Vol 5: Issue 8 - Klamath Falls City Schools
Vol 5: Issue 8 - Klamath Falls City Schools
KLAMATH FALLS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Volume 5, Issue 8 March 2016 Editor: Dr. Paul Hillyer, Superintendent INSIDE THIS ISSUE: After School Matters Every Hour Counts 1 We’re Hiring 1 Helpful Links 2 KFCS on Facebook 2 KU DECA 2 Everyday Hero & Community Partner Awards & Video 3 KU Cheer Squad 3 Open Enrollment 3 Grants In the Spotlight 3 After School Matters : Every Hour Counts By Gayle Yamasaki, CCLC Program Coordinator Have you heard about the unbelievable opportunity that is offered to all our students? All our students are offered well-rounded experiences in art, fitness/health, hands-on science activities, motivating math games, homework help and reading and supper. Do you think this is too good to be true? Read on. volunteers teach five-six week curriculum blocks. The 21st Century Community Learning Centers CCLC, is a part of a system that coordinates efforts and resources to bring young people opportunities after the regular school day has ended. Junior Achievement Global Marketplace through hands-on activities providing practical information about what makes international trade work and how it affects students’ daily lives at Ponderosa Middle Through the CCLC after-school program, children and teens benefit by frequent participation in quality programs. Those programs focus on building science, math, language arts, physical fitness, and art skills through active learning experiences. Early Childhood Intervention Teacher Early Childhood Intervention Paraprofessional Middle School Counselor Bus Drivers Elementary School RTI Teacher Elementary Teachers Elementary Music Teacher SPARK Specialist High School AVID Academic Elective Class Tutor High School Head Girls Soccer Coach For detailed descriptions and application information please visit our personnel job listings by clicking HERE These after-hours programs recognize that it takes more than strong math and reading skills to be successful in life. They also develop persistence, compassion, self-confidence and openness to new ideas; self-control, time management, goal setting, and team building. Community involvement evident. For example… Oregon Tech students tutor math at Klamath Union high school and Oregon Tech athletics donates over 500 basketball tickets during this year’s 4th and 5th grade basketball season for students and families. Oregon Community Foundation Latino Partnership Program provides scholarships for Latino students to enroll in dual credit programs in Career Technical Education pathways at Klamath Community College and/or Oregon Tech. How are kids spending their time afterschool? In grades Kindergarten-8th Children do math activities daily. Children participate in weekly science-learning activities. Children engage in reading and writing activities. is The Favell Museum’s Community Art program is a traveling visual art outreach and education program at Conger, Mills, Pelican elementary schools, and Ponderosa Middle where Children complete weekly art activities. Children enjoy weekly physical fitness activities. 4th and 5th grade students are offered basketball, soccer, and track and field. Children enjoy weekly technology/computer activities. Children are given daily homework help. At Klamath Union grades 9-12 Students are offered math tutorial, homework assistance, and test make-up at least 4 times a week. Students are offered English writing assistance, homework help, test make –up at least twice a week and a Math credit recovery with KUHS teachers twice a week. Background In 2013 the Klamath Falls City Schools was awarded a 21st Century Community Learning Centers after school grant award of $2,120,750. This is a five- year grant. There are three elementary after school programs at Conger, Mills, and Pelican. Roosevelt students can attend any of these three sites. There is also after school programming at Ponderosa Middle School and KU. There are over 480 students enrolled in after school activities. These programs are held for 2 hours every day school is in session from After School Continued on Page 3 page 2 “ T h e g r e a t e s t g o o d y o u c a n d o fo r a n o t h e r i s n o t j u s t t o s h a r e y o u r r i c h e s , b u t t o r e v e a l t o h i m h i s o w n .” ~ Benjamin Disraeli KFCS on Facebook Helpful Links NEW District Facebook Page Bully Tip Link After School Program 2015-16 Calendar KFCS Policy Manual Code of Conduct English Code of Conduct Spanish FamilyLink Portal School Lunch Menus Conger Elementary Mills Elementary Pelican Elementary Roosevelt Elementary Ponderosa Middle School Klamath Union High School Dr. Hillyer’s Twitter Feed Visit our website often for information & updates! If there is something you would like us to add, let us know so that we can take it under consideration! KLAMATH FALLS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 1336 Avalon St. Klamath Falls, 97603 Phone: (541) 883-4700 Dr. Paul Hillyer Superintendent School Board Lori Theros, Chairman Bill Jennings, Vice Chairman Trina Perez Michael Moore Mychal Amos Jeremy Player Donald Ambers Board meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the boardroom of the district office. If you are unable to attend you may view the agenda & minutes of all the meetings by clicking HERE The KFCS recently implemented a social media presence. Our Facebook page will complement the existing communication tools including print, e-newsletters, School Messenger, as well as our district website. The primary audiences for our page are parents, community members, news media, alumni, community partners, teachers and staff. We believe this is mainly a tool for communicating information to adults although it is obvious that students may decide to “like” the page as well. Our primary goal in using social media is to provide an additional, convenient way for parents/guardians to receive immediate updates from the district as they are posted, through a tool that they already access regularly. We know that not all parents/guardians wish to set up a Facebook account or to receive information through this form of communication. If you do not have your own Facebook account, you are still able, if you wish, to visit any of our district or school pages at your leisure to see recent updates. Simply click the Facebook button on the district’s website homepage. We hope you enjoy our new Facebook page!! Click Above Everyday HERO Awards IMPORTANT DATES Spring Break Mon. 3/21/16 – Fri. 3/25/16 Congratulations to these fine district employees who were selected to receive the Everyday Hero Award for Going Above & Beyond for Kids. The presentations were made recently at the annual event held Ponderosa Middle School. at Sharon Becerra; Conger Resource Paraprofessionals; Becky Barker; Chrys Dawes; Sally Erlei; Tammy Grey; Ken Hendricks; Melody Morello; Ruth Ann Hammond; Toby Flackus; Calandra Frederick; Brent Hakanson; Victor Haudenshild; Charlotte de los Reyes-Gardner; Staci Hanson; Jessica Hill; Lindsey James; Andrea Lassett; Maureen Lundy; Ann Malcolm; Courtney McDonald; KFCS Transportation Team; Deb Rhoades; Evan Mortenson; Carmen Salinas; Patti Shultz and Dan Stearns. Congratulations also go out to our Community Partner Award winners Mike and Sandy Connelly of Green Blade Bakery who do so much to increase student success and who are such a community treasure! Watch the Everyday Hero Award video starring KFCS students by clicking HERE. KU DECA MAKES IMPRESSIVE SHOWING In February the KU DECA team participated in three days of intense competition at the State Career Development Conference. DECA members Vanessa Sanchez and Bailey Elliis made school history when Sanchez became the first person in the history of the KU DECA chapter to earn first place in all three components of her event and Ellis became the first freshman to place in two events! The complete list of results is impressive: Individual Awards: Vanessa Sanchez 1st place test Hospitality cluster exam; 1st place test; 2nd place role play and 1st place overall quick serve Restaurant Management. 1st place test, 1st place role play #1, 1st place role play #2, 1st place overall Restaurant Management. Brin Rey 3rd place Marketing cluster exam; 1st place test, 3rd place role place, 4th place overall Business Services Marketing. 1st place test Food Marketing, 3rd place overall. 1st place test Food Marketing 3rd place overall. Hunter Ellis 4th place Food Marketing, 1st place test Marketing Communication. Jacob Slinker 2nd place role play, 6th place overall Retail Merchandising. Bailey Ellis 4th place overall Retail Merchandising, 3rd place overall Apparel & Accessories. Hunter Ellis & Jacob Slinker 6th place overall Marketing Communication Team Decision. Josh Budden & Hunter Ellis 3rd place Overall Creative Management project. Chapter Awards: Largest professional membership Largest alumni membership Bronze level membership increase Thrive level membership campaign Thrive level promotional campaign 2nd place Oregon DECA chapter of the year page 3 “ T e a c h i n g sh o u l d b e su c h t h a t w h a t i s o ffe r e d i s p e r c e i v e d a s a v a l u a b l e g i f t a n d n o t a s a h a r d d u t y .” ~ Albert Einstein Cheer Dynasty This month we wanted to focus on some exciting news that we received recently regarding two grants. Klamath Union has been selected to participate in the Nike School Innovation Fund (NSIF) College and Career Readiness Program. Since 2007, Nike has awarded over $12 million to schools through this initiative. This is a fantastic opportunity to be partnered with an organization such as NIKE that is devoted to accelerating innovation in the school setting to promote college and career readiness. In Klamath Union’s second year of implementation, Nike is sponsoring the sending of six teachers and one administrator to an AVID training in Denver, Colorado this summer. After two years of partnering with Nike, Klamath Union will have sent 12 staff members and two administrators for this specialized training. As a K-12 AVID district, we are committed to the AVID vision: Close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. We are grateful for Nike’s support! MATH GRANT “Math Best Practices: How Math Teaching Matters” is a two week long summer academy to increase pedagogical preparedness of teachers to successfully implement inquiry-based practices within applied mathematics instruction in Klamath Falls City Schools. This instructional model uses Algebra and basic math, as the content of instruction, while also placing emphasis on Language Acquisition, Academic Vocabulary Development, and using technology as real tools for applied Math applications. This model will provide teachers with engaging, enriching, rigorous, hands-on instruction, which demonstrates the relevance of Math as it relates to the real world around them. Teacher training and implementation of this model during the academic year is being made possible by a $45,000 grant which was the district’s portion of a larger award with SOESD. The district is excited that the Klamath Union High School competitive cheer squad captured a rare three-peat recently when they handily claimed another state title. The Pels won the Class 4A small squad championship with 174.10 points beating out second place South Umpqua by 12.8 points. The squads coach, Paulette Rico, credits their success not only to increased fitness and condition levels, but to teaching young women discipline that they will use for the rest of their lives. Although the competition grows with each passing year and, the pressure that the squad places on themselves to do well for their school and their community, it seems that the Pels have built a cheer dynasty to be envied. Squad : Alyssa Calamuda; Chelsea Henslee; Shayleigh Heater; Molly Dively; Georgia Garcia; Natalie Bruner; Breanna Croy; Maya Calamuda; Charity Legg; Anna Kendrick; Makalia Harrington. Coaches: Aubrey Rico; Paulette Rico; Vern Reynolds and Elise Rico. After School Continued from Page 1 from September–May. There is a registration fee for participation of $30 per child or $50 per family for the year. Scholarships are available and volunteer options in lieu of cash payments are available. Transportation after school is available for eligible students. MARCH EVENTS Ice Skating for Mills Favell Art Outreach at Pelican & Ponderosa Jr. Achievement at Ponderosa 4th & 5th grade girls’ basketball season final tournament 4th & 5th grade recruitment and sign-ups for track & field (practice starts April 11th) Conger Family Night March 8th, 5:30 pm – Supper, math games & reader’s theater presentations Pelican Family Night March 10th, 5:30 pm – Supper, math games & reader’s theater presentations Mills Family Night March 11th, 5:30 pm – Supper, math games & reader’s theater presentations Ponderosa Family Night March 14th, 5:30 pm – Supper, math games & the reader’s theater. MAY EVENTS Annual CCLC After School Celebration “Because of You!” Tuesday, May 24th, 5:30 – 7:30 pm. SUMMER FOR GRADES 6-12 Open Enrollment Open enrollment for students not residing in the district, but who wish to transfer to our district, is open between March 1st & March 31st. All applications must be submitted no later than March 31, 2016. If you have questions please contact Dena at 541-883-4702. July 11th – 29th @ Ponderosa Middle School. Grades 6-8 featuring a Math Academy and 9th grade elective credit JumpStart to KUHS. July 11th – August 5th @ Klamath Community College. Grades 9-12 featuring Math credit recovery and dual credits in career pathway. MDA 100: Exploring Health Careers 3 credits a) b) CAS 133: Intro to Computing Skills 4 credits AMT 101: Work skills training Automotive Technology 4 credits For more information contact Gayle Yamasaki 541-883-4702 ext. 7139 or via email at yamasakig@kfalls.k12.or.us
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