Reisterstown Mustangs Youth Football


Reisterstown Mustangs Youth Football
Reisterstown Mustangs Youth Football
2013 Parent Information Packet
Let’s talk about volunteering… .......................................................................................................................................... 3
So Where Does My Registration Fee Go? ......................................................................................................................... 5
And the Award for Volunteerism goes to… ....................................................................................................................... 6
Equipment Requirements ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Equipment Care ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
What You Need to Do Now! .............................................................................................................................................. 9
At the MVA They Told Me NOT To Let You Keep This ID ................................................................................................ 10
Where Can I Go to Get The Equipment? ......................................................................................................................... 11
Mustangs Stable .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Calendar of Events........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Calendar of Events (cont’d) ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Mustangs on the Web ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Practice Field Layout ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
05/25/2013 5:25 PM
Mustangs Nation,
Welcome to the 2013 season of Mustangs football!
We’re continually trying to improve various aspects of the Mustangs program, from how we spend
money, to coach training, to player safety and beyond. This season we have purchased a season
pass so all of our coaches have full access to the Glazier Clinics website and can attend any live or
online clinic they choose. We’re participating in USA Football’s “Heads Up Football” program. We
have also implemented full background checks for all our full-time volunteers. We’re going to have
James Wright of the McNew/Wright clinics come down to run a two-day seminar for all of our
coaches,we’re planning on a First-aid seminar, and at the Parents’ Meeting Dr. Crutchfield from
LifeBridge Health will be talking to us about sports injuries and concussions.
Because it all worked out well with the players keeping the game jerseys last season, this season
we’re rolling the cost of game jerseys w/names and game socks into the registration fee. Instead
of having separate collections after you’ve registered your Mustang(s), it’ll all be included (and
they’ll all still get trophies at season end). Most importantly regarding equipment, because of the
way things worked out last season, you must be fully paid before you can pick up equipment.
And by the way…a HUGE THANK-YOU to all of the parents that brought back their uniforms
already laundered at equipment turn-in. It has saved our Equipment Committee a TON of
preseason preparation time.
Thank you,
Reisterstown Mustangs Football
2013 Board and Committee Members
Jack Franks –
VP of Admin Ops/Webmaster/Pressbox Coordinator:
JP Roberts III –
Fundraising Coordinator:
Position Open
Recreation Council Liaison:
Liz Miller –
Equipment Committee:
Gina Roberts –
VP of Football Ops:
Paul Carr –
Kelly Makowiecki -
Sarah Rozanski –
Team Mom Coordinator/Equipment Committee:
Suzy Nunez –
Concessions Coordinator:
Jeri Carr –
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2013 Sponsors
The Reisterstown Mustangs would like to thank our 2012 (and 2013 Sponsors…so far)
The American Legion Post #116 is donating our
monthly meeting space for 2013
1090 Westminster Pike
Reisterstown, MD 21136
(410) 833-9605
The Optimist Club of
Reisterstown-Owings Mills
(2-year sponsor)
223 Main Street Reisterstown MD
With branches in…
(2-year sponsor)
Upperco (Main Office)
Owings Mills
The Shoppes at Brookside
9433 Common Brook Road Suite
Owings Mills, Maryland 21117
A contemporary, upscale eatery
in the heart of Owings Mills
(2-year sponsor)
Locations in Cockeysville (Hunt Valley
Center), Baltimore, Westminster, and
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Let’s talk about volunteering…
The Reisterstown Mustangs organization is 100% composed of volunteers.
NONE OF US receive a paycheck for our services; not the President, not the Vice-Presidents, Board
and Committee members, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Moms…not even the extraordinarily
dedicated (and small) group of folks who have spent many winter and spring Saturdays in the
Hannah More equipment barn and at home reorganizing and cleaning all of our equipment.
We volunteer our time to the organization because we believe in what we are doing and hope that
our contributions will help assist with building character and memories while helping the kids have
a good time. It is VITAL that all parents/families also volunteer some time before, during, or even
after each season.
Let’s look at some statistics:
Head/Assistant Coach: Your Coaches will spend 15-20 hours each week from July through
November preparing themselves, and in practices and games…add in off-season seminars and
study, and they’ll spend around 300 hours working for the Mustangs this season.
Team Mom: Chasing IDs, paperwork, fundraising support, tending the team during practices,
organizing volunteers on game days…the average Team Mom will spend more than 150 hours for
the Mustangs in a season (most of that time is just being there at practices).
Equipment Committee: Clean, hand out, turn in…500 practice jerseys, 300 practice pants, 300
game pants, and almost 340 helmets do not clean themselves. By the time the first practice starts,
the equipment committee members will have already spent well over 150 hours doing their thing
for the Mustangs.
And the list goes on… the Fundraising Coordinator, Treasurer, President, VPs, all have been hard at
work during the off-season.
So please, when your Coach or Team Mom asks for volunteers this season…
Just Do It!!!
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So Where Does My Registration Fee Go?
Based on previous year’s expenses, our projected expenditures for this season, and 300
registrants, here’s where your registration dollars will be going:
Amt / Registration
Reisterstown Recreation Council
A mandatory $5 from each and every registration for every program goes to the RRC
general fund.
This is the website that does our online registrations
Referee Fees
$50 per ref per home game per team plus ref assignment fees…it adds up!
Unpaid 2012/2013 Registrations
Due to our “Collections Officer” Gina Roberts, this number is WAY down from previous
Each season the Mustangs budget for ten unpaid registrations for folks who are
experiencing financial difficulty.
Helmet Reconditioning
All helmets must be reconditioned every third season. Every season somewhere
between 40 – 70 helmets are sent out. This year it was 81!
Trophy/Jersey with Name/Game Socks
Coaches & Team Mom Shirts and Hats
This is the one thing that the program gives our coaching staffs each season.
Miscellaneous Recurring Supplies
Balls, athletic tape, pre-wrap, ice packs, first aid kits…
League Fees
Each season the MMYFCL charges us a participation fee of $500 per program and $50
per team (above Pit Bulls)
Replacing Worn-out/lost Equipment
Sometimes equipment just breaks… and then there are the folks that never brought back
their equipment from last year …grrrrrr!!!!!
Coach Training (Glazier, McNew/Wright, First Aid)
Website Fees
Concession Stand/Press Box New Equipment (conservative estimate!)
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And the Award for Volunteerism goes to…
The Reisterstown Mustangs want to take a moment and thank all of the people
who worked – and are still working -- during this off-season in preparation for
the 2013 season.
Jeri Carr (committee)
Paul Carr (board)
Jack Franks (board)
Jerry Hudson III (coach)
Casey Jones (coach)
Kelly Makowiecki (board)
Ira Moore (coach)
Gina Roberts (committee)
JP Roberts III (board)
Paul Roberts (Jr. Equipment Manager & brother)
Zachary Roberts (Mustang!)
John Scott (coach)
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Equipment Requirements
PLEASE NOTE… due to how certain things occurred in the past, the following policies will be
in effect for the 2013 season:
1. MVA ID: When the player’s equipment is issued, the player’s MVA ID must be turned in (or at least
seen by Mustangs, in case it’s needed for something else before your team’s Roster Certification
date). NO ID = NO EQUIPMENT. If there are extenuating circumstances as to why you don’t have
the ID, we will work with you to get it resolved.
2. REGISTRATION PAYMENT: You must either have already fully paid your child’s registration fee, have
your payment in hand or no equipment will be issued.
3. NO EQUIPMENT WILL BE ISSUED unless the player is present. Having properly fitted equipment is a
safety issue.
4. NO EQUIPMENT WILL BE ISSUED if you still have an unpaid registration from 2012 or haven’t turned
in equipment from 2012.
The Reisterstown Mustangs provide the following equipment…
Helmet , Chin Strap & 1 mouth guard
Shoulder Pads
1 practice jersey, 1 game jersey
1 game pants (integrated)
The parents/player must provide the following equipment…
Extra mouth guard(s). You should always have at least one spare ready to go, especially if your son
or daughter likes to chew on their mouth guard. It must be colored, not clear, and must be
attached to the helmet (facemask) per NFHS and MMYFCL rules
Compression Girdle with hip and butt pads.
Cleats. Molded plastic bottom only; cannot be metal.
Socks. Starting in 2013, this is part of the registration fee…unless a team wants something other
than our standard navy or red.
Protective cup. Ladies as well.
Additional pads (optional). Forearm guards, back plates, neck rolls, etc.
Face shield (optional). MUST be clear; cannot be tinted or the refs won’t let you use it!
When you come to pick up your equipment,
you will have to park over by the playground as we’re not allowed to
park in the barn’s parking lot anymore (Rec & Parks regulations)
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Equipment Care
We’ve seen a lot of things in our time with the Mustangs, so here are a few things to keep in mind
regarding your equipment and the Mustangs’ equipment…
ALL borrowed equipment is just that…Borrowed. It must be returned in the same
condition as it was lent.
ABSOLUTELY no altering of any piece of equipment borrowed from the program
(includes everything) or there will be a replacement fee charged at the end of the
season. This includes, but is not limited to: cutting tags out of pants, cutting anything
on pants to make it more comfortable, trimming/sculpting pads, and removing the
soft pad from the inside of the chinstrap. Fees will be assessed for equipment items
that are altered.
ALL clothing should be washed nightly as to avoid ground in stains that can't be
removed (replacement fees apply).
Please use a stain remover for grass and mud stains such as OxyClean spray.
NO clothing in dryers!!! Please wash all clothes in cold water with regular detergent
and the stain remover if needed and hang to dry. Integrated pants and jerseys last a
LOT longer if they are hang-dried.
Any damage to any equipment during the season must be reported to the equipment
committee immediately so they may take steps for exchanges. If not reported,
replacement fees apply.
ALL clothing must be washed and hung to dry thoroughly prior to equipment hand in
or there will be a $10 laundering fee applied when the equipment is returned. If you
think this is excessive, you should’ve visited our VP of Admin’s basement anytime this
spring…how do you suppose all of those jerseys and pants got clean?
And a final note about Mouth Guards…
Mouth Guards will always be on sale at the concession stand for a small fee.
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What You Need to Do Now!
1. MVA ID – Check your child’s MVA ID. If it is expired, get a new one. If you don’t already
have one, get one. The form can be downloaded from the Mustangs’ website homepage
(under the “Available for Download” section)…and read the page in this packet titled “At the
MVA They Told Me NOT to Let You Keep This ID!”
2. PRESCRIPTION SPORTS GLASSES – If your child needs to wear his or her glasses in order to
play, make sure you get them from your Optometrist before practices start.
3. CONDITIONING – If your child hasn’t played sports before, or if they have been spending a
lot of time in front of their video games, turn them off! Get them up and running around.
Push-ups, crunches, squats, leg lifts, jogging, sprints...all of these will contribute to your son
or daughter being more ready to play football. Attendance at pre-season OTAs (organized
team activities) is encouraged. It is free, but your child MUST be registered before they can
4. WEIGHT – Our league divides children not just by age but by weight as well. When you
signed them up, you should’ve noted what the weight restriction is for your child’s Age
Group. If they need to lose weight in order to be able to stay in that Age Group, start on it
now! However, the MMYFCL has instituted a limited “Red Stripe” rule for age groups 7-9
through 10-12. The 11-13 Red Stripe rules haven’t changed, but the max weight has been
increased an additional 20 pounds.
5. EQUIPMENT – Please don’t wait until the last minute to buy your equipment. As the season
gets closer, equipment availability shrinks, even at the larger sporting goods stores. Your
child cannot practice or play in games without the proper equipment. Here are a few
requirements regarding colors:
a. Helmet – Must be white. We’ll provide all the necessary stickers.
b. Face Mask – Must be either “True Red” or “Scarlet”. We have a bunch of face masks
from old helmets, but there’s no guarantee that they will fit your helmet.
c. Game Pants – Must be Navy.
And about water bottles…many programs no longer use “community water bottles” in an
effort to try to reduce illness being spread throughout teams. At practices, our coaches will
have their coolers full of water, but you’ll need to be sure to bring a water bottle with you to
drink from. On game days, we’ll still be using “community water bottles” for convenience
during timeouts. Just remember: nothing but water on turf fields!!!
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At the MVA They Told Me NOT To Let You Keep This ID
Another thing we hear a lot early on during registrations and equipment handout is this: “When I
got the ID at the MVA, they told me that we shouldn’t let you keep my child’s ID during the
Here’s the whole story in a nutshell…
Our league, the MMYFCL, requires the use of MVA IDs to verify ID and age of all players.
They do this because the time and expense that would be incurred by instituting a “league
ID” is staggering. With the addition of the last four new programs in 2012, total players for
the league topped 9000!!!
MVA IDs are required numerous times throughout the season: at Roster Certification and at
each and every game you play, including the playoffs.
The reason the police and MVA tell you not to turn over the IDs is simply this: they don’t
want to be held liable. If they told you it was ok to turn it over, and the ID is lost or misused
in some manner, they could be held liable.
It is referred to as a “Voluntary Surrender” when you let us keep the MVA ID for the
duration of the season. It’s for the convenience of all parties concerned. If you didn’t let us
keep it for the season, here’s what you would have to do:
 Attend the team’s Roster Certification – a player cannot be certified on a roster
without the league official having the MVA id in their hand to verify it’s accuracy
against the roster. If even 5% of all parents did this, roster certification would
become even more of a nightmare than it already is.
 Be Present at Each and Every Weigh-in – a player cannot play in a game without their
ID being confirmed and present at the weigh-in. Without it, they cannot play. It
would not matter if you were unavoidably late and it was the Super Bowl…no ID, no
playing in the game, NO EXCEPTIONS.
When you turn in the MVA id at equipment handout, it will stay in a locked box at the home
of a program board member until the teams are certified with the league. Then it’s under
the care of the Head Coach/Team Mom for the duration of the season.
That’s pretty much it.
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Where Can I Go to Get The Equipment?
All of our program-issued equipment will be done from the green equipment barn at
Hannah More Park. For equipment you may want to purchase, here’s a list of stores in the
general Reisterstown area where you can find football equipment:
 Dick’s Sporting Goods – Two-year sponsor of the Mustangs. Full selection of equipment.
o COCKEYSVILLE: Hunt Valley Towne Centre, 118 Shawan Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030, 410-5849050
o WESTMINSTER: Town Mall, 400 North Center Street, Westminster, MD 21157, 410-848-1039
 Modell’s
o BALTIMORE: 6510 Reisterstown Road, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410) 318-6500
o PARKVILLE/CARNEY: Perring Plaza, 1959 East Joppa Road, Baltimore, MD 21234, (410) 663-5640
 Play It Again Sports – Very good selection of equipment, new and used.
o ELLICOTT CITY: 9150 Baltimore National Pike, Ellicott City, MD 21042, 410-418-9371
o BALTIMORE: 7968 Bel Air Road, Baltimore, MD 21236, 410-882-1810
 Pro-Am Sportswear – Mostly apparel; don’t look for pads, helmets or cleats.
o LUTHERVILLE: 1711 York Rd Lutherville, Timonium, MD 21093, 410-252-6861
 Sports Authority
o TOWSON: 1238 Putty Hill Ave, Towson, MD 21286, (410) 821-0210
o CATONSVILLE: 6510 Baltimore National Pike, Pike Park Plaza, Baltimore, MD 21228, (410) 7889650
Walmart – They have a pretty limited amount of gear at the stores, but on WalMart.Com you can do a
“Site to Store” order and pick it up at a local Walmart.
Online there are a ton of places you can get football equipment, including most of the
stores listed above, it just depends on what you want to spend and how far ahead you’re
ordering it.
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Mustangs Stable
 To provide access to used football equipment exclusively for all Reisterstown
Mustang Football players.
 To help cushion some of the costs associated with playing the sport by giving away
used equipment.
 To help provide a family environment where we share with each other and help out
any of our family members we can.
We will accept the following items:
Cleats, game socks, any equipment pads (arm pads, elbow pads, gloves, wristbands, old
footballs, red facemasks that fit our helmets, uniformed game pants purchased outside of
the program (with pads or without), arm pads, elbow pads, purchased rib guards, kicking
and punt tees, water coolers, neck rolls, chin straps, clear shields for the helmets, etc.
NO used mouth pieces, NO Girdles or Jock Straps accepted due to hygiene issues. We will
accept the cup itself.
 Any washable items must be washed or cleaned prior to bringing into the Stable by
the donor just as we should be treating our Mustang Program equipment.
 The Reisterstown Mustang Program will not be held responsible for the condition,
hygiene, malfunctions, or any equipment mishaps not officially handed out by the
program. Items from the stable are not considered the standard equipment given for
the season.
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Calendar of Events
Most dates on this calendar are subject to change…this is just to give everyone an idea of the timeline we’re
dealing with this season. Highlighted items/dates are either in question or are the projected dates based on
when they occurred last season. Updated schedules and more detailed info will be available on the website!
May 7 – Tue
Jun 4 – Tue
Jun 8 - Sat
Jun 9 - Sun
Jul 11 – Thurs
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7 - 9 pm
Am. Legion Post 116
Am. Legion Post 116
Hannah More Cafeteria
Jul 13 – Sat
10am – 4pm
Hannah More Barn
Mustang Monthly Meeting – Parents welcome!
Mustang Monthly Meeting – Parents welcome!
McNew/Wright Coaching Clinic
McNew/Wright Coaching Clinic
Annual Parent Meeting / Meet the Coaches.
Featuring a Concussion Awareness presentation
by LifeBridge.
Equipment Handout! Be sure to bring your
Mustang(s), their MVA id cards, and have your
registration already paid or in hand.
Please don’t park in the dog park barking lot!
Jul 14 – Sun
Jul 19 – Fri
1 pm - ???
6 pm - ???
Oakmont Green
Reisterstown Reg. Park
Jul 21 – Sun
Noon – 6 pm
Hannah More Barn
Pit Bulls:
10:00 - 11:30am
11:30 - 1:00pm
1:00 - 2:30pm
2:30 - 4:00pm
4:00 – 5:30pm
2nd Annual Mustangs Golf Tournament
NFL Punt, Pass & Kick
Equipment Handout! Be sure to bring your
Mustang(s), their MVA id cards, and have your
registration already paid or in hand.
Please don’t park in the dog park barking lot!
Jul 22
Jul 23
Jul 24
Jul 25
6 pm
6 pm
6 pm
6 pm
Hannah More fields
Hannah More fields
Hannah More fields
Hannah More fields
1:00 – 2:30pm
2:30 – 4:00 pm
4:00 – 6:00 pm (all age groups)
ALL teams start official practices – cleats
Practice: cleats, pants & shoulder pads
Practice: full gear!!!
Practice: full gear!!!
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Calendar of Events (cont’d)
Jul 27 – Sat
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Aug 6 – Tue
Aug 5 – Mon
Aug 11 - Sun
7:30 pm
Aug 13-18
7 pm
Aug 23 – Oct 26
Am. Legion Post 116
Glenelg High School
14025 Burntwoods Rd,
Glenelg MD, 21737
Howard County Rec &
Parks HQ
Columbia MD
Mustangs “Shop Event”…15% off all store
equipment PLUS 10% with the football/cheer
Mustang Monthly Meeting – Parents welcome!
Centennial/Federal teams split by this date.
Head Coaches: Mandatory (MMYFCL) Annual
League Meeting. AGC meeting takes place at
Roster certifications
Sep 3 – Tue
Sep 7 – Sat
7:30 pm
Am. Legion Post 116
9:00 AM start Reisterstown Road
near Franklin Middle
Oct 1 – Tue
Nov 5 – Tue
Nov 1 – 16
Dec 3 – Tue
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Am. Legion Post 116
Am. Legion Post 116
Am. Legion Post 116
Weekly regular season games. Some Friday
nights, mostly Saturdays. Rare make-up games
on other days.
Mustang Monthly Meeting – Parents welcome!
Reisterstown Festival Parade. Teams that play
Friday night or late in the day Saturday are
encouraged to participate
Mustang Monthly Meeting – Parents welcome!
Mustang Monthly Meeting – Parents welcome!
MMYFCL Playoffs. Super Bowls on November 16
Mustang Monthly Meeting – Parents welcome!
Most teams will probably have 2 scrimmages set up during the month of August. Those dates will vary
based on teams and could be during the week or on Saturday.
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Mustangs on the Web
If you ever find any information on our websites that is incorrect or just outdated, there’s something you’d like to see
added, or you have something to contribute to the website, please feel free to send an email to
Main Website
The Reisterstown Mustangs Can be found on the web at http://www.ReisterstownMustangs.Org. We try to
keep the website updated with all of the latest info about the Mustangs, so please get into the habit of
checking out at least the homepage frequently. Here’s just a few of the things you will find on the website:
Two years ago we rekindled our Facebook page and oddly enough, although most folks don’t like
Facebook’s “Timeline,” I think it works very well for us…check it out at
Our current internet service provider – LeaguePro.Com – doesn’t have a site-wide search function. So, in
October of 2011 we started putting the static information (the stuff that hardly ever changes) into a free
Wiki at That’s where you can find info like FAQs, Mustangs
Stable, The Mustangs Hall of Fame, and an archive of the Responsible Sports Tips that appear on our
homepage every week.
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Practice Field Layout
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