maths through pattern
maths through pattern
a teaching resource Maths Through Pattern 01 Maths through Pattern Maths through Pattern Introduction Culture enriches lives. Participation in cultural activities can have a significant impact on young people’s development. This been shown repeatedly in International studies, and has also been backed up by recent evaluations of major programmes such as Creative Partnerships and Museums’ Strategic Commissioning. What these evaluations have shown is that culture can help young people achieve all of the Every Child Matters outcomes. (Find Your Talent Turner Contemporary, Stour Valley Arts and Canterbury City Council Museums and Galleries Service are delighted to launch Maths Through Pattern, a resource that explores how to use pattern in contemporary and historical art, museum specimens and the natural environment to teach maths. We believe that teachers and other educationalists should feel confident about making use of our collections, exhibitions and environments and that the ideas included in this resource can help to ignite children’s enthusiasm for learning, using their local area. Whilst Superabundant: A Celebration of Pattern at Turner Contemporary was a temporary exhibition running from 24 January to 22 March 2009) we hope we have made a resource with a long life span. We have included a broad range of artists’ work, including commissions by Stour Valley Arts, resources found in museums and the natural and built environment in addition to extensive weblinks, in the hope of encouraging a creative way of looking and thinking which can be used beyond the constraints of a specific project. Should you wish, however, to visit and see something specific mentioned in this resource, please phone the venue beforehand to make arrangements. Turner Contemporary, Stour Valley Arts and Canterbury City Council Museums and Galleries Service all believe in placing artists at the heart of what we do, and are continuously surprised and delighted by the way artists see the world. We are grateful to artist Katy Beinart for the creation of this inspiring and imaginative resource. We are also grateful to enquire for providing the funding that has enabled us to develop both this resource and our collaboration. The enquire programme is funded by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Department for Children, Schools and Families as part of the Strategic Commissioning Programme for Museum and Gallery Education, and by the Foyle Foundation. The enquire programme is managed by engage and has been developed in association with Arts Council England. 01 Images of objects in Canterbury Museums Service collections all copyright reserved 2009 © General information Visiting Information Turner Contemporary Opening Hours: visit Booking your visit is essential Please contact Turner Contemporary on: T: 01843 280261 E: Turner Contemporary’s new building will open in 2011. Schools can currently visit our visitor centre, Droit House, or offsite projects. Our Project Space is now closed Gallery charges Admission to all Turner Contemporary exhibitions is free Stour Valley Arts Opening hours: Stour Valley Arts is based at King’s Wood, Challock, near Ashford and is an open access site. PLEASE NOTE ALL GROUPS VISITING THE FOREST NEED TO OBTAIN PERMISSIONS Book an Education Workshop Stour Valley Arts offer education workshops to schools, youth or community groups, and further education colleges. We can tailor your visit to suit you and to support class based activities, projects and the curriculum. We have a range of artists, photographers, poets, ecologists and environmentalists trained to work in the forest to choose from. Half-day visits can also be arranged to view the sculptures. Please ring Lucy Medhurst on 01233 740040 or email education@stourvalleyarts. to discuss your needs or book a visit. In order to ensure safe planning and coordination of visits and to conform to forestry requirements all groups planning a visit to King’s Wood should contact the SVA office well in advance. We will provide you with a forestry approved risk assessment. All SVA staff and artists are trained, CRB checked and have specialist knowledge of the site and works of art Workshop Charges 2009/10 Walks and guided tours £100 Artist led workshops £200 02 Canterbury City Council Museums and Galleries Service operates six museums across the district: Canterbury Royal Museum and Art Gallery (Beaney), Museum of Canterbury, Roman Museum and West Gate Towers in Canterbury; Herne Bay Museum; and Whitstable Museum. Canterbury Royal Museum and Art Gallery (Beaney) Closed for extension and improvement works, reopening in 2011. Some of the collections have been moved and displayed at the Museum of Canterbury, the remainder are in store. Museum of Canterbury Housed in one of the country’s finest medieval buildings, in Stour Street. Explores the story of the city from prehistoric times to the present. Admission charge. Roman Museum Built around the remains of a Roman town house with mosaic floors. Admission charge. West Gate Towers Medieval fortified gatehouse used later as a prison. Admission charge. Herne Bay Museum and Whitstable Museum Tell the stories of these seaside towns; admission is free to both. There is an extensive programme of events and activities across the museums and an outreach programme of work with schools and community groups. Group visits to the museums are welcome but must be booked in advance. Handling sessions (teacher-led or led by museum staff) can be arranged at a small extra charge. This can include viewing of items in the Museum Collections included in this resource (many of which will be on display in the new Beaney from 2011). FOR FURTHER DETAILS, OPENING TIMES AND ADMISSION CHARGES visit the museums website or contact the museums office: T: 01227 452 747 E: 03 Natural Systems: Solar Patterns Emily Robertson Aspect 2004 Topic/maths subjects Solar patterns, Measures, Time Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Emily Richardson Susan Derges Lukasz Skapski Chris Drury Objects in the collections Sundials Objects in everyday life Watches Clocks Sundials Photographs Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Use everyday words to describe position. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World Find out about, and identify, some features of living things, objects and events they observe. 01 KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 2a: Describe properties of shapes that they can see or visualise using the related vocabulary 3a: Observe, visualise and describe positions, directions and movements using common words 4a: Estimate the size of objects and order them by direct comparison using appropriate language; put familiar events in chronological order; compare and measure objects using uniform non-standard units [for example, a straw, wooden cubes], then with a standard unit of length (cm, m), weight (kg), capacity (l) [for example, ‘longer or shorter than a metre rule’, ‘three-and-a-bit litre jugs’]; compare the durations of events using a standard unit of time KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 2b: Visualise and describe 2-D and 3-D shapes and the way they behave, making more precise use of geometrical language, especially that of triangles, quadrilaterals, and prisms and pyramids of various kinds; recognise when shapes are identical 3a: Visualise and describe movements using appropriate language 4d: Read the time from analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks; use units of time - seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks - and know the relationship between them Learning Objectives l To understand the use of solar patterns to tell the time l To explore how light can create shapes and shadows l To visualise and describe movements Activities F / KS1 / KS2 horizon line 20.41ʼ 00” 20.42ʼ 50” 20.44ʼ 15” 3m 5° 5m 8.5 m 20.57ʼ 50” 20.59ʼ 09” 21.00ʼ 33” x 21.15ʼ 42” summer time y.2000 Lukasz Skapski: Via Lucem Continens, 2000 Make a Sundial (outdoor activity) VisibiltyofheSunitave from the observation point X drawing approximate Find a place in your school groundsProportions whereof the you can install a post. Draw a line l on the ground where the shadow ofŁukasz theSk?pski post falls at each hour of the day. l You can use the sundial to tell time.Via Lucem Continens A.D. MM (Time Walk) Stour Valley Art Project l * How does the length of the shadow differ Curator: Sandra at Drewdifferent times of year? Explore solar patterns and the way the sun changes in its position through the year. l * Have a go at making a mini sundial: look at the resources section for ideas. Equipment: Post/stick 02 Susan Derges Oak No 1 Susan Derges Kingswood No 7 Sun Prints l Look at Susan Derges’s photographs from King’s Wood. What shapes can you see? l Use light-sensitive paper to make exposures of natural objects like leaves or seeds. Leave the paper out in the sun for different lengths of time and see what the effect is. What kind of shapes can you see in your images? Equipment: Light sensitive paper (for sources see resource section) KS1 / KS2 Pinhole Cameras l Use a cardboard tube (e.g. empty Pringles canister) and cut off a piece about 5 cm long. Make a small hole in the solid end with a pin. Then put the lid back on the other end, first covering it with some white tissue. Then tape the piece you cut off on top of the lid and cover the whole tube with black paper or tin foil. l Go outside and look into the tube - you should see upside down pictures on the screen. Equipment: Cardboard tube, scissors, knife (for teacher use) pin, tape, white tissue, black paper, tin foil KS2 Pinhole Cameras l * You could also try making a pinhole camera that uses photographic paper. You will need access to a darkroom. For instructions, see the resources section. Equipment: Cardboard tube, scissors, knife (for teacher use) pin, tape, white tissue, black paper, tin foil 03 Other artists and resources Nancy Holt, Sun Tunnels Francis Alÿs Zocalo May 20 1999 Man Ray- Rayographs Cyanotype Photogrpahy and Anna Atkins processframe.php?processid=pr012 Light Sensitive paper/sun print paper is available from: Making sundials Make a Pinhole Camera lessonPlans/pinholeCamera/pinholeCanBox.shtml Emily Richardson Lukasz Skapski Notes on images of objects in the collections Anglo-Saxon sundial Pocket sundial dating from 950AD, found in Canterbury Cathedral (electrotype copy in museum collection). Indicated times of Cathedral services and believed to have belonged to a monk. To use it you would face the sun and the gnomen (sundial upright) would cast a shadow down the front of the dial. Eighteenth century sundial Wooden pillar sundial with initial letter of months around the base; the attached metal gnomen can be rotated to point to each month; interval lines marking each hour curve around the pillar. Probably a shepherd’s sundial for use when far from a church clock. 04 © Canterbury Museums Service Natural Systems: Mass Productions Mass-produced 1950s and 1960s objects Topic/maths subjects Number Values, 2-D and 3-D Shapes Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Daniel Sturgis Jim Drain Richard Woods Henna Nadeem Lesley Halliwell Wim Delvoye Jacob Dahlgren - stripey tops and Life is Art is Life Objects in the collections Ceramics at Beaney Mass produced objects (1950s and 60s) Medieval Seal and Mould Pilgrim Badges Games counters Games counters Objects in everyday life Mass produced objects Food packaging Hand-made objects e.g. crafts Games Photographs 01 Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy l Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change. l Creative Development l Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions. KS1 Ma2 Number 1e: Use the correct language, symbols and vocabulary associated with number and data 1f: Communicate in spoken, pictorial and written form, at first using informal language and recording, then mathematical language and symbols Ma3 Shape, space and Measures 1e: Recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them 2c: Create 2-D shapes and 3-D shapes KS2 Ma2 Number and Algebra 1a: Make connections in mathematics and appreciate the need to use numerical skills and knowledge when solving problems in other parts of the mathematics curriculum 1f: Organise work and refine ways of recording Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 2d: Visualise 3-D shapes from 2-D drawings. 3c: Identify and draw 2-D shapes in different orientations on grids Learning Objectives l Use ICT to understand number values and patterns l Communicate using numbers and number values l Explore shape through hand-made and ICT-based processes Activities F Patchwork quilt l Collect labels from food packaging, sweet wrappers etc. l Each child has a square of paper on which they can create a design by hand. l Make a patchwork, alternating the mass-produced packaging with the hand made designs. Equipment: Paper, pens or paint, food packaging/labels. KS1 / KS2 Hand-made Jim Drain, Hex 2008 l Look at work by the artists Daniel Sturgis, Jim Drain, Richard Woods, Henna Nadeem, Wim Delvoye and Lesley Halliwell. Their work is all hand made and takes many hours to produce. 02 Lesley Halliwell l Create a games board by hand. Make a board from squares and create circular counters, each one should be hand made and different. You could use, paint, collage, crayons or pens. Equipment: Card, scissors, paint, magazines, glue, pens, crayons. Mass-Produced l Look at the work of Jacob Dahlgren. He uses a computer to design his installations, uses mass produced objects to make his sculptures (food cans, weighing scales) and observes repetition of mass-produced objects in everyday life (stripy jumpers). l Look at the seal and mould. Seals were mass-produced by pressing wax into moulds. The Medieval lead Pilgrim badges were made the same way, hammering soft lead into moulds. l Create your own sculpture using mass produced objects. l Create a games board on the computer. Create counters on the computer. Print and cut them out. Equipment: Paper, scissors. Game, set and match! l Mix up the two games, so you pitch the mass produced counters against the hand-made. Who wins? Jacob Dahlgren, Signes d’Abstraction Art to Life to Art, 2009 03 Jacob Dahlgren Heaven is a Place on Earth 2006–9 KS2 Product Design l Make a drawing of one of the artists’ work. Now give each colour a number and label all the sections of the drawing. Now change the colour value of each number, and colour in the drawing to create a new drawing. l Do the same activity on the computer. How different do the end results look? l Give each number a height value, and create a 3-D model using the drawing as a base. Try creating the model on the computer. Does your hand-made model look like your computer model? Equipment: Paper, pens, paint, card, scissors, glue. Jacob Dahlgren, Sketch for installation at Turner Contemporary Other artists and resources Andy Warhol: Campbells Soup series 210 Coca Cola Bottles, 1962 Pop Art Sonia Delaunay -Atelier Simultane 04 Eduardo Paolozzi, A formula that can shatter into a million glass bullets (Universal Electronic Vacuum), 1967 rchid=9283&tabview=subject Omega Workshops Daniel Sturgis Jim Drain Richard Woods Henna Nadeem Lesley Halliwell Wim Delvoye Jacob Dahlgren Notes on images of objects in the collections Medieval seal and two-part mould Double-sided seals were made by pouring wax into a two-part mould or ‘matrix’. This Medieval matrix has a general view of Canterbury on one side and originally had a scene of Thomas Becket’s murder on the other. But during the Reformation Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII’s chief minister, ordered images of Becket to be destroyed and the local bell-founder was paid by the city of Canterbury to make a replacement matrix bearing the city’s coat of arms. Norman bone gaming counters Norman (12th century) bone gaming counters from Canterbury, incised with repeating circular patterns. The counters, made from a cow’s jaw bone, were used for a game called tabula, which is similar to modern backgammon. Medieval Pilgrim badges Pilgrims to holy shrines like Canterbury collected badges to show they had been on pilgrimage to those shrines. Canterbury Pilgrim badge images included heads and hands of Thomas Becket. Badges for Compostella in Spain were usually cockle shells, the symbol of St James of Compostella (‘coquilles St Jacques’). 05 © Canterbury Museums Service Natural Systems: Fractals Fern fossil, Carboniferous era Topic/maths subjects Fractals, Chaos theory, Fibonacci series, Euclidean/Non-Euclidean Geometries, Scale Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Jim Drain Objects in the collections Carboniferous ferns and plants Dendritic Flint Objects in everyday life Clouds Rivers Plants Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy l Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Observe, find out about and identify features in the place they live and the natural world. 01 KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1e: Recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them. 2a: Describe properties of shapes that they can see or visualise using the related vocabulary. 2b: Observe, handle and describe common 2-D and 3-D shapes; name and describe the mathematical features of common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including triangles of various kinds, rectangles including squares, circles, cubes, cuboids, then hexagons, pentagons, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres. 2c: Create 2-D shapes and 3-D shapes. 3a: Observe, visualise and describe positions, directions and movements using common words. KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1h: Use mathematical reasoning to explain features of shape and space. 2b: Visualise and describe 2-D and 3-D shapes and the way they behave, making more precise use of geometrical language, especially that of triangles, quadrilaterals, and prisms and pyramids of various kinds; recognise when shapes are identical. 2c: Make and draw with increasing accuracy 2-D and 3-D shapes and patterns; recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons; recognise their geometrical features and properties including angles, faces, pairs of parallel lines and symmetry, and use these to classify shapes and solve problems. 3a: Visualise and describe movements using appropriate language. Learning Objectives l Understand what a fractal pattern is l Explore ideas of different kinds of shapes and patterns (different geometries) Activities F / KS1 / KS2 Flat fractals l Use two pieces of stiff card, glass or plastic. Put a blob of paint on one piece and press the other one on top of it. Pull off the top piece quickly, and you should get a pattern which looks a bit like a river delta (see illustration). You can try making a print from this by placing a piece of paper gently on top and pulling it off slowly. Equipment: Card, glass or plastic sheets, paint, paper © Canterbury Museums Service KS1 / KS2 Natural fractals Dendritic flint l Draw a fern leaf using a magnifying glass to zoom in. What do you notice about the pattern repeat? 02 l Discuss how fractal geometry makes this pattern by repeating the same shape joined onto the previous one, but at a different scale. Notice how the pattern unit does not lose its detail at a smaller scale. l Look at other examples in nature: e.g. clouds, rivers, edges of land, the river like pattern that manganese has made in the flint sample. How are they different from the regular solids that we draw in our maths classes? l Explore making a Sierpinski triangle. Draw a large equilateral triangle. Measure the mid-point of each line and use these points to construct another triangle upside down inside it. Continue this process until you run out of space. How is this similar to the pattern in the fern? How is it different? Equipment: Magnifying glass, paper, pencil, ruler, protractor. KS2 Chaos theory * l Artist Jim Drain uses pattern randomly, imitating ideas of chaos theory. l Use ICT to find out more about chaos theory and Mandelbrot sets. See if you can create your out Mandelbrot design pattern. Jim Drain Hex 2008 Other artists and resources Introducing Fractal Geometry (2000) N. Lesmoir-Gordon, W. Rood, R Edney, Icon Books Mathematics in Nature (2003), J.A. Adam, Princeton University Press Sacred Geometry (2006), S. Skinner, Gaia Books Mandelbrot sets Fractals activities: 03 Jim Drain Notes on images of objects in the collections Carboniferous ferns and plants Kent was once covered by luscious tropical forests. The trees and plants fell and were compressed over millions of years by other layers of rock formed above, forming coal. Fossils of some tree bark and plants can be found in the coal. These examples come from the East Kent coalfield that spanned the Canterbury and Dover districts. Dendritic flint Manganese oxide has made this pattern in the rock as it was forming. This sample came from Chartham Quarry, near Canterbury. 04 © Canterbury Museums Service Natural Systems: Crystal Structures Fluorite crystals Topic/maths subjects 2-D and 3-D Shapes, Scale Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Susan Derges Objects in the collections Fluorite and Galena crystals Tortoiseshell Coral Objects in everyday life Sugar Salt Sand Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy l Use language such as ‘circle’ or ‘bigger’ to describe the shape and size of solids and flat shapes. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Observe, find out about and identify features in the place they live and the natural world. 01 KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1e: Recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them 2a: Describe properties of shapes that they can see or visualise using the related vocabulary 2b: Observe, handle and describe common 2-D and 3-D shapes; name and describe the mathematical features of common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including triangles of various kinds, rectangles including squares, circles, cubes, cuboids, then hexagons, pentagons, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres 2c: Create 2-D shapes and 3-D shapes KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 2b: Visualise and describe 2-D and 3-D shapes and the way they behave, making more precise use of geometrical language, especially that of triangles, quadrilaterals, and prisms and pyramids of various kinds; recognise when shapes are identical 2c: Make and draw with increasing accuracy 2-D and 3-D shapes and patterns; recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons; recognise their geometrical features and properties including angles, faces, pairs of parallel lines and symmetry, and use these to classify shapes and solve problems Learning Objectives l To observe shapes at different scales l To explore natural structures Activities © Canterbury Museums Service F / KS1 / KS2 Crystals up Close Look at sugar and salt crystals (or snowflakes in winter) through a magnifying glass and/or under a microscope. What patterns and shapes can you see? Equipment: magnifying glass/microscope Inter-grown Fluorite crystals on Galena KS1 / KS2 Make a Crystal l Dissolve washing soda, salt or sugar in a a glass jar of very hot water (teacher may need to demonstrate/supervise). Hang a paper-clip on some thread from a pencil, so that it hangs in the water. Leave the jar for a few days and see what happens. Crystals should form on the paper-clip. l Use a magnifying glass to look at the crystals. What shapes and patterns can you see? Draw the shapes you see. Equipment: Glass jar, washing soda, water, pencil, thread, paper-clip, pencil, paper 02 KS2 Make a Crystal l Try making a 3-D model of the crystals using cardboard. Equipment: Glass jar, washing soda, water, pencil, thread, paper-clip, card, glue,scissors, pencil, paper From Atoms to Patterns * l Look at the patterns on a leaf, a tortoiseshell, and coral. How are they similar and different? What happens if you magnify a leaf? l Draw a magnified part of a leaf, and use it to create pattern design for wallpaper, a carpet or a dinner plate. Simplify the shapes you see and change the colours. You could also use a computer to do this. l You could use this activity to explore scale, by looking at zooming in on a leaf or other object to see its structure. The Atoms to Patterns website has some good examples of molecular structures (see resource section). Equipment: Paper, magnifying glass, pens and pencils Other artists and resources Koo Jeong-a, Cedric, 2003 rchid=13859&tabview=display From Atoms to Patterns: Crystal Structure designs from the 1951 Festival of Britain (2008), L. Jackson, Richard Dennis Publications From Atoms to Patterns exhibition at the Wellcome Gallery pastexhibitionsandevents/fromatomstopatterns/index.htm Notes on images of objects in the collections Fluorite crystals Both examples have transparent crystals but in the darker sample they are on a bed of Galena and covered with Pyrite; found in Derbyshire. Galena crystals Cubo-octahedral crystals coated in Dolomite, found in Cumbria. Coral The illustrated example is known as Brain Coral because of the pattern resembling a human brain that is created as the coral grows. 03 © Canterbury Museums Service Natural Systems: Fibonacci Inter-grown Fluorite crystals on Galena Topic/maths subjects 2-D and 3-D Shapes, Scale Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Daniel Sturgis Tim Norris Objects in the collections Ammonites and nautiloids Ferns Leaves (arrangement on plants) Petals (arrangement on flowers) Pine Cones Objects in everyday life Sunflowers Romanesque Broccoli/Cauliflower Leaf arrangement on plants Petal arrangement on flowers Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy l Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Observe, find out about and identify features in the place they live and the natural world. 01 KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1e: Recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them. KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1h: Use mathematical reasoning to explain features of shape and space. Learning Objectives l To recognise simple patterns and and relationships l To use reasoning to make predictions about these patterns Activities F / KS1 / KS2 Pine cone patterns l Look at a pine cone. Colour in the kernels with one paint colour to see the spirals which come out from the centre. (you could also do this activity with sunflower head) Equipment: Pine cone, paints or pens Herb Spiral l Outdoor Activity: Create a herb spiral in your school grounds. Use bricks or logs to build the spiral shape, which gets lower as it spirals out. Then fill it with earth and plant herbs in it. (Worksheet available from Centre for Alternative Technology-see link at end of sheet) Equipment:Bricks or logs, earth, plants or seeds KS1 Snail Shell Spirals l Look at a snail or nautilus shell. Use the template of the Fibonacci number sequence. Join the dots at the corner of the squares to make a spiral. l Then use collage of different colour shapes cut out to create a snail shell like Matisse's The Snail. * Use this activity to discuss the idea of a number sequence. l Equipment: Template, pencils, pens, coloured paper, scissors, glue 02 © Canterbury Museums Service © Canterbury Museums Service Nautilus fossil, polished interior (Cenoceras) Nautilus shell, interior 03 Petal Patterns l Look at Daniel Sturgis's painting, Clean Life. Daniel uses hand-cut templates of a petal to create his paintings. Design a leaf or petal template, and then use it to create a pattern which looks like a plant viewed from above, or a flower’s face. Equipment: card, glue, scissors, paint Daniel Sturgis Clean Life 1998–9 KS2 Snail Shell Spirals l Use the template of the Fibonacci number sequence to draw a spiral. You could try sticking it on to a bigger sheet of paper, and continuing the sequence, and making your spiral bigger. l * Use the Fibonacci sequence to construct a template yourself, and then draw a spiral. The sequence is made by adding each number to the previous number, i.e., 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21. These form squares which are added onto the previous square's side. l * Use this activity to discuss the ideas of the Fibonacci series in nature, and the golden ratio (1·618034 ) l * Look at an image of a cross-section of a Nautilus sea shell. Draw a line from the centre out in any direction and find two places where the shell crosses it so that the shell spiral has gone round just once between them. The outer crossing point will be about 1.6 times as far from the centre as the next inner point on the line where the shell crosses it. This shows that the shell has grown by a factor of the golden ratio in one turn. You could lead this activity onto looking at examples of the Golden Section in Architecture and Art – see links at end of sheet. Equipment: Template, pencils, pens Other artists and resources Matisse: The Snail, 1953 (animation of the artwork) Work is on display in Tate Modern permanent Collection Robert Smithson: Spiral Jetty, 1970 Leonardo da Vinci (Golden Section) 04 Tim Norris Daniel Sturgis Create A Herb Spiral worksheet 8&key=ts_hs Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Section website Mathematics in Nature (2003), J.A. Adam, Princeton University Press Notes on images of objects in the collections Ammonites Similar to nautiloids but now extinct; the exterior view is of Dactylioceras, the polished interior sample is Asteroceras, the polished interior fragment is Phylloceras. Nautilus and Nautiloid shells Modern nautiloid shells and fossil ancestors 05 Repetition: Repeating Patterns Paul Moss Danger Painting 1-6 2003 Topic/maths subjects Repeating Patterns, Translation, Position and Movement Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Paul Moss Richard Woods Lesley Halliwell Objects in the collections Medieval seal and mould Roman imprinted relief pottery Roman tile impressed with pattern Wooden carved paddle Imprinted and relief pottery Objects in everyday life Sweet wrappers Food labels Pottery and ceramics Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy l Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change. l Creative Development l Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions. 01 KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 3a: Observe, visualise and describe positions, directions and movements using common words 3b: Recognise movements in a straight line (translations) and rotations, and combine them in simple ways [for example, give instructions to get to the head teacher’s office or for rotating a programmable toy] KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 3a: Visualise and describe movements using appropriate language 3b: Transform objects in practical situations; transform images using ICT; visualise and predict the position of a shape following a rotation, reflection or translation Learning Objectives l To create simple repeating patterns l To identify pattern networks Activities © Canterbury Museums Service © Canterbury Museums Service F / KS1 Printing patterns Wax seal Carved wooden paddle © Canterbury Museums Service Roman pottery © Canterbury Museums Service Roman pottery l Look at the patterns on the pottery and wooden paddle in the museum collection. How many times is the pattern repeated? l Look at the Medieval seal and its two-part mould. Lots of seals could be made using the mould. The pattern on the Roman tile was made with a roller on damp clay. l Make a printing roller. You could either use a foam sheet stuck onto a toilet roll or a cotton reel covered in clay or play dough. Stick a pencil or a bamboo skewer through the centre (you will have to make ends for the toilet roll). Alternatively a paint roller could be used. 02 l Cut into the foam or draw into the clay/dough with a pencil to make a pattern. Now dip it into paint and see how the pattern repeats. What happens when you join more than one line of the pattern together? l You could also try making a repeating pattern using block printing. Create designs on blocks of clay or foam, or use potatoes, and then dip in paint and print onto paper in your pattern. l Look at examples of fabric design in other cultures. What shapes do you see? Equipment: Cardboard tubes, cotton reels, bamboo skewers (for older children), pencils, foam sheet, clay, play dough, paint, paper KS1 / KS2 Wrapping patterns l Look at Paul Moss's artwork, Danger Painting. What has he used to create the repeating pattern? l Use food labels or sweet wrappers to see what patterns you can create based on a repeating object. l You could try covering a 3-D shape in the wrappers. What happens at the edges? Equipment: Paper, card, wrappers or labels, glue, scissors Paul Moss Danger Painting 1 (detail) 2003 03 Other artists and resources Indian fabric designs Indian Textile Prints CD-ROM and Book, Pepin Press (available from Dover Books African fabric designs Shack Chic Richard Woods Paul Moss Lesley Halliwell Shack Chic: Innovation in the Shack-lands of South Africa (2002), C. Fraser, Thames and Hudson Andy Warhol: Campbells Soup series 210 Coca Cola Bottles, 1962 Notes on images of objects in the collections Medieval seal and two-part mould Double-sided seals were made by pouring wax into a two-part mould or ‘matrix’. This Medieval matrix has a general view of Canterbury on one side and originally had a scene of Thomas Becket’s murder on the other. But during the Reformation Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII’s chief minister, ordered images of Becket to be destroyed and the local bell-founder was paid by the city of Canterbury to make a replacement matrix bearing the city’s coat of arms. Roman tile impressed with roller pattern Fragment of a ‘voussoir’ or roof tile from a Roman bath-house in Kent (Plaxtol, near Sevenoaks), impressed with a pattern that is actually an inscription saying ‘I, Cabriabanus made this wall tile (Parietalem Cabriabanu Fabricavi) – you can see ‘CABR’ in the bottom right corner. Grooved rollers were run over damp clay tiles, creating a rough surface to which wall plaster would stick. In this case the maker carved an inscription into his wooden roller instead of the usual grooves. Roman imprinted relief pottery Red clay pottery known as Samian ware was often decorated with reliefs by pressing the clay against a mould that could be repeated all round Imprinted and relief pottery The jugs include patterns made by incised or imprinted lines, relief additions made in moulds (some made separately then attached to the jug body), and painted lines. Wooden carved paddle Wooden carved paddle from the Pacific islands (Friendly Islands?) collected by nineteenth century traveller Henry Lansdell 04 © Canterbury Museums Service Repetition: Rotation Floor of Beaney Topic/maths subjects Translating through Angle, Rotation Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Jacob Dahlgren Jacqui Poncelet Objects in the collections Medieval tiles Roman mosaics Beaney floor pattern (terrazzo) Objects in everyday life Tiles Wallpaper Pottery Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy l Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns. l Use everyday words to describe position. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change. l Creative Development 01 KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1e: Recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them 3a: Observe, visualise and describe positions, directions and movements using common words 3b: Recognise movements in a straight line (translations) and rotations, and combine them in simple ways 4b: Understand angle as a measure of turn using whole turns, half-turns and quarter-turns KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 2a: Recognise right angles, perpendicular and parallel lines; know that angles are measured in degrees and that one whole turn is 360 degrees and angles at a point total 360 degrees, then recognise that angles at a point on a straight line total 180 degrees; know that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees 2b: Visualise and describe 2-D and 3-D shapes and the way they behave, making more precise use of geometrical language, especially that of triangles, quadrilaterals, and prisms and pyramids of various kinds; recognise when shapes are identical 2c: Make and draw with increasing accuracy 2-D and 3-D shapes and patterns; recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons; recognise their geometrical features and properties including angles, faces, pairs of parallel lines and symmetry, and use these to classify shapes and solve problems 3b: Transform objects in practical situations; transform images using ICT; visualise and predict the position of a shape following a rotation, reflection or translation 4c: Recognise angles as greater or less than a right angle or half-turn, estimate their size and order them; measure and draw acute, obtuse and right angles to the nearest degree Learning Objectives l To recognise simple spatial patterns which use rotation l To recognise different angles l To understand properties of rotation and what happens when a shape is translated through angle l To learn about different types of pattern networks Activities F /KS1 / KS2 Window Patterns l Make a window pattern based on rotation through angle, using see-through acetate or tissue. Cut out eight rectangles of the same size and then place them as shown in illustration 2. This will make an 8 pointed star pattern. You could also try some of the other placing rules, and experimenting with different shapes and sizes of rectangles, and with using different coloured paper. 02 l This activity could be developed further with KS1 and KS2 by exploring properties of angle and using it to calculate the different angles in the pattern. You could also try creating a pattern on the computer by rotating a simple shape. Equipment: Tissue paper or acetate, scissors, glue or sticky tape © Canterbury Museums Service © Canterbury Museums Service KS1 / KS2 Roman mosaics Pattern Networks l Find the repeating pattern and pattern network in Jacob Dahlgren’s Heaven is a Place on Earth or Jacqui Poncelet’s merry go round (Pattern network types: Square, Brick or Half-drop, Diamond, Triangle, Ogee, Hexagon, Circle, Scale) l Find the pattern network in medieval tiles, or in everyday objects like floors, plates, fabrics, wallpaper etc. l Identify whether the pattern is made by rotation, reflection or another means of translation. l Look at the Medieval tiles. Create your own pattern square and then rotate and repeat it to create a new pattern. You could also do this on the computer. Equipment: paper, pencils Jacqui Poncelet merry go round (detail) 2009 03 KS2 Metamorphs* l Make a Metamorph from the template. Cut out each side and decorate with a pattern (simple geometric patterns work well). Then glue the sides together and cut along the solid lines, and score along the dotted lines. l Now experiment with folding the pattern in different ways, creating new arrangements of patterns. Push the centre of the pattern in to see how it rotates (see illustration). l Find out more about metamorphs, and who invented them. Equipment: Template, scissors, pens, glue Helio Oiticica: Metaesquema (various) 04 Other artists and resources Frank Stella, Flin Flon 1970 Malevich, Dynamic Suprematism 1915 or 1916 chid=10709 Principles of Pattern Design (1969), R. Proctor, Dover Publications Inc. Metamorphs: Transforming Mathematical Surprises (2008), R. Brynes, Tarquin Publications Mathematical Window Patterns (1999), W. Gibb, Tarquin Publications Paul Schatz and the Invertible Cube J R Soto, Spiral, 1956 Jacob Dahlgren Jacqui Poncelet Notes on images of objects in the collections Medieval tiles Made at kilns on Tyler Hill, Canterbury, and found at medieval sites throughout the city, including the Poor Priests Hospital (Museum of Canterbury) and old Marlowe Theatre. Some have individual designs while others make up groups or pattern networks of four, nine or sixteen tiles (like the example from Rievaulx Abbey, North Yorkshire, which used tiles made locally to that abbey). Roman Mosaics Decorative panels inserted into areas of plainer tiles on the floors of a Roman town house in Canterbury and preserved where they were found Floor of Beaney Made of terrazzo, a concrete flooring containing small coloured stones that can be arranged into intricate patterns and took its name from Italian use; corners of rooms have repeat patterns, as do the centres. 05 Repetition: Tessellation Richard Woods re-brand 2009 Topic/maths subjects Tessellation, Measure, Angles, Scale Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Richard Woods Jacob Dahlgren Wim Delvoye Daniel Sturgis Henna Nadeem Guiliano Mauri Objects in the collections Chinese Pangolin Seed pod Tortoiseshell Rattlesnake tail Roman mosaics Objects in everyday life Seed pods Brickwork Wallpaper 01 Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy l Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns. l Use everyday words to describe position. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change. l Creative Development l Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions. KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1e: Recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them 2a: Describe properties of shapes that they can see or visualise using the related vocabulary 2b: Observe, handle and describe common 2-D and 3-D shapes; name and describe the mathematical features of common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including triangles of various kinds, rectangles including squares, circles, cubes, cuboids, then hexagons, pentagons, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres 2c: Create 2-D shapes and 3-D shapes KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1c: Approach spatial problems flexibly, including trying alternative approaches to overcome difficulties 2b: Visualise and describe 2-D and 3-D shapes and the way they behave, making more precise use of geometrical language, especially that of triangles, quadrilaterals, and prisms and pyramids of various kinds; recognise when shapes are identical 2c: Make and draw with increasing accuracy 2-D and 3-D shapes and patterns; recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons; recognise their geometrical features and properties including angles, faces, pairs of parallel lines and symmetry, and use these to classify shapes and solve problems 3b: Transform objects in practical situations; transform images using ICT; visualise and predict the position of a shape following a rotation, reflection or translation Learning Objectives l To recognise patterns that use tessellation l To understand why some shapes tessellate and not others l To explore creating tessellating patterns Activities F / KS1 / KS2 Mosaic Making l Have a look at the Roman mosaics that were found in Canterbury. In Latin, tessella was a small cubical piece of clay, stone or glass, used to make mosaics. A tiny cube was a tessella; from this we have the word tessellation. What do you notice about the mosaics? Can you see any spaces between the tiles? * Discuss the meaning of tessellation. l l Try making a mosaic from small pieces of coloured paper cut into squares. Equipment: Coloured paper, glue, scissors. l Whole class activity: design and make a mosaic for the school grounds. Equipment: mosaic tiles, cement, wood (for frame). 02 Jacob Dahlgren Heaven is a Place on Earth 2006–9 Daniel Sturgis Clean Life 1998–9 Richard Woods, Sketch (detail), 2009 Guiliano Mauri Imprints KS1 / KS2 Tessellating shapes l Look at the work of Jacob Dahlgren, Richard Woods, Daniel Sturgis and Guiliano Mauri. What different tessellating shapes can you see? l Why can some shapes tessellate but not others? Experiment with trying to tessellate squares, triangles, pentagons, hexagons. Which ones will tessellate? Why do you think they do? l Use collage to create a tessellating pattern using a regular polygon. Equipment: Paper, pencils, rulers, protractor, magazines, glue, scissors © Canterbury Museums Service © Canterbury Museums Service Tessellation Templates l Draw the pattern you see in a seed pod, Tortoiseshell, Rattlesnake tail or Pangolin. Are the shapes regular or irregular? l Draw one tessellating shape on a larger scale. Use this as a template to cut out lots of the same shape using different fabrics, magazines etc. l Collage the shapes together and find out what new patterns you can create. Equipment: Paper, pencils, ruler, magazines, glue, scissors Chinese Pangolin detail Rattlesnake tail 03 © Canterbury Museums Service Ivory nut pod KS2 Tessellation Templates l * Look at the work of Roger Penrose, a mathematician who found a way of making a tessellating pattern which didn't repeat (see resources section). Equipment: Paper, pencils, ruler, magazines, glue, scissors Figure Ground* Henna Nadeem Sherbert Sunset 2005 Wim Delvoye Marble Floor #86 1999 l Look at the work of artists Wim Delvoye and Henna Nadeem. What happens in the space behind the pattern? Discuss the idea of figure/ground. l Look at examples of Arabic art and trace the patterns. Colour in different elements of the pattern in solid colours to explore the tessellating shapes. l Create a figure/ground design of your own. Try to make a pattern which tessellates with a strong colour in the foreground and a lighter colour in the background. Have a look at this site for ideas: Equipment: Paper, pencils, tracing paper, pens or paint 04 Other artists and resources Escher Toby Zeigler, The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse, 2007 Wallpaper patterns Examples of Arabic and other historical patterns using tessellations,tiling Other activities and examples: Roger Penrose and tessellations: Figure Ground Richard Woods Jacob Dahlgren Wim Delvoye Daniel Sturgis Henna Nadeem The Magic Mirror of MC Escher (1985), B. Ernst, Tarquin Publications Godel, Escher, Bach (1979), D. Hofstadter, Penguin Books Notes on images of objects in the collections Chinese Pangolin Pangolins live in South and West Africa, India, China and South East Asia – all are endangered species Rattlesnake tail Rattle from a rattlesnake, found in North America and brought back by a traveller in the nineteenth century Roman Mosaics Decorative panels inserted into areas of plainer tiles on the floors of a Roman town house in Canterbury and preserved where they were found Ivory-nut palm fruit Outer skin of the one-seeded fruit from an Ivory-nut palm, which resembles a closed pine cone (grows in the Caroline Islands of Micronesia) 05 © Canterbury Museums Service Repetition: Symmetry Scallop shell Topic/maths subjects Symmetry, Translating through Reflection Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Jacqui Poncelet Wim Delvoye Henna Nadeem Susan Derges Objects in the collections Butterflies Shells Sea urchin fossils Indian shields and mace Handle of carved paddle Anglo-Saxon brooches Medieval Roof inside Museum of Canterbury 60s and 70s clocks, lampshades Medieval tiles Floor of Beaney Roman mosaics Leaves Fossils 01 Objects in everyday life Tiles Leaves Animals Faces Bodies Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy l Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Observe, find out about and identify features in the place they live and the natural world. l Creative Development l Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions. KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 2d: Recognise reflective symmetry in familiar 2-D shapes and patterns. 3b: Recognise movements in a straight line (translations) and rotations, and combine them in simple ways KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 2c: Make and draw with increasing accuracy 2-D and 3-D shapes and patterns; recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons; recognise their geometrical features and properties including angles, faces, pairs of parallel lines and symmetry, and use these to classify shapes and solve problems. 3b: Transform objects in practical situations; transform images using ICT; visualise and predict the position of a shape following a rotation, reflection or translation Learning Objectives l To be able to recognise examples of symmetry in 2-D shapes l To use reflective symmetry to create a pattern l To use ICT to explore symmetry Activities F Mirror Prints l Fold a piece of paper in half, and open it out again. Coat a piece of string with paint and lay it onto one side of the paper. Then fold the paper over the string, hold it in place and pull the string out. When you open it up you will have a symmetrical print. Equipment: Paper, paint, string 02 © Canterbury Museums Service Pecten (scallop) shell Butterfly KS1 / KS2 Natural Symmetry l Look at a leaf and find the line of symmetry. Now try changing the line of symmetry and use a mirror to imagine what the leaf would look like. Draw the new 'leaf' pattern based on this new line of symmetry. l Look at lines of symmetry in shells, sea urchins and butterflies. Try placing the mirror on a different line and seeing what new 'animal' you can make. Where else do you find symmetry in nature? Equipment: mirror, paper, pencil. Kaleidoscope l Use an on-line programme to explore making your own kaleidoscope. l l l What kind of symmetry does a kaleidoscope use? KS2 Natural Symmetry l Where else do you find symmetry in nature? l Discuss how lines of symmetry are different on different shapes (eg. Square, pentagon, hexagon) l Explore the symmetry of your face. Take a portrait photograph of everyone in the class. Use ICT to scan the photo and reflect one side back on itself. How are the two sides of your face different from each other? Are some people more symmetrical than others? © Canterbury Museums Service Reflective Patterns Anglo-Saxon pendant Handle of carved paddle Indian shield l Look at patterns by the artists – how have they used symmetry to create a pattern? What else do you notice about their patterns? (scale) l Look at brooch designs in the Museum of Canterbury and look at other objects that have reflection in their patterns (such as snow flakes). Can you find the lines of symmetry? 03 Henna Nadeem Four Sunsets 2005 Wim Delvoye Marble Floor #86 1999 l Create a brooch design, or a design for wallpaper or a mosaic, using reflective symmetry. Base your design on collage or block colours. Equipment: Paper, pens, magazines, glue, scissors Kaleidoscope l * You could try making your own kaleidoscope. You can find instructions at: Other artists and resources Dan Graham - mirror pavilions Dieter Roth ge=1 The Symbol of Beauty Kaleidoscopes Jacqui Poncelet Wim Delvoye Henna Nadeem Snowflakes The Art of the Snowflake by Kenneth Libbrecht (Motorbooks International, 2007) Snowflakes by Kenneth Libbrecht (Voyageur Press, 2008) and other books by the same author who has made a lifetime study of snowflakes, looking at them under microscopes (and finding no two the same). 04 Notes on images of objects in the collections Butterflies Tropical butterflies from cabinets put together by various nineteenth century collectors. Shells Scallop shells (British) collected in the nineteenth century Sea Urchin fossils Shells of soft-bodied Sea Urchins, which lived when southern England was covered by tropical seas and have turned into rock (flint) over millions of years to become fossils, known as an Echinoids. Indian shield and mace Metal decorated with incised and inlaid patterns; collected in the nineteenth century by a traveller and brought back to Canterbury Handle of carved paddle Wooden carved paddle from the Pacific islands (Friendly Islands?) collected by nineteenth century traveller Henry Lansdell. The handle has a pattern of small heads carved around the outside. Anglo-Saxon jewellery Cross and Pendant found in Canterbury. The Pendant incorporates the Christian symbol of a cross in a traditional Kentish style of brooch, with coloured enamel infilling gold filigree wire patterns. Medieval roof interior of the Museum of Canterbury The Museum of Canterbury is housed in the medieval hospital for poor priests and has original wooden roof structures inside Medieval tiles Made at kilns on Tyler Hill, Canterbury, and found at medieval sites throughout the city, including the Poor Priests Hospital (Museum of Canterbury) and old Marlowe Theatre. Floor of Beaney Made of terrazzo, a concrete flooring containing small coloured stones that can be arranged into intricate patterns and took its name from Italian use; corners of rooms have repeat patterns, as do the centres Roman Mosaics Decorative panels inserted into areas of plainer tiles on the floors of a Roman town house in Canterbury and preserved where they were found 05 © Canterbury Museums Service Repetition: Scale Elizabethan painted wall Topic/maths subjects Scale, Measure, Translation Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Henna Nadeem Jacqui Poncelet Jacob Dahlgren Lukasz Skapski Rosie Leventon Susan Derges London Fieldworks Peter Fillingham Objects in the collections Elizabethan painted wall Leaves Trees King’s Wood Objects in everyday life Leaves Trees Maps and plans Murals 01 Curriculum Links l Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy l Use developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change. l Observe, find out about and identify features in the place they live and the natural world. KS1 Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 4c. Choose and use simple measuring instruments, reading and interpreting numbers, and scales to the nearest labelled division KS2 Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 3b. Transform images using ICT; visualise and predict the position of a shape following a rotation, reflection or translation 4b. Interpret numbers and read scales with increasing accuracy Learning Objectives l Understanding scale l Using simple measuring instruments and units l Transforming the scale of a 2-D shape Activities F / KS1 / KS2 Classroom Mural l Whole class activity: each person designs a small tile. Then choose a wall of the classroom and cover in paper. Divide it up into squares and ask each child to transfer their design onto a square, by scaling it up. (For F/KS1 the teacher may need to trace out the pattern and the children can then colour it in) Equipment: paper, pencils, paint, large sheets of paper and sticky tape. F Enlarging Nature Susan Derges Fruitbody No.17 Susan Derges Fruitbody No.17 l Look at Susan Derges’s photographs of leaves, bluebells and fungi. What can you see in her photos? Discuss ‘bigger’ and ‘smaller’ things you find in nature. l Use leaves to create a collage of a leaf or tree, or make a big drawing of a leaf. What happens when you make something small big, and something big small? Equipment: paper, pencils, pens, paint 02 Henna Nadeem Four Sunsets 2005 Henna Nadeem Sherbert Sunset 2005 KS1 Micro and Macro l Look at Henna Nadeem’s collages. Can you see the different images she has used to make her patterns? Nadeem combines micro (zoomed in) views of nature with macro (zoomed out) views. l Choose a photograph and use ICT to zoom into it, and select a small section. Print this out at a larger scale, and cut out a pattern. Overlay the pattern on the original picture. Equipment: glue, scissors Enlarging Nature l Look at Susan Derges’s photographs of leaves, bluebells and fungi. What kind of details do you see in her photos? l Collect leaves. Experiment with enlarging objects – use measure to make a large-scale drawing of a leaf. Use measure to make a small scale drawing of a tree or large object (draw something you can find in the school grounds). l What happens when you make something small big, and something big small? What happens when you combine scaled-up and scaled-down drawings in one picture? How do patterns make the scale of something look different? (Jacqui Poncelet) Equipment: paper, pencils, ruler KS2 Enlarging Nature l You could try stretching an image by changing the scale in one dimension but not another. l Try using the drawings you have made to create a pattern and use this to cover an everyday object (e.g. a folder). l How do patterns make the scale of something look different? (Jacqui Poncelet) Equipment: paper, pencils, ruler 03 Rosie Leventon, B52, 2003 Scale Models l Explore how artists use scale to design large-scale pieces of artwork. Look at the drawings by London Fieldworks and Lukasz Skapski; how do you know what size the finished artwork will be? Look at B52 by Rosie Leventon and discuss how she would have planned it out. Look at Peter Fillingham’s artwork- how do you think he designed it? l Make a scale model of your classroom or your bedroom. First measure the walls and floor of the room. Then draw out a plan and elevations of the walls onto paper, at a scale of 1:100 (so 100 cm in real life = 1 cm on the drawing). Then using the drawings, transfer the individual parts of your plan (walls, floor etc) onto card. Cut out the pieces and assemble the model. You could add furniture, windows, etc. You could also try this with other objects (See Claus Oldenburg). Equipment: card, glue, scissors, ruler London Fieldworks Superkingdom 2008 04 Other artists and resources Claus Oldenburg Langlands and Bell: Ivrea, 1991 Works are on display in Tate Modern permanent Collection Murals & Frescoes Diego Rivera Henna Nadeem Jacqui Poncelet Jacob Dahlgren Notes on images of objects in the collections Elizabethan painted wall Found in a building on Old Dover Road in Canterbury, preserved under later surfaces. The plant decoration spreads across the timber frame and the plaster infills. 05 © Canterbury Museums Service Architecture: Construction Wasps’ nest interior Topic/maths subjects 2-D and 3-D Shapes Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists London Fieldworks Guiliano Mauri Richard Harris Chris Drury: Objects in the collections Wasps’ nests Birds’ nests Pumice stone Tortoiseshell Sea Urchin fossil Trees - cell structures Tree rings Roman underfloor heating Beaney façade (corner turrets, stairs) Objects in everyday life Buildings Homes Birds’ nests Honeycombs Packaging, e.g. egg boxes, fruit trays Soap bubbles 01 Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy l Use language such as ‘circle’ or ‘bigger’ to describe the shape and size of solids and flat shapes. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Select the tools and techniques they need to shape, assemble and join materials they are using. l Build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work where necessary. l Creative Development l Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions. KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 2a: Describe properties of shapes that they can see or visualise using the related vocabulary 2b: Observe, handle and describe common 2-D and 3-D shapes; name and describe the mathematical features of common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including triangles of various kinds, rectangles including squares, circles, cubes, cuboids, then hexagons, pentagons, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres. 2c: Create 2-D shapes and 3-D shapes KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 2b: Visualise and describe 2-D and 3-D shapes and the way they behave, making more precise use of geometrical language, especially that of triangles, quadrilaterals, prisms and pyramids of various kinds; recognise when shapes are identical. 2c: Make and draw with increasing accuracy 2-D and 3-D shapes and patterns; recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons; recognise their geometrical features and properties including angles, faces, pairs of parallel lines and symmetry, and use these to classify shapes and solve problems. 2d: Visualise 3-D shapes from 2-D drawings Learning Objectives l To identify 2-D and 3-D shapes l To use language to describe the shape/size of 2-D and 3-D shapes. l To mentally visualise shapes l To construct 3-D shapes Activities F / KS1 / KS2 Animal Homes: London Fieldworks Superkingdom 2008 02 © Canterbury Museums Service © Canterbury Museums Service Wasps’ nest Goldfinch or Linnet’s nest l Imagine what it would be like to live inside Superkingdom. Describe and draw the shapes you can see inside the installations. l Imagine you are an insect or animal, draw or make your ideal home or use ICT to design it. Equipment: pencils, pens, paper l Looking at the homes of animals and insects, imagine a whole city of these homes. Each home can be made up of different shapes (like the Beaney façade). Construct a cityscape of different shapes and sizes (this could be done as a whole class activity). Equipment: Card, scissors and glue, packaging material © Canterbury Museums Service l Outdoor project: Look at Richard Harris and Guiliano Mauri's sculptures. Use willow to construct a home for an animal in your school grounds (this could be done as a whole class activity). Equipment: withies, hemp string, secateurs (for teacher usage) Wasps’ nest London Fieldworks Superkingdom 2008 03 F Making Shapes: l Use Lego or stickle bricks to make shapes. What shapes can you make? Join the shapes together to make new shapes. What new shapes can you make? Can you stack the shapes (like Roman under-floor heating stacks)? l Look at soap bubbles. What shapes can you see? How do they join together? Equipment: Lego, soap, water KS1 Making Shapes: l Use packaging material (e.g. egg cartons, fruit trays) to construct a shape. What shapes can you find in the packaging? What new shapes can you make with it? l * Imagine the shape you have made is a building. Draw the outside and the inside of the building. Do this on the computer, or using a pencil and paper. Equipment: packaging materials, glue, sticky tape, paper, pencils KS2 04 Making Shapes: l Construct a 3-D Hexagonal cell from the template (this can be photocopied onto card or paper). Now construct several more of the same shape. How easily do the shapes fit together? Try gluing the shapes together in different combinations to make a new shape. You could look at a Tortoiseshell or Sea Urchin. l Construct an Octahedron from the template. Make several more and explore sticking them together to make new shapes. Explore where the lines of symmetry are in the new shape. l Imagine the shape you have made is a building. Draw the outside and the inside of the building. Do this on the computer, or using a pencil and paper. l * Use ICT to generate another pattern for a 3-D shape. Print this out and construct it as you did with the previous one. l Compare the pattern of the Wasps nest (regular hexagons) with Pumice stone (similar but more random shapes made by air bubbles). l * Try using cylinders to make a wall, like Chris Drury's Coppice Cloud Chamber. How easily do they stack together? What kind of spaces are left between the cylinders? Look at buildings in your neighbourhood. Can you see how they are constructed? Why do you think some shapes are better for building with than others? You could also look at tree rings and tree structures. How are trees constructed? Can you use cylinders to construct a ‘tree’ shape? Equipment: card, scissors, glue, paper, pencil Other artists and resources Langlands and Bell, Ivrea, 1991 Works are on display in Tate Modern permanent Collection Vladimir Tatlin, Monument to the Third International’s_Tower Model is in Moderna Museet, Sweden Sol LeWitt, Five Open Geometric Structures, 1979 Works are on display in Tate Modern permanent Collection Loop PH, Metabolic Media, 2008 Jeremy Deller, Bat House Project Toby Zeigler, Study for True North, 2007 Guiliano Mauri, Cattedrale Vegetale , 2001 Make Shapes 1, Jenkins & Wild, Tarquin Books Mathematics in Nature (2003), J.A. Adam, Princeton University Press 05 Notes on images of objects in the collections Wasps’ Nests Images of Wasps’ nest interior (hexagons) and exteriors. Wasps build layers of hollow hexagons in which to hatch new wasps. The solid hexagons are filled with wasp grubs and food for them. The exterior is made of small semicircular layers of paper or other material chewed and regurgitated by the wasps. The small round nest (B) was attached to a curtain and only had a few wasps. The large nest (A) was built by a swarm of wasps in the roof of a Canterbury house. Birds’ Nests Reed Warbler’s nest (British), constructed on reeds. Weaver Bird’s nest (African), woven; the bird enters via the long tube at the base. Leafy nest of a Goldfinch or Linnet (British), made of leaves, grass, twigs, ivy, moss. Roman under-floor heating Stacks of clay tiles on top of which the floor of the house was built, allowing warm air from a fire at one side to circulate below the floor. Part of the flooring of a Roman town house preserved where it was found in Canterbury, around which the Roman Museum has been built. Beaney façade The Beaney Institute, which houses the museum, gallery and library, was designed and built in the late 19th century, imitating Tudor styles. The front incorporates corner turret rooms and rounded front stairs. Tortoiseshell Home of a soft-bodied tortoise; made of interlocking pentagons, created as the tortoise and its shell grew. Sea Urchin fossil Shell home of a soft-bodied Sea Urchin, which lived when southern England was covered by tropical seas and has turned into chalk rock over millions of years to become a fossil, known as an Echinoid. Constructed of interlocking hexagons, each of which had a spine in the centre (where round bosses have remained when the spines broke away). Pumice stone Stone made of volcanic lava that contained lots of air bubbles. 06 © Canterbury Museums Service Architecture: Façades Beaney exterior detail Topic/maths subjects 2-D and 3-D Shapes and Area Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Richard Woods Jacob Dahlgren Paul Moss London Fieldworks Objects in the collections Façade of the Beaney Façade of the Museum of Canterbury Façade of Turner Contemporary Project Space Roman Mosaics Drawings of buildings Trees Leaves Objects in everyday life Buildings Graffiti patterns Murals 01 Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy l Use language such as ‘circle’ or ‘bigger’ to describe the shape and size of solids and flat shapes. l Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Observe, find out about and identify features in the place they live and the natural world. l Creative Development l Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions. KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1e: Recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them. 2a: Describe properties of shapes that they can see or visualise using the related vocabulary. 2b: Observe, handle and describe common 2-D and 3-D shapes; name and describe the mathematical features of common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including triangles of various kinds, rectangles including squares, circles, cubes, cuboids, then hexagons, pentagons, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres. 2c: Create 2-D shapes and 3-D shapes. KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 2b: Visualise and describe 2-D and 3-D shapes and the way they behave, making more precise use of geometrical language, especially that of triangles, quadrilaterals, prisms and pyramids of various kinds; recognise when shapes are identical. 2c: Make and draw with increasing accuracy 2-D and 3-D shapes and patterns; recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons; recognise their geometrical features and properties including angles, faces, pairs of parallel lines and symmetry, and use these to classify shapes and solve problems. 4e: Find perimeters of simple shapes; find areas of rectangles using the formula, understanding its connection to counting squares and how it extends this approach; calculate the perimeter and area of shapes composed of rectangles. Learning Objectives l To identify 2-D shapes l To use language to describe the shape/size of 2-D shapes. l To mentally visualise shapes l To create patterns by arranging shapes Activities F / KS1 / KS2 Surface lines l Look at tree bark. Draw the patterns you can see in the bark. You could also draw the patterns you see in your skin, or on leaves. Colour the sections in different, contrasting colours. How many colours do you need so that none of them touch the same colour? Equipment: Paper, pencils, crayons, pens F Handprints l Class activity: everyone makes a hand print using different colours. Cut out the hand prints and add them to one wall of the classroom. Use the hand prints to make a pattern. How do they change the way the classroom feels? Equipment: Paper, paint, scissors 02 © Canterbury Museums Service © Canterbury Museums Service KS1 / KS2 Wall Patterns Beaney exterior view Museum of Canterbury exterior Stour Valley Arts’ hut l Draw one outside wall of your school. What patterns can you find? l Now create a new pattern which would transform the façade of the school. Use a repeating pattern of a simple shape in different colours. You can do this using paper and pens or you could use the computer. l Using the photograph, design a new façade for the hut at Stour Valley Arts. l Look at the façades of the Beaney, Museum of Canterbury and re-brand by Richard Woods. Look at the patterns on the Superkingdom installations, in the mosaics in the Roman Museum and Jacob Dahlgren’s work. What patterns can you find? (visit activity or from photos) l Trace a façade or artwork and try decorating your drawing using different colours. Equipment: Paper, pencils, tracing paper, pens KS2 l Link the above activity into ‘area’. Calculate the area of the wall from one brick/one repeat of pattern. Equipment: Paper, pencils, ruler, tracing paper, pens Richard Woods re-brand 2009 Jacob Dahlgren Heaven is a Place on Earth 2006–9 03 Paul Moss Danger Painting 1-6 2008 Wrapping walls l Look at Danger Painting by Paul Moss. What do you think he has used to create this effect? l Make a model of your classroom. Now try wrapping the walls with different types of fabric, or collaging with coloured paper. How does this change your perception of shape? You could also create a model on the computer and add different patterns or textures to the model. l Use images of graffiti to transform a surface. What shapes and repeats can you find in the graffiti? Cut up the graffiti and layer it to create patterns. (Use ICT to find images and print them out). Equipment: card, glue, fabric, magazines, scissors Other artists and resources Christo - wrapped buildings Tim Otto Roth- “I see what I see not” Richard Woods Jacob Dahlgren Paul Moss Notes on images of objects in the collections Façade of the Beaney Decorated with patterns in wood, brick, terracotta (red unglazed ceramic) sculptures and mouldings, coloured stone, and plasterwork, imitating Tudor styles in a late-nineteenth century building. Façade of the Museum of Canterbury Medieval timber-framed building, which was a hospital or home for poor priests, decorated with ‘knapped’ flints in traditional Kentish style. Later additions in brick. Roman Mosaics Decorative panels inserted into areas of plainer tiles on the floors of a Roman town house in Canterbury and preserved where they were found. 04 Architecture: Plans London Fieldworks Superkingdom Sketch 2008 Topic/maths subjects Area and Perimeter, Measures, Axis & Coordinates, Scale Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Henna Nadeem Jacob Dahlgren London Fieldworks Chris Drury Lukcas Skapski Objects in the collections Bark Beetle markings City street patterns Elizabethan Canterbury Canterbury water supply map Map of bombing in Canterbury Plan of Roman Amphitheatre, Canterbury King’s Wood map Beaney Institute and Turner Contemporary architectural plans Objects in everyday life Buildings Maps 01 Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Observe, find out about and identify features in the place they live and the natural world. l Find out about their environment, and talk about those features they like and dislike. KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 4c: Estimate, measure and weigh objects; choose and use simple measuring instruments, reading and interpreting numbers, and scales to the nearest labelled division. KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 2d: Visualise 3-D shapes from 2-D drawings. 3c: Identify and draw 2-D shapes in different orientations on grids; locate and draw shapes using coordinates in the first quadrant, then in all four quadrants. 4b: Recognise that measurement is approximate; choose and use suitable measuring instruments for a task; interpret numbers and read scales with increasing accuracy; record measurements using decimal notation Learning Objectives l To use simple measuring tools l To calculate area l To gain an understanding of scale l To explore using an axis and coordinates Activities F Classroom Map l Teacher draws out a map/plan of the classroom. Get each child to draw their face onto a paper plate and then work out as a group where everyone should go on the map. l Use pacing to work out how big the classroom is: ask the children to find out how many paces wide and long it is. l Talk about other maps they have seen (eg. Playmat maps). Equipment: Paper, pencils, pens, paper plates, blu tac. Bird’s eye view of Elizabethan Canterbury © Canterbury Museums Service KS1 / KS2 Classroom Map l Make a map of your classroom. Measure the classroom and plot it out onto a sheet of paper. Then measure and draw on the tables and chairs. Now try to draw the route you usually take around the classroom. Try using ICT to make the map. l Visit a gallery, library or other space to compare. Is it larger or smaller than the classroom? Why do you think so? (e.g. judging by comparison). Measure and draw the space to see if you were correct. 02 l Playing with scale: Put people into your map. Use different sizes of drawings or collage to explore what different scales look like (refer to Henna Nadeem, and Superkingdom concept sketches) Use the computer to try this as well. l Look at the Bark Beetle markings, what do you think these show? What if we left a trail behind us when we moved around? Trace the usual journey you make in your classroom onto the map. Equipment: Paper, ruler, tape measure, pencils, magazines Mini Museums l Look at the plans by Jacob Dahlgren, London Fieldworks-Superkingdom, Chris Drury, Coppice Cloud Chamber and Lukasz Skapski, Via Lucem and look at the images of the finished 3-D artworks. l Draw a plan for an imaginary exhibition / forest / museum. Then create it in a shoebox. Use dolls house furniture, twigs as trees, etc for scale Equipment: Paper, pencils, card, natural materials, found objects, collage materials, glue, scissors horizon line 20.41ʼ 00” 20.42ʼ 50” 20.44ʼ 15” 3m 5° 5m 8.5 m 20.57ʼ 50” 20.59ʼ 09” 21.00ʼ 33” x 21.15ʼ 42” summer time y.2000 Lukasz Skapski, Via Lucem Visib iltyo fh eSu n itave from the observation point X Proportions of the drawing approximate Łukasz Sk?pski Via Lucem Continens A.D. MM Stour Valley Art Project Curator: Sandra Drew (Time Walk) Chris Drury, Coppice Cloud Chamber 03 Map of bombing in Canterbury, 1942 Jacob Dahlgren Heaven is a Place on Earth 2006–9 KS2 Map Plotting* l Look at the map showing where the bombs landed in Canterbury. l Create a grid with an axis. Use coordinates to plot the colours in Jacob Dahlgren’s artwork onto the grid. Give each colour a number value. You could use a computer to do this. What new pattern do you end up with? Equipment: ruler, pencil, coloured pen Other artists and resources Mark Bradford, Los Moscos 2004 archid=10545 Works are on display in Tate Modern permanent Collection On the Map: Artists inspired by maps Richard Long, A line made by walking, 1967 earchid=9755&tabview=text City street pattern (Elizabethan Canterbury) Shows the city walls, River Stour, Cathedral and streets in Shakespeare’s time; the street pattern is still very similar today. Henna Nadeem Jacob Dahlgren Notes on images of objects in the collections Bird’s eye view of Elizabethan Canterbury From a book about cities published in Cologne in 1588, and believed to be the oldest known map of Canterbury. Shows the city walls, River Stour, Cathedral and streets in Shakespeare’s time; the street pattern is still very similar today. Canterbury waterworks plan 12th century plan of waterworks improvements for Canterbury Cathedral carried out for Prior Wibert, who was in charge of the Cathedral and its monastery between 1155-1167. He arranged for a clean water supply by having water brought via lead pipes into the Cathedral from cisterns on the hill above Canterbury. The round Water Tower and some of this piping survive today. The magnificent original drawing is in Cambridge (reproduced courtesy of The Master and Fellows of Trinity College Cambridge) and there is a nineteenth century drawn copy in Canterbury Cathedral Archives. 04 Map of bombing in Canterbury Detail of plan showing where bombs fell during the German air raid on Canterbury in June 1942. Buildings destroyed included a newspaper office, two churches, several drapery stores, two banks, three insurance offices, four schools, a large garage, a nursery and many scores of houses in residential areas. Plan of Roman Theatre, Canterbury Conjectural plan of the Roman Theatre in Canterbury, based on archaeologists’ finds of wall parts (the solid black areas on the plan). (Reproduced courtesy of Canterbury Archaeological Trust.) Beaney Institute plan Plans, by architect A. H. Campbell, of the ground and first floors of the Beaney Institute, built ‘for the education of working men’ in 1897-99. The building, housing museum, gallery and library, was extended in the 1930s and is about to be renovated and extended again (see 05 © Canterbury Museums Service Illusion Terrazzo floor of Beaney Topic/maths subjects Illusion: Symmetry, Transforming Shape through Angle Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Richard Woods Wim Delvoye Henna Nadeem Jacqui Poncelet Objects in the collections Moth and Butterfly wings with camouflage patterns Tree Rings Floor of Beaney (Terazzo) Objects in everyday life Camouflage clothing/fabric Carpets/rugs (with patterns) Floor patterns Wallpaper patterns Animals, insects and plants which use camouflage Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy l Use everyday words to describe position. l Knowledge and Understanding of the World lLook closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change. 01 KS1 Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1e. Recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them 2d. Recognise reflective symmetry in familiar 2-D shapes and patterns. 3b. Recognise movements in a straight line (translations) and rotations, and combine them in simple ways KS2 Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1h. Use mathematical reasoning to explain features of shape and space 2c. Make and draw with increasing accuracy 2-D and 3-D shapes and patterns; recognise reflective symmetry in regular polygons; recognise their geometrical features and properties including angles, faces, pairs of parallel lines and symmetry, and use these to classify shapes and solve problems 3b. Transform objects in practical situations; transform images using ICT; visualise and predict the position of a shape following a rotation, reflection or translation Learning Objectives l To understand basic concepts of optical illusions l To understand how an object or shape can be transformed through pattern l To recognise symmetry in patterns l To understand and think about similarities and differences between patterns and shapes Activities F Butterfly Camouflage l Use the butterfly template and collage onto it a camouflage disguise. Try using strips or shapes ripped from wrapping paper or magazines and moving them around to create a pattern on the butterfly’s wings. Can you disguise the butterfly as something else, like the ones in the picture? Equipment: Template, wrapping paper or magazines, scissors, glue © Canterbury Museums Service © Canterbury Museums Service KS1 / KS2 Rotating illusion Butterfly Moth l Cut out two circles on card (use template provided) and decorate them both with different patterns. You could use circles, straight lines or an abstract pattern. Then cut a line from the centre to the edge, where shown. Cut around the inner circle on the top layer, where shown (do not cut all the way round!) Attach a paper fastener through the centre of both circles. Now try sliding one circle over the other. How does this affect the pattern? Equipment: Template, card, paper fasteners, scissors, pens/crayons/pencils 02 02 Hidden Pictures l Look at Henna Nadeem's work. How many different pictures can you see in her work? What do you see first, a pattern or a photograph? Cut pictures of everyday objects from magazines. Then use other pictures to disguise the original object by cutting out patterns and layering them over the first picture. Ask other people to see if they can work out what the original object was. Equipment: magazines, scissors, glue Henna Nadeem Sherbert Sunset 2005 Henna Nadeem Four Sunsets 2005 KS2 l Choose a photo, and, using ICT, create another design on top of it, which disguises the first picture. l Look at Wim Delvoye's Marble Floor # 86. What is it made of? Trace a pattern from a design for a carpet or wallpaper. Now use paint or collage to transform the original pattern. How is it different from your original pattern? Equipment: tracing paper, pencil, paint or magazines/coloured paper, scissors, glue l Look at Richard Woods' Flat Stack Sculpture and the Beaney floor details. Try using 3-D objects (e.g. junk modelling, packaging) to create a pattern. How does the pattern look when viewed from different angles? Draw the pattern from above and from the side. What do you notice about the different views? Equipment: 3-D packaging/junk, glue or wire, scissors, paper, pencils 03 Other artists and resources Bridget Riley ge=1 Victor Vasarely Marcel Duchamp, Roto Reliefs M.C. Escher Trompe L’oeil’oeil Richard Woods Wim Delvoye Henna Nadeem Jacqui Poncelet Notes on images of objects in the collections Moth and Butterfly wings (A) Moths with camouflage patterns that disguise wing shape (B) Butterfly with camouflage pattern to look like the eyes of a large bird (owl?) (C) Moths with pattern on tips of wings looking like beaks of birds or snakes (D) Top and underside of a tropical butterfly ‘Crameri’, with camouflage patterns Floor of Beaney Made of terrazzo, a concrete flooring containing small coloured stones that can be arranged into intricate patterns and took its name from Italian use. 04 Time Jem Finer Score for a Hole in the Ground 2006 Topic/maths subjects Time: Telling the Time Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Rodney Glick & Lynette Voevodin Guiliano Mauri Susan Derges Chris Drury Stephen Turner Jem Finer Emily Robertson Objects in the collections Agate rings Mammoth tusk Shells Shells Tree rings Decommissioned work at Stour Valley Arts Objects in everyday life Clocks Watches 01 Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Find out about past and present events in their own lives, and in those of their families and other people they know. KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 4a: Estimate the size of objects and order them by direct comparison using appropriate language; put familiar events in chronological order; compare and measure objects using uniform non-standard units [for example, a straw, wooden cubes], then with a standard unit of length (cm, m), weight (kg), capacity (l) [for example, ‘longer or shorter than a metre rule’, ‘three-and-a-bit litre jugs’]; compare the durations of events using a standard unit of time KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 4d: Read the time from analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks; use units of time - seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks - and know the relationship between them Learning Objectives l To understand different ways of measuring time l To explore cycles and rhythms of nature and natural systems l To understand ideas of growth and decomposition over time Activities F / KS1 / KS2 Decomposing l Guiliano Mauri's work was made with the intention of it going back into the forest, gradually decomposing and retuning to where it had come from. Stephen Turner's tree rings document the natural cycles and decomposition on the forest floor over time. l Make a sculpture that can decompose, from natural objects like fruit, vegetables or plants. Either draw it every day to record how it changes, or use digital photographs to document it and put them into an animation on the computer. l How long does the object take to decompose? Equipment: fruit/vegetables/plants, camera, paper, pencils Guiliano Mauri Imprints 1999 Stephen Turner Tree Rings 2002 02 Jem Finer Score for a Hole in the Ground 2006 KS1 / KS2 Growing l Look at the photographs by Jem Finer. How does the forest change in the photographs? Can you tell what time of year it is? l How do we record growth and change - look at the tree rings, agate rings, Rattlesnake tail and Mammoth tusk. Are all the layers the same? l Make a flip book which shows something growing. You could choose a plant, a flower, an animal, or a person. Using the template, make a slight addition to your drawing in each frame. Then cut them out and make holes where shown. Tie it together with string, and tape around the string to hold it securely in place. When you flick through you should be able to see a 'minimovie' of your growing object. l You could also try doing this on the computer, or using an animation programme to show something growing. Equipment: Template, pens, pencils, scissors, string, sticky tape 03 Rodney Glick Down on his Luck 2006-2008 Natural Rhythms – A day in the life... l Susan Derges spent a year observing the forest, Emily Robertson filmed over a whole year and condensed it down to a few minutes, Rodney Glick filmed for a whole day and condensed it to an hour. l Make a record of a whole day from your classroom window, or in your school grounds. Record any changes in the weather, people, and other things you see. This could be written, drawn or photographed. l Take a series of photos or make a series of drawings of the same place every day for a month. Stick your drawings or photographs up on the wall, as you go. How does it change over time? l Try making a water clock; instructions can be found at: l Visit Activity. Explore forest life cycles at Stour Valley Arts. How do the woodland management team keep the forest healthy? Equipment: Paper, pencils, camera Life Cycles Emily Robertson Aspect 2004 l Aspect is filmed in a forest over the period of a year. The forest year is condensed into a few minutes. Tree rings and layers in the Mammoth Tusk show how a tree or tusk has grown and shells reveal their own growth with gradually larger additions. l Think about how much you have grown since you were born, and how you have changed. l Bring in family photos that show you at different ages and make a time line of your life. You could also make a family tree with photos or drawings of your mum, dad, sisters, brothers, grandparents. l Can you imagine what you will look like at different ages? Draw a self portrait of yourself at the age of 20, 30, 40…etc. l Make an autobiography of your life so far, this could be written, drawn or made using collage. l Visit activity: at the Roman Museum in Canterbury, each step down from street level takes you back 100 years. Can you imagine what life was like in Roman Canterbury? How has it changed? How is it similar? Equipment: paper, pencils, magazines, photographs, glue, scissors 04 Other artists and resources Sam Taylor Wood, Still life, 2001 image=6 Eadweard Muybridge Francis Alÿs, Zocalo, May 20 1999 Christian Boltanski 49&page_number=2&template_id=1&sort_order=1 Cindy Sherman age=3&sole=y&collab=y&attr=y&sort=default&tabview=worklist Feliks Topolski, Autobiography 1973 archid=10247&tabview=image Telling the time- early devices Notes on images of objects in the collections Agate Made of very fine quartz that crystallises in air pockets within volcanic rock. Different minerals in the quartz crystallise at different rates, depositing layers of different colours, the outermost deposited first and innermost last. Mammoth tusk In cross-section a mammoth tusk looks like a tree, with rings of growth from the centre outwards. In longitudinal section you can see the pointed ends getting longer with each additional growth inside. Mammoths once lived in Kent: this tusk was found on the lower beach at Long Rock, Swalecliffe, near Whitstable. Shells Shells are the homes for soft-bodied animals and grow as the animal gets larger. You can see the progression in size relating to growth. The Tellin shell has dark growth rings. 05 Waves and Sound Jem Finer, study for Score for a Hole in the Ground 2006 Topic/maths subjects Waves: Geometry Locations l Stour Valley Arts l Exhibited in ‘Superabundant’, Turner Contemporary, Spring ‘09 Canterbury Museums l Roman Museum l Beaney l Museum of Canterbury l Museum Collections Artists Jem Finer Richard Harris Objects in the collections Elizabethan Canterbury Canterbury water supply map Objects in everyday life Water Sound Curriculum Links Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals l Knowledge and Understanding of the World l Investigate objects and materials by using all of their senses as appropriate. l Build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work where necessary. l Observe, find out about and identify features in the place they live and the natural world. l Creative Development l Respond in a variety of ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel. 01 KS1: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1d: Use the correct language and vocabulary for shape, space and measures. 1e: Recognise simple spatial patterns and relationships and make predictions about them. 3a: Observe, visualise and describe positions, directions and movements using common words. KS2: Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures 1h: Use mathematical reasoning to explain features of shape and space. 3a: Visualise and describe movements using appropriate language. * 4c: Recognise angles as greater or less than a right angle or half-turn, estimate their size and order them; measure and draw acute, obtuse and right angles to the nearest degree Learning Objectives l To explore the properties of sound and water l To understand the idea of waves (sound and water) l To understand why waves make different patterns Activities F Make a sound machine l Ask children to build sound machine using natural/found materials eg. dripping water, sticks striking, stones dropping onto different surfaces. What different sounds can you make? What do the sounds look like? Use different words to describe the sounds. Equipment: water, sticks, stones, different surfaces KS1 / KS2 Seeing Sound Waves Jem Finer Score for a Hole in the Ground 2006 l What does sound look like? These activities explore how sound makes patterns. Kaleidophone l Make a Kaleidophone: use a knitting needle, with a silver bead fixed to one end. Hold it fast at one end in a vice or between two tables. Set up a screen behind it, then shine a bright light onto the needle. If you hit the needle you should see wave patterns as the needle moves. What kind of shapes do you see? Equipment: knitting needle, beads, screen 02 © Master and Fellows of Trinity College Cambridge Chladni patterns l Cut off half a large balloon, and stretch it over an open tin can. Hold it in place with rubber bands. Sprinkle salt onto the balloon. l Try playing different sounds to the balloon and see what happens to the salt. It should move into patterns. Try downloading the sound from Jem Finer's artwork and playing it. What pattern does it make? l Draw the pattern you see. Experiment with different sounds to see what kind of patterns they make. What do you notice about louder or softer sounds, higher or lower notes? Equipment: Balloon, can, rubber band, paper, pencils Richard Harris Untitled 1994 Canterbury waterworks plan Water and waves l Look at Richard Harris's sculpture. What does the shape remind you of? Look at the Narwhal tusk - what does its shape have in common with water? l Water is also essential to Jem Finer's piece, as it makes the sound. Have a look at the Elizabethan Canterbury and Canterbury water supply maps. What do you know about the properties of water? l Fill a plastic tray with water. What happens when you drop a small drop of water into it? What happens when you disturb one side with a stick? Explore the idea of waves and the way water behaves. Try drawing the different patterns you see in the water l * Look at a picture of a river. Does it flow in a straight line? Some facts about rivers include: l No river, regardless of size, runs straight for more than 10 times its width. l The radius of the bend is nearly always 2-3 times the width of the river at that point. l The wavelength (distance between points of bends) is 7-10 times the average width. The technical name for the pattern a river makes is meander geometry. The shape it makes is an irregular waveform. Discuss the difference between regular and irregular waves. Use maths to explore the geometry of a river pattern. Equipment: Tray, water, paper, pencils 03 Other artists and resources Naum Gabo, Linear Construction No. 2 1970-71 Musical Minimalism Kaleidophones html Chladni Patterns Harmonograph: A visual guide to the mathematics of music (2001), A. Ashton, Wooden Books Godel, Escher, Bach (1979) D. Hofstadter, Penguin Books Mathematics in Nature (2003), J.A. Adam, Princeton University Press Living Water (1976), Olof Alexandersson, Gateway Books Flowforms River Meanders resources%2F_files%2Fmeander4.swf Notes on images of objects in the collections Bird’s eye view of Elizabethan Canterbury Shows the city walls, River Stour, Cathedral and streets in Shakespeare’s time. The river was diverted to build mills powered by water and there were also.tanneries, parchment works and similar that used water for industrial production. Canterbury waterworks plan 12th century plan of waterworks improvements for Canterbury Cathedral carried out for Prior Wibert, who was in charge of the Cathedral and its monastery between 1155-1167. He arranged for a clean water supply by having water brought via lead pipes into the Cathedral from cisterns on the hill above Canterbury. The round Water Tower and some of this piping survive today. The magnificent original drawing is in Cambridge (reproduced courtesy of The Master and Fellows of Trinity College Cambridge) and there is a nineteenth century drawn copy in Canterbury Cathedral Archives. 04