March 2014 - Hilton United Methodist Church


March 2014 - Hilton United Methodist Church
March 2014
“No one who puts hand to the plow and looks
back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
Luke 9:62
Pastor’s Corner
This past month we have been studying Mark Batterson’s book All In. I hope that
you were either able to take part in a study group, conversation, or worship service
where the idea of following Jesus and not asking Jesus to follow you took root and
started to sprout. It is a difficult and challenging concept to wrap our brains and
hearts around.
I like to be in control. I am not a risk taker and I do not like to fail. I am usually “in
it” for the sure thing. These feelings were probably never more apparent in my life
than when Troy and I got engaged. During our engagement, I read all kinds of books
on marriage, talked to people who had been married and divorced and fretted over
the success or failure of our relationship. I wanted a “sure thing” and be able to
predict what might happen. As you may know this was not at all possible to do.
Entering into any relationship is risky business. There is always the potential of
unhealthy interactions, hurt, celebrations, and joys beyond our wildest dreams.
After fourteen years, I celebrate that Troy and I work hard (as anyone who has been
married would attest to) at staying married and loving one another “through it all.”
We do not take for granted that marriage is a “sure thing.” It still is risky business.
The same theories and practices come into play as we nurture our relationship with
Jesus Christ. There is communication that must take place between you and God.
There are risks that we are called to take for Jesus. Sometimes those risks are things
that we would never dream of doing on our own. Sometimes those risks call us to
truly step out in faith not having complete knowledge of the end point. The ministry
we set forth to do is never a “sure thing.” God does not call the equipped, God equips
the called.
Mark Batterson says the following: “If we wait till we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the
rest of our lives. We’ll never have the human resources or financial resources to do
what God has called us to do. And if we do, our dream is too small.” During the
months of March and April our congregation will be undertaking a call to intentional
prayer and discernment of how God is calling us to continue “Making Disciples for
Jesus Christ.”
The weekend of March 7-9th our congregation will be taking part in a Consultation
Process. A consultant team will be coming to HUMC to listen to our staff and YOU
about the needs of the community of Hilton and providing us with feedback to help
make us a healthier and more vibrant congregation. Please plan on attending the
focus group on Friday March 7th from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. and the learning session on
Saturday March 8th 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
We are the only church in the Genesee Valley District selected for this process
because of our current health and current willingness to reach out to our
community. We were selected because the Conference and District acknowledge that
we are doing good things in the name of Jesus Christ and sees within us a potential
to move forward in faith.
Immediately following worship on March 9th, the Consultant team will present their
report. I pray you will make a point to attend. This report will consist of the
1) 5 Strengths of our congregation
2) 5 Weaknesses of our congregation
3) 5 Recommendations to correspond with our weaknesses, with dates in order
to accomplish the task.
After the report is given, we will host 3 Town Hall type meetings in order to question,
pray, and discern our response to the report. These meetings will take place:
Sunday March 16th immediately following worship
Friday March 28th During the Lenten Dinner 6 p.m.
Sunday March 30th immediately following worship
We will then have a Church Conference on Sunday April 27th in order to take a paper
ballot, yes or no, vote on whether or not to accept the recommendations from the
Consultant Team.
I urge you to continue to be in prayer for this process and to participate in as many
Consultation events as you are able. I truly believe that God is calling us to great
things through this process and the ministry of all of us together. Won’t you take a
risk of faith with me?
See you in Worship,
Pastor Jennifer
Love Fund Need
Our “Love Fund” is in urgent need of replenishment. The “Love Fund” is a fund
managed and administered by the church Treasurer on behalf of the Pastor to
provide urgent financial assistance to members of the church or community as she
sees fit.
To donate additional giving to the Love Fund, please simply mark “Love Fund”
on your envelope or memo line of your check.
Thank you,
Ed Earnhart, Chairman – Finance/Stewardship
Wednesday March 5, 2014 ~ 7:00 p.m.
Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or the start of the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to
Easter (Sundays are not included in the count).
Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance,
moderation and spiritual discipline. During our Ash Wednesday service, the minister will lightly rub the
sign of the cross with ashes onto the foreheads of worshipers. Our Ash Wednesday service also includes
The Bible does not mention Ash Wednesday or the custom of Lent, however, the practice of repentance
and mourning in ashes is found in 2 Samuel 13:19; Esther 4:1; Job 2:8; Daniel 9:3; and Matthew 11:21.
The 40 days of Lent are symbolic of Jesus’ time in the wilderness before he began his ministry. During
that time, he was tempted; but he stayed true to God.
Please consider beginning your Lenten Discipline with the Ash Wednesday Service. Children are
always welcome and expected to attend this service.
Lenten Tithe Challenge
Historically, during Lent the Christian church has recognized Lent as a time to deliberately bring oneself
closer to God. Individuals and groups engage in Bible study, in mission and service, and in fasting to
prepare themselves for Easter.
The HUMC Finance Team is challenging those who do not already tithe (give 10%) to do so during this
Lenten season. This tithe can be given to the church budget or to a special mission or designation of
your choice. Tithing requires an element of sacrifice. This would be a 6 week sacrifice of the luxuries
that many of us take for granted.
Pastor Jennifer and Troy have been tithing since the beginning of the year and have seen God work in
amazing ways through their faithfulness in the Tithe. Instead of giving up chocolate or “Sweets” for
Lent, we challenge you to “take on” the spiritual discipline of the tithe. This is a challenge between you
and God and no one else. If you have any questions or want to discuss the possibility of the tithe and
what it might mean for you, please feel free to contact Pastor Jennifer, Dennis Sneddon (treasurer), or
Ed Earnhart (Finance Chair).
Wednesday Afternoon Lenten Luncheons
Noon – 1:00 p.m.
Hilton UMC Fellowship Hall
A simple meal of soup and sandwich with a Lenten meditation
Wednesday March 12th Rev. Jennifer Green, HUMC
Wednesday March 19th Rev. Myke Merrill, Parma Christian Fellowship
Wednesday March 26th Ms. Cheryl Kimball; Life Quest Community Church
Wednesday April 2nd
Rev. Paul Frolick; St. George’s Episcopal
Wednesday April 9th
Rev. Kurt Traugott; Parma Greece UCC
Consultation Events
Thursday March 6th
24 hour Prayer vigil for Consultation Weekend
Friday March 7th
Friday March 7th
7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Focus Group; All invited
Saturday March 8th
9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Administrative Council meets with
Assigned interviews
Consultant Team
Saturday March 8th
10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Learning Session
Sunday March 9th
11:00 a.m. Worship with Consultant Preaching
Recommendations presented to the congregation
immediately following worship
Sunday March 16th
Town Hall Meeting; immediately following worship
Friday March 28th
Town Hall Meeting; following Lenten Supper 6:00 p.m.
Sunday March 30th
Town Hall Meeting; following worship
Thank you!
The people of the Emmanuel United Methodist Church want to thank you for the
financial support that you helped provide them last year. They were able to
purchase and install two new furnaces.
May God Bless you!
One Great Hour of Sharing - March 30
Our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing underwrite UMCOR's costs of doing business
which is helping the world's most vulnerable people. The designated gifts are not
used to cover administrative expenses. Our gifts will go directly to helping people that
need assistance after a catastrophe of any kind anywhere in the world. Our
congregation is joined by other United Methodists by participating in this special
offering to support humanitarian aid through UMCOR.
One Great Hour of Sharing
Hilton United Methodist Church
The compassion of Jesus makes all things new. As Christians we're called to do the
same: to offer the hands, the heart and the hope of the church wherever people are
suffering. Our gifts to the One Great Hour of Sharing, channeled through UMCOR,
enable the church to answer that call.
What is One Great Hour of Sharing?
A nationwide offering in the United Methodist Church, usually held in March.
Where do the gifts go?
Our gifts support UMCOR.
What is UMCOR?
UMCOR stands for United Methodist Committee on Relief. They are the worldwide mission organization
of the United Methodist Church.
What will UMCOR do with our gift to One Great Hour of Sharing?
Gifts to this offering underwrite UMCOR's "costs of doing business." That helps UMCOR keep its
promise that 100 percent of every other gift we make to specific UMCOR projects can be spent on that project,
not on home office costs. Our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing lay the foundation for UMCOR to seek justice
and mercy for suffering people everywhere. Offering gifts over and above those used to cover administrative costs
are channeled where they're most needed. UMCOR's specialized ministries responding in disaster, fighting
hunger, alleviating poverty, providing relief supplies around the world, and offering hospitality to immigrants and
refugees all assist the most vulnerable people whose need is greatest.
How can I give to One Great Hour of Sharing?
Offering envelopes will be available in the pews during worship on Sunday, March 30th or you can use
any envelope and mark your check on the memo line, “One Great Hour of Sharing”
Christian of Hilton United Methodist Seniors
Next luncheon meeting is Monday, March 17th at 12:00 noon
This month’s program features Dick Witkowski speaking on digital imaging (taking pictures). You are
encouraged to bring some prints of your digital photography for him to give you advice on. Also bring
your camera, phone, tablet… whatever you take pictures with to get some tips.
If you have any questions please contact Sparky Hess at 392-8912 or Paul Kron at 392-3358
Technology Update
As you who have attended Worship during the past month have noticed, the Sound Booth is
done! Norm Fuller constructed the booth and ran all the necessary cabling and power. Now, all of the
sound system is on its own electrical circuit and the existing cabling has been cleaned up – the old,
abandoned cables were either trimmed back or removed, and most if not all of the background hum
has been eliminated! This portion (phase 1) has been paid for with funds from the Remembrance
The ad-hoc team met early in February to discuss some strategies to leverage multi-media and
other technologies in our worship experience. Many thanks to the 15 or so people who attended or
were represented at that meeting. We discussed the use of flat-screen TVs in place of the drop-down
screen that is currently used. The plan is to install a pair of 60-inch TVs on the diagonal walls at either
side of the cross, with a 40-inch TV mounted on the front of the balcony so the Pastor or presenter can
see what’s being projected while speaking to the congregation. We took a ‘field trip’ into the
Sanctuary, armed with a couple of mock-ups – cardboard models cut to the size of the TVs and tested
various placements, and concluded that these placements are most appropriate, least obtrusive
locations. A suggestion was also made to replace the large TV in the Multi-Purpose room with a wallmounted flat panel, mounted on a swing-out bracket. The TVs will be used for:
Displaying announcements prior to the start of the Worship service
Video sermon illustrations – movie clips, YouTube videos, etc.
Displaying hymn lyrics – in addition to, not as a replacement for, hymnals
Displaying scripture readings, unison prayers, etc., which are printed in the Bulletin.
I am sure there are many more uses that we have not thought about. Do you have ideas?
NOTE: The intent is to use the TVs as a supplement to existing tools, not to replace them. We will
continue to have printed bulletins and use hymnals – those will not go away! Many people have
remarked that they’d love to clap along with the choir and others who know the words to popular,
moving songs, but can’t while holding a hymnal. Projecting the lyrics will enable us to do that! We all
agreed that the TV screens will rarely be blank during worship services – if they’re not being actively
used to display lyrics, prayers, etc., a ‘virtual banner’ will be displayed – no black screens!
I met with the owner of the Stereo Shop (a local Stereo / TV store), Chris Brent, in midFebruary to discuss design and budget numbers. The design he proposed was consistent with the one I
had been working with, and the budget numbers he proposed were in line with the amounts I had
estimated. In order to proceed with Phase 2 of the project – the installation of TVs and associated
hardware in the sanctuary, we’ll need to raise $4,700, with an additional approximately $800 for the
additional TV in the Multipurpose Room, bringing the total to $5,500. As of the end of February, we
have received $550 in donations towards this project, therefore reducing the total required to
complete the project to $4950. If you would like to contribute to this project, please annotate your
check or envelope with “Technology project.” Without your financial help, we will not be able to
complete this project. If you’d like to learn about how to operate the sound booth, please contact
either me or the church office.
In His Service,
Bob Comstock
Certified Lay Minister
Vacation Bible School is Coming!
Join us this summer from July 14 - 18 for
HUMC's annual Vacation Bible School. Once again
there will be plenty of volunteer opportunities as we
plan, prepare, and present another wonderful week for the
children of Hilton.
This year's theme is WEIRD ANIMALS - Where Jesus' Love Is On-Of-A-Kind!
Join us as we explore Scripture, play fun games, experience Bible stories, and enjoy
some yummy snacks! Keep your eyes peeled for more information in the bulletin and
upcoming newsletters.
HUMC will once again offer a "Sponsor A Child" donation opportunity. Your
donation of $20 helps offset most of the curriculum costs of one child attending HUMC
VBS. The congregational support from HUMC for Vacation Bible School over the years
has been a true blessing to the children of our community. With God, all things are
Dan Van Vleck
VBS Director
Come one come all to the Strassenburg Planetarium to see.......
The Grand Canyon--A river at Risk
The Star Theater dome fills with the golden colors of this great natural wonder. Point-of-view
cinematography brings you exhilarating river-rafting action on America's most iconic river, family fun
and the grandeur of the Grand Canyon to tell an engaging story of how ordinary people can make a
difference for our parched planet – one that is running out of clean, fresh water so fast that the U.N.
estimates that 40% of the world could face life-threatening shortages by 2050.
Come join the HUMC Vagabonds at the Strassenburg Planetarium for the program described above.
We will meet at HUMC on Saturday, March 22 at 2:30 to attend the 3:15 show. After the show we
will go to the Red Robin Restaurant at Greece-Ridge Mall for supper.
Address Updates:
Joan Trenholm
200 Kidd Castle Way Apr 218
Webster, NY 14580
Studying Abroad Until April 23rd:
Caroline Van Vleck
Houghton in Tanzania
Box 934
Iringa, Tanzania
East Africa
Hilton United Methodist Women News:
Please join us for our March 4th meeting – Tuesday night beginning at 7:00pm.
 We will be planning our UMW District UMW Communion Breakfast - see below
 Also on the program is our speaker for the evening: Abby VanVleck she will be sharing on her adventure to South Africa.
Please mark your calendars!
Annual District UMW Communion Breakfast on Saturday, April 12th at 8:30am.
We are pleased to announce that we have been chosen to host this year's Annual District UMW
Communion Breakfast on Saturday, April 12th at 8:30am. It is a wonderful opportunity to worship and
break bread with women from area United Methodist Churches. The cost is $7 per person.
Please call the church office 392-8761 or e-mail at for reservations.
We hope to see all the women of the Hilton United Methodist Church join us!
Pearl Bloom is chairing the committee organizing the worship service and breakfast. Volunteers will be
needed to participate in the service and preparing and serving the breakfast. If you are interested in
helping, please contact Pearl at 747-8083 or Look for signup sheets soon
to be posted in church.
Lenten Sharing Supper - Friday March 21st
We will be serving a soup and sandwich supper. All are welcome and although reservations are
not required they would be helpful in planning this meal.
Anyone interested in volunteering time please contact Linda Livermore 967-3759 cell or home
News from Nurture
Lenten Suppers will be March 14, 21, 28, and April 4. Anyone who can help fix soup,
sandwiches, or help serve, please sign up at Church or contact Jim Lee.
We are planning a Progressive Dinner for May 3. We need four locations. If you would like to
provide one, please contact Jim Lee.
Lenten Baskets
It’s time to get creative again. The Mission Team will again sponsor the basket
auction during Lent. We need you to donate some baskets! A few ideas to get you
started: a movie night basket, game night, crafts, picnic, gardening, sewing, kid’s baskets, coffee/tea,
Italian dinner, candles, soaps, bath and beauty, car care, fishing, spring cleaning, baby needs or writing
The baskets need be brought in to the Fellowship Hall by March 14th. Then the bidding will
begin! The proceeds will go to our local food bank.
Any questions can be directed to Carol Bell at 352-3859.
Craft Circle Update
Hello Crafters! Just wanted to let you know what Craft Club will be meeting the
second Monday of each month at 1:00 pm and the third Saturday of each month at
10:00am. We are hoping that offering two times will make it easier for more people to
come. You don’t need to have any experience, just a willingness to help us make items for the
November craft sale.
The March meetings will be Monday, March 10th at 1:00pm and Saturday, March 15th at 10:00am.
Hope to see you there!
Alea Floyd
Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, March 16th
8:30 – 9:30 am
Come Support the Youth Group!
Thank you!
I want to thank everyone for my surprise birthday celebration during fellowship time after church on
February 9th. It was unexpected and appreciated. I also want to thank the ladies who wore dresses. I
know I'm a little old fashioned, but it's nice to see ladies in dresses every once in a while. I guess this
means I'll have to wear my suit to church one of these days.
Scott Campbell
Thank You!
United Marriage Encounter
Fall in love all over again!
Give youselves the gift of a United Marriage Encounter weekend. United Marriage
is an international non-profit organization, dedicated to strengthening Christ
centered marriages. Learn practical, ongoing communication tools over the course
of a 48 hour weekend.
The next weekend is April 25-27, 2014 in Batavia.
Contact Jim Judy Oubre 716-777-4500 for information.
Register on-line at
Registration fee $40
For more info see: Dan & Pat Van Vleck; Jim & Sally Lee; Bob & Debby Comstock
Summer Camp
It is that time of year to begin to think about summer camp. Upper New
York Camp & Retreat Ministries consists of six centers throughout the
Conference: Aldersgate, Asbury, Casowasco, Findley, Sky Lake and Skye Farm –
offering programs and experiences for children, youth, families and adults. Online
registration at all six centers makes it easy to sign up for a favorite program or to
find something new.
Summer Camp programs, along with a blend of popular retreat programs
and events, are held at Aldersgate, Casowasco, Findley, Sky Lake and Skye Farm. Asbury offers an
exciting variety of retreat programs and events for adults, clergy, family and youth.
UMW has earmarked $400 to help with the expense of summer camp. If you have a young
person in your home that is interested in going to camp this summer check out the church camp sites at
the following web sites. When you find a camp that is of interest, contact UMW treasurer Linda Barnard
or Janet LaBorie for information concerning the scholarship.
 Camp Findley
 Camp Asbury
 Casowasco
 Sky Lake
Camp Findley is located in the Jamestown
area of the state.
Camp Asbury is located in the Perry area
(south of Rochester)
Camp Casowasco is located west of the
Syracuse area
Sky Lake is located in the Binghamton area
 Skye Farm
Skye Farm is north of Albany
 Aldersgate
Aldersgate is located in the Watertown area
Another Web site is or call (855)-424-7878 ext. 309.
Red Bird Mission Trip 2014 – Beverly, KY
Saturday May 10th – Saturday May 17th
A group of adults from Cuba, Arkport, West Valley, Portville and the Carolina’s who went to Redbird
Mission in Kentucky last year had such a great experience that they signed up to go back in 2014!
Redbird Mission is a United Methodist Mission in the rural hills of Kentucky ( The
group is looking for more individuals to go with them.
Contact Ray Perkins for more information 366-4400
Mark Your Calendars:
Spencerport Community Chorus
Spring Concert – “A Touch of Broadway and More
April 5th & 6th
At the Spencerport Wesleyan Church
See Peggy Colucci for more information
Volunteers For March 2014
Lay Liturgists
Carol & Allen Weaver
Steven Clark
Girl Scout Sunday
Linda Barnard 7 Val Brackley
Ken & Nancy Manning
Harriet Zunno
Sue Emerson
Pat Holenbeck
Dianne Hogg
Will Rickman
# 5 – Pat Holenbeck
# 6 – Bob Comstock
# 1 – Ed Holenbeck
Riley Vohs, Madelyn Lessar
Ian Schuler
Madelyn Lessar, Lance Vohs
# 2 – Jim Lee
# 3 – Will Rickman
Maya Johnson, Sophia Johnson
Lance Vohs, Katelyn Lessar
Coffee Hour (SPRC)
Tim List & Beth Mucci
Barb Hare & Agnes Smalley
Girl Scout Sunday & Deb Pardi
Patti Sullivan & Alea Floyd
Pearl Bloom & Sam Emerson
Communion Servers
Ed & Marj Earnhart
Mac & Ernie McKenzie
Dan & Pat Van Vleck
March Anniversaries
March 14, 1959
March 29, 1947
Bill & Sparky Hess
Allan & Bernice Blossom
55 years
67 years
March Birthdays
Lynn Heglund
Sparky Hess
Dee Parker
Beverly Thompson
Becca List
Ron Gary
Troy Davis
Alea Floyd
Brian Hurlimann
Hye-Bin Song
Gloria Hamm
Nick Mucci
Evan Fish
Nick Earnhart
Declan Helmer
Greg Schuler
Barb Gorton
Mac McKenzie
Alicea Bunt
Carol Weaver
Peggy Colucci
Wayne Miller
Dave Smalley
James Brumbaugh
Carol Confer
The Hilton United Methodist Church
21 West Avenue
Hilton, NY 14468
Address Service Requested
March 2014
Come Grow with us.
Meeting Christ &
Nurturing One Another
Important Hand to Plow Consultation Dates
All Invited to Each Session, Childcare Provided
Friday Night Focus Group
Friday, March 7th
7:00 pm
First Session of the Consultation Weekend
Rev. Jennifer Green – Pastor
Patricia Van Vleck – Office Manager
Office Phones: (585) 392-8761
(585) 392-3460
E-mail address:
Saturday Consultation Day
Saturday, March 8th
10:00 am – 2:30 pm
This is the teaching day of the process