Investing in Portugal
Investing in Portugal
Investing in Portugal Agriculture, Fishing and Food Industry 2016 Content Why Portugal Agriculture, Fishing Food industry aicep Portugal Global 2 PORTUGAL IS A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Why choose Portugal? Strategic location Portugal is the European nearest country to the U.S. 3-hour distance between Brazil and Russia. Same time as UK and Ireland. Attractive Consumer Market Portugal Iberian Market 10,4 51 European Market 494 Portuguese Speaking countries 220 Great and privilege economic relations between Portugal and Brazil, Angola and Mozambique. Daily flights to major European cities. Million Inhabitants Why choose Portugal? Qualified Workforce Flexible labour lawHigh-standard educationWide availabilityPartnerships with world-class US institutions ► Mathematic performance: • English learning is mandatory from elementary school; • Students enrolled in lower secondary level (Eurostat 20052012): • 86% learn English (96% in EU28) • 57% learn French (34% in EU28) • 22% learn Spanish (12% in EU28) • 78% of the students learn 2 or more foreign languages (65% in EU28, 53% in France or 42% in Spain). - above OECD: 19.6%, PISA 2012 (OECD average of 14.8%); ► English performance: - Portugal has the 9th highest score in English tests (among EU28, TOEFL 2013); ► Management School Performance: - Quality of Management Schools: Portugal ranks #4 (among144 countries, GCR 20142015, WEF) Why choose Portugal? Business Friendly Environment EASE OF DOING BUSINESS MULTI-CULTURAL • Ease of Doing Business Rank: # 25 (out of 189 countries, World Bank DB 2015) • Tax Reform: Reduction of corporate income tax from 23% to 21% in 2015; • Labour Reform: increased the duration of fixed-term contracts, reduction of severance pay, new lay-off rules; • Time to set up a business: less than 1 hour; • Major public services are on-line and several legal obligations have been eliminated, simplified. Source: IMD, WCY 2013, Cultural Openness • Portugal is TOP 4 in Cultural Openness (IMD, 2013); • Portugal is very open to foreign cultures: the availability of international schools, the safety record and quality of life attract expatriates; • As a result, Portugal is ranked #2 in the Migrant Integration Policy Index 2011 (MIPEX III). Government Support CORPORATE TAX REFORM INCENTIVES AND GRANTS PRODUCTIVE INVESTMENT - Statutory Corporate tax rate reduction from 23% to 21% (Euro Area average is 26.5%) FINANCIAL – Targeting innovation: new products or services, methods or processes. Interest-free loan of 35% of eligible expenses and possible cash grant upon performance up to 50% of the loan. - Reduced rate for SME (first €15.000): 17% TAX - Corporate income tax credit from 10% up to 25% of eligible expenses, during a 10-year period. JOB CREATION INCENTIVES INTERNSHIPS - Monthly subsidy, work insurance and meal allowance; “ESTÍMULO” EMPREGO - Financial wage-related incentives up to 12 months for unemployed people; R&D INVESTMENT - Top Corporate tax rate to be 17% in 2018 from the current 31,5% FINANCIAL – Targeting R&D activities to develop new services and products. Cash grant up to 1M€ and if exceeding that amount, 25% loan and 75% as a cash grant. TAX - Corporate income tax credit from 32,5% of eligible expenses and an incremental rate of 50% of the increase in expenses, up to € 1,500,000 (for established companies). SOCIAL SECURITY - Exemption (for 36 months) of social contributions - Young (first job) or long term unemployed people (> 12 months) - Permanent labor contracts only. Why choose Portugal? They chose us “‘(…) With their outstanding expertise in precision engineering, our Portuguese colleagues have made a considerable contribution to Leica Camera’s success story.” Andreas Kaufmann, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Leica AG “At HB Fuller, our expanding Portuguese team has quickly gained a reputation for professional expertise, high energy, quick learning and cross-functional teamwork. I am delighted by the quality of the people we can attract and how fast they have developed.” Malcolm Grey, Finance Director EIMEA, H.B. Fuller Europe Agriculture, fishing and Food industry in Portugal Agriculture, fishing and Food industry in Portugal Main factors GDP 4.1 % Employment 12 % Agricultural area 3668 (1000 Ha) Sources: Globalagrimar, 2012 Ministry of Agriculture, 2013 Highlights Today, agriculture and agro-industry have emerged as Portugal’s fastest-growing export sector and a very significant area to have created jobs. Growing influx of highly qualified professionals into farming, agribusiness and food technology Agriculture, fishing and Food industry in Portugal Fresh and concentrated tomato Olive Oil Meat Companies 441 Companies 7 Companies 615 Direct Jobs 1 205 Direct Jobs 500 Direct Jobs 15 839 26 World Export rank 4th GVA (M€) Turnover (M€) 243 Processed Tomato (tons; 2014) 1 200 000 Turnover (M€) 2 168 Export (tons) 128 374 Export (tons) 353 466 Export (tons) 134 775 Exports (M€) 372 Exports (M€) 224 Exports (M€) 319 GVA (M€) Oils, Fats and olive oil refining not included 304 Figures include slaughtering, preserved meat and meat processing Some relevant brands Sources: Fronteie, SCIE and INE,CIP, Portugal Foods Agriculture, fishing and Food industry in Portugal Dairy products Bakery and Confectionery Coffee and Tea Companies 344 Companies 55 Companies 224 Direct Jobs 6 092 Direct Jobs 2 814 Direct Jobs 2 274 GVA (M€) Turn over (M€) 214 1 456 GVA (M€) 155 GVA (M€) Turn over (M€) 659 Turn over (M€) 53 220 Export (tons) 303 154 Export (tons) 11 643 Export (tons) 89 984 Exports (M€) 283 Exports (M€) 59 Exports (M€) 187 Some relevant brands Sources: Fronteie, SCIE and INE,CIP) Agriculture, fishing and Food industry in Portugal Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers Water, soft drinks and juices Beer Companies 228 Companies 70 Companies 12 Direct Jobs 150.000 Direct Jobs 3 692 Direct Jobs 2 041 GVA (M€) Turn over (M€) n.a. 2.300 GVA (M€) 154 GVA (M€) 175 Turn over (M€) 756 Turn over (M€) 821 Export (tons) 764 834 Export (tons) 327 953 Export (tons) 289 221 Exports (M€) 695 Exports (M€) 201 Exports (M€) 235 Source: Portugal Foods Sources: Fronteie, SCIE and INE,CIP Some relevant brands Agriculture, fishing and agro-industry in Portugal Fresh fish Dried and canned fish Frozen fish Companies 3 683 Companies 81 Companies 23 Direct Jobs 12 249 Direct Jobs 4 671 Direct Jobs 665 GVA (M€) 16 GVA (M€) 193 GVA (M€) Turn over (M€) 757 Turn over (M€) 91 674 Turn over (M€) 110 Export (tons) 111 694 Export (tons) 67 449 Export (tons) 79 037 Exports (M€) 431 Exports (M€) 271 Exports (M€) 176 It includes molluscs and crustaceans Relevant brands Sources: Fronteie, SCIE and INE,CIP Agriculture, fishing and Food industry in Portugal 9 M€ - SOVENA - New olive oil Mill 200 jobs created A project design by architect Ricardo Bak Gordon, it is a hallmark of modernity in the Portuguese market and a new era in olive oil 9 M€ - Avanca new breakfast cereal production line 311 jobs retained 8,5 M€ - Nestlé Waters Direct Portugal SA Coruche New production and distribution center 10 jobs created - 213 jobs retained 19,5 M€ - Cerealis new production line for breakfast cereals, pasta and biscuits 26 jobs created - 346 jobs retained Agriculture, fishing and Food industry in Portugal Main Bodies Pólo de Competitividade e Tecnologia Alimentos, Saúde e Sustentabilidade ANCIPA – Associação Nacional dos Comerciantes e Industriais de Produtos Alimentares Portugal Fresh – Associação para a Promoção das Frutas, Legumes e Flores de Portugal APIC – Associação Portuguesa dos Industriais de Carnes Cluster Agro-Industrial do Ribatejo Cluster Agro-Industrial do Centro FIPA - Federação das Industrias Portuguesas Agro-Alimentares Associação Nacional dos Industriais de Lacticínios Fenelac - Federação Nacional das Cooperativas de Produtores de Leite Casa do Azeite - Associação do Azeite de Portugal Agriculture, fishing and Food industry in Portugal Main Bodies Federação Nacional das Cooperativas de Olivicultores, FCRL Associação Portuguesa dos Industriais de Águas Minerais Naturais e de Nascente Associação Portuguesa dos Produtores de Cerveja Confederação das Cooperativas Agrícolas e do Crédito Agrícola de Portugal VINIPORTUGAL – Associação Interprofissional para a Promoção dos Vinhos Portugueses Centro de Estudos e Promoção do Azeite do Alentejo Associação Nacional dos Avicultores Produtores de Ovos AEVP – Associação das Empresas de Vinho do Porto Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto Associação Portuguesa de Bebidas Refrescantes Não Alcoólicas IVV – Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho Agriculture, fishing and Food industry in Portugal Main Bodies ANCEVE - Associação Nacional dos Comerciantes Exportadores de Vinhos e Bebidas Espirituosas AVEPOD - Associação de Viticultores Engarrafadores dos Vinhos do Porto e Douro 14924 ADVID – Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Viticultura Duriense Anicp - Associação Nacional dos Industriais de Conservas de Peixe Federação Nacional dos Apicultores de Portugal Associação Nacional dos Indutriais de Tomate AIB – Associação dos Industriais do Bacalhau Associação Nacional dos Industriais de Arroz ALIF – Associação da Indústria Alimentar pelo Frio ACOPE - Associação dos Comerciantes de Pescado APIM-Associação Portuguesa de Indústria de Moagem e Massas Agriculture, fishing and Food industry in Portugal Main universities and colleges al/page/portal/esa Business Opportunities Agriculture, fishing and Food industry in Portugal Business Opportunities • Seeds producers • Cereal’s production: Soy, Corn, Wheat, Rice, Malt • Dry Fruits: almonds, peanut, hazelnut • Powdered milk Alentejo A suitable geographic location Located in the South of Portugal, it borders the Atlantic Ocean to the West, Algarve Region to the South and Spanish Estremadura and Andalusia to the East. The Alentejo is one of the most emblematic regions of Portugal. Alentejo A suitable geographic location Excellent infrastructures When it comes to making businesses move, we have what it takes. By air, sea or land we have the most advanced solutions you need. Airports & Seaports Setúbal Sines Beja Roadway Railway Alentejo A suitable geographic location Science and knowledge Examples of regional Centres of Excellence for Demonstration, Experimentation and Investigation The Instituto Nacional de Recursos Biológicos, I.P. (INRB, I. P), is a state laboratory which includes the former state laboratories LNIV and INIAP. Its mission is to pursuit research in the domain of biological resources. As such, its policies aim to protect and to add value to the Portuguese biological resources and to back-up Portuguese policies internally and towards the European Union. CEBAL is located in the campus of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, where it currently holds four laboratories (Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry and Processes) and four rooms/offices Degrees Offer 1st Cycle Degrees • Biology • Agronomic Engineering • Food Engineering • Agronomy • Biochemical • Biotechnology • Bioengineering • Environment Engineering and Biology • Chemical Engineering and Biochemical 2nd Cycle Degrees • Integrated Agrarian Production • Environment Technologies • Sustainable Management of the Agricultural Spaces • Biological Farming • Chemical Environment Analyses • Analytical Chemistry • Sustainable Farming • Chemical Technology CEBAL aims to be a strategic infrastructure for the development of high-quality research, technology transfer and innovation in the fields of biotechnology applied to agro-forestry, food processing, livestock, environment and valorization of waste streams, with a special focus at addressing specific scientific/technological problems originating from the region of Alentejo. The Centro Operativo e de Tecnologia de Regadio - COTR - is an association without lucrative ends and aims to promote the rural development, namely the conversion of rain fed agriculture into irrigated agriculture. Alentejo A suitable geographic location Potential for Agricultural Development Excellent Geographic Conditions Flat Rolling Plains Favourable Climatic Conditions High Quality Soils High temperatures and long frost free periods Average temperature (16,2ºC) circa 2ºC over national average High solar exposure and potential for light radiation Sun light hours (2.814 hours/ year) around 13% over national average Low rainfall Low levels of rainfall (582 mm/year), concentrated on the colder months and rare in the Spring/Summer Untapped agricultural potential with its Mediterranean climate offering scope for the growth of two crops per annum Alentejo A suitable geographic location Two different suitable sub regions in Alentejo, one located near the Atlantic Ocean and another in the area of influence of Alqueva lagoon Mira Irrigation System Alqueva Irrigation System BACKGROUND OF EXCELLENCE TO SUPPORT AGRICULTURE Alentejo A suitable geographic location Irrigation Basin of the Mira River Excellent conditions offered; with water aplenty and the highest amount of sun-hours; High productive potential for horticulture (vegetable, small fruits and ornamental cultures): 12 months year; ideal for large, environmentally respectful projects. Specific guidelines have been set for the Mira Basin Total allowable greenhouses surface; Recommended size for greenhouses; Dispositions for management of liquid and solid wastes; Maximum allowable non-productive construction area; Dispositions for nutrients and pesticides management; Dispositions for irrigation and drainage management; Environmental certification is foreseeable for producers that meet the standards specific to the Mira basin. This certification will demonstrate both the quality and safety of products and the commitment of producers to environment. The Alentejo coast offers Suitable climate Light Radiation Moderate rainfall Ocean cooling Moderate temperature Average frost occurrence year = 0 days at 0-15 km from coast High quality soils Sandy soils with only 5 to 10% of clay Alentejo A suitable geographic location Irrigation Basin of the Mira River Irrigation area = 12.000 ha Average cost of water for direct use on the land: Water = from 0,0206 € up to 0,0426 € per Area = from 27,08 € up to 52,49 € per hectare (detailed information on slide 12) Examples of Crops production in the area: Maize Vegetables Carrot Potatoes Beet Turf grass Fruits Alentejo A suitable geographic location Irrigation Basin of the Mira River Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo and Vicentina Coast Irrigation Basin of the Mira River Infrastructures 2 Dams Santa Clara Dam 11052011 = 485 836 840 ( 100,17%) Corte Brique Dam 11052011 = 1 640 319 ( 100,33 %) Four pumping stations 598 km of channels Alentejo A suitable geographic location Irrigation Basin of the Mira River Water supply is warranted and competitive Water (m3) Area (ha) ABMIRA Members Others ABMIRA Members Others Gravity Irrigation for IBMR area 0,0196 € - 0,0282 € 0,0203 € - 0,0293 € 31,69 € - 57,04€ 33,27 € - 58,62€ Gravity Irrigation outside IBMR area 0,0297 € - 0,0428 € 0,0306 € - 0,0441 € -- -- Pressure Irrigation 0,0316 € - 0,0582 € 0,0333€ - 0,0612€ 45,70 € 47,98 € 27,08 € ha Intensives culture tax Source: ABMIRA (2012), lower prices for ABMIRA associates Major Producers in the area Company Origin Year of creation Area (ha) Production Bambuparque FR 1991 27 Bamboo - Camposol UK 1992 500 Grass, turntip, carrot, palm tree production - Monte Novo PT 1993 53 Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry Frupor NO 1987 162 Chinese cabbage production and large variety of decorative greens for cut foliage industry - Iberian Salads UK 1983 500 Watercress, rocket, baby leaf salads and specialty vegetables (PT at the present) Berryport Lusomorangos US 2004 200 Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry Wellpict UK 1996 100 Strawberry Alentejo A suitable geographic location The Multipurpose project in Alqueva (EFMA). Star in 1997 with the development of the major dam Investment until September 2014: Water Agri-Food 2,107.19 M Euros Renewable Energy Tourism Alentejo A suitable geographic location The region has to offer excellent conditions: High potential for agricultural development High Security monitoring System Proximity to the Markets Attractive conditions for agro-industrial processing Excellent Infrastructures Talent pool availability Alqueva Irrigation System BACKGROUND OF EXCELLENCE TO SUPPORT AGRICULTURE Alentejo A suitable geographic location Potential for Agricultural Development Usable agricultural surface (SAU) Average dimension Irrigated Area 2,147 thousands hectares; Widespread Availability of Agricultural Land Plots; Average Usable Agricultural surface is 12 há per land plot. 64 thousands hectares (8.5% of Usable agricultural surface ) Average Dimension of the Farms Alentejo A suitable geographic location The Alqueva lagoon is the biggest artificial water “mirror” of Europe (250km² of surface, 83 km of length, 1160 km of shore) and gives Alentejo a sea of opportunities. Irrigation area = 64 thousand ha The Global Watering System of Alqueva will increase irrigated land by 120 thousand ha The distribution system is undertaken by independent sub-systems: Alqueva (64 thousand ha), Pedrogão (24 thousand ha), Ardila (30 thousand ha) Development of irrigated cultures Increase of agricultural productivity in the region Alentejo A suitable geographic location Infrastructures 15 Dams 314 km of open channels 9 major pumping stations 56 secondary pumping stations 31 water reservoir 2.240 km of close channels 1.000 km of drainage networks Alentejo Alqueva Irrigation System EDIA - The Alqueva Development and Infra-structure Company it’s responsible for the development and exploration of the Multipurpose project in Alqueva (EFMA). New Irrigation area = 110.000 ha Average cost of water for direct use on the land: 0,089 € per m3 (high pressure irrigation) To promote the potential of agriculture development in the areas under influence of Alqueva Irrigation System the tollprogram SISAP – Support System to Determine the Cultural Aptitude was developed to EDIA by the “Instituto Superior de Agronomia – Universidade Técnica de Lisboa” in order to organize all the information and relevant methods to achieve the cultural aptitude to areas under this new irrigation system. The purpose of this programme is presenting a geographical map as a final result which is associated to a table where the areas that belong to each cultural aptitude category are showed: - Null aptitude for the crop; - Reduced aptitude for the crop; - Moderate aptitude for the crop; - Good aptitude for the crop. The SISAP can also give economic crop information, enabling the user to know for a specific soil, crop and technology the significant economic indicators; For each technology, SISAP allow the user to know the carbon and energy balance. Alentejo Alqueva Irrigation System SISAP – Support System to Determine the Cultural Aptitude An Innovative Tool Dynamic system All the data base can be easily changed; ArcGis is the support software, which allow us to compatible the results and data base with other results and information; Allow new information, criteria and mechanisms incorporation easily; Data base protection; Work in different geographical scale. SISAP – Data Base Soil map Slope map Climatologic Net Crop Requests: pH, effective thickness, conductivity, texture, hydromorphism; Slope; Minimum Temperatures, Maximum temperatures, frosts, thermic integrals, precipitation, cold hours; Database, namely soil information and crop request has been validated with technical experts Alentejo Alqueva Irrigation System Crop potential Crop Area in 2015 (ha) Potential Production (tons) Beans 22.700 36.271 Carrot 5.000 140.000 Chick peas 30.000 60.000 Garlic 17.400 205.000 Lettuce 22.000 352.000 Maize 48.000 537.600 Melon 31.000 806.000 Onion 15.200 425.600 Pea 31.500 151.200 Peach 23.000 184.000 Potatoes 8.100 259.200 Tomato 47.000 2.820.000 Wheat 26.800 107.200 Alentejo A suitable geographic location BACKGROUND OF EXCELLENCE TO SUPPORT BUSINESS Alentejo is the place, the climate and nature Accessibility Talent pool availability Transport Infrastructures Operational Support Services Sunny throughout the region, practically year round aicep Portugal Global aicep Portugal Global Who are we? Mission Values We are a Business Development Agency, focused on the development of a competitive business environment that contributes to the international expansion of the Portuguese Economy. Increasing the country’s competitiveness, promoting large private investment and fostering the internationalization of Portuguese companies. Focus on clients. We serve our clients in accordance to their requirements through various solutions and long-term relationships. Selectiveness. We direct our activity towards projects and markets that make a better contribution to company competitiveness and the sustainability of the Portuguese economy. Excellence. We seek to exceed expectations by means of a rigorous approach, effectiveness, enthusiasm and a willingness to innovate. 42 About Us aicep Portugal Global: how can we help you? 1 2 3 4 PreInvestment Incentives Negotiation Settling In After Care Single point of contact in all phases: preinvestment, incentives negotiation, settling in and after care Promoting a direct negotiation with companies, through which a tailored approach to incentives may be applied in order to define a global package that fully satisfies the investor's needs Dynamic approach focused on the client or investor Government business entity, flexible, free of charges and streamlined services 43 Filipe Costa Trade & Investment Commissioner Consul for the Economic and Commercial Affairs Consulate General of Portugal in San Francisco E-mail: