if a picture is worth a thousand words, our jewish


if a picture is worth a thousand words, our jewish
if a picture is worth a thousand words, our
jewish cultural festival photos tell quite a story!
The Temple Tablet
August 2015
Vol. 51, No. 10
kids’ activities!
sunny smiles!
great food!
Appreciation Shabbat Dinner
see pages six
and seven for
more about
the festival!
all photos by Mendy
of Portraits by Mendy
family fun!
Friday, August 28 at 6:00 p.m.
Boston’s Bistro & Pub
7500 N. Main Street, Dayton 45415
Temple Israel wants to thank YOU for the success of the Jewish Cultural
Festival! Join us at Boston's Bistro & Pub for a special Shabbat service
and FREE pizza dinner. All Temple members, Festival volunteers, and
their families are invited. RSVP by August 21 to Courtney. Please wear
your festival t-shirts. There will be no regular service at Temple.
Temple Israel
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405
Temple Israel’s
Below are excerpts of this
year’s Confirmation Class
Temple Israel
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405-4968
phone 937-496-0050
fax 888-777-0490
Molly Buchanan (Speaking about
Richard Rubenstein’s thought.)
Just like Rubenstein, I find it hard to
understand why God would let the
unthinkable happen and allow so
many deaths. Therefore, his idea that
God does not play a role in historical
moments makes sense to me.
However, I also agree that God is
present and watches over us through
our daily lives. It is just that God
may not be the Omnipotent
controller of all history. That,
however, does not mean God is not
somehow connected to all of us.
Abigail Dickstein (Speaking about
Emil Fackenheim’s thought.)
Jewish tradition teaches us that the
Torah provides us with 613 mitzvot.
All of which we, as Jews, use to fulfill
our covenant with God. This past
year, in confirmation class, I learned
that I might be missing an additional
mitzvah; a mitzvah that now seems to
be very important. This mitzvah is
what Emil Fackenheim called the 614
mitzvah. He put it this way: thou
shalt not give Hitler another
posthumous victory. We fulfill the
614 mitzvah by thriving as a people
and we fulfill it by thriving as a
culture. So love practicing Judaism
and be proud to be Jewish.
Aaron Dickstein (Speaking about
Richard Rubenstein’s thought.)
I tend to think of myself as a person
who likes to live by facts and
evidence, rather than one who lives
on speculation. Furthermore, as a
human being, in addition to my Jewish
perspective, I simply cannot even
fathom a God who would let millions
upon millions of innocent men,
women and children be heinously
slaughtered as they were in the
Holocaust. As a result the only
acceptable solution is the one which
Rubenstein presents to us.
Gabby Frost (Speaking about
Richard Rubenstein’s thought.)
When it comes to his theology he
takes a very radical approach.
Rubenstein looks at the facts of the
Holocaust and argued that God must
be dead. He knows that is a very
provocative statement so he quickly
explains that he means the God of
history died. It is not that he doesn’t
believe in God at all, rather, he
thinks God is a holy no-thing-ness,
the source of life from which all life
comes and eventually will return to.
Skyler Miller (Speaking about the
Confirmation trip.)
While in D.C. I was greatly impacted
by the Holocaust Museum. My usual
experience at a museum is with my
school. This is full of kids mostly
wanting to socialize and take
advantage of not being in school.
This was very different. I think any
Jew who visits the Holocaust
Museum will be greatly affected.
However, being there with a couple
of hundred Jewish youth was a major
experience. During that visit I saw
people tearing up; people were
actually reading the informative signs;
and I saw people bonding over their
automatic similarities by being
Merrie Mollenhauer (Speaking
about the Confirmation trip.)
I go to a school that, including
myself, has three Jewish teens. But
in the hotel we stayed in I was
surrounded by literally hundreds of
...continued on page 3
From the Confirmation Class
Mon-Thurs: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Rabbi Ilene Bogosian
Interim Senior Rabbi
ext. 230 / ibogosian@tidayton.org
Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz
Epstein Family Educator
ext. 226 / karen@tidayton.org
Suzanne Shaw
Executive Director
ext. 222 / suzanne@tidayton.org
Courtney Cummings
Music and Program Director
ext. 224 / courtney@tidayton.org
Molly Blumer
Religious School Manager
ext. 221 / mblumer@tidayton.org
Ellen Finke-McCarthy
Facility rental and event planning;
Tablet; yahrzeits; funerals; burials
ext. 225 / ellen@tidayton.org
Annette Stogdill
RSVP’s; donations
ext. 223 / astogdill@tidayton.org
Donald Bush
Child Care
Bart Weprin, President
Carol Finley, Vice President
Rick Goldberg, Treasurer
Carol Graff, Secretary
Bart Weprin
Temple Israel President
As the newly elected President of
Temple Israel, I am excited about the
opportunity to help lead our
congregation over the next two
years. I plan to build on what past
president Lisa Pierce accomplished
during her presidency. She should be
commended for leading us through
the process of picking an interim
rabbi and to the point of organizing
the rabbinic search for a new senior
I would also like to thank Rabbi
Sofian for all he did as the senior
rabbi for Temple over the past 12
years and wish him and his family the
best in their retirement.
Temple Israel has a very strong
platform and brand. We have an
excellent staff with Suzanne Shaw
moving up to the Executive Director
position, assuming a leadership role.
In addition, hats off to Rabbi BodneyHalasz who continues to perform as
the consummate professional as our
associate rabbi in these times of
Temple Israel is financially sound,
well managed and all is well, but
change is in the wind. We are
experiencing, as many other
congregations in the mid-markets, a
shift in our demographics. We need
to be smart in our planning for the
In July, we welcomed Interim Senior
Rabbi, Ilene Bogosian. She will be
with us for one year. During that
time she will also be our sounding
board for selecting our new rabbi.
We welcome her with open arms
and hope to learn from all of her past
Now that you, the congregation, have
a picture of what is going on, I want
to let you know how important you
are. Nothing is possible without you.
I encourage you to stay tuned.
Temple Israel has a great deal of
potential and I need your help to
shape the future of our congregation.
Feel free to contact me anytime.
Do You Get TIDBits?
Temple’s weekly e-mail has all the latest information about worship and events and offers easy links to RSVP for Temple
events. To sign up, click on the “Get TIDBits” link at www.tidayton.org.
...continued from page 2
continuing Jewish education was being
part of the Confirmation class trip to
Jewish teenagers. Even though they
the Religious Action Center in
were from states as far away as
Washington, D.C. On this trip I
California, we were all connected by
mainly learned about how the U.S.
one thing: our religion, our
government works and the amount of
Jewishness. It was an amazing feeling say everybody has in its decisions. Of
that first night to look around during particular importance was that I made
services and see all these people who a lot of friends during this short trip
share the same religion and identity as and got to work closer with each of
I do. It was too cold and raining when them than ever before. My subject
we were supposed to have a Havdalah that I worked on there had to do with
service at the Jefferson Memorial. So poverty and homelessness in America.
we had it in the hotel instead. It was I attended meetings specifically on this
crowded and noisy and hot, but I
topic. After gaining some powerful
loved it. There was a moment when knowledge I worked diligently to write
everyone was singing and I looked
a speech that would convince Ohio’s
around and thought, “I belong here.” representatives to help change the
It was a wonderful feeling.
poverty and homelessness rates in our
Jack Nickolaisen (Speaking about
the Confirmation trip.)
Sara Pierce (Speaking about
The greatest experience I had in my
Mordecai Kaplan’s thought.)
From the President
I got several different understandings
about God in Confirmation class.
The one that resonated the most
with me was what Mordecai Kaplan
taught. First of all, he offered an
important idea about Judaism itself.
For him, Judaism is more than the
belief in God, it is a culture. He
called it a civilization. This is an
important insight for me because
following traditions and observing
holidays together are what makes
Judaism a powerful force in my life.
If Judaism is reduced to just the way
we express faith in God the whole
thing becomes really hard since, with
that thinking, doubting God causes all
the practices to feel pointless.
Kaplan reminds us that Judaism is so
special because of its culture or
civilization. That culture is unique
and is worthwhile all on its own.
Rabbi Bodney-Halasz
Jerome Epstein Family
Director of Education
As I write this I am feeling acutely
aware of the importance of our
involvement in the greater community.
Although you will not read this article
until August, I am writing it on the
heels of a week that has deeply
affected our entire country. Between
landmark decisions from the United
States Supreme Court and sitting
together in prayer with our brothers
and sisters at Omega Baptist Church
in solidarity following the tragedy in
South Carolina, we are reminded that
we are a part of something bigger than
We are taught: "Pray as if everything
depends on God. Act as if everything
depends on you." There are times
when prayer is not enough and we
need to be ready to take action.
When Moses arrived at the Red Sea
with the Egyptians behind him, and he
began to pray, we are taught that God
rebuked Moses to stop praying and
part the sea already! Our tradition
teaches that we cannot simply count
upon a miracle when there is work
to be done now to heal our world.
And, it is incumbent upon us that
when we do take action, it is not just
for ourselves and our own selfinterest, but also to advocate on
behalf of others who bear struggles
different from our own, as well as
those with no voice.
Our tradition is replete with verses
that teach us to actively pursue
peace and show compassion to those
who are the most vulnerable. This
fundamental belief is one that
transcends our own faith, which is
why it is important to work together
with other communities of faith who
share the same concerns.
Over the past few months I have
become involved with an
organization called LEAD, Leaders
for Equality and Action in Dayton.
LEAD exists to provide a vehicle for
faith communities in Montgomery
County to work together to address
injustice and create long term
changes in our community. This is
the same organization that recently
helped to bring public transportation
to Beavercreek.
On August 17, at 6:30 p.m. Temple
Israel will be hosting LEAD’s countywide scripture study. This is an
opportunity for congregations to
begin creating deeper relationships as
well as examine how scripture calls
us to action. I am looking forward to
taking part in this program and hope
that many of you will join me. It is a
great opportunity for us to discuss
and better understand the needs of
our community and to raise our
voices together.
The Jewish community has a long
history of working with our
neighbors towards social justice.
Help honor this tradition and join me
at Temple Israel on August 17.
Please contact me in advance if you
are planning to attend or would like
to learn more about LEAD.
Shabbat in the Park Religious School and Festival
Saturday, August 15, 10:30 a.m.
Celebrations: Sukkot and Simchat Torah
Oak Creek South
790 Miamisburg Centerville Rd.,
Join Rabbi Bodney-Halasz and her
family for a fun and relaxing Shabbat.
We will celebrate with song and
worship in the great outdoors.
Temple will provide challah and grape
juice as well as hot dogs for a picnic
lunch. Please bring a side dish or
dessert to share. Reservations are
not required, but are appreciated for
planning purposes. All kids must be
accompanied by an adult.
Religious School begins on Sunday, September 27, which is also Sukkot. Due
to the Festival of Sukkot, we will conduct Religious School classes starting at
5:00 p.m. followed by a Sukkot service. Dinner will be available for purchase,
or families are welcome to bring dinner.
The next Sunday, October 4, in observance of Simchat Torah, we will also
conduct evening Religious School classes starting at 5:00 p.m. followed by the
Simchat Torah service. Dinner that evening will be similar to Share Shabbat
in which families will be able to bring in a side dish, salad, or dessert.
Chicken will be provided for a small fee.
Religious School will resume its normal schedule on October 11.
The congregation is invited to enjoy dinner and celebrate Sukkot and Simchat
Torah along with the Religious School students and families. More details
will follow.
From the Rabbi Educator
Mazal Tov
...to Phillip Fishbein who earned
the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest
rank bestowed upon a Boy Scout.
Phillip is a member of Sunwatch
District Troop 204.
...to Franklin T. Cohn who won a
bronze medal in tennis singles at the
2015 Senior Olympics in Cincinnati.
...to Ed and Ruthe Meadow on
the marriage of their son Andrew to
Elissa Jill Hatoff. The couple was
married on August 1 in Philadelphia,
...to grandparents Andrea and
Doug Grimes, their daughter,
Elizabeth and son-in-law,
Christopher, who welcomed 9
pound 4 ounce Adaline Louise on
June 7 in Baltimore. Both Mom and
baby are doing well.
...to grandma Vicki Kemmerer,
who welcomed 8 pound, 4 ounce
Pierce Dean Turner into the world
on April 21. Proud parents are
Meghann and Carl Dean Turner of
Rohnert Park, CA.
...to Josh and Miri Lader on the
birth of their daughter Eliana Mays
Lader, who came into the world on
June 11 weighing 8 pounds.
Kiddush Lunches
Extend your Shabbas joy with food
and fellowship. Five times this year
we will be gathering after Saturday
morning services for lunch and social
time with Jewish dishes from New
York Deli to New Delhi and Eastern
Europe to Ethiopia. Our first
Kiddush lunch will be August 22
when we will share Doro Wat
(Ethiopian Shabbat chicken stew), Kik
Wot (yellow split pea stew), salads,
fruit, and desert. The other Kiddush
lunch dates for this year are:
October 17, December 19, March 19
and May 21. They are all on the third
Shabbat of the month.
Your Temple Israel Rabbinic Search
Committee Has Been Listening!
Sincerest thanks to the over 70 congregants who participated in one of our
workshops throughout the community this summer. We asked for your
input in our search process for Temple Israel’s next Senior Rabbi, and you
responded with invaluable information. Thank you for your suggestions,
concerns, encouragement and support! We are actively using all that we
have learned to prepare detailed application materials for candidates.
Have more to say? The Search Committee has established an email address
for any additional thoughts from congregants as the process goes forward.
Please email the Committee at TICF@yahoo.com any time.
Hebrew Classes
Beginning Hebrew Don't know your Aleph from your Bet? This class is
for you. We will be learning the Hebrew alphabet and some basic Hebrew
vocabulary using the book Aleph Isn't Tough. Dates are Tuesdays September
8, 15, 29, October 6, 13, 20, November 10, 17.
Intermediate Prayer Book Hebrew Do you want a better
understanding of what the Hebrew prayers mean? We will be learning basic
prayerbook and Biblical Hebrew grammar and vocabulary using the book
Prayerbook Hebrew the Easy Way. Dates are Wednesdays September 9, 16,
30, October 7, 14, 21, November 11, 18.
Both classes start at 5:00 p.m. Cost is $50/member and $55/non-member
plus the cost of the book. A minimum of five students is required for each
Mini Advanced Hebrew Mondays, August 3, 10, 17, 31 at noon. Cost is
$25/member and $27.50/non-member.
Greening News
The Greening the Synagogue
Greening the World Committee’s
next meeting is September 2 at 6:00
p.m. For more information, contact
Rachel Magdalene, 294-6224 or
Chorus Auditions
Beth Abraham and Temple Israel are
forming a Jewish Community
Chorus. Auditions will be held on
Sunday, August 9 from 10:00 a.m. to
noon at Beth Abraham. The group
will work towards performing as a
part of services during Shabbat
Shirah, the Sabbath of Song, on
January 22 and 23. To learn more
or schedule an audition time contact
Cantor Andrea Raizen at 293-9520.
Religious School
Registration Due
Regular registration for Religious
School is due by September 1 for the
2015-2016 academic year. Tuition
has not increased this year. Our
comprehensive curriculum includes a
progressive academic program as
well as Jewish dance, music, art, and
literature. All students participate in
worship service during Religious
School sessions and formal Hebrew
instruction begins in grade 3. All
congregants with school-age children
should have received their
registration packets. If another
packet is needed, contact Molly
Blumer, Temple's Religious School
Manager, at mblumer@tidayton.org
or 496-0050.
presenting partner
The Levin Family Foundation
Fort Washington Investment Advisors
Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton
Walnut Creek
Burke Orthodontics • Economy Linen
Groundskeeper of Ohio
Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal, LPA
Quanexus • Rieck Services
Altick & Corwin, Co., LPA
Brady Ware & Company • Burhill Leasing
Dayton Children’s Medical Center
Embassy Healthcare Garden Court
Friendship Village • Linked Technologies
Ohio Electric
Anonymous • Linda & Jeff Albert
Joe & Elaine Bettman
Lonnie & Sara Carpenter
Katherine & Paul Cooper
Billy, Connie & Rachel Crafton
Howard & Ellen Faust
Michael & Pam Feldman • Carol Finley
Jon & Heidi Freeman • Judge Jeff Froelich
Dayton Optometric Doctors Gilbert & Rudolf
Lois M. Goldberg
Andrea & Douglas Grimes
Alan & Julie Halpern • Judy Heller
Chuck & Joyce Kardon
Franklin & Cheryl Lewis
F. Rachel Magdalene • Amy Margolin
Nora, Bob, & Amy Newsock
Gail Rouda • Suzanne & Phil Rubin
Carol Graff and Lee Schatzley • The Stollers
Teresa Wyman • Eric & Dena Zied
gold ambassadors
in-kind donors
The Africk Family • John & Elaine Gaglione
The Goldenberg Family • Wendy & Jeff Horwitz
Joan & Charlie Knoll • Walter Ohlmann
Rose Family Philanthropic Fund
Rabbi David Sofian Discretionary Fund
Zerla Stayman
Courtney & Chad Cummings
Sara & Mitchell Faust
Ron & Shirlee Gilbert
Rabbi Bodney-Halasz & Scott Halasz
The Saldoff Family • Andy & Sue Snow
Tom & Juli Bainbridge • Michael & Connie Bank
Kay Cohen • MJ & Bella Freeman and Family
Frank & Renee Rubin Handel
Ralph & Sylvia Heyman • Lisa & David Pierce
Bart & Linda Weprin
Beth Adelman • Aaron & Anne Burke
Ken & Libby Elbaum • Stacy Emoff
Dr. Chuck & Dee Fried
Ellie Kent • Robin & Tim Moore
Linda Novak • Maxine Rubin
Terry & Judy Stickel
A&A Safety
Dayton Art Institute • Evans Bakery
Houser Asphalt • The Ohlmann Group
P & R Communications • Portraits by Mendy
raffle donors
Altick & Corwin, Co., LPA
Bernstein’s Fine Catering • El Meson
Graeter’s Ice Cream • Huffy Corporation
Morris Home Furnishings
Pasha Grill • Weber Jewelers
Jewish Cultural Festival
Fidelity Health Care • German Orthodontics
Felice and Mike Shane
Noble Staffing Solutions
in-kind donors
Indigo Yoga • Kroger • Produce One
Up and Running
tireless volunteers
Nearly 200 volunteers gave generously
of their time and energy to make
this year’s
Jewish Cultural Festival a reality.
Your hard work and dedication to
Temple Israel are very much
Thanks especially to our hard-working
committee chairs:
Event Co Chairs
Bakery & Soft Drinks
Children’s Activities
Education & Docents
Logistics & Security
Mitzvah Alley
thanks to our talented entertainers!
Cincinnati Klezmer Project
Courtney Cummings, and Cantors Jenna
Greenberg and Andrea Raizen
Hand 2 Hand Gymnastics
Miami Valley Music Men
Miami Valley Symphony Chamber Players
Tim Pritchard & the Boxcar Suite
The Shimmy Cats • David Sofian
Chesar Clay Works, Kate Chesar
CR Designs, Cindy Carter
Discovery Toys, Mindi Wynne
Dog Coats & Treats, Loretta Schaffer
Genesis, Joan Marcus
Hillel Academy
JDK Magnetic Plus, Diane Farnham
Judaica Woodworking, David Rothchild
Lakeography, Lake Miller
Marian’s Candles & Crafts, Marian Aliaga
Memory Beads, Gayle McIntyre
Miss Selby’s Soap, Sarah Carpenter
Pampered Chef, Jen Murray
Tupperware, Connie Schmidt
food and drink
5k Race
Jon Freeman
Teresa Wyman
Amy Margolin
Lois Goldberg
Scott Miller
Jeff Stoller
Dena Mason-Zied
Sheri Alpert
Pam Feldman
Linda Novak
Shelley Dickstein
Beth Adelman
Mary Anne Robinson
Aaron Burke
Rachel Magdalene
Cherish Cronmiller
Marsha Pfeiffer
Lonnie Carpenter
Dan Young
Rob Brenner
Karen Bodney-Halasz
Katherine Cooper
Mimi Rayl
Cheryl Carne
Rick Goldberg
Howard Faust
Walter Ohlmann
Shirlee Gilbert
Julie Bloom
Courtney Cummings
Stacy Emoff
Helene Blumenthal
Linda Albert
Connie Bank
Jeff Noble
Dene Berman
GRAETER’S for providing great food at the Festival!
- and thanks to BOSTON’S BISTRO for providing a great selection of beer!
who supervised the production of 97 honey cakes, 150 challahs,
1,100 hamentashen, 975 pieces of mandel bread and 550 mocha chip Passover
cookies and thanks to LINDA ALBERT for the production of 1,200 rugelach.
Our volunteer bakers included:
Linda Albert, Sheri Alpert, Jan Berman, Anne Burke, Patty Caruso, Nancy Cohen,
Sara Faust, Pam Feldman, Carol Finley, Jon Freeman, Julia Freeman, Lynn Goldenberg,
Carol Graff, Karin Hirshkatz, Neil Katz, Sandy Kulback, Cheryl Lewis, Amy Margolin,
Linda Novak, Pat and Richard Saphire, Joy Schwartz, Marc Schwartz and Simone Sofian.
Jewish Cultural Festival
Tribute Donations
Temple gratefully acknowledges the following gifts received during May and June 2015.
Temple will list donations of $10 or more in The Tablet, and mail a notification for donations of $18 or more. Donations of $100 or more are described
as “generous.” A complete list of Temple funds is available online at www.tidayton.org/funds-endowments/. For more information, please call Temple.
Generous contributions:
In Memory of
Bernice Carson
The Family of Bernice Carson
Rebecca Wells Linville
Jeff Froelich
Selma Schwartz
Paula Weiss
Sue Biales
Bernard Biales
In Yahrzeit Memory of
Alice Ohlmann
Walter Ohlmann
Audrey Cook
Paul and Katherine Cooper
George Abrams
Marilyn Abrams
Rabbi Janice B. Garfunkel
Felix and Erika Garfunkel
Robert L. Cline
Meredith A. Cline
Stanley and Elaine Donenfeld
Andrea Grimes, Michael Donenfeld
and Richard Donenfeld
In Appreciation of
Franklin and Cheryl Lewis
Mike and Rochelle Goldstein
Linda Ohlmann Kahn
Natalie Carne
Rabbi Sofian
Judy Schwartzman
In Honor of
B'nai Mitzvah Class of 2014/15
Paul and Katherine Cooper
Rabbi Bodney-Halasz
Debi and Ralph Brenner
Rabbi David Sofian and Simone
Amy Margolin and Family
The Retirement of Peggy Weller
Howard and Ellen Faust
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
In Honor of the Bat Mitzvah of
Ronald Footer’s granddaughter
Rita Solko
In Honor of a Speedy Recovery of
Ed Meadow
Ken and Libby Elbaum
Harold Prigozen
Allan and Arlene Zeno
Mel Lipton
Franklin and Cheryl Lewis
Joan Isaacson
In Honor of the Birth of
Pierce Dean Turner
Ray and Eleanor Must
Doug and Andrea Grimes’
Stuart and Gail Weprin
In Honor of the Graduation of
Anna Claire Gaglione
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
In Honor of the Marriage of
Andrew DiSalvo
Tim and Robin Moore
Mike and Karen Weprin’s son
Meredith A. Cline
In Honor of the Special Anniversary of
Dan and Jane Miller
Mel and Judy Lipton
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Frank and Renee Handel
Suzi, Jeff, Joshua and Amanda
Joe and Susan Gruenberg
Stuart and Gail Weprin
Irv and Pat Bloom
Meredith A. Cline
Stuart and Gail Weprin
Marshall and Judith Ruchman
Meredith A. Cline
In Honor of the Special Award for
Carol Finley
Irene Fishbein
Joe and Susan Gruenberg
Marilyn and Larry Klaben
Suzi, Jeff, Joshua and Amanda
In Honor of the Special Birthday of
Arthur Carne
Carol Felman
Jack Stein
Janice Alpert
Joan Isaacson
Joe Bettman
Renee Rubin Handel
Sylvan Weinberg
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Bea Ballas
Bea Harris
Charna Weisman
Walter Ohlmann
Meredith A. Cline
Chuck Fried
Franklin and Cheryl Lewis
Ken and Libby Elbaum
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Richard and Roberta Prigozen
Harold Prigozen
Marcia Cox
Meredith A. Cline
Helen Ross
Joan Isaacson
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Larry Footer
Richard and Roberta Prigozen
Lee Schatzley
Beth Adelman
Franklin and Cheryl Lewis
In Memory of
Barbara Levine
Bob Simon
Debbie Boxer
Elin Oppenheimer
Stu Rosensweet
Tommy Blum
Mort and Phyllis Levine
Bernice Carson
Beth and Jim Thomsen
Jim and Jeanne Hochman
Jerry Mayerson
David Slutzker
Meredith A. Cline
Gail Rouda
Irvin and Sandra Zipperstein
Jeff and Linda Albert
Jim and Jeanne Hochman
Joan Isaacson
Judy Heller
Kay Cohen
Linda Green and Kerry Berkey
Lois Harris
Mitchell and Sara Faust
Phil and Suzanne Rubin
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Ron and Shirlee Gilbert
Tim and Robin Moore
Tom and Nancy Poettinger
Gerald Jacoby
Emalee Weisman
Joe and Elaine Bettman
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Suzi, Jeff, Joshua and Amanda
Kunigunde Freudenberger
Karin Henhapel
Larry Mandell
Patty and Michael Caruso and
Larry Shpiner
Allen and Helen Ross
Jeff and Linda Albert
Jim and Jeanne Hochman
Joan Isaacson
Phil and Suzanne Rubin
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Ron and Shirlee Gilbert
Walter Ohlmann
Rebecca Wells Linville
Lois Harris
Nora, Bob and Amy Newsock
Judy Schwartzman
Martin and Joan Holzinger
Rabbi Irving and Pat Bloom
Stuart and Gail Weprin
Richard P. Ummel
Franklin and Cheryl Lewis
Henry and Marlene Maimon
Claire Brazil Kryshka
Nat and Sandy Lobsenz
Dinah Denmark
Carol Felman
Dora L. Schimmelman
Jacob Schimmelman
Miriam L. Schimmelman
In Support of Temple Israel
Judith Maybruck
Dorothy S. Finder
Morris Arnovitz
Maxine Rubin
Thomas and Ellie Shulman
In Yahrzeit Memory of
Endre Balazs
Aaron (Rick) Harris
Larry and Sydelle Balas
Abraham Harris
Evelyn Leibovich
Sol Eisner
Jon Schwartzman
Beatrice Harris
Judy Schwartzman
Allan Pinsker
Francine Hochman Belcher
Elli Kent
Jim, Jeanne and Bob Hochman
Ann Barry Cohen
Gloria Mae Colp Klein
Dora Holt
Rose Zimmerman Colp
Patty and Michael Caruso and Family
Jerry Colp
Ann Krieger
Helen Schmerin
Jim and Jeanne Hochman
Lois Harris
Anna Davis
Irving S. Bengelsdorf
Lee Davis
Terry and Judy Stickel
Margaret Perlman
Jack M. Schwartz
Marcia Cox
Paula Weiss
Bertha Levin Goldberg
Jack Moss
Samuel Goldberg
Rose Matusoff Levinson
Lois Goldberg
Jule Lester Levinson
Betty Raffel
Joan Eisenstodt
Judy Goldenberg
Bob and Debby Goldenberg
...continued on page 10
Contributions were made to these funds:
The General Operating Fund
supports Temple Israel this year.
The Fund for Tomorrow supports
Temple Israel.
The Block Social Action Fund
supports Social Action programs.
The Brotherhood Education Fund
supports the Ryterband Brunch Series.
The Building Endowment Fund helps
maintain the Temple building.
The Buy-a-Book Fund purchases new
books for Temple's library.
The Cantor Judah Smith Fund
supports musical programming at
The Cemetery Operating Fund helps
maintain Riverview Cemetery.
Rabbi Sofian and Rabbi Bodney-Halasz
use their Discretionary Funds to
advance Temple and Judaism.
The Donenfeld Greenspace Fund
beautifies Temple’s landscapes.
The Greenspace Fund maintains the
Temple grounds.
The Hochman Family Education
Fund supports an educational program.
The Rabbi Stephen Levinson Fund
helps develop TIDY leadership.
The Patterson Campership Fund
helps send our children to camp.
The Past Presidents Fund recognizes
Temple’s past presidents.
The Prayerbook Fund maintains
Temple’s prayerbooks.
The Rabbi Sofian Honorary Fund
supports entertainment for the Jewish
Cultural Festival.
The Rabbi Witt Memorial Library
Fund is used to purchase books,
subscriptions and supplies for Temple’s
The Robert L. Cline Outreach Fund
supports programs and activities that
help college students.
The Selma Ohlmann Fund supports
Temple in the current year.
The Schatz Religious School Fund
supports Temple's religious school.
The Schwartzman Fund supports
children’s activities and programming at
The Weprin Fund supports
entertainment at Temple’s Jewish
Cultural Festival.
...continued from page 9
Jacob Stoller
Jeff and Julie Stoller
James Evans
Emily Evans
Joan Wyman
Teresa Wyman
Joseph T. Cline
Meredith A. Cline
Jule Levinson
Rose Levinson
Richard Levinson and Phyllis Walt
Linda November
Samuel November
Emily November
Lora Heller
Judy Heller
Morris Margolis
Yetta Epstein Lewis
Franklin and Cheryl Lewis
Pat Evans
Steven and Nika Katchman
Tammy Rich Smith
Harry and Rita Rich
William Hathcock
Janice Davies-May
Birthdays and Anniversaries
The Tablet publishes birthdays every five years starting at age 35 and annually starting at age
85; we publish anniversaries every five years.
If you would prefer that your name not be listed, please call Ellen at 496-0050. If you were
not included in our list, please call and we will put your name in the next Temple Tablet.
September Birthdays
Paul Cooper
Jerry Kantor
Alice Saidel
Marilyn Rakieten
Raye Feldman
Fred Freed
Larry Glickler
Kay Farnbacher
Jeff Kantor
Don Green
Lenora Fahrer
Ray Must
Bob Feist
Bob Kahn
September Anniversaries
4 Steven and Nika Katchman
celebrating 10 years
5 Jim and Meredith Levinson
celebrating 50 years
16 Terry and Marsha Pfeiffer
celebrating 20 years
24 Mort and Phyllis Levine
celebrating 65 years
We Mourn These Recent Deaths
Gerald Jacoby
father of Cathy Brown
Gail Rouda
Richard Ummel
father of Pam Feldman
Larry Shpiner
husband of Harriet Shpiner
We Remember
These names are inscribed on the Memorial Tablets in our Sanctuary and, together with others whose Yahrzeit occurs during these weeks,
will be read during Shabbat services before Kaddish.
July 31 and August 1
Lesser Asher, Isadore Bloom, Joseph Cohen, Morris
Epstein, Theodore E. Goldenberg, Herbert M. Harris,
Lillian Israel, Harry Israel, Harry L. Lawner, Blanche W.
Lebensburger, Arthur K. Margolis, Shirley Miller,
Benjamin M. Patterson, Muriel Robins Rafal, Elizabeth C.
Rothenberg, Jennie Green Saul, Jacob Schwartz, Carrie
D. Semmelman, Bertha H. Silverman, Sylvia L. Solomon,
James H. Wyse
August 7 and 8
Mae S. Chudde, Samuel Fahrer, Jane Fisher, Leon B.
Frank, Max Friedman, Clara Gradsky, Mildred B.
Margolis, Anna K. Osness, Freda H. Patterson, Edward
Rauh, Benjamin R. Shaman
August 14 and 15
Emil A. Asher, Johannah Asher, Stanley J. Brown, Bernard
M. Frank, Louise Friedman, A. M. Friend, Ruth E.
Froelich, Mildred Gitman, Louis Green, Ben Harlan, Jean
Kamin, Syd Kaplan, Charles M. Leon, A. Joe Levy,
Lawrence S. Patterson, Joseph E. Potasky, Rebecca Weil
Rauh, William A. Schimmelman, David Schuman, Jon
Steven Schwartzman, Jack D. Shleier, Ruth R. Steinberg,
J. Edward Wasserman
August 21 and 22
Jay Dinhofer, Otto Farnbacher, Lillian E. Finn, Minnie
Fischman, Marjorie L. Flagel, Harry Friedman, Henry I.
Gleiwitzer, Oscar L. Goldfarb, David L. Herman, Nancy
May Hollander, Emma Lebensburger, Rachel Levenson,
Fannie K. Margolis, Esther B. Meadow, Norman Miller,
Leon R. Office, Ida Rosenthal, Boris Sokol, Benjamin C.
Stein, Mollie Ungar, David J. Weinberg
August 28 and 29
Milton Bennett, Aubrey Devay, Rosa Dora Diamond,
Lena Glas Feinberg, Rhea K. Israel, Bena Jacobs, Isaac M.
Lebensburger, Louis E. Levenson, Marvin Adam Levine,
Ruth Liebermann, Fannie Retske, Jack Schwartz, Steve
Sommer, Robert Martin Stern
Shabbat Va’et’chanan
Torah: Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11
Haftarah: Isaiah 40:1-26
10:00 a.m.
Lattes & Legends
Dorothy Lane Mkt.
Washington Square
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
6:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
Mini Advanced
Shabbat Eikev
Torah: Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25
Haftarah: Isaiah 49:14-51:3
4:00 p.m.
Serve at St.
Vincent de Paul
10:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Share Shabbat
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
7:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat R’eih
Torah: Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17
Haftarah: Isaiah 54:11-55:5
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Mini Advanced
5:30 p.m.
Committee Mtg.
12:00 p.m.
Mini Advanced
12:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Shabbat Shof’tim
Torah: Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9
Haftarah: Isaiah 51:12-52:12
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat in the
6:00 p.m.
Shabbat Ki Teitzei
Torah: Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19
Haftarah: Isaiah 54:1-10
12:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Board Meeting.
6:00 p.m.
Service at
Boston’s Bistro
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
Temple Israel Tablet
(USPS 538-260)
published monthly except in
January and July by:
Temple Israel
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405-4968
Periodical Postage Paid
at Dayton, OH
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405-4968
Time Sensitive Material
Annual Subscription
price of $36 which is
included in the
membership dues.
Submission deadline
for September issue:
August 1
Send address changes to
Temple Israel
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405-4968
Share Shabbat
Our monthly camp-style service begins
at 6:00 p.m. followed by a potluck
dinner. Join us and bring your friends!
Temple provides entree, challah and
wine for kiddush. Cost is $5/adult;
$3/child 4-12; free for kids ages 3 and
August 7 RSVP by August 5
If your last name begins with A to F,
bring a starch; G to K, bring a
dessert; L to Q, bring a salad; R to Z,
bring a vegetable. Please bring enough
to feed 10 hungry people. No pork or
shellfish, please!
It’s quick, easy and available 24/7!
You can pay for the event at the
same time you make your
reservation via our secure link, using
PayPal. Or call Temple at 496-0050.
High Holiday Schedule—Please Join Us!
Saturday, September 5
Service led by TIDY 9:00 p.m.
Rosh Hashanah
Sunday, September 13
Erev Rosh Hashanah Service
8:00 p.m.
Monday, September 14
Family Service
9:15 a.m.
Congregational Service
10:30 a.m.
following services
Tuesday, September 15
Congregational Service
10:30 a.m.
Kever Avot
Sunday, September 20
Cemetery Service
4:00 p.m.
at Riverview Cemetery
Yom Kippur
Tuesday, September 22
Kol Nidre
8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 23
Family Service
9:15 a.m.
Congregational Service
10:30 a.m.
Afternoon Service
3:00 p.m.
Greene Break-The-Fast
6:15 p.m.
Sunday, September 27
Brown bag dinner and Sukkah
6:30 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
Simchat Torah and
Sunday, October 4
Dinner Share Shabbat Style
and Program
6:30 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
Monday, October 5
Yizkor Service
10:30 a.m.