November 19, 2015 - First Baptist Church


November 19, 2015 - First Baptist Church
A word from the Pastor…
From our scripture this past Sunday morning, we received a general report of how Paul prayed. Paul did not ramble or seek to impress his audience with aimless expressions of meaningless fluff and filler. Paul prayed
for the right things with the right motives. Paul’s prayers for believers
were for their spiritual growth. Paul, Silas and Timothy prayed for their
worthiness, their walk and their witness. Paul did not pray for the Thessalonians to receive financial gain or a jump in social status; he simply
prayed for them to be found worthy of honoring the name of Jesus. May
we follow this example and pray the right way—fervently. May we pray
for the right things—for the will of God to be accomplished in our lives.
And, may we pray for the right reason—that the name of Jesus will be
magnified and glorified in and through us forever and ever…Amen.
The service this past Sunday evening blessed my heart. We lifted our
voices in praise to God and listened to several testimonies of how God is
moving and working in the lives of His people. May we take the time to
lift our prayers of praise to the Lord this week and truly seek to glorify
His holy name.
Remember the schedule for this Sunday:
Sunday School – 9:30
Combined Worship Service in Sanctuary – 10:30
Lunch in New Facility – 11:30
Dedication Service – 12:30 (ish)
I hope you have made plans to be here for this special Sunday. We are
dedicating the new facility; but more than that, we are committing ourselves to growing in the knowledge of who God is and what it is He
wants us to do. Then we are accepting the commission to go out and tell
others the good new that Jesus alone saves.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we Grow to GO in Jesus’
Flowers in the Sanctuary Sunday, November 22, are given in loving
memory of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Moseley
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farmer, Sr.
by John and Dale Moseley
Senior Adult Trip
Holiday Fair
Friday, December 4
We will leave at 8:30 a.m.
Sign up in the church office.
Operation Christmas Child
Item of the Month:
Money to ship boxes
It costs $7 per box. Designate to
WMU on your offering envelope.
Sunday, November 22
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
11:30 a.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. Dedication Service
12:45 p.m. Children’s Choir Practice
Monday, November 23
9:00 a.m. Staff Meeting
Ladies of the Church
Please join us for a
Bridal Shower
Shelby Lambert
Bride-elect of Josh Ivester
Sunday, November 22
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 25
No Church Activities
Thursday, November 26
Thanksgiving—Church Office Closed
Friday, November 27
Church Office Closed
We express Christian sympathy to
Ruth McStay in the death of her
son, John McStay III.
If you are interested in going to
Praise Fest next year, please see
George Hosea, Diane LeCroy, or
sign up in the church office. Deadline to sign up is this Sunday, November 22.
First Baptist Church
Fellowship Hall
Attention: Nursery Workers
Christmas Poinsettias
services please remember we
Deadline to order—December 6
We are again accepting orders for poinsettias to be placed in the sanctuary on Sunday,
December 13. If you would like to purchase
one in honor or in memory of a loved one,
please fill in the form below and return to
Marilyn or Sheena so it can be properly
recorded. We cannot be responsible for
names not turned in on the designated form.
Names will be listed in the order of service
on December 13. You may pick up the poinsettias on Sunday, December 20, after the
morning worship service. The cost is
$15.00, including tax; please pay when you
place your order.
Number ordered____________
In memory of
In honor of
Given by
We appreciate your help in decorating the
All nursery workers for both
need you to be in your classroom at 10:15 a.m. to work.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful week, and I want to start off by
saying congratulations to our competition cheerleaders. This year they
have won region and had the best finish in school history, 5 th in the
state! We have also had a very exciting week at church. This past
Wednesday, we were able to have our first Wednesday night Joy Explosion in the new facility. What a wonderful tool we have been given to
reach out to our peers, and may we use it to bring God honor and glory! You will see below several events coming up and be sure to notice
our first Friday Night Church in the new facility on December 4th. I hope
everyone has a wonderful week, and I hope to see you all soon!
Youth Upcoming Events
Every Wednesday – Joy Explosion (6:30-7:30)
Every Sunday –Youth Choir (5:00) and Fusion (6:30)
December 4 – Friday Night Church (6:00-9:00)
December 11 – Youth serve for the A-3 Sunday School party
December 18 – Youth Christmas Party
Thanksgiving Schedule
Wednesday, November 25 - No Activities
Thursday, November 26 - Church Office Closed
Friday, November 27 - Church Office Closed
Our service will be combined
10:30 a.m. Thank you!
To Annette Woodall in the birth of a
great-granddaughter Alma Hope.
Parents are Joey and Theresa
Nursery Workers
November 22
Kim Caudell
Cheri Clary
November 22
Kim Kiser
Betsy Moore
Stephen Caudell
Madeline Kiser
Rod Moore
“ReJOYce” in the Lord always! And
again I say rejoice! Always remember your J O Y, in life and in prayer.
J - Jesus
O - Others
Y - You
Thank you to all of our wonderful children who helped us to learn this
lesson from 2nd Thessalonians on Sunday morning. Thank you also to
everyone who participated in our Triple “P” Party. We were very proud
of you, as you truly thought of others first, when you made your cards for
the Clary Center residents. Get ready to get your elf on! We will be decorating our First Light Christmas Tree on December 1st! We hope that
each and every one of you will enjoy your Thanksgiving break. Take
time to thank the Lord and your Loved Ones, for all of your blessings. And eat lots of yummy Thanksgiving food too! Gobble, Gobble,
Thank you for being OUR blessings! We love you,
Mr. Robbie and Mrs. Michelle
This coming Sunday we will be dedicating our new multi-purpose
facility to the Lord. It will be a day of celebration for sure. God has
brought all the pieces together. Before construction began and all the
individual parts and pieces were scattered around what used to be a
parking lot, it was difficult to imagine what the finished structure
would be like. But look at it now---a beautiful, well-designed, wellbuilt building to be used for His glory. Our life in Jesus Christ follows the same blueprint. Things happen. Circumstances change or
don’t change. Our lives shift and adapt. All the while, we’re never
quite sure how it all fits together. Be confident and courageous. Jesus is the Master Builder of our lives. He knows how to take all the
oddly shaped parts and fit them together to make a glorious house for
His honor and glory. Jesus, use us to be Y our light on a hill to reach
Toccoa and the ends of the earth.
~ Chris
Periodical postage paid at Toccoa, GA 30577
Music Ministry
“A Link Between Church and Home”
Vol. 31 - No. 46
November 19, 2015
Sunday Worship Opportunities
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship - Sanctuary
This Sunday’s Music
We Cry Out Your Name
by Walker Beach
We will rehearse this Sunday, November 22, right after the joint
service and lunch. We will also continue to rehearse on Sunday evenings at 5:30 p.m. Our musical program will be December 6. Please
make plans to be here!
Mission Opportunity
We are continuing to emphasize the receipt of designated offerings through Sunday, December 5, to help the Full Gospel Church
of God in Patulul, Guatemala, meet the pressing needs of their
children and youth. This congregation is very special to First
Baptist Chuch because it is where the family of Ruben Lopez worships. As you probably recall, Ruben was the young man who
died last February in an accident that happened while he was
working on our new facility.
Listen for details about this opportunity during announcement
time in worship this Sunday. Additionally, you may want to talk
with Jonathan Webb, (706) 886-7712, who is leading our response. Jonathan will be happy to answer questions and provide
more background concerning this ministry.
THE LINK (USPS 669430) is published weekly by
First Baptist Church, Toccoa, GA—706-886-6822
Postmaster: Send address changes to First Baptist Church,
475 E. Tugalo Street, Toccoa, GA 30577-2131
Children’s Choir
November 15, 2015
Budget Requirements Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,211.54
Budget Receipts November 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,792.59
Month-to-Date Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,634.62
Month-to-Date Received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,465.19
Sunday School Attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 271
Contact John Wheeler at 706-939-1614
David Ritcey
Associate Pastor/Youth Pastor
Brett Sanders
Minister of Music
Chris Watkins
Children’s Director
Michelle Loudermilk
Our Church Website
New Building Dedication
This Sunday, November 22
Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. ~ Combined Service at 10:30 a.m.
Lunch will follow service then our New Building Dedication