Public Information Leaflet - Christchurch City Council
Public Information Leaflet - Christchurch City Council
March 2016 Manuka Cottage Background: Addington Community House Incorporated (ACHI), known as Manuka Cottage, is a community development hub in Addington. Manuka Cottage was established in 1993. It was identified through research undertaken by Christchurch City Council that Addington had no local meeting place to gather as a community. As a response to the greater need in Addington, Anglican Care and the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board invested in a Community Development Worker and a cottage base for Addington. In 1993, Manuka Cottage was established and operated at 45 Dickens Street until 2012 when it was forced to move due to post earthquake insurance issues. Council recognised the contributions of the Cottage to both local disaster recovery and the risks of high needs not being met within the community. A Capital Endowment Fund Grant was provided for Council to purchase a suitable new property for the re-establishment of a community facility. Christchurch City Council New Community Facility— Cornelius O’Connor Reserve What are we proposing? (refer plan): It is proposed to build a new community facility on Cornelius O’Connor Reserve in Harman Street, and will be home to Manuka Cottage. Cornelius O’Connor Reserve has been proposed to house this new community building as it is a central location for the whole community. Image sourced from Google Maps Timeline: Tuesday 1 March 2016 Wednesday 23 March 2016 April 2016 Consultation Consultation opens closes Submitters notified the outcome of consultation and board meeting date May 2016 Anticipated Community Board decision Late 2016/ Early 2017 Construction to commence (subject to approval) The building itself will have a large central open room with three smaller rooms for office space and meetings. A kitchen will have large opening windows for servicing an outdoor space. The main entrance will be facing Harman Street with large slider doors facing the park. The building will be set back into the south east corner of the reserve. A new path will link from Harman Street to the building and also through to Harman Courts. Three car park spaces will be provided, one disabled, the others for staff. For security, the car park will be locked in the evenings. Poplar trees along with several other smaller trees will be removed to make room for the new building. The poplar trees are nearing the end of their life and are showing signs of decay. New trees and shrub planting is proposed. You are invited to attend the upcoming community BBQ at Cornelius O’Connor Reserve. It will be from 5pm - 7pm on Tuesday 8 March 2016. The project team and members of Manuka Cottage will be there for you to ask questions about the new community facility. We look forward to seeing you there. have your say have your say Lori Ford Engagement Adviser Christchurch City Council PO Box 73013 Christchurch Mail Centre Christchurch 8154 Phone (03) 941 8355 Email have your say If you wish to comment on the plan, please complete the enclosed freepost form and return by 5pm on Wednesday 23 March 2016 You can comment by: • Returning the enclosed freepost form Council wants to hear your views on building this community facility on Cornelius O’Connor Reserve. Please ensure that your comments reach us by 5pm on 23 March 2016. • Visiting the Christchurch City Council’s ‘Have Your Say’ website: If you wish to discuss any aspect of this plan or process please contact: Lori Ford, Engagement Adviser Phone (03) 941 8355 Email Community events and groups run by Manuka Cottage Volunteers Manuka Cottage is….. Cottage Activities: Monday 10am – 1pm, Tuesday 10am – 3pm, Wednesday 10am – 3pm, Thursday 10am -3pm, Friday 12-2pm commu Volunteers recognised Community Development generally works 8.30am – 3pm, Monday – Friday. Mothers in th nity service awards e Community Group Some 3000 people local residents, business and organisations benefit from the activities generated by Manuka Cottage. Community Development through Manuka Cottage seeks to empower Addington to define its identity and to strengthen the community so that all people have a sense of belonging, feel safe, contribute to and participate in the world around them. Craft Group Manuka Cottage achieves this through encouraging action in Addington by providing activities, groups and projects. Community consultation event for Artist impression Fruit and vege volunteers Meet the politica l candidates deba te Cherylan and Karolin