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THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE IOWA RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOVEMBER 2007 VOLUME 24, NUMBER 3 keeping track BRIEFLY Summer is almost behind us, and with the colder weather comes a return to normalcy (at least until our Santa Express™ trains get underway). Thomas The Tank Engine™ began his journey back to Strassburg, Pennsylvania on Monday, September 24, after nearly 14,000 people rode behind him during our 2007 Day Out With Thomas™ event. While this year's numbers were down, they were in line with other Thomas events across the country, and did make a dramatic recovery from numbers earlier in the year, when sales were down more than 30%.In 2008, our Thomas event is tentatively set to return to it's traditional LAST two weekends in September. A big THANK YOU to all of our members and volunteers who made these two weekends possible. 2007 PUMPKIN EXPRESS TRAINS This year's Pumpkin Express trains proved to be successful, with more than 550 riders making the trek to the "pumpkin patch" and return. Passengers were treated to an hour-long ride, activity packs, a pumpkin, and pumpkin cookies. Evie Stevenson took-on the task of baking the nearly 600 cookies for the event. The recipe used was this year's blue ribbon award winner at an Iowa State Fair baking contest which was sponsored by the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad. And now, by popular demand, here is that award-winning recipe! FROSTED PUMPKIN COOKIES 2 1/2 c. flour Frosting: 1 tsp. baking powder 3 c. powdered sugar 1 tsp. baking soda 1/4 c. softened butter 2 tsp. cinnamon 1/4 c. half and half 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg 1 1/2 tsp. hazelnut extract 1/4 tsp. ground cloves cocoa powder 1/4 tsp. cardamom Preheat oven to 350. Combine flour, baking powder, 1/2 c. softened butter baking soda, spices and salt. Set aside. in a medium 1 1/2 c. sugar bowl, cream together butter and sugar. Add pumpkin, 1 c. canned pumpkin puree egg, and hazelnut extract and beat until creamy. Mix in dry ingredients. Drop on cookie sheet using a medium 1 egg scoop (approx. 1/8 c.) Flatten tops slightly. Bake 12-20 1 tsp. hazelnut extract minutes. Cool on wire rack and decorate. To make frosting, beat butter until fluffy. Add powdered sugar and half and half alternately until spreading consistency is reached. Add hazelnut extract. Color frosting as desired using cocoa powder for brown tint. KEEPING TRACK: THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE IOWA RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY DONATED LOCOMOTIVE REMAINS IN BURLINGTON...Unable to arrange transport to Boone, out ALCo S3 continues to languish in Burlington, Iowa. Unless the locomotive can be moved soon, it will likely be robbed of parts for our existing ALCos, and scrapped on-site. if anybody knows of any connections that perhaps we've overlooked, please contact us at 800-626-0319, or info@bsvrr.com. PIZZA TRAIN...On Thursday, October 25, the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad's first-ever pizza train trundled down the rails of The Scenic Line. Passengers were treated to their choice of pepperoni, sausage, combo, or cheese pizza which was prepared by Godfather's Pizza of Boone. SANTA EXPRESS TRAINS...Tickets for the 2007 Santa Express trains will go on sale November 1. The first Santa Express train runs on November 24, with the final train running on December 15. For complete schedule information, visit our website: www.bsvrr.com. If you would be interested in helping with the event, please contact Bonnie, at 800-626-0319. KATHI STIRLING RESIGNS AS VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR...I'm sorry to report that I'll be losing my office partner. December 21 will be Kathi Stirling's final day at the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad. Kathi has worked extremely hard lining-up crews, assisting customers in making reservations, entering those subsequent reservations into the computer, etc. While she says that she'll still be around, we're going to miss seeing her on a daily basis. Thank you, Kathi, for everything that you've done for us! NOVEMBER 2007, PAGE 1 Water water Everywhere Anybody who has been around the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad for awhile has undoubtedly heard the stories or seen the pictures from 1993; pictures of trackage suspended in mid-air, where only hours before was a well-groomed roadbed. NOTHING NEW High water has wreaked havoc on our line many times over the years. Fraser always seems to be a troublesome area. In the spring of 1933, the Des Moines River consumed the town's depot. Then in 1954, floodwaters inundated the Fort Dodge Des Moines and Southern's Fast forward to the year 2007, and we are experiencing a Fraser power plant, landing a major blow to the line's similar situation. This time, we were fortunate in that the electric operations. Thanks to Dean Briley for providing most serious of damage occurred on the west end of our us with the following image of the flooding of 1954. line, just east I Avenue near Wolf Junction. However, this does not mean that the rest of the line went untouched. A major washout occurred between Laube's Crossing and Fraser, resulting in a shortened trip to just beyond the Gravel Pit Spur. Once this washout was repaired, several smaller washouts still prevented trains from being able to reach Fraser. With the hard work and dedication of our crews, along with the assistance of Tom Rose, we were once again able to reach Fraser within a couple of weeks. While the daily excursion trains are operating normally, our dinner, dessert, and picnic trains are still not able to make their full trip. What was a 2 1/2 hour ride has now been cut back to 2 hours. We are currently working with FEMA and other government agencies to try to secure funding for work to get underway to re-open the segment of track between Fraser and Wolf Junction. Thank you to all of the volunteers who pitched-in to help keep us going. With your help, we were able to keep running, and did not have to cancel a single trip due to the damage sustained. Mother Nature may have given us a good smack, but she didn't knock us down. Power plant overtaken by floodwaters at Fraser. To the casual observer, the above picture might represent a palatial riverboat on a cruise. To many Fort Dodge-Des Moines Line employees it represents our power house with 8 1/2 feet of water in it, its throbbing generators silenced by a whim of nature. Fortunately for all concerned, neither management nor employees gave up in despair. From one end of the line to the other, dozens of employees of all ranks worked around the clock for many days and nights to restore service on the railroad. The spirit and co-operation between our management and employees in restoring our properties to normal condition will be observed by our shippers and will be a determining factor in their future patronage. We aren't through yet, but we won't stop until the job is done. Let's show our shippers that we know where we're going and how we're going to get there. Fort Dodge-Des Moines Line Reporter July, 1954 Washout near Fraser. Photo By Fenner Stevenson KEEPING TRACK: THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE IOWA RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOVEMBER 2007, PAGE 2 Water Water Everywhere Rod Olson, Anna Romanowska (Poland's very own), and Jonathan Smith take a well-deserved break from clearing debris on the siding at Fraser. Photo By Bill Dolezal More 2007 damage, again near Fraser. Photo By Fenner Stevenson REMINDERS BOARD The November meeting of the Iowa Railroad Historical Society's Board of Directors will take place at the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad's depot at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, November 20. Please plan to attend the Iowa Railroad Historical Society's Annual Meeting/Volunteer Dinner to be held on Saturday, January 19, 2008. Look for more details as they become available. PUFFERBILLY DAYS 1984 NEWS FROM THE DIVISION STREET SHOPS Throughout the past couple of months, the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad's shop department has continued to stay extremely busy. Aforementioned flood damage kept members of the shop crew out on the line helping our track crew make repairs. Section men Jimmy Will and Joe Feeney, members of the shop crew, and Roger Stirling, also rehabbed the Gravel Pit Spur for use by October's Pumpkin Express trains. Preparation for, and post-Thomas clean-up were also added to their list of duties. A restroom was added to open-window Lackawanna coach #3218, as all other restroom-equipped coaches were used on the train pulled by Thomas The Tank Engine, leaving our Fraser excursion train without restroom facilities. Of course, normal day-to-day shop activities also took place. 92-day inspections were completed on locomotives 1003, 1098, 1858, 2254, and 6540. METRA CARS The Boone and Scenic Valley's nine car train barely fits on the high bridge, Saturday, September 8, 1984. This view was taken from up in Bass Point Creek valley, looking west. Note the borrowed locomotive from the Chicago and North Western Railway. Photo By Paul Swanson After a year-long wait, the IRHS's newest acquisition, three sets of former Metra bi-level "Highliner" electric commuter cars, arrived in August. The cars' arrival drew several spectators to watch the cars make their way around the transfer track. While the length of the cars, combined with the tight radius of the transfer caused some concern, the cars negotiated the curve without incident. With everything else happening, there's not a lot to report on the cars right now. Look for more information in upcoming newsletters. KEEPING TRACK: THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE IOWA RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOVEMBER 2007, PAGE 3 The Scenic line LOOKING BACK at 25 years On Thursday, June 9, 1983, a ceremony was held in downtown Boone with Tom Crooks, Mel Hanson, and George Maybee (Iowa Division Manager, C&NW) presiding. A contract was jointly signed between the BRHS and Chicago and Northwestern Transportation Co. for purchase of the tracks. Purchase price is $50,000 with payment due by December 31, 1983. A $5,000 downpayment was made at the ceremony. Property purchased includes the 11 miles of track, right-of-way, the high bridge, the Des Moines River bridge, sidings, the Harrison Street yards and a vacant lot a few blocks away. The tracks are being leased free to us until the purchase is completed. On June 9, 1983, after the contracts have been signed, Chicago and North Western Iowa Division Manager George Maybee receives a "Save The Tracks" pin from Boone Railroad Historical Society President Tom Crooks. Before the days of the depot, passengers boarded the train at this gravel parking lot located at the corner of Division and 11th Street. Here, a group from Citizens National Bank is preparing to board. Volunteer Doug Bullard on the steps of our first bay window caboose, which was restored in the summer of 1983. KEEPING TRACK: THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE IOWA RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOVEMBER 2007, PAGE 4 While passengers were still boarding from the gravel parking lot at 11th and Division, just across the tracks, construction of our new depot was well underway. Duane Briley readies bricks to be used in the platform of the new depot. (Left to Right) George Eckstein, Reuben Hauge, and Dean Briley look on at the dedication of the new depot. On Saturday, June 27, 1987, Lloyd Nelson drives the golden spike near Fraser Spring, signifying the completion of track work to reach Fraser. KEEPING TRACK: THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE IOWA RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOVEMBER 2007, PAGE 5 Maurice and Doris Wilson Dorothy and Charlie Goldsworth On December 6, 1989, steam returned to the Des Moines River valley. Photo By M. Johnson KEEPING TRACK: THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE IOWA RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOVEMBER 2007, PAGE 6 1983 *11 miles of the former Fort Dodge Des Moines & Southern trackage are purchased from the Chicago & North Western Railway *During the last weekend of October, more than 1100 people rode the first Boone & Scenic Valley trains from Harrison Street Yards, across the high bridge, and return. The train consisted of a leased C&NW locomotive, a borrowed former C&NW dining car, an open-air car, and our former Northern Pacific bay window caboose built in 1902. 1984 *2466 people ride the B&SV during Pufferbilly Days *Chicago South Shore & South Bend coaches arrive 1985 *Southern Pacific sleeping car 9044 arrives *Present depot dedicated May 18, 1985 1986 *Kate Shelley car breaks away from C&NW crews in Boone and collides with B&SV train at the Y-Camp The flooding of 1993 hit the Iowa Railroad Historical Society hard. 180 feet long, and 45 feet deep, this is "The Big Hole", just west of Pilcher's Overhead, west of Boone. 1987 *Rail service restored to the town of Fraser *Fort Dodge Des Moines & Southern's former 11th Street Station acquired 1988 *Electric trolley service gets underway 1989 *JS8419 arrives in Boone 1990 *JS8419 carries it's first paying passengers *Former Lackawanna coaches purchased 1991 *Norfolk & Western locomotive 475 sold to Strasburg Railroad in Pennsylvania 1992 *Water tower put into service *C&NW locomotive 1003 repainted into Chicago Great Western colors 1993 *Flooding ravages portions of The Fort Dodge Line 1995 *Charles City & Western Car 50 makes first run Volunteer Ruth Duncan aboard the newly-refurbished City of San Francisco car. The car would be used to kickoff our dinner train service in May of 1999. 1996 *Napier Depot purchased and moved to downtown Boone 1997 *First Day Out With Thomas event at the IRHS 1998 *ALCo S2 1098 released from the shop for train service 2000 *Bass Point Creek High Bridge and Des Moines River bridge rehabilitated 2001 *Union Pacific dining car 4810 purchased *IRHS regains control of the remaining Fort Dodge Des Moines and Southern trackage in Boone, and begins handling switching for industries located in Boone's Industrial Park 2003 *Valley View car introduced 2004 *10,000 ties replaced, and other improvements made at a cost of more than half of a million dollars *Santa Express trains make their debut 2005 *Picnic train introduced Gary Stasko at the throttle of 1098 on the first trip to Boone's Industrial Park. 2006 *40' X 100' addition to Division Street Shop KEEPING TRACK: THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE IOWA RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOVEMBER 2007, PAGE 7 IOWA RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY PO BOX 603 BOONE, IOWA 50036-0603 B&SVRR 2007 SANTA EXPRESS VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO.15 BOONE, IA Return to: B&SVRR,, 225 10th St., P.O. Box 603, Boone, IA 50036 1.) I would like to help on the “Santa Express” trains as a : (indicate 1st, 2nd , 3rd choice,etc.) Car Attendant - read the “Polar Express” and other stories, lead singing and other activities Server – help fill cups of hot chocolate/ distribute cookies, hot chocolate Elves – (younger kids) distribute napkins, song books, color sheets. Advance Prep- bag cookies, napkins & song books: 1:30 - ____11/19 ___ 11/26 ___12/3 ____12/10 Gift Shop – Retail sales Santa I have my own Santa suit Will need to use B&SVR’s suit (size Large) 2.) I am available for these trains: Tuesday 6:00 p.m. Nov. 27 Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Wednesday 6:00 p.m. Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Thursday 6:00 p.m. Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Saturday 10:30 a.m. Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Saturday 1:30 p.m. Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Saturday Dec. 15 1:30 4:00 6:30 *Birth date *Required for S.O.R. 3.) Name Address Phone Cell Phone E-Mail: *Driver’s License or Soc. Sec. # My child, (name) (age ) has permission to volunteer for the Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad. (children under age 10 must work with a parent or teen sibling) Parent signature
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