Images Review RFRF 09/2015
Images Review RFRF 09/2015
Execu&veSummary&ImagesReview RFRF09/2015 September3-4,2015 September3,2015,poweredby Fashion Trend Informa<on Season Spring/Summer2016 The first part of RFRF encompassed two presenta&onsonkeycharacteris&csoffashion trends of outerwear for women and men for which interna&onal purchasing managers had expressed their preferences at the pre-order trade-fairs that had already taken place prior to CPM. Alexander Radermacher presented thedomina&ngcategoriesofmaterials,colorrangesandthediversityofstyling,applyingto thepre-orderseasonofSpring/Summer2016. Despite the early hour of his presenta7on, Alexander Radermacher was very sa7sfied withthenumberofaTen7velisteners Crisis & Fashion Trend: Which Clothes topurchasebyRetailers? Galina Kravchenko had the difficult task to recommend fashion buyers of how to structure their offer during &me of crisis and recessive consumer demand. She referred to the experience of past crisis periods, when retailers reduced their fashion assortment to need-oriented,affordablypricedclothingasa base line, which was popped-up by trend- oriented fashion pieces, including a larger choiceofaccessories.Thebaselineneedsthe support of eye-catchers under a mix-andmatch sales promo&on strategy, that a consumercannotresist. Report&ImagesReviewRFRF09/2015 Alexander Radermacher, Fashion-Director of IGEDO, illustra7ng and explaining key fashion trendsfortheSeasonS/S2016 According to Alexander Radermacher, the characteris&cs of fashion trends for S/S 2016 shouldbesummarizedasfollows: “The 7meless quali7es of historical and contemporary design are showcased with stripped-backproductsthatbringtogetherthe old and the new, the past and the future. Inspira7onscomefromclassicalartglamourof the 70ies and geometric aesthe7cs. Next summer shows a constant interplay of nature and technology from the primi7ve to the futuris7c, as well as a loud, quirky and extensiveretro-aOtude”. Galina Kravchenko, Senior Expert of FCG for fashiontrendsandassortmentplanninggiving adviceonwhattopurchaseovercrisis-7mes 2 September3,2015,poweredby Execu<veConferenceofRFRF: “Challenging the Recession in Fashion Retailandpreparingfornewgrowth” This was the lead-theme of the Execu&ve ConferenceoftheSeptemberedi&on2015of RFRF. Philipp Kronen, Managing Partner of IGEDO Company, and host of RFRF, took advantage of his welcome-speech to draw aYen&on to the fact that the 25th edi&on of CPM presents itself as a vivid example for challengingthecrisissuccessfully.Hesaidthat IGEDO and Messe Duesseldorf confirm their commitment to develop CPM & RFRF over anothercri&calyear2016andbeyond. PhilippKronen,addressingtheaudiencewitha welcome message on the occasion of the Execu7veConferenceofRFRF “Economic Indicators speaking for a RecoveryoftheRussianFashionMarketin 2016andemergingGrowthin2017” “Whereisthelightinthetunnel?”wasthekey ques&on of Reinhard E. Doepfer when he presented his introduc&on address at the Execu&ve Conference of RFRF. According to him, Russian fashion retail does not sleep. On the contrary, despite the plunge of the Ruble andthepoli&calturmoil,certaindynamicshave emergedover2015.Hemen&onedtheongoing expansionofinterna&onalandRussianclothing Reinhard E. Doepfer, Chairman of European retail chains for both mono- and mul&-brand Fashion & Tex7le Export Council (EFTEC) formats. This process is supported by falling deliveringhisinaugura7onspeechatRFRF leaserates,tenantrota&onandtheopeningof newshoppingcentersintheregions. “Russian Fashion Market Overview 2015 thewayitwent,andthewayitwillend” Anna Lebsak-Kleimans, CEO of Fashion Consul&ngGroup(FCG)featureddetailsofthe currentsitua&on,andshegaveabriefforecast onthedevelopmentoverthefourthquarterof this current year. According to her analysis, retail sales of clothing fell by 40% in USD during the first six months. Dealers and distributors were forced to increase prices at 20% average, in September; falling margins Anna Lebsak-Kleimans, CEO of FCG, presented and cash-flows will have a nega&ve impact on her Russian Fashion Market Overview 2015 as purchasingbudgetsforthenextseason. thirdspeakerattheExecu7veConference Report&ImagesReviewRFRF09/2015 3 September3,2015,poweredby Execu<veConferenceofRFRF: Con<nua<onofFashionMarketOverview byAnnaLebsak-Kleimans Asaconsequenceofdecliningassets,independent mul&-brandfashionretailersaswellasfranchisees willsufferunderloanrestric&onsofRussianbanks. As Anna Lebsak-Kleimans further pointed out, Russian retail chains who produce private label garments for their own stores have the opportunity to freeze prices for a while, but they face the currency problem if their clothing is sourcedfromabroad.Winnersofthesitua&onare large, well capitalized ver&cal chains who keep prices low at the expense of their key markets. Moreover, Anna sees e-commerce providers and outlet discounters on the winner’s side of the presentmarketsitua&on. Anna Lebsak-Kleimans aTracted well over 120 followers, eagerly listening to her “deep-dive” analysisoftheRussianFashionRetailMarket RFRFSeminarSessionPartI “Methodsofchangingtradi<onal fashion retailprac<ce” Anna Balandina opened the first part of the Seminar Session of RFRF. In her speech, she set a focus on how to change Visual Merchandising Standards when the store assortment had to be m o d i fi e d d u e t o c r i s i s - e ff e c t s . H e r recommenda&ons were 1) display basic clothing together with seasonal “fashion highlights”, 2) show catchy prices for basics, 3) display the basic assortmentattheentranceand“hot”spotsofthe store and 4) create seasonal emo&onal decora&on Anna Balandina, Senior Expert of FCG for Visual intheshopwindows Merchandising and Fashion Display recommended substan7alchangesinclothes‘presenta7on “Customer Loyalty Programs are more thanBonusCardsandDiscounts” ThiswasthekeymessageofNatalyaChinyonovain her speech addressing how to effec&vely increase the impact of customer loyalty programs. She explained that customer binding to a store should include personal mailings to selected clients to mo&vate these for next purchases; invita&ons to events; personalized customer care throughout store visits; familiariza&on with characteris&cs of Natalya Chinyonova, Senior Consultant of FCG on brands and new products; assessing of clients’ RetailTechnologyinFashion,pledgedforchangesin desiresandpreferences. theapplica7onofLoyaltyPrograms Report&ImagesReviewRFRF09/2015 4 September3,2015,poweredby “ChangingthepurchasingManagement” In her second seminar, Galina Kravchenko, reiteratedtothecontentofherpresenta&onatthe Fashion Trend Forum of RFRF and deepened and widened her recommenda&ons on changing the assortment policy during crisis &me. She illustrated the building of a classifier matrix as basic requirement to op&mize the assortment matrix, according to FCG’s consul&ng standards: essen&al parameters for composing the store’s assortments under the impact of declining and growingdemand.Shealsosuggestedrulesofhow Galina Kravchenko held a second seminar session todealwithlehovers. advoca7ng effec7ve methods of change in fashion assortmentplanningincrisis7mes “How to take advantage of the liquidity reservesderivingfromle`overs” Andrey Gorb, Senior Consultant of FCG on retail sales development, and chief advisor for Bri&sh brandsKARENMILLENandOASIS,spokeaboutthe necessary changes in calcula&ng the budget of a fashion store facing recessive demand. “You have to be more realis&c and more accurate in working out the seasonal budget than you were used to during the growth-phase”, Gorb said. As an Andrey Gorb, FCG specialist on strategic fashion example,hedrewaYen&onoftheaudiencetothe retail development, recommended to generate real sales value of lehovers and its effec&ve deprecia&on against the pre-calculated price. immediatecash-flowbygeOngridofle`overs “However,today,lehoversgenerateanimmediate cash-flow,iftheygotodiscount-outletsorserveas bonus-offerinastore-corner”,Gorbemphasized. The first day of RFRF, organized by Fashion Consul7ng Group (FCG), generated an aTendance ofcloseto500professionals RFRF-visitors took advantage of the FCG seminars toshootphotosofthemanyslidesandPowerPoint presenta7ons Report&ImagesReviewRFRF09/2015 5 September4,2015,poweredby RFRFSeminar-SessionPartII “Opportuni<es and Risks of Clothing Produc<onintheDomes<cMarket” This was the lead theme of a 90-minute panel discussion between Russian apparel producers moderated by Andrew Burma<kov, head of PROfashionConsul<ng.Par&cipantsinthepanel: (see image below f.l.t.r.) Irina Fomina, Director General of German underwear brand COMAZO, Sergey Roznov, Vice-President of GLANCE, Gulnara Babich, President of Russian Apparel Federa<on (RAFI), Sergey Bezkorovainy, CEO of BEZKO,andNikolaiKhokhryakov,CEOofPOMPA. They spoke about their experience in clothing produc&on in Russia, described their difficul&es andreportedonhowtheysolvedproblems. Andrew BurmaFkov, Head of PROfashion ConsulFng, ac7ng as moderator of the panel discussiononpros&consofdomes7cproduc7on “Russian Clothing Retailers just started to discover domes<c manufacturers as reliablesuppliers” ThisstatementwasmadebySergeyBezkorovainy. He also said, that domes&c producers lack of investments in technology and qualified staff. According to Andrew Burma<kov, Russian brands should rather produce for the medium priced mainstream segment than for the mass- market. “That’s where import-subs&tu&on will work”, he said .“Russian brands need iden&ty of their own, quality and uniqueness, even at the expense of profits”wasthecommonopinionofSergeyRoznov Five panel speakers agreed that the climate in the and Nikolai Khokhryakov. The panelists concluded Russian clothing market will generate more that the development of domes&c produc&on will consumerdemandforhome-madeapparel facegrowingdemand. Sergey Bezkorovainy, CEO of BEZKO, and his The panel session „Producing in Russia“ was very colleague, Nikolai Khokhryakov, CEO of POMPA, well aTended by an audience of 100 visitors followingthediscussionintensively advoca7ngforapparelproduc7oninRussia Report&ImagesReviewRFRF09/2015 6 September4,2015,poweredby “GrowthFormulaforadomes<cDesigner in<mesofRecession” Thiswasthe&tleofates&monialspeechbyElena Kogel, CEO of the Russian women’s wear and accessories’brandANNACHAPMAN.Sheoffereda freshandposi&veapproachtoproblemsolvingat all stages of development, produc&on and retail sales opportuni&es in Russia. “Never before a Russianbrandhashadsuchagreatopportunityin produc&on and retail in this country”, Kogel assured: lease rates tumble, get fixed in Rubles instead of USD, good vacant spaces in shopping malls are available. And to support her words, Elena Kogel announced the opening of her own franchisestoreofANNACHAPMAN.” Elena Kogel, CEO of Russian women’s wear and accessories’brandANNACHAPMAN,seesfavorable perspec7vesfor“madeinRussia” At the end of her speech, Elena Kogel announced Anna Chapman par7cipa7ng as V.I.P. guest in theopeningofafranchisestoreofherownforthe “Grand Lingerie Defile” on the occasion of 25th CPM brandANNACHAPMAN “Crea<ng an opera<onal scenario for Russianbrandstosub-contractproduc<on todomes<corforeignmanufacturers-the pros&cons” Ekaterina Diaghileva, Co-Owner of RUSSKIYE SEZONI presented a compara&ve analysis between the op&ons, a Russian brand has in outsourcing clothing produc&on. According to her, there is a variety of indicators determining this op&on: the price segment in which a Russian brand is posi&oned, the volume of the contract, the choice of fabrics or yarns to be used, the complexity of Ekaterina Diaghileva, Co-Owner of RUSSKIYE cuongandsewingofeachstyle,andthetermsof SEZONI, spoke about the pros & cons of outsourcingproduc7onin-andoutsideRussia financeofthecontract. Report&ImagesReviewRFRF09/2015 7 September4,2015,poweredby “It is a mere mager of calcula<ng your costprecisely” said Ekaterina Diaghileva, when she went through her compara&ve analysis. On the one hand,thelowRublespeaksfororderdonor-ships to Russian manufacturers in the regions. On the other hand, the Russian order-donor will have to pre-finance the import of materials and accessoriesinhardcurrency.Accordingtoher,the ques&oniswhetherlowerwagesinRussiaandthe inputofdomes&cmaterialswillcompensatemuch higher import cost. As a consequence of this reflec&on, Mrs. Diaghileva suggested that produc&oninRussiashouldworkforoperatorsin the medium price level and for high priced designerclothes. The PROfashion speaker Ekaterina Diaghileva surrounded by interested professionals to share experiencewithher,a`erthepresenta7on “The Department Store Format TSUM shouldexpandintheRegions” IrinaGorban,DirectorGeneralofSMARTFASHION GROUP, reported on her studies on the development of more department stores in the TSUM-format, like TSUM Tyumen and TSUM VALENTINAinVladimir.Asthereares&ll42Soviet styleTSUMsopera&ngintheregions,theseshould be renovated to form an an&-pole to shopping malls. Mrs. Gorban suggests that such structures shouldsetafocusonprovidingcornersorshop-inshops for Russian brands under the condi&on of own financed procurement of the merchandise by IrinaGorban,DirectorGeneralofSMARTFASHION thedepartmentstore. GROUP, spoke about the importance of expanding departmentstoresintheregions “Mo<va<onofSalesStaffisakey instrumenttoChallengeconsumer reluctanceinarecession” This was the key message to the audience, which Maria Gerasimenko, CEO of CLEVER FASHION, expressed on the occasion of her speech focusing onher“an&-crisisplanofac&onsforfashionretail”. According to her, educa&on of staff and customer care are the main objec&ves in an&-crisis management.Theexpertwasaccompaniedbytwo tes&monialspeakersonthepodium,whoanimated Maria Gerasimenko, CEO of the consultancy theaudiencetotakepartinanintensiveinterac&on CLEVER FASHION, in a dialogue with two throughouttheseminar. tes7monialspeakersonsalesstaffcapacita7on Report&ImagesReviewRFRF09/2015 8 September4,2015,poweredby “Importantpagernsofinterac<on betweenfashionretailersandtheir suppliers:Howtobalanceparityof intereststoensurethedevelopmentof brands?” This was the key theme for Kirill Volkov, Marke&ng Director of the ACADEMY OF RETAIL TECHNOLOGY,whoexplainedthatcommunica&on between retailers and suppliers should not be limitedonissuesofhowtoincreasetheturnover andonhowmuchofadiscountmaybegrantedby the supplier. Instead, both par&es should closely worktogetheronissueswhichguaranteethemidtolongtermviability. Kirill Volkov, Marke7ng Director of ACADEMY OF RETAIL TECHNOLOGY, recommended to intensify open communica7on between retailers and their suppliers Impressions from the audience at the PROfashion More impressions from the audience: doesn’t she Seminar Day of RFRF: Visitors aTending from all lookpreTyinherretro-lookofthe70s? partsofRussiaandtheCIS The hosts of the 16th consecu7ve edi7on of Russian Fashion Retail Forum, IGEDO & MESSE DUESSELDORF,wishtothanktheorganizers,ITMMGmbH,FASHIONCONSULTINGGROUP(FCG) andPROfashionPublishingHouse,fortheirvaluablecoopera7oninorganizingthepar7cipa7on of high-profile speakers & panel par7cipants, thus helping decisively to aTract around 1.000 visitorstoRFRF. Wearegladtobeabletoannouncethatthiscoopera7onwillcon7nuein2016! WelookforwardtowelcomingourRFRFvisitorsontheoccasionofits17thedi7ononWednesday, February24andonThursday,February25,2016. Report&ImagesReviewRFRF09/2015 9 Report&ImagesReviewRFRF 09/2015 10