MALI REGULATIONS Waivers / ECTN Pre-Shipment Inspection Prohibited / Restricted Imports MALI >> Regulation Overview Waiver Control Type As from 01/07/10 a Cargo Tracking Note [CTN] / Bordereau de Suivi de Cargaison [BSC] must be obtained at the port of departure/load [POL]. This is mandated by the ‘Conseil Malien des Chargeurs/Malian Shippers Council’ [CMC -] and decreed under No 08-3718/MET-MF-MEIC of 31/12/08. The Conseil Malien des Chargeurs has nominated Antaser BVBA to manage the CTN/BSC under contract #0327/DGMP of 2010. Contacts Antaser BVBA – Head Office ANTASER AFRIQUE Keizerstraat 20 B – 2000 Antwerpen Belgium Tel : +32 3 233 68 11 Fax : +32 3 233 61 12 Email: Responsibilities & Cost The responsibility relating to the issuance of the CTN/BSC and all costs is with the shipper. The information required on the CTN is compulsory. The CTN number must be included on the manifest. Pre-Shipment Inspection General Information PSI requested by Regulations Part shipment Ministry of Finance & Commerce Decree No. 98-383/P-RM, dated 18/11/98 Decree No. 01-282, dated 03/07/01 Regulation 09-0788/MEIC-MFSG dd. 07/04/2009 Letter 489/MIIC-DNCC dated 23.07.2009 BIVAC Quality & Quantity Export Market Price (for foreign exchange purposes) Value for Customs purposes Customs clarification Import eligibility FCFA 3,000,000 FOB Part Shipment Subject to PSI if total order value exceeds FCFA 3,000,000. Appointed PSI company Scope of PSI Please view BIVAC’s datasheet on Mali as an Appendix Listing Of Goods Exempted from PSI a) Goods with a total FOB value under XOF 3,000,000 (but goods amounting to XOF 100,000 or more are subject to an II application), b) Precious metals, precious stones, objects of art, c) Explosives and pyrotechnic products, d) Ammunitions and weapons other than those for hunting and/or sport, materials and equipments ordered by the The information given has been given in good faith and believed to be correct at the time of writing. Please verify these facts with other relevant sources before using this as the basis of any action taken as we regret we cannot accept liability for any consequences due to inaccuracies in this information. African Marketing I 03/07/13 I CMA-CGM / DELMAS army for its own account, e) Live animals, f) Wood, g) Scrap metal, h) Plants, seeds and flowering products, i) Fertilizers, j) Cinematographic films –exposed and developed, k) Current newspapers and periodicals, postal stamps and fiscal stamps, stamped papers, bank notes, cheque books, credit cards, l) Crude oil, m) Sera, vaccines, n) Personal effects and domestic used items, including one used vehicle, o) Postal parcels and commercial samples, p) Personal gifts, donations (except donations to private persons or private entities), bona fide gifts, supplies to diplomatic and consular missions and supplies to United Nations Organisations for their own use in Mali, q) Imports ordered by the public administrations for their own account, r) Vehicles of heading 8701 to 8705 and 8716. Importers Fiscal Identity Numbers [NIF] In accordance with the latest decision of the Mailan customs authorities, the importers fiscal identity number [NIF = numero d'identification fiscale ] must be mentioned on all import documents, for border crossing operations. This number is the identification number of the Importer/Consignee at the Malian Tax Ministry. In this respect please make sure and mention this ID number on all shipping documents [at least suppliers' invoice, if possible the B/L]. Since this document is required for forwarding purpose out of port of discharge to Mali, we need to receive it prior to vessel arrival with the advance notification or the shipping document, otherwise the oncarriage will be delayed until this number is known. Transport Routier Inter Etat (TRIE) The issuance of a TRIE (Transport Routier Inter Etat) is now required for all oncarriage cargo ex Abidjan to Mali via road. This document should be invoiced to the consignee. The guarantee fund will now be split - payable by the consignee half in Côte d'Ivoire (0.75% on CIF value) and half in Mali (0.75% on CIF value). This replaces the previous procedure, ie payment of the guarantee fund at the border. Prohibited Imports • • • • • • • Drugs and narcotics All foreign products natural or manufactured, mentioning on any part of the packaging, labelling or on the product itself, a brand or commercial name, any sign or indication whatsoever which might lead believe that the product was made in Mali or is of Malian origin All goods whose origin is or which are shipped from Israel Toxic waste Live bovines and their meat products (tinned meat, sausages, ham, corned-beef, meat, meat cubes) & animal food made from bones, blood and meat Pesticides if not approved by the Authorities Oil and products containing polychlorobiphenilyles (“PCB”) The information given has been given in good faith and believed to be correct at the time of writing. Please verify these facts with other relevant sources before using this as the basis of any action taken as we regret we cannot accept liability for any consequences due to inaccuracies in this information. African Marketing I 03/07/13 I CMA-CGM / DELMAS • • • • • Chemicals containing at least one of the following products : aldrine, dieldrine, endrine, heptaclore, chlordane, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, toxaphene, polychlorobiphenyles (“PCB”) Alcoholic beverages in plastics bags Potassium bromate Food products containing potassium bromate Milk and dairy produces originated from China. Restricted Imports • • • • • • • • • • • Importations of cigarettes, tobacco and matches : authorization from the Ministry of Industry and Trade Importation of meat other than bovine and game products : presentation of the certificate of origin and the sanitary certificate Importation of fishing nets in fine meshing (smaller than 50 mm) : authorization from the Ministry of Water and Forest All medicines for human use : authorization from the Ministry of Public Health All medicines for veterinary use : authorization from both Ministry of health and Ministry in charge of stock breeding Dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane (“DDT”) : authorization from the ministry of Environment Weapons and ammunitions : authorization from the concerned authorities Importation of non-ionized salt, not destined to human consumption : authorization from the concerned authorities Importation of explosives and pyrotechnic products: authorization from the concerned authorities Importations of cyanide : authorization from the Ministry of health or the Ministry of Mines Products that deplete the stratospheric ozone layer (substances containing chlorine or bromine, CFC and HCFC): authorization from the Ministry in charge of the Environment CMA CGM / DELMAS trained staff members are available to assist customers in all aspects of the documentary requirements of the trade to Angola. Please contact your local agency office for advice. The information given has been given in good faith and believed to be correct at the time of writing. Please verify these facts with other relevant sources before using this as the basis of any action taken as we regret we cannot accept liability for any consequences due to inaccuracies in this information. African Marketing I 03/07/13 I CMA-CGM / DELMAS Pre-Shipment Inspection Services in Mali NEW REGULATION Bureau Veritas BIVAC has been appointed by the Government of the Republic of Mali as the exclusive Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) provider. PSI OBJECTIVES ■ Facilitate and increase transparency in trading operations; ■ Meet government concerns about consumer protection and environmental issues; ■ Ensure compliance with current regulations and conformity of goods to contract specifications; ■ Optimize customs revenue collection; ■ Protect economic development; ■ Provide Authorities with a high-performance tool and statistics for over seeing and controlling foreign trade. PROCESS Bureau Veritas will carry out pre-shipment inspections in the country of export to verify the conformity of the goods to be imported in Mali in terms of: Quality, Quantity, Price and Customs classification. At the end of the process, a Clean Report of Findings (AV) is issued and given to the importer for Customs clearance. DOCUMENTS II (Intention d’Importation) : Import Document AV (Attestation de Vérification) : Clean Report of Findings ARA (Avis de Refus d’Attestation) : Non Negotiable Report of Findings THE THRESHOLD VALUE An Import Document (II) must be issued for all eligible imports exceeding XOF 100,000 by the Direction Nationale du Commerce et de la Concurrence (DNCC). Where the FOB value equals or exceeds XOF 3,000,000, the goods will be subject to Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) as well for all FCL irrespective of value. MALI - Flyer - Ed. 07/2009 LIST OF EXEMPTED PRODUCTS ■ Goods with a total FOB value under XOF 3,000,000; ■ Precious metals, precious stones, objects of art; ■ Explosives and pyrotechnic products; ■ Ammunitions and weapons other than those for hunting ordered by the army for its own account; and/or sport, materials and equipments ■ Live animals; ■ Wood; ■ Scrap metal; ■ Plants, seeds and flowering products; ■ Fertilizers; ■ Cinematographic films – exposed and developed; ■ Crude oil; ■ Current newspapers and periodicals, postal stamps and fiscal stamps, stamped papers, bank notes, cheque books, credit cards; ■ Sera, vaccines; ■ Personal effects and domestic used items, including one used vehicle; ■ Postal parcels and commercial samples; ■ Personal gifts, donations (except donations to private persons or private entities), bona fide gifts, supplies to diplomatic and consular missions and supplies to United Nations Organisations for their own use in Mali; ■ Imports ordered by the public administrations for their own account. ■ Vehicles of heading 8701 to 8705 and 8716. For further information and last updates, please contact : Bamako Liaison Office – BP E1489 - BAMAKO Tel: +223 229 58 82/to 87 Fax: +223 229 58 38 DIAGRAMME OPÉRATIONEL Toutes les importations dont la valeur FOB est supérieure ou égale à 3 000 000 F CFA, ainsi que les importations en conteneurs complets quelle que soit leur valeur, doivent faire l’objet d’une Inspection avant expédition. Toutes les importations dont la valeur FOB est supérieure ou égale à 100 000 F CFA doivent faire l’objet de l’ouverture d’une Intention d’Importation (II). Certaines marchandises sont néanmoins exemptées d’inspection avant expédition : voir liste ci-dessous, FRAIS D’INSPECTION Le montant de la « contribution » à payer lors de l’ouverture de l’Intention d’Importation à la Direction Nationale du Commerce et de la Concurrence (DNCC) s’élève à 0,75 % de la valeur FOB des marchandises. (Cette redevance couvre également les frais d’inspection des marchandises au Mali par scanner). Les informations contenues dans ce guide sont révisables à tout moment en fonction des évolutions contractuelles et réglementaires. Government Services & International Trade (GSIT) Programme de Vérification des Importations MALI MARCHANDISES EXEMPTÉES Denrées périssables, telles que viande, poisson, légumes et fruits non congelés ; Les pierres précieuses ; Les métaux précieux ; Les objets d’art ; Les explosifs et les articles pyrotechniques ; Les munitions et armes autres que de chasse et/ou de sport, les matériels et équipements similaires importés par l’armée elle-même pour son propre compte ; Les animaux vivants ; Le bois ; Les métaux de récupération ; Les plantes, semences et produits de la floriculture ; Les engrais ; Les films cinématographiques impressionnés et développés ; Les journaux et périodiques courants ; Les timbres postaux et fiscaux ; Les papiers timbrés ; Les billets de banque, les carnets de chèques et les cartes magnétiques ; Le pétrole brut ; Les sérums et les vaccins ; Les effets personnels et les objets domestiques y compris un véhicule usagé ; Les colis postaux ; Les dons faits aux personnes physiques et morales de droit public ; Les importations effectuées par les administrations pour leur propre compte ; Les fournitures aux missions diplomatiques et consulaires et organismes dépendant de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, importées directement par elles pour leurs propres besoins ; Les échantillons commerciaux. Les véhicules des chapitres 87 01 à 87 05 et 87 16. Guide pour les Importateurs BIVAC International a été désignée 12 janvier 2007 par le Gouvernement de la République du Mali pour l’exécution du Programme de Vérification des Importations. Depuis sa création, BIVAC International intervient comme prestataire de services dans les Programmes de Vérification des Importations sur les cinq continents. Filiale du Groupe Bureau Veritas, BIVAC International est un des leaders mondiaux du contrôle et de l'inspection. Par le biais de ses interventions, BIVAC International contribue à faciliter le commerce international et à protéger le développement des pays qui utilisent ses services. En réalisant l’inspection des marchandises avant embarquement, pour les douanes, BIVAC offre à ses clients le niveau d’assurance correspondant à leurs attentes. Bureau Veritas, créée en 1828, est l’une des sociétés françaises les plus représentées à l’international. Son réseau mondial représente plus de 900 bureaux et laboratoires et près de 40 000 collaborateurs. For further information and last updates, please contact Bureau de Liaison BV / BIVAC Bamako - Immeuble Tomota - Hamdallaye Tel: +223 229 58 82 à 87 Fax: +223 229 58 38 Ed . 07/2009 BIVAC International, filiale de Bureau Veritas, est la division spécialisée dans la facilitation du commerce international, l’évaluation douanière et l’inspection des marchandises. (Government Services & International Trade Division). PROCEDURE MALI 1. Intention d’Importation (II) L’importateur dépose deux exemplaires de sa Demande d’Intention d’Importation au Guichet Unique de la DNCC ou de la DRCC. Les documents à joindre sont 2 copies de la facture pro forma ou de l’ordre d’achat, ainsi qu’une copie du contrat le cas échéant. DIAGRAMME OPÉRATIONNEL Une fois l’II originale délivrée à l’importateur, le Bureau de Liaison BIVAC à Bamako transfère les données électroniquement au Centre Régional (Centre de Relations avec les Exportateurs) en charge. PAYS D’EXPORTATION 2. Contact avec l’exportateur MALI Le Centre Régional (Centre de Relations avec les Exportateurs) Bureau Veritas / BIVAC contacte l’exportateur et lui demande des détails sur les caractéristiques techniques des marchandises, une copie de sa facture pro forma, le lieu et la date souhaités pour l’inspection physique. DOUANE 3. Inspection physique IMPORTATEUR 1 6 DNCC + BIVAC Bureau de Liaison (LO) TRANSFERT ELECTRONIQUE AU LO BAMAKO TRANSFERT DE L’INTENTION D’IMPORTATION EXPORTATEUR Vérification documentaire 2 Centre Régional (Centre de Relations avec les Exportateurs) Vérification des prix Classification douanière Lorsque des anomalies sont détectées, le vendeur, qui en est avisé automatiquement, doit prendre des mesures correctives pour permettre à l’inspecteur d’émettre un rapport d’inspection “satisfaisant”. Dans le cas d’un conteneur complet, l’inspecteur appose un scellé et en relève le numéro, qui figurera sur l’Attestation de Vérification (AV). EXPORTING COUNTRY Inspection Physique L’inspecteur du Centre Régional (Centre de Relations avec les Exportateurs) vérifie physiquement les marchandises afin de s’assurer que celles-ci correspondent au détail noté sur la facture pro forma et l’Intention d’Importation. L’inspection se déroule en présence du représentant de l’exportateur, qui contresigne le rapport. 5 3 4 CERTIFICAT (AV) 4. Vérification documentaire / Vérification de prix / Classification tarifaire Les experts du Centre Régional (Centre de Relations avec les Exportateurs) utilisent les rapports d’inspection pour déterminer la classification tarifaire adéquate des marchandises inspectées. Les experts du Centre Régional (Centre de Relations avec les Exportateurs) effectuent une analyse de prix définitive sur la base de la facture finale présentée par l’exportateur. Les experts du Centre Régional (Centre de Relations avec les Exportateurs) calculent la valeur en douane en conformité avec les règles en vigueur au Mali. 5. Attestation de vérification (AV) Lorsque la quantité, la qualité et le prix des marchandises sont conformes, ou lorsque celles-ci ont fait l’objet de mesures correctives en cas d’anomalies, le Centre Régional (Centre de Relations avec les Exportateurs) émet une Attestation de Vérification (AV). GLOSSAIRE MALI 6. Fourniture de l’AV II : Intention d’Importation AV : Attestation de Vérification CRE : Centre de Relations avec les Exportateurs LO : Bureau de Liaison L’AV est transmise électroniquement par le Centre Régional (Centre de Relations avec les Exportateurs) au Bureau de Liaison de Bamako, qui la fournit à l’importateur. Ce document sera indispensable lors du dédouanement - DATA SHEET – Government Services & International Trade (GSIT) PRE-SHIPMENT INSPECTION OF IMPORTS FOR MALI 1. Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) mandate IS THE COUNTRY A MEMBER OF THE WTO? Yes No MANDATE AUTHORISED BY: Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances and Ministère de l’Industrie et du Commerce APPLICABLE REGULATION(S): Contract signed on December 7 , 2006.with the CNPM Decree No. 98-383/P-RM, dated 18/11/98 Decree No. 01-282, dated 03/07/01 Regulation 09-0788/MEIC-MFSG dd. 07/04/2009 Letter 489/MIIC-DNCC dated 23.07.2009 APPOINTED PSI COMPANY (IES): BIVAC International th SCOPE OF DUTIES: Quality, Quantity. Export market price (for foreign exchange purposes) Export market price (for Government information purposes) Customs classification per item Value for Customs purposes (based on the GATT Valuation Code) Assessment of import duties and taxes Import eligibility MINIMUM VALUE SUBJECT TO PSI: XOF 3,000,000 FOB. For goods shipped in FCLs, irrespective of their value. PART SHIPMENTS: Subject to PSI if total value equals or exceeds XOF 3,000,000 FOB EXEMPTIONS FROM PSI: Yes 2. Pre-Shipment Inspection Order (P.I.O.) - The instruction for BIVAC to inspect P.I.O. NAME: II (Intention d’Importation). (To be opened if total order value exceeds XOF 100,000). ISSUED BY: DNCC (Direction Nationale du Commerce et de la Concurrence) VALIDITY: 12 months, may be extended 6 months AMOUNT BY WHICH P.I.O. VALUE MAY BE EXCEEDED: 10% CIF CHANGES FROM SEA TO AIR: No specific requirement DESTINATION INSPECTION: Authorized, but penalties for importer MALI – 03/2013 - Rev. 5 GSIT/ML - 1/5 - DATA SHEET – Government Services & International Trade (GSIT) 3. Inspection requirements/restrictions SEALING OF F.C.L.CONTAINERS Required SECOND-HAND GOODS: No specific requirement PROHIBITED IMPORTS: See Section 8 RESTRICTED IMPORTS: See Section 9 LABELLING REQUIREMENTS: 1) Electrical batteries - A label showing the following details must appear on every single electrical battery: * “VENTE AU MALI”, * manufacturer’s name and country of manufacture; - An identical label showing exactly the same details must be affixed on the boxes: * “VENTE AU MALI”, * manufacturer’s name and country of manufacture; - A label showing the following details must appear on the packaging: * name and address of importer; 2) Fabrics - A label showing the following details must appear on the packaging: * name and address of importer; - A label showing the following details must appear on the selvage of the fabric: * “VENTE AU MALI”, * manufacturer’s name and country of manufacture; 3) Weaving thread - A label showing the following details must appear on the packaging: * “VENTE AU MALI”, * manufacturer’s name and country of manufacture, * name and address of importer; 4) Cigarettes - A label showing the following details must appear on the packaging: * name and address of importer; - A label showing the following details must appear on the on every pack and carton: * “VENTE AU MALI”, * name and address of manufacturer and country of manufacture; 5) Match boxes - A label showing the following details must appear on the packaging: * name and address of importer; - A label showing the following details must appear on the match boxes: * “VENTE AU MALI”, * manufacturer’s name and country of manufacture; MALI – 03/2013 - Rev. 5 GSIT/ML - 2/5 - DATA SHEET – Government Services & International Trade (GSIT) LABELLING REQUIREMENTS: 6) - Edible oils A label showing the following details must appear on the cans: * “VENTE AU MALI” * manufacturing and expiry dates, * identification code of the product, * manufacturer’s name and country of manufacture; 7) Tomato paste and concentrate - The following details must appear on the cans: * “VENTE AU MALI”, * manufacturing and expiry dates, * identification code of the product, * manufacturer’s name and country of manufacture; 8) Insecticides in coils and aerosols - The following details must appear on the packaging: * “VENTE AU MALI”, * manufacturing and expiry dates, * identification code of the product, * manufacturer’s name and country of manufacture, * name and address of importer. 4. Price verification/Seller's invoice requirements BUYING/CONFIRMING COMMISSIONS: Should be declared by the exporter. INSURANCE: No specific requirement FINANCIAL INTEREST: No specific requirement FINAL INVOICE TO SHOW: FOB value per item + freight + insurance + ancillary charges (where applicable). For vehicles, final invoice to show also the type, the model, the year of manufacture and the chassis number, as per Ministry of Finance’s Circular N° 059 (14.11.96) OTHER SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: All samples above USD 500 with no commercial value must be valued as per Ministry of Finance’s Decree N° 033 (22.11.95) and R.O 839 (11.12.95) Requirement from the Ministry of Health no. 0345 dated March 15, 2013: for the importation of any pharmaceutical product, the remaining shelf life has to be at least 9 (nine) months for dry product and 12 (twelve) months for liquid product and vaccines. This remaining shelf life does not concern the delivery time and the transit time. 5. Reporting requirements FINAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY BIVAC TO ISSUE REPORT: TYPE OF REPORT ISSUED: MALI – 03/2013 - Rev. 5 Final invoice (compulsorily), and if deemed necessary by BIVAC, packing list, transport document (BL/AWB), Certificate of Origin where the Inspection Order indicates that a Duty Exemption due to the origin of the goods applies. Attestation de Vérification (AV), Avis de Refus d’Attestation (ARA), Certification of final invoice, certification of the export declaration of type “D25” or “R400” (for petroleum products only). GSIT/ML - 3/5 - DATA SHEET – Government Services & International Trade (GSIT) 5. Reporting requirements (Cont’ed) REPORT PURPOSE: The AV is issued for the use of Customs Authorities and Importer for clearing the goods. • The ARA is issued for inconsistencies including quantity, value and/or quality. • A certified final invoice is given to the exporter in case of L/C transaction or upon request (AV issued only). • A certified export declaration is given to the exporter by BV/BIVAC Physical Inspection Centre for petroleum products (inspection satisfactory only). 6. Inspection fees Paid by the importer when opening the II. Nevertheless, Bureau Veritas/BIVAC may invoice the Seller in the event of supplementary inspection visits (in vain or unsatisfactory results). The costs incurred by the Seller in presenting the goods for inspection, such as unpacking, handling, testing, sampling, repacking... are for the account of the Seller. 7. List of goods exempted from PSI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Goods with a total FOB value under XOF 3,000,000 (but goods amounting to XOF 100,000 or more are subject to an II application), Perishable consumer goods like meat, fish, vegetables and fruit, not frozen Precious metals, precious stones, objects of art, Explosives and pyrotechnic products, Ammunitions and weapons other than those for hunting and/or sport, materials and equipments ordered by the army for its own account, Live animals, Wood, Scrap metal, Plants, seeds and flowering products, Fertilizers, Cinematographic films – exposed and developed, Current newspapers and periodicals, postal stamps and fiscal stamps, stamped papers, bank notes, cheque books, credit cards, Crude oil, Sera, vaccines, Personal effects and domestic used items, including one used vehicle, Postal parcels and commercial samples, Personal gifts, donations (except donations to private persons or private entities), bona fide gifts, supplies to diplomatic and consular missions and supplies to United Nations Organisations for their own use in Mali, Imports ordered by the public administrations for their own account, Vehicles of heading 8701 to 8705 and 8716. MALI – 03/2013 - Rev. 5 GSIT/ML - 4/5 - DATA SHEET – Government Services & International Trade (GSIT) 8. List of prohibited goods • • • • • • • • • • • • Drugs and narcotics, All foreign products natural or manufactured, mentioning on any part of the packaging, labelling or on the product itself, a brand or commercial name, any sign or indication whatsoever which might lead believe that the product was made in Mali or is of Malian origin, All goods whose origin is or which are shipped from Israel, Toxic waste, Live bovines and their meat products (tinned meat, sausages, ham, corned-beef, meat, meat cubes), as well as animal food made from bones, blood and meat, Pesticides if not approved by the Authorities, Oil and products containing polychlorobiphenilyles (“PCB”); Chemicals containing at least one of the following products : aldrine, dieldrine, endrine, heptaclore, chlordane, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, toxaphene, polychlorobiphenyles (“PCB”), Alcoholic beverages in plastics bags, Potassium bromate, Food products containing potassium bromate, Milk and dairy produces originated from China. 9. List of restricted goods • • • • • • • • • • • Importations of cigarettes, tobacco and matches : authorization from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Importation of meat other than bovine and game products : presentation of the certificate of origin and the sanitary certificate, Importation of fishing nets in fine meshing (smaller than 50 mm) : authorization from the Ministry of Water and Forest, All medicines for human use : authorization from the Ministry of Public Health, All medicines for veterinary use : authorization from both Ministry of health and Ministry in charge of stock breeding; Dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane (“DDT”) : authorization from the ministry of Environment, Weapons and ammunitions : authorization from the concerned authorities; Importation of non-ionized salt, not destined to human consumption : authorization from the concerned authorities, Importation of explosives and pyrotechnic products: authorization from the concerned authorities, Importations of cyanide : authorization from the Ministry of health or the Ministry of Mines, Products that deplete the stratospheric ozone layer (substances containing chlorine or bromine, CFC and HCFC): authorization from the Ministry in charge of the Environment. 10. Geographical inspection zones World-wide The information contained herein is for the purpose of facilitating Pre-Shipment Inspection and does not relieve Exporters or Importers from their obligations in respect of compliance with the import regulations of the country of importation. Although every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of the information, as at the date of issuance of this data sheet, BIVAC International does not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions and, furthermore, the information may subsequently be subject to change as may be announced by the Authorities in the country of importation. Consequently, Exporters are advised to check with Bureau Veritas/BIVAC, prior to shipment of the goods, if there is any doubt concerning the issuance of a Clean Report of Findings. MALI – 03/2013 - Rev. 5 GSIT/ML - 5/5
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