BATTLE ROYALE! - International Kart Federation
BATTLE ROYALE! - International Kart Federation
7 updATEd REgioNAl poiNT STANdiNgS how bad do You want it? Young man makes it happen T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L K A R T F E D E R A T I O N • V O L U M E 5 0 , N O . july 2010 battle roYale! region 6 sprint gold cup series visits spokane KARTER NEWS - july 2010 more... region 6 gold cup from mission, bc 1 We’re not a racing team that happens to sell go-karts. We are a karting company with over 50 years of successful customer service. Get the most out of your karting experience with the products and services of Russell Karting Specialties. Russell is the exclusive U.S. importer of IAME engines, including the very successful Parilla Leopard TaG engine, Dunlop Racing Kart Tires, and the Parolin Chassis. Russell is “everything for karting from one source” with one of the largest inventories of name brand karting and related products in the country. Whether you compete in Road Race, Sprint, or Speedway, our 50 years of experience assures you of the integrity, reliability, and service you need to be successful and to have fun for years to come. Give one of our knowledgeable associates a call today to learn how to get the most out of karting the right way with the best products and best service available. Call for Catalog Order online 24/7 Everything for Karting from One Source Orders Toll Free: 888-KARTING Info: 816-322-3330 2 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 3 MAKE AN IMPACT ON THE TRACK NOT YOUR BODY DRIVER PROTECTION: 4+$5ŝ*+25ŝ$#%Available in yellow only. Adult sizes S, M, L, XL. Youth Sizes M, L 800-348-5076 4 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 ON THE COVER: Jr 2 Briggs Gas Animal competitors battle in Spokane. Photo by Northwest Karting News. THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL KART FEDERATION • VOL. 50, NO. 7 • july 2010 Table of Contents Membership news................................................................................................................................... 6 Tech and Rule Updates...................................................................................................................... 7 battle royale in Spokane: reg 6 NW gold cup/Rotax challenge round 3.... 10 Region 6 Sprint at Spokane - page 10 reg 6 NW gold cup/Rotax challenge round 4, mission, bc...................................... 14 how bad do you want it? Brandon reed’s story............................................................ 19 region 7 sprint championship series, round 2 at willow......................................... 20 Hot off the press................................................................................................................................. 22 4-cycle speedway grand national entry information............................................. 23 2-Cyc Speedway/speedway midget grand national entry information......... 24 Brandon Reed’s Story - page 19 regional point standings............................................................................................................. 25 welcome new members.................................................................................................................... 27 IKF grand nationals and Regional Event schedules................................................ 28 Advertiser Index................................................................................................................................. 29 IKF Governors, coordinators and committees.............................................................. 33 Region 7 Sprint at Willow - page 20 Note to all Competitors: If you, as a competitor, have any questions about the legality or safety of your kart, please ask the appropriate official at your race. For tech or safety issues, ask the Tech Director. For race procedures or general items, ask the Race Director. The IKF does not endorse or determine the competition legality of products and services advertised in the Karter News Magazine, the Competition Regulations & Technical Manual, and on the IKF Web Site. The competitor is responsible for determining the legality of all their equipment for use in IKF sanctioned events. KARTER NEWS - july 2010 IKF Board of Directors BILL HILGER - President, 5910 Skylark Lane, Lincoln, NE 68516....................................................(402) 416-1284 Fax (402) 489-7370 RICK SCRIBNER - Vice President, 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, CA 95650..........................................(916) 652-3905 Fax (916) 652-3910 DON HOLMBOE - Secretary, 9399 S.W. Tigard Street, Tigard, OR 97223........................................(503) 624-0621 JACK HOEGERL - Co-Treasurer, 4205 29th Ave., Rock Island, IL 61201.......................................... (309) 793-0118 Fax (309) 793-0111, Email: ART VERLENGIERE - Co-Treasurer, 2351 Thompson Way Bldg. A, Santa Maria, CA 93455 GLENN ARAKI, 2615 Business Park Ave., Fresno, CA 93727............................................................(559) 291-0570 JOHN MOTLEY, 2130 Golden Hill Road, Unit 40, Paso Robles, CA 93446......................................(805) 238-7060 Fax (805) 238-0323 ED DIEDRICH, 1308 Hallertau Drive Sparks, NV 89441....................................................................(775)-424-3797 MICHAEL SCHORN, P.o. Box 373, Banks, OR 97106..........................................................................(503) 324-9072 5 Live Podcasts VOLUME 50, NO.7 • july 2010 karter news is the official monthly publication of the international kart federation. Editor pat eldridge ( Production coordinator felton stroud / stroud design, inc. intErnational Kart FEdEration: Advertising, Membership and Subscription information: Office: 909/923-4999, Office Fax: 909/923-6940 website: Address: International Kart Federation, 1609 S. Grove Ave., Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761 intErnational Kart FEdEration StaFF: pat eldridge ( carmen carranza ( cynthia enriquez ( karter news (issn: 0096-3216) is published monthly by the international kart federation, 1609 s. grove ave., suite 105, ontario, ca 91761. when applicable, preferred periodicals postage paid at ontario, ca and additional offices. There is no restriction to access the virtual issues (January to october) on the international kart federation website. The printed issues: the grand nationals yearbook and the competition regulations and Technical Manual, will be mailed to members as part of the i.k.f. member’s benefits. These two printed issues may be purchased individually. To join i.k.f., send $60.00 for one year’s membership - u.s. funds only. Editorial information: Karter News Magazine, 437 W. Wilshire, Ste. C, Oklahoma City, OK 73116 Phone: 405/840-3158, Fax: 405/843-1465, e-mail: at least six weeks notice will be required to effect an address change. when making an address change, please use postal forms and give the old address as well as the new and the effective date. when possible, please furnish the mailing label from the latest magazine. send to karter news circulation, 1609 s. grove ave., suite 105, ontario, ca 91761. POSTMASTER: send address changes to karter news circulation, 1609 s. grove ave., suite 105, ontario, ca 91761. Tech and Article contributions: karter news welcomes any such contributions, but assumes no responsibility for the return or safety of artwork, photographs, or manuscripts. Material to be returned should be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with the correct return postage. deadline for all submitted material is the first of the month two months prior to the month of publication for display advertising space rates, please contact the international kart federation at 909/923-4999. all material published herein is copyrighted by the international kart federation and may be reprinted only by written permission by the president of the board of directors. i.k.f. office Telephone: 909/923-4999, fax: 909/923-6940 Competition Regulations and Technical Manual: The international kart federation, inc., is the sole owner of the right to use the competition regulations and Technical Manual. The use of any rule in this rule book or any other later promulgated rule or regulation is expressly prohibited, without written permission from the international kart federation, inc. unauthorized use of the competition regulations and Technical Manual is with the assumption of any and all risks, with the user expressly required to indemnify (as a Type 1 indemnity), defend, and hold harmless the international kart federation, inc., its officers, directors, employees and members. The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules and regulations shall govern the conditions of all events and by participating in these events, all members are deemed to have complied with these rules. no express or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication of, or compliance with these rules and/or regulations. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to participants, spectators or others. Publication of any advertisement shall not be considered an endorsement of the product or services involved. Dirt & Speedway Live Internet Coverage For 25 years, National Kart News has covered it all. And it won’t stop there. If it involves karting, we’re there. If it came from karting, we’re there. If it evens sounds like it might have something to do with karting, count us in. For a quarter of a century we’ve covered the sport like no other… and we’re just getting started. '' $0% 0 Subscribe today! NATIONAL KART NEWS Interactive Website – Now with Live Forums! Race Cove rage Technical How – To’s MeMbersHIP neWs NotiCe of aCCeptaNCe of bids for the 2012 iKf GraNd NatioNals The ikf is now accepting bids for the 2012 ikf grand national races that are approximately 24 months away. The bids for the 2012 ikf grand nationals must be in the ikf office prior to september 1, 2010 (approximately 21 months before the race), per section 101.27 of the 2010 ikf rule book. photos aNd artiCles Needed! we are always on the look out for new photos and articles for Karter News and photos for the ikf web site! especially you juniors! send in your photos with a description of the picture and some information about your racing. click on this link for information on photo and text submissions to the ikf. (click here) who knows? you may see yourself featured in Karter News or on the ikf web site in the near future! 2010 iKf rule booK & 2009 GraNd NatioNal aNNual available for purChase The 2010 ikf competition regulations and Technical Manual is available for $25.00 each. This does not include ikf membership and voting privileges. copies of the 2009 grand nationals annual are available for $20.00 each. Quantity discounts available. contact the ikf office at 909923-4999 to order or for more information. © 2010 International Kart Federation 6 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 TECH & RULE BOOK UPDATES ☞ = Indicates new update for this issue. Please note that Tech & Rule book Updates will now go into effect thirty (30) days after they are posted on the IKF Website: ADD: CHANGE: DELETE: Rule has been added where indicated by reference number. Rule has been modified from the original version. Rule has been deleted from the rule book. CHANGE: #3, #5, #6, #8 (Remove the following): "with participation from at least two regions". CHANGE: 101.4 Election of IKF Board of Directors (Change all to read): 101.4.1 Ballots for election to the Board of Directors shall appear in the August issue of Karter News each year. Two nominations are required for a Candidate to be placed on the ballot for the Board of Directors. 101.4.2 Nomination Forms must be returned to the IKF Office by September 5, or the next businesss day, to be valid. 101.4.3 Nomination Acceptance Forms shall be mailed to each Nominee by September 10. 101.4.4 Acceptance Forms and Nominee Platform must be received at the IKF Office by September 24 to be placed on the Ballot. 101.4.5 Nominees and their Platforms will appear in the November issue of Karter News. 101.4.6 Ballots will be sent to the membership before November 15. 101.4.7 Voted ballots must be returned to the Accountant by Dec 7. 101.4.8 Ballots will be counted after the Fall Board of Directors meeting. Results of the election will be place on the website and in Karter News as soon as possible. 101.4.9 Newly elected Directors will take their office at the January Board Meeting. CHANGE: 104.6.4: Exceptions: (Add as last sentence of the first paragraph of “b.”) Exception must be submitted by Parent or Legal Guardian and must include participant’s current weight, height, and amount of ballast on current kart. CHANGE: 200.1: IKF 2 & 4 Cycle Sprint Tire Groups for Grand Nationals (move) 2-Cycle Sprint classes Senior Super Sportsman and Senior Super Sportsman Heavy from "Group 2" to "Group 3." CHANGE: ☞ 207 2-Cycle Sprint National Championship Classes: (Add as new Note after class list) Effective July 1, 2010 allow HPV or KPV engine, pipe and clutch in the HPV-1, HPV-2 or HPV-4 classes. Effective July 1, 2010 allow HPV or KPV engine or clutch in the HPV-3 class with HPV-3 pipe. Effective January 1, 2011 allow HPV or KPV engine or pipe with clutch model D-71840 only in HPV-1, HPV-2 or HPV-4 classes. Effective January 1, 2011 allow HPV or KPV engine with clutch model D-71840 only with HPV-3 pipe in HPV-3 class. CHANGE: 212 2-Cycle Sprint Grand National Schedule: (Add text): Effective with the 2011 2 Cycle Sprint Grand National, the date of the event will be the last two weeks of August or the first two weeks of September. CHANGE: 212.2.1 Approved Local Option Classes: (Add to list) Kid Kart 150# Junior HPV 2 Heavy 330# Jr. Super Sportsman Heavy 310# Jr. II PRD Spec 320# Sr. PRD Spec 360#Sr. PRD Spec Heavy 380# Junior HPV 1 Heavy 250# Junior I Comer Heavy 235# Kid Kart Heavy 160# CHANGE: 212.4 Official Schedule: (Add to list) Day 1 1. Kid Kart......................................................................................................... 150 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 2. Rookie Sportsman....................................................................................... 235 3. Jr. Super Sportsman Heavy....................................................................... 310 4. Sr. PRD Spec................................................................................................. 360 5. Jr. HPV 1 Heavy........................................................................................... 250 Day 2 1. Kid Kart Heavy............................................................................................ 160 2. Jr. 1 Comer..................................................................................................... 225 3. Iame Cup............................................................................................... per IKF 4. Jr. HPV 2 Heavy........................................................................................... 330 5. HPV 3............................................................................................................. 340 Day 3 1. Jr. 2 PRD Spec............................................................................................... 320 2. Sr. PRD Spec Heavy.................................................................................... 380 3. Jr HPV 1......................................................................................................... 240 4. Jr. Super Sportsman (rlv 2 pipe................................................................ 300 5. Sr. Super Sportsman (rlv 3 pipe................................................................ 340 Day 4 1. IKF TaG.................................................................................................. per IKF 2. Jr. 1 Comer Heavy....................................................................................... 235 3. HPV 4............................................................................................................. 340 4. Jr. HPV 2........................................................................................................ 310 5. Sr. Super Sportsman Heavy (RLV) 3 pipe.............................................. 360 CHANGE: 213.4 Official Schedule (4-Cycle Sprint/Shifter Grand National): (Add to list) July 1 Jr I Briggs Gas Animal Lt F200 Jr II Briggs World Formula Briggs World Form Masters IKF Briggs World Formula Lt Formula 80 Masters Briggs Animal Hvy Formula 80 Senior July 2 Jr I Briggs Gas Animal Med Masters Jr II Briggs Animal 125 Stock Moto Jr II IKF Briggs World Form Hvy Formula 80 Hvy IKF Briggs World Form Med F200 Hvy Briggs Gas Animal July 3 Jr I Briggs Gas Animal Hvy IKF LTD Mod Briggs Animal Jr II Briggs Gas Animal Formula 80/85 Jr IKF Briggs World Form Hvy 125 Stock Moto Hvy Briggs Animal Med Formula 80 Limited CHANGE: 275.5.2: IKF TaG Junior Class (Add to list) Parilla Leopard MY09 335# Weight to be reviewed by March 31, 2010. CHANGE: IKF TaG Senior (Add to list) Parilla Leopard MY09 385#Weight to be reviewed by March 31, 2010. CHANGE: IAME Cup (Add to list) Parilla Leopard MY09. CHANGE: 312 IKF Road Race Grand National Schedule: (Add as second and third sentences:) For the 2010 Road Race Grand Nationals only, the TaG Enduro class will run for thirty (30) minutes instead of forty five (45) minutes. All class rules and weights apply per Section 301. CHANGE: 312.2.1 Approved Local Option Classes for 2010: (Add to list) WC Super Stock CR125 Heavy - 16+ - Weight TBD NCK TaG Enduro II - 16+ - 410#, TaG Light Weights, 390#, same class as TaG Enduro (per Section 301), except class will run for thirty (30) minutes instead of forty five (45) minutes. WC TaG FBO Heavy - 16+ - TBD WC Super Stock CR125 - 16+ - 400# Super Stock Sit Up - 16+ - 320/340# WC TaG FBO - 16+ - 400# FKE I - 16+ - multiple weights, see IKF Rule Book Sec. 850.3. Yamaha Sportsman (Laydown - can on a stick) - 16+ - 400# 7 CHANGE: 312.4 Official Schedule: (Add to list) Day 1 Paid Practice Day 2 TaG Light Formula 80 Junior Formula 80 Junior Formula 80 Senior Formula 80 Senior Formula 125 Limited Heavy Formula 125 Limited Heavy 80cc Laydown Yamaha Limited Heavy Sprint NCK TaG Enduro II IKF Briggs World Formula Med Yamaha KT100S Heavy Rotax Max Junior Rotax Max Junior Rotax Max Light Rotax Max Light WC Super Stock CR125 Heavy WC Super Stock CR125 Heavy TaG Light Day 3 WC TaG FBO Heavy TaG FBO Heavy WC Super Stock CR125 WC Super Stock CR125 Yamaha Limited Light Sprint TaG Enduro IKF Briggs World Formula Heavy Super Stock Sit Up Intercontinental-E Intercontinental-E Rotax Max Formula 125 Limited Formula 125 Limited Day 4 TaG FBO WC Tag FBO Super Stock CR125 Super Stock CR125 FKE I 125/150 Open FKE II Yamaha Sptsmn Hvy (Can on a stick) Yamaha KT100S Light TaG Heavy TaG Heavy Formula 125 Formula 125 Unlimited/FKE III Unlimited/FKE III CHANGE: 404 IKF 2-Cycle Speedway/Speedway Midget Grand National Schedule: (Add text:) 2010 Grand National will be hosted by the Newton Kart Klub at Newton Kart Track Newton IA, August 3-6, 2010. CHANGE: 404.2.1 Approved Local Option Classes for 2010: (Add to list) Kid Kart Junior III Sportsman - 14+ - Junior II without restrictor plate - 275# CHANGE: 404.4 Official Schedule: (Add to list) August 3rd: Registration Pre-Tech Parking Practice 4-9pm August 4th: Junior I Heavy Super Sportsman (Super Box) Junior II Light Yamaha KT100S Light Junior Midget 5pm Hot Laps 100cc Super Stock Light August 5th: Junior II Heavy 200cc Stock Yamaha KT100S LTD Open Midget 100cc Super Stock Heavy 5pm Hot Laps Junior I Light August 6th: Kid Kart Open Junior III Sportsman Super Stock Midget Yamaha KT100S Heavy 5pm Hot Laps Senior Sportsman August 7th Rain Date CHANGE: 503.8 IKF 2-Cycle Speedway/Speedway Midget Grand National Schedule: (Change last sentence to read:) No marked tire may be replaced in competition without prior permission from the Tech Director or his designee. CHANGE: 504.2 Impoundk Area: (Change 2nd paragraph to read:) Maximum kart size, bodywork specifications, engine legality, exhaust system legality, legal attachment of weights, fuel legality, tire legality, etc. may be inspected in the Impound Area at the Technical Inspectors discretion. CHANGE: 506 Identification Tag: (Change all to read:) To insure the competitors the 8 return of their impounded equipment, engine identifications tags, claim checks or other method of identification should be issued at post-race inspection. CHANGE: 506.1 Engine Markings: (Change all to read:) Method is up to the individual tech inspector. CHANGE: 507 Protests: (Add to end of 2nd paragraph:) A fee of $100.00 must accompany each protest. CHANGE: 508 Appeals: (Change 1st sentence of 2nd paragraph to read:) The entrant will be responsible for a $100.00 appeal fee, in addition to a shipping fee deposit of $100.00, and shall assume all responsibility and risk involved; fees shall be paid to the Race Director or Tech Inspector at the time the part or parts are prepared for shipping and shall be forwarded to the IKF office. CHANGE: 603.2.19 Pressure/Vacuum Test: (Add as second paragraph:) Division and Classes that are subject to this test: Division 200 Classes, Kid Kart, Junior 1, Rookie Sportsman, HPV 1 Cadet, Junior Sportsman. Division 400 Classes, Kid Kart, Junior 1 Light, Junior 1 Heavy, Junior 2 Light, Junior 2 Heavy. CHANGE: 657 Super Stock CR125 - Effective January 23, 2010 (Change Subsections listed below as noted:) 657.1 Conditions and Specifications specific to this class: 657.1.1 This set of rules provides engine rules that can be used in either Road Racing or Sprint. 657.1.2 Guidelines offered in these pages are subject to the term "Spirit and Intent" and apply to the technical aspects of this "Stock" shifter kart class. It is expected that all participants will adhere to the spirit and intent of these rules. These are guidelines for fair and equitable competition. They are not the basis to "read between the lines" in order to circumvent the intent. 657.3 Cylinder and Top End: 1997-1999 cylinders are legal. No modification or machining of the cylinder is allowed such as porting, adding or deleting ports, decking of top or bottom of cylinder, or re-Nikasil. Cylinder mounting flanges may be spot faced in the area where the nut meets the flange only. Some factory grinding is performed prior to the Nikasil process on many cylinders. The Technical Director reserves the right to disapprove any cylinder supplied by Honda and not modified. Some OEM cylinders may not be acceptable for IKF competition. Cylinder length is 3.311 - 3.316. Base gasket to be stock OEM 1999. 657.3.1 Exceptions: Stock power valves may be removed and after market plugs used, with no filing, welding, or modifying of the cylinder. The power valve actuator rod hole may be plugged. OEM power valve covers may be replaced with aftermarket plates. 657.3.2 Cylinder Head: Head must remain OEM with no modifications or machining of any kind. Head must fit factory profile using the Shockwave "Stock CR125" profile gauge. Removal of mounting boss and modifications to the water outlets, for the purpose of hose connection, are allowed. Head gasket must be stock OEM. Squish or deck height measurement through the spark plug hole will be a minimum of .050 thousandths, using .060 solder. This is not intended to be a minimum or maximum dimension. This dimension is a "quick" check to determine if any non-conforming modifications are present. 657.3.4 Piston, Ring, Wristpin: Piston, ring, wristpin and upper rod bearing must be stock OEM. No modifications of any kind. Lapping the bottom of the ring is permitted. 657.5 Intake System: 657.5.3 Manifold and reeds: Intake manifold must be stock 1999 OEM CR125 (Honda Part Number 16221-KZ4-A10 - most are marked KZM4) with no modifications. The reed cage must be 1999 CR125 (Honda Part Number 14100-KZ4-J11) After market replacement reeds will be allowed, including mono reeds or stiffeners. This only allows KARTER NEWS - july 2010 reeds that may be installed without modification to the 1999 reed cage and does not permit multi-stage reeds. 657.6 Ignition System: 657.6.2 Flywheel: The stator and flywheel must be stock 1999 OEM. Only repairs approved by the Technical Director may be done to the wiring. Stock flywheel key must remain in place with no modifications. The left hand lower limiting plate on the stator must be intact, with no modification. Either the factory limiting plate or SKUSA limiting plate (available from SKUSA) may be used. Machined aluminum stator slots, underneath unmodified limiting plates, are allowed at this time. No modification to the hold down bolts is permitted. Static timing must be controlled by the stock stator plate or the SKUSA plate. No modification to any of the components that change the static timing. 657.7 Exhaust System: 657.7.1 Exhaust: Only the following exhausts are allowed. No modification of any kind is permitted. Exhaust flange is open, but must meet OEM length dimensions. No spacers allowed between cylinder and exhaust flange except one OEM steel gasket. RLV R2 standard stinger (part# 6800) RLV R2 w/cross stinger (part# 6800/c) RLV R4 (part# 6830) RCE T-3 Competitors using either the #6800 or #6800/c pipes are allowed to reduce their minimum weight by 10 lbs. 657.7.2 Silencer: Exhaust silencer body shall be a minimum of 12 inches and a maximum of 14.5 inches in length. Diameter will be at least 3 inches. Factory produced silencers only, no modifications allowed. CHANGE: 675 TaG Engine Package Specifications Chart (Add to list) Parilla Leopard MY09 Specifications same as Parilla Leopard. CHANGE: ☞ 675.20 Crankcases: (Add as second sentence:) Exception: Main bearing pockets may be repaired but may not be relocated in the process. ADD: 722 Stock International Class Engines These rules describe the specifications of International Class engines. All parts must be factory production parts unless otherwise specified in the manual. No machining or alteration of parts is permitted unless specifically noted. All parts are subject to be compared to known stock parts. No reading in-between the lines. If it is not in the rules, it must remain stock. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED ENGINE WILL BE TECHED AS RACED. Additional rules may be added as IKF move forward with this program. 722.9 Cylinder Head: No porting, grinding or modification. 722.9.1 Valve Seats: Valve seats have two angles. Single 4° Bottom and Single 30° top. 722.9.2 Head Gasket: Open to maintain min. 27.5cc chamber volume. 722.9.3 Combustion Chamber Volume: Minimum 27.5cc. 722.10 Valve Train: Valve train will remain stock. No Polishing. No grinding. No Alterations. 722.10.1 Rocker Arms: Stock 1:1 Ratio OEM rocker arms only. 722.10.2 Valve Springs: Stock Valve Springs only. Maximum wire diameter is .0705”. Maximum spring pressure is 10.8 lbs. at an installed height of 0.850” 722.10.2.1 Valve Spring Pre-Race Tech Procedure: A quick field check can be performed as shown below using an inexpensive fish scale. Hook the scale under the rocker arm next to the push rod and lift until the valve opens and note the reading on the scale. If the springs appear to be much over the 10.8 lbs @ .850” spec then the springs can be removed from the head for a proper check. 722.11 Connecting Rod: Stock Rod only; No modifications. 722.12 Crankshaft: Stock Crankshaft only: no modifications. 722.13 Pistons and Rings: Stock piston and rings only. 722.14 Camshaft: Camshaft must be stock. 722.14.1 Maximum running lift: on Exhaust is 0.242” taken on valve spring retainer with zero lash. 722.14.2 Maximum Exhaust lift: on cam .232” taken at the pushrod. 722.14.3 Maximum Running Lift: on Intake is 0.238” taken on valve spring retainer taken on valve spring retainer with zero lash. 722.14.4 Maximum Intake lift: on cam .225” taken at the pushrod. 722.14.5 Duration: Duration check for Intake and Exhaust lobes (taken off pushrod). Cam lobe base circle diameter .865" -.005”/+.010”. (All checks will allow +2 degrees for wear and gauge variances.) 722.14.5.1 Exhaust duration of 221.5” degrees at .050” lift/96.5 degrees at .200” lift. 722.14.5.2 Intake duration of 218.5 degrees at .050” lift/85.5 degrees at .200 lift”. 722.15 Flywheel and Ignition: Ignition must be stock. Stock Flywheel or a Billet ARC Model 6618 or 6619 allowed. No alterations. No machining. Plastic fins must remain stock. 722.15.1 Timing: Timing must be stock with stock flywheel key. 722.1 Fuel: Gasoline only. 722.2 Clutches: Must be a shoe type clutch. Any stamped drum clutch allowed. No machined drums allowed. 722.3 Fuel Tank: Must be floor mounted. 722.4 Carburetor: Huayi types allowed. All Stock carburetor gaskets must be present. Choke assembly must be functioning. Choke bore must be cast. 722.16 Header Pipe and Muffler: 722.16.1 Header: Must be single stage maximum 0.750 outside Diameter, 0.635 inside diameter measurement. 722.16.1.1 Maximum length: header and muffler 14”, Min. length 10”. 722.16.2 Muffler: Must be Weiner type, part #89966. Muffler may be welded onto end of header pipe or screwed on. 722.4.1 Venturi: 0.615” No-Go. 722.17 Starter: Pull starter must be present and remain stock. Pull starter may be rotated for a better cranking angle. 722.4.2 Back Carb Bore: 0.751” No-Go. 722.18 Oil Catch Can: Engine oil recovery system required. 722.4.3 Emulsion Tube: Must remain stock. 0.6064” No-Go. 722.19 Governor: Governor and governor components are non-tech. 722.4.4 Low Speed Idle Jet: 0.019” No-Go. 722.4.5 Main Jet: 0.042” No-Go 722.5 Fuel Pump: Any pulsed type fuel pump is allowed. Fuel pump must be pulsed from the valve cover or crankcase side cover. *Any other way to pulse must be approved by the IKF Tech Official for the race weekend. ADD: 723 SUPER STOCK INTERNATIONAL CLASS ENGINES Note: For Super Stock International Class Engines, all rules in Section 722 apply with the following exceptions: 723.1 Clutches: Engine Clutch only. Either Drum or disc clutch. 723.2 Carburetor: Main Jet and low speed jet maybe drilled to any size. 722.6 Air Filter: Any air filter allowed. 723.3 Flywheel: Flywheel must be a Billet ARC Model 6618 or 6619. 722.7 Air Filter Adapter: After market air filter adaptors are allowed. 723.4 Header Pipe And Silencer: Header Pipe Length: 18”- Maximum 22”. Silencer must be a RLV 91_L type with .1285 no-go holes. 722.7.1 Maimum Length: 1.375” 722.8 Engine Block: Block must remain stock. 722.8.1 Bore: Maximum bore: 2.685” 722.8.2 Stroke: Stroke is 2.133” plus or minus 0.005” KARTER NEWS - july 2010 723.5 Starter: Recoil starter components maybe replaced with a flat flywheel fan cover bolted in place of the recoil starter housing. Starter nut maybe added to employ a handheld electric starter. 9 “Battle royale” in spokane! Article and Photos by Northwest Karting News r ound three of the ikf region six northwest gold cup series got underway this past weekend in spokane, washington. w stormy skies and windy conditions were waiting to greet those competitors who made the long trip, determined to go racing. The spokane kart racing association had everything ready to go, Thursday’s move in was well orchestrated, and went smoothly. Turnout was good, among the many teams represented were notables such as: cMc, italian Motors usa, hre, revolution kart racing, rolison performance group, collins racing, and kartsport northwest. at the driver’s meeting sunday morning artie carpenter was presented with the checkered flag that was used for his fathers tribute victory lap at the previous gold cup race. Jr 2 imal gas an Briggs heavy The compeTiTors: with series points battles beginning to take shape many of these racers were looking at this round to establish momentum heading into mid season. This would play out throughout the weekend as on track action was taken to a whole new level of intensity, and competitors were much less willing to concede those all important finishing positions. The racing: iu la med formu world The Track: spokane’s track is a real “racer’s track”. it’s both fast and technical, with plenty of opportunities for passing if the driver is willing to take some chances. The WeaTher: Thursday and friday were cold, windy, with occasional showers. saturday began clearing, stayed dry and by sunday the sun came out for the remainder of the event. 10 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 Junior 1 Briggs Gas animal Heavy: brittney Zamora and sting ray robb would meet again here at spokane to contest round 3 of the series. sting heavy ray robb struck first taking the pole with a fast animal gs gas ig r B lap of 50.820, Zamora second and Justin demars Jr 1 in third. Zamora struck back quickly however by taking the lead to win the pre final with demars close behind. in the end it was sting ray robb who would take the lead on the start of the final event and never look back securing first place for the weekend, Zamora right there behind in second, and demars in third. look for this battle to continue at round four. Junior 2 Briggs Gas animal Heavy: nicole behar and colton schultz fought hard for 1st place through the two day event with the up and coming payton Manthei right behind them posithroughout the weekend. The #9 of Taylor overhoff would tions. take the pole with a fast lap of 50.562, followed by skylar Micro Max/Gazelle: connor robussmith outside row two, and nicole behar in third. schultz telli had the kart to beat saturday taking the pole with a would soon find himself pushing hard to make his way to fast lap of 51.628. it was Mason Morgan and Jamie enrique the first place spot by the end of the pre final with behar right who would battle it out in heat one as enrique would take there in second. after a long hard battle with a determined the second spot followed closely by Morgan, kandris, and behar, it was schultz who would take the win, with behar nino. Morgan then took the win sunday morning in heat 2. in second, overhoff in third, smith in fourth, and ferguson robustelli would find himself starting at the back for sunin fifth. day’s main event after a post race infraction was handed him. World Formula Medium/Masters: The second heat was the he wouldn’t stay there long however, when the checkered race of the weekend as it was a constant change and battle flag dropped robustelli was there to take the win with an with chip cassaway, luke pascoe, gabe kajdy, Mike schorn impressive drive to the front. Morgan secured second, foland bryan green. kajdy broke a throttle cable while in the lowed by a very fast seth appel who fought his way two lead in the middle of the race and sent everyone else scurthird. enrique finished fourth, with kandris in fifth. rying to find a quick advance of position. it then became a rotax Junior: right out of the gate it was a very fast Mathew 3 way battle with pascoe, gasaway, and schorn. pascoe had Moniz who qualified on pole with a 45.049. artie carpenter the engine but gasaway had the home track qualified outside row one, foladvantage and was quicker in the tight sece /gazell x a m o micr tions and could get the jump on pascoe on the exit of turn 2 to make the pass into turn 3 not only once but 3 times making the third time the charm as pascoe couldn't get gasaway back. schorn trying to take advantage of the gasaway move couldn't make it last more than a turn as pascoe got ers t s a m back in second. um The main line up gave schorn the pole with gasaway in off pole position, with pasco and green in the second row and Mullins, kajdy in the 3rd row. schorn was able to get a good start and jump to a 4 seclowed by luke selliken in third, and austin ond lead as it took kajdy two laps to get hudson outside row two. it was selliken who took the win through the pack to put the chase on in the first heat followed by kyle byers and Molly helmuth schorn. kajdy would simply run out of battling it out for second, and a very impressive Zac bothell time however leaving schorn the win, in fourth; not bad for his fist race with the juniors. in heat kajdy finished a solid second place, 2 it was the #32 of austin hudson who made his way to the with pascoe, gasaway, green, Mullfront finishing ahead of byers in second, helmuth in third, ins, d Mcdonald, krassett, wick and and a disappointed Moniz and selliken who got tangled up M Mcdonald rounding out the top 10 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 11 on the start of the heat race. There was nothing but impressive driving in the main event as Carpenter and Hudson passed back and forth multiple times for the lead, while Helmuth and Gannon battled it out for the fourth place spot. Meanwhile Moniz fought his way from the back of the pack straight up to the front. He took home a very impressive win for the weekend, followed by Carpenter in second, Hudson in third, Helmuth in fourth, and Gannon rounding out the top five. Rotax Senior: Andrew Zimmer left no doubt as to who had the kart to beat on this weekend, qualifying on pole with a wicked fast lap of 44.631. A very impressive Marshall Peter- mer at the start of the race while Cusack got mired in traffic, Zimmer and Jones moved away to a substantial lead leaving Cusack working to catch them. As Zimmer got by Jones, Cusack would very quickly find himself in striking position as well, from there it was game on as Jones and Cusack went back and forth multiple times neither prepared to give up the position. In the end it was r io Cusack who made the last n ju rotax pass on the last lap to secure second place, following Zimmer who took first place. Jones came in third with Estell in fourth and Earle rounding out the top five. Rotax Mini Max: Starting off the weekend in Mini Max was none other than Davey Manthie talking the pole position with ax mini m rotax son took the off pole position, running in just his second ever Gold Cup race as a senior. Zimmer would lead and win Heat one followed by a very fast Sam Jones in second. Brandon Cusack was the man on the move however; after what could only be described as a disappointing qualifying effort left him in the last place spot, he quickly went to work on the field in front of him finishing in the third spot right behind Jones and Zimmer. Heat 2 would consist of another win by Zimmer, with Jones second, Cusack third, and Peterson in fourth. nior cup se A disappointed iame McGuire was out for the weekend due to motor problems. Sunday’s main event was without doubt a race for the second place spot. Jones worked past Zim12 a fast lap of 46.552. Off pole was the very fast Sing Ray Robb, with Marco Eakins and Kyle Wick making up row two looking to go to the front. With Davey Manthie dominating all three heats, it was Marco Eakins and Sting Ray Robb who would provide the show for the spectators. Eakins was able to get past Sting Ray in Heat one for the second place spot, however it was Sting Ray would come back to take second in Heat two, with the #9 of Kyle Wick never far behind. A disappointed Wick had to start the main event at the back KARTER NEWS - july 2010 ior up jun iame c o f the pack due to the loss of his side pod before the start. Wick soon had his work cut out for him as he fought hard to make his way up through the field. Meanwhile it was Eakins and Sting Ray who continued to battle for second as they both raced hard and caught Manthie. The three ran the last four laps together with only inches between their karts. In the end it was Manthie who took home the first place spot, followed by Eakins in second, Sting Ray in third, Morgan in fourth, and Kandris in fifth. IAME Cup Senior: It was anyone's guess who was going to take the win as Team Italian Motor's Scott Hargrove, Remo Ruscitti, Johnny Blair, and David Jurca went back and forth for the lead throughout the entire weekend. It was Remo Ruscitti who would return for Round three of the Gold Cup series coming out of the gates strong as he put his kart on pole with a fast time of 45.499. Next to him off pole was Scott Hargrove, followed by Johnny Blair and David Jurca row two. With Jurca making his way to the front in Heat one, it was all about Hargrove in Heat two as he fought his way from the back of the pack to the front getting by Ruscitti. The Main event consisted of no less from Hargrove as he was able to hold off Ruscitti for the win, leaving Jurca and Blair to battle it out for third. In the end Hargrove came in first, followed by Ruscitti in second, Blair in third, Jurca in fourth, and Gallagher in fifth. IAME Cup Junior 3: Artie Carpenter would dominate in this class, leaving everyone else to their own battles. Carpenter took pole effortlessly with a fast lap of 45.811, putting Colton Schultz outside row one, with Nicole Behar and Keegan Laithwaite on row two. As Schultz drove hard to catch Carpenter,it was Laithwaite, Behar, and McAllister who would fight for the third place spot in Heat's one and two. The main event was the one not to be missed as Laithwaite and McAllister fought for third, while Behar and Walter passed KARTER NEWS - july 2010 3 back and forth fighting till the bitter end for the fifth place spot. These two ladies refused to give an inch, and in the end it was Walter who claimed fifth. Carpenter crossed the checkered to take home first, with Schultz in second, Laithwaite in third, McAllister in fourth, and Walter rounding out the top five. Shifter: Remo Ruscitti and David Jurca would meet yet again to fight for first in the Shifter class and boy did the spectators love it. Jurca came out of the gate strong qualifying with a fast lap of 44.970, putting Ruscitti off pole, with Scott Hargrove and Mike McGowan making up row two. Jurca and Ruscitti fought for first place going back and forth through Heat's one and two, with Hargrove always close behind looking to get into the mix. By the main event, Bob Kim had made his way up to fourth with his sights set on third. There was some very close passing between Ruscitti, Jurca, and Hargrove who were all hungry for first, and in the end it was Ruscitti who took home the win. Jurca was right behind in second, followed by Hargrove in third, Kim in fourth, and McGowan in fifth. That’s it for round 3. Next up, the series heads north of the border where the Westwood Karting Association will host round four at Mission Raceway Park. NWKnews wishes to thank all the racers who show up to support their series. r shifte 13 NW Gold Cup/Rotax Challenge Series Stop #4, Mission, BC by: Terry bridges, “The Mouth of the gold cup” competitors from the us made it through the boarder check friday and saturday on the way to race #4 to meet with fellow canadian racers for the first time the gold cup series hosted by westwood kart club had ever visited Mission raceway park, complete with drag strip, road race course, and the 8 turn 30+ second kart track. friday practice greeted racers with a steady rain until 2:00 pm and then opened up partly cloudy skies and an absolutely beautiful evening sunset. racers were greeted saturday with a crisp morning chill giving way to jacket shedding temps by mid to late morning, and afternoon temps in the low to mid 70’s. after 3 rounds of practice, and some lunch, (by the way, the concession stand at mission is awesoMe! great home style cooked food, with a host of wonderful “racing chefs” feeding the racers very well!) it was time to decide starting positions. QUALIFYING first up, Huggler Racing Engines ROTAX MICRO MAX & GAZELLE which saw one of the largest turn outs for the gazelle class so far this year, the Micros were a little on the light side with huggler Team driver Mason Morgan taking the pole at a 36.638 and wicked fabrication team driver conner wick qualifying off-pole with a 38.320. in gaZelle qualifying it was redlin racing’s Jordan redlin taking the pole with a 35.858 and sister chloe redlin joining her brother taking the off-pole spot with a 36.347 effort. in Seattle Karting’s JR 3 IAME CUP qualifying action, keegan laithwaite snagged the pole with a 32.506 and a surprise battle of the “female phnom’s” with aberdeen, washington driver paige wallin taking the off pole spot on the last lap of the session with a 32.581 from newly acquired iTal kart team driver kailia walter of salem, or who posted a 32.660 effort…solid and impressive qualifying efforts from both of these up and coming female competitors (9 tenths was all that separated the top 7 qualifiers…) next was the Italian Motors Senior IAME CUP…with one of it’s best turn outs of the year with 9, and competitors that could win anywhere in the nation. it was the premier and well respected karting veteran Michael valiante putting his iTal chassis on the pole with a blistering 6th lap time of 31.886, and young sensation scott hargrove putting his iTal 14 on the outside of row one with a 32.007…with a .878 tenths gap separating 2nd thru 9th starting positions!... in BAM Racings TAG MASTERS action, prince albert’s Jayson clunie took the pole with a 33.101 and scca hot shoe Jim hargrove of surrey, bc completing the front row with a 33.382, helmut buhl had the pole with a 32.992 but was light awarding the pole to clunie. in the Huggler Racing ROTAX MINI MAX it was the “lickety split & wicked Quick” kyle wick taking the pole with a tire melting 33.371 and red apple racings float like a butterfly & sting like ray robb taking the outside pole with a 33.602… adam spikes continued his solid efforts posting a 33.757 & huggler team driver Matt Morgan with one of his best efforts of the year going 33.773…pole thru 6th spot was an .8 tenths separation… Kart-O-Rama’s ROTAX JUNIOR saw kelowna, bc wheelman Marcus broadie for the first time in nw gold cup/ rotax challenge series action, out qualify the smoking hot Matt Moniz coming off 3 consecutive major event wins with a 32.349 to Moniz’s 32.610…kyle byers was 3rd quick with a 32.851.. CMC’s ROTAX SENIOR & MASTERS division saw the for the 4th time in as many races spokane’s andrew Zimmer & his Top kart edging out portland, or driver chase earle & his l&c truck supply/cMc swiss hutless entry for the top spot posting a 32.228 to earle’s 32.576. This would prove to be much closer than it appeared on the watch. in the JR.1/JR. 2 BRIGGS GAS ANIMAL/WORLD FORMULA qualifying action it was david schorn from banks, or taking the pole from hard charging otis orchards, wa driver nicole behar by .550 of a second, going 32.257 to behar’s 35.807 in Jr. 2 wf and sting ray robb taking the pole away from kyle adams in Jr.1 action by putting up a 35.836 to adams 36.145…Tuning for sting ray robb was Mom, grandma & grandpa as dad & chief Tuner larry robb was home recovering after a trip to the hospital days before…a true class act in every sense of the word, we all hope larry robb gets well soon. BRIGGS WORLD FORMULA HEAVY action, undoubtedly one of the most improved drivers of the series gabe kajdy took the pole from 2009 ikf defending champion bryan green by putting up a 35.208 to green’s 35.302… Mike KARTER NEWS - july 2010 schorn put his Mikes kart stands/ cMc swiss hutless in the 3rd spot with a 32.325. Just over .4 of a second was the margin between the top 5 drivers. last up the Italian Motors SHIFTER division was the largest of the weekend, with 13 entries. it was quality and not quantity, as the smooth remo ruscitti put his iTalkarT in the top spot out qualifying names like valiante, Jurca, hargrove, Mcgregor, and bob kim. ruscitti 31.293 was the overall quick lap, as 6 tenths of a second separated 7 of the best shifter drivers in the northwest as possibly even the country. RACE ACTION ROTAX MICRO-MAX/GAZELLE CADETS hit the race track almost to the second as nwgcrcs coordinator bill hettick had his bam racing crew synchronized and on cylinders…Jordan & chole redlin set the pace on the front row, for the first time this year current point leader Job kandris had a full field to run against…starting on the inside of row 2…north vancouver, bc’s darrion kerr joined kandris in row 2 and adam enwright and rookie spencer faulkner made up row 3 for the gazelle cadets and lake Tapps, wa driver Mason Morgan and auburn, washington’s conner wick made up the one and only row #1 for the Micro-Max. after 2 warm ups, nwgcrcs chief starter larry saneer dropped the green to get the day ones race action underway. Jordan redlin lead the combined class chargers into turn one with sister chloe redlin and kandris in pursuit. The lady redlin poked and prodded brother Jordan until she got by on around lap 4. sister lead brother as the kin together put some distance on third place runner kandris. Meanwhile Mason Morgan had been going to work in the Micro’s and had checked out on wick and was well in control at just over half way. it appeared that chloe redlin might have things in hand until brother put on a charge got back by his sister and pulled away. Mason Morgan had things all his way as he and Jordan redlin took the days first heat race wins. DAY 2 PRE-FINAL, SUNDAY carbon copy of heat 1, same order. final - in the final the Jordan redlin rolls up his sleeves and goes to work, opening up a gap that sister chloe can’t close, although she drives the wheels off trying, point leader Job kandris who had run a solid 3rd in the first 2 heats, has the handle go away on his 9x and watches darrion kerr get by to take 3rd. at the flag it is 1. Jordan redlin, 2. chloe redlin, 3. darrion kerr, 4. Job kandris, and 5. adam enright. JR. 3 LEOPARD IAME CUP rolled off next keegan laithwaite and paige wallin paved the way on the front row. new iTalkarT team driver kailia walter quieted her critics with her solid 3rd quick effort and was joined by teammate Jaime Mccallister to make up row 2. The “spokane speedster” colton schultz was and carson dumore were in row 3, nicole behar and syzo segaar-kuncki (and yes your reading right) made up row 4. Max youngson and chilliwacks william weatherston followed in row 5 & kale segaar-kuncki was alone in row 6. laithwaite led the leopard drag race into turn one followed by wallin and walter. in the middle of turn 1 walter gets turned around MccalKARTER NEWS - july 2010 lister goes off in the grass, schultz dodges & darts. dumore goes for a ride and from there its total chaos. The real losers in the deal are walter and Mcallister who go from 3rd and 4th to the rear of the pack. Meanwhile laithwaite & wallin are 1st and 2nd with the “spokane speedster” schultz in 3rd trying to make up lost ground. laithwaite buckles down but can’t shake wallin when the checkers fly it is keegan laithwaite with the win, wallin in second in one of, if not her best efforts to date, schultz recovers and follows wallin for 3rd, nicole behar took advantage of the turn one circus and finishes 4th from her 7th starting spot…kailia walter and Mcallister follow each other from the rear and come back to salvage 7th and 8th. PRE-FINAL - what started out as a light mist, is now becoming a more steady rain. as the racers in disbelief discuss which way they are going to go, there is no doubt everybody now goes to rains. when the green falls, the “spokane speedster” colton schultz has everyone thinking that he is ron hornaday as he rockets into the lead with a great start. but it’s wet; schultz is into one to hot and washes up. There is brief chaos as the field checks up for schultz and the “speedster” tries to hang on. laithwaite gets by and does not look back, meanwhile wallin, walter, and Mcallister go at for 4th, 5th, & 6th. and that’s the way it stays: 1. laithwaite, 2. schultz, 3. kuncki, 4. wallin, 5. walter, 6. Mcallister, 7. dumore, 8. behar, and 9.youngson. FINAL - 1 - keegan laithwaite proved to be just to much in the final and went on to sweep qualifying, heat 1, pre-final, and the main. The ‘spokane speedster,” colton schultz, ran a strong in the final to take home the second spot. paige wallin was third in the best performance from her in 2010. Jaime Mcallister was fourth, 5th nicole behar, 6th kale segaarkuncki made a last corner “banzai” pass on brother syzo to take 6th, 7th syzo segaar-kunckit, 8th kailia walter after her awesome qualifying effort struggled with “lady luck” and making contact with the front straight wall out of turn 8 to relegate her to the 8th and carson dumore had hard luck and finished in the 9th spot. SR. IAME CUP - with one of the biggest turnouts of the year and competition that would be a national event anywhere else in the country saw the accomplished Michael valiante in p1. Joining “Mr. karting” on the front row is one of the hottest and promising newcomers around, 15 year old scott hargrove. This kid is the real deal and has the whole package, you heard it here first. rolling out in row 2 was remo ruscitti and the always exciting Johnny “sliver” blair. surrey, bc’s Taylor hacquard and Tanner coles followed in row 3, don Mcgregor and adam isman made up row 4 and seattle’s david Jurca rounded out row 5 after experiencing problems during his qualifying session. it is hard to put into words just how talented and impressive all 9 of these drivers are. you best bring your “a” game to run with these boys. when the green falls valiante and hargrove are one-two into turn 1, ruscitti and blair follow suit in 3-4. valiante and hargrove set a blistering pace running just a tenth off of their qualifying times, meanwhile adam isman and david Jurca start their impressive charge from the back. don Mcgregor has problems and is out 3 laps in. a lap later Johnny blair 15 coasts off into the infield with problems. On lap 11 Ruscitti not happy with something pulls and is done. Jurca meanwhile gets by Isman and continues his quest to the front, and takes third from Hacquard. That is where he stays as Valiante takes the top spot, with Hargrove second Jurca third, Taylor Hacquard an impressive fourth, and Adam Isman rounding out the top 5. PRE-FINAL - The pre-final saw Smooth Scott Hargrove shoot out with a ‘Cannon Fire’ start to lead the field into turn 1. All teams were on rains as it was “Lake Mission Raceway Park.” At the start Johnny Blair had made the call to go with rains as it was announced that it would be up to the teams and the race director would have no say so Blair was the only driver on rains during warm-up laps. Just before the green flag dropped, Mother Nature dropped liquid sunshine and the NWGCRCS starter Larry Saneer dropped the red flag so the teams had 15 minutes to change over to rains. Needless to say Blair was not happy, but it was deemed a safety issue, but Blair had made the right move had the race not been stopped for safety. When race action resumed, Hargrove in his first time EVER running in the rain, drove masterfully and lead flag to flag with 2. Ruscitti, 3. Blair, 4. Isman, 5. McGregor, 6. Harcquard, and 7. Jurca (Did not start the pre-final. Valiante was right up front, but found out on the scales that he had forgotten to transfer his transponder and was not scored. FINAL - The final saw Hargrove on the pole with Ruscitti joining him in the number 2 spot. It was Blair and an impressive Adam Isman making up row 2, and equally impressive Don McGregor and Taylor Hacquard making up the third row, with Jurca and Valiante making up row 4 and Tanner Coles in row 5. Upon Green, Hargrove led the “Cuppers’ into turn one and the the first two circuits, Jurca was on a mission working his way from the his 7th starting spot to catch and pass Hargrove on lap 3 and never looked back. Valiante and Don McGregor dueled for several laps before Valiante decided it was time to go and went. In the end, it was Jurca with the win, Hargrove 2nd, 3rd went to Valiante, 4th was Remo Ruscitti, 5th was Johnny ‘Sliver’ Blair, 6th was Tanner Coles, 7th was Don McGregor, 8th was Taylor Hacquard, and 9th was Adam Isman. TAG MASTERS - Jayson Clunie and Jim Hargrove lead the way in the top spots as 11 Tag Masters roll out just before 2pm. Mike Hacquard and without questions one of the most improved and surprise drivers of the series. Gabe Kajdy completed Row 2. Steve Leanza from Coquitlan, BC and Helmut Buhl made Row 3, Shaun Johnson and Daryl Cornwell Row 4, Joseph Therrien and Brad Brossart were in Row 5 and Mike Svendson was the sole Row 6 driver. Your basic clean heat race; Buhl and Leanza trade spots, Kajdy and Shaun Johnson retire early and Joseph Therrien snags a couple spots. Up front Hacquard trades spots with Hargrove but can’t get Clunie. In the end the records show Jayson Clunie in the top spot, Hacquard who looks real impressive second, Hargrove third, Helmut Buhl in the fourth spot, and Steve Leanza taking fifth. PRE-FINAL - In the rain SCCA standout Jim Hargrove, after coming off of a very successful SCCA weekend June 4th and 5th, used his rain experience to take the win. 2. Hac16 quard, 3. Helmut Buhl, 4. Jayson Clunie, 5. Daryl Cornwell, 6. Joseph Therrien, 7. Steve Leanza, 8. Mike Svendson. FINAL - It was Hargrove, Hacquard, Buhl, and Clunie into turn 1 and that is the way it would stay until Hargrove got spun from behind going into turn 6.Hacquard, Buhl, and Clunie all spun as well getting into the side of the spun Hargrove. That left the door wide open for Gabe Kajdy who had worked his way up to 4th after starting dead last on the grid to take the lead and was never threatened again to take home a huge win the for red hot driver from Calgary-Alberta. Hargrove regain himself to finish second and Daryl Cornwell with a fine performance was at the right place at the right time and took home third, 4. Therrien, 5. Leanza, 6. Svendson, 7. Clunie, 8. Hacquard, 9. Buhl. ROTAX MINI-MAX - The front row of wicked-quick Kyle Wick and Sting Ray Robb led the field to the green. Sting Ray Robb got the jump and lead the 8 ‘Mini-Maxers’ into turn 1. It appeared that Wick had something go wrong as the familiar #9 went backward while everyone else went forward. Matt Morgan got around Wick and followed Sting Ray Robb into turn one. Cole Franchini who posted the quickest time of the heat 1 was third and the end of lap 1, Wick, who was quick qualifier by bunch faded to 7th and that is where he stayed, stating that he thought that the start was going to be called back. NWGCRCS officials agreed with Wick and penalized Robb one spot which gave the win to Matt Morgan, 2. Robb, 3. Franchini, 4. Adam Spikes, 5. Job Kandris 6. Rayce Spoor 7. Kyle Wick, 8. Alex Easter. PRE-FINAL - With weather conditions worsening by the minute Sunday morning, Kyle Wick and Matt Morgan set the pace. When the green flag dropped Wick, Morgan, Robb, and Franchini bombed into turn one. That would be the last any of them would see of Wick, as he ran away and hid totally dominating the Pre-Final. Morgan spun allowing Franchini to take over the runner up spot, Sting Ray Robb hung on to third and Job “wan kanobie” Kandris moved up and took over the fourth spot. Morgan hung on to fifth and that is the way it would finish with Wick #1, Cole Franchini with a great run #2, Sting Ray Robb #4, Kandris #5, Morgan #6, Rayce Spoor # 7 and Alex Easter #8. Hard Charging Adam Spikes was put to 9th after post race inspection found some legality issues. FINAL - In the Final, Wicked Quick Wick, pulled the same maneuver as in the Pre-Final as Sting Ray Robb tried to stay with the Auburn Rocket but to no avail as the Wicked Fabrication sponsored Wheelman took the win 9.172 seconds ahead of Robb. Meanwhile Adam Spikes came from the 9th starting spot and worked his way all the way to the 3rd spot getting by Morgan, Franchini, Easter, and Kandris. That would be as far as he got when the checkers fell on lap 17. Franchini in one of his best efforts of the year followed Spikes across in 4th, and Matt Morgan rounded out the top 5. 6 thru 8 were Alex Easter, Job Kandris, and Rayce Spoor respectively. ROTAX SENIOR - Andrew Zimmer continued his torrid pace by taking his 4th straight pole, but on the outside of the front row was Chase Earle who would be giving the best performance of his career. On the green Earle jumps Zimmer KARTER NEWS - july 2010 on the start and leads into turn one and this where he would stay with the ever present Zimmer trying every move in the book to get by. For 14 laps Earle held off the challenge of Zimmer, then in turn 7 on the last lap Zimmer moved underneath Earle with a slick little up and under. Earle not giving up battled back and drove up along side Zimmer by the end the of the front straight. Thru turn 1 Zimmer and Earle were wheel to wheel with Earle winning heat one by a .072 margin. Kory Estell and Owen Chandler were about 3.5 seconds back and finished heat 1, 3rd and 4th. PRE-FINAL - The Sunday morning monsoon had the Seniors on rains as they took to the track just a little after 1 pm. When the green dropped Zimmer led the way into one with Earle, Kory Estell and Owen Chandler in pursuit. That is how it would stay with Zimmer take the pre-final by .0971 seconds over Earle. Estell had some post race legality issues and was DQ’d in the pre-final. FINAL - In the final, Chase Earle jumped Zimmer on the start and ran away. Zimmer desperately tried to stay keep Earle in his grips, but engine woes slowly sent Zimmer to the the 4th spot. The other half of the show was Owen Chandler who’s team put one heck of a tune up on his #21 and in the later stages of the final, Chandler was on the move disposing of Kajdy, Estell, and Zimmer to move up to the second spot. But there was no denying Chase Earle as he went on to win his first EVER NW Gold Cup win. In all honesty, nobody deserved to win more than Earle who is a racer’s, racer…a class act that is always looking out for his fellow racers and is just plain and simple one HELL of a good guy. An excuberant Dad, Lance Earle, gave his son a huge hug just as soon as he crossed the scales. THAT, is what this sport is all about! ROTAX JR. - A National caliber front line of Marcus Broadie and Matt Moniz led the way in heat 1. The green waved and it was all Marcus Broadie who handily won heat 1 with ever smooth Moniz in the second spot. Kyle Byers who switch to the ITAL chassis about 1-1/2 months ago, still looked to be finding the handle as he followed Moniz across in 3rd. Luke Selliken and Molly Helmuth waged an all out war for 15 laps before Selliken claimed the 4th and Helmuth 5th. PRE-FINAL - With rains gone and the track drying out, all teams went with slicks and their dry set-up but once again it was Broadie taking charge from the get go and never looking back. Byers appeared to be poised for second place finish until a his rear torsion bar came loose and NWGCRCS starter Larry Saneer waved the mechanical Black flag to Byers, moving Moniz to second Selliken to third and Helmuth to 4th. Byers returned after a magical pit stop by the Byers Custom Auto Body team and he caught and passed Helmuth to finish 4th. FINAL - After coming off of 3 straight regional race event wins, Moniz was poised and determined to get his fourth. But on this day it was not going to be as Marcus Brodie continued his stellar performance and led the final from start to finish and was virtually unchallenged all day to take the win and the sweep, breaking Moniz’s 3 race win streak. Moniz followed Brodie across the stripe for the runner up spot, Kyle Byers seemed to be gaining on his new chassis as he finished KARTER NEWS - july 2010 third. Molly Helmuth and Luke Selliken waged their 3rd Race War, only this time it was Helmuth victorious finishing 4th, and Luke Selliken a very respectable and hard fought 5th. For the record, Artie Carpenter Jr. who had won 2 straight in this class was absent and unaccounted for. Hopefully the count will improve at Chilliwack in July. JR1 BRIGGS GAS ANIMAL LIGHT & BRIGGS WORLD FORMULA - Schorn and Behar are the only two competitors in the World Formula and Sting Ray Robb and Kyle Adams were the only two in the Animal class. Schorn took qualifying, both heats and the main to seal the deal in World Formula both Saturday and Sunday with Behar in the runner up spot. Sting Ray Robb takes qualifying, heat race one and two only to break in the Final giving Saturday’s win to Kyle Adams; who did a fantastic job, never quitting and kept on ticking allowing him to win the final. Sunday was a different story with Sting Ray Robb taking the win in Animal Heavy and Kyle Adams in the runner up spot. WORLD FORMULA HEAVY (SATURDAY) & WORLD FORMULA MASTERS (SUNDAY) Yamaha Heavy - Gabe Kajdy and Bryan Green (2009 IKF GrandNational Champion) made up the front row. Mike Schorn and Jeff Mullins were row 2 and Jerry Filgiano and Racing’s Nice Guy Dana McDonald were row 3. Kajdy leads the way into one when the green waves. On lap 2 Dana McDonald breaks and becomes a spectator. Green is in the hunt until on lap 3 he spits a chain and joins McDonald as a spectator. That allows the Gabe Kajdy to win heat 1 by just under 3 seconds over second place Schorn, third place Filgiano, and 4th place Mullins. In the Final it is Gabe Kajdy leading and Bryan Green all over Kajdy in second until lap 14 when Green gets under Kajdy in turn 8 and battle wheel to wheel the entire straight, touch again coming out of turn 1 to the checkerd flag. It is SO close that the starter has to make the call and gives the win to Gabe Kajdy. Green is 2nd, Mike Schorn is 3rd, Filgiano, Mullins, and McDonald close out day 1. Steve Adkinis won Yamaha Heavy as he was the lone competitor. On Sunday it is almost déjà vu of Saturday’s events only this time it is Green who has things going his way as he takes qualifying, heat 1 one, and the pre-final. In the FINAL it comes down to lap 15 and it is a battle with Green leading, Kajdy right behind in 2nd and Mike Schorn right on Kajdy’s tail in 3rd. Out of turn one the white flag flies as all three head into the turn two chicane. Kajdy makes a ‘banzai’ all or nothing try on the outside of Green, they bang thru 2. Kajdy’s momentum carries him back into the right side of Green as they go into turn 3 and both Green & Kajdy head off into the infield. Mike Schorn waves, thanks them and heads off to take the win, followed by Jerry Filgiano. Green Recovers to take 3rd, Kajdy is 4th, and Dana McDonald and Jeff Mullins are 5th and 6th. SHIFTERS - In the last race of the day, the shifters rolled out with the biggest class of the weekend and 2010.Thirteen of the best in business in 6 rows of 2 plus one to wage war. Remo Ruscitti and Michael Valiante made up row 1 (how bout that for a front row!), Scott Hargrove and David Jurca 17 complete row 2, don Mcgregor and the “racin Trucker’ bob kim row 3, anthony halcrow and chris perrault were in row 4, row 5 was Mike Mcgowan and Taylor hacquard, row 6 was brayden bulger and Jayson clunie, and row 13 was daryl redlin. when the green dropped in heat 1 nobody could believe what they saw. They saw hargrove absolutely leap from the inside of row 2 to the lead the first 3 circuits. Jurca by then had gotten ruscitti and valiante to take over second. Just before midway, Jurca got hargrove with a late brake at the end of the straight going into turn one to take the point. Jurca who ran a 31.304 lap as his best (over a tenth quicker than he qualified) in heat 1 stayed put and took heat 1 .285 seconds ahead of second place hargrove with ruscitti and valiante 3rd and 4th respectively. anthony halcrow looked strong by following right behind valiante to round out the top 5. PRE FINAL - it was more david Jurca in the pre-final as the rains had subsided but the track was still not 100% as Jurca’s 32.561 quick lap time proved. hargrove who started off-pole in the pre final, stumbled and let ruscitti and don Mcgregor who opened everyone’s eyes with his drive to the 3rd spot behind ruscitti leaving hargrove in 4th and Taylor hacquard who started well back on the grid moved up 5 spots to take round out the top 5. FINAL - This was it! Money time as Jurca led the way with remo ruscitti outside. Mcgregor and hargrove were back in row 2 with hacquard and halcrow in row 3, daryl redlin and bob kim who had one of his better weekends of 2010 were in the 4th row, Jayson clunie and Mike Mcgowan were in row 5, and brayden bulger and valiante were row 6. Jurca and ruscitti were one and two into turn one and off they went for what ended up to be a 17 lap feature. when the final checkered flag fell it was Jurca and ruscitti staying put, hargrove and Mcgregor switch spots with hargrove in the last podium spot and Mcgregor who was awesome, finishing in the 4th spot. in the final stages, valiante had marched from the tail of the field and battled furiously with Mcgregor but couldn’t get by and had to settle for 5th. Taylor hacquard, with a steady and impressive drive finished up 6th. anthony halcrow dropped two spots from his starting grid spot to finish 7th, and the “racin’ Trucker” bob kim who was solid all weekend in one of his most impressive drives of the year was a solid 8th. brayden bulger who never really got on track, finished 9th, and the ever humble chris perrault nailed the 10th spot. Then it was Mike Mcgowan, Jayson clunie, and daryl redlin completing final three spots to close out the day. liFE iN THE FAST lANE! Membership Information: International Kart federation 1609 s. Grove ave., suite 105 ontario, Ca 91761 909-923-4999 CONCLUSION - so race #4 is in the books, and the nw gold cup/rotax challenge series is at the halfway point. next stop for the series is again across the boarder at the gregg Moore racing complex in chilliwack, bc on July 23, 24, & 25. remind everyone you know to push, pull, or drag their karts to chilliwack because it’s going to be a great one. To all the 4-stroker’s and shifter teams planning on participating in the “indy 500” of karting, the ikf 4-cycle/ shifter & vintage grand nationals, i wish you all the very best and hope to see you there calling the events and watching you compete. safe and happy racing and remember, “thorough preparation makes its own luck!” see you in chilliwack! 18 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 How Bad Do You Want It? The story of a young driver in Region 7 who paid his own way to the Grand Nationals by having yard sales! I am contacting you regarding my 14 ½ year old son, Brandon Reed. Since Brandon was 7, he dreamt of becoming a professional race car driver when he grew up. He is the oldest of three children, and for his 7th birthday we gave him a go-kart driving lesson. Since that day, the desire to race has only increased. Go-kart racing in an extremely expensive sport, so over the years, his Christmas and birthday presents were always go-kart related. My husband is a self-employed general contractor, and I am the stay-at-home mother of three children ages 14 ½, 13 and 9. Two weeks ago, we had to tell Brandon that we were unable to pay for his upcoming IKF Grand Nationals go-kart race week. With the economy the way it is, my daughter’s team gymnastics training 6 days a week in a city an hour away, and everything else, we simply could not afford the 3200 for race entry costs, fees, and parts. I told Brandon if he truly wanted to work towards earning money for this race event, I would help him in any way I could. The next morning he began cleaning out our garage, workshop, and barn gathering items to sell on eBay, Craig’s list and at a yard sale he was planning. I have watched him work 8-10 hours a day preparing and selling. Friends and neighbors donated items for the yard sale. His race mechanic donated his time to prepare Brandon’s motors for this huge race. Brandon had two weeks to earn enough money to attend this prestigious race, where the winning drivers receive the coveted Duffy trophy, and get a chance to talk to scouts from higher level race teams. Last Friday, Brandon had made $749 on eBay, and $550 in the sale of an old fishing boat. He had gotten local businesses to sponsor him $800. He was still quite a bit short Saturday morning as he set up for his yard sale. Our mechanic and the other kids on the race team did not know if Brandon would be going to Willow Springs Raceway the following day or not - we all had to wait and see. I helped Brandon at his yard sale simply by being there, and by watching the many people that came to shop. I helped some, but always asked him for prices etc. Brandon was amazing. He worked the yard sale from 6 am until 3 pm, and he raised an amazing $1220! He had earned enough to cover costs associated with this race, and began getting his go-kart trailer and go-kart ready to leave the following morning. He called the mechanic, teammates and put the plans into motion. When he arrived at Willow Springs, he paid his Grand National Entry fee with cash - not 100 dollar bills, but 1's, 5's, 10's, and 20's he earned himself. Sunday my husband drove Brandon and the race trailer up to the track near Edwards Air Force Base. Our mechanic, Alex Sanner, is letting Brandon stay with him in his toy hauler to keep hotel costs down. Alex also donated his time preparing Brandon’s motors and equipment for the races. The two KARTER NEWS - july 2010 other team parents have stepped up and are watching and helping Brandon, since his father and I are unable to be there all week. My husband must work to support the family and cannot go to the track until Friday, and I must care for my two younger kids and also drive my daughter to/from Temecula daily. I will be having her spend the night at her teammates houses Wednesday and Thursday nights so my youngest son and I can drive the 2 ½ hours to the track to watch the first to main races. We will come home nightly to keep costs down. I feel that people would love to hear this story of a 4.0 student who excels in school and out; a young man who is working hard, sacrificing and doing as much as he possibly can to pursue his dream. The hours he put in the past two weeks has impressed me, for he is an almost 15 year old kid, and would rather sleep, play video games, or watch television rather than cleaning out garages and buildings and working outside in the heat, but he has shown me how badly he truly wants this. He met a gentleman at the yard sale who offered Brandon a part-time job, earning $10 an hour, one to two days a week starting the week after the Grand Nationals. He still has over 40 items listed for sale on eBay. Brandon sees this as a way to save money for the next race event. We are working on a website which should be completed by the end of this week as a way to attract sponsors. He is a young man who is going to succeed, and business would benefit greatly from advertising on his kart, trailer and driver’s suit. After the first day of practice, Brandon had the second fastest lap times. Second to a boy whose financial pockets run deep, and he changes to a new set of tires every practice session. Brandon paid the $750 entry fee in cash - mostly 1’s, 5’s, 10’s and 20’s he raised at his yard sale. He bought $1000 worth of tires - one new set for each of the four races, plus two sets to use for practice, with money he earned. Whether he wins this week or not, the lesson he has learned, and the work ethic he has shown, and taught to my younger children, is invaluable. His drive, dedication and determination are what should be told in the headlines of newspapers and television news today. Focus on the positive youth working hard to achieve. Show others how the “neversay-die” attitude can move mountains. I am the proud mother of a boy, an Honor student and leader, who is working hard towards his dream of becoming a race car driver. He has shown that he is an inspiration to other kids who have dreams of achieving. Please share his story with others to give them hope in difficult times. Thank you for your time and the opportunity to share Brandon’s story with others. — Lisa Reed 19 RaCe RepoRT IKF Region 7 Championship Series Round Two at Willow Springs article and photos by Sean Buur, Go Racing Magazine Parker Thompson led every lap of cadet action r ound 2 of the ikf region 7 championship series presented by bridgestone went off without a hitch at the famed willow springs kart Track. The second episode of the summer/fall series was hosted by the willow springs kart club and TiMi promotions. with the ikf 2-cycle sprint grand nationals only a few weeks away it was imperative that racers and crews got a little more track time before the big event. The always unpredictable willow weather greeted us with highs in the 90s and a light breeze to make it seem just a bit cooler than it was. The heat shouldn't be a factor in a few weeks with the grand nationals running under the lights. first out of the gate was the Kpv4/Yamaha pipe class. carl Modoff set the pace in qualifying with a time of 47.449, but it was kyle wright who snagged the prefinal win. attrition played a big part of this race as one by one they seemed to drop like flies. wright and cody Moss never completed a lap and Modoff only went 7 laps before his day ended. bradley espinoza managed to stay out of trouble on the start and took over the lead on lap three. he enjoyed a sizable advantage but the duo of John wallace iii and scott chohlis were in hot pursuit. it took nearly the entire race for wallace and cholo Jake Craig on his way to his second win of the weekend 20 to bridge the gap, but once they did espinoza was toast. The three drivers battled it out for the last few laps with wallace getting a great win. after three years out of the kart, cholo took a while to get back rolling, but he managed a great return for 2nd place. espinoza finished in 3rd. The Kpv1 class at the grand nationals is going to be one to watch, in fact, all the cadet classes should provide us with our fair share of excitement. parker Thompson was the man to beat sunday right from the get go. with a pole and win in the prefinal he was poised to win the final too. The only thing standing in his was twenty laps and sixteen other drivers. fortunately Kolby Araki was victorious in Sr. PRD for parker he was dialed in as usual and hammered his way home for an uncontested win. Thompson led from flag to flag as the field fought their way through the laps for best in class. colton herta and brenden baker went at it early for 2nd place while Troy wesolowski, chance skaufel, and christian brooks followed closely behind. baker brought it home for 2nd place and after tech had cleared brooks was scored in 3rd, completing a great run up from the back to the front. Jake craig put 3 tenths on the field in Junior prd qualifying and carried that momentum into the prefinal. Jason hannegan and christian rochester gave chase but the double zero of craig was unstoppable. rochester's day ended early and by the checkered flag craig had two seconds on hannegan at the finish. KARTER NEWS - july 2010 attempts from all challengers Thompson grabbed the holeshot to start the final. dreaming of back to back Junior 1 wins brooks slotted into second with noah garza and cooper whitbread in tow. after dropping a few positions on the start, herta fought his way up to 3rd and challenged brooks for 2nd. brooks finally had to yield the spot and herta took up the duties of chasing after Thompson. on fire once again, Thompson was successful in completing the sweep of all the cadet classes. i don't think there was a lap he didn't lead all weekend long. herta kept brooks at bay and they finished 2nd and 3rd. after getting tangled up on the start, baker rebounded with a superb drive from last to 4th. wyatt May Jake Craig swept the Junior 2 classes including PRD also turned in a solid performance coming from deep in the The Kid Kart class was anything but close all day long. carson field to finish in 5th. enright out qualified hayden wagner by 8 tenths and Myles farhan by more than 2 seconds. enright's advantage disappeared in the prefinal as wagner found a little extra speed. The final played out in a similar fashion as qualifying with enright in a world all his own. in a grueling 12 lap final enright went flag to flag for the win with wagner doing the same for 2nd place. hudson Morrow landed 3rd place after dicing nearly the entire race with luis ortiz and anthony willis. The sr. spec prd class was by far the best and largest of the Carson Enright hammered the field in Kid Karts adult classes. kolby araki has proved time and time again Kpv 2 Junior was the final class on the docket and once that this is his class and another pole position on sunday just again Jake craig led the way. with a pole and dominating added more proof. The familiar #17 driven by Matt Johnson prefinal win under his belt, craig was the clear favorite in the final as well. on the line was of course another win, but also the opportunity to match parker Thompson by sweeping the Junior classes. although slater stowell and Jorge cevallos were best in class for the prefinal, the final saw the running order make a slight shift. it didn't shift much as craig easily went flag to flag for his second win of the weekend. cevallos and stowell started out as 2nd and 3rd but brandon reed was quick to jump up into 3rd place. as cevallos and reed settled in for the long haul, haley Jenni was climbing up through the field. The laps ticked by and one by one Jenni was getting Parker Thompson in route to his first of two win on the weekend closer to the front. reed had retired by lap 14 but it took a few qualified p2 with Max feyerabend and erik Jackson mak- more laps to hunt down cevallos. with a last lap attack, Jenni ing up row two. The prefinal saw John wallace iii, Johnson, made a move that stuck and captured 2nd place to complete and scott saunders all lead laps while araki had to work his way back to the front. with a late race move araki once again would start the final from the pole position. saunders had a great start and led araki, Ty Matta, Johnson and lloyd Mack to the line for the first of 24 laps. his lead didn't last long as araki moved to the front and never looked back. once out front it was goodbye and thanks for the memories as araki's #30 drove off with the willow wind to a 6 second margin of victory. saunders maintained 2nd place for a while fending off charges from Matta, but the guy on the move was Jack- John Wallace had a great run in KPV3/Yamaha Pipe to take the win son. back in 8th to start the first lap, Jackson was right in the a wonderful effort. cevallos maintained a 3rd place finish as mix by lap six with Johnson, Matta and saunders. The aussie reed and stowell completed the top five. saunders put up a great fight but eventually Jackson took 2nd regional competition will take June off and all of July and and carried it to the finish. saunders finished in 3rd place return to action august 7-8 with the santa Maria kart club in with Johnson and Max feyerabend completing the top five. santa Maria, california. The ikf 2-cycle sprint grand nationparker Thompson was at it again in Junior 1 action grab- als hosted by willow springs kart club and TiMi promotions bing the pole from colton herta, christian brooks and bren- will take place under the lights June 23-26 at willow springs den baker. The prefinal saw that running order remain the kart Track. all grand nationals information and entry forms same, but on the grid for the final the chasers had high hope can be found at or contact Tim for ruining Thompson's sweep of the cadet classes. despite holden 818-701-7151 or Mike Manning 661-256-7500. KARTER NEWS - july 2010 21 hot off the press Top Five for Scribner Motorsports at All American Speedway This past weekend Chris Scribner Driver of the Scribner Motorsports/ Heritage Hotel Group Chevrolet car grabbed a top five finish, the first for the team. Scribner is in his second year of competition at All American Speedway in the NASCAR Whelen Late Model division and is looking for more top finishes for 2010. Scribner posted solid results in practices leading up to the day, then put his machine at the top of the charts in qualifying holding fast time till late when Scribner got bumped to third. In the trophy dash Chris started outside front row. Hampered on the outside lane on the start due to oil on the track from the earlier division, Scribner couldn’t hold the position and fell to third in the 4 lap race. Scribner would start in the ninth position for the 44 lap Main Event for the night. Chris picked off a few positions early before settling in to run consistent laps. Late in the race Scribner found himself in 5th position and held on to the finish. “This is a good finish for the team and all the hard work they have done to help me get the car competitive. We still have a lot of work to do to get the car even better, but this definitely helps the moral of the team and our early point’s position,” Says Scribner. Scribner got moved up an additional position to fourth after a competitor was found non-compliant in post race tech. Additional information on Scribner Motorsports 2010 season can be obtained from the teams website www. The Team will contest the 2010 All American Speedway NASCAR Late Model 27 race series with Team Partners Heritage Hotel Group, RMG Race Media Group, Star Racing Supply, Zamp Helmets, Scribner Plastics, Powertrain 22 Technology, Eibach Springs, Vicci Racing Apparel, MSD Ignition, Flowmaster, AD3 Graphics, Allstar Performance, and KRC Power Steering. Zach Zimmerly records career best runner-up with GSC in Santa Maria By Gary Thomas, photo by Steve Lamothe, Santa Maria, CA, May 3, 2010. After having possible top-five runs thwarted the past couple weeks due to separate accidents 15-year-old Zach Zimmerly came back strong this past Saturday night and raced to a career best second place finish with the Golden State Challenge 410 Sprint Car Series at the Santa Maria Speedway. The previous week in Watsonville had seen Zimmerly battle for the lead on the opening lap of the feature with 13-time King of California Brent Kaeding, until getting upside down after riding over a wheel while sitting in the fifth position. This most recent Saturday he put that behind him and started from the front row in the main event for the first time in his GSC career, before trailing vet- eran Tommy Tarlton across the line and finishing just ahead of Peter Murphy to earn his first ever podium finish with the traveling 410 series. "This is pretty cool to come out here and run second tonight with GSC in my first weekend of racing at Santa Maria," Zimmerly said on the front stretch after the feature. "I want to thank my whole family, Duke and Scott McMillen, Jonathan Allard, the Christian Stover Foundation and all of our sponsors and everyone that supports this team." The two-night Doug Fort Memorial at Santa Maria Speedway began on Friday with an Ocean Sprint Car Series presented by Taco Bravo event, where the Vancouver, Washington driver brought home a ninth place finish in the feature during what was his first 360 sprint car start of the year. Coming back on Saturday the track surface started out extremely greasy, making it difficult for drivers to get all 850 hp down to the speedway. Coming out ninth in the qualifying order Zimmerly would cut the eighth fastest lap of the session aboard the Christian Stover Foundation, Butler Built Performance, McMillen Motorsports No. 94 A.R.T. He then started from the second row in his heat race and scored a fourth place result at the finish to move him into the dash for the fourth consecutive week. The luck of the draw for the dash then saw Zimmerly earn a front row starting spot, which he parlayed into a second place effort that also put him on the front row for the 30-lap Golden State Challenge Series main event. When the green lights came on in the feature the youngster would settled into second aboard the Level One Concrete, Douglas Wheel Technologies, Miller&Zimmerly Holdings No. 94 mount. With traffic coming into play quickly and the track staying very wet, it made things interesting getting through the thick pack of cars. Zimmerly ran comfortably in second for much of the race and then held off a strong late-race challenge from Murphy to cross the stripe with a runner-up finish at the conclusion. Next up for Zimmerly and the McMillen Motorsports No. 94 team will be a double-header weekend at the famed Silver Dollar Speedway quartermile bullring. On Friday night it will be a regular 410 weekly point show and then on Saturday the Golden State Challenge Sprint Car Series will be in action for the 20th annual Dave Bradway Jr. Memorial. Zimmerly is also looking for additional sponsors to help support his racing endeavors and for anyone that would like to get on board please contact Zach at zachzimmerlyracing94@ For more news and info on 15-year-old Zach Zimmerly please visit and don't forget to follow us on twitter at twitter. com/ZZR94. KARTER NEWS - july 2010 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 23 24 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 Points STANDINGS REGION 3 SPeedway 2010 Northland Tour Dirt Series As of 6-23-2010 Briggs Animal Light Mitch Weiss ....................... 1191 Tony Rialson ...................... 1106 Todd Terhune ....................... 733 David Bristow ...................... 725 Isaac Minnehan ................... 531 Thomas Spanel . .................. 406 Scott Simms ........................ 346 Zach Drahota . ..................... 208 Alex Hock ............................ 195 Jesse Allen .......................... 188 Dillon Sampson ................... 178 Briggs Animal Medium Isaac Minnehan ................. 1124 Mitch Weiss ....................... 1118 Justin Hanson . .................. 1081 Tony Rialson ...................... 1043 Brian Lepa ........................... 786 Thomas Spanel . .................. 410 Josh Peterson . .................... 405 Mason Gustafson . ............... 365 Adam Gustafson .................. 350 Kevin Kirk ............................ 335 Bryan Good . ........................ 319 Zach Drahota . ..................... 309 Dillon Sampson ................... 301 Todd Moulton Jr . ................. 292 Alex Hock ............................ 206 Max Jacobson ..................... 198 John Merley ........................ 197 Zach Axlen . ......................... 196 Jake Hanson . ...................... 193 David Bristow ...................... 175 Scott Simons ....................... 171 Darrin Zomer ....................... 159 J R Richards ........................ 151 Logan Sinning ..................... 145 Kevin Mulder ....................... 144 Briggs Animal Heavy Jonathan Hanson . ............. 1170 Mike Berg . ........................ 1100 Jake Hanson . ...................... 418 Dillon Sampson ................... 373 Justin Lee . .......................... 348 Brandon Merley ................... 343 Jake Alton ........................... 206 John Merley ........................ 201 Zach Axlen . ......................... 196 Darrin Zomer ....................... 182 Kevin Kirk ............................ 181 Travis Proksch ..................... 176 Brian Wannarka ................... 171 Rusty Loof ........................... 171 Zach Drahota . ..................... 161 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 Kevin Mulder ....................... 153 Briggs Blue Wazoom OHV Jonathan Hanson . ............. 1197 Justin Hanson . .................. 1142 Nathan Terhune ................... 773 Thomas Spanel . .................. 204 Junior 1 Briggs Animal Light Brandon Dolman . .............. 1154 Lexie Ignaszewski ............. 1099 Tylan Porath ........................ 581 Bryan Brandt ....................... 408 Lincoln Schanzenbach ......... 363 Cody Ott .............................. 358 Jacob Murray ...................... 353 Blake Hanson ...................... 323 Aaron Zegers ....................... 203 Wyatt Blashe ....................... 203 Trajan Schmidt .................... 185 Blair Nothdurft ..................... 160 Junior 1 Briggs Animal Heavy Brandon Dolman . .............. 1144 Codie Goettl . ..................... 1099 Wyatt Blashe ....................... 805 Tylan Porath ........................ 553 Bryan Brandt ....................... 404 Lincoln Schanzenbach ......... 369 Jacob Murray ...................... 359 Aaron Zegers ....................... 195 Trajan Schmidt .................... 188 Jason Ebert ......................... 180 Blair Nothdurft ..................... 168 Junior 2 Briggs Animal Light Brandon Grendzinski . ........ 1207 Dylan Goettl ....................... 1092 Cole Ignaszewski ............... 1077 James Suter ...................... 1066 Dalton Magers ................... 1057 Jacob Knapper .................... 725 Zachary Johnson ................. 716 Sammi Simons .................... 536 Scott Swanson .................... 497 Cole Daebler . ...................... 421 Cody Schroeder ................... 376 Kaleb Johnson ..................... 375 Javen Ostermann ................ 370 Brent Edmunds . .................. 366 Michael Nichols ................... 347 Taylor Arndt ......................... 341 Amanda Bristow .................. 330 Hunter Parsons .................... 202 Cory Jalaska . ...................... 154 Junior 2 Briggs Animal Heavy Dylan Goettl ....................... 1181 Brandon Gredzinski ........... 1171 James Suter ...................... 1078 Dalton Magers ................... 1041 Allen Minter ....................... 1041 Scott Swanson .................... 706 Zachary Johnson ................. 697 Kaleb Johnson ..................... 423 Cody Schroeder ................... 411 Michael Nichols ................... 363 Aaron Kaderabek ................. 358 Cole Daebler . ...................... 346 Jaydon Baker ...................... 341 Brent Ednumds . .................. 341 Amanda Bristow .................. 313 Hunter Parsons .................... 191 Cory Talaska ........................ 161 Briggs Animal Masters Mike Berg . ........................ 1179 Doug Hanson ..................... 1149 Marty Aulner ........................ 384 Brian Wannarka ................... 374 Brian Baker ......................... 205 Fred Hefti ............................ 194 Monte Bankes ..................... 179 Junior Gas Michael Murray ................... 402 REGION 4B SPEEDWAY As of 6-15-2010 Junior 1 Briggs Animal Light Camron Bullock ................... 778 Chance Hoffmeyer ............... 406 Ryan Roberts ....................... 194 Boone Evans . ...................... 179 Junior 1 Briggs Animal Heavy Johnny Boland . ................... 790 Chance Hoffmeyer ............... 386 Ryan Roberts ....................... 397 Boone Evans . ...................... 179 Cameron Bullock ................. 183 Junior 1 Briggs Animal Cage Kart Johnny Boland . ................... 810 Britney DeRoon . .................. 755 Robert Martinez ................... 194 Tanner Tatsch ...................... 184 Junior 2 Briggs Animal Cage Kart Andrew Downs .................... 817 Trevor McIntire .................... 747 Hunter Krugle ...................... 727 Kade Taylor . ........................ 559 Patrick Knight ...................... 196 Payton Pierce ...................... 171 Junior 2 Briggs Animal Light Zack Harville ....................... 778 Andrew Downs .................... 763 Arin Green ........................... 377 Logan Lalena . ..................... 204 Justin Robinson ................... 193 Harrison Wise ...................... 183 Junior 2 Briggs Animal Heavy Andrew Downs .................... 781 Zack Harville ....................... 577 Arin Green ........................... 387 Logan Lalena . ..................... 204 Briggs Animal Medium Zack Kuntz .......................... 762 Chase Lambright ................. 757 Trey Paroline . ...................... 742 Taylor Paroline ..................... 537 Barbara DeRoon .................. 533 David Snyder ....................... 401 Austin Bursby ...................... 207 Kyle Towns .......................... 167 Briggs Animal Heavy Brandon Kelley .................... 800 Greg Snyder ........................ 203 David Snyder ....................... 194 Slade Johnson ..................... 192 Jimmy McCoy . .................... 184 Kyle Towns .......................... 183 Robert Wyble ....................... 179 SAMS / RWYB Martin DeRoon . ................... 779 Mike DeRoon ....................... 598 Greg Snyder ........................ 202 David Snyder ....................... 183 Joe DeRoon ......................... 183 REGION 5 SPEEDWAY As of 6-24-2010 Junior I Animal Heavy Brody Willett......................... 399 Ryan Maitland....................... 399 Cole Luck............................. 374 Tristan Vesterby.................... 359 Lucas Jacobson.................... 344 Collin Luck............................ 339 Logan Gunderson.................. 324 Christian Kennedy................. 314 Tanner Mullen....................... 209 Josh Vis................................ 180 Dylan Vanwyk....................... 175 Junior I Briggs Heavy Tristan Vesterby.................... 415 Lucas Jacobson.................... 395 Brody Willitt.......................... 385 Christian Kennedy................. 380 Ben Bogle............................. 208 Caymen DeJong................... 208 Logan Gunderson.................. 208 Dylan VanWyk....................... 208 Ryan Maitland....................... 197 Jr 2 Animal Heavy Jeff Edwards........................ 386 Brayton Carter...................... 203 Zach Johnson....................... 193 Cole Ferguson....................... 193 Jimmy Abell.......................... 183 Jr 2 Briggs Heavy Jeff Edwards........................ 409 Derik Hodges........................ 399 Dustin Reed.......................... 207 Levi Preston.......................... 207 Cole Ferguson....................... 207 Ross Young........................... 207 Brayton Carter...................... 207 Briggs Animal Heavy Scott Terhune....................... 412 Austin Beck.......................... 382 Mike Mass............................ 362 Brad Maas............................ 352 Devon Havlik........................ 342 Bill Rieken............................ 186 Jeremiah Davis..................... 183 Stock Briggs Heavy Devon Havlik........................ 407 Russel Benhart..................... 205 Bryan Nevins Jr.................... 205 Corey Forsyth....................... 205 Andy Bates........................... 205 Jeremiah Davis..................... 196 Austin Beck.......................... 192 Jr 1 Yamaha Heavy Josh Vis................................ 406 Brody Willett......................... 396 Mariah Harney...................... 391 Dawson Harney.................... 386 Rilee Slycord......................... 381 Anissa Smith........................ 376 Courtney DuBois................... 209 Andrea Lauger...................... 209 Gunner Vignaroli................... 209 Owen Ward........................... 207 Jr 2 Yamaha Heavy Woodrow Carpenter.............. 397 Jimmy Abell.......................... 377 Chance Titus......................... 362 Brayton Carter...................... 204 Superbox Andy Rice............................. 418 Koty Benhart......................... 408 Austin Ferrell........................ 398 Jeremy Clearwater............... 393 Chris Harrison....................... 388 Patrick Parks........................ 383 Nathan Christen.................... 378 Ed Clearwater....................... 373 John McCaughey.................. 368 Yamaha KT100 Heavy Jeremy Hills.......................... 428 Brad Stevens........................ 418 Jason Killam......................... 403 Shawn Brown....................... 398 Aaron Young......................... 393 Robert Apt Jr........................ 388 DJ Palmer............................. 383 Chase Young......................... 378 Ryan Hale............................. 373 Jake Tuel.............................. 370 Dennis DuBois...................... 217 Austin Ferrell........................ 217 25 Chris Buller........................... 217 Jayce Jenkins....................... 217 Kyle Heitz............................. 217 Luke Payton.......................... 217 Ben Carpenter...................... 217 Steve Smith.......................... 217 Mike Clausen........................ 191 Open/Dual Combo Mike Clausen........................ 409 Austin Ferrell........................ 409 Bill Rieken............................ 359 DJ Palmer............................. 349 Robert Apt Jr........................ 325 Luke Payton.......................... 334 Jason Killam......................... 193 Brad Stevens........................ 188 Chase Young......................... 183 Steve Smith.......................... 178 Dennis DuBois...................... 158 Aaron Young......................... 155 Kyle Heitz............................. 152 Jr Speedway Midgets Chris Peden.......................... 408 Kyle Jared............................ 373 Jackson Fisher..................... 358 Ross Young........................... 195 Derrike Clark........................ 185 Open Speedway Midgets Terry Hurley.......................... 388 Ron Boylan........................... 363 Patrick Parks........................ 205 Steve Failor........................... 203 Gary Bennett......................... 185 Jayce Jenkins....................... 175 REGION 5A SPEEDWAY As of 6-17-2010 Junior I Light Jacee Gerlach . .................... 813 Tylan Porath ........................ 773 Crist Pittenger . .................... 378 Trajan Schmidt .................... 193 Trevin Stutheit ..................... 185 Tyson Kaiser ........................ 180 Junior 1 Heavy Jacee Gerlach . .................... 800 Tylan Porath ........................ 790 Blair Nothdurft ..................... 705 Brandon Dolman . ................ 705 Jacob Murray ...................... 534 Lincoln Schanzenbach ......... 416 Landon Scott ....................... 384 Devyn Peterson ................... 364 Bryan Brandt ....................... 200 Ben Bogle . .......................... 188 Trajan Schmidt .................... 185 Cody Ott .............................. 170 Blake Hanson ...................... 160 Junior 1 Medium Jacee Gerlach . .................... 802 26 Tylan Porath ........................ 777 Blair Nothdurft ..................... 722 Brandon Dolman . ................ 712 Jacob Murray ...................... 570 Lincoln Schanzenbach ......... 417 Landon Scott ....................... 396 Devyn Peterson ................... 340 Crist Pittenger . .................... 207 Bryan Brandt ....................... 200 Ben Bogle ............................ 179 Trajan Schmidt .................... 175 Cody Ott .............................. 165 Tyson Kaiser ........................ 164 Blake Hanson ...................... 155 Junior 2 Light Dylan LaCroix ...................... 771 James Suter ........................ 756 Kaleb Johnson ..................... 589 Chelsea Oines . .................... 574 Chase Morris ....................... 552 Jacob Krug .......................... 418 Michael Nichols ................... 380 Levi Preston ........................ 378 Blaney Markman ................. 378 Cody Wolf ............................ 362 Justin Robinson ................... 328 Dusten Reed . ...................... 328 Elizabeth Hubbard ............... 209 Dylan Goettl ......................... 209 Jacob Knapper .................... 184 Javen Ostermann ................ 174 MacKenzie VonColin . ........... 159 Junior 2 Medium Michael Nichols ................... 779 Adam Brotherton ................. 770 Kaleb Johnson ..................... 760 Dylan LaCroix ...................... 750 Chelsea Oines . .................... 740 James Suter ........................ 730 Tanner Zweifel ..................... 678 Tucker Snedeker . ................ 676 Chase Morris ....................... 545 Jacob Krug .......................... 395 Levi Preston ........................ 357 Dusten Reed . ...................... 345 Justin Robnson . .................. 302 Elizabeth Hubbard ............... 210 Gunnar Pike . ....................... 196 Cole Ferguson ..................... 194 Dylan Goettl ......................... 190 Michael Wade ...................... 158 MacKenzie VonColin . ........... 155 Jordan Evans . ..................... 149 Junior 2 Heavy Kaleb Johnson ..................... 802 Michael Nichols ................... 797 Adam Brotherton ................. 766 Tucker Snedeker . ................ 752 James Suter ........................ 742 Dylan LaCroix ...................... 737 Tanner Zweifel ..................... 712 Aaron Kaderabeck ............... 208 Gunnar Pike . ....................... 202 Michael Wade ...................... 177 Amanda Bristow .................. 169 Cole Ferguson ..................... 168 Dusten Reed . ...................... 162 Cam Medema ...................... 159 Dereck Oden ....................... 157 Dylan Rief ............................ 154 Junior 2 Briggs Animal Heavy No entries . .............................. 0 Open No entries . .............................. 0 Junior 1 Briggs Animal Heavy No entries . .............................. 0 Stock Light Zach Humphries .................. 422 Tom Spanel ......................... 204 Jordan Krug . ....................... 194 Brentt Mork ......................... 397 Shayle Bade ........................ 184 Joe Hilger ............................ 179 Jamie Gerlach ..................... 382 Talia Mangiameli ................. 169 Alysse Morris . ..................... 372 Candice Hayes . ................... 367 Tanner Snedeker ................. 364 Cody Snyder ........................ 153 Dakota Hendey .................... 358 Cody Olsen .......................... 147 Jeremiah Davis . .................. 208 Stock Medium Tom Spanel ......................... 224 Kiefer Kalin .......................... 429 Garrett Swiggart .................. 419 Cody Olsen .......................... 199 Shayle Bade ........................ 194 Joe Hilger ............................ 189 Sam Mangiameli . ................ 184 Cameron Childs ................... 179 Darin Hauff .......................... 389 Max Jacobson ..................... 384 Alysse Morris . ..................... 381 Kyle Bohling ........................ 163 Chris Buller . ........................ 160 Mark Jacobson .................... 157 Brentt Mork ......................... 369 Zach Humphries .................. 366 Cody Snyder ........................ 363 Chris Shrook . ...................... 145 Jordan Krug . ....................... 142 Heather Salter ..................... 139 Steven Kozol . ...................... 137 Darrin Zomer ....................... 350 Cary Muilenburg .................. 348 Dillon Sampson ................... 346 Wes Miles . .......................... 215 Steve Jacobson ................... 215 Ashley Miller . ...................... 215 Dick Dunwoody ................... 215 LO 206 Cary Muilenburg .................. 806 Bill Jacobson ....................... 193 Frank Alloway ...................... 183 Stock Heavy Garrett Swiggart .................. 418 Kiefer Kalin .......................... 408 Darrin Zomer ....................... 398 Chris Buller . ........................ 185 Dillon Sampson ................... 388 Andrew Hays ....................... 383 Shayle Bade ........................ 170 Steven Kozol . ...................... 165 Darin Hauff .......................... 368 Dan Fay ............................... 155 Cody Snyder ........................ 208 Ashley Miller . ...................... 208 Masters No Entries . .............................. 0 Briggs Animal Light Zach Humphries .................. 408 Joe Hilger ............................ 408 Darin Hauff .......................... 363 Talia Mangiameli ................. 330 Jordan Krug . ....................... 192 Cody Olsen .......................... 187 Sam Mangiameli . ................ 186 Shayle Bade ........................ 177 Alysse Morris . ..................... 172 Brentt Mork ......................... 171 Tom Spanel ......................... 167 David Bristow ...................... 162 Candice Hayes . ................... 157 Carissa Alloway ................... 151 Briggs Animal Medium Garrett Swiggart .................. 398 Joe Hilger ............................ 398 Zach Humphries .................. 365 Darrin Zomer ....................... 348 Cameron Childs ................... 338 Kiefer Kalin .......................... 323 Dillon Sampson ................... 313 Darin Hauff .......................... 307 Max Jacobson ..................... 304 Cody Snyder ........................ 304 Sam Mangiameli . ................ 295 Brentt Mork ......................... 210 Tom Spanel ......................... 208 Todd Moulton . ..................... 195 Chris Buller . ........................ 193 Adam Gustafson .................. 190 John Merley ........................ 185 Cody Olsen .......................... 183 Alyssse Morris ..................... 178 Logan Sinning ..................... 165 Kyle Bohling ........................ 163 Jeremiah Davis . .................. 156 Jordan Krug . ....................... 151 Ashley Miller . ...................... 150 Mason Gustafson . ............... 144 Marty Aulner ........................ 138 Shayle Bade ............................ 0 Briggs Animal Heavy Garrett Swiggart .................. 404 Darrin Zomer ....................... 374 Dillon Sampson ................... 369 Kiefer Kalin .......................... 338 Cary Muilenburg .................. 316 Frank Alloway ...................... 311 Kirk Sackreiter . ................... 212 Chris Buller . ........................ 202 Jake Hanson . ...................... 202 Tyler Kinman ....................... 177 Jamie Gerlach ..................... 177 Shayle Bade ........................ 172 Cody Snyder ........................ 172 Jason Horn .......................... 167 Justin Lee . .......................... 167 Ashley Miller . ...................... 162 Cody Snyder ........................ 157 Andrew Hays ....................... 151 Briggs Animal Blue Wazoom Medium No Entries . .............................. 0 Junior Gas Tukar Eischens .................... 779 Tyler Bitz ............................. 759 Michael Murray ................... 586 Nathan Peschke . ................. 559 Ryan Pascoe . ...................... 402 Alycia Timmerman ............... 347 Chantel Bade ....................... 167 Briggs Animal Masters Mike Berg . .......................... 796 Ken Scott . ........................... 582 Michey Hays ........................ 567 Mark Kix .............................. 384 Mitch Morris ........................ 205 Kevin Kinman ...................... 204 Brian Wannarka ................... 204 Joe Medema ....................... 184 REGION 11 Road Race Reg. 11 NCK Road Race As of 6-22-2010 Yamaha KT100S Light Griffin King .......................... 385 Scott Kuntze ........................ 204 Steve Bishop ....................... 194 Anthony Honeywell .............. 179 Yamaha KT100S Heavy Griffin King .......................... 395 Anthony Honeywell .............. 204 Scott Kuntze ........................ 184 Steve Bishop ....................... 179 125cc-150cc Open Steve Bishop ....................... 385 Griffin King .......................... 370 David Koomjan .................... 370 Ray Bobo ............................. 367 Michael Estrella ................... 205 Jim White ............................ 202 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 Ben French .......................... 195 Kyle Kuntze . ........................ 180 Unlimited/ FKE III John Stafford . ..................... 594 Larry Dobbs . ....................... 559 Paul Traver .......................... 375 Herach Haroutunians ........... 360 Mark Morrison ..................... 350 Anthony Williams ................. 206 Ron Shaw ............................ 194 TaG Enduro Larry O'Neal ........................ 543 Michael Grijalva ................... 398 Juha Salmela . ..................... 388 Terre Rothweiler .................. 205 Joe Kitterman ...................... 205 Dan Geil .............................. 185 Rick Holmboe ...................... 185 Bryant Thomas .................... 175 Rhonda Richardson . ............ 175 Super Stock Situp David Koomjan .................... 201 Inter-Continental-E John Stafford . ..................... 607 Larry Dobbs . ....................... 537 Mark Morrison ..................... 368 Steve Kemp ......................... 360 Paul Traver .......................... 353 Ryen Miller .......................... 207 Ron Shaw ............................ 194 Thomas Crahan ................... 187 Eddie Lawson ...................... 182 Luis Fernando Gularte . ........ 176 Yamaha Limited Light Sprint Clint Howard . ...................... 549 Billy Howard ........................ 544 Larry Stevens ...................... 534 Codie Howard ...................... 524 Ben French .......................... 504 Ray Bobo ............................. 407 David Koomjan .................... 405 Michael Estrella ................... 362 Kyle Kuntze . ........................ 207 Terry Clauson ...................... 174 Ryan Lee ............................. 164 Jim White ............................ 159 Yamaha Limited Heavy Sprint Larry Stevens ...................... 558 Ben French .......................... 543 Ray Bobo ............................. 409 Michael Estrella ................... 359 David Koomjan .................... 204 Terry Clauson ...................... 195 Kyle Kuntze . ........................ 194 TaG Heavy Joe Beaudoin . ..................... 202 Dan Geil .............................. 192 TaG Light John McClintic . ................... 393 Joe Beaudoin . ..................... 202 Rhonda Richardson . ............ 201 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 Formula 125 Limited Jonathan Shaw . .................. 405 Dave Flutz ........................... 203 Chris Gaczol ........................ 193 Troy Shooter ........................ 193 Anthony Williams ................. 192 Mario Valiente . .................... 183 Jahan Mongul . .................... 183 Formula 125 Limited Heavy Brian Tilseth ........................ 402 Formula 125 Jonathon Shaw . .................. 405 Brian Tilseth ........................ 376 Troy Shooter ........................ 203 Dave Fultz ........................... 193 Jahan Mogul . ...................... 192 Anthony Williams ................. 183 Formula 80 Senior Don Shalla ........................... 402 Super Stock CR125 Erik Maxfield ....................... 619 Darrell Hulford ..................... 569 Joseph Hollinger . ................ 519 Jack Dorian ......................... 494 Sonny Van Hook . ................. 492 Michael LaGrone . ................ 483 Kerry Matthews ................... 461 Brian White . ........................ 455 Bill Cox ................................ 452 Chris McCabe ...................... 389 Todd Baker .......................... 365 Bill Guilick ........................... 360 Rich Goddard . ..................... 318 Tony Rodriquez .................... 215 Jimmy McNeil ..................... 205 Steve Beaudoin ................... 205 Chris Gaczol ........................ 194 Tony Rodriquez .................... 179 Ken Shilling ......................... 175 Chris Bachmann .................. 169 Justin Casey ........................ 160 Paul Traver .......................... 148 NCK World Formula Medium Chris Abbas ......................... 584 Brien Bluhm ........................ 574 Larry Morelock .................... 529 Cliff Letterman . ................... 360 Taelor Janes ........................ 204 Cory Medigovich . ................ 195 Brad Wunder ....................... 195 IKF World Formula Heavy Chris Abbas ......................... 584 Brien Bluhm ........................ 574 Larry Morelock .................... 554 Cliff Letterman . ................... 360 Taelor Janes ........................ 204 Cory Medigovich . ................ 195 Brad Wunder ....................... 185 WC 80cc Sprint Richard Witschel . ................ 404 Don Shalla ........................... 193 John Montes . ...................... 183 WC Super Stock CR125 II Sonny Van Hook . ................. 565 Darrell Hulford ..................... 558 Erik Maxfield ....................... 557 Michael LaGrone . ................ 518 Jack Dorian ......................... 499 Brian White . ........................ 498 Bill Cox ................................ 466 Kerry Mathews .................... 465 Joseph Hollinger . ................ 464 Chris McCabe ...................... 389 Bill Guilick ........................... 374 Todd Baker .......................... 344 Rich Goddard . ..................... 329 Jimmy McNeil ..................... 215 Justin Casey ........................ 205 Steve Beaudoin ................... 204 Chris Bachman .................... 184 Ken Shilling ......................... 180 Chris Gazcol ........................ 153 Paul Traver .......................... 153 Tony Rodriquez .................... 150 TaG Enduro II Larry O'Neal ........................ 586 Juha Salmela . ..................... 405 Rhonda Richardson . ............ 183 WC TaG FBO Mike Baer ............................ 558 Rick Jackson ....................... 533 Larry Stevens ...................... 528 Don Pierce . ......................... 517 Bill Mastrude ....................... 513 Claude (Butch) Thompson .... 490 Bryant Thomas .................... 389 Steve Dutton . ...................... 387 Ray Chiappe ........................ 384 Chris McCabe ...................... 213 Terre Rothweiler .................. 211 Joe Kitterman ...................... 183 Rick Holmboe ...................... 168 Levi Harris ........................... 164 Ken Adams .......................... 159 Dennis Conary ..................... 156 Rhonda Richardson . ............ 153 Dave Cabico ........................ 149 NCK Super Sportsman Yamaha Light Danny Chew ........................ 603 WC Stock CR80 Sprint Patrick McCawley ................ 404 Richard Witschel . ................ 192 Don Shalla ........................... 192 NCK Unlimited II Herach Haroutunians ........... 396 Anthony Williams ................. 205 Randy Taylor ........................ 185 Luis Fernando Gularte . ........ 180 Kenny Roesler ..................... 175 NEW MEMBERS MAY 2010 Camilo Mejia...................................................................... CA Nicholas Phillips............................................................... CA Randy Benedix.................................................................. CA Branden Benedix............................................................... CA Gene Atkins........................................................................ CA Eugen Muzio...................................................................... CA Andrew Colombini........................................................... CA Todd Cindell...................................................................... CA Chad Cindell...................................................................... CA Antony Halcrou..................................................................BC Hunter Halcrou..................................................................BC Jerry Pitts............................................................................WA Don Miller..........................................................................WA Britney De Roon.................................................................TX Andrew Emery.................................................................. CO Corbin Emery.................................................................... CO Jim Macleod....................................................................... CO Tristin Macleod.................................................................. CO Kim Roche.........................................................................NM Erik Roche.........................................................................NM Brad Boultinghouse.........................................................NM Don Vangilst........................................................................IA Daniel Vangilst....................................................................IA Brian Rahn...........................................................................TX Rusty Taylor........................................................................TX Rusty K. Taylor...................................................................TX Charles Peake.................................................................... OR Jeff Thralls.......................................................................... CA Brody Thralls..................................................................... CA Levi Harris......................................................................... CA Sean Britt............................................................................ CA Damon Cox........................................................................ CA Ryan Cox............................................................................ CA John Hughes...................................................................... CA John M. Hughes................................................................ CA Sean Klinger....................................................................... CA Caitlynn Eckhardt............................................................. CA Corey Mitchell................................................................... CA Jim Sisemore...................................................................... CA Ryen Sisemore................................................................... CA Tanner McGuire.................................................................WA Elizabeth Hubbard.............................................................SD Mike Ciccotelli................................................................... OR Troy Smith...........................................................................LA David Grendzinski.............................................................WI Brandon Grendzinski........................................................WI Gregory Hanson................................................................NV Jake Sessler.........................................................................WA Alex Storgaard...................................................................WA John McCaughey.................................................................IA James Obey........................................................................ CO Gage Obey.......................................................................... CO Richard Rosales................................................................NM David Saucedo..................................................................NM Robert Bitz...........................................................................SD Tyler Bitz..............................................................................SD Brian Lepa............................................................................IA Larry Dyne......................................................................... CA Jake Dyne........................................................................... CA Steve Zedoff.......................................................................WA Jeana Zedoff.......................................................................WA Mark McDonald................................................................WA John Ernst........................................................................... UT Joey Bader..........................................................................WA Brent Sisco..........................................................................WA Anthony Sisco....................................................................WA 27 EVENTS 2010 GRAND NATIONALS ROAD RACE June 29-July 2, 2010 Buttonwillow Raceway Park, Buttonwillow, CA Northern Claifornia Karters 4-CYCLE SPRINT/ SHIFTER June 30-July 3, 2010 Horn Rapids Kart Track, Richland , WA Tri City Kart Club 4-CYCLE SPEEDWAY July 12-16, 2010 University Plains Speedway, Brookings, SD. South Dakota Kart Club 2-CYCLE SPRINT June 22-26, 2010 Willow Springs Kart Track, Willow Springs, CA Willow Springs kart Club 2-CYCLE SPEEDWAY/ SPEEDWAY MIDGET August 3-6, 2010 Newton Kart Track, Newton, IA 2010 Regional Events REGION 3 SPEEDWAY In order to qualify for year end awards, you must run 8 out of 10 races. Any Maxxis tire. July 31, 2010 Runestone Go Kart Douglas County Fairgrounds Alexandria MN August 1, 2010 Runestone Go Kart Douglas County Fairgrounds Alexandria MN 28 August 21, 2010 Atwater Karting Speedway Atwater, MN August 22, 2010 Atwater Karting Speedway Atwater, MN Series Coordinator Andy Bear, Bear Motor Sports Cell 651-260-8278, Home: 715-749-3626 930 70th Ave Roberts, WI 54023 2010 Classes: Junior I Briggs Animal Light Junior I Briggs Animal Heavy Junior II Briggs Animal Light Junior II Briggs Animal Heavy Briggs Animal Light Briggs Animal Medium Briggs Animal Heavy Blue Wazoom OHV Heavy Briggs Animal Masters Junior Gas Briggs Animal REGION 4A SPEEDWAY August 21, 2010 Harvey Caplin Memorial Alburquerque Speedway Karting September 4-5, 2010 Kart Kanyon Speedway Four Corners Kart Club REGION 4A SPRINT Contact: Jay Jacobellis Colorado Junior Karting Club 303-6830333 July 18 Action Karting (Bandimere) Morrison, CO August 15 Grand Junction Motor Speedway Grand Junction, CO August 29 IMI Motorsports - New Track Erie, CO September 12 IMI Motorsports - New Track Erie, CO September 19 Action Karting (Bandimere) Morrison, CO October 9 2010 CJKC Family Celebration & IKF Awards Banquet REGION 4B ROAD RACE July 16-18, 2010 Hallet Motor Racing Circuit w/MARRS Jennings, OK Hosted by MARRS SWRA /Jim McMillan August 6-8, 2010 Texas World Speedway, College Station, TX. SWRA /Jim McMillan September 17-19, 2010 • FALL NATIONAL TBD SWRA /Jim McMillan October 15-17, 2010 • WINTER NATIONAL TBD SWRA /Jim McMillan REGION 4B SPEEDWAY Must race in 4 out of 5 races to qualify for year end awards. September 11, 2010 Texoma Motor Speedway Wichita Falls TX 940-447-4143 REGION 5 SPEEDWAY Heartland Tour 2010 Must participate in 50% + 1 of scheduled events to be eligible for year end awards. July 31 Thunder Valley Speedway Aug 1 Massena Iowa AUG 28 & 29 Newton Kart Klub Newton Iowa Region 5 Speedway Class List Saturday Junior I Heavy Junior II Heavy Stock Heavy Junior I 2 Cycle Heavy Yamaha KT100S Heavy SuperBox KARTER NEWS - july 2010 sunday Junior I Briggs Animal Heavy Junior II Briggs Animal Heavy Briggs Animal Heavy Junior II 2 Cycle Heavy Open Dual Combo Speedway Midgets TBA reGIon 5a sPeedWaY 2010 iKf briggs & stratton midwest speedway tour Series Coordinator Doug Johnson 605-359-4955 Best 4 out of 5 for series except Jr. Gas, Briggs Animal Masters and Briggs LO206 at best 8 out of 10 for the series. Any Maxxis tire. July 3-4, 2010 - Rain Date University Plains Speedway, Brookings, SD 605-366-6789 august 7-8, 2010 Aberdeen Karting Club, Aberdeen, SD 605-229-7045 september 4-5, 2010 Heartland Speedway, Rapid City, SD 605-431-7203 september 6, 2010 - Rain Date reGIon 6 road raCe Mike Schorn 503-324-9072 July 17, 2010 summer National Practice July 16, 2010 PSRRA, Pacific Raceway, Kent WA Paul Clifton, september 11, 2010 fall National Practice September 10, 2010 PSRRA, Bremerton Raceway, Bremerton WA Paul Clifton, october 2, 2010 Winter National PKA/PIR, Portland OR Mike Schorn 503-324-9072 october 16, 2010 Practice October 15, 2010 Westwood Karting Association Mission Raceway Park, Mission BC Canada KARTER NEWS - july 2010 Stan Crocker 360-966-4807 reGIon 6 sPrInT July 23-25, 2010 West Coast Kart Club, Chilliwack, BC Greg Moore David Warner, august 6-8, 2010 Mountain High Raceway, Spanaway, WA Puget Sound Go Kart Association Jack Lehmann 253-536-4215 august 20-22, 2010 McMinnville Raceway, McMinnville, OR Portland Karting Association Michael Schorn 503-324-9072 september 3-5, 2010 Glen Morgan Raceway, Boise, ID Snake River Karters Steve Vatcher 208-573-7899 september 17-19, 2010 Sumas Int'l Motorsport Academy Sumas, WA Claudio Valianti 604-253-4248 No Points - Punch Only Race Bill Hettick, reGIon 11 sPrInT **shifter / taG license are required in region 11 sprint** July 11, 2010 Desert Park Raceway, Reno NV North Nevada Kart Club Brian Rivera reGIon 11 road raCe Contact for all events: Roger Miller 408-286-5487 August 14, 2010 • Fall National Buttonwillow Raceway Park, Bakersfield, CA 4 Races - No Drops adVerTIser Index courtney concepts .............................30 coyote products ..................................31 dave’s performance karting .............30 fleming racing ....................................32 g-Man kart works ..............................31 grand nat’l form, 4-cyc. spway .....23 grand nat’l form, 2-cyc spway ......24 haddock, ltd. ......................................30 Jim hall ii racing schools .................31 k&p Manufacturing ...........................30 kart-o-rama ........................................31 lakc ....................................................32 Mike’s kart stands ..............................31 Mike Manning karting.......................30 Mxk racing .........................................30 nash's hyper racing engines...........30 national kart news ..............................6 penton racing products .....................31 pitts performance ................................31 pks kart supplies ...............................30 position one.........................................31 race kart engineering........................32 rlv Tuned exhaust products ...........31 russell karting specialties...................2 scribner plastics...................................30 stroud design, inc...............................32 Target distributors ................................4 Ts racing ..............................................31 Turk brothers racing ............................3 woltjer racing engines ......................30 29 30 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 Performance Racing Ignitions P V L Importer & Distributor Phone: 440-989-4474 Fax: 440-989-4476 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 31 Want an economical way to reach your customers? Take a look at a “Business Card” ad in the NEW Karter News “Virtual” Magazine. One low rate gets you into all 10 virtual issues, the printed editions of the Annual Grand National Yearbook and the Competition Regulations & Technical Manual! Call the I.K.F. office 909-923-4999 for more information. 32 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 I.K.F. GOVERNORS, COORDINATORS & COMMITTEES National Coordinator - Rick Scribner, 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, CA 95650...................(916) 652-3905 . ...................................... FAX (916) 652-3910 Rule Book Coordinator - IKF Office, 1609 S. Grove Ave. Ste. 105 Ontario, CA 91761...................(909) 923-4999 . ...................................... FAX (909) 923-6940 Rule Book Text Editor - Roger Miller, 600 Pamiar Avenue San Jose, CA 95128 . .............................................(408) 286-5487 Track/Club/Promoter Relations International Kart Federation 1609 S. Grove Avenue, Suite 105, Ontario, CA 91761...................(909) 923-4999 . ....................................... FAX(909) 923-6940 Waiver Chairperson (Sprint) Art Verlengiere 2351 Thompson Way Bldg A Santa Maria, CA 93455 Waiver Chairperson (Road Race) Mike Schorn P.O. Box 373 Banks, OR 97106....................(503) 324-9072 Waiver Chairperson (Speedway) William Hilger 5910 Skylark Lane Lincoln, NE 68516...................(402) 416-1284 GOVERNORS & COORDINATORS REGION 1 Coordinator - (SPRINT) Joan Cressi 131 Sea Cliff Ave., Glen Cove, NY 11542..............(516) 676-3303 Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open New Jersey Governor - Open E. New York Governor - Open W. New York Governor - Open REGION 2 Coordinator & North Carolina Gov - Erica Bear 8316 Paces Oaks Blvd #732, Charlotte, NC 28213................(651) 253-1090 REGION 3 Coordinator (SPRINT) - Open Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) - Andy Bear 930 70th Avenue, Roberts, WI 54023..................(715) 749-3626 Indiana Governor - Open Illinois Governor - Open Minnesota Governor - Open Wisconsin Governor - Mark Alton P.O. Box 224 Woodville, WI 54028................(715) 928-0691 REGION 4A Coordinator (SPEEDWAY) - Adam Mollenkopf 6032 Celestial Avenue NW Albuquerque, NM 87114.........(505) 269-7853 Coordinator (SPRINT) Jay Jacobellis 2872 Greensborough Drive Highland Ranch, CO 80129.....(303) 683-0333 New Mexico Governor - Timothy Baird, PO Box 2559, Edgewood, NM 87015.............(505) 286-9132 REGION 4B Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) Jim McMillan 8216 Apollo Drive Joshua, TX 76058...................(817) 296-7683 Coordinator 4B - (SPRINT) Open Coordinator 4B - (SPEEDWAY) Gene Harville 106 Allwright, Gladwater, TX 75647...............(903) 746-9074 Coordinator 4B - (PAV SPWY) Francis Rougeou 1040 Main Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802..........(225) 761-7890 KARTER NEWS - july 2010 Louisiana Governor - Francis Rougeou 1040 Main Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802..........(225) 761-7890 Texas Governor - Hank Cantrell 4129 Walsh Lane Grand Prairie, TX 75052..........(214) 395-9335 REGION 5 Coordinator - (SPRINT/PAV SPWY/SPWY) Co-Coordinator- Todd Vesterly 903 Harding Ct Webster City, IA 50595............(515) 835-2508 Co-Coordinator- Jeff Havlik 209 Michigan Avenue Iowa Falls, IA 50126................(641) 373-0137 Iowa Governor - Corey Kemp 1756 65th Street Garrison, IA 52229..................(319) 981-0908 Missouri Governor - Open REGION 5A Coordinator (SPEEDWAY) - Doug Johnson 4513 S. Highland Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57103 . .............................................(605) 359-4955 Nebraska Governor - William Hilger 5910 Skylark Lane, Lincoln, NE 68516...................(402) 416-1284 Kansas Governor - Frank Merando, 7726 S.E. Second, Tecumseh, KS 66542..............(785) 379-0496 North Dakota Governor - Open South Dakota Governor - Doug Norgaard 312 E. Glenwood Drive Brandon, SD 57005.................(605) 351-9223 REGION 6 Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Chris Hatch 368 NW Denton Dallas, OR 97338....................(503) 569-1233 Coordinator - (SPRINT) Bill Hettick 5127 215th Street SE Woodinville, WA 98072............(206) 353-6569 Coordinator - (PAVE SPWY) Open Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open Idaho - Roger Cathey 2061 N. Currant Place, Boise, ID 83704......................(208) 378-0610 Oregon - Mike Schorn PO Box 373 Banks, OR 97106,.(503)324-9072 Washington - Bob Thompson, E 12924 Olive Avenue, Spokane, WA 99216 . .............(509) 924-6755 REGION 7 Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Open Coordinator - (SPRINT) Art Verlengiere, 2351 A Thompson Way, Santa Maria, CA 93455 Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) - Open Arizona - Open Hawaii - Tim Hultquist, 52 Kopi Lane #103, Wailuku, HI 96793...................(808) 242-9736 South California - Sharon Barros, 602 Fountain Ave, Redlands, CA 92373................(909) 709-1642 South California Lt. Gov. - Open South Nevada - Keith St. George, 10758 Vestone Street Las Vegas, NV 89141.................(702) 289-6049 REGION 8 Governor and Coordinator - Stan Crocker, PO Box 187 Everson, WA 98247.................(360) 966-4807 REGION 10 Governor/Coordinator - Gabe Kajdy, 10224 8th Street SW Calgary ALB,Canada T2W OH2....(403) 252-5262 REGION 11 Co-Coordinator - (SPRINT) - Art Verlengiere 2351 A Thompson Way, Santa Maria, CA 93455 Co-Coordinator - (SPRINT) - Ed Diederich 1308 Hallertau Drive, Sparks, NV 89441...................(775) 424-3797 Coordinator - (ROAD RACE) - Roger Miller 600 Pamlar Avenue San Jose, CA 95128................(408) 286-5487 Coordinator - (SPEEDWAY) Open No. California Governor - Roger Miller 600 Pamlar Avenue San Jose, CA 95128................(408) 286-5487 No. Nevada Governor - Glenn McKinnon 2540 Beaumont Pkwy, Reno, NV 89523......................(775) 560-2708 Utah Governor - Open, ADVISORY COMMITTEES: National Tech Director - 2-Cycle: Jack Hoegerl (Chairman) 4205 29th Ave. Rock Island, IL 61201..............(309) 793-0118 Lynn Haddock 7585 Short Tail Springs Road, Harrison, TN 37341.................(423) 698-0847 Terry Ives 6705 Almond Knoll Court, Granite Bay, CA 95746............(916) 201-7707 John Motley 2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40 Paso Robles, CA 93446...........(805) 238-7060 National Tech Director - 4-Cycle: Terry Nash (Chairman), 8438 Loma Place, Upland, CA 91786...................(909) 981-9611 Lee Miller, 2433 8th Ave., Council Bluffs, IA 51501..........(402) 306-4774 Roger Cathey, 2061 N. Currant Place, Boise, ID 83704......................(208) 378-0610 Chuck Sloggett, 11888 Deer Ridge Road, Custer, SD 57730....................(605) 673-2203 David Snyder, 17538 FM RD 2493 Flint, TX 75762........................(903) 894-3262 Syd White 24 Paseo Hermoso, Salinas, CA 93908...................(831) 484-1302 Mark Alton P.O. Box 224, Woodville, WI 54028................(715) 928-0691 Jody Mitrevics 3202 S. Summit Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57105.............(605) 201-5588 George Shear RR 4 Box 445 Eufaula, OK 74432..................(918) 618-6800 Mike Schorn P.O. Box 373 Banks, OR 97106....................(503) 324-9072 Doug Norgaard 312 Glenwood Drive, Brandon, SD 57005.................(605) 351-9223 Shifter Tech Committee: John Motley (Chairman), 2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40 Paso Robles, CA 93446...........(805) 238-7060 Terry Hegar, 15600 SE For Mor Court Clackamas, OR 97015.............(503) 659-1234 Don Holmboe 9399 S.W. Tigard Street Tigard, OR 97223....................(503) 624-0621 John Sefcik P.O. Box 445, 1152 PR7905 Hawkins, TX 75765.................(903) 769-4140 Road Race: Don Holmboe (Chairman) 6510 SW 204th Place Aloha, OR 97007.....................(503) 642-5852 Debbie Kuntze 660 Bel Air Drive Vista, CA 92084......................(760) 941-6448 Chris Hegar, 15600 SE For Mor Ct., Clackamas, OR 97015.............(503) 659-1234 Roger Miller 600 Pamlar Avenue San Jose, CA 95128................(408) 286-5487 Mike Jones 4910 Getha Lane Sachse, TX 75048...................(214) 882-6823 Sprint: Art Verlengiere (Chairman) 2351 Thompson Way Bldg. A Santa Maria, CA 93455 Lynn Haddock PO Box 11 Ooltewah, TN 37363 Les Hand 7912 Red Wolf Way Sacramento, CA 95829 Kent Laukaitis 3775 Cundiff Road Decatur, IL 62526 Keith Freber 3233 South Kingshighway St. Louis, MO 63139 Speedway: Bill Hilger (Chairman), 5910 Skylark Lane, Lincoln, NE 68516...................(402) 416-1284 Brad Swiggart 2900 S. 70th St. #300 Lincoln, NE 68506...................(402) 484-3892 Ralph Woodard 2417 North 84th Street Omaha, NE 68134...................(402) 926-2370 David Snyder 17538 FM RD 2493 Flint, TX 75762........................(903) 894-3262 Andy Bear 930 70th Avenue Roberts, WI 54023..................(715) 749-3626 Daniel Koopman 21580 State Hwy 60 Brewster, MN 56119...............(507) 842-5510 Doug Norgaard 312 E. Glenwood Drive Brandon, SD 57005.................(605) 351-9223 Adam Mollenkopf, 6032 Celestial Avenue NW Albuquerque, NM 87114.........(505) 269-7853 TaG: John Motley (Chairman) 2130 Golden Hill Rd. Unit 40 Paso Robles, CA 93446...........(805) 238-7060 Don Moormeister 757 E, Havasupai Street Meridian ID, 83646.................(208) 420-0631 Terry Nash, 8438 Loma Pl, Upland, CA 91786...................(909) 981-9611 Rick Scribner, 5475 Laird Road, Loomis, CA 95650...................(916) 652-3905 Jack Hoegerl 4205 29th Ave. Rock Island, IL 61201..............(309) 793-0118 33 karter news ews Magazine is the official publication of the international kart federation. Thank you to all of our Members and future Members for reading this issue. please consider the advertisers in karter news Magazine, the ikf web site, and our regional and national sponsors for your karting business. They are here to support you and ikf karting. we always welcome your comments, suggestions, and of course, article and photo submissions! instructions and more information here: guidelines for karter news article submission. 34 KARTER NEWS - july 2010
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DON HOLMBOE - Secretary, 9399 S.W. Tigard Street, Tigard, OR 97223........................................(503) 624-0621
JACK HOEGERL - Co-Treasurer, 4205 29th Ave., Rock Island, IL 61201.............