Official Guidebook - Building Industry Association of Hawaii
Official Guidebook - Building Industry Association of Hawaii
RevoluSun is bringing cleaner, smarter, solar energy to communities, one rooftop at a time. During our new home construction, we chose RevoluSun. A superior product, professional people and with the tax credits and no payments for one year, it was very affordable. - Ventura Family, Kailua “We are highly pleased with the RevoluSun system. The installation was performed smoothly and professionally.” - Dan and Lynn Riopel, Mililani “I chose RevoluSun to design and install my custom system. RevoluSun got the job done right and on time. I’m now saving more than $350 a month in electricity costs.” - Larry Williams, Kailua 2 0 1 1 2011 Best New Business 2011 Best New Business 808.748.8888 | 1600 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1700 | Honolulu, HI 96814 LIC. # ABC 30244 B gChief exeCutive OffiCer’s Message ecause approximately 60 percent of Oahu homes are more than 50 years old and could benefit from a remodeling project, our goal is to provide homeowners with collaborative opportunities to talk story and learn all about ecofriendly living by meeting the professional representatives from each major segment of the remodeling industry. The recent completion of the environmentally responsible New Hawaiian Home involved more than 90 contractors and vendors. Many of these participants will be showcasing their products and services that will save energy and money throughout your home. Karen T. Nakamura EVP/ Chief Executive Officer BIA-Hawaii 2011 BIA Expo GuIdEBook remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 • 3 gPresident’s Message gexPO Chair’s Message Homeowners are welcome to attend our specialized “Remodel It Right” panels and “Meet the Experts” presentations to learn sustainable planning for renovating a single room or an entire home. The panels are conducted in a casual, interactive setting and a free “Remodeling Planning Kit” will be available for each family attending our panel presentations. Come and learn how to enhance the value of your home and make smart, green renovation choices with confidence. Our award-winning “Meet the Experts” interactive group discussions are continually evolving to meet the ever-changing remodeling and environmental needs of our customers. This is your chance to ask questions and get information in a casual, round-table setting from top professionals who are true experts. After your questions are answered, visit more than 100 exhibitor booths and gather all the resources, ideas, services and contacts you will need to make your remodeling dreams come true. Jim Byxbee 2011 President BIA-Hawaii PREsIdENT/ CEO Homeworks Construction Inc. Marshall Hickox 2011 BIA Remodel It Right, Remodel It Green Expo Chair PREsIdENT/ COO Homeworks Construction Inc. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// gshOw InforMatIon Where: Hawaii Convention Center Kamehameha Exhibition Hall III sponsors When: Friday – Sunday, Aug. 26 – 28, 2011 officAl shoW Guidebook publisher FRIDAy August 26 5-9 p.m. Admission: One-day admission Three-day pass Senior Sunday (with valid ID) SATuRDAy August 27 10 a.m.- 9 p.m. Silver Sponsor: BIA-Hawaii Remodelers SunDAy August 28 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. $6.00 $8.00 $2.00 for seniors age 55 and older Senior Sunday, Aug. 28, 2011, only. (children under age 12 FREE) 4 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 Hawaii Home + Remodeling for more informAtion BIA-Hawaii 629-7503 2011 BIA Expo GuIdEBook I N T R O D U C I N G T H E A Thermador Pro Grand Steam Range U-Line Modular 3000 Series The Ultimate Culinary Center and a new Era of Steam Cooking The Future of Preservation and Built-In to Stand Out World’s first kitchen appliance to offer seven distinct cooking options – steaming, convection baking, burner cooking, simmering, grilling, griddle cooking and warming – all-in-one range. Simple elegance is what defines the 18” and 36” Modular 3000 Series. The clean lines, covered hinges, theatre LED lighting and black interiors with graphite and tinted accents combine to make an elegant, but subtle statement. L L - N E W Best Range Hoods Sorpresa Collection – It’s not a Chandelier, but it does Illuminate The Sorpresa Collection is art made real, functional, and beautiful, in any space it calls home. 2841 Pukoloa Street Honolulu, HI 96819 For your nearest dealer call: 564-2430 GARAGE DOORS GATES & FENCES WOOD ALUMINUM BAMBOO The StyleView Collection of garage doors is an excellent combination of WOOD BI-FOLD contemporary design and quality construction. It offers architectural flexibility, maximum visibility and extreme durability in a maintenance-free aluminum door. Our ArborShore Collection provides all the features of a top-of-the-line and the very best in wood garage door construction. Our configuration options are so broad that we are able to create garage doors that truly complement your home. We also offer gates and fences that are not only stylish, they come equipped with heavy-duty commercial-grade hardware, offering the perfect combination of beauty and reliability. WROUGHT IRON Visit our showroom: STYLEVIEW 2841 Pukoloa Street in Mapunapuna Showroom Hrs: M-F 10am-6pm; SAT by Appointment WOOD SWING-OUT OVERHEAD DOORS 676-DOOR (676-3667) 2011 BIA Expo O 546 548 453 455 552 554 KAMEHAMEHA EXHIBITION HALL GuIdEBook 531 533 535 537 538 540 542 447 449 HAWAII CONVENTION CENTER 530 532 534 439 441 443 REMODEL IT RIGHT, REMODEL IT GREEN EXPO 522 524 526 431 433 435 452 454 X X 446 448 X 438 440 442 541 543 545 547 549 551 553 555 512 514 516 518 423 425 427 521 523 525 527 529 500 502 504 506 508 413 415 417 419 422 424 426 O 401 403 405 407 409 412 414 416 418 501 503 505 507 509 511 513 515 517 400 402 404 406 408 353 355 352 354 347 349 346 348 339 341 343 338 340 342 6 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 MEET THE EXPERTS 322 324 326 253 255 323 325 327 312 314 316 318 247 249 313 315 317 319 306 308 241 243 301 303 305 307 309 300 302 O RESTROOMS 246 248 250 252 254 223 225 227 238 240 242 O 230 232 234 213 215 217 222 224 226 147 149 151 153 155 207 209 212 214 216 218 139 141 143 rEStrOOMS cOncESSIOn 201 203 202 204 206 208 131 133 135 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 123 125 127 126 128 113 115 117 119 EXIT 103 105 107 109 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 EntrancE CONCESSION gmeet the exPerts v “Meet the Experts” discussions on Saturday and Sunday will include 10-minute “basics” sessions that rotate each of the six experts to every table. A free “Remodeling Planning Kit” will be offered to every family attending these three panel sessions, while supplies last. Meet the Experts seminar times and topics: sAturdAy Aug. 27, 2011 11 a.m. – noon, 7-8 p.m. sundAy Aug. 28, 2011 11 a.m. – noon Architecture Contractor Licensing PHILLIP J. CAMP DARIA Loy-Goto REgulATED InDuSTRIES COMPlAInTS OFFICE PRESIDEnT & CEO HOMEwORKS COnSTRuCTIOn InC. Prioritize your Remodel Permitting Energy Savings and Credits Learn about licensing and how background checks on a contractor can help your decisions. Learn how the design process should impact your remodeling project. AIA lEED AP, PRInCIPAl HAwAII ARCHITECTuRE llP (City & County Building Department) learn how to prioritize your remodeling dreams and create a total remodeling plan. RHonDA GoykE 10 Savvy Permitting Tips for your Remodel JEnnIFER HERALD lEED AP, SuSTAInAblE STRATEgIST gREEn SAnD InC. OwnER, PERMITPRO-THE buIlDIng PERMIT PROFESSIOnAlS General Contracting Learn the construction process of a remodel and how to work with a contractor. JIM ByxBEE learn how to save money as you buy and live green. DERRICk t. SonoDA DIRECTOR OF OPERATIOnS, HAwAII EnERgy ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// gPanel exPerts seminar Remodel It Right Panel Experts seminars feature in-depth information on a range of topics designed to get your remodeling project started off right. “Meet the Experts” features casual, round-table, interactive discussions, so bring all your ideas and questions. For more information about the Remodel It Right Panel Experts, visit Sunday, aug. 28 1-2 p.m. How to get Money back on your green Remodeling Projects with Rebates, Tax Credits and lower utility bills. These six experts will help you understand and reduce your energy consumption. Green Windows 101 Friday, aug. 26 7-8 p.m. update your Home with the latest green Ideas from the new Hawaiian Home. learn all about this newly completed prototype home in Kaimuki. Michael Brant PROjECT CHAIR new Hawaiian Home (nHH) Saturday, aug. 27 3:30-5 p.m. bathroom and Kitchen Design and Remodeling basics This seminar will feature a 45-minute overview of kitchen and bath remodeling. The two speakers will rotate after 45 minutes. Douglas Pearson Bathroom Design and Remodeling Basics PROjECT COnSTRuCTIOn CHAIR new Hawaiian Home (nHH) Randall omoto, SAlES MAnAgER Homeowners Design Center Rhonda Goyke kitchen Design and Remodeling Basics PROjECT SuSTAInAbIlITy SPECIAlIST new Hawaiian Home (nHH) 8 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 Marshall Hickox, PRESIDEnT & COO Homeworks Construction Inc. Bob Barrett, PRESIDEnT Coastal windows Inc. Garage Doors Make a Difference Jay Plisco Servco Raynor Overhead Doors Inc. Green Roofing 101 Charles Beeck, PRESIDEnT Tropical Roofing & Raingutters Inc. Photovoltaics 101 Gregg Murphy RevoluSun Icynene Insulation 101 Jerry Gudenau, CSI, CDT, PRESIDEnT Advanced Roofing Technology Inc. Energy Star Appliances 101 Craig Washofsky Servco Home and Appliance Distribution Retrofitting roofs just got easier. Simpson Strong-Tie® introduces a new solution for rafter-to-wall retrofits in Hawaii: the HPT hurricane tie. The HPT is designed and tested for single-wall homes and meets Hawaii state requirements for uplift resistance. The unique design of the HPT connects the wall to the rafter, avoiding interference from the blocking. The strengthened transition area of the HPT helps the structure resist high-wind forces and related damage by transferring the forces from the roof to the wall. The HPT installs easily with our new SD screws and requires an additional ¼" x 1 ½" SDS screw at the trim board. It’s available with a galvanized coating (HPTZ) or in stainless steel (HPTSS) for maximum corrosion resistance. For more information, visit or call (800) 999-5099. To speak with a Simpson Strong-Tie representative in Hawaii, dial (808) 479-1216. ©2010 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. HPT10-HI gexhiBitOrs LIsted aLphabetIcaL A f P Aloha Home Improvement Inc... ............. 247, 346 dba Maru Flooring Ferguson Enterprises Inc. ............. 439, 441, 443 Pacific business news ..................538, 540, 542 Aloha Pacific Federal Credit union .................... 218 Firstline Security Screens llC............................. 254 Pacific Style Construction............. 146, 148, 150 Futura Stone of Hawaii llC ........ 423, 425, 522 Pacific wealth Strategies llC............................. 153 Alternate Energy Inc. .................... 138, 140, 142 g Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction American Electric, Co. llC ...................... 241, 243 gas Company llC, The............................ 104, 106 Pella window & ........................... 207, 209, 306 Doors Inc., HSC Aloha State Sales ..................................... 323, 325 APn Alarm ............................................... 255, 354 /Advance Protection network Archipelago Hawaii ............................................ 449 refined island designs gerard Roofing Technologies.................. 400, 402 h Atlas Construction Inc.. ............................141, 143 Hagadone Printing Company ............................. 123 B Hawaii Energy Connection llC .... 339, 341, 343 bamboo Flooring Hawaii llC ............................. 213 barker Kappelle Construction llC ..................... 128 bekin Cabinets.................................................... 308 best Vinyl llC ..........................................438, 440 better business bureau ...........................504, 506 Hawaiian Island Solar Inc.. ........... 130, 132, 134 Hawaii glass block Inc.. ..................................... 126 Hawaii Home & Remodeling ...................125, 127 Hawaii Skylights and Solar Fans ............. 253, 352 Hi Power Solar llC ............................................. 446 HK Construction Corp..............................604, 606 bIA – Hawaii ................................. 608, 610, 612 Homeowners Design Center Inc.. ........... 307, 309 breezway north American Inc. ................133, 135 /breezway louver windows HPS Construction Services, ltd. ......................... 155 builders Home Supply .............................. 117, 119 C Homeworks Construction Inc.. ................215, 217 InSolid (All Tops)......................... 139, 238, 240 Intero group ..................................................... 442 Cam Security Inc.. ............................................... 131 Island Cooling llC .............................................318 CertaPro Painters of Hawaii .............................. 144 /TMRK Hawaii Inc. Island Shutters Inc. ............313, 315, 317, 319 K Coastal windows Inc......... 431, 433, 530, 532 KnM Construction Corp. ..........................312, 314 Cool Roof Hawaii ................................................ 250 Custom Contractors Inc.. ........................ 340, 342 Cut n Crown Inc. ................................................ 552 d Da wing Trading llC ................................149, 151 Design Trends Construction Inc. ............. 327, 426 Reliable landscaping ......................................... 409 /Reliable Service & gardening Corp. RevoluSun ................................................ 201, 203 s SCD RMA llC dba RMA Sales ........................... 154 Selective Stone llC....................... 413, 415, 417, 512, 514, 516 Servco........... 223, 225, 227, 322, 324, 326 Simpson Strong-Tie Co. Inc.. .............................. 108 Skylights of Hawaii llC ..... 353, 355, 452, 454 m Synlawn of Hawaii .............................................. 226 Martin garage Doors Hawaii .................. 435, 534 t M&M Electric Inc................................................ 508 Mokulua woodworking ltd. .............................. 447 MRC Inc............................................................... 338 M&R Roofing and.................................... 600, 602 Raingutters llC new Hawaiian Home ....... 521, 523, 525, 527, Equinox Hawaii ........................................ 249, 348 Reflections glass Co. ............................... 100, 102 State of Hawaii – (RICO) ........................ 500, 502 Regulated Industries Complaints Office e EMEE Kitchens & baths llC .................... 422, 424 R. Clary builders Inc. .......................................... 300 Kukuna O Ka la Solar, llC ..................... 524, 526 n ECO Solar llC ..................................................... 316 r Southwest greens Hawaii .................................. 152 Dugied Construction, Inc......................... 524, 526 ECO Floors & Cabinets .............................120, 122 Qu Construction ................................................. 248 Solar Services Hawaii ......................................... 305 Closet Systems of Hawaii ............. 401, 403, 405 ConstRX, ltd. ...................................................... 408 Q Screens & Things Inc. ................... 230, 232, 234 i Cabinet and Stone Factory, The .............. 301, 303 Construction Training ................... 608, 610, 612 Center of the Pacific Poncho’s Solar Service Co., ltd. ............... 419, 518 TimberTech.......................................................... 222 Trex Company Inc. ....................................147, 246 Tropical Roofing & Raingutters Inc. .................. 418 w wasco builders llC .................................404, 406 529, 531, 533, 535, 537 nylawn ............................................................... 427 O Ohana building Supply Inc.. ................... 214, 216 Oreck of Hawaii ........................................ 110, 112 Organized Hawaii .......................... 114, 116, 118 10 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 Sunetric .............................. 107, 109, 206, 208 western Overhead Door Company Inc ... 113, 212 windows Hawaii, Division ...................... 347, 349 of northwest windows Making your dreams come true… Visit Homeowners Design Center, your original kama‘aina company for the past 42 years. Discover Hawaii’s best remodeling and new construction resource for cabinets, flooring, window coverings, countertops and more. FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1969 Cabinets • Countertops • Carpet Flooring • Window Coverings 1030 Kohou Street Honolulu, HI 96817 808-847-0216 gexhiBitOrs LIsted by category Bath/Plumbing Contractors/Builders Cabinet and Stone Factory, The .............. 301, 303 barker Kappelle Construction llC ..................... 128 Archipelago Hawaii, .......................................... 449 refined island designs Ferguson Enterprises Inc. ............. 439, 441, 443 CertaPro Painters of Hawaii ............................... 144 /TMRK Hawaii Inc. Cabinet and Stone Factory, The .............. 301, 303 Cool Roof Hawaii ................................................ 250 gas Company llC, The............................ 104, 106 Custom Contractors Inc........................... 340, 342 Hawaii Skylights ...................................... 253, 352 and Solar Fans Atlas Construction Inc. .............................. 141,143 Hawaii glass block Inc. ...................................... 126 InSolid ........................................... 139, 238, 240 Reflections glass Co. ............................... 100, 102 Screens & Things Inc. ................... 230, 232, 234 Selective Stone llC................................. 413, 415, 417, 512, 514, 516 Building Supply/ Equipment bamboo Flooring Hawaii llC ............................. 213 Coastal windows Inc.......... 431,433, 530, 532 Hawaii glass block Inc. ...................................... 126 Martin garage Doors Hawaii .................. 435, 534 Ohana building Supply Inc. ..................... 214, 216 Atlas Construction Inc. .............................141, 143 Design Trends Construction Inc. ............. 327, 426 Dugied Construction, Inc.................................... 526 Eco Solar llC....................................................... 316 Futura Stone of Hawaii llC ........ 423, 425, 522 Hawaii glass block Inc. ...................................... 126 Hawaiian Island Solar Inc. ............ 130, 132, 134 Hi-Power Solar llC ............................................. 446 HK Construction Corp..............................604, 606 Homeowners Design Center Inc. ............ 307, 309 Homeworks Construction Inc. .................215, 217 HPS Construction Services, ltd. ......................... 155 Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc. .............................. 108 KnM Construction Corp. ..........................312, 314 Skylights of ........................ 353, 355, 452, 454 Hawaii llC Martin garage Doors Hawaii .................. 435, 534 windows Hawaii...................................... 347, 349 Division of northwest windows Mokulua woodworking ltd. .............................. 447 MRC Inc............................................................... 338 Cabinetry Aloha Home Improvements Inc.. ............ 247, 346 dba Maru Flooring Archipelago Hawaii, .......................................... 449 refined island designs Atlas Construction Inc. .............................141, 143 bekin Cabinets.................................................... 308 Cabinet and Stone Factory, The .............. 301, 303 Closet Systems of Hawaii ............. 401, 403, 405 Da wing Trading llC ................................149, 151 Design Trends Construction Inc. ............. 327, 426 ECO Floors & Cabinets .............................120, 122 Futura Stone of Hawaii llC ........ 423, 425, 522 Homeowners Design Center Inc. ............ 307, 309 HPS Construction Services, ltd. ......................... 155 Island Shutters Inc. ............. 313, 315, 317, 319 Mokulua woodworking ltd. .............................. 447 Ohana building Supply Inc. ..................... 214, 216 Organized Hawaii .......................... 114, 116, 118 Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction Cement/Concrete Atlas Construction Inc. .............................141, 143 Futura Stone of Hawaii llC ........ 423, 425, 522 Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction Ohana building Supply Inc. ..................... 214, 216 Pacific Style Construction ............ 146, 148, 150 Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction Qu Construction ................................................. 248 R. Clary builders Inc. .......................................... 300 Reflections glass ..................................... 100, 102 Screens & Things Inc. ................... 230, 232, 234 Skylights of ........................ 353, 355, 452, 454 Hawaii llC Sunetric .............................. 107, 109, 206, 208 wasco builders llC .................................404, 406 Aloha State Sales ..................................... 323, 325 Atlas Construction Inc. .............................141, 143 Cabinet and Stone Factory, The .............. 301, 303 Closet Systems of Hawaii ............. 401, 403, 405 Da wing Trading llC ................................149, 151 Design Trends Construction Inc. ............. 327, 426 ECO Floors & Cabinets .............................120, 122 Homeowners Design Center Inc. ............ 307, 309 InSolid ........................................... 139, 238, 240 Island Shutters Inc.............. 313, 315, 317, 319 Ohana building Supply Inc. ..................... 214, 216 Reflections glass Co. ............................... 100, 102 Selective Stone llC....................... 413, 415, 417, 12 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 Atlas Construction Inc. .............................141, 143 Hawaiian Island Solar Inc. ............ 130, 132, 134 HK Construction Corp..............................604, 606 Homeowners Design Center Inc. ............ 307, 309 Homeworks Construction Inc. .................215, 217 Island Cooling llC .............................................. 318 Island Shutters Inc. ............. 313, 315, 317, 319 KnM Construction Corp. ..........................312, 314 Martin garage Doors Hawaii .................. 435, 534 Mokulua woodworking ltd. .............................. 447 Organized Hawaii .......................... 114, 116, 118 Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction Selective Stone llC....................... 413, 415, 417, 512, 514, 516 Sunetric ............................. 107, 109, 206, 208 western Overhead Door Company Inc ... 113, 212 doors Closet Systems of Hawaii ............. 401, 403, 405 Coastal windows Inc......... 431, 433, 530, 532 ConstRX, ltd. ...................................................... 408 Custom Contractors Inc........................... 340, 342 Firstline Security Screens llC............................. 254 HPS Construction Services ltd. .......................... 155 Intero group ...................................................... 442 Island Shutters Inc. ............. 313, 315, 317, 319 Martin garage Doors Hawaii .................. 435, 534 Mokulua woodworking ltd. .............................. 447 Countertops Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc. .............................. 108 design Services 512, 514, 516 Pella windows & ......................... 207, 209, 306 Doors Inc., HSC Reflections glass Co. ............................... 100, 102 SCD RMA llC dba RMA Sales ........................... 154 Screens & Things Inc. ................... 230, 232, 234 Servco........... 223, 225, 227, 322, 324, 326 western Overhead Door Co., Inc ............ 113, 212 windows Hawaii,..................................... 347, 349 Division of northwest windows Electrical American Electric Co. llC ....................... 241, 243 Atlas Construction Inc..............................141, 143 Hawaiian Island Solar Inc. ............ 130, 132, 134 Hi-Power Solar llC ............................................. 446 M&M Electric Inc ................................................ 508 remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 • 13 gexhiBitOrs LIsted by category Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction RevoluSun ................................................ 201, 203 Sunetric .............................. 107, 109, 206, 208 Environmental Services & Supplies Hawaiian Island Solar Inc. ............ 130, 132, 134 Hi-Power Solar llC ............................................. 446 Mokulua woodworking ltd. .............................. 447 RevoluSun ................................................ 201, 203 Solar Services Hawaii ......................................... 305 TimberTech.......................................................... 222 Trex Company Inc. ....................................147, 246 Aloha Pacific Federal Credit union .................... 218 Hawaiian Island Solar ................... 130, 132, 134 Pacific wealth Strategies llC............................. 153 Aloha Home Improvements Inc. ............ 247, 346 dba Maru Flooring Aloha State Sales ..................................... 323, 325 Fences/decks builders Home Supply .............................. 117, 119 best Vinyl llC ..........................................438, 440 Equinox Hawaii ........................................ 249, 348 Futura Stone of Hawaii llC ........ 423, 425, 522 Servco........... 223, 225, 227, 322, 324, 326 Skylights of Hawaii llC ..... 353, 355, 452, 454 9 Selective Stone llC........................ 413, 415, 417, 512, 514, 516 Synlawn of Hawaii .............................................. 226 Furniture/accessories Flooring Atlas Construction Inc. .............................141, 143 bamboo Flooring Hawaii llC ............................. 213 Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction Reflections glass ..................................... 100, 102 Financial Services Sunetric ............................. 107, 109, 206, 208 Aloha Home Improvement, Inc. .............. 247, 346 dba Maru Flooring Ohana building Supply Inc...................... 214, 216 bamboo Flooring Hawaii llC ............................. 213 Design Trends Construction Inc. ............. 327, 426 ECO Floors & Cabinets .............................120, 122 Futura Stone of Hawaii llC ........ 423, 425, 522 Hawaii glass block Inc. ...................................... 126 Homeowners Design Center Inc. ............ 307, 309 HPS Construction Services, ltd. ......................... 155 Island Shutters Inc. ............. 313, 315, 317, 319 nylawn ................................................................ 427 Archipelago Hawaii, .......................................... 449 refined island designs Island Shutters Inc. ............. 313, 315, 317, 319 Organized Hawaii .......................... 114, 116, 118 Reflections glass Co. ............................... 100, 102 Trex Company Inc. ....................................147, 246 garage doors Martin garage Doors Hawaii .................. 435, 534 Servco........... 223, 225, 227, 322, 324, 326 western Overhead Door Co., Inc ............ 113, 212 Home Entertainment Closet Systems of Hawaii ............. 401, 403, 405 NEW ARRIVALS! DIFFERENT CHOICES OF SOLID WOOD CABINETS IN –STOCK Come Visit Our 1,500 sf. Showroom! Open Six Days A Week 565 Kokea St. Unit G6 (Makai side, off Dillingham Blvd. by Kapalama Canal) Hours: Mon. – Fri. 8:30am – 5pm, Sat. 9am – 4pm 14 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 843-2284 FREE Estimate & Consultation FREE 3-D Layout Plans Professional In-House Kitchen Designer Available Special for the first 8 customers who purchase oak white cabinets! gexhiBitOrs LIsted by category Island Shutters Inc.............. 313, 315, 317, 319 nylawn ................................................................ 427 Organized Hawaii .......................... 114, 116, 118 Hurricane Protection HPS Construction Services ltd. .......................... 155 Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc. .............................. 108 industry Partners better business bureau ..........................504, 506 bIA-Hawaii .................................... 608, 610, 612 Construction Training .................. 608, 610, 612 Center of the Pacific Hagadone Printing Company ............................ 123 Hawaii Home & Remodeling ...................125, 127 new Hawaiian Home ........521, 523, 525, 527, 529, 531, 533, 535, 537 Pacific business news .................. 538-540, 542 State of Hawaii – (RICO) ......................... 500, 502 Regulated Industries Complaint, Office insulation Island Cooling llC .............................................. 318 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS | Landscaping Outdoor Products Major appliances Aloha Home Improvement, Inc............... 247, 346 dba Maru Flooring Equinox Hawaii ........................................ 249, 348 Futura Stone of Hawaii llC ........ 423, 425, 522 nylawn ................................................................ 427 Reliable landscaping ......................................... 409 /Reliable Service & gardening Corp. Selective Stone llC....................... 413, 415, 417, 512, 514, 516 Skylights of Hawaii llC ..... 353, 355, 452, 454 Southwest greens Hawaii .................................. 152 Synlawn of Hawaii .............................................. 226 TimberTech.......................................................... 222 Trex Company Inc. ....................................147, 246 Tropical Roofing & Raingutters.......................... 418 Lumber/Wood Products Island Shutters Inc. ............. 313, 315, 317, 319 Pella windows & Doors Inc., HSC .. 207, 209, 306 Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc. .............................. 108 Trex Company Inc. ....................................147, 246 REMODELS | NEW CONSTRUCTION | Archipelago Hawaii, .......................................... 449 refined island designs Ferguson Enterprises Inc. ............. 439, 441, 443 Island Cooling llC .............................................. 318 Selective Stone llC....................... 413, 415, 417, 512, 514, 516 Servco........... 223, 225, 227, 322, 324, 326 Painting/decorating Atlas Construction Inc. .............................141, 143 CertaPro Painters of Hawaii ............................... 144 /TMRK Hawaii Inc. Cut n Crown Inc. ................................................ 552 EMEE Kitchens & baths llC .................... 422, 424 Pools/Spas Hawaiian Island Solar Inc. ............ 130, 132, 134 Selective Stone llC....................... 413, 415, 417, 512, 514, 516 Skylights of Hawaii llC ..... 353, 355, 452, 454 Sunetric .............................. 107, 109, 206, 208 COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING Brett Kappelle 226-9984 Phillip Barker 754-7315 remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 • 15 gexhiBitOrs LIsted by category roofing/roofing Products Skylights Vinyl Hawaii Skylights and Solar Fans ............. 253, 352 Custom Contractors Inc........................... 340, 342 Cool Roof Hawaii ................................................ 250 Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction Inc. Hawaii glass block Inc. ...................................... 126 Pella windows .............................. 207, 209, 306 and Doors Inc., HSC Intero group ....................................................... 442 Atlas Construction Inc. .............................141, 143 Equinox Hawaii ........................................ 249, 348 gerard Roofing Technologies.................. 400, 402 Hawaii Skylights and Solar Fans ............. 253, 352 Hi-Power Solar llC ............................................. 446 Island Cooling llC .............................................. 318 MRC Inc............................................................... 338 M&R Roofing and Raingutters llC ........ 600, 602 Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc. .............................. 108 Skylights of Hawaii llC ..... 353, 355, 452, 454 Sunetric .............................. 107, 109, 206, 208 Tropical Roofing and Raingutters Inc ................ 418 Security Systems APn Alarm ............................................... 255, 354 /Advance Protection network Cam Security Inc. ................................................ 131 Firstline Security Screens llC............................. 254 Martin garage Doors Hawaii .................. 435, 534 SCD RMA llC dba RMA Sales ........................... 154 Screens & Things Inc. ................... 230, 232, 234 Services & Products Cabinet and Stone Factory, The .............. 301, 303 CertaPro Painters of Hawaii ............................... 144 /TMRK Hawaii Inc. Coastal windows Inc......... 431, 433, 530, 532 Dugied Construction, Inc......................... 524, 526 gas Company llC, The............................ 104, 106 Hawaii glass block Inc. ...................................... 126 Hawaiian Island Solar Inc. ............ 130, 132, 134 Hi-Power Solar llC ............................................. 446 InSolid .......................................... 139, 238, 240 Island Shutters Inc.............. 313, 315, 317, 319 Martin garage Doors Hawaii .................. 435, 534 Organized Hawaii .......................... 114, 116, 118 Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction Reflections glass Co. ............................... 100, 102 RevoluSun ................................................ 201, 203 Screens & Things Inc. ................... 230, 232, 234 Skylights of Hawaii llC ..... 353, 355, 452, 454 Sunetric ............................... 107, 109, 206,208 Equinox Hawaii ........................................ 249, 348 Reflections glass Co. ............................... 100, 102 Screens & Things Inc. ................... 230, 232, 234 Coastal windows Inc......... 431, 433, 530, 532 Homeowners Design Center Inc. ............ 307, 309 Pella windows ............................. 207, 209, 306 & Doors Inc. HSC SCD RMA llC dba RMA Sales ........................... 154 Skylights of Hawaii llC ..... 353, 355, 452, 454 Screens & Things Inc. .................... 230, 232,234 Solar Services & Products Walls/Wall Coverings Alternate Energy Inc. .................... 138, 140, 142 American Electric Co. llC ....................... 241, 243 Coastal windows Inc......... 431, 433, 530, 532 ECO Solar llC ..................................................... 316 Hawaiian Island Solar Inc. .............. 130, 132,134 Hawaii Energy Connection llC .... 339, 341, 343 Hawaii Skylights and Solar Fans ............. 253, 352 Hi-Power Solar llC............................................. 446 Island Cooling llC .............................................. 318 Kukuna O Ka la Solar, llC ..................... 524, 526 Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction Poncho’s Solar Service Co., ltd. ............... 419, 518 RevoluSun ................................................ 201, 203 SCD RMA llC dba RMA Sales ........................... 154 Screens & Things Inc. ................... 230, 232, 234 Skylights of Hawaii llC ..... 353, 355, 452, 454 Solar Services Hawaii ......................................... 305 Sunetric ............................... 107, 109, 206,208 Tropical Roofing & Raingutters Inc.................... 418 windows Hawaii...................................... 347, 349 Division of northwest windows Window/Window Products breezway north American Inc. ................133, 135 /breezway louver windows Coastal windows Inc......... 431, 433, 530, 532 ConstRX, ltd. ...................................................... 408 Custom Contractors Inc........................... 340, 342 Firstline Security Screens llC............................. 254 Hawaii glass block Inc. ...................................... 126 Intero group ....................................................... 442 Island Shutters Inc. ............. 313, 315, 317, 319 Mokulua woodworking ltd. .............................. 447 Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction Pella windows .............................. 207, 209, 306 and Doors Inc., HSC Reflections glass Co. ............................... 100, 102 Solid Surface Cabinet and Stone Factory, The .............. 301, 303 Design Trends Construction Inc. ............. 327, 426 Futura Stone of Hawaii llC ........ 423, 425, 522 Homeowners Design Center Inc. ............ 307, 309 InSolid ........................................... 139, 238, 240 Pascual Holdings llC.......................................... 136 dba Results Construction Selective Stone llC....................... 413, 415, 417, 512, 514, 516 Steel/Steel Framing Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc. .............................. 108 Vacuums/Cleaners Oreck of Hawaii ........................................ 110, 112 16 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 CertaPro Painters of Hawaii ............................... 144 /TMRK Hawaii, Inc. SCD RMA llC dba RMA Sales........................ 154 Screens & Things Inc. ................ 230, 232, 234 windows Hawaii, ............................... 347, 349 Division of northwest windows gexhiBitOr InforMatIon Barker Kappelle Construction LLC booth 128 Breezway north american, inc./ Breezway Louver Windows booths 133, 135 barker Kappelle Construction llC is an award-winning building contractor in Hawaii that was established in April 2006. we specialize in residential additions, remodels, new construction and commercial contracting. barker Kappelle Construction is owned and operated by Phillip barker (RME) and brett Kappelle (CgP). we think green. Certified by the national Association of Home builders (nAHb) as a green professional with continuing education, our focus is to remodel and build new, sustainable homes with the environment in mind. barker Kappelle Construction remodels and builds homes with products that help make the home quieter and improve indoor air quality, making the home a safer place. by using EnERgy STAR® lighting and appliances, we also can lower maintenance and operating costs. barker Kappelle Construction never compromises quality. whether it is for your long-awaited kitchen remodel or a new home, we bring the right team to ensure a successful project. Quality, professionalism and integrity are all characteristics barker Kappelle Construction brings. barker Kappelle Construction helps clients through the renovation or building process. Our experience, insight and clear communication contribute to our success. we work with our clients on a personal level to deliver unprecedented customer service. Our mission is to provide our clients, subcontractors and employees with the best experience in the building industry. They don’t make louvers like they used to. For more than 25 years, breezway has been providing Hawaii with high-quality louver windows that open twice as wide as regular windows to efficiently capture the fresh, cooling trade winds that blow through the Islands. It is the only type of window system that provides 100 percent unblocked ventilation. After extensive development, breezway recently launched the new ios® Altair louver and Makani window system, custom designed to offer strength and durability for Hawaii homes. locally manufactured at the new breezway Service Centre in Halawa, the ios® window system is made from noncorrosive materials and offers both inside and outside screening options. The Makani is designed for single-wall construction and low- and high-rise applications. High Performance Altair® louver windows by breezway are among the most stylish, innovative, energy-efficient windows available. They are not only aesthetically pleasing, they can also dramatically reduce household energy costs. The innovative Altair® louver windows are tight-sealing when closed, which allows them to work more efficiently with air-conditioning systems than old-style jalousie windows could. This tight-sealing design also reduces noise and dust and deters theft. For more information, please call breezway at 484-5999 or email us at Bekin Cabinets Coastal Windows, inc. booth 308 bekin Cabinets is a one-stop shop for your kitchen and bath needs, from design consultations and materials to appliances and installations. For the past three years, the company has provided products and services to more than 600 families. In April, the company expanded its warehouse and showroom by 50 percent. bekin Cabinets now offers eight different cabinet lines in a wide variety of finishes, from dark espresso and rich cherry to premium-grade American oak and golden Canadian maple. To ensure cabinet quality, bekin Cabinets orders solid wood directly from north America. All cabinet boxes are constructed of solid, three-quarter-inch plywood. These features ensure that bekin’s cabinetry lines will last an average of 10 years longer than brands of inferior quality and construction. “I want to thank all my customers for their loyalty, as now most of my new business comes from referrals,” says josh Chen, kitchen designer with bekin Cabinets. “we are recognized by the kitchen-and-bath industry and community.” you deserve a better kitchen. go with bekin! Visit our new showroom at 565 Kokea St., #g6, or call 843-2284 or 232-4472 to schedule an appointment. booths 431, 433, 530, 532 Coastal windows is the premier source for windows and doors for your Island home. Operating since 1990, Coastal windows is the only company that designs a complete line of windows and doors specifically for Hawaii and manufactures it exclusively in Hawaii. Coastal understands the challenges presented by the Islands’ harsh sun, wind-driven rain and salt air. Coastal’s entire product line has been engineered specifically to meet these challenges and provide a lifetime of trouble-free operation. At the show, Coastal will display a selection of its line of vinyl windows and doors including slider, awning, casement, jalousie, picture, bay, bow, single-hung and double-hung windows, plus a variety of specialty products, such as multipanel stacking doors and more. The latest in window-film technology, Huper Optik ceramic window films, will also be on display. Coastal windows and doors are available in white or bronze frames, standard and custom sizes. Coastal windows are independently tested and commercially rated to meet or exceed industry standards. Coastal offers free in-home estimates, quality installation and superior service. whether you are building a new home or improving an existing one, Coastal can help you choose the windows and doors to complement your Island lifestyle. For more information, visit remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 • 17 gexhiBitOr InforMatIon Custom Contractors, inc. booths 340, 342 Custom Contractors Inc. (CCI) has been supplying and installing windows for the Hawaii community for more than 25 years. while we are the exclusive distributors in the Pacific Rim of the Victor Sun Control awning windows and dual sliders, we have a wide variety of other windows and sliding doors available. we are one of four authorized dealers of Ply gem (formerly Certainteed vinyl windows and doors) and can also supply strip- and surround-frame jalousies. CCI, also known as The window People, is a small company that serves all areas of the Island. you will find our windows everywhere you look. we do replacements in high-rises, townhouses and single-family residences. Our window installers are some of the best on the Island. Forty percent of our business is from referrals and repeat customers. we sell to contractors and do-it-yourselfers. Expert estimators can assist with all your needs and answer your questions. we strive to give competitive and accurate quotes to keep your home-improvement projects on budget. we have supplied or installed more than 150,000 windows to date. Custom Contractors Inc. is located in Halawa Industrial Park at 99-840 Iwaiwa St., unit 2. Call 4830100 or visit our website at ECO Solar LLC booth 316 Eco Solar llC provides design and installation of solar-powered systems, including photovoltaic, solar water heating and PV attic fans. Established in 2008, Eco Solar is unique in its level of quality, competence and attention to detail. whether you are interested in going green, saving money or investing for the future, Eco Solar is pleased to provide free information and designs that are customized to your needs. All our products are eligible for a 65 percent cost reduction from tax credits. Our PV installations have a five- to six-year payback period and a return on investment of up to 600 percent. Our PV installations are also backed by a 25-year manufacturer warranty and a 10-year workmanship warranty. Please visit our website at for more information, to view actual installations and for sample packages. Or, call 808-744-2274 and schedule a free home consultation. EMEE Kitchens & Baths LLC booths 422, 424 EMEE Kitchens & baths llC is a complete kitchen-and-bath design and supply company. Our showroom, located at 98-029 Hekaha St., Suite 1, in Harbor Center-Aiea, features cabinetry by Dewils Custom Cabinetry, Canyon Creek, Hertco, Total Access, Kamaaina Cabinets, custom cabinet doors by Pentco Industries & brentwood Corp., and local custom-cabinetry makers. EMEE Kitchens & baths is an authorized dealer of Thermador, bosch, gE Monogram, gE Profile, gaggenau, KwC, Franke and other 18 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 fine appliances and fixtures. we offer contractor pricing to the public. we specialize in solid-surface counters, shower surrounds, pans and bases. we are authorized dealers for Cambria, Silestone, Marblestone, Corian, Zodiaq, Sensa granite and other solid-surface products. with more than 23 years of kitchen-and-bath design and project-management experience, the company has a reputation for excellence. Firstline Security Screens LLC booth 254 Firstline Security Screens llC provides high-quality securityscreen products for homes and commercial buildings requiring extra protection from intruders. Our line of Majestec security-screen products gives you peace of mind without compromising views to the outside. At the same time, ventilate your building, keep the insects out and reduce solar-heat gain within your space. go ahead, turn off your air conditioner, open your doors and windows and take advantage of our daily trade winds without worrying about your safety. Call for a free quote at 675-1321. Hawaii Energy Connection LLC booths 339, 341, 343 Fueled by a passion to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy in Hawaii, locally owned Hawaii Energy Connection has experienced stunning growth and has become a nationally recognized solar-integration company dedicated to affordable energy solutions. Hawaii Energy Connection offers homeowners the incredibly popular KumuKit(™) packages, uniquely engineered to achieve peak energy production, maximize available tax credits and ultimately shrink electric bills. KumuKit(™) packages are complete and always include installation. Hawaii Energy Connection will work with you to design a customized KumuKit(™) package that’s ideal for your home and budget. join Hawaii’s growing KumuHui. It’s free to look! Visit, or call 52-gREEn (524-7336). Hawaii glass Block, inc. booth 126 Innovative, creative Hawaii glass block has served the building and remodeling community of Hawaii for more than 20 years. The company continually and conscientiously provides beautiful installations of glass block and makes it possible for do-it-yourselfers to do the same. Each year, the company updates its installation techniques and brings in new patterns, colors and shapes. At Hawaii glass block, you will find an extensive line of Pittsburgh Corning glass-block patterns, shapes, specialties and accessories to create unique qualities in your home. Contact us today to get a quote for installation, prefabricated windows and panels or loose block. Hawaii glass block carries IbP Structural glass Flooring and Stair Treads, protective products that include zip wall, carpet and floor mask. we also carry wedi waterproof tile backerboards and showersystem building materials. become a certified wedi installer by gexhiBitOr InforMatIon attending our seminars at no cost; just call our office at 841-2565 for the next upcoming seminar. See you at the showroom at 284 Kalihi St. The company’s exceptional staff will guide you in your selections for what is sure to be your next outstanding project. from A to Z, so going solar is faster and easier than ever before. Free quotes and consultations are available on request for any of four solar applications: solar water heating, solar photovoltaic arrays, solar fans and solar pool or spa heating. Call 261-9740, or email Hawaiian island Solar, inc. Hi-Power Solar LLC booths 130, 132, 134 Hawaiian Island Solar provides outstanding values in solar. A solar water-heating system, for example, typically saves 30 to 50 percent of your total electric bill. Tax credits up to 65 percent, no money down, no interest and no payments for one year mean your system will pay for itself in two to three short years. you’ll recoup literally tens of thousands of dollars on your investment during the 20- to 30-year life of your system while helping to save the aina. Everyone in Hawaii who owns a single-family home or townhome should own a solar system. There simply isn’t a better investment around. Hawaiian Island Solar is Hawaii’s leader in solar, with thousands of installations and counting. The company installs top-quality equipment featuring industry-leading warranties at great prices. Serving Hawaii since 1983, Hawaiian Island Solar maintains an excellent better business bureau score and is licensed, bonded and insured. Hawaiian Island Solar handles the solar process for you booth 446 The popularity of Hi-Power Solar llC is a direct result of the satisfaction and referrals from past customers. Partners Ron Romero and Matt Adams have more than 35 years of collective experience in the solar-energy business. with customer satisfaction as our focus, we provide the highest quality products and work with the utmost honesty and integrity to ensure every Hi-Power Solar llC project is customized to each customer’s solar needs. we have performed research, visited manufacturing facilities and chosen the following top makers of solar cells: Solar world, Samsung and Sanyo. In keeping with our core values, we purchase our materials locally, use local installers and include a monitoring system with each installation. The system allows the customer to monitor his or her system’s EASY, everyday EFFICIENCY. Choose gas energy for your appliances, and experience the best of sustainable island living. For cooking, water heating and clothes drying, gas is cleaner and up to 35% more efcient than other energy sources. Call 535-5933 to nd out how The Gas Company can help you start saving today. 19 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 • 535-5933 gexhiBitOr InforMatIon health, performance and efficiency. This allows us to provide you and your home with many years of stress-free energy savings while contributing to Hawaii’s sustainable-energy solutions. we at Hi-Power Solar llC encourage you to visit our booth. we are here to answer all of your solar-energy questions. Homeowners design Center, inc. booths 307, 309 Imagine and explore at Homeowners Design Center, a kama‘aina company for more than 40 years. Visit and discover Hawaii’s best remodeling and new-construction resource. Its experienced, knowledgeable and friendly staff is here to help you with all your residential and commercial needs. The design consultants have many years of experience in their fields and will work with you to provide coordinated designs, quality products and professional installation. whether you are looking for carpeting, flooring, kitchen and bath cabinets, countertops, appliances or window coverings, Homeowners Design Center provides one-stop convenience with a large selection of the latest products. Find everything you need to create, refine or reinvent your style. Homeowners Design Center will make your design dreams a reality. Call 847-0216 for a free home consultation, attend free monthly seminars or visit Homeworks Construction, inc. booths 215, 217 For more than 14 years, Homeworks has been the industry leader in affordable custom homes and remodels. we’re honored to have received many top awards, including building Industry Association (bIA) Remodeler of the year, multiple wins in the bIA Renaissance Awards competition, bIA Parade of Homes and the nKbA Design Competition. As pioneers in green building, Homeworks also received HECO’s first-ever award for energy-efficient design and construction. Offering complete design/build services to fit all budgets while maintaining high-quality workmanship, our Homeworks in-house design team includes architects, kitchen and bath specialists and an interior designer to assist in all selections. Our showroom is stocked with products representing the latest building trends. we’ll work with you through every phase, from design, plans and permitting to completion of your turnkey project. Our track record is proven — your project will be done on time and on budget. Call regarding our free building and remodeling seminars, held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Homeworks showroom in the Homeworks Because Life Takes Place in the Kitchen. EMEE Kitchens & Baths, LLC C O M P L E T E K I T C H E N & B AT H D E S I G N & S U P P LY PH 484-5354 | FX 484-5344 | | 98-029 Hekaha St., Suite 1 | Harbor Center, Aiea 20 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 building, 2111 S. beretania St. Tune in to our build new or ReDo radio show for news on the latest trends and products Saturdays at 9 a.m. on KHVH AM830. For a free estimate, call Homeworks at 955-2777. Visit our website,, to see our portfolio. inSolid booth 139, 238, 240 InSolid is Hawaii’s leader in design innovation, engineering and fabrication of solid-surface showers, tub decks and surrounds, countertops and other interior fixtures. Delivering an exceptional experience with our products and professionalism since 1999, Insolid is the exclusive producer of the “InSolid Shower System.” These showers are the newest and easiest-to-care-for shower pan and wall-surround system, incorporating style and value that are greater than their surface beauty. InSolid showers are a snap to maintain. They can be scrubbed, sanded and even polished, allowing for a completely renewable appearance throughout the life of your home. They will always look fresh and new with very little effort. The staff at InSolid can design a shower that perfectly fits any home, design layout or personal accessibility need. we measure each home or bathroom prior to manufacturing, which gives us complete freedom in shape and size. Other design features include hundreds of color choices and/or color combinations, trim inlays or borders, integrated corner seats or benches, various curb heights and widths or curb-less, accessible designs. brands include DuPont Corian, Samsung, Staron, or lg Hi-Macs. licensed, professional installations included. Showroom at 94-425 Maikoiko St., in waipahu, or call 6765522. island Cooling, LLC booth 318 Island Cooling’s whole House Fans are the preferred choice for homeowners looking to increase home comfort and cool their homes with Hawaii’s naturally cool air. The energy-efficient whole House Fan cools the home by exhausting the hot air out of the home’s living space and drawing in cooler air. It can be installed in new or remodeled homes from 600 to more than 4,000 square feet. Island Cooling is Hawaii’s no. 1 source for whole House Fans including the Quiet Cool™ system of insulated ducted fans for homeowners looking to cool a specific area of their home, such as a master bedroom or home office. Find out more by calling Island Cooling’s Certified green Professionals (CgPs) at 808-672-2300, or go to remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 • 21 Reliable Landscaping & Sprinklers island Shutters, inc. booths 313, 315, 317, 319 • 30 Years of Quality Work • Financing Available 2007 2008 Richard Long Owner 732-8727 • Lic. #C-16103 Island Shutters Inc., a locally owned company, is Hawaii’s only dedicated, fullservice plantation-shutter manufacturer. Its in-house manufacturing facility allows the company to custom design, build and paint your shutters right here in the Islands. whether you are looking for polymer shutters or natural wood, such as mahogany or teak, Island Shutters has the capability to produce them. when choosing shutters, you must consider both aesthetics and function. A major difference in shutters is the structural integrity of the panels. natural hardwood shutters are, by far, the strongest. Polymer shutters come closest to resembling wood. because Island Shutters manufactures both natural-hardwood and polymer shutters, the company understands the pros and cons of each product. Island Shutters’ extensive woodworking and carpentry background, coupled with its passion for excellence in designing, building and installing shutter panels, far exceeds the industry standards in Hawaii and nationwide. Our product line now also includes cabinets, doors, flooring, countertops and more. Come visit our new showroom at the gentry Pacific Design Center, 560 n. nimitz Hwy., Suites 109/111. Remember, “Don’t get sold. get educated.” Visit the Island Shutters Inc. booth and hear the facts to help you make an objective decision. Ohana Building Supply, inc. booths 214, 216 Ohana building Supply carries high-quality kitchen and bathroom building materials at reasonable prices. we carry a full line of custom- or ready-made cabinets, granite countertops, stainless-steel sinks, and laminate and hardwood flooring. Ohana building Supply has a broad range of products to match any architectural style. Ohana building Supply carries a variety of in-stock cabinets with different finishes, including maple, light and dark cherry, and espresso oak. Constructed of a full plywood box and solid-wood doors and face frame from northwest Hardwoods, these sturdy, elegant cabinets are made to last. with three warehouse locations, Ohana building 22 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 gexhiBitOr InforMatIon Supply has the largest in-stock cabinet inventory in the Islands. Ohana building Supply also carries granite countertops in a variety of colors perfect for any kitchen or bathroom. The granite countertops are prefabricated panels with an elegant bull-nose-finished edge. All of our products are in stock to ensure prompt delivery or pickup. There is no job too big or too small. with friendly sales and extraordinary customer service, the team at Ohana building Supply can provide the service and products to help complete your project. we are located at 2815 Kaihikapu St. in Mapunapuna. Phone: 833-8338 or email or visit our website: products in a variety of types and styles to meet virtually any design or budget. The family of Pella® brands include: Encompass by Pella, vinyl windows and sliding doors; Pella Impervia, windows and patio doors manufactured from Duracast®, an exclusive five-layer fiberglass composite; Proline, solid-wood windows and doors with exterior aluminum cladding; Architect Series, wood windows most prestigious Sustained Excellence Award 2011 and has been recognized as the u.S. Department of Energy’s EnERgy STAR® Partner of the year for its leadership in manufacturing energy-efficient windows and doors and educating consumers about them. Founded 86 years ago, Pella offers a full range of quality residential and commercial Innovative Designing and Superior Service since 1999 MADE IN HAWAII Organized Hawaii booths 114, 116, 118 • Advanced Solid Surface Fabrication • Shower and Tub Systems • Easiest to clean • No grout, fiberglass or stains, mold or mildew • Tub to Shower Conversions • Custom Shower Pans • ADA, Low-curb or No-curb options • Countertops • Remodeling and Installations Organized Hawaii specializes in custom storage solutions for every room in your home. The company offers unique designs for closets, home offices, wall beds and garages, as well as home entertainment areas. Owners brent and Kamuela Potter have put together a great team to assist you to meet your goals. Their highly trained installers take pride in their work and customer service is a high priority. All of the work comes with a lifetime warranty for as long as you own your home. Call Organized Hawaii today for a free home estimate or stop by their booth at the bIA Remodel It Right show and let them help you get organized. Call 678-0096 or visit for more information. CLEAN • SOLID • SEAMLESS Pella Windows & doors inc. - HSC booths 207, 209, 306 Pella Corp. is an innovative leader in creating a better view for homes and businesses by designing, testing and manufacturing quality windows and doors for new construction, remodeling and replacement applications. For the third year in a row, Pella Corp. has earned EnERgy STAR®’s WWW.INSOLIDHAWAII.COM Showroom at 94-425 Maikoiko Street 808.676.5522 • 808.262.8677 LIC# C-30597 FREE ESTIMATES remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 • 23 G ! gexhiBitOr InforMatIon and patio doors that feature historic authenticity; Designer Series, wood windows and patio doors that offer Pella’s distinctive between-the-glass window fashions such as blinds, shades or decorative panels. To learn more about our products or to get an estimate, please visit our showroom at 214b Sand Island Access Road or call us at 841-3200. you may also find us at See a sampling of the family of Pella® brands on display at our booths. to walk their clients through each step, clarifying issues, finding solutions and providing support from beginning to end. True value is found at R. Clary builders, with a combination of great quality work, competitive prices and honest people. They take pride in their name and even more, in their product: your home. For more information, visit or call 263-4463. reliable Landscaping/ reliable Service & gardening Corp. r. Clary Builders, inc. booth 300 booth 409 For your next construction or remodeling project, look to the name that has long been associated with quality, R. Clary builders Inc. The company delivers superior construction on all types of residential and commercial projects statewide, building a strong reputation for outstanding workmanship and excellent customer service. Founder Rick Clary has been entrusted with the homes of our Island families for more than 30 years. His ethics are rooted in traditional principles that emphasizes quality service, pride in craftsmanship and respect. The company is the result of Rick’s passion for building and decades of experience. “Simplifying the building Process” is more than just a motto with R. Clary builders. They understand that the construction/renovation of a home can be a daunting task. That is why they make every effort For more than 30 years, Reliable landscaping has taken on Hawaii’s most challenging landscaping jobs and created lush, beautiful yards. Our Reliable team — Richard long, owner, Alan gracey, vice president and Rey Ramos, operations manager — specializes in landscaping, sprinklers, drains, water features and rock gardens. Reliable landscaping also provides yard maintenance for homeowners islandwide. we carry a new product by Acquascapes called the RainXchange, a rainwater harvest system. This system captures rainwater and filters it so you can reuse it to water your yard, wash the car or top off water features. Another new, green product: a weather station for sprinkler systems. It monitors the weather and signals your system Lic# C-30215 Buy a set of kitchen cabinets, Get the granite FREE! Raised Panel & Flat Door 3/4ʼʼ Dark Cherry Cabinets 60% OFF I All Shaker Cabinets on Sale (on select colors, while supplies last. Exp. 8/31/11). Special Contractor Pricing Available Condo & Apartment Special! Includes cabinets, granite countertop & stainless steel sink. $998 + tax (as shown in photo). Ohana Building Supply Cabinets, granite, flooring, stainless sinks, stock & custom cabinetry 24 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 2815 Kaihikapu Street • Honolulu, HI. 96819 Phone: 808.833.8338 • Fax: 808.833.8339 Email: B EAUTIFUL W I N D OW S . Beautiful home. For more than 80 years, homeowners have depended on Pella™ windows and doors for quality craftsmanship, energy efficiency and low-maintenance features. It’s our attention to detail that truly sets us apart. So whatever you’re looking for, Pella has a solution to fit your needs. WE SELL ENERGY STAR Visit the Pella Window & Door Showroom or, and take a closer look. Pella Windows and Doors 214-B Sand Island Access Road, Honolulu Oahu: 841-3200 Toll Free: (800) 261-2000 Cool Solutions From SOLAR PV CARPORTS, CARPORTS, AND PATIO COVERS ATTIC BREEZE Solar Fan SKYLIGHTS 25 Watts ONLY $271 25 Your net cost after tax credits (material only) Your Green Ventilation Solution Hawaii’s Most Powerful Fan with a Lifetime Warranty 25% MORE POWERFUL than other Solar Fans 35% State and 30% Federal Tax Credits • All Weather Resistant • Polycarbonate Roof • Structure Cuts Out 50% of Heat Rays and 100% Ultraviolet Rays • Stronger Than Glass • NEW Solastar Carports with Photovoltaic Roofs PATIO OPTIONS AVAILABLE Prices Starting at $3,513 (Materials Only) The Attic Breeze can help reduce your electric bills by actively removing hot air from your attic using only solar power. By minimizing the amount of heat entering your home, your air conditioner will not need to work as hard, thus lowering your monthly electric bills! We Also Carry Retractable Awnings In A Variety of Valance Styles and a Selection of Colors. 808-847-5500 Brighten your home with natural daylight. Sun Tunnel Skylights bring in abundant daylight and all its related benefits. Daylight brings out the natural beauty of interior spaces in a way no other light source can. Colors become more vibrant and alive. Spaces become more inviting. BC-24661 120 Sand Island Road Honolulu • Mon-Fri 7am – 5pm • Sat 9am – 1pm remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 • 25 Got Windows? We do! Lanai enclosures, awning windows, sliders, double hungs... 483-0100 Materials & Installation Residential & Commercial 99-840 Iwaiwa Street, Unit 2 Lic. C-14358 Aiea, Next to Ani’s Bakery It’s More Than Just Peace of Mind Stay cooler in your home: • stainless steel mesh blocks 60% of harmful UV rays • mesh provides 40% free air through screen • have confidence leaving doors and windows open Manufacturing ∙ Sales ∙ Support 808 • 675 •1321 or 808•315•2072 • Bring in the Beauty of Natural Light • Reduces Sound Transmission • Provides Security and Privacy • Home • Office • Retail • Commercial We also offer: Wedi is a 100%WATERPROOFING SYSTEM THAT IS SUPER EASY TO USE! 284 Kal ih i St. • 8 4 1 - 2 5 6 5 w w w. h a w a i i g l a s s b l o c k . c o m 26 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 to water only when needed. The company is fully insured and has deep roots in the community. In addition, the company offers a financing program with terms of no interest if paid in full within the first 12 months, with regular payments. revoluSun booths 201, 203 See a custom-designed solar system for your home today at the RevoluSun booth where a project developer will zoom in on your home with satellite imagery to determine the optimal solar system for your specific house, location and energy needs to help offset their electric bill. RevoluSun is Hawaii’s leading solar provider, designing and installing more residential photovoltaic projects in 2010 than any other company. Providing the highest quality of service, technology and design in renewable energy, RevoluSun is bringing cleaner, smarter energy to communities, one rooftop at a time. with its extensive network of alternative energy partners and detailed knowledge of federal and state tax incentives, RevoluSun makes renewable solar energy an affordable, attractive option for both homeowners and businesses. Hawaii-owned RevoluSun offers free, understandable energy evaluations to its residential clients, which allow for customized systems based on each home’s unique energy needs. RevoluSun also provides a robust community education program aimed at educating homeowners on how solar works and what tax incentives are available through its free solar education series and solar open house programs. For commercial and government projects, RevoluSun is pioneering new models in renewable energy that provide maximum value, expertise and service, while ensuring its client’s structure the best possible business models to take advantage of local renewable energy opportunities. For more information about RevoluSun visit or call 808.748.8888. Selective Stone LLC booths 413, 415, 417, 512, 514, 516 Selective Stone llC was established in 1998 to meet the growing demand for quality products at affordable prices in the flooring and countertop industry. The company’s factory-direct distribution of prefabricated granite, marble and engineered-quartz stone panels statewide has earned it the reputation as the “Pioneer of the Prefabricated Industry.” with an established global network of manufacturers and a combined industry experience of more than 50 years, Selective Stone has supplied large-scale hotel, condo and housing projects with confidence. Its extensive granite and marble countertop and slab selection is complemented by a complete line of ceramic, porcelain, marble, travertine, limestone and granite tiles for flooring and wall applications. Its showroom also features a large selection of quartzite, slate, sandstone, basalt, lava, decorative pebbles, ledgestones and mosaics, which makes it the most complete and best stocked distributor of stone products in the state. Stop by and visit Selective Stone’s showroom, conveniently located near the airport at 2979 Koapaka St. Servco booths 223, 225, 227, 322, 324, 326 Servco Home and Appliance Showroom is the display facility for Servco Home and Appliance Distribution, a wholesale distributor of premier lines of kitchen appliances and bath accessories. The showroom represents quality brands such as gE Monogram, bosch, Thermador, gaggenau and undercounter refrigeration and wine captains from u-line. Other products include gE Profile, gE Café and gE appliances, best and broan hoods, plumbing products for both kitchen and bath from KwC and Rohl, kitchen systems from Franke, undercabinet lighting from Hera, glass vessel products from DeRose Designs, outdoor grills from Alfresco, and split air-conditioning systems from Sanyo. Our showroom, located at 2841 Pukoloa St. in Mapunapuna, is open to the public for viewing Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call 564-2493 for more information or visit us at Servco Raynor Overhead Doors Inc. has been providing industry-leading garage-doorproducts, experienced sales, professional installations, and quick and efficient service to Oahu for more than 20 years. we service and sell residential and commercial garage doors and openers, as well as residential and commercial shelv- DESIGNING, BUILDING, & REMODELING HAWAII'S MOST AFFORDABLE ALL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES UNDER ONE ROOF CUSTOM HOMES • ADDITIONS • KITCHENS • BATHS Call for a FREE consultation (808) 955-2777 Stop by our booth (#215, 217) at the Remodel It Right Expo Hawaii Convention Center, August 26-28 Free Build New or ReDo Seminar Tuesday, August 30, 6-8pm Homeworks Showroom 2111 S. Beretania St., Honolulu Call for Reservations Tune in to the Build New Or ReDo Radio Show Saturdays 9 to 10 a.m. KHVH AM830 Licensed #BC20040 • Bonded • Insured remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 • 27 31 32 31 29 33 29 30 32 31 35.7 0 7.56 36.1 8.19 34.9 8.24 34.2 7.97 30.0 7.91 “My incredible 33.0 6.90 35.0 shrinking electric 7.33 bill 31.1 6.86 3 1 went month .9 from $310 5.8a 31.4 5 5.86 to just $18 5a.month!” 74 0513 TOTAL AMOU 10 0 552 AMOU NT DU $18 NT EN E .26 CLOSE PLEA S PAYA E M A K E C BLE T HEC S O: ELECTRK IC BILL Y D Your Ele booth 108 PO Box ctric Uti lity Honolul 0000 u, HI 9680 0 ACCOUN T NUM BER 0000-0 000-00 0 07/23/ 10 A M O U N T S B I L L P E R I O D U S A G E 0000 P R O F I L E A V G K W H P E R D A Y KUMUK IT CU STOME BALAN R BIL CE FR L OM PAY BALAN MENT - T PREVIOUS H BILLI C CUR E PRIOR ANK YOU NG TOTAL RENT ELEC TO BILLI TR NG AMOUN T DUE IC SERVIC E DUE 09/01/ 10 0016 S O N D J F 2009 M A WHEN MONTHS M J J A S PAYING IN PER PLEASE 2010 SON, PLE DETACH ASE PRE AND RET SENT BOT URN THIS Your Ele H PORTION PORTION ctric Uti PO Box S WITH YOU lity Honolul 0000 R PAYMEN u, HI Tele 9680 pho Fax Numne (808) 000-0 ber (808 0000 ) 000-0000 ELECTRIC DATE KWH 09/07/10 08/08/10 07/10/10 06/08/10 05/09/10 04/09/10 03/07/10 02/07/10 01/08/10 12/06/09 11/08/09 10/08/09 09/07/09 8 4 0 VOLTA IC ST * $ 18.26 18.26$ 0.0 0 18.26 26 934 1021 972 31 29 30 30 31 32 31 29 33 29 30 32 31 T ACC OUN $ /DAY 0 0 0 31.6 35.7 0 7.56 8.19 36.1 34.9 34.2 30.0 33.0 35.0 31.1 31.9 31.4 8.24 7.97 7.91 6.90 7.33 6.86 5.85 5.86 5.74 051310 05522 T NUM BER 000-00 DAT E 26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 $ 18. 0 26 PROFILE FOR METE AMOUNT R PX0000 DAYS 0000 KWH/DAY 6 $ 18.2 18.26 226.35 245.99 255.04 254.97 245.41 199.96 242.42 198.74 175.73 187.25 177.74 868 1092 1014 0000-0 $ 18. USAGE 0 0 948 1072 1119 1116 1060 700 KUMUKI 000000 T CUSTOM PHOTOV ER OAHU OLTAIC PV ST HI 967 * 00- RESS CUST NON- OMER MI BASE FUEL EN NIMUM CHA RGE INTE FUEL E ERGY INTE RIM INC NERGY P B F R I M I N C R E A S E 200 E N E R S U R C H A R R E A S E 200 9 7 I R P CG Y C O S T G E A O T O T A LS T R E C O VD J U S T M E N T FOR S ERY ERVIC E B I L L D E T A I L 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 SERVICE ADD 000000 PHOTO $ 18. RNM FROM RESIDENT 08/08/ I A L S E RVICE 10 T O MTR# NM 09/07/ 10 31 C U R P X 000000 DAYS P R E VR E N T R E A D000 KILOW ATT H D I F F I O U S R E A DI N G ING OUR MULT ERENCE 68566S U S A G EI P L I E R 68566 0 1 0 P1 G TOTAL AMO 0 DUE AMOUNT OCT 01, 2010 UNT DUE $18. ENCLOS 26 ED PLEA SE PAYA BLEMAK E CHE CKS TO: Your Elec tric Util PO Box ity Honolul 0000 u, HI 9680 0 5555 11 000 067 450031 000000 00000 000000 16700 KumuKit™ systems are uniquely engineered to achieve peak energy performance, maximize available tax credits, and ultimately shrink your electric bill. We won’t sell you more than you need and work with you to plan a KumuKit™ system that’s perfect for your home and your budget too. SOLAR ELECTRICITY Photovoltaic Systems for Your Home Complete, Customized and Installed 808-524-7336 Contractor #C31046 Hawaii Energy Connection ing, gates and fences and hurricane-ready systems. we repair and service all makes and models and provide free estimates and free 24-hour commercial emergency service. Our new showroom, located at 2841 Pukoloa St. in Mapunapuna, is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays by appointment only. Call 676-DOOR for more information or visit us at Simpson Strong-tie Co., inc. ou PO Br oElectric Uti lity Honolux 0000 lu, H I 96800 0000 2 P1 G gexhiBitOr InforMatIon Simpson Strong-Tie Co. has manufactured wood-to-wood and wood-to-concrete connectors since 1956 and steel-to-steel connectors since 1994. Simpson Strong-Tie is recognized by architects, engineers and homebuilders as the leading manufacturer of structural connectors. Strong-Tie connectors are steel devices used to strengthen, support and connect joints in wood and steel-frame building construction. Examples include joist hangers and hurricane ties. Connectors are installed in the foundation, floors, walls and roofs of the structures to enhance their strength, safety and durability. They increase structural integrity and improve a building’s resistance to high wind and earthquake forces. They also often save labor costs when compared to other construction methods. joist hangers, straps and framing anchors are widely used on the u.S. Mainland, while hurricane ties, holdowns and foundation anchors are best known among contractors in coastal or seismically active locations such as Hawaii and the gulf Coast. Additionally, as national and local building codes are updated, connectors are now required in many types of construction where formerly they were optional. Skylights of Hawaii LLC booths 353, 355, 452, 454 Skylights of Hawaii llC is a locally owned and operated company that has provided cooler, brighter, healthier ventilation, day lighting and shade products for homeowners, developers, architects, 28 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 engineers and contractors for more than 30 years. First to introduce solar fans to Hawaii, we now offer Attic breeze’s 25 watt, 1550 cfm max airflow models, which provides homeowners with the strongest, most durable lifetime-warrantied solar fans on the market. Solar fans create cooler attics and homes using only the power of the sun and are eligible for incredible state and federal tax credits. Daylighting needs are beautifully met with products ranging from tax-credit-eligible tubular skylights, to standard and custom, fixed and venting, acrylic, polycarbonate, fiberglass, and glass skylights. All bring mood-changing and mood-enhancing natural light into your space. If you’re looking for shade and protection from uV rays, we have everything from highquality awnings, to sleek japanese patio covers/carports, to stylish shade sails and canopies. For more information, call us at 847-5500 to schedule a free site assessment or visit our website at Sunetric booths 107, 109, 206, 208 Founded in 2004 by Sean and bethAnn Mullen, Sunetric is Hawaii’s largest locally owned and operated solar installer. Sunetric has designed and installed more PV than any other company in the state and is responsible for 68,000 solar panels and more than 20 megawatts of solar across all the Islands, providing the equivalent greenhouse gas benefit of taking 3,000 vehicles off Hawaii roads each year. Hawaii’s first SunPower Elite dealer, Sunetric has installed several of the largest photovoltaic systems in Hawaii, for clients including Kona Commons on the big Island, wilcox Memorial Hospital on Kauai and y. Hata on Oahu. Featured by Hawaii business Magazine among Hawaii’s Top 250 companies in 2009, 2010 and 2011, Sunetric is Hawaii’s top solar company and the state’s largest renewable-energy firm. with approximately 100 local employees, Sunetric handles every stage of the design, development and installation of photovoltaic systems statewide. From system design, financing and tax incentives to utility integration, system monitoring, and maintenance, Sunetric is Hawaii’s solar authority. Sunetric holds electrical, construction and solar contractor’s licenses while staffing all engineering, installation and customer-service functions in-house. From senior management to rooftop installers, the company’s entire solar team is built on years of hands-on, field-tested experience. As the state’s clear leader in solar, Sunetric is at the forefront of an energy revolution passionately advocating for a sustainable, energy-independent Hawaii. unmatched experience, inventory and expertise combine to help Sunetric and their customers build a better future for our Islands, our people and our planet. Visit for more information. the gas Company LLC booths 104, 106 Cooking, heating water and drying clothes with gas energy makes the most sense. gas is cleaner and up to 35 percent more efficient than other energy types. gas THE ONLY WINDOWS MADE FOR HAWAII, ARE MADE IN HAWAII Since 1990, Coastal has served the islands with the only vinyl windows and doors designed, manufactured and installed to perform in Hawaii's tropical environment. Stop by our factory showroom and see how you can enhance the value, security and beauty of your home with Coastal windows and doors. Discover why everyone in Hawaii is going Coastal. 676-0529 Free Estimates Licensed Installation 94-533 Puahi Street Waipio Gentry Business Park Simply The Best For Hawaii remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 • 29 gexhiBitOr InforMatIon is also cheaper and more reliable. next to the sun, gas is the best source of heat energy in and for Hawaii. Choose gas energy for your appliances, and experience the best of sustainable island living. Also, try solar + gas: solar water heating with tankless gas backup is the cleanest, most efficient and least expensive form of water heating. The gas Company serves residential, commercial and government customers on all five major islands, supplying synthetic natural gas (Sng) on Oahu and propane gas (lPg) statewide. The gas Company is committed to energy independence for Hawaii. biogas and hydrogen, among other revolutionary initiatives are part of its long-term plans to reduce our Islands’ dependency on oil. They intend to grow the sustainable portion of utility gas to as much as 50 percent by 2015, helping Hawaii meet its goals for renewable energy. Call 535-5933 to save! ourselves in dealing with complex issues. what sets wasco builders apart from the rest is that we have many trades in-house, which saves the client cost and gives the client control over quality and efficiency. Having a good idea of the project cost before blueprint plans are drawn or approved is essential to a successful job. That’s exactly what wasco builders llC can help you accomplish. we strive to help you achieve the functionality and look you desire while remaining within your budget. Wasco Builders LLC booths 404, 406 wasco builders is a general contracting firm in business in Hawaii for more than 20 years, providing excellence for new and renovated construction for commercial and residential projects. we have completed hundreds of homes throughout the state and pride Custom Homes, Renovations, Remodeling 2011 BIA Expo GuIdEBook A Leading General Contractor Manufacturer of Custom Tropical & Natural Hardwood Shutters and Louvered Doors Specializing in Custom Homes and Renovations. Design-Build / General Contractor Free Consultation & Estimates p. 808-371-0566 BC14209 Locally Owned and Operated Hawaii’s Most Complete Shutter Manufacturer Largest Selection of Shutters, Frames and Colors CALL FOR A FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE Visit our new showroom Manufacturer’s Gallery • Gentry Pacific Design Center 560 N. Nimitz Highway, Suite 109 & 111 PHONE: 30 • remOdel it right, remOdel it green Expo 2011 690-8182 HI LIC #C26505 The Votes Are In—Sunetric is HAWAII’S TOP SOLAR COMPANY Though it seems that every day a new solar company claims to be Hawaii’s best, Sunetric continues to be the clear leader. With experience and accolades far surpassing the competition, you can trust us when we say, Sunetric is Hawaii’s Solar Authority. HAWAII BUSINESS 2009 Top 250 Hawaii Companies 2010 Top 250 Hawaii Companies 2011 Top 250 Hawaii Companies STAR-ADVERTISER 2010 Best Solar Company 2011 Best Solar Company PACIFIC BUSINESS NEWS 2009 Best in Business Finalist 2009 Innovative Co. of the Year Finalist 2009 CFO of the Year Finalist 2010 Forty under 40 (President Sean Mullen) 2011 Forty under 40 (CEO Alex Tiller) In these instances, Sunetric was not only honored with an award, but was the only Hawaii solar company featured “Reliable, professional, capable, and friendly— sunetric’s staff was light years ahead of the other companies we met with!” - DAVID & PAULA Kailua 3.4 kW SunPower PV System 262-6600