2016-17 NAIT Intercollegiate Athletics STUDENT


2016-17 NAIT Intercollegiate Athletics STUDENT
NAIT Intercollegiate Athletics
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Welcome and Introduction …………………………………………………………………………
Athletics Department Organizational Chart ……………………………………........................
ACAC & CCAA Membership ………………………………………………………………………
Athletics Department Contacts ……………………………..…………………………………….
Objectives of the Ooks Program………………………………………………………..…………
Our Commitment………………………………………………………………………….…………
Student-Athlete Commitment ………………………..……………………………………………
Student-Athlete Code of Ethics……………………………………………………………………
Student-Athlete Academics ……………………………………………………………….……….
Student-Athlete Eligibility…………………………………………….……………………………..
Travel Policies ………………...…………………………………………………………………….
Financial Assistance …………………….………………………………………………………….
Student-Athlete Health and Safety …………………..……………………………………………
Student-Athlete Sports Council ……………………………………………………………………
CCAA Drug Education & Substance Control Policy …………………………………………….
Operation of the Athletics Program ……………………………………………………………….
Intercollegiate Athletic Awards ……………….……………………………………………………
Sports Equipment Center Policies ………………..………………………………………………
Facilities ……………..………………………………………………………………………………
Student Athlete Feedback Questionnaire………………………………………………………..
Important Website Addresses ………………..........................................................................
Student Athlete’s Rights…………………………………………………………………………….
NAIT Athletics Social Media Responsibilities …………………………………………………….
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Welcome From the Department of Athletics
Congratulations to all new and returning athletes who have been chosen to wear the navy, gold and white of NAIT this
season and carry on our “Tradition in Excellence” in college athletics.
The NAIT Athletic program establishes its policies and procedures for its student athletes based on the following priorities.
Family emergencies/athlete health & safety
NAIT Athletics
All others including social life
It is an earned privilege and an honor to participate and represent NAIT in intercollegiate athletic competition. With
involvement, however, comes the responsibility to exemplify the basic convictions that are necessary to maintain a first
class athletic program. To this end we have accepted the responsibility to establish standards and policies to ensure you
will continue to uphold the tradition of excellence you have inherited from those who have come before you.
This handbook is designed to give you some fundamental information about the policies and procedures under which our
athletic program operates.
As a member of a NAIT team it is understood that you have made the commitment to abide by the policies and
procedures set forth in this manual. Please use this digital handbook as a reference.
I wish you every success in the classroom and in your athletic pursuits. My office door is always open if you have
questions or concerns about any aspect of our program.
Gregg Meropoulis
NAIT Athletics
The duration of an athletic event is only but a few moments while the training for it may take many months
of arduous work and continuous exercise of self-efforts.
The real value of sport is not the game played in the limelight of the applause, but the hours of dogged
determination and self-discipline carried out alone; imposed and supervised by an exacting conscience.
The applause soon dies away. The prize is left behind,
but the
character you build is yours forever!
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Department of Athletics and Recreation Organization Chart
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ACAC and CCAA Membership
The NAIT Ooks have men's and women's teams competing in basketball, volleyball, soccer, hockey, badminton, and
curling. NAIT is a founding member of the Alberta Colleges’ Athletic Association (1964), and the Canadian Collegiate
Athletic Association (1974).To date; there are 17 participating members in the ACAC and over 90 members from five
provincial associations in the CCAA. The CCAA currently host national championships in the following sports: soccer,
basketball, volleyball, golf, badminton and cross country running. Below is a listing of the ACAC member institutions:
Ambrose University
Augustana Faculty, University of Alberta
Briercrest College
Caronport, SK
Concordia University of Edmonton
Grande Prairie Regional College
Grande Prairie
Keyano College
Fort McMurray
Lakeland College
Lethbridge Community College
MacEwan University
Medicine Hat College
Medicine Hat
Olds College
Portage College
Lac La Biche
Red Deer College
Red Deer
SAIT Polytechnic
St. Mary’s University
The Kings University
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Athletics Department Contacts
The Ooks Intercollegiate Athletics program is administered by staff and coaches of the Department of
Athletics who have been brought together to help you and your teammates have an enjoyable and
successful experience representing NAIT. Please feel that you may call on the following people for
help or assistance at any time.
Facility #’s Arena 780 471.8699, SEC 780 471.7729, Pool 780 471.8711, FWC 780 471.8398
Linda Henderson
Gregg Meropoulis
Jeff Riddle
Bea Spatafora
Ruth Thongdee
Jordan Richey
John Short
Scott Morris
Sam Nahrgang
Terry Baumgartner
Randy Merkel
Anne Sharplin
Amy Moolyk
Director, Athletics
Manager, Athletics
Manager, Facilities
Financial Admin Assistant
Assistant to the Director
Athletics Therapist
Game Day/Special Events
Arena Programmer
Arena Attendant
Aquatics Coordinator
Strength and Conditioning
Men’s Basketball
Women’s Basketball
Women’s Hockey
Men’s Hockey
Women’s Soccer
Men’s Soccer
Women’s Volleyball
Men’s Volleyball
Head Coaches OACHING
Sinead Cheah
Mike Connelly
Todd Warnick
Jules Owchar
Deanna Martin
Tim Fragle
Carole Holt
Charles O’Toole
Benj Heinrichs
Doug Anton
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1. Objectives of the Intercollegiate Athletic Program
The primary objective of the NAIT Ooks intercollegiate athletics program is to assist students’ progress toward their
personal, academic and athletic potential by providing high quality intercollegiate athletic experiences in a manner
which will help them build self-esteem and develop the life-long qualities of leadership, fair play, respect, selfdiscipline and perseverance.
Some specific objectives of the intercollegiate athletics program would include those associated with helping
student- athletes:
 Develop a high level of sport specific performance and physiological fitness.
 Learn new skills under the direction of qualified and experienced coaches.
 Learn teamwork and co-operation with other individuals.
 Learn the value of self-control and fair play. .
 Develop lifetime friendships through participating in a program that tests courage, strength, self-discipline,
perseverance, performance and the ability to co-operate.
 Meet individuals from other communities and colleges and broaden the athletic, cultural and social horizons of
the participants through association with those individuals.
 Appreciate and respect the athletic abilities and skills of other individuals.
 Cultivate respect for officials, opponents and spectators through the promotion of Fair Play principles.
 Achieve both team and individual success.
2. Our Commitment to Student-Athletes
The NAIT intercollegiate athletics staff and coaches are dedicated to building and maintaining a high quality program
which will assist student-athletes in their total educational process and contribute to the positive image of NAIT.
 Ensure that the academic goals of the student-athlete are recognized as paramount.
 Ensure that the academic standards of NAIT, the ACAC and CCAA are consistently achieved or surpassed.
 Maintain a high standard of coaching.
 Encourage and support coaching staff professional development.
Commitment to Excellence
 Carry out institutional and departmental policies and procedures in such a way that serves as an example of
 Encourage excellence in all endeavors of every participant.
 Recognize outstanding achievement and performance.
Commitment to Facilities
 Ensure that adequate facilities are secured to meet the needs of the intercollegiate
athletics program.
 Ensure that the facilities are safe, clean and functional for training, practice and
Commitment to Communication
Create a positive and interactive environment for all participants to clearly and effectively communicate rights,
responsibilities and expectations.
Seek and respond positively to the suggestions and concerns of all participants.
Commitment to Equity of Opportunity
Promote equitable access to opportunities for all participants.
Commitment to Tradition
Honoring successes of past NAIT athletes, coaches and support staff through the NAIT Wall of Fame
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3. Student-Athlete Commitment
All athletic representatives of NAIT have a commitment to their fellow student-athletes, coaches and to
NAIT. As a member of the Ooks Athletics program, it is your responsibility to:
a) Consider your academic studies at NAIT first and foremost and maintain proper academic standards
to meet the eligibility requirements of the College and the ACAC and CCAA.
b) Have medical insurance (i.e. Blue Cross, NAITSA coverage) and provide a contact number of someone
who could be reached in the event of an emergency. For more information on the NAITSA (NAIT Student
Association) benefit plan, visit their website at:
c) Personally contact your instructors at the beginning of each semester to inform them when classes
will be missed due to approved intercollegiate athletics travel.
d) Meet with instructors to determine alternate schedules/arrangements for projects and exams. In past,
arrangements have been made for the student-athlete to complete the project or exam under the
supervision of the coach while away from the College.
e) Immediately notify coaches and athletic therapists of any injuries. Injured athletes are expected to seek
medical attention as early as possible and to follow complete medical rehabilitation.
Use the facilities and equipment owned and rented by the College with proper care and responsibility.
g) Be considerate and courteous to facility hosts and ensure that the bench area and the change rooms
are left in a neat and undamaged condition and that all garbage is placed in garbage containers when
leaving host facilities – both at home and on the road.
h) Treat teammates, coaches, officials, and the opposition with respect.
Show good judgment and maturity. Refrain from exhibiting negative behavior (ie. swearing, being
disrespectful towards others, fighting, etc.). Your behavior is a reflection of your team, NAIT, the players
who have gone before you and those who will follow. Be a good ambassador for the team, the
department and the insititute.
j) Strive to do your part, help out, be enthusiastic and reach for your potential both on and off the court.
k) Adhere to established policies governing the Ooks intercollegiate athletics program, NAIT, the ACAC
and the CCAA as well as the laws of Alberta and Canada.
Funds raised through casinos make up a significant portion of our Athletic Scholarship
Program. From time to time athletes will be asked to volunteer their services to staff
positions in the casino. Failure to fulfill a casino shift that has been allocated to you will
jeopardize both your team and the scholarship program.
Accepting these responsibilities will assist the NAIT intercollegiate athletics program to maintain a
Tradition of Excellence of which NAIT can all be proud of.
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4. Student-Athlete Code of Ethics
The following is taken from the Fairplay Handbook which is published by the Coaching Association of Canada.
 I believe that the true essence of sport is to strive for personal achievement and
excellence through full and honest effort.
 I am committed to participating in sport with integrity, and to striving to win only by
legitimate means.
 I pledge to learn, understand and adhere to both the written rules of my sport and the spirit and intent of
 I believe that violence and physical intimidation are harmful in sport, and I refuse to use such tactics in an
attempt to gain unfair advantage.
 I understand that officials, teammates and opponents are all integral to sport and are
worthy of my respect.
 It is my responsibility to maintain self-control. I will accept official's decisions without argument, play
aggressively but without hostility, and behave graciously in triumph or defeat.
An athletic representative whose conduct puts the reputation of teammates, coaches, NAIT, in a
compromising position, will be subject to disciplinary action by the NAIT Athletic program.
5. Student-Athlete Academics
Position Statement
 The NAIT Athletics program recognizes that academic success is the first priority of our student-athletes. To
this end the Athletic program endorses a pro-active approach to monitoring and assisting the academic
progress of our student-athletes.
Academic Progress Policy
 Student Athletes are expected to show progress towards a degree or diploma while competing for NAIT.
Student Athletes will be expected to a achieve a minimum of 18 credits (September 1 to August 31) to remain
eligible for intercollegiate competition.
 Students not achieving this standard may use the spring and summer semester to top up their credit hours
and their overall weighted average to be eligible for intercollegiate play in the fall semester.
Academic Support Services
a) NAIT Tutorial Center- Main Campus, Room A133
Hours: 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday (Sept–April)
b) At the beginning of each semester, study skills workshops. are offered by the Counseling Center.
c) Peer Tutoring- student-athletes may seek peer tutoring from other students for a nominal fee.
Information on peer tutoring is available from NAIT Counseling.
6. Student-Athlete Eligibility
1. ACAC/NAIT Eligibility Criteria
The athlete must be officially registered as a full time student at the institute for which the athlete is
Definition of a “full-time” student for intercollegiate purposes:
o Registered in at least 9 credits per semester. Open studies courses where credits are assigned and
applied towards a degree or diploma are recognized as acceptable courses in a student’s academic
program. For more detailed information see the ACAC Operating Code.
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A student athlete in a two semester sport must achieve a minimum of 18 credits from September 1 st
through August 31st of the following year to be eligible for the following year.
2. Academic Standards for Athletic Participation (As measured at the end of each semester)
Academic Status
Weighted Average/Semester
Good Standing *
1.3 or better
Probationary Status 1.0 - 1.3
less than 1.0
* Some technologies may have a higher minimum academic standard.
Definition of Terms:
Good Standing:
The student-athlete is eligible to compete on an intercollegiate team and is eligible for
post season awards at Athletics Awards Night.
Probation Status: A meeting must be arranged with their program head and head coach to set concrete
academic goals or conditions for further participation.
Student athlete is immediately suspended from the Team (no practices, games or team
privileges).Coach, athlete, academic advisor & Program Head to discuss standards that
must be met to allow athlete to rejoin the team. These athletes are ineligible for athletic
scholarships or team awards.
3. Eligibility status for students on Probation or Suspension Status at
semester end:
a) Probationary Status - must reach agreement to Program Head’s satisfaction for continued participation.
Where no agreement is in place the athlete must successfully complete one semester prior to returning to
playing status with team.
b) Suspension Status - athlete must successfully complete a full semester achieving a minimum of 9 credits
to reestablish academic eligibility for athletic participation. Spring and summer semesters can be used to
upgrade academic status for athletic participation in the fall semester.
Student-athletes should be familiar with NAIT’s Academic Regulations
Student-athletes should be aware of the implications of failing or withdrawing from courses as it pertains to:
a) Your full-time status as a student-athlete, therefore your eligibility.
b) Your academic average, which has implications for athlete's participation and scholarships.
Teams using ineligible players during ACAC league games will be sanctioned by the conference and
forfeit any victories.
5. Withdrawing From Courses
Students who withdraw from courses between weeks 1-12 can do so and not have the mark counted into their
overall average. (Check with Program Heads to confirm deadline). Athletes who do not officially drop courses
will be given a failing mark which is factored into their final average and may result in lost scholarships and
the athlete may even be ruled academically ineligible the following semester.
6. Academic Upgrading Courses
Students in academic upgrading courses are eligible however recent ACAC Operating Code
Amendments (2011) limit the student athlete to just one year of academic upgrading during their five years
of eligibility.
7. English as a Second Language (ESL) Student-athletes are limited to two years in ESL.
8. Transfer Student-Athletes
Student-Athletes who are transferring or have used eligibility at another college/university must identify this to
their coach and ensure an ACAC transfer form has been completed. This will ensure the academic eligibility of the
student athlete as well as determining the following:
 The number of times the student athlete has transferred
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Whether the student athlete has used their year of academic upgrading
Whether the student athlete has used their max. of two years in ESL
If you are in doubt as to any aspect of your academic eligibility, seek advice from your coach or
Athletic Manager Gregg Meropoulis, 780.471.7601 or greggm@nait.ca
All members of our intercollegiate program should consider themselves ambassadors of our institute and be prepared
to dress and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times.
Travel Expenses
For ACAC league travel and playoffs, transportation and accommodation expenses will be covered by the NAIT
Athletic program. A meal allowance of $25/day will be dispersed by the coach and signed for by each athlete. For
non-conference travel (exhibition games) it will be the coach’s decision to provide meal money.
Class Absences
While ACAC schedules are developed to accommodate student athletes academic responsibilities, there will be
occasions when you will have to be absent from classes as a result of a road trip. Athletes are expected to notify
their instructors at the beginning of each semester of expected class absences.
Travel Guidelines
It is not intended to set down a number of rules whereby a road trip becomes an unpleasant experience.
However, there are a number of specific rules which must be adhered to for the protection and benefit of all
concerned. These are:
The Department of Athletics and Recreation will make transportation and accommodation arrangements for
all intercollegiate athletic trips associated with ACAC and CCAA league competitions. Team members will
travel as a group to and from all competitions and are expected to stay with the team at the accommodation
provided. Alternate arrangements must be approved by the coach and Athletics Manager.
All team members will travel to and from all contests with the team, and are expected to stay with the team at
the accommodation provided. If alternate travel arrangements are requested by the student/athlete,
permission must be obtained from the Athletic Manager/or coach in advance of the travel date.
Athletic representatives participating in an activity or event NOT related to a NAIT sponsored activity while on
an out of town road trip do so at their own risk. NAIT, its officers, employees and agents shall not be liable for
any injury, loss or damage suffered by individuals participating in such activities.
Athletes are responsible for insuring that their hotel room is left in a neat an undamaged state. No items are to
be removed other than those which you have brought with you. Only team members or coaching staff are
allowed in your rooms. Please arrange to meet all others in the lobby. All student-athletes will be in their
assigned rooms between the hours of midnight and 6:00 AM of each day that they are representing NAIT .
Only authorized travelers, as identified by the Athletics department, may travel with the team. Injured or
academically ineligible players may not be permitted to travel with the team unless the Head Coach verifies
that the student-athlete will be responsible for specific duty while on the trip.
The NAIT intercollegiate athletics program exercises ZERO TOLERANCE on the subject of student-athletes
consuming alcohol and/or illegal drugs on non-conference or league trips. SMOKING is NOT allowed in any
College vehicle, your hotel room or at any team function.
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8. Financial Assistance
(http://www.nait.ca/33720.htm )
1. Academic Scholarships
a) General:
NAIT athletes are encouraged to apply for the many academic scholarships available to them in their
Jason Lang Scholarship – Value: $1000.00
Number: Unlimited.
Students must be Alberta residents and must have completed one year of post-secondary study at NAIT
and be continuing into the second year of the same program. Students in programs that are only one year
long and students moving from the first year of one program to the first year of second program are not
eligible for this award. Students can take this award to another post-secondary institution in Alberta but
they cannot take it outside Alberta. They must have been enrolled in at least 80% of a full course load in
their first year of post-secondary studies (their qualifying year) as well as have earned a minimum
average of 3.2 in their year of study. Students cannot receive both the Jason Lang Scholarship and the
Louise McKinney Scholarship.
See the Awards office for application deadlines.
b) ACAC Academic Awards:
All NAIT intercollegiate athletes who Achieve honors status will receive a certificate from the ACAC.
c) CCAA Academic All Canadian Awards:
Athletes who have been selected ACAC All Conference and have achieved honors status will receive a
certificate from the CCAA.
2. Athletic Scholarships
- see url below
a) Jimmie Condon Scholarships Award:
The Jimmie Condon Scholarship is $1,800.00 and payable in two installments of $900.00 each (early
Dec. and early Apr.). *Qualifying student athletes in their first semester will receive the first installment of
this award prior to receiving their semester marks. If athletes have achieved a weighted average of at
least 2.0 GPA, they will qualify for the next disbursement of the scholarship. If they fail to achieve 2.0
GPA they must successfully complete their next semester (2.0 GPA or better) prior to applying for the
scholarship again. Returning athletes must have achieved 2.0 or better in their previous semester to
qualify for the scholarship.
Criteria for the Jimmie Condon Scholarships:
i) Student Athlete is an Alberta resident, i.e. Canadian resident or landed immigrant who has
maintained residence in Alberta for 12 months or whose parents or guardians have maintained
residence in Alberta for 12 consecutive months.
NOTE: Canadian Citizens and landed immigrants are considered eligible if they have
attended an educational institution in Alberta the preceding year.
ii) The student athlete is enrolled full time at a post-secondary institution in Alberta in an
undergraduate or graduate program. Please note that Academic Upgrading students are not
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eligible for the Jimmie Condon in their first semester but will qualify for the second installment if
they have achieved at least a 2.0 GPA
iii) The student is a member of a designated team and is maintaining
training program acceptable to the coach.
iv) The student is maintaining a satisfactory level of academic achievement determined by the college
(NAIT Standards are a 2.0 weighted GPA or better).
Jimmie Condon Scholarships may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Athletic Coordinator, if the
student athlete is not attending classes and maintaining passing grades.
ACAC Sports qualifying for Jimmie Condon Scholarships and number of scholarships awarded:
# of Scholarships Awarded
Women’s Volleyball
Men’s Volleyball
Women’s Soccer
Men’s Soccer
Men’s Hockey
Women’s Hockey
Women’s Basketball
Men’s Basketball
4 male/4 female
b) Barb Hanson Memorial Athletic Scholarships
This fund has been established to provide student athlete scholarships for those athletes who are
ineligible to receive the Jimmie Condon Scholarship for the following reasons:
i) They have not established Alberta residence for the past 12 months.
ii) They are in academic upgrading programs that do not lead directly to diploma or degree.
iii) Limitations on the number of Jimmie Condon Scholarships available.
The Barb Hanson Scholarships provide financial support to athletes who fall into two categories and the
value of these scholarships vary accordingly:
i. Those athletes playing in sports eligible for Jimmie Condon Scholarships:
$900/semester ($1800/yr.)
Member of team, regular attendance at practice/games, and maintaining at least
a 2.0 GPA in their academic program.
Disbursement: At the conclusion of each semester following the verification of academic criteria
(>2.0GPA) Scholarships are generally received in late January and May
Note: Soccer players will be eligible for only the first disbursement of the Barb Hansen
scholarship ($900) unless they qualify for a second semester Jimmie Condon
ii. Curling Team
Curling (14)
Member of team, regular attendance at practice/games, and maintaining at least
a 2.0 GPA in their academic program.
Disbursement: Following the conclusion of the second semester, after verification of academic
criteria (>2.0 GPA)
Please note that students who are Alberta residents and have successfully completed a semester (min. 2.0
GPA) of upgrading, in their first semester, are eligible for a Jimmie Condon Scholarship in the second
OOKS Athletic Association Scholarships
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The coach will nominate players for these scholarships, generally 2 per team
$500-$1000 each. 1.3 GPA minimum marks required. See coach for details.
Please note that casino’s form a large part of the scholarship program and staffing these
casinos is an expectation of every student athlete. Failure to meet commitment may result
is loss of scholarship.
9. Student-Athlete Health and Safety
The physical wellbeing of NAIT student athletes is our number one priority. With this in mind, NAIT and the Athletics
Department have established a protocol for medical clearance which must be met prior to trying out for an
intercollegiate team. Every athlete is required to submit a preseason medical form, to be reviewed and approved by
the Athletic Therapy Staff
a) Athletic Medical Report
A form filled in by the student-athlete covering any current or previous medical conditions. This form will
be reviewed by the Athletic Therapy Staff to ensure the student-athlete is safe to participate in their sport.
b) Accident Insurance
All NAIT students must purchase student insurance through NAITSA or show extended coverage under
another plan. Students competing on NAIT’s intercollegiate teams should be aware that the possibility of
injury exists. The NAIT Athletic Program will not be responsible for medical costs that exceed
insurance coverage.
c) NAIT Athletic Therapy Clinic Varsity Treatment Protocol
All athletes are to report injuries to athletic therapy clinic
Following assessment, coaches will be informed that day as to the current status of the athlete
If further medical care is needed, athlete can be sent to emergency immediately for urgent
For less critical situations, but still requiring extra medical care, we will have a member of our Health
Point medical team in our clinic every Monday. These sessions will be billed to the students
insurance, there will be no cost to the student
This team will then dictate terms of treatment, including imaging, bracing, return to activity. The
Athletic Therapists from our clinic will be in full communication with the referring physician throughout
this process
Athletes are not to return to activity until their treating therapist has communicated with their coach
what their status is. Failure to comply with this will allow the therapist to refuse continuing treatment of
this athlete
Athletes are welcome to get a second opinion on their injury, however their playing status will still
have to be cleared with the clinic, as per the previous item.
e) Harassment
The purpose of an anti-harassment policy is to insure that all participants and competitions are guaranteed
of the existence of a pleasant environment, not a hostile one; and that all participants are entitled to
compete in a friendly, supportive environment, free from harassment. Harassment takes many forms, but
can generally be defined as behavior including comments and/or conduct which is insulting, intimidating,
humiliating, hurtful, malicious, degrading or otherwise offensive to an individual or groups of individuals, or
which creates an uncomfortable environment. NAIT athletics does not tolerate any form of harassment and
actions perceived as such will be investigated by the Athletic Coordinator. It is expected that the athletic
role models, future leaders, and all team members and personnel will adhere to the understanding and
elimination of Harassment.
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f) Student Athlete Hazing Policy
NAIT Athletics is committed to the dignity, well-being and care of the student athletes and others that
comprise its membership. It is the objective of NAIT to provide a safe environment, in which members may
pursue their athletic, academic and career goals. NAIT Athletics does not tolerate any form of hazing and
undertakes to protect all members from hazing and initiation rites. Athlete’s that choose to partake in
activities that may be classified as hazing will be disciplined at the discretion of the Athletic Coordinato
10. Student-Athlete Sports Council
This council is a committee made up of student athletes assembled to provide, share insights and actively work
towards an enhanced student athlete experience. This council will serve to improve communication between athletes,
teams and provide athletes opportunities to develop leadership skills. The council will be formed with representatives
from each team and will be used as a communication tool to promote a positive student athlete image off and on
campus and to organize community service efforts. This council will be formed in September and meet regularly
throughout the year.
11. CCAA Drug Education & Substance Control Policy
CCAA Position Statement
The CCAA, ACAC and NAIT are unequivocally opposed to the use of any Banned Substances or Methods in
contravention of the rules of National or International Sport Federations and the International Olympic
Committee. This is outlined in the CCAA Operating Code.
Those persons who counsel or assist an athlete in the use of banned and restricted substances and
methods for the purpose of performance enhancement must be considered as much at fault as the
athlete using the substances or method. In particular, the CCAA cannot and will not tolerate any
encouragement of the use of such substances or methods by those in positions of leadership or
influence over intercollegiate participating athletes such as administrators, coaches, trainers,
managers, medical and para-medical practitioners, sport scientists, and indeed other athletes.
Fair and equal competition is an essential ingredient of sport. Doping
Control (testing for the use of banned and restricted substances and methods) is
a means of attempting to ensure that such is the case.
The CCAA requires each College provide a drug awareness orientation seminar to their athletes and
each athlete must sign a form indicating they have attended the orientation. Please note that
Cannabinoids now will be screened during competition doping control.
Scope of Testing
Teams competing in CCAA sanctioned sports may be subject to in-season unannounced drug testing.
12. Operation of the Athletics Program
All fundraising efforts must first be approved by the Athletics Manager as team accounts are controlled by the
Athletics department.
Boost The Ooks Program (BTO)
This fundraising program, coordinated through the NAIT Advancement Office, provides an opportunity for
athletes to fundraise to offset costs not included in the team’s regular budget. Teams solicit private and
corporate, tax-deductible donations to the BTO program It is preferred that BTO donors make their
contributions on line through the following connection on the NAIT Athletics website:
https://alumni.nait.ca/boost-the-ooks Athletes, coaches and NAIT Athletics admin will keep a detailed record
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of the funds raised through the BTO program. The funds collected in the BTO program are pooled into a team
account and are intended to be used for team expenses only. This is not intended as a personal account for
monies fundraised by individual players. Athletes should record all the BTO sponsorships they solicit and
coaches should keep a record of each of their athletes BTO’s.
It is mandatory for all teams/individuals wishing to order clothing, equipment,
signage or any other item bearing the NAIT College Ooks name or logo to
receive approval from the Communications Manager to use the Ooks
name/logo BEFORE the order is made.
13. Intercollegiate Athletic Awards Night
Athletic Awards Night
NAIT honors the achievements of student-athletes, teams and coaches at the annual awards night.
Awards night generally falls on the first Friday in April. Dress is semi-formal
14. Sports Equipment Center (SEC) Policies
The Sports Equipment Centre is responsible for servicing the needs of the entire NAIT community of students and
staff. The following guidelines have been developed by the SEC:
 All Intercollegiate Athletes will receive free locker, lock, towel and laundry service.
Student ID cards must be used to sign out equipment. ALL EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING UNIFORMS, IS
The SEC is responsible for cleaning of all uniforms. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO WASH THESE UNIFORMS
AT HOME. Uniforms should be returned to SEC the next day following use for cleaning.
Athletes will be required to use their NAIT ID to access all athletic facilities.
Basketball/Badminton/Volleyball/Soccer will receive team rooms with first semester teams being checked
out in early December
All teams’ rooms are for NAIT Athletes only! Keep your locker secured.
 Keep the room secured at all times.The team room must be kept tidy or teams or individuals could lose
this facility for periods of time. Do not leave anything on the floor, or it will be removed, Male athletes are NOT
allowed in female team room and vice-versa.
Please refrain from playing of loud and inappropriate music as the facility is also used by the general
15. Student Athlete Questionnaire
At the conclusion of each athletic season each student athlete is expected to complete two on-line
questionnaires. The first will ask for feedback on the coaching staff of your team, the second
questionnaire will be on other aspects of the athletics program. Please make the time to complete both
questionnaires so that the information can be used to improve NAIT Athletics.
Athletics Office S-105
Fitness Centre S-006
Athletic Therapy E-022
Coaches Offices S-105
Sports Equipment Desk E-026
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1. NAIT College Important Website Addresses
Student Resources
Financial Aid and Awards
Boost the Ooks Sponsorship Forms
(have the donor indicate the team they wish to sponsor in the “comments” section of the form)
ACAC Operating Code
Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association
Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES)
2. Student-Athlete’s Rights
To try out for varsity teams and be given fair consideration for selection
To participate in an environment which is safe and free from harassment and hazing
To be informed honestly and fully about the reasons for rules and regulations
To voice concerns through the team captain, coach or athletic coordinator
To appeal decisions or rulings through established college procedures
To provide feedback on the coach(s) and program through the post-season feedback survey or directly to
the Athletic Coordinator.
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Grievance Procedure
If a student-athlete feels unjustly treated, the following steps should be taken:
 Contact the Head Coach and arrange an opportunity to discuss the matter in private. If the matter is not
 Contact Athletics Coordinator, Gregg Meropoulis (471-7601) and arrange to discuss the matter with him.
If the matter is still not resolved;
 Contact Director of Athletics, Linda Henderson (471-8803) and arrange to discuss the matter with her.
Student Athlete Appeal Procedures
1. Right to Appeal
1.1 Any NAIT student-athlete who is affected by a decision of the Coach or by any individual, who has been
delegated authority to make decisions on behalf of the specified NAIT athletic team, shall have the right to appeal
that decision.
2. Notification of Appeal
A student-athlete who wishes to appeal a decision shall have 7 days from the date on which they received notice of the
decision, to submit a written notice of their intention to appeal, along with detailed reasons for the appeal, to the Athletics
and Recreation Director.
3. Grounds for Appeal
An appeal may only be heard if there are sufficient grounds for the appeal. Sufficient grounds include the respondent:
3.1 making a decision for which it did not have authority or jurisdiction as set out in the Student-Athlete Handbook.
3.2 failing to follow procedures as laid out in the Student-Athlete Handbook.
3.3 making a decision that was influenced by bias;
3.4 failing to consider relevant information or taking into account irrelevant information in making the decision;
3.5 exercising its discretion for an improper purpose; and/or;
3.6 making a decision which was unreasonable.
4. Procedure
Within ten (10) working days of receiving notice of an appeal the Athletics and Recreation Director shall appoint five
persons to constitute an Appeals Committee, in accordance with the following:
5.1 Appeals Committee: The Appeals Committee shall be comprised of students, faculty or staff from NAIT, who shall
have no significant relationship with the appellant, shall have had no involvement with the decision being appealed, and
shall be free from actual or perceived bias or conflict.
5.2 Committee Membership: At least one of the Appeals Committee members shall be from among the appellant’s peers
(for example, a student-athlete).
5.3 Geographical Consideration: In appointing the Appeals Committee, consideration shall be given to the geographic
location of the appellant, respondent and Committee members, in order to minimize the inconvenience and expense to all
5.4 Appellant Recommendation: The appellant shall be given an opportunity to recommend one of the Appeals
Committee members provided the member satisfies criteria 5.1 and 5.3 above.
6. Timeline
Within 4 days of its appointment, the Appeals Committee shall review the notice of appeal and reasons for the appeal and
shall decide whether or not there are sufficient grounds for an appeal. This decision is discretionary and may not be
7. Grounds for Appeal
If the Appeals Committee is satisfied that there are not sufficient grounds for an appeal, it shall notify the appellant of this
decision in writing, stating reasons. If the Appeals
Committee is satisfied that there are sufficient grounds for an appeal, it shall conduct a Hearing.
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7.1 If a Hearing is to be conducted, the original penalty shall not be enforced until the
Hearing is complete.
8. Appeal Hearing
If the Appeals Committee conducts a Hearing, it shall govern the hearing by such procedures as it deems appropriate in
the circumstances, provided that:
8.1 Scheduling: The Hearing shall be held within 21 days of the Appeal Committee’s appointment;
8.2 Notification: The appellant and respondent shall be given 4 days written notice of the day, time and place of
the Hearing.
8.3 Chairperson: Appeals Committee members shall select from themselves a
8.4 Quorum: A quorum shall be all five Committee members;
8.5 Majority Vote: Decisions shall be by majority vote;
8.6 Supporting Documents: Copies of any written documents which either the appellant or respondent wish to
have the Committee consider shall be provided to all parties at least 2 days in advance of the Hearing where
possible or at least 45 minutes in advance of the Hearing where travel or other extenuating circumstances occur.
8.7 Appellant Counsel: Both the appellant and respondent may be accompanied by a representative or advisor,
including legal counsel;
8.8 Evidence: The Appeals Committee may request that any other individual participate and give evidence at the
8.9 Procedure: The procedure for the hearing shall be as follows:
8.9.1 Introductions Formal introductions shall be the first activity directed by the Chairperson.
8.9.2 Declaration of Committee Membership The Chairperson shall seek agreement by e-mail to the Committee members hearing and dealing
with the appeal prior to the day of the hearing. When an agreement is reached regarding the composition of the
Appeals Committee, an agreement shall be signed and faxed to the Chairperson prior to the date of the
hearing such that the Appeal Committee can proceed on the day of the hearing.
8.9.3 Explanation of Procedure The Chairperson shall explain the procedure to be followed – the purpose of the hearing
is to ensure that all the evidence needed to make the decision is brought forward.
8.9.4 Oath/Affirmation The Chairperson shall ask the parties to give evidence under oath or affirmation.
8.9.5 Appellant’s Argument The appellant shall be asked to go first and explain his/her reasons
for appeal. (He/she will have a maximum time limit of 15 minutes to present to the
Committee.) To the greatest possible extent, all relevant reports and written materials shall be
disclosed. If one party is representing a written submission to the Hearing, a copy must also be
provided to the other party. The Appeals Committee must not consider evidence from one party in
the absence of the other party and must not accept any written materials which are not shared.
8.9.6 Respondent’s Rebuttal The respondent shall be asked if he or she has any questions or comments to highlight or
clarify points arising from the appellant’s submission. (He/she shall have a maximum of 5
minutes to ask questions or to get further clarification). The rebuttal shall be directed through the Chairperson. The Appeals Committee members
may also ask questions of the appellant at this point. (Questions from the Committee members
should be limited to 5 minutes).
8.9.7 Respondent’s Argument
P a g e | 19 When the Hearing is satisfied that the appellant has presented all her or his evidence, and
that all questions have been answered, the Appeals Committee shall turn to the respondent for
his or her submission. (He/she will have a maximum time limit of 15 minutes to present to
the Committee.)
8.9.8 Appellant’s Rebuttal The appellant is then given an opportunity for rebuttal (as in 8.9.6). (He/she shall have a
maximum of 5 minutes to ask questions or to get further clarification).
The Committee members may also ask questions of the respondent. (Questions from the
Committee members should be limited to 5 minutes).
8.9.9 Other Information
If the Appeals Committee requested that any other individual participate and/or give evidence at
the Hearing, this information would be brought forward at this time. The Chairperson shall then ask both the appellant and the respondent if they have further
8.9.10 Closing Statements Both parties shall make a closing statement before the hearing is adjourned. The
respondent shall go first, leaving the appellant to the last. (Each person has 2 minutes to
complete their closing statements).
8.9.11 Deliberation and Decision Once the hearing concludes, both parties shall be asked to leave the room while the
Committee deliberates in private. If at all possible, the Appeals Committee shall give its decision
immediately. Every decision will be written and shall be accompanied by reasons.
8.9.12 Written Records NAIT Athletics and Recreation shall keep a record of all written decisions.
9. Alternative Meeting Options
In order to keep costs to a reasonable level, the Appeals Committee may conduct the Hearing by means of a conference
call or video conference.
10. Decision
Within three days of concluding the Hearing, the Appeals Committee shall issue its written decision, with reasons. The
Appeals Committee may decide:
10.1 To void, vary or confirm the decision being appealed;
10.2 To make any decision it feels the respondent should have made;
10.3 To refer the matter back to the respondent for a new decision, correcting any errors that were made; and/or
10.4 To determine how costs of the appeal hearing shall be allocated.
10.4.1 Up to 50% of hearing costs may be the responsibility of the appellant. A copy of this decision shall
be provided to the appellant and to the respondent.
11. Appeal Timelines
If the circumstances of the dispute are such that this policy will not allow a timely appeal, the Chairperson may direct that
these timelines be shortened. Should this be the case, the appellant, respondent and members of the Appeals Committee
will make every reasonable effort to comply with the revised timelines in order to conclude the appeal in a timely manner.
11.1 If the circumstances of the dispute are such that an appeal cannot be concluded within the timelines of this
policy, the Chairperson may seek agreement from the appellant and respondent to extend the timelines.
12. Alternative Appeal Methodology – Documentary Review
The appellant shall have the right to decline a Hearing in favour of a documentary review. Should this be the case, the
Appeals Committee shall request both appellant and respondent to provide written submissions, upon which the Appeals
Committee shall make its decision. The Appeals Committee may direct such timelines as it deems appropriate in the
circumstances in order to conclude the appeal in a timely manner.
13. Binding Decision
The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be final and binding.
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Social Media Responsibilities for NAIT Athletics
As student-athletes, you represent not only your team and sport, but also Ooks Athletics, and NAIT. Student-athletes are held
in high regard at NAIT, as our teams have a record of accomplishment, excellence, and sportsmanlike behaviour. As a NAIT
student-athlete, you are held to a higher standard in how you portray yourself in all areas, including on social media.
Student-athletes are expected to be aware of how their personal behaviour online may affect the reputation of their
teammates, coaches, and the NAIT Athletics program. There is also an expectation that student-athletes be aware of and act in
accordance to NAIT policies, such as the Student Athlete Code of Conduct and the NAIT Social Medeia Guidelines.
Social Media Guidelines
You are the Ooks. Keep in mind that the things you say, even on your personal social media accounts, reflect upon the
program. Student-athletes need to be aware that social media is a public domain and that third parties—including the media,
faculty, future employers and sport representatives—can access part, if not all, of your social media profile, as well as pictures,
videos, comments, and posts.
Think before you post. There is no such thing as a “private” social media site or account. Search engines can turn up posts
years after the publication date. Comments can be forwarded or copied. Archival systems save information even if you delete a
post. You can be held legally liable for what you post on your account, and even innocent-seeming posts can have long-term
When in doubt, ask. When angry or emotional, pause. If you are ever in doubt of the appropriateness of your social media
posts, seek advice from your coach. If you are feeling angry or passionate after a game, it is wise to delay posting until you are
calm and clear-headed.
What you post is ultimately your responsibility, but it is very important to remember that even on your personal accounts you
are representing the legacy of NAIT Athletics—a tradition of respect for teammates and opponents alike.
By signing below, you affirm that you have read and understood the document above. You also affirm that choices you make
that are not in line with team expectations or NAIT policies and procedures will be managed by your coach.
Student-Athlete signature