the“Strong Devotion to Children”


the“Strong Devotion to Children”
Volume 61, Number 5
“Strong Devotion to Children”
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Street Walkers collect dollars for the
Parade Season,
We Love It!
Every year as the much anticipated
Parade Season approaches Shriners are
polishing their parade vehicles, cleaning
their uniforms and practice their waves.
It makes all the drills, practice sessions
and work all worthwhile. Time to step off
and show the world what Shriners are all
It all begins in early March with the
Azalea Festival in Palatka, then there is
the Fernandina Beach parade; the
Ladies especially like this one with all the
shops to visit on the parade route. The
Catfish Festival in Crescent City is next
and of course the Railroad Days in
Callahan, this year they marched in the
rain The Opening of the Beaches parade
is usually the last of the season. This year
our newest Shriners joined in the parade
fun as they marched in their first Shrine
parade. These dedicated Shriners parade
for the Kids, the Legion of Honor carry
the flag of our country proudly, the
Street Walkers are always out collecting
$$ for the Hospital, the clowns are there
to make everyone laugh, the motorcycles
thrill the audience with their precision
maneuvers and the little boys can only
dream of becoming a Shriner someday
to do the same.
And just that quick it is over with the
exception of a few that come later in the
year. THANK YOU for your dedication
and hard work to make other aware of
the Shrine Hospitals for Children and
add a smile to the faces of those
No parade would be complete without Past
Potentate Jessie and the Oriental Band.
Legion of Honor proudly carrying the
Flag of our Country (Crescent City
Ladies waiting for the start of the
Fernandina Beach parade.
Azalea Festival Parade - Potentate Brian Painter,
Chief Rabban Donnie Boree, and driver Bob Curry.
Wednesday, May 14th
Dinner & Stated Meeting
Social 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Dinner 6:30 pm
Make your reservations NOW
or before Friday, May 9th
Callahan Railroad Days Parade in the rain.
MAY 2014
Oasis of Jacksonville
3800 St. Johns Bluff Rd., S.
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2620
Tel.: 904-642-5200
Illustrious Potentate . . . . . Brian K. Painter
Chief Rabban . . . . . . . . . . Donnie Boree
Assistant Rabban . . . . . . . . . Frank Cruce
High Priest and Prophet . Comadore Perry
Oriental Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hal Mix
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . John W. Howard
Recorder . . . . . . . Jimmy Holderfield, PP
J. Hansford Joiner . .1st Ceremonial Master
Bruce Ford . . . . . . . . Captain of the Guard
Brian K. Painter, Potentate
Donnie Boree, Chief Rabban
Frank Cruce, Assistant Rabban
John Wood (2012)
John Keane (2013)
Paul Cummins (2014)
John Howard, Treasurer
Jimmy Holderfield, P.P. Recorder
Wilford Lyon, P.P.
Wilford C. Lyon, Jr., P.P., Emeritus
George Ferber, P.P., Emeritus
Brian Painter, Potentate
Jimmy Holderfield, P.P., Recorder
Jerry Smith, P.P.
Dennis Green, P.P.
May 2014
“Strong Devotion to Children”
Potentate’s Message
Nobles and Ladies,
Lady Faith and I and your Divan have really been “on the move” this past month. We
started April with a great dinner and wonderful meeting at the Starke Shrine Club Official Visit.
President Brian Sutton and his Lady Elizabeth were a pleasure to talk with. Noble Brian has a
lot of enthusiasm and great ideas for the betterment of the order. The club presented Lady
Faith with a donation for her project and two flats of Bradford County strawberries.
April 5th was the Catfish Festival in Crescent City. Noble President Homer Payne, Noble
Ronnie Holland, Lady Nelda and the Bass Capital Shrine Club provided a fish fry after the
Catfish Festival Parade. The parade route was jammed packed with onlookers for the Civic
and Shrine Parade. Morocco was well represented with parade units from across the
jurisdiction. The Street Walkers had a very prosperous outcome for the hospitals.
April 9th Stated Session was productive. Noble Bill Hudson presented a check for $1,000
and pledged $1,000 for the next four years toward the Capital Improvement Fund. We voted
on eight petitions that evening, among other business matters. The very next night at
Fernandina Beach Shrine Club I had the honor of creating a new noble, Gary Hatchel. He was
unable to be at the April 26th ceremonial. Fernandina Beach members had me in stitches most
of that evening, it was very enjoyable.
April 12th Chief Rabban Donnie Boree and Lady Terri represented Morocco at the Fishing with Mel tournament in
Steinhatchee, Florida. That same evening, a few of the other Divan members traveled with Lady Faith and I to Keystone Heights.
Keystone Heights Shrine Club surprised me with a Lifetime Membership along with other gifts and some monetary donations to
the PTF and Hospital and Lady Faith’s project. April 12th and 13th was the First Annual Spring Bazaar at Morocco, organized
by Noble Jack Woodley and his committee. The proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the Morocco general fund. We appreciate
the dedication and devotion of everyone who participated.
Gainesville Shrine Club official visit was April 18th. Noble President Stephen Persinger and his Lady Theresa did a fantastic
job hosting this visit. Monetary donations were made to the PTF, the Hospital, the First Lady’s project and the Capital Improvement
Fund. April 19th we visited the Flying Fez Association and had a great time of fellowship. The FFA ladies presented Lady Faith
with a check for her project and the FFA Club presented money for the PTF and the Hospital.
At the time this article is going to print, we are preparing for the Spring Ceremonial at Morocco Shrine April 25th and 26th
and the Opening of the Beaches Parade on April 27th. Stand by for update on those events in the June Moroccan.
On May 9th, I will have the honor of being installed a Rainbow Girl. Yes, you heard me right and there are tickets available
to all who want to attend the dinner. Contact Vicki Poole at (904) 253-9601 for purchase of tickets and details on the dinner. It
is being held in the Activities building.
We have rescheduled the Paper Sale for May 10th. Please contact Noble Vince Gomez for re-assignments. The same evening
there is a Steak Night at Morocco so please make your reservations now. May 31st is the second Steak Night for the month.
I appreciate the continued enthusiastic support from the Morocco Nobility. Stand by for more fun to come!
Russell P. Lea, P.P., Past President SESA
Brian K. Painter, Potentate
Jimmy Holderfield, P.P., Recorder
Gary Thigpen, P.P.
Norman Blackwell, P.P., Past President
Brian Painter, Potentate
Donnie Boree, Chief Rabban
Frank Cruce, Assistant Rabban
Comadore Perry, High Priest and Prophet
Hal Mix, Oriental Guide
John Howard, Treasurer
Jimmy Holderfield, P.P., Recorder
Board Members:
Robert L. Curry, Sr. – Member
Cecil G. Kimberly – Member
Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kevin Painter
Parade Marshal . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Suber
Marshal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jerry Gartman
Outer Guard . . . . . . . . . . Thomas Moore
Inner Guard . . . . . . . . . Manning Woodley
Emeritus Members
Chaplain, Emeritus . . . . . Billy Collier
Chief Photographer . . . . . . . Joe Tull
Colonel of the . . . . . . Horace Leprell
Motor Corps
Director . . . William E. ‘Ed’ Anderson
Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Hodges
Assistant Director . . . . . . Jim Peebles
Executive Director . . . . . . . Vic Papa
Shrine Bowl
Imperial Representatives:
George Ferber, P.P.
Wilford Lyon Jr., P.P.
Marshall . . . . . . . . . . . . Levi Starling
Treasurer . . . . . . . . George Baccash
BRIAN K. PAINTER – Illustrious Potentate, 2014
My Goodness, how time does fly ... we must be having fun!
I can barely believe another month
has passed. In April we’ve had
parades, our Divan has visited
many of your clubs, and most
importantly we brought some
new Nobles and their Ladies
into our Shrine family! A big
thank you goes to President
Jim Gaskins, his Lady Bonnie
and the Beaches Shrine Club for
their hard work in preparing for
and working at the ceremonial.
Our May Stated Session will be
honoring Mothers. Please make your
reservations by Saturday, May 10th, so
that our Cooking Family can prepare
Now let’s talk about the “shindigs”
coming up. May 19-23rd we’re all set
to take the “Summer Shindig to the
Smoky Mountains” trip. I am really
looking forward to getting away for a few
days, seeing some good shows and
beautiful mountain scenery. Something
about the mountains is just so relaxing.
The next big “shindig” is the “Hot
Nights in the City” Potentate’s Ball June
13th and 14th. Friday, June 13th will
be an AYCE fried chicken dinner for
$10. Entertainment will be provided by
the Morocco band. This dinner will be
held in the Activities Building. The big
event is on Saturday the 14th starting at
6 p.m. The band, The Faze, will play and
sing a mix of 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s
music all night, right up until midnight!
The Ball tickets are now on sale for $50
a person. We have a “buy 1, get 1 half
off” promotion going on for Morocco
members through May 21st. You
can buy one ticket at $50 and
get the second one for $25.
We really want Morocco
members at this Ball.
Please try to attend, I
promise you’ll be glad you
There’s a lot more fun
events planned so please
keep up the support. Brian and I feel the
support you’ve shown Morocco and us
in 2014. We both have a servant’s heart
and will do whatever is needed to help
your units, clubs, and associations thrive.
Have a great month of May!
With lots of love,
Lady Faith Painter
Every Little Bit Helps!
Support Shriners Hospitals for Children® Every Time You
Buy or Sell on eBay.
You can now support Shriners Hospitals for Children® when
you buy or sell on eBay through the eBay Giving Works
Here’s how it works:
You can support Shriners Hospitals for Children® when you
sell on eBay. Did you know that charity listings often get more
bids and higher prices than regular eBay listings? Boost your
sales and support the critical work performed by our hospitals
by designating our organization to receive 1-100% of your final
sale price the next time you list something great. Plus, eBay gives
back to you too, with a fee credit on your basic selling fees.
Since this is a fairly new program for us, our greatest need is
for items to be listed with Shriners Hospitals for Children® as
the beneficiary. So, clean out that garage or closet and start selling!
Go to:
You can find whatever you’re looking for on eBay from baseball cards to new cars
and more. When you do, shop for items that benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children®.
You can get a great deal and help the kids at the same time! Shop now to support
Shriners Hospitals for Children®.
Published monthly in the interest of Shrinedom
by Morocco Shriners, 3800 St. Johns Bluff
Rd., S., Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2620.
Issued monthly. Postage paid at
Jacksonville, Florida. Subscription rate $10.00
per year.
Ruth Saunders, Editor
and Advertising Manager
Dorfus Fain . . . . . . . . . . . Photographer
Frank Elkins . . . . . . . . . . . . .Staff Writer
3800 St. Johns bluff Rd., S.
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2620
(Deadline: Friday following
Stated Session)
May 2014
Chaplain’s Corner
Albert Einstein once
said, “I know quite certainly
that I myself have no
special talent. Curiosity,
endurance, combined
selfcriticism, have
brought me my ideas.” Translation: “It’s
not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay
with problems longer.” Einstein may
have understated his intelligence and
talent, but he does so to make a valid
point: The main reason he was so
successful was because he was
persistent. This is the way it is with
successful people down through history.
Most significant human achievements
can be attributed to this same principle.
Failures aren’t the result of a lack of
Attend Stated Dinners and Sessions and write monthly articles to
make others aware of the great happenings at your Morocco Shrine
Center. Contact Ruth Saunders for details and deadlines.
904-262-8305 or
Publically Speaking
By Frank Elkins
Morocco Shrine has been online for
quite some time and we are able to
provide a wealth of information to all,
which is just a keystroke away. Morocco
Shrine online can be found at
Many members appear to be
unaware of our website. It has been reworked recently and offers an easier
route to get more information and allows
you to lead others to all the material
If you have misplaced your current
issue of the Moroccan, it can be found
on our website. Also, there is a tab for
Upcoming Events and Membership,
which includes petitions to be printed for
your use. A myriad of Shriner Resources
are available as well as several ways you
can provide education to others
Today’s promotional market requires
accurate details, which are extremely
important and can lead to our future
success. Our website is an excellent
opportunity for your Association, Club,
or Unit to provide the most current
information to current and potential
members throughout our jurisdiction and
across the Internet
Our website is a
powerful resource
for research and
Morocco Shrine and
all our activities for
those who use their
computer for information, including the Media, the Public,
and our Members.
We need to make our members, and
the public, aware of our presence and
provide all our visitors with the most
current information in a timely manner.
You are urged to visit our website and
take a tour. Help us to allow everyone
the opportunity to recommend this site
for those who need current and accurate
information. You never know what you
may have missed or what may have been
added recently until you visit and scroll
Visit us soon, and visit us often.
In Memoriam
These We Do Not Forget
We do not lose the ones we love They only go before,
Where there is everlasting life
Where sorrow is no more.
And there the soul will always live And peace is everywhere.
We do not lose the ones we love
God takes them in his care.
William W. Tharpe
Thomas E. Olson
By Samuel Bennett
Moroccan Scribes Wanted/Needed!
Visit Morocco Shrine online
Homer J. Massey
Keep the families of these Nobles in your prayers.
talent or the lack of worthwhile goals —
but rather from quitting too soon.
President Calvin Coolidge put it this way,
Press on. Nothing in this world can take
the place of persistence. Talent will not.
Nothing is more common than
unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will
not. Unrewarded genius is almost a
proverb. Education will not. The world is
full of educated derelicts. Persistence and
determination alone are important.
When we’re struggling with failure —
spiritually, financially, personally or
relationally — we must remember that
many times the difference between being
wise or being a fool — the difference
between being righteous or unrighteous
— is determined by our willingness to get
up and try again. Is there an area in your
life where you need to persevere? It
could have to do with your career or your
marriage — with parenting or some
other relationship. Maybe the difficulties
that come with going against the flow
have made you tempted to give up on
some aspect of your own journey. If any
of these statements describe you, then
keep on keeping on!
Press on Moroccans. Follow Paul’s
example and “strain to reach the end of
the race and receive the prize for which
God, through Jesus Christ, is calling us
up to Heaven.”
April Dinner Meeting
and Stated Session
The April Dinner meeting was attended by nearly 100, of which eight were Past
Ladies of the Quiltfest of Jacksonville made a special presentation to Illustrious Sir
Brian Painter in the amount of $3,000 from the proceeds from their recent silent
auction. The Quiltfest of Jacksonville has been making annual contributions from this
event for the past five years.
The Spring Bazaar has returned after many years of not having a Spring Arts &
Crafts Show. Over the past 25 years the Arts & Crafts Shows have raised over $1
At least two wonderful dining opportunities are available for you. May 10 and
May 31 are Steak Nights.
May 14 is Stated Session. Call Morocco by Friday, May 9th to make your dinner
June 5 is Shrine Night at the Ballpark with the Jacksonville Suns. Units should
arrive at 5:30 p.m. to line-up for the parade before the game. Game starts at 7:05
and tickets are $6.25. Wear your Fez and show your support.
Another Jacksonville Gun Show at Morocco on June 7-8. Tell your friends and
neighbors. While attending please wear your Fez to show your support.
June 11 is Stated Session. Make your dinner reservations Friday prior.
The Potentate’s Ball tickets are on sale from a Divan member near you. Buy before
May 21 to get the special pricing of buy one and get the second for ½ price.
Potentate’s Ball is June 13 & 14. Special room rates at the Hampton Inn at
Baymeadows for $69.00.
The Motorcycle Escort Drawing is June 21. Buy your tickets now for this Reverse
drawing where the first ticket drawn wins $100 and the last ticket drawn will win
YOUR CHOICE of either a 2014 Harley Davidson Motorcycle or $10,000 cash. One
ticket includes refreshments and dinner for two at the drawing. Social Hour 6:30 p.m.
and the Drawing begins at 7:30. The Motorcycle Escort has contributed more than
$50,000 in the past five years from the Harley Motorcycle Raffle. Contact any
member, or call 904-642-5200 to buy this year’s ticket for the drawing. Need not be
present to win, but you will miss a lot of fun and festivities.
June 25 Happy 126th Birthday Morocco Shrine.
The $1 Million Building Campaign is still going strong! Chief Rabban Donnie
Boree, Assistant Rabban Frank Cruce, and Noble Bill Hudson each made a
commitment of a $1,000 a year for the next five years. You can also join in this
campaign and help us with much needed building repairs.
Ruth Saunders presented $370 towards the Lose One – Gain One promotion
that she has begun. Read more about this charming program elsewhere in this issue
of the Moroccan.
Illustrious Sir Brian Painter made a special recognition to LOH member Tom
Brown for his continuing efforts. The Legion of Honor is looking for a few good
men. If you are active or retired military, please consider this most valuable Unit.
Vicki Poole has invited all to attend the Rainbow Girls event on May 9 in the
Activity Building. This is sure to be a pleasure as they will make-up the Potentate for
his installation.
Ann Rogers won $50 from the dinner ticket drawing. Roseann Goodale won the
50/50 in the amount of $76 and donated it back to the PTF.
Fleming Island Parade
Is Approved!
Brian Painter has approved the
Fleming Island Parade. The date
is May 24th. Lineup is at 9:00
am. The address is: 230 “O
“Town Center Blvd. Fleming
Island, FL 32003.
We have been absent from
this parade for a few years so please
try to come out. These people have
missed us in their town doing one of the
things that we love to do - PARADE.
Pilgrimage Committee Meeting
April 8, 2014
Units Represented: Divan – Bruce Ford, Motorcycle Escort, Transportation,
Patrol, Oriental Band, Thunder, Bally-Hoo’s for a total of 17 Nobles.
Sickness and Distresses was reported.
Invocation: – Noble Ken Sowers.
Treasurer Report: The Treasurers Report was read. A motion was made and
seconded to accept.
Secretary Report: A motion was made to suspend the report and seconded.
Committee Reports: There was discussion of Imperial Attendance and again
Travel Reimbursement. There also will be some Reimbursement forms placed in the
hospitality room at Imperial for everyone’s convenience. This year’s housing at
Imperial is at the Marriot at City Center in Minnesota and more information should
be printed in the Moroccan along with the Registration information.
Circus: We also spoke briefly on improvement of the seating, work is still in
progress. Telemarketing contract was signed and tickets are in the printing process.
Old Business:
New Business: We had a fair turnout for the past Gun Show. Profits and Losses
are still to be announced. The Committee would like to thank all that helped with the
gun show. Everyone that takes time out of their personal daily life to help is what
keeps us strong and it is GREATLY appreciated!!!
Good of the Order - The Officers of the Committee went to Houston last
month and interviewed / investigated numerous Hotels for 2015 Imperial housing.
There are a couple of nice places with GREAT amenities that are currently on the
table. Further related information will be reported to the Nobility accordingly.
The Nobility present also agreed that the Pilgrimage Meeting starting time will
move from 7:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
Benediction - Ken Sowers.
Meeting adjourned: 8:40 pm
Ronald Thigpen
2014 Pilgrimage Committee Secretary
Black Camel Meeting
The Black Camel annual meeting was presented by Noble Wilmer Atwell,
President. We had a decreasing membership in 2013 with 94 deaths which means
the Black Camel Fund paid more than $110,000. More than $15 million has been
paid to the beneficiaries since the conception more than 41 years ago.
There will be a meeting on May 30th open to all Shriners in the Activity Building
at 7 p.m. for the purpose of deliberating possibilities of increasing membership and
consequently increasing our income.
The Black Camel Fund is not designed to be a replacement for an insurance policy.
It is planned to extend immediate relief to widows upon the passing of a member of
the Fund, sometimes as soon as the next day.
If you were formerly a member and dropped out, you have the privilege of
reinstating if under age 75. The Black Camel Fund office is providing an amnesty
period. Call Pat Rossi at 904-642-5200.
This Fund has helped since its beginning and we want it to increase in membership.
Remember, the more members, the higher the benefits.
Donations 2014
February, March, April
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Patient Transportation Fund
Northeast Florida Chapter #435
National Sojourners, Inc.
In Memory of Katherine Brantley
Arab Patrol
Bill Hudson and Family
In Memory of Bill Barge
Joseph Goss
In Memory of
Tracey Bailey’s Mother
Horace and Gayle LePrell
The Moroccan
Nobles, the cost of the printed
Moroccan is now at $38,000 per year.
(½ the cost of all new lights for our
building). We would like you to consider
letting us send the newsletter out to you
by email for the Nobles that have access
to email.
The rest of you that don’t have access
to email or don’t want to receive the
Moroccan by email would still get a
paper copy, but we need to find out who
you are. Please be sure to check with the
front office to ensure that your email
address is on file with us. Please let the
Divan know what you think as we search
out ways to trim our budget. Again we
are just exploring at this time.
Dance to the sounds
of a big band orchestra.
Activity Building
3:00 P.M.
First Sunday of each Month
$10.00 Admission – BYOB - set-ups provided
It’s Awards Time Again!
It’s that time again; please get your list and information in to me by May 16th.
Electronic submission is the best. Please send to If you are still
using Pony Express please PRINT ONLY the request and mail to:
Hal Mix
18370 NW 5th CT
Citra, FL 32113
Dinner Reservations
Make your dinner reservations by Friday before Stated Session. Sixty-five
made reservations for the April Stated Session, however, more than 25 showed up
unannounced expecting the cooking crew to fry more chicken at the last minute to
place on the food line. We appreciate all who came to the meeting and we regret that
many went without the meat of their choice.
What can you do to help us prepare accordingly?
• Annual reservations can be placed on your credit card so you do not have
to remember to call.
• Reservations can be made online at days or weeks
in advance.
• Call 904-642-5200 no later than close of business on Friday before Stated
Dinner price has been rolled-back to $10 this year, for your benefit. Illustrious Sir
and the Divan have considered many options to help you this year and now is the
time for you to help them and help the cooking crew. Your diligence will prevent many
disappointed members and their families from not getting all the food they want. We
thank you in advance for your cooperation.
PLEASE, please, please call 642-5200, ext. 10 and make your
reservations by the date below:
• May Dinner MAY 9th
• June Dinner JUNE 6th
Stated Session and Dinner Meeting
Hospitality • 6:00 p.m.
Dinner • 6:30 p.m.
Meeting • 7:30 p.m.
Dinner Menu
Sliced Turkey
Sliced Pork Roast
Creamed Peas
Potato Salad
Mixed Desserts
VISA and
MasterCard Accepted ...
Did you know you can pay for Dues, Meals, Tickets,
etc. with your VISA or MasterCard?
A great convenience, record
keeping and time saver!
NEW MEMBERSHIP is Shrinedom’s
most IMPORTANT business!!
NEW devotion • NEW enthusiasm • NEW manpower
NEW ability • NEW finances
May 2014
Million DollarS
Ever wonder what it takes to keep Morocco Shrine Temple facility in
great working condition?
The Divan and others know. They are collecting a million dollars over a
five year period to bring Morocco up to what we all what it to be, beautiful,
functional and rentable, a building we would be proud to show off.
A donation of $1,000 per year for five years is what it will take. Several
have already contributed their $1,000 and now it’s your turn, if able please
consider donation of any amount to this worthwhile and needed fund.
Contact any Divan member, call the office or make your donation at the
next meeting.
Registration Form for Imperial 2014
in beautiful Minneapolis, Minnesota
Contact Bruce Ford at
for tickets and additional information.
Tickets will be available in the office and at the
April 9th Dinner and Stated Meeting.
Your Pilgrimage Committee officers have worked hard to secure a great
hotel! The Official Days are checking in on Sunday the 6th of July and checking
out on Thursday the 10th of July.
Length of Stay!!
Our contract is based on each noble staying four nights. If you want to stay
YOU CHANGE WITH NO NOTICE so we can adjust the nights with the hotel.
If you alter the number of days without letting the PC officers know, we get
charged for the missed nights and have to pay for empty rooms. As a result we
must adjust your reimbursement accordingly. All you need to do is let us know
as soon as you know so we can release your room back to the hotel. If you
decide to stay more than four nights, we have arranged for those nights to be at
the convention rate. Please let us know about any additional nights you plan on
staying so we can verify with the hotel. Thank you for your understanding.
Please Complete this Registration Form
and Submit With Appropriate Deposit
by May 23, 2014
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Step 1 – Qualification for Travel Reimbursement Status
To receive reimbursement you must have met the qualification requirements
of ad sales, ticket sales and worked the minimum number of shows. Per our
bylaws, you must not receive any reimbursement from any other source and you
must stay at the Morocco PC Hotel unless by virtue of your office you are
required to stay in alternate facilities to receive travel reimbursement from
someone other than the pilgrimage committee.
______ I am a Qualified Noble
______ I am not Qualified for Travel Reimbursement
West Jax Shrine Club will be hosting a “Womanless Wedding”
Partial Proceeds will benefit Our Tempe Building Fund
Admission will be $5.00 per person
West Jax Shrine Club
Golf Tournament
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Eagle Landing Golf Club
3989 Eagle Landing Parkway
Orange Park, FL
Director of Golf Mike Brooks
904-291-5600 X 3061
• Registration 10:00am
• Lunch 11:45
• Shotgun Start 1:00pm
• Putting contest: 10am-11:30
• Prizes: 50/50 Cash
Captain’s Choice Format
$75.00 per golfer
All entries are first come, first served
based on the date your entry is received
with payment enclosed. Priority given
to entries pre-paid with registration.
• Proximity Prizes
• Door Prizes
• Range balls provided
• Two drink tickets per golfer
for soda, water or domestic beer
• Car / Prizes for Hole-In-One on
par 3’s *Nimnicht Buick GMC*
GOLD: $2,000 Entry for foursome,
Commemorative Shirt with embroidered
sponsorship level, Hole Sign.
foursome, Commemorative Shirt with
Step 2 – Deposit Required
_____Qualified Noble going stag - $150 ($140 refundable deposit
+ $10 registration fee)
_____Qualified Noble with ad sales enough to qualify his Lady - $150
($140 refundable + $10 registration fee)
_____Qualified Noble with Lady - $300
_____Non-Qualified Noble going stag and sharing a room - $300
_____Non-Qualified Noble with Lady - $600
_____Non-Qualified Noble not sharing a room - $600
Step 3 - Room Preference - room assignment is subject to hotel availability.
_____Two Double Beds _____ King Bed
_____ Disabled Accommodations
If Stag, Roommate Preference________________________________________
Step 4 – Arrival Dates and Departure Dates
Arrival Date to Minneapolis___________________________
Departure Date from Minneapolis _____________________
Step 5 – Your Contact Information
embroidered sponsorship level Hole
with company/group name
$25. Sponsors name recognition on
sponsor board at sign-in area on day of
For More Information or Entry
Forms Contact:
John Short 904-778-7288 home /
904-874-2340 Cell
or email:
Buddy Williams, 904-781-7732 home /
904-759-222 Cell
or email:
“Proceeds to benefit WJSC and are not
tax deductible”’
Your Cell Phone Number:_______________________________________________
Ladies Name if Attending:______________________ Phone________________
City, State, Zip________________________________________________________
Total amount enclosed with this form: ______________________________
Mail this form with your deposit to: Morocco Shrine Center
3800 St. Johns Bluff Rd S.
Jacksonville Florida, 32224-2620
All Reservations and Deposits Must Be Received by the Pilgrimage
Committee by May 23rd. For additional questions, please contact
Arthur Allison, PC Chairman at
May 2014
Till May 21st
Get your reservations NOW
Reserve your table, invite your friends!
Bring a New Shriner!
Potentate’s Ball
)4567) 8&(9&,:),%;)<;=5).:)
42nd Annual Morocco Shrine
Golf Association Charity Golf Tournament
100% of all net proceeds go directly to support
Monday, May 5, 2014
Orange Park Country Club • Phone 276-7664
9:30 - 11:00 AM
Shotgun Start
at 11:00 AM
Dinner, Prizes,
Winners after Golf
4:00 - 5:00 EST
Gold Sponsor (includes up to 8 Golfers, 2 H/S)) . . . . .$1,000
Silver Sponsor (includes up to 4 Golfers, 1 H/S)) . . . . . .$500
Hole Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100
Individual Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75
Gold and Silver Sponsors will include special plaque.
After Golf, we will award prizes, announce
winners and serve dinner.
Noble Al Jordan, Tournament Chairman
(904) 962-8790 (cell)
Friday, June 13 Chicken Dinner in Dining Room
$10.00 per person • 6:00 PM til 9:00PM
Saturday, June 14th POTENTATE’S BALL
Dinner, Music, Dancing
• Doors Open 5:45PM
• Dinner at 6:45 PM
Black Tie
Tickets available in
Front Office or at April
Stated Dinner
and Meeting
Parade Attendance
Kudos to
Live Oak
Shrine Club,
for traveling
the furtherest
to attend
the Azalea
Parade in
3801 Forest Dr., Middleburg, FL 32068, c/o Noble Bill Shaw, Treasurer
Cell 904-338-7917 • Home 904-282-4172
Hole Sponsor Form
Sponsor Name__________________________________________ Phone ____________________
Address _______________________________________________ Phone ____________________
City, State, Zip ____________________________________________________________________
Sponsor Type: ____________________________________________ Amount $ ______________
Team Registration Form:
Captain: __________________________________ Phone ______________________
2nd Player: ________________________________ Phone ______________________
3rd Player: ________________________________ Phone ______________________
4th Player: ________________________________ Phone ______________________
Keystone Heights Shrine Club
By signing this, I agree that I will hold the Morocco Shrine MSGA members, Shrine Hospitals and Sponsors harmless
for my actions. 100% of all net proceeds go to support The Shriners Hospitals for Children, a 501 (C) (3) charitable
organization. We are registered in Florida to solicit contributions. The registration is No. SC01125. Further information
may be obtained by calling 1-800-435-7352.
Have You Noticed?
Have you seen the changes going on at Morocco? A complete Spring Cleaning
is happening. Areas formerly cluttered are now cleared, areas dirty are now
clean, things are put away where they belong, so next time they can be found.
One of the more visible changes is the front of the building, the overgrown
landscape is gone, the Sphinx and Silent Messenger are getting a much needed
facelift. All this is because of Mark Gibson our new Operations Manager and
the staff. Next time you call the Shrine office let them know you appreciate all
their hard work. My grandmother would say “it is easier to get things done with
an ounce of sugar than a pound of vinegar.”
Cops are
always a
pleaser at
Sweetheart’s Corner ...
The Shrine Sweethearts was developed to
extend the hand of fellowship and guidance to the
widow of a Noble, specifically to let her know that
she is remembered, not forgotten, and that she belongs
to our Shriner’s Family. Our meetings are held at 10:30
a.m. in the Activity Building on the 3rd Thursday of each
month as we enjoy each other’s company
prior to a luncheon. It is an easier journey when
accompanied by other women who, no matter how different
in other ways, understand each other because of our shared
For more information and / or clarification, please
contact Jessie Booth at 928-8772.
May 2014
Morocco S
Summer Shindigg Presents:
igeon Forge & Smoky Mount
tains Show Trip
Only $
Per P
4 4 9 Per
- ( 5 D A Y / 4NIGHT)
4 N I G H T ) B us
u s Trip
ay 1
9th - M
ay 2
( APPROX. 13)
Bob Curry @ 904
Noble B
1 2186
rocco Shrine
S h r in e
Rd.. S.
0 St. Johns Bluff
ff Rd
acksonville FL 32224
West Jax Easter Party for the Kids.
Starke Shrine Club Official Visit.
West Jax Shrine Club Easter Egg Hunt.
Starke Shrine Club presents First Lady with two
flats of strawberries.
Sales Person NEEDED NOW!
West Jax Easter Party with the Potentate
looking on.
The Moroccan needs advertisers.
We will pay a commissioned sales person
for new ads.
If interested call
Mark Gibson 904-642-5200 ext 11.
May 2014
The ladies from Quiltfest makes a donation of
$3,000 to Illustrious Potentate Painter.
Ruth Saunders, Lose One - Gain One Donation.
Tom Brown, Legion of Honor.
Vicki Poole, Order of the Rainbow Girls.
Daughter of the Nile’s new queen, Mable Colson.
Doodle Bug and his friend Twiggie at the Easter
Queen Mable and her Court.
Report from the
Operations Manager’s Office
The seasons are heating up Nobles
and Ladies. Activities in the building are
really picking up with Prom’s and other
events and activities. Your staff is hard at
work on our initiatives as we previously
reported. You will notice that the area
around the flagpoles is under an
thought in mind, the maintenance TEAM
is hard at work on this project as this
should showcase our building out front.
Our Sphinx’s have become very
weathered, cracking and large chips
breaking off, leaving our statues
compromised of their integrity. I have
applied the special epoxy statue repair
material that has fixed them up nicely,
Re-painting them back to their original
luster will happen soon. We look forward
towards this project, and its completion,
and we hope that you will enjoy the
much needed make-over.
The TEAM and I have gotten
aggressive at bringing our beloved
temple back towards the quality venue
that we all have known to come to love
and enjoy in the past. This is a HUGE
task, as we have so many items on our
punch list to fix. I am still in desperate
need of re-carpeting the business office.
If you have not been in the business
office lately, walk carefully. The carpet
has become stretched, detached from the
floor, and is beyond repair. It is a bit
embarrassing for me to bring in business
clients to the office when we look the
way we do. My plea is to anyone that
could donate carpet and labor to install
and upgrade our office and how it looks.
The temple would be greatly indebted to
your generosity at making us look first
class and professional.
I have partnered with “Visit
Jacksonville,” the premier marketer of
Jacksonville and what it has to offer
visitor’s and guests to the First Coast.
The Temple in now a player in the venue
rental market, through Visit Jacksonville.
Go visit the following website at and
search Morocco Shrine. We have
received five viable rental leads from Visit
Jacksonville already, which is brand new
business to the Shrine.
Our building is undergoing lighting
changes and enhancements, sound
system overhauls, roofing repairs, overall
interior fixing and painting, which we
would value, help from anyone that has
time and talent to donate to your temple
to help “Make Us Shine.”--- Once a
month, we have what is called “Sparkle
Day,” which is where we have done a
walk through and identified items that
need to SPARKLE. The entire staff, from
the office through building maintenance
takes two hours that day to SPARKLE.
We would love for your Sparkle touch to
come join us. WE NEED YOUR
SUPPORT, let’s put this Grand Facility
back on top!
Inclosing, thank you all for the
opportunity to be your operations
manager. I look forward to continuing to
serve you and the Morocco Shrine
Temple, and continuing to meet new
Nobles and your families.
Best Regards
Mark Gibson
Operations Manager, Morocco
Shrine Temple
May 2014
“Lose One - Gain One”
After months of pondering ways to
continue the great works of philanthropy
begun by the late Nobles Mel Saunders
and Greg Wisdom, the combined
families came upon an idea. The best
way to continue their works is to pass the
baton to a new class of Nobles; to pay it
forward in their names. The ‘Lose One
– Gain One’ scholarship fund will help to
keep these men’s works moving forward
in the best tradition of Shriners
Mel Saunders was not just a Shriner;
he was the personification of what a
Shriner should be. He was so passionate
about the organization that there was
nothing he would not try to do to further
the ideals of the Shrine. He had a vision
and high moral code that for the Shrine
that he held himself and his fellow Nobles
to. To him, the Shrine was about service
to those around him, protecting the
image of the Shrine and providing for
the needs of the “kids” all Shriners strive
to help.
The ‘Lose One – Gain One’ fund is a
means to pass both Mel and Greg’s
commitment to the Shrine to the next
generation of Shriners. It is a scholarship
intended to pay the initiation for a new
Shriners specifically chosen for his
dedication and commitment to carry on
for the “Kids.”
With the April 26th Ceremonial three
new Shriners were given Lose One-Gain
One scholarships. Our plan is to make
this an annual event. If you have lost a
Shriner and would like to contribute to
the ‘Lose One-Gain One’ fund, please
contact Ruth Saunders at either 904262-8305 or
You may also contact the Morocco
Shrine Office at 904-642-5200 ext 10.
Quilting Beneficial to Shrine Hospitals
Ellie Gomez and Ladies from Jacksonville
Quilting Guild made a $3,000 donation to
Potentate Brian Painter at our April meeting.
The Quiltfest of Jacksonville has been
making annual contributions from their event
for the past five years.
Thank You Ladies!
Rescheduled from April 19th (due to weather)
to May 10th. For information, contact
Vince Gomez at 904-287-9641.
This is a fundraiser for the Hospital.
Units, Clubs and Association News
Hosted Illustrious Sir and His Party
Abbreviated Update - 1st Quarter 2014
By Ted Barber
By Mike Gondeck
The Starke Shrine Club’s Noble
President, Brian Sutton, introduced
seven past Club Presidents, their ladies
and two Club Sweethearts (Shirley
Thomas and June Thorton). Our
Potentate, Brian Painter, introduced
Frank Cruce Jr., Assistant Rabban,
Comodore Perry, High Priest and
Prophet, and Dorfus Fain Jr., Chief
Photographer and their ladies. The
supper was teriffic especially with the
many covered dishes and desserts.
Following the introductions, Noble
President Brian Sutton announced April
12 and October 18 as the primary dates
for the Club’s Paper Drives that support
the Children’s Shrine Hospitals of North
America. President Sutton then
presented Faith Painter, the Moroccan’s
First Lady with a donation supporting
her project to raise $8,000 to
renovate/replace the Temple’s exit
lights. He also presented the Potentate
and his lady with two flats of freshly
picked strawberries.
Potentate Painter discussed the need
for PCS funds and the Capital Fund
Campaign over the next five years. He
said this major fundraiser justifies the
needed rental monies. This Campaign
for needed repairs brings our Temple up
to standards for the Temple’s roof, fire
system, and stucco work.
Potentate’s trip to Tennessee May 1923. Several seats are still available. Noble
Frank Cruce provided information about
the June 5 Shrine Night at the Ballpark.
Potentate Painter encouraged all to
participate in the popular Steak Nights
at the Temple with May 31 being the
next event. Free Temple RV parking is
now available with live entertainment
during the meals.
Two Potentate Awards were
presented. President Sutton and Noble
Griffith each received the Potentate’s
Special Pins. Potentate Painter advised
that new members should be put to work
as a key to “Strength, Unity and
Purpose.” When a Noble feels they are
a part of the Morocco Family they
produce and they enjoy the “Extended
We Are On A Roll!
We had 55 nobles and ladies at our
April meeting. We honored our Past
Presidents who talked about their year as
Clay’s president.
We do have a chef among our Past
Potentates. Dennis Green provided a
delicious meal of the most delicious pork
chops, potato, green beans and pasta
salad. A special thanks to Dennis, June
and June’s parents for their hard work
and superb menu.
The May meeting will honor Clay
County’s Sweethearts. We will also have
a speaker from Community Hospice.
Everyone is welcome. Just call to make
a reservation....269-1857. Hope to see
you there.
As I missed the last two deadlines,
please allow me to share an abbreviated
update for the 1st quarter of 2014:
My wife and I were invited to the
monthly Beaches Shrine Club meeting
and we joined on the spot. I shared my
experience with the rest of the band, and
I believe a few more band members will
be joining as well. BSC is a club that is
growing instead of shrinking! I can’t wait
to chat with the club officers to learn
their secret to success. Speaking of
Success, the band has been making a
strong showing at the 2014 Morocco
Steak Nights. I believe due to the success
of these events, we may need to start
reserving two tables. Not to mention, the
steaks have been seasoned and cooked
The band continues to host its
monthly Tea Dances. During the
February dance, the band was pleasantly
surprised with a visit from our Potentate,
First Lady, and First Ceremonial Master.
The trio introduced themselves to our
patron guests and listened to their
comments and ideas, and shared
random stories. Lady Faith even got her
husband out on the dance floor. Let me
assure you that the Big Guy can dance.
It’s been quite a while since we had an
official Divan Visit to one of our monthly
dances, and it had quite an impact to the
band’s morale. Our Potentate, along
with Hansford Joiner, and Comadore
Perry have taken an exciting interest in
the band’s transformation and have
shared many ideas how to increase our
band membership and our dance
attendance. All we have to do is
execute. The Potentate also suggested
taking the band to Tampa to tour the
hospital and hopefully play a short
concert while we are there. We are
working out the details for that trip and
more will follow.
We assembled a trombone quartet
and played a music interlude during the
Annual Shrine Memorial Service. We
had a fun time rehearsing and decided
we need to keep this group rehearsing
for other future events. If you would like
four trombones playing the Star
Spangled Banner at your next function,
please let me know.
As our membership drive continues,
it looks as if our band will gain three new
Shriners. Gary Jarrett who is currently a
Morocco Noble has asked to join the
band. Also one of our volunteer
musicians, Bill Thissen, has asked for our
help in becoming a Mason and a
Shriner! In addition, Noble Paul Gearan
has invited a new drummer who also
desires to follow in his father’s footsteps
by becoming a Mason and Shriner. This
is a huge win for the band and I’m
incredibly excited.
As Shrine membership has generally
been on the decline, imagine trying to
find Shriner Candidates who are also
accomplished musicians. It’s not an easy
thing to do. I am trying new and
innovative ways to get new musicians to
(Continued on page 10)
May 2014
Units, Clubs and Association News
Our Club has Been
Very Busy
Things have been busy at YOUR
PCSC with many events happening over
the past couple of months. The first
Saturday of March was the Azalea
Festival Parade and many Shriners from
Morocco made the trip to participate.
After the parade, everyone crossed the
river to attend our Spring Barbeque.
Good food, music and fun was enjoyed
by all who attended. The highlight of the
day was when Palatka’s Mayor, Vernon
Myers presented our Potentate, Brian
Painter, the Key to the City.
Two weeks later, Hastings Lodge held
their Annual Oyster Roast. A good crowd
enjoyed east coast oysters, chowder and
the popular fish sandwich. The back
porch was filled with folks having a great
time on another day of beautiful weather.
We would like to thank several
businesses from the area that support our
club and help us to keep going and to
reach our ultimate goal of Helping Kids.
Thank you Barnes Farms, County Line
Produce, Byrnes Farms, Bulls-Hit Ranch
& Farm and Johnson Towing for your
generous support.
Our general meeting is on the last
Thursday at 7pm, and always remember
to Support Your Blue Lodge.
Here’s An Invitation For You
Potentate’s Visit
By Don Williams
By Russell Raulerson
The month of May is going to be a
very busy month for the Nobles of the St.
Augustine Shrine Club. We will be having
our Big Event of the season “The Spring
Fling” on Saturday Night May 3rd
headed up by Noble Donnie Waldrep.
This is a Great Event and sells out every
year. We will be having Music, Drinks
and plenty of Food all included in the
$100 Per Ticket price (for 2). There will
be a reverse drawing for Mucho $$$$$’s
as well as a couple of 50/50 drawings
that usually have a pay out of about
$1,500. This is a fun event and we want
you there. Contact Donnie Waldrep at
904-315-8366 for information and
ticket availability. All Morocco Shriners
are invited.
We will be holding a Work Party on
May 24th to get a few things repaired
and spruced up. Call Noble Dwight
Wilkes at 904-501-5528 for more
information and to sign up.
May 26th will be the Bubba Braddock
Fish Fry from 11am to 2pm. This event
is always a packed house as the Hand
Baptized by Rain
By Larry Giggey
Did You See My
Personal Hero?
By Don Miller
The April meeting of my good time
buddies was wonderful. Chef Cecil
Kimberly did his thing – steaks, goats’
milk, etc., etc. and a good time was had
by all. Roll call was good with only two
absent, and the table of naughty Spitfires
acted like they were members of the
Secretary/Treasurer Cecil was able to
speed through the business at hand
without distraction and now everyone
knows all they want to know (and more)
about the impending Easter Egg hunt?
Director and Past Potentate Bruce
Oliver reported on the 2014 parades
even though he did not attend? He was
on a cruise with his cousins? The
Fernandina parade was special as the
Spitfires were treated to roasted oysters
and boiled shrimp in the park thanks to
Past Potentates George Ferber and Bill
Sistaire. The event was even more
special when legendary Spitfire Henry
Cook stopped by with friends Jack
Heard and John Bryant. Also, Past
Potentate George Ferber did his thing –
providing ice and setting up the goats’
milk. About the party in the park –
remember – somebody had to do it and
it might as well have been the Spitfires
because we have the experience and we
own red solo cups. Also, if you had a
ruppster you would love parades too!
Right there on the back cover of the
April Moroccan was a full color picture
of my personal hero, Spitfire member
and Past Potentate good ol’ Jerry Smith.
Wow! A ceremonial named after our
guy. Jerry, thanks for all you do for the
Spitfires and the Morocco Shrine. We
are proud that you are a Spitfire (p.s. tell
Anne). How did they get a picture of you
when you were not grinning? Fun, fun,
Our stable is slowly but surely
increasing in numbers. We have gained
three new members since last year, and
we have another to be voted on this
month. We recruit hard and would like
to have as many Nascar go carts on the
road at one time as we can.
Baptized by rain was how we
welcomed our newest owner/driver into
our stable. We attended the Railroad
Day’s Parade in Callahan last month and
this would be the first opportunity to
show off his new go cart and meet some
of the other parade members. As all of
you know, our Potentate is the past
director of the “Wrecking Crew.” It
would only be fitting that he cause
something to happen to welcome a new
parade member. “RAIN”!!
Our newest member is Joseph
Scaglione. His nick name is Scags. I kept
looking back to see how he was doing,
and I don’t think he even knew it was
raining. He started with a big grin on his
face and still had it when we passed in
review. Nice try Illustrious Sir, but we do
not recruit sissies; they all go to the
Wrecking Crew.
We dried off our cars and made
whatever repairs needed and were off to
Crescent City for the Catfish Parade. No
Rain. We had a great time in the parade
and Scags found out how much fun you
can have in a parade and not have to get
wet to do it.
We are looking forward to the Spring
Ceremonial so we can show off our new
room and maybe recruit some new
members. We are a parade unit, and that
is exactly what our first priority is after
we have met the potentate’s request. We
do plan to participate in the “O” coarse
and most likely the 0-500 lb. four wheel
class competitions at the SESA. If you
get a chance to come by and visit us in
the activity room, you will see that we
are not the new kids on the block. We
have a wall full of trophies from past
events, including past SESA events and
intend to add to them this year. This is a
challenge to the rest of the parade units
in Morocco. Come get you some if you
think you can. See you there.
Battered Fish, Creamy Cheese Grits.
Homemade Baked Beans, Off the Farm
Cole Slaw, Plump Hushpuppies and Iced
Tea to say the least – Delicious! For a
low price of only $10.
Johnny and Beanie will return to our
beautiful club house overlooking the
Moultrie Creek Sound on May 30th, to
prepare their Famous and Delicious
Hand Breaded Fried Chicken, Cooked
Cabbage, Homemade Cornbread,
Potato Salad and Desserts with Iced Tea
only $10 -- eat in or take out. Also
Johnny and Beanie will be back for the
same great meal on June 27.
We would like to Invite all Moroccan
Shriners to come join our club and enjoy
our many festivities. Our Club is
“Success is not final, failure is not
fatal: it is the courage to continue that
counts.” Winston Churchill
Band – (Continued from page 9)
join the band, along with the
requirement of becoming a Shriner. One
of the ideas I had was put an ad in the
musician section of Craig’s List. This
posting has actually generated five new
leads of musicians who have expressed
interest in becoming a Shriner. I can’t
begin to tell how excited this makes me.
On another note: I was recently
asked by one of our volunteer guest
musicians “When is the band going to
get support from the rest of the Shrine?
We rarely see any Shriners at our
dances.” I thought about my response
carefully and said “Just as soon as the
Band starts to support the rest of the
Shrine.” With that statement, I
challenged myself, and the rest of the
band to become better Shriners. I’ve
been a Shriner for 11 years now.
During those 11 years I have been going
to band practice on Monday nights, and
playing at our monthly Tea Dances. I
hate to say it, but I got sucked into my
unit. Never did I put my periscope up
and take a look around at the other
units, clubs, or organizations. I’m fixing
this. I’m proud to say that my wife and
I are getting involved in Morocco, and
not just with the Band. I believe that the
best leaders, lead by example.
Nobles, I challenge each of you to do
the same thing. Raise your periscope
and try something new. Try taking your
Lady to one of our m-onthly Tea
Dances. I’ll bet you will enjoy the time
you’ve spent.
In the past, I believe that our band
has existed in a silo. Under new
We had our Official Visit from the
Potentate on April 12. We had a small
group but a good time was had by all.
We had a great dinner of Roast Beef and
Shrimp with all the trimmings.
After Dinner the Potentate was
reintroduced and he introduced the
remainder of the Divan. Afterward the
Potentate was presented a check for
$600 for the Cripple Children’s
Hospital, $200 for the Transportation
Fund, $100 for the Crippled Children’s
Fund in Memory of Noble Roger
Skelton, our past President and Chief
Keystone Kop, who had passed away.
We also presented Illustrious Sir Brain
Painter with a lifetime Membership in the
Keystone Heights Shrine Club and we
also gave him a set of pens that where
made by two of our Nobles. They where
made from an oak tree that we had taken
down at the Shrine Club. Nobles Gene
Jenkins and Richard Geraci made the
pens. We presented Lady Faith Painter
with a check for $100 for her project
along with a pen that was made by the
same Nobles. The Divan members
present where also given pens.
Our past President Noble Gene
Jenkins won our 50/50 drawing and
donated his winnings to the First Ladies
project. Illustrious Sir Brian Painter
presented his massage and the meeting
was closed.
By the time this comes out we would
have been to the Beaches parade. This
is always a good time for everyone. We
have lunch at Sneakers, go to the
parade, enjoy the scenery, and just have
a great time. As always you’re invited to
join us anytime at our meetings.
leadership, we are working very hard to
tear down the walls and change some of
your perceptions. I’ve shared many
examples of activity that may not be
directly related to the band. I want you
all to be fully aware that the band is
making a transformation.
transformation that is focused on
cooperation, and support of our temple
and our kids, in addition to “Strength –
Shriners Legacy Program
Keep the tradition alive
Shriners International will continue to
grow as the tradition is passed from one
generation to the next.
The Shriners Legacy program is a way
to show your pride in being a Shriner and
to celebrate your part in the special
brotherhood that comes from membership.
To help promote this program, any
Shriners legacy created after October 17,
2011 is eligible to receive a free pin for
himself and up to two of his Shrine
Legacies. And, to recognize those nobles
who are Shriners legacies prior to October 17, 2011, we thank you for continuing
the tradition and encourage you to become part of our Shriners legacy program. You
can order a legacy pin and certificate for you and your legacies for a contribution* of
$5.00 or more for each pin.
Morocco’s Business Directory
Local business owner/operated
or employing Shriners
4 lines of text $10.00 per month
with 6 month commitment.
Big Blind Man Blinds/Window Treatments
Brian Painter
C 904-305-9520
Have you ever wondered is there a Shriner I could call to
repair .... or to replace .... need yard care, new roof,
windows, refrigeration .... or whatever. This is where you
should be advertising your services / business.
Contact: or call 904-262-8305
We cannot accept Travel Agencies or Insurance Ads
due to Postal Regulations.
Get on Your Dancin’ Boots
We’re Having’ An Old Timey
Morocco Activities Building
Saturday, July 19th • 7:00 PM
Upcoming Events
May 2014
May 10 is Steak Night.
May 14 is Stated Session. Call Morocco by Friday before to make dinner
May 31 is another Steak Night. Two wonderful dining opportunities.
June 5 is Shrine Night at the Ballpark.
June 7-8 is the Jacksonville Gun Show at Morocco. Wear your Fez to
show your support.
June 11 Stated Session. Make your dinner reservations Friday prior.
June 13&14 – Potentate’s Ball with special room rates at the Hampton
Inn at Baymeadows for $69.00. Buy tickets from Morocco before
May 21 for special pricing.
June 21 – Motorcycle Escort Motorcycle Drawing
June 25 Happy 126th Birthday Morocco Shrine
July 4 - Keystone Heights Shrine Club Parade
July 6-10 – Keep up with 2014 Imperial Session Updates on Social
Media. Imperial Session 2014 is now on Facebook and Twitter.
Please add to your social circles!
July 26 Steak Night
August 2&3 - Jacksonville Gun Show at Morocco. Wear your Fez to
show your support.
August 8 the SESA parade will be in Jacksonville.
August 19-24 - Morocco Shrine Circus is back.
September 5-6 is the Fall Ceremonial Honoring Past Potentate Jerry Smith.
September 10 Stated Session. Make your dinner reservations Friday prior.
September 13-14 Arts & Crafts
September 20 Steak Night
October 4 - Hahira Festival
October 8 Stated Session. Make your dinner reservations Friday prior.
October 18 Steak Night
October 25 is the fall Hospital Paper Drive
November 2 Chowder Debate in St. Augustine
November 11 - Veterans’ Day Parade
November 12 - Morocco Awards Night. Start collecting and tracking points to
be submitted in September.
November 22 – 23 Arts & Crafts
December 6 - Callahan and Macclenny parades
December 10 Election Night
December 11 Christmas Bonanza
December 13 - Keystone Shrine Club Christmas Parade
Many more events can be found in each and every issue of the printed
Moroccan coming to a mailbox near you or view it online at
Bring: Finger Foods, BYOB, Friends
Benefits the
Building Fund
Music by Frank and
Franklin Ritchey
SESA 2014 • Jacksonville
• Morocco will host The South East Shrine Association Convention August
6th - 10th and we need your assistance.
• We know the competitions will be great within the units but also a great
parade really is what makes us shine to the public. We would like for this to be
a civic parade and we need your help. If your child or grandchild is involved in
any dance club, band, scout group, etc. we would like to invite them to parade
with us.
• For more details or to sign up please contact Illustrious Sir Gary Thigpen
Illustrious Sir
James H. “Jim” Raines
and Lady Ann
• Family-Owned and Operated
• Cremations
• Prearranged Plans
• Monuments and Headstones
• National Cemetery Service
Jack Moye
Founder / Owner
Post your golf stories with no cost or obligation.
dedicated to helping
Shriners Hospitals for Children®
3800 St. Johns Bluff Rd., S.
Jacksonville, FL 32224-2620
Jacksonville, FL
Permit No. 236
Saturday, May 10th
6:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 31st
6:00 p.m.
Steaks prepared to your order, baked potatoes, vegetable, salad bar, dessert
and tea – ALL for only $10 Per Person. Children $5 Chicken Dinner
Reservations are a MUST by Monday, May 5th and Monday, May 26th -- we do
not want to run out of anything for your dinner.
Florida Shrine
Association Meetings
Make Your
Reservations for
Steak Night
on the 10th
Divan Meeting
Potentate’s Trip
Grand Lodge
Grand Lodge
Pilgrimage Meeting
Stated Session
Potentate’s Trip
Potentate’s Trip
Potentate’s Trip
Grand Lodge
Grand Lodge
DATE MAILED: 4-30-14
Florida Shrine
Association Meetings
Florida Shrine
Association Meetings
Make Your
Reservations for
Stated Session
Steak Night
6:00 p.m.
Paper Sale
Mahi Potentate’s Ball
Potentate’s Trip
Fleming Island
Steak Night
(D / L)
Shrine Night at
the Ballpark
Divan Meeting
Stated Dinner
(Legacy Night)
Imperial Rep. Meeting
Potentate’s Personal
Potentate’s Ball
Potentate’s Ball
Beaches Shrine Club
Official Visit
Motorcycle Escort
Motorcycle Drawing
Morocco Temple’s
126th Birthday

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