
A Publication of Hermitage United Methodist Church
Mission of the Church: “To glorify God and make disciples of Jesus Christ”
Meet Your New
Church Secretary
~ Teresa Baker ~
Teresa began
working at HUMC on
Monday, October
22nd. Prior to
joining the staff of
HUMC, she worked
at St. Thomas
Health Services for
the past 13 years.
She worked in several different departments
during that time - Human Resources, Case
Management and the Corporate Office.
Pastor Allen said, “We’re very excited about
Teresa’s move from the healthcare environment
to our church environment. I am encouraged
and excited about our working together - she’s
already making a difference.”
She is a native Tennessean, and was raised in
Kingsport where her family still lives. Teresa is
the oldest and has two younger brothers. She
attended Sullivan North High School and then
went to CSI Learning Institute where she
studied real estate.
Teresa and her husband, Scott, have been
married for 15 years. He works with Emdeon,
and was recently promoted to Chief Operating
Officer - Revenue Cycle. They met while he
was manager at our local Applebees and she
was the assistant manager. It was on Teresa’s
birthday that Scott asked her to marry him, but
not before he tormented her with her “birthday”
gift. They had a lovely dinner at Opryland, but
several times throughout the night he handed
her the same empty box. Once they had
returned home, he handed her the “empty” box
once again. She was ready to throw it out,
when he said, “You really don’t want to do that.”
Once she opened the box - AGAIN - it had an
engagement ring in it. He then proposed on
bended knee.
The Baker Family has been HUMC members
since 2008, but attended for several years
before officially joining. Teresa serves on the
Children’s Ministries Team, teaches third grade
Sunday school and leads Children’s Church.
She has two sons - Blake (26) and Chandler
(11). Her mother-in-law, Brenda Dillon (an
HUMC member) has lived with them for the past
five years.
Teresa enjoys walking, reading, going to the
movies, but her favorite pastime is spending
time with her family. As you can imagine, her
most time consuming “hobby” is serving as
Chandler’s Chauffeur! He is a very active 11
year old. He is very involved in the Boy Scouts,
is an acolyte, participates in the SPARC Choir
and the Chimes Choir. He also plays baseball
and basketball.
Teresa is an advocate for the Juvenile Diabetes
Foundation. She serves as a Family Teams
Committee Member and is the Committee Chair
for the Wilson County Diabetes Support Group.
“My first two weeks at HUMC have been
wonderful. We have a great team. I’m very
blessed to be working with a great group of
people. I have two requests: 1) Please be
patient with me as I begin to put names and
faces together; and 2) All prayers are
appreciated! I’m really looking forward to
serving our church.”
Please be in prayer for the
many people that have been
affected by the storm,
Sandy. Many lives have been lost and uprooted
due to this storm. The United Methodist
Committee on Relief (UMCOR) will be aiding those
in need. If you would like to make a donation to
UMCOR, please make your check payable to HUMC
and note “UMCOR - Sandy” on the memo line.
November 9, 2012 Edition
HUMC recently sent a mission team to
Swanquarter, NC. Here are a few comments
from two of the twelve team members:
This mission trip is something that I will forever have
etched in my heart! I truly felt the Lord’s presence in
our daily work toward helping others return back to
their homes. I kept thinking that it had been a year
since the storm. How you have to keep moving ahead
one day at a time!! Hope and pray they will be able to
return to their homes very soon!! I am so thankful and
grateful to have been a part of this team.
Christie Hollaway
This was my first time to participate in a
mission trip, and I can tell you it was AMAZING! Our
group blended to make a TEAM that did astonishing
things together. Most individuals had no major skills
and didn't know what abilities we could contribute to
the task at hand, but we were all there to do God's
work for those in need. Amazingly we all pitched in
and became a machine that worked well together and
accomplished more than we thought possible.
We were assigned to work on a house that
was on stilts that was ten feet off the ground. It
needed not only a full roof replaced, but also
enclosures on two sides, eight windows, and three
doors installed, as well as being wrapped in plastic
totally. This is the one job that we were most proud of
and we were able to complete this project in just a little
over 2 1/2 days. Our team was made up of four
women, and eight men, and I can tell you everyone did
a terrific job doing their part and no one ever
questioned the tasks at hand. We got it all done
before the bad weather came ashore.
I am so proud of our TEAM, and they are all to
be commended for their hard work and dedication.
They all represented Hermitage United Methodist
Church in a very honorable way. I can tell you the
people there were very impressed and appreciated all
that we accomplished. The stories we heard from the
victims will live with us forever. One lady whose house
we were working on actually lived in her attic with her
small daughter for three days after the storm because
she had nowhere to go. It is unimaginable to
comprehend what these people lived through until they
were aided by the Methodist Organization. I am
honored to have had the opportunity to work with the
amazing people on our team. May God bless all the
people in Swanquarter, and all the people who made
up our Amazing Team!! God was such a presence in
our work and in our hearts - that we just let him take
charge and did his will.
God Is Good,
Phil Peeler
A Message from the HUMC
Congregational Care Health Ministry:
While you're at the UMW Fall Fest on
November 10, please be sure to stop in
at the Wellness Fair in Room 108.
We'll be offering free blood pressure checks,
nutritious snacks and recipes, and information
on a variety of health topics.
Breakfast with Santa
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Belinda Drive Campus
Guess who’s coming to breakfast on Saturday,
December 1 at Hermitage United Methodist
Church? You guessed it…..Santa is coming! You
don’t want to miss this fun morning to enjoy a
pancake breakfast, visit with Santa and Mrs.
Claus, have your picture made with Santa, make
a Christmas craft, mission project to give away,
and enjoy a great story time! All proceeds from
this event will be used for a new playground!
That’s exciting!
Tickets are available in the front church office
and in the HUM School office. They are $20.00
per family.
Children's Christmas Musicals
Sunday, December 16
HUMC Sanctuary at 5:00pm
A time of food and fellowship after
the presentations.
Save the don't want to
miss this evening of sharing!
Collecting New & Gently Used
Children & Youth Books
The Esther UMW Circle is collecting new and
gently used children and youth books. These
books will be distributed to the 61st Avenue
UMC’s “Last Minute Toy Store” and to the
Crossfire Student Ministries to take to Marks,
Mississippi when they visit in December. There
are pink bins located at both facilities.
Stephen Ministry Information Sessions
Record of Faithfulness
“I will be loyal to the United Methodist
Church and uphold it with my prayers, my
presence, my gifts, my service and my
In Our Prayers
Debbie Matheson and family, on the
death of her father, Ershel Bostic
 Ben Stacey and family, on the death
of his father, Hugh Stacey
 The families of Rosemary Spence
and Judy Morrow, on the death of
Bill Portz
Our Gifts: 10/28/12
Budget ......................................... $ 24,192.51
Debt Elimination.................................1,060.00
Other Gifts...........................................1,267.00
Total .............................................. $ 26,519.51
Our Gifts: 11/04/12
Budget ......................................... $ 35,668.57
Debt Elimination.................................3,115.00
Other Gifts...........................................1,356.00
Total .............................................. $ 35,668.57
Our Presence:
8:15am ................................ 263................318
9:45am ...................................98................115
10:45am............................... 102................109
11:00am............................... 204................151
Total ..................................... 667................693
The Love & Justice Team
would like to send a BIG
"thank you!" for the donations
of ALL SIZES of underwear to
go to Community Care
Fellowship and Room In The
Inn. This is enough to meet
the needs of CCF for a whole
year, and for all of our RITI
guests for this winter!
Do you play Trombone,
Tenor Sax, or Baritone Sax?
If so, WE NEED YOU for the
December 9 concert!
Contact Terri at to be a part
of this wonderful concert.
Are you interested in learning more about becoming a
Stephen Minister? If so, please come to one of the
informational classes listed below. You may also contact
Tammy Ramsey, Stephen Leader, at 773-7847 for more
Campus Location
Meeting Room
November 11
11:00 a.m.
Andrew Jackson
November 11
12:15 p.m.
Belinda Drive
November 13
6:00 p.m.
Belinda Drive
November 18
11:00 a.m.
Andrew Jackson
Sunday, November 18
The Love & Justice Team is proud to announce that we will
be hosting a food drive to stock the HUMC Food Pantry!
Please bring any non-perishable food items and place
them behind your car when you arrive for church on
Sunday, November 18! A group of volunteers will pick up
the food during all three services! No glass containers,
and please check to make sure that nothing has expired.
Saltine Crackers
Canned Fruit
Breakfast Cereal
Canned Meat
Peanut Butter
Stuffing Mix
The Ballinger Sunday School Class routinely brings
in items for the HUMC Food Pantry on the first
Sunday of each month. They challenged several
other classes to bring in food for the pantry, and
here are the results that were calculated on
November 4:
Anti-Can’t - 409 Items
Journeys - 255 Items
Ballinger - 296 Items
Agape - 144 Items
Many thanks to all of the above classes for your
sweet spirit of generosity! You are making a
difference in the lives of many people!!!
Nov. 10
Nov. 18
Dec. 1
Dec. 2
Dec. 16
UMW Fall Festival
Drive-by Food Drop
Breakfast with Santa
Blue Christmas
Children’s Christmas Musicals
Here are some pics from the golf tournament. Many thanks to the wonderful staff at the
Hermitage Golf Course for ALL of your support!
Many thanks to everyone that came out to
support the HUMC Golf Tournament!
We raised $1,270 that will go toward
Youth Missions!
Pictured above is the winning team comprised
of (l-r) Pastor Allen Black, Jim Holeman, Jim
Vernon and Clay Harkleroad.