april 2015 - Klamath Yacht Club
april 2015 - Klamath Yacht Club
http://www.kycsail.us APRIL 2015 Home of SJ21 Fleet 51 KLAMATH YACHT CLUB 2700 Front Street P.O. Box 1648 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON 97601 541.883.3339 Commodore Liz Campbell Vice Commodore Richard Ford Rear Commodore Tim Phillips Treasurer Bob Dortch Secretary Elaine Zaiger Board of Directors Steve Crabb Jim Carpenter Sam Houston Doug Riese Spiros Karidis 2013-14 Commodore Gail Corey Newsletter Editor eliz campbell Morning fog cloaks the shore and water. Photos Steve Campbell MARCH OVERNIGHTER at the ASPEN GROVE The weather was the best it had been all Spring Break, so I had to do an overnighter. Unfortunately, illness befell those slated to go, so I ended up going alone. I did a little provisioning, but as usual, brought enough food for an army or a week. The sail up was uneventful, little wind but from everywhere. After a couple hours I decided to motor sail, because while it is said it is the journey, not the destination, sometimes it is the destination too, as in this case. The wind was a little cool; I envisioned anchoring out of the breeze and in the sun and relaxing and that is what I did. After I rounded the Skillet Handle, the wind became nonexistent so I motored the last three miles to my favorite anchorage at the Aspen Grove. After a couple hours of soaking up the sun in shorts and a t-shirt, I BBQ’d dinner and had a very relaxing evening. I retired early and woke up the next morning to heavy fog, so I put on the coffee and busied myself fixing breakfast and reading the news. After breakfast and cleaning, I poked my head out and was surprised to find it so warm with the fog. I grabbed another cup of coffee and went up on deck to relax and watch the fog lift. I was able to spend a beautiful morning and early afternoon relaxing in the sun and getting some work done until the wind came up around 1:00. So, relaxed and renewed, I pulled up anchor and set sail for home. The wind was great, out of the SW at about 10+ knots, no motor needed. This time it was about the journey, not the destination. –Steve Campbell, Catalina 30 Commodore‘s Report Vice Commodore’s Report Gathering at the fire pit by the lakeside….another great offering by our club this year! That Friday it was quite warm and spring-like but by evening a chill had entered the air, enough to remind us it was winter’s end. Sock Burning 2015 was fun! It was happy and laughing and uniting and flame-filled (in a good way). Yes, being up at the bar area on a Friday night is enjoyable but put everyone outside in the evening air with the lake right there…there was something quite special about it that no others in Klamath were enjoying that night but we were. Wednesday Night Racing begins later this month, after Racing 101 wraps up with a Skipper’s Meeting and a Sunday practice race. Many thanks to Mike Bliss for continuing to sponsor Racing 101. It’s quite evident the time and thought he puts into the information presented; almost as if he wants to get beat on a Wednesday night. As boating activities ramp up (yep!), we are all ambassadors of the club- to visitors, to non-member crew, but especially to each other. We promote goodwill in our actions, our words, and our attitudes toward the lake, boating, and each other. We’ve welcomed two new memberships into our gathering; let us continue to welcome them beyond the paperwork. To the sky and to the wind, see you soon down by the lake. elizabeth Sock Burning was a great success. We had a good time burning socks, welcoming in spring. Hot dogs were roasted and marsh mellows toasted. Connie passed the Baileys for dipping of the marsh mellows (very scrumptious). Thanks to all that donated new socks for the Mission. If you missed this event hope to see you next year. I want to thank Doug and Connie and Bob and Shirley for each hosting a Wednesday supper at the bar. The food was great. We have two more Wednesdays open [need volunteers] in April for hamburgers or hot dogs before Jim and Geraldine Wolf take the grill for the Spring Series. I also need volunteers for the Summer Series. Don’t want to do a series how about Friday soup? The refrigerator in the kitchen decided to become a freezer. I got it repaired and as soon as I get it adjusted correctly we should have things back to normal soon. Happy sailing, Dick and Carolyn Rear Commodore’s Report Activity has been stepping up around the club lately. We are usually anxiously waiting for the ice to melt but the weather had been beautiful for this time of year. While it is nice to have such warm weather this early it is also concerning. In the end we always have a fun sailing season. We had a very productive work party in March. It's pretty amazing how much can get done in just a few hours. If you are wondering how you get your work assessment hours in, just keep an eye out for work parties. They are announced in the Scuttlebutt and notice will also go out through the email list. Work parties are an easy way to get hours plus you get to enjoy the camaraderie of other club members. Boats are slowly getting in the water. If you had a slip last year you can put your boat back in the same slip. Just make sure to have your moorage paid by the 15 of April. If your moorage has not been paid, you may lose your spot. If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks, Tim Board Notes unofficial March 12, 2015 Treasurer’s Report Bob Dortch Marian Dortch stepped in to take minutes. Items of note: Tile Depot donated the bulk of the kitchen tile; Brian and Carol Hansen donated decorative tile ‘trim’. Long wooden tables (recently replaced by February table purchase) donated to American Legion. Linoleum being looked into for kitchen floor. Piling caps being purchased for installation at next work party (March 21). Val Jones and Jeff Burcher approved as new members. Club Project List reviewed and updated; to be posted in clubhouse. Review of updated liability statement that members show proof of liability insurance at time of moor, store, or use of boat at KYC. Next meeting April 9, 6:30pm. NOW IS YOUR LAST CHANCE to report your work hours for 2014 or be billed $10/hour for any shortages. To date, only about half of the membership have reported any work hours. You can report your work hours in many ways as long as it's in writing. The Treasurer's e-mail address is Bdortch342@aol.com and the books close on the 25th of each month for billing purposes so unless you want to be billed, please get your work hours for 2014 reported. Thanks. First Boat in Slip March 5, 2015 (geese not included) Photo Vic Ford Aaron Tesman, Karl Wenner 2013 SJ21 Nationals at Ten Mile Lake, OR San Juan 21 Fleet 51 Firecracker Regatta 2015 July 3 (Friday) Friday Club Dinner: Friends with Boats July 4 (Saturday)- July 5 (Sunday) Boats, Boats, Boats! Race Captain Chuck Dunbar Regatta Chairs Lisa Mulvey and Janice Hicks Volunteers needed. With glee. June 11-14, 2015 @ KYC 2015 San Juan 21 Western Nationals Regatta Chairs: Greg Collins Tim Phillips (KYC Rear Commodore) Looking to get involved? Information posted on board upstairs at bar OR visit www.kycsail.us for more information and like us on Facebook at Klamath Yacht Club and San Juan 21 Fleet 51. ***REGATTA CALENDAR*** May 23-24 Whiskeytown, California Memorial Day Regatta May 23-24 Fern Ridge Reservoir- Eugene, Oregon Memorial Day Regatta June 6 Stockton, California th Delta Ditch Run *25 Anniversary* June 11-14 Upper Klamath Lake- Klamath Falls, Oregon 2015 San Juan 21 Western Nationals June 13-14 Fern Ridge Reservoir - Eugene, Oregon “Live on the Edge” Multihull Regatta July 4-5 Upper Klamath Lake- Klamath Falls, Oregon Firecracker Regatta July 10-11-12 Eagle Lake, CA MHRA (MultiHull) Racing Regatta Bringing Top Drawer (Roberts 22) back onto the water after a year and a half on the hard; Dan and Valerie Morehouse celebrated with friend Terry Kenfield. What work party? WORK PARTY…boat ramps…boom logs…piling caps…oh my! Ramp on south jetty was fished out of the lake, replaced, and railings added. Tires put back on boom log; boom logs re-adjusted. Caps installed on pilings (we look established!). Raking, raking, raking. Un-needed items moved to Bone Yard. Workshop picked up; cabinet placed inside. Exterior of workshop cleaned up. Handicap Parking sign cemented in (first of two). Weeds galore sprayed. Sink hole filled in once more. Kestrel pulled back up on jetty. Comraderie shared. Six hours times nine people = 54 work hours invested in KYC. Tim Phillips, Steve Crabb, Vic Ford, Vince Wachter reset the Kestrel on its trailer Mary Bond rakes “flotsam and jetsam” from the ramp (left) Rear Commodore Tim and Steve Crabb initiate crane protocol to reel in the boom log (middle) Mick Mulvey, Gerald Pollock (note those nifty piling caps) (right) How many sailors does it take to move a dock ramp? 3 of course! Chuck Dunbar, Steve Campbell, Vince Vachter Work Hours Available: Race buoy spruce-up Jim Carpenter and Vic Ford shore up the sink hole Some work happens on the water. Photos Liz Campbell Sock Burning 2015 Supported by Carolyn Ford’s supply of paper socks, Richard Ford initiated spring with a celebratory speech and doffing-off of his socks. Richard was followed by many KYC sailors eager to usher in spring with the annual “burning of the socks”. Doug Riese and Ernie Waters were on hand to assist with proper sausage-skewering techniques and Mel Murakami and Tina Mahacek brought out marshmallows as the sun set. Vic & Laura Ford The non-sock-tainted roasting location. Jim Carpenter, Chuck Dunbar, Bill Wright, Bud Cook Sock Burning is rooted in “fact”. On the East Coast, Annapolis area, they annually celebrate spring’s onset with “Ode to the Equinox” and burnt socks. A view from Southern California, shared by KYC friend Larry Arthur: I was driving home on I-5 from San Diego last month and came over the top of the hill overlooking Dana Point (Bud knows where this is.). Lo and behold, there out in the bay was a veritable flotilla of boats. Too many to count. I tried counting the sails and dividing by two but no good. Suffice to say a lot. Could only think of Klamath Lake and a Regatta on the 4th of July. Connie Driessen, Guest Bill Wright, Richard Ford Blinka and Pam Randall Scuttlebutts of old…APRIL 2010…Guy Jakubowski has first boat in the water…Race Captains Steve Crabb and Jim Carpenter set Skipper’s Meeting for April 7…APRIL 2005…Andy Patterson grading new north jetty but stopping short of a pair of nesting geese…suggestion made to put a gazebo at the end of the North Jetty and dedicate it to the memory of Bob DeRosier and Paul Tremaine, two long-time members and sailors…Jennifer DuNesme signing on as race captain with three conditions (computer, race program, start shack)… APRIL 2000…Mick Mulvey and his new boat Coronado 25 showing up in photo by Herald & News and reprinted in the Oregonian…Race Captains include Wayne Connors, Jim Lawson, Bud Cook and Scott Cullen (regatta)…Gail Corey thanked for heading up a Corned Beef on Rye feed, with help from Wileys and Dortch… SUNDAY NIGHT MARCH 24, 1985, the ice finally left giving us back our nice lake. Larry Howard was the big winner of the kitty to see when the lake was going to thaw….The cat beach has been dug out so the cat boats can just slide into shore…Sailing classes led by Arkie Nelson on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays…special Friday night at the club with a “big screen movie video”…APRIL 1982…Bonnie and Larry Howard accepted as new members…Spring Series chairpersons are Judy and Larry Arthur so get those registration fees in… IRISH POTLUCK AND SLIDES Photos Liz Campbell Tina and I are very thankful for all of the enthusiastic participants at [March’s] Irish Slideshow (by Mark)/Potluck. Terrific food, yes? I mean, really, comically creative too: Irish Green Eggs and Ham?!?!?!? You expect Horton to fly in any minute. –Mel and Tina Father Cribbin, Ireland tour guide Kriss Wessling and Cynthia Bourgeau, Hostess Tina Mahacek Larry Snyder, Vince Wachter, Mary, Guy Jakubowski Teresa Snyder, Mary Bond Slides from the Irish trip 2014 led by Father Cribbin seen and heard in March … Laura Ford tending to a recuperating friend…Elaine and Jake Zaiger de-barking the airplaneAloha!...Tim Phillips and Justin Harris sharing conversation over a boat at the crane…Kurt and Beth Vonder Hulls working on their Catalina 30…Chuck Dunbar sizing up a storm-damaged roof…Mark and Julie Matthews enjoying dinner on the lake, dockside…Jim Carpenter spring cleaning on the Klamath “Blue-Green” Belle…Bob Dortch making a jaunt up to Rocky Point…Gail Corey celebrating a birthday at the club…Cindy DeRosier learning about the Basin’s native plants…Suzi Scott running to Medford to pick her son Shawn… Richard and Carolyn Ford celebrating a granddaughter’s birthday…Greg Collins leading a wine-bottling run up north…Bob Dortch exploring the explosive points of a lawn mower battery…a mink running down the KYC dock…and the grebes are running… KITCHEN RENO…March 2015….and it continues…with progress! Brian and Carol Hansen Carolyn Ford- Vice Commodore’s right hand Photos Vic Ford Richard Ford- Vice Commodore GPS 42.244098, -121.814635 APRIL 2015 at the Klamath Yacht Club 541.883.3339 Remember to check email for changes or additions to the current calendar. Klamath Falls Events via Discover Klamath website. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Not foolin’ me Day 6 7 8 No Housework Day (or RV-work Day, just for you Janice) Club Open Burgers Flipped Sorry Charlie Day 12 13 14 RACING 101 7:oopm . 15 Club Open Burgers Flipped RACING 101 Skipper’s Mtg. 7:oopm Russian Cosmonaut Day 19 20 22 THIRD MONDAY IN APRIL: Patriot's Day commemorates the Battle of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. This battle began the American Revolutionary War. It also honors the "Midnight Ride of Paul Revere", that evening when Paul Revere rode through town warning the colonists that "The Red Coats are coming!" ---www.holidayinsights.com PRACTICE RACE 1:00pm 26 21 27 28 Send articles and news to What I like in a good author is not what he says, but what he whispers. ~Logan Pearsall Smith, "All Trivia," Afterthoughts, 1931 16 17 Check email for dinner details. RSVP please. County Museum Program 7:00pm Better Saturday Party CANCELLED 11 Bar Open 6:00pm MOORAGE DUE $$$$$ APRIL 15th 30 RC Mike Bliss Full Moon Pink Moon Strictly Sail Pacific 2015 April 9-12 Oakland, CA 6:30pm RC Mike Bliss RACE NIGHT 6:15 or so 10 KYC BOARD MTG. RACE NIGHT 29 Bar Open 6:00pm Teacher Conferences 23 Scuttlebutt Articles Due www.kycnewsletter@ gmail.com The ONLY email I check for KYC info… Klamath ArmoryAuditorium Exhibit Klamath County Museum 7:00pm Program 9 City Schools: Parent/ City Schools: Parent/ Teacher Conferences 4 Don’t Go to Work Unless It’s Fun Day RACING 101 7:oopm City Schools: Parent/ Teacher Conferences Saturday Friday 3 2 Club Open Burgers Flipped He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast. --Leonardo da Vinci 5 Thursday Barbershop Quartet Day 18 Bar Open 6:00pm International Juggler’s Day (may also apply to multitasking sailors getting ready for Sunday’s practice race) Klamath Symphony @ RRT 7:30pm 24 25 Treasurer Dortch closes books tomorrow. Did you report work hours? Bar Open 6:00pm May 1 Bar Open 6:00pm Club Dinner 7:00 pm Hosts Waters & Waters Upcoming Events: May 9 Work Party May 10 Mother’s Day Brunch 3rdWeekend Commissioning Day Klamath Yacht Club P.O. BOX 1648 KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 Board Meeting Thursday April 9 6:30pm NOT 7pm MOORAGE $$$ DUE April 15 CLUB DINNER RACING 101 Continuing Wednesdays April 1 April 8 ******April 15 w/ Skipper’s Meeting SUNDAY APRIL 19 1:00pm PRACTICE RACE Wednesday April 22 RACE NIGHT Race Captain Mike Bliss SATURDAY APRIL 25 7:00pm Waters and Waters, hosts Upper Klamath Lake 03/29/2015 4142.93’ @ Rattlesnake Point 631 CF/sec discharge @ Link River http://waterdata.usgs.gov/or/nwis/
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