihis ternary complex is present before and after induction (66, 67) but undergoes mitogen/TPAinduced phosphorylation (68-70). Phosphorylation of ELK-i can lead to increased ternary complex formation under some circumstances (68, 71-73) and is required for the transcriptional activity of the ternary complex (65, 70, 72, 74). ELK-i has an apparent M, of 58,000-62,000 by PAGE (62, 75) and is capable of autonomous DNA binding, displaying a prefer- ence for GGAA core sequences over GGAI cores (76, 77). ELK-i expression in K562 cells has been reported previously (78). Band 4 clearly fits this profile. The protein doublet observed for band 4 in the UV crosslinking analysis could have several explanations, including differences in the posttranslational modifications of the two protein species. For example, phosphorylation of proteins is capable of altering their migration in polyacrylamide gels. ELK-i is known to be phosphorylated in its COOH terminus in response to mitogen stimulation or to environmental stresses by members of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase and stress-activated protein kinase/c-jun-NH2-terminal-kinase subfamilies of MAPKS, respectively (65, 68-70, 72-74, 79, 80). Additionally, the use of phorbol esters or other intracellular activators of the MAPK pathway (e.g., activated forms of ,as, raf, mos, and src) also results in phosphorylation of the ELK-i COOH-terminal domain (69, 74, 81, 82). Phosphorylation of this “C box” domain increases the ability of ELK-i to activate transcnption, whether bound to DNA autonomously or in a ternary complex (65, 69, 72, 74, 8i-83). In K562 cells, WA treatment increases generalized MAPK activity (84). Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that ELK-i will be phosphorylated in WAtreated K562 cells, and that this could be important for franscnptional activation ofthe c-sis/PDGF-B promoter by ELK-i in these cells. The phosphorylation status of the INS EMSA cornplexes or the involvement of phosphorylation in the WA induction ofthe c-sis/PDGF-B gene has not been directly addressed. It is interesting to note, however, that c-fos mRNA is constitutively expressed in mature human megakaryocytes, providing indirect support for the activation of ELK-i during megakaryocytic development (85). Band 2 remains unidentified, although it is very likely another EIS family transcription factor. It is perhaps a bit surprising that another member of the ternary complex factor subfamily, SAP-i was not identified as binding to the INS (Fig. 5A, Lane 10). SAP-i is expressed in K562 cells (78) and binds to a similar but more relaxed set of EIS binding sites compared with ELK-i (77). The Ab used in this study recognizes only the SAP-i a isoform; thus, the use of additional antisera against the SAP-i b isoform might be of interest. Obtaining additional antisera to other EIS family members would probably be the fastest way to specifically identify the , band 2 protein component. However, it is also quite possible that band 2 represents an as-yet-uncloned EIS transcription factor. The importance of the individual INS-binding complexes for the transcriptional activity of the INS has also been addressed by this work. Promoter-reporter constructs with mutations that prevent the binding of bands 2 and 4 do not show INS-mediated transcriptional induction by IPA, despite retaining the binding of the band 3 complex. Conversely, mutant INS promoter-reporter constructs that maintam band 2 and band 4 binding retain induction, despite losing the binding of the band i/Sp factor complex. These results provide strong evidence that the ELK-i and ETS-like band 2 factors are important for the function of the INS. However, we are unable to determine whether one of the two EIS-like factors is a more critical INS-binding component, because none of the current INS mutants distinguish between the binding of the band 2 and band 4 complexes. Identification of ETS-like factors binding to the INS may provide insights into the mechanism of action of the INS. The transcriptional activation domains of ELK-i and other EIS factors have been delineated (69, 74, 89, 90). This information will facilitate future studies of potential interactions between EIS factors and components of the general transcriptional machinery. The location of an ETS binding site adjacent to the IAIA box is not unique to the c-sis/PDGF-B gene. For example, the granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor, HER- 2/neu, and interleukin 13 promoters all contain ETS binding sites located 2-i 0 bp upstream of their IAIA sequences (86-88). At least one ETS family member, PU.i/Spi-i is capable of binding directly to the IAIA-binding protein (91). ELK-i associates with CBP, and this physical interaction is dependent on the COOH-temiinal transactivation domain of ELK-i (92). CBP is a transcriptional coactivator that can associate with the TAIA-binding protein in vitm and in vivo (93, 94), with IFIIB in vitm (95), and with RNA polymerase II holoenzyme complexes in vivo (96, 97). Interestingly, phosphorylation of ELK-i is not necessary for binding to CBP but is required for functional cooperation with CBP, whose transcriptional activity itself is also enhanced by extracellular signal-regulated kinase i -mediated phosphorylation (92). The contribution of EIS-like factors to the regulation of c-sis/PDGF-B expression in K562 cells undergoing , megakaryoblastic differentiation fits nicely with the larger role of ETS factors in megakaryocytic gene expression. EIS binding sites are frequently found in the regulatory regions of megakaryocyte-specific c-mpl genes. Some examples (98), gpllb (99, 100), gplba (ioi), include the gplX (i02), -thro- moglobulin (i03), platelet factor 4 (102, i04), and P-selectin genes (i 05). Among these genes, those ETS binding sites that have been tested thus far have been found to be functionally important (98-ioi). Forced expression of EIS factor ELI-i is sufficient to induce megakaryoblastic differentiation of K562 cells (i 06), underlying the importance of ETS factors for development along this hematopoietic lineage. As another gene expressed in megakaryocytes, it is perhaps not surprising involves that the transcriptional ETS family members. regulation What of c-sis/PDGF-B is particularly intriguing Cell Growth & Differentiation is that several ETS-like factors are involved in human can- cers. For example, chromosomal translocations in human Ewing’s sarcoma result in fusion proteins consisting of one of several ETS factors (ELI-i ERG-i ETVi E’lAF, or FEy) and the Ewing’s sarcoma gene product that display greater transcriptional activation than do the corresponding wild-type ETS factors (2i-30). Perhaps wild-type or altered ETS family transcription factors can contribute to the aberrant expression of c-sis/PDGF-B that is observed in a variety of nec- , , , plastic and Materials nonneoplastic and disease states. Methods cell cultue. Human K562 erythroleukemia American Type Cuiture Collection (CCL243; tamed in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% g/ml gentamicin sulfate (complete cells were obtained from Rockville, MD) and mainfetal bovine serum and 25 RPMI) a 37#{176}C/5% CO2 incubator. EMSAS. Nuclear extracts from WA-treated or untreated K562 cells were prepared according to the method of Dignam et a!. (i07). Cycling cultures of K562 cells were treated with 2 ng/ml WA for 2-i2 h before harvest. The protein content of the nuclear extracts was determined by the Coomassie protein assay (Pierce). Probe and competitor sequences used in the EMSAS are given in the figures or figure legends. Commercially synthesized oligonucleotides (Genosys) were purified by PAGE. Complementary single-stranded oligonucleotides were mixed in annealing buffer (iO mi Tris-HCI, 50 mM NaCI, iO m MgCl2, and i mi Dli), heated briefly, and cooled to room temperature for al h. Alternatively, a common complementary partial-length oligonucleotide was hybridized to the various full-length oligonucleotides and extended using Klenow fragment in the presence ofailfourdeoxynucleotidetriphosphates. PAGE was used to isolate full-length double-stranded probes and competitors. Probes were end-labeled using 50 Ci of [y-32PJATP (Amersham; 3000 Ci/mmol) and 14 polynucleotide kinase (New England Biolabs); unincorporated radiola- bel was removed through Sephadex G-50 chromatography (Pharmacia Nick columns). Nuclear extract (15 g) was premixed with unlabeled competitors (used at a 100-fold molar excess over radiolabeled probe) and 2-3 p.9 of poly(deoxyadenylate-deoxythymidylic acid) in binding buffer [20 mM HEPES (pH 7.9), 40 m KCI, 2 mri MgCl2, 0.5 mpi DTT, 0.i mM EGIA, and 4% Flcoll (M 400,000)] for 10 mm at room temperature. Radiolabeled probe (-175 fmol) was added to this mixture and incubated for an additional iO mm before the binding reaction was loaded onto a native 5% polyacrylamide gel. The gel was electrophoresed at 4#{176}C for 90 mm at235 V, dried undervacuum, and exposed to Phosphorimager plates (Molecular Dynamics) or autoradiogram film. Commercially available antibodies against ETS family members (Santa Cruz) were used in some EMSA experiments; 2 g of Ab were added to the binding reaction and incubated at room temperature for iO-20 mm before the addition of radiolabeled probe. uv cross-uning Analysis. UV cross-linking analysis was performed using BrdUrd-substituted a M6 probe [5’-CCTTTATAAAGGCCGcorrespond to positions sub- GMCGCTGAAAGGG (underlined bases stituted with BrdUrd in the bottom strand)]. The probe was prepared by hybridizing a short bottom-strand oligonucleotide (5’-CCCTTTCAG) with the full-length (50 mi top-strand Tris-HCI, oligonucleotide (shown 10 msi MgCl2, 1 mri DII, above) in Klenow and 50 g/ml buffer BSA) and extending for 60-90 mm at 25-37#{176}Cusing Klenow fragment in the presence of 50 .LM each of 5’-bromo-dUTP, dAIP, and dGTP; 5 p dCTP; and iOO Ci of [a-32PJdCTP (Amersham; 3000 CVmmol). Unincorporated radiolabel was removed through Sephadex G-50 chromatography (Pharmacia Nick columns), and PAGE was used to isolate full-length doublestranded M6.UVXL Approximately used in standard from WA-treated molar excess. The probe. i .7 X i0 cpm (-58 fmol) of the M6.UVXL probe were EMSA binding reactions with 20 p.g of nuclear extract K562 cells. Competitors were used at a iOO-200-fold binding reactions were incubated at room temperature for iS mm before and after addition of the M6.UVXL probe and run on a 0.75-mm, 5% native polyacrylamide gel for 2 h at 235 V at 4#{176}C, slightly longer than usual for a standard EMSA. The gel was exposed wet to a Phosphorimager screen for 1 h, and this image was used as a template for cutting out gel slices containing the bands of interest. The gel slices were exposed to UV light (i 20 millijoules at 254 nm) for 22 mm at a distance of approximately i cm. Next, 2x SDS sample buffer [i25 m Iris (pH 6.8), 4% SDS, 20% glycerol, iO% p-mercaptoethanol, and 0.002% bromphe- nol blue] was added to the gel slices, which were then boiled for iO mm and loaded onto a 1.5-mm, 10% SDS protein polyacrylamide gel along with 14C-labeled, high molecular weight protein markers (Life Technologies, Inc.). Electrophoresis was carried out at 4”C for i8 h at iO-30 mA. The gel was dried and exposed to a Phosphorimager screen for 52 h. Migration of the molecular weight markers was plotted versus the log of the molecular weight to generate a standard curve, which was then used to calculate the molecular weight of the proteins present in the EMSA gel slices. A value of Mr 9900, corresponding to the size of 30 nucleotides of single-stranded DNA, was subtracted from the calculated molecular weight values to correct for the presence of the M6.UVXL probe. Plasmid enstructIons. CR4-Luc and CR5-Luc have been described previously (47). CR5m2-Luc, CR5m5-Luc, CR5m6-Luc, and CR5m8-Luc were constructed by PCR. The SPE (-64) to +6 region of the promoter in CR5-Luc was amplified using primers that contained Hindlll sites at their ends and the desired base changes within the INS. The PCR products were cloned into the Hindlll site of the promoterless Iuciferase vector pSVOA-1A5’, and the resulting constructs were confirmed by sequencing. TransIent Transfection Assays. Cycling cuitures of K562 cells were counted, harvested by centrifugation, and resuspended in complete RPMI to a concentration of i .25 x i O cells/mI. For each transfection, 5 x 106 cells (0.4 mO were mixed on ice with 5 p.g of c-sis/POGF-B promoterreporter plasmid and 4 L9 of 3-galactosidase expression vector. The ceIVDNA mixtures were pulsed at 300 V/960 F capacitance (giving time constants in the range of 25-35 ms) using a Bio-Rad gene pulser and immediately resuspended in complete RPMI. Approximately 24 h after electroporation, the cell culture volumes were split equally into two dishes and treated with either WA (Sigma Chemical Co.; final concentration, 2 ng/ml) or solvent (ethano. Cultures were harvested approximately 48 h after electroporation by centrifugation, and cell pellets were lysed in i 50 d of lysis buffer [i % Triton X-iOO, 25 mu glycylglycmne (pH 7.8), 15 m,i MgSO4, 4 mM EGTA, and 1 m Dli]. Cell lysates were stored at -80#{176}C or used immediately in the reporter assays. The luciferase assays were performed as described previously (i08) using 70 d of the lysate. The 3-gaIactosidase reporter assays using chlorophenolred-p-o-galactopyr(i09) were performed by adding 50 d of the lysate to 150 el of working buffer [150 mi sodium phosphate (pH 7.3), 15 mpi anoside as a MgSO4, substrate 12 mM chlorophenclred---galactopyranoside, and 12 mi DIll, incubating at 37#{176}C for iO-90 mm, and reading optical densities at 574 nm. Luciferase activity for variations was normalized in transfection to f3-galactosidase efficiency activity to correct and set relative to the reference construct as indicated in the figure legend. At least three independent transfections were performed with each reporter plasmid, and the mean values for relative activity are reported, with error bars representing the SE of the mean. Acknowledgments We thank Loo for technical assistance in the construction series of promoter-reporter constructs. Deborah CR5mX-Luc of the References i . Degnan, B. M., Degnan, S. M., Naganuma, T., and Morse, D. E. The ets multigene family is conserved throughout the Metazoa. Nucleic Acids Res., 21: 3479-3484, i993. 2. Laudet, V., Niel, C., Duterque-Coquillaud, helm, D. Evolution of the ets gene family. mun., 190: 8-i4, 1993. 3. Wasylyk, factors. B., Hahn, M., Leprince, D., and SteBiochem. Biophys. Res. Com- S. L, and Giovane, A. The Eta family of transcription 21 1: 7-18, i993. Eur. J. Biochem., 4. 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