The Message - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
The Message - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
The Message . . . Pastoral Ponderings: Time to put away our Alleluia’s! February 2013 Alleluia or from the Hebrew, Hallelujah; it literally means praise the Lord. This is a great word of resurrection. On February 12th we will host our traditional Shrove Tuesday (Fat Tuesday) pancake dinner. Following the dinner we will have a burial of the Alleluia service with the burning of palms, as we prepare for Ash Wednesday. But why do we “bury” our Alleluia? Because of the penitential character of the season of Lent, singing or saying the word "alleluia" has historically been suspended during Lent's forty days. This period of individual and congregational reflection on the quality of our baptismal faith and life suggests that the joyful nature of alleluia is more appropriately reserved for our Easter celebrations when it is given full and jubilant voice. An alternate gospel acclamation for Lent that omits the alleluia is provided for all settings of Holy Communion in Evangelical Lutheran Worship. The omission of alleluia during Lent goes back at least to the fifth century in the western church. The custom of actually bidding it farewell, however, developed in the Middle Ages. The hymn "Alleluia, song of gladness" (Evangelical Lutheran Worship #318) contains a translation of an 11th century Latin text that compares an alleluia-less Lent to the exile of the Israelites in Babylon. The text then anticipates the joy of Easter when glad alleluias will return in all their heavenly splendor. Alleluia is appropriately bid farewell on the Sunday preceding Ash Wednesday (the Transfiguration of Our Lord, also called the last Sunday after the Epiphany). This is the last Sunday when alleluia will be used until the Vigil of Easter. Lent is an opportunity for us to “Return to the Lord our God.” Lent is an opportunity to use the forty days to reorient our hearts and minds and lives to God. We remove our Alleluia’s to center us around removing the clutter from our faith lives. Many people give up things for Lent, but Lent us also an opportunity for us to take on spiritual practices that help us return to God. The season of Lent calls us into moments of washing in our baptism and recalling the promises made, to return to those we have not kept, and renew them. Lent provides us as a congregation many opportunities to stop in the middle of our week at 7:00pm to stop, to pray, and hear God’s gracious words of promise and forgiveness. I look forward to our journey together as a congregation as this Lenten pilgrimage begins. From the removal of our alleluia’s, to the ashes places on our heads, until that Easter morning; we walk together returning ourselves to the things of life that matter most and put away the things that distract us from our relationship with God. Let the journey begin, Pastor Kevin Page 2 February 2013 CHURCH CALENDAR Sunday February 3 9:30 am Worship—SOUPERBOWL SUNDAY 10:45 am Fellowship Sunday School /Adult Forum Wednesday February 6 7:00 pm Faith Alive Mid-week Service Friday February 8 6:30 pm Home Bible Study Sunday February 10 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am Fellowship Sunday School & 1st Communion Class Tuesday February 12 6:00 pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner & Mardi Gras Party 7:00 pm Service for the Burial of the Alleluia Wednesday February 13 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Service Sunday February 17 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am Fellowship Sunday School /Adult Forum Tuesday February 19 7:00 pm Theology Un-corked Wednesday February 20 12:00 noon Faith Formation Meeting 7:00 pm Lenten Mid-week Service 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am Fellowship Sunday February 24 Sunday School /Adult Forum Wednesday February 27 7:00 pm Lenten Mid-week service “Keep It Simple” (Alcoholics Anonymous) meets every Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. (closed meeting) and every Saturday morning at 10 a.m. (open meeting) in the Dahlinger Fellowship Hall. Please tell others about this hope-giving resource. February 2013 Page 3 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner and Mardi Gras Party February 12th 6:00-7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall Shrove comes from the English verb “shrive,” which means to obtain absolution for one’s sins by confessing and doing penance. We eat of the “sweeter” foods as reminder of the richness, before going into Lent. Suggested free-will donation of $5.00 per adult and $3.00 per child. Service for the Burial of the Alleluia February 12th 7:00pm During our pancake dinner the children of our church will be invited to decorate our Alleluia banner. Following dinner, we will gather for a brief service to bury the Alleluia and to burn our palms into ashes as we prepare not only for Ash Wednesday, but for the Great Forty Days of Lent when our Alleluias are put away. Ash Wednesday Services of Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes February 13th 7:00pm Mid-Week Lenten Services Wednesday’s at 7:00pm February 20th and 27th March 6th, 13th, and 20th February 2013 Page 4 Worship Assistants February 3, 2013 February 10, 2013 Greeter: Carol Miller Greeter: Elsie Irlinger Acolyte: Gracie Helou Acolyte: Hank Ivey Assisting Minister: Barbara Hansen Assisting Minister: Cheryl Mendenhall Lay Reader: Ann Bishop Lay Reader: Carol Cottingham Communion Assistant: Julie Foss Communion Assistant: Marcus Mendenhall Usher: Dennis Christian and Bob Poole Ushers: Russ Anderson and ST White Tellers: Dennis Christian & Lindsay Bishop Tellers: Russ Anderson and Charlene Cullen February 17, 2013 February 24, 2013 Greeter: Steve LaMontagne Greeter: Carol Drongberger Acolyte: Harlie Ivey Acolyte: Matthew Helou Assisting Minister: Gail White Assisting Minister: Cathy Crimi Lay Reader: Carol Cottingham Lay Reader: Virginia Gable Communion Assistant: William Gable Communion Assistant: Julie Foss Ushers: Carol Miller and Dennis Christian Ushers: Bob Poole and ST White Tellers: Mike Cottingham & Dennis Christian Tellers: Lindsay Bishop and Bob Poole Flowers The 2013 Altar Flower sign up is now posted in the Narthex! Altar flowers are $45.00. When making your check payment, please note that it is for “flowers” on your check and place it in the offering plate. Please note, flowers will not be ordered until we receive payment, so please remember to submit payment at least 1 week in advance! Please contact Debbie in the office with any questions! February 2013 Page 5 Faith Formation News February All-Kids Sunday School: Jesus Is. . . Part 1: Living Water Kids in grades PreK-6 gather around the piano after worship for a hands-on exploration of stories from the Gospel of John. February 3: Game Day: What's to drink? Fill up on fun and hear how Jesus welcomes our questions. February 10: First Communion Class All children are welcome to attend and help bake communion bread. Contact Pastor for more information. February 17: Art Time: Well, well, well Make water art and hear how the church helps get safe drinking water to people around the world. Children will sing during worship this Sunday! February 24: Science Fun: Dancing Waters Our hearts bubble over with God's surprising love! Adult Sunday School Adult Sunday School began the Animate Faith series on Sunday, January 27th. The series is built around short DVD segments designed to spark conversation or the big questions of faith: Can people be spiritual without being religious? What if learning about Jesus was more like a Japanese dojo? How is reading the Bible NOT like reading Jane Austen? Join seven leading Christian voices in exploring these and more with passion, creativity, and a dash of humor. Contact Cathy Crimi for more information. Confirmation On February 3 the confirmands will join youth across the country for Souperbowl Sunday, a national grassroots effort to address hunger and poverty in our local communities. This year our collection will go to Samaritan Ministries and non-perishable food items to Second Harvest. Peanut butter and canned tuna are especially needed. Confirmands: please arrive early and plan to stay after church to man the soup pots and count donations for the national tally! Thank you! February 2013 Page 6 More from Faith Formation The Home Bible Study of Acts continues on Friday, February 8, 6:30 p.m. World Upside Down journeys with Paul to Athens. Pastor Kevin will lead. Contact Bud and Carol Miller for details and location. The next Theology Uncorked will be at 7 p.m. on February 19. Contact Pastor for topic and location. Volunteer Opportunities for the month of February Get involved at Holy T Marketing: Needs new members with experience in any form of advertising, public relations, communications or marketing. In Desperate Need of a Graphics person. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Rundi Ream or Xiommi Schimmelpfennig Fellowship: Is welcoming members who want to volunteer to set up refreshments during fellowship and help with the set up and cleaning as well. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Patty Anderson or Xiommi Schimmelpfennig Worship: We are looking for volunteers to be Greeters, Ushers, Acolytes, Assisting Ministers, and Communion Assistants. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Xiommi Schimmelpfennig February 2013 Page 7 What do YOU think? Join the Round Table! We will have an ideas sharing meeting after church on Sunday March 3rd. At the meeting we can discuss the direction of the church and how we can keep moving forward. Please bring your thoughts and energy. This meeting is open to everyone. Pastor Kevin will lead the meeting! See you on March 3rd. Prayer Needs Members: Linn Folger; Gloria Kleve for a good and speedy recovery; Friends: Terry Hall, battling cancer, sister of Pat Cowan; Tony Poole, brother of Bob, in the hospital in Greensboro, NC; Tammy Dronberger on the death of her father; Maureen Ramos, recovering from leukemia; Barry Midget’s family upon his death from a brain injury, friend of the Dronberger’s; Dale Pulcher’s family on his passing, friend of Barbara Hansen; Ralph Strahm, in hospice, friend of Barbara Hansen; Marian Glenn, niece of Suzi Sittel, for healing; Lucy Krull, a child from St. Paul Lutheran, Maryville, TN, suffering from recurring cancer; Agnes and Len Akland for healing; Sue Hasse, neighbor of Charlene and Tom Cullen, who is receiving experimental treatments for cancer; Friends: Juliana Perez for health; Stacy Evans, battling a brain tumor; Jenalee Schimmelpfennig, child birth; Carmen Aponte for health; Sylvia Vielez for health; Donna and Shawn Whiting, with Shawn’s diagnoses of stage 4 pancreatic cancer; family of Donna Bledsoe on her passing after a car accident; LeeAnn Montgomery, friend of Lee Perry, recovery from surgery to remove tumor; Stella Stawiski, mother of Carol Cottingham, with progressive macular degeneration; The family of Jeannine Henriksen, great aunt of Kris Helou, who passed away; February Celebrations Happy Birthday to . . . 2/12 Aaron Mason 2/5 2/19 2/19 2/21 Mike Franklin Tsegaye Mehari Arku Patty Anderson Gloria Kleve 2/27 Ken Folger 2/28 Molly Robert February 2013 Page 8 Council Updates Wondering what the council is up to? Here are some quick bullets from Bud Miller. November was a good month, only a $900 deficit, much less than previous months. Pastor’s report was submitted. Council approved Pastors new housing allowance. This does not change his overall compensation. Plans are being made for an event in February or March. Possibly a Sock Hop. We will again have the Shrove Tuesday/ Mardi Gras pancake dinner. Planning has begun on VBS. Questions? Contact Bud Miller! E-I-E-I-O Beginning on Shrove Tuesday, February 12th, HT will be embarking on a Lenten mission called "Holy T buys a Farm!" This project is an ELCA World Mission project in which it is possible to "buy a farm" for a family to put an end to poverty. Our goal will be to raise $715, which will purchase a cow, several goats, pigs, and chickens along with farm implements and educational training. You can check out the ELCA website at or if the link fails, Google ELCA Good Gifts Program for information. Look for the "FARMometer" in the fellowship hall which will be rising as donations are collected. Contact Carol Cottingham at for any questions you may have. OFFERING ENVELOPES There are still a number of 2013 offering envelopes that need to be picked up. If you have not picked up your new box please look for them on the table by the coat rack. Holy Trinity Office Hours are Monday-Thursday from 9:00am-12:00 noon. Please submit announcements by 9:00am Tuesday morning for the upcoming bulletin. February 2013 Page 9 Do you have something to submit for the March issue of The Message? Please submit to Kris Helou no later than Sunday, February 24th. February 2013 Page 10 February 2013 Page 11 Don't miss A Night of Nostalgia! Dress in your most fabulous 20's/30's regalia or come as you are and purchase a unique headpiece or accessory at the event. Prizes for best costumes! We'd love to see you and all your friends at the downtown Hilton 7pm-midnight on Saturday, February 2 for an incredible night of music, dancing, food, and games. Come hear JoDee Messina and the Pat Patrick Band, learn some vintage dance moves from the Bellevue Dancers, and enjoy the open bar, yummy food, and casino games. You'll love the great auction prizes- tickets to Keith Urban, Martina McBride/George Strait, and Widespread Panic shows, passes and lodging at Dollywood, a Maggie Moos Ice Cream truck party for 50, Jack Daniels Distillery tour and dinner, and more amazing surprises! All proceeds go to our building expansion fund. Get your tickets now at! If you have a green thumb, we'd love help this spring as work begins in the garden. Have another special talent you'd like to share with us, please call 779-6309! We are closed Feb. 15 and 18 for conferences and in-service. 5 25 S n e e d R o ad N as h v i l l e , T N 37 2 2 1 Holy Trinity Staff Rev. Kevin Strickland 615-829-3981 (cell) Pastor David Dorn Director of Music Debbie Robert Administrative Assistant Bill Gable Organist Emeritus Church Phone #: 615.673.6289 Church Fax #: 615.673.6292 Church Email: Like us on Facebook Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Mission Statement Disciples of Jesus Christ called to proclaim God's grace and serve the community