Best Performance by an FPYC boat
Best Performance by an FPYC boat
September 2011 scut·tle·butt Fifty Point Yacht Club 2011 Issue # 9 1 a: a cask on shipboard to contain fresh water for a day's use b: a drinking fountain on a ship or at a marine installation Scuttlebutt Commodore Brian Weber (289) 235 9577 Secretary Christine Nixon (905) 659-6634 Past Commodore Paul Pelletier Treasurer Vern Lowe (905) 335-8858 Director at Large Nick Ehlert (905) 945-0123 Communications Paul Charles (905) 547 MAST (6278) Cruising Gary Vandervelde (905) 518-5223 Membership Doug Nixon (905) 659-6634 Cruising Marty Tickle (905) 945 6171 (905) 635 1209 If you would like to volunteer in any area please e-mail the director and let him or her know. The board is a small group and your participation in any way will be appreciated. 2 Scuttlebutt Scuttlebutt Brian Weber, Commodore Commodore's Ball and a Summary of August Events August started early for many since the Civic Holiday fell on Monday August 1st. Reports have it that there was a mass exodus of FPYC boats. Some went on a club cruise to Cathedral Bluffs, a wedding in Wilson and others just went out. However, our slips were quickly filled by visitors coming to the marina in droves. Let me start by congratulating Kim and Ron Coyne who were married July 30th in Wilson, NY surrounded by their families and friends. Ron has been a long time member of FPYC and served as Membership Director. August 13 was 'Nancy Day' or Fifty Point marina customer appreciation day filled with games. We started with Frisbee golf. Congratulations to Roy Case for winning the event. Next was lunch with hot dogs and hamburgers followed by ice cream bars. After lunch we played Bocce Ball. Congratulations to Marty and Julie Tickle, Paul Charles and yours truly for winning the event. Some felt the fix was in with those winners. The balloon toss followed and congratulations to the winners. Being eliminated early and resting for the volleyball game, I am remiss in missing out on the winners. Then, it was the highly contested volleyball game customers versus staff. Nancy led her team onto the court, after last year's lucky and controversial win, playing Queens old hit song 'We are the Champions'. However, their smiles were soon turned to frowns as the customers were again victorious. Thanks to the staff for making this a great day. But I wish to also thank Nancy for all that you do for us. The month‟s events concluded with the Peaches „n PHRF regatta. This event would not have been successful without the hard work of Joanna Suan and Troy Farncombe. This year was especially hard on them as volunteers were scarce. But thanks to some 'old reliables' who came through with a few others. We also owe thanks to HBCN and Burlington Sailing and Boating Club. The latter donated their Committee Boat and Captain. This year we had 22 boats, which is an increase over last year. Congratulations go to the FPYC racers and their crews who had a good showing: Nick Ehlert who came first in Flying Sail 1, Troy Farncombe and Jim MacDonald who placed 2nd and 3rd respectively in Non Flying Sail 2, Mike Vandervaart who finished 3rd in Flying Sail 2, Paul Christie who finished 3rd in Non Flying Sail 1, and Honourable mention to Frank MacPhail and Paul Piggot. It is hoped that FPYC Peaches & PHRF regatta continues as an annual event. Get your tickets for the Commodore's Ball being held at the Beacon Hotel in Jordan September 24. Tickets remain at $60 per person. We are able to have salmon, beef or chicken and there is a DJ to dance the evening away. Remember, we can boat down, which eliminates the need to drive or get a room. Tickets can be purchased up until September 19 from Karyn Maddeaux, Paul Charles or myself. Looking forward to seeing you there. 3 Scuttlebutt Karyn & Dean Maddeaux head back to Mad A’boat You to join the flotilla in Georgian Bay 4 Scuttlebutt Lori Raudnask & Brian Weber When Ron finally got around to asking Kim to marry him, the news spread rapidly amongst their friends at Fifty Point. Kim and Ron were unsure as to what format they wanted, a church, town hall or just what. One night as these discussions took place, it was suggested that they get married in Wilson, during Island Yacht Club's annual beach party. There was a perfect venue on the Island called Madview. After all, the number of boats attending the August 1st holiday beach party had increased over the years and many of their boating friends would be there. So why not have a destination wedding? Isabel Manore, who is Canadian and owner of Madview, graciously agreed to allow them to use the property. Kim and Ron then locked up all the spare slips and the hotel for non-boaters. The night before the wedding all was in The bride and groom place. Both families travelled in from across the country and so the party began. All the ladies had done an extra special job at Value Village to make skanky bridesmaids dresses and Ron supplied all the men with tuxedo shirts. There were lots of stares from others at the Beach Party but when they realized what was happening they all joined in the celebration. Wearing these hot dresses, the skanky girls started jumping in the pool one by one. Then the bride in her tacky dress join them in the pool. The next day, at 2:00 p.m., while Ron Skanky dresses were the way to go at and best man the pre-wedding party Manny Dias waited with the judge, Kim's maid of honour, Anna Dias, proceeded down the aisle followed by Kim and her mother. There were a few tense The wedding party arrives moments when the judge asked if anyone knew why they should not be joined in marriage as a few hands went in the air, including that of Ron's own sister. The judge was speechless until the laughter started. Vows were made, rings exchanged and they became wife and husband. The guests all toasted the bride and groom with champagne. This was followed by finger food and drinks on the dock at Madview. Well wishers from Wilson and the beach party traveled by in their dinghies to congratulate Ron and Kim. Afterwards, it was back to the beach party. Who needs a swimsuit when you Congratulations Ron and Kim on behalf of Fifty Point Yacht Club. have a Value Village dress? 5 ® In today‟s low-interest environment, many investors are concerned about their investments and are seeking a way to improve the yield from their portfolios. To help you navigate through the rough seas of investing, you are invited to our luncheon seminar on October 1, 2011. Our guest speaker, Jason Gibbs, Vice President and Portfolio Manager with Dynamic Funds, will be making a presentation on generating income from your portfolio, a topic of interest to many investors today. Here are the details: Date and Location: Saturday October 1, 2011 at the Beach Pavilion at Fifty Point Yacht Club. Time: 11:30 until 1:00 pm Speaker: Jason Gibbs, Vice President and Portfolio Manager, Dynamic Funds Topic: Generating income from your portfolio Lunch will be provided Please RSVP by September 23rd to Alexis Dynes at or telephone 905681-6329 or toll free 1-800-561-6176. Please note: If the demand is sufficient we may have a second presentation from 1:00pm until 2:30pm. 6 Scuttlebutt THSC has a beautiful clubhouse and is celebrating its 60th anniversary It was great to get to know new members Chris, Noah and Tom Pollard of Sails Call Four boats from Fifty Point gathered at Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club for a club cruise in late August and we all enjoyed one of Lake Ontario‟s best kept secrets. The club is friendly, low-key, well located for a walk to the Beaches of Toronto and has an excellent kitchen and barbecue area. We were greeted by member James who was the officer of the day and he made sure we were close together and that we had everything we needed. The sail over was very pleasant as we had a front row seat for several races being run out of Toronto. Fly n Low, Room to Dance and Chateau Newf were on one dock while Sails Call was just a dock away. We enjoyed a relaxing wine and cheese as we got to know new members Tom, Chris and Noah Pollard who are new members on J dock. Noah was especially entertaining and had to be one of the happiest little sailors I have ever seen. Our potluck dinner was a feast typical of FPYC cruisers and a special thanks goes to Peter & Pauline for the tasty skewers. Sunday dawned with overcast skies and threatening clouds so Sails Call and Chateau Newf set off early thereby getting into Fifty Point just as the weather really kicked up. Fly n Low followed an hour later so Paul & Helena dodged a few squalls while Room to Dance spent the day avoiding storm cells. And the hydroplanes? The club has a case full of trophies from a bygone era of fast boat racing. THSC was founded as a racing club and, years later, opened up to sailors. Gradually the interest in hydroplanes waned so the club is all sail now. 7 Scuttlebutt Scuttlebutt " " That was the question asked by Peter Iversen when he submitted this photo of the water and the storm clouds as they made their way from Toronto Hydroplane & Sailing Club back to Fifty Point on August 22nd. Both Pauline and Peter have extensive sailing experience and there is no way they have ever been in the “wimpy sailor club”. We are all glad Room to Dance made it home safely on a day that was nothing less than nasty on the lake. SAIL 32' Endeavour-1976 new diesel REDUCED............. $19,500 30' Hinterhoeller Redwing- 1968............................$19,900. POWER 42' Kadey-Krogen Trawler 1977.............................$159,900. twin diesel, pilothouse, flybridge 2 staterooms, Many upgrades, immaculate and ready to cruise. 2005 Meridian 381 Sedan...beautiful yacht!...Call for price. 1970 CC Connie...beautifully restored ..........SOLD............... 1996 Doral 300 SC ....immaculate . REDUCED.........$42,900 2003 Sea Sport 2800WA...twin merc I/O, hardtop, sleeps 4, galley, head, Radar, Autopilot, GPS Fishfinders, downriggers planer...much more, tri-axle trailer............................$51,900 2001 Doral 270 SC...low hours, mint......................$49,900. 260 Caravelle- 2002 w/trailer..................................$29,000. 250 Rinker Express-2007...w/trailer, A/C..................$49,900. 250 SeaRay DA - 1998...w/trailer...........................$25,900. Maxum 2400 SCR-2000...................SOLD....................... 25' Trojan Sea Raider. 1972.nice classic, great shape...offers... 8 Scuttlebutt Turnout was excellent for the fist annual (we hope) HCA Customer Appreciation Day. It has grown from the annual staff versus boaters volleyball game to an all day event featuring Frisbee golf, bocce ball, a water balloon toss and, of course the volleyball game. Staff treated the boaters to a barbecue lunch and very generous prizes for the winners of the events. Let‟s let the photos tell the rest of the story. Oh, yes, even though the staff arrived at the volleyball game with “We are the Champions!” blaring from their boombox, the boaters won! 9 Scuttlebutt Scuttlebutt 10 Scuttlebutt Great news: Altona will be sailing south again! We have rented our house, and the dog has loving caregivers for the next year, so Captain Ralph and I will be leaving Guelph, Ontario on August 31. We‟re going to Deltaville, Virginia, on the Chesapeake Bay, where Altona has been stored “on the hard” for the past 15 months. We will spend about a month preparing her (and ourselves) for her next journey south, or salvaging what we can if Hurricane Irene makes a direct hit on the Chesapeake at Force 2 or 3, as predicted. If all goes well, our plan is to hop down the coast of the eastern U.S. going “outside” rather than down the ICW, sail fairly quickly through the Bahamas and on down to the Caribbean. More to come… Wendy & Ralph Editor’s note: Wendy Hodgins and Ralph Stolberg are former members of FPYC who headed south three years ago . Altona at anchor in the Caribbean … The “sea of sore heads and sore hearts” was the Elizabethan pirates‟ name for the dangerous English Channel. It was named this by crews on old square rigged ships as they were beating their way down the Channel with its many sandbanks, rocky shores and prevailing southwesterly winds. The 300 miles from the Straits of Dover required entire crews to stand almost constant watch. FPYC Executive is holding a round table discussion September 28th at Ingledale House 6:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to determine: 1. Sailors interests in the direction they wish to see the racing program undertake. 2. Development of a Committee to operate the 2012 race program. 3. One Member take responsibility to represent the racers collective interests on the Executive. All members are encouraged to attend to help ensure that FPYC continues with a racing program in 2012 and to have their voices heard. Your Executive believes that FPYC needs a racing program. However, we are uncertain as to the direction the racing program needs to take especially since there appears to be no heir apparent since Troy Farncombe's resignation We thank Troy for all his work as Racing Director on the Executive over the past 2 years. 11 Scuttlebutt Contest closes right after the Labour Day weekend so get your entry in now or lose the chance for glory! E-mail your entries to Mike & Kay at Files should be at least 500kb and in jpg format. Natural Marine Spring Tips NON-Skid Decks Three things you want to be able to do: provide a cleanable non skid area, help protect it from UV damage and have it grip better when wet! Keep your crew onboard! There are NON-Skid deck cleaners in the marketplace but most are a very high ph multipurpose type cleaner , that will also remove the wax you so lovingly applied a few weeks before. A much better solution is an Eco-rated neutral ph cleaner, like Natural Marine One & Only Cleaner #6096.This has a minor amount of unique fine grit that will remove any marks and stains with a quick soft brushing action and not harm your finish. The Natural Marine Deck Traction Wax # 5070 will polish and protect the non -skid surface with its UV screen formula and “The Wetter The Deck; The Better it Grips!” Mosquitoes: These summer beasties will soon be upon us. Fortunately you can now “Reclaim your favorite outdoor space” with an all natural garlic oil product called MOSQUITO-Less. Mosquitoes are 10,000 x more sensitive to garlic than humans. They sense the garlic and leave the area immediately and can be gone for weeks. This year two sizes available ; A small area 900ml pump spray bottle # 4400 for around your deck or BBQ (up to 300 sq ft) for a few days $19.95 or better still a 900ml concentrate #1253-1 that will do your entire backyard or cottage front (up to 3000 sq ft) MSR $39.95 for weeks. Also great for outdoor weddings and events. As seen on The Weather Network; available through Leading Marinas, Home Hardware and Sheridan Nurseries. MOSQUITO-Less will help make your summer enjoyable again. Natural Marine, Head-O-Matic and MosquitoLess products available in local marinas and Chandleries in Hamilton , Stoney Creek, St Catharines and Port Credit 1800-563-5947 12 Scuttlebutt Barry Lamont wanted to remind us to enjoy every wonderful day of summer as it will go by so quickly. This photo was taken last March as Barry went to Toronto Island to install a heater on a boat there. Use your boat in September while the water is still warm and soft! Make a list now of the things Randy can do for you over the winter and see how great your boat will look in the spring! 13 Scuttlebutt Fully ripened sweet Ontario peaches signalled the return of the 2011 Peaches „n PHRF Regatta at Fifty Point Yacht Club. With great success, a sunny day and fair winds, the 2011 edition brought in 22 boats from across Lake Ontario. We are indebted to the generosity and support from all of our sponsors and volunteers who made this event possible and would to take this opportunity to thank everyone. HCA: Nancy Arnold and her team at HCA Committee Boat: Doug Edwards and the Burlington Sailing & Boating Club Robin Roberts Volunteers: Trish Blondin Denise Sharp John Mills Angela Fischer Sophie I‟Anson Cindy I‟Anson Paul Murphy Brian Sommers Tom Boyd Dave Goede Patti & Jack Oosterveld Bruce Peever Terri Mills Mike Vandervaart Ken I‟Anson Marty Tickle Brian Weber Congratulations to all of the winners and also special acknowledgement of our very own FPYC boats who won flags at the regatta (in bold). FS1 NFS1 FS2 NFS2 C&C 33 Mk II Nick Ehlert Maiden Red Al Molloy Blown Away David Vollans Minx John Kolosky Between the Sheets Hugh Johnson Chimo II Paul Christie Cool Change Paul Gravelle Sonic Boom Adrian Hanley It‟s a Conspiracy Mike Vandervaart Ragtime Harold Higginbottom Celtic Spirit Joanna Suan Stigaro Jim MacDonald Nepenthe Ed Thompson Wild Thing Tamed Bill McIntyre Serious Chris Burtcher Defiant II And a very special congratulations go out to the following winners: Best Performance by an FPYC boat: Nick Ehlert – Maiden Red Best Overall: Paul Gravelle – Sonic Boom (BS&BC) 14 Scuttlebutt 15 Scuttlebutt Ron Smith Harbour Yachts Inc. 99 Bronte Road, Harbourview Plaza, Suite 152 Oakville ON L6L 3B7 We will deliver maximum value when selling, or purchasing your special yacht Tel: (905) 842-1111 Yacht Sales Appraisals Liquidations John Haynes Harbour Yachts Inc. 121 Shepherd's Landing Martin's Point Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, B0J 2E0 Tel: (902) 299-0434 Email: 16 Scuttlebutt 17 Scuttlebutt Scuttlebutt 18 Scuttlebutt Scuttlebutt Lori Raudnask & Brian Weber It all started 10 years ago when Lembit Raudnask was the Cruise Director. FPYC wanted a long boat cruise and we found this wonderful location in Wilson, NY. There was a harbour fest going on and the weekend was a blast. Every year since that time, more and more FPYC boaters attend this festive August 1st weekend. It is a weekend full of festivities, which starts Friday night with dinner and dancing. Brian Munro celebrated his It contin65th in full pirate garb ues Saturday afternoon with tropical drinks followed by dinner and dancing. Sunday starts with a brunch then a poker run followed by a light dinner. Island Yacht Club was thrilled to have Ron and Kim's wedding during their harbour fest. The harbour fest and the wedding festivities were placed at alternate times during the weekend. Congratulations to Judy Robinson who won third prize in the poker run. 19 Scuttlebutt Christine Nixon has kindly offered to take over the galley feature in Scuttlebutt. Check it out each month to see what gastronomic delights Christine has for your boating pleasure! Corn Topper It‟s the season for corn in Ontario and here‟s a way to add zest to great corn on the barbecue: In a food processor or Magic Bullet (smaller for on a boat) Combine: 1/4 cup almonds 1/2 cup halved cherry tomatoes 8 fresh basil leaves 1/4 cup olive oil 2 tbsp parmesan cheese 1 tsp lemon juice Pulse until almonds finely chopped Season w salt and Pepper Slather on grilled corn A hangover is the wrath of grapes 20
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Page 1 September 2010 Fifty Point Yacht Club 2010 Issue # 9 www
1 a: a cask on shipboard to contain fresh water for a day's use b: a drinking fountain on a ship or at a marine installation
scuttlebutt - Fifty Point Yacht Club
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