Newsletter - First Lutheran Church


Newsletter - First Lutheran Church
First Lutheran Church
First Lutheran Church
208 West Sandusky Avenue
Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311
Fax: 1-888-471-1970
First Hand
November 2015
Inside this issue:
Secretary, Lisa Nevers-
Interim Choir Director, Judy Vassar-
Giving altar items
Bell Choir Director, Larry Walker-
Operation Christmas Child
Buckeye Sale
Decorate the Church
All Saints’ Sunday
Call Committee
Report of Interim Director of Music
The Women’s Corner
11 –14
Women’s Bible Study
Festival of Christmas
November birthdays/anniversaries 18
November 1, 2015
The first Sunday in November is All Saints’ Day. This day is an occasion
for us to commemorate the faithful departed of the parish.
Serving in Worship
As early as the 3rd century, the church provided a celebration for all
martyrs. Over the years this observance expanded to include the apostles’
and then all the faithful who have died in Christ.
We remember reverently, before God, by name, those members of our
household of faith at First Lutheran, who our Lord has received into the
Church Triumphant during the past year. We also remember in prayer
the many families of our congregation who have lost loved ones in the
past year.
Join us for a Thanksgiving Worship Service on Wednesday evening,
November 25th, beginning at 7:00 pm. The service will include special
music. As we give thanks to God for the many blessings He has given to us,
we look to share some of these blessings with others. As part of our celebration, we are asking you to
remember those around us who need to be fed. Please bring basic non-perishable food items with you as part
of your offering. These items will be donated to the LCS Food Pantry to help feed Logan County families in
Giving: Altar Flowers, Wine or Bulletin Covers
The Altar Flower Chart for 2016 has been posted in the lower narthex. Please
stop today and reserve your date of choice.
Sign-ups are for single vases, so there are two sign-ups for each Sunday. Cost of each vase is
approximately $18.00. Our flower coordinator, Margie Bixler, will contact you concerning the dedication.
Wren’s Florist, will bill you for the flowers.
The Communion Wine Chart for 2016 sign-up is in the lower narthex. Please
stop today and reserve your date of choice.
With not enough Sundays to provide all of our members an opportunity to place flowers, providing the
cost for Communion Wine will give further opportunity for families to offer gifts in the name of a loved
one. Sign-ups will be handled in the same manner as the flowers and a dedication similar to the one used
for the flowers would appear in the bulletin on the particular Sunday. Cost of the Sunday Communion
Wine is $12.00 for each Sunday of communion, and is payable to the Church.
The “Special” Bulletin Cover Chart for 2016 sign-up is in the lower narthex.
Please stop today and reserve your date of choice.
Worship Ministry Team decided to have “special” Sunday bulletin covers sponsored by families of First
Lutheran. This is an alternative to sponsoring altar flowers or wine. The covers can be designated just
like the flowers and wine – (to the Glory of God, in honor of, in memory of . . .). The cost is $20.00 for
each “special” Sunday. This can be split by two families.
Message from the Learning Ministry Team
Noah’s Ark
Have you noticed that Noah’s Ark has come ashore in the lower
narthex? We are asking for your help once again to fill our Ark with
new and gently loved stuffed animals that will be distributed with
the LCS Toy Baskets this December. Last year we were able to fill
MANY bags with animals. Lets see how many times we are able to
fill the ark this year.
Out to Lunch Bunch-
Operation Christmas Child
Christian Action Ministry Team is asking for the congregation’s help to
donate items for Operation Christmas Child.
We will be delivering our items to Calvary Christian School where
they will have a packing party and they are our local drop off
point. The last day to donate items will be Sunday, November 15,
Please bring donated items in to the church and place in the box located in the lower
Suggested items are: school supplies such as pencils, pens; small toys such as cars, kazoo etc.;
hygiene items such as toothbrush and toothpaste; other items such as T-shirt’s, sunglasses, hair clips.
Christian Action would also like to reach out to the Sunday School classes to participate in
this project. Make it a class project to bring in items from the list above.
A small shoebox can teach a child about the love of God, lead him or her to faith in Christ,
inspire pastors and plant new churches. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out is
eternal. Be a part of changing lives through the power of giving a simple gift
Saturday, November 28th the Ohio State Buckeyes take on the Wolverines of Michigan.
First Lutheran Church will be selling homemade chocolate Buckeyes to commemorate this
battle on the gridiron! You can order your homemade Buckeyes to have on hand for the
BIG GAME! Proceeds from the sale will go to the 175th Anniversary Appeal.
The price for the delicious Buckeyes is $5.00 per baker’s dozen. Order forms will be
included in the November 8th & November 15th Sunday bulletins. Extra order forms will
also be located in the upper narthex. Please place the forms in the offering plate or in
Lisa’s mailbox. All orders are due by Sunday, November 15th. You may pick up your
orders after each service on Sunday, November 22nd.
Food on the First
As part of our celebration of the Holy Supper of our Lord, we are asking you to remember those around
us who need to be fed. You can help keep the LCS pantry stocked by bringing basic food items on the first
Sunday of each month. What is needed is canned items: especially fruits, vegetables, meats, and soups;
and basic non-perishable items: cereal, flour, sugar and juices. There is a basket in the upper narthex to
receive your donations. Let’s remember Food on the First as part of our monthly celebration of Holy
Thanks to ALL who help out at Our Daily Bread. This community service would not be
possible without the help from all of you. Serving at Our Daily Bread is a once a month
commitment we have done for several years now. The next evening we will be serving is
Monday, November 16th. If you can’t help us serve, but would still like to help out, you could provide the
dessert. This month we are asking for cupcakes. If you haven’t had the chance to help at Our Daily Bread
please consider doing so. Please sign-up on the sheet located in the upper narthex. Volunteers are asked to
arrive at Our Daily Bread about 4:15 pm prior to the serving time of 4:30 pm. If you have any questions or
concerns, please contact the church office.
The church office will be closed
on Thursday, November 26th
and Friday, November 27th for
the Thanksgiving holiday.
Any articles for the December 2015
newsletter need to be turned into the
church office by: November 16, 2015
Come help us decorate the church!
We will be decorating the church for the holiday
season on Sunday, December 6th beginning at
12:30 pm (bring a sack lunch with you to
church). If you can help please sign-up on the
sheet in the upper narthex.
It’s time to order poinsettias that will decorate our sanctuary during the
Christmas holiday. We order these lovely plants from Wren’s Greenhouse
here in Bellefontaine.
The cost for each poinsettia is $12.00. Proceeds from the sale of these goes
to the 175th Anniversary Appeal.
An envelope to place your order will be in the Sunday bulletin beginning
November 22nd.
*Please remember to include your payment with the order.
The deadline for orders will be Monday, December 7th.
The Card Ministry group will be meeting on Monday evening, November 16 th
at 6:30 pm in the church kitchen to make Christmas cards for our shut-in
members. Bring all your creative ideas!
2014 Membership Statistics:
Year to date 2015:
Baptisms- 2
Baptisms– 3
New Members- 5
New Members– 8
Reinstate– 9
Confirmed- 6
Confirmed– 4
Deaths- 7
Deaths– 5
Transfers- 8
Transfers– 9
Requested Removal– 0
Requested Removal– 14
10/25/2015 Confirmed: Garrett James Dixon, Olivia Tiann Reasor,
Shelby Lynn Starkey, Mackenzie Nicole Swartz
Transfer: John, Patricia & Donovan Kane to Peace Lutheran Ministries- Antigo, WI
During the past months, we have remembered many in prayer. We
remember in prayer all who are in need of God’s presence and care . . .
Lois Latimer
health issues
Sarah Young
health issues
Bill Patterson
health issues
Lisa Kruk
health issues
Ramona Harris
entered the Church Triumphant
Jon Thelen
health issues
Tom Marts
entered the Church Triumphant
October 4
Pam Pulfer
health issues
October 11
Emerson Snapp
health issues
October 18
October 25
Stella Avery Puler infant daughter of Adam & Tiffannee Pulfer
Darlene Van Hoose
entered the Church Triumphant
Jim Hackworth
entered the Church Triumphant
Sunday Attendance for September 2015:
Your call committee continues to work through the processes associated with
locating our new Pastor.
This past month allowed some of our committee members to visit churches of
Pastors who have shown an interest in our opening at First Lutheran and who have
gone through our initial interview process. These visits combined with the interviews
help to provide the information required for the committee to make a decision and
to eventually recommend a candidate to the council.
More important than the goal to complete the task as soon as possible, is our
determination to find the right Pastor, one who will enable FLC to successfully position itself as the desired
place of worship for current as well as new members.
This week we received two additional profiles from the synod for Pastors that would like to be considered.
Once our committee reviews these profiles, interviews for each will be set up.
We are constantly reminded that we are but one of many Lutheran Churches looking for a Pastor,
competition remains strong and those in search of a new church have many options.
We remain in contact with Pastor Wick and the Synod in an effort to keep the process moving forward and
to obtain as many potential candidates as possible.
The committee will also be meeting with Pastor David Moreland who has offered his assistance in helping
us to better understand what we should be looking for and how we need to analyze each of the candidates
and material that they provide.
Our thanks to each of you for your continued cooperation, support and understanding; together, and with
God’s help, we will complete this challenge and move our church into the future.
Prayerfully submitted,
FLC Call Committee
Jim Donnelly – Chairperson
Morgan Fultz
Bill Keck
Chris Gamble
Abbey Shields
Beth Harman
Norma Warren
Daniel Weikart
November Ministry Team
Meeting Dates:
11/2 6:15 pm
Learning Ministry Team
11/2 7:00 pm
11/14 9:00 am
Property Ministry Team
Christian Action Ministry Team
11/16 6:30 pm
Card Ministry Team
11/23 7:00 pm
Finance Ministry Team
Learning Ministry Team
11/30 7:00 pm
Worship Ministry Team
Ministry Team Highlights
Ring of Lights
Christmas program
Worship Ministry Team
2015 Church Council
Worship services
President– Carl Gillespie
Property Ministry Team
Vice-President– Chris McKenrick
Secretary– Liz Rose
Finance Ministry Team
Joy Badenhop, Colleen Bodin, Dick Griffith, Jeff Maben,
Corey Van Hoose, Cindy Weikart, Julie Zoldak
Maintenance issues
Monitoring church finances
Copies of reports from the monthly
meetings of each ministry team is
available for you to view in the Partners
In Ministry Book located in the lower
Next Noisy $$$ Sunday–
November 29th
Continue to save your coins!
As of October 28, 2015
175th Summary
175th Money
MIF Loan
Window Creations
MIF Loan
MIF Interest
MIF Balance
**the church office
Report of Interim Director of Music
The position of Interim Director of Music has been received with mixed
emotions. The loss of Cheryl has been disturbing.
The choir, as usual, has been very supportive and willing to try any music I give them.
Some songs go well and some get refiled for later. Please do continue to thank them
for their time and contributions to the music of First Lutheran. That’s all the “pay”
they get.
This is a very busy season for musicians with many special services. We will have
Confirmation and All Saints. Then comes Stewardship Sunday, Christ the King Sunday, Thanksgiving Eve
service, and we start Advent. We are planning a special service on Sunday, December 20th with the
Sunday school classes, following that week with two Christmas Eve services. The last Sunday of December
is Lessons and Carols followed by Sunday, January 10, 2016, the joint Epiphany service will be hosted here
at First Lutheran Church 3 PM.
Anyone interested in providing special music on Sunday, December 20 th needs to fill out the
form (on page 15 of this newsletter) with the requested information and return it to me or
the church office.
Submitted by,
Judy Vassar
Since November is a time to be particularly aware of our
blessings and giving thanks, what better way to than to attend
the Thanksgiving Eve Service, November 25th at 7 pm and join us
in this gospel hymn:
“Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings see what God has done.
Count your many blessings and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”
As a community of women, created in the image of God, called to
discipleship in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, committed to
grow in faith, support one another, engage in ministry and action, promote healing and wholeness
in the church, society, and the world, we strive to act in faith. (mission statement of Women of the ELCA)
Thankoffering Sunday is November 22.
The gathering of a special mission offering, called Thankoffering, will take place during the worship
service on November 22, which is also Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the liturgical year.
The entire offering is sent to the national Women of the ELCA office in Chicago and is used for
special mission projects nationally and internationally. Some of the projects are: seminary
scholarships, job training, literacy, loans to women to begin small businesses in third world
countries, prison ministry, clean water projects in Africa and support for Lutheran Victoria Hospital
in Jerusalem. We invite all members to consider their blessings of the past year, and share with
others less fortunate by using the envelope provided in the bulletin that day to participate in this
special mission offering.
Sunshine Bags and Christmas Card Shower
This is another WELCA project where we seek the congregation’s help. The
table will be up December 6th and December 13th. We ask the congregation
to shower our shut-in and special concerns members with Christmas cards
and notes . Please do not seal the envelopes. A list of names will be in the
bulletins nearer to December. These bags of cards and small gift items that
WELCA adds always bring joy to those receiving them.
Small Group Gathering
Faith Circle will get together Tuesday, November 17th at 1:30 p.m. in the home of Pat
Mitchell (1115 Erie St; Bellefontaine) with the program by Judy Vassar. Ladies of First
Lutheran and their family or friends are welcome to come and join in the fellowship.
The congregation has generously helped us cover the tree with warm hats,
gloves, mittens for over thirty years. The tree will be up the Sundays of
November 29, December 6 and December 13. It will be taken down and
all donated items are given to Lutheran Community Services to be
distributed with their Christmas baskets.
A huge “Thank You” to the congregation for your support of our dessert sale “A Taste of
Fall Bake Sale” and the “Feed sack” Quilt Raffle. We collected over $500, which will be
given to The Cheryl Walker Music Memorial Fund. A special thanks to all those who
donated items for the sale. We appreciate all of you.
On-Going WELCA projects:
Keep collecting those pennies for Habitat for Humanity. Br ing your pennies to the monthly small
group meetings, or drop them in the big jar in the lower narthex by the women’s bulletin board. Each time
we reach $100, a check goes to Habitat.
Labels for Osterlen Home in Springfield. See the women’s bulletin boar d for mor e details. Ther e is a
basket on the ledge to receive your donations.
Gallons of Milk for Our Daily Bread: ODB goes thr ough many gallons of milk weekly so any extr a
help in providing a gallon or two is greatly appreciated. Take directly to ODB or bring to the church
refrigerator and BE SURE to TELL LISA that you have done so.
MAGAZINES for Logan Acres, Campbell House, Jail, Juvenile Detention and
other facilities. A lar ge plastic container is under the table in the lower narthex. Check
the lid for which magazines are needed. Thanks to Phil & Betty Fawcett for continuing to
oversee the collection, sorting and delivery of the magazine bundles.
Logan Acres Christmas Cheer
Suggested Items for Logan Acres Christmas:
Suggested items are: trial size hand lotions, body powder (non-medicated), chapstick, emery
boards, personal pack tissues, decorated tissue cubes, handheld mirror, stationery items
such as pretty post-it notes, package of Christmas cards, notepads, pens, pencils, coloring
books, coloring pencils with sharpener, crayons, word search/brain puzzle books, 300 pc
puzzle, Christmas CD’s, DVD’s of movies from the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, Christmas ornaments, tin
of Christmas cookies, Christmas candy, (ribbon candy, candy canes)
By Cindy Weikart
Mission work is a never ending process. Lutheran Disaster Response is ready and active in responding to
many areas of the country and world facing disaster and people facing feelings fo despair and
hopelessness. These are areas where LDR has responded or is waiting to respond as soon as they are
allowed to respond.
1. California – to respond as soon as the fires are under control to help with long term recovery,
especially for those who face more challenges accessing resources and more vulnerable
2. Nepal – LDR, in conjunction with Lutheran World Federation, has distributed shelter repair
materials, ready-to-eat food, blankets and hygiene kits to more than 21,000 households in 27 towns and
villages. The next phase will be distributing corrugated iron sheets and tarps for shelter repair, community
based psychosocial support for 14,000 people to help people build their strength and build resilience in
their villages to improve their coping mechanisms.
3. Nepal – LWR has provided temporary shelter and emergency food assistance to nearly 30,700
people, 10,000 quilts, 1000 personal care kits and 100 water filtration units. The next phase in recovery
includes distribution of soybeans to help recovery of agricultural livelihoods and food security. Also a cash
for work program focusing on repairing roads in rural areas which also provides income for families.
This congregation has been an active supporter of the’ nets for malaria’ campaign the last several years.
The goal of $15 million dollars has been reached. The deaths from malaria have dropped by 60% and
deaths of children under 5 have dropped by 65%. The rate of new malaria cases has dropped by 37%. This
is a great accomplishment. BUT… There were 214 million new cases and 438,000 deaths from malaria in
2014. We’re not done. Thank you for your support of this program.
Monday, November 9, 2015 Cost $5.00
Safety glasses will be provided & must be worn
We will meet at the church at 9:30 am to
while on the tour. Selected products will be
carpool. We will have brunch/lunch
somewhere along the way - to be
available for purchase priced in the $5-$15 range
determined. Then we will travel on to Ada
payable by cash or check only.
to the Wilson Football Factory with our
tour scheduled for 12:15 pm. Let Susan
Wyckoff or the church office know by
November 4th of your interest in going on
this outing.
In 1955 Wilson opened the Wilson Football
factory in Ada, Ohio to ensure that Wilson
footballs would not only be American made,
but the highest quality footballs ever produced. To this day, the world leader in football continues to produce all of its leather
game footballs right here in America in the
world's only dedicated football factory.
We're extremely honored to have made game balls for
Moments after the conclusion of the
every Super Bowl that's ever been played.
NFC and AFC Championships, workers
at the Wilson Football Factory begin
inscribing a cache of Super Bowl Game
Producing 4,000 footballs a day and
over 700,000 a year, the plant
Balls with the names of the final two
employs 120 people that truly display
teams. Wilson then couriers game
a pride in craftsmanship. Nothing is
balls to the teams within 24 hours of
automated on the factory floor.
completion and will ship the kicking
balls to the officials in preparation for
kickoff on Super Bowl Sunday.
New Testament Women Speak to Us Today
Dandi Daley Mackall, author
Women's Bible Study
Thursday, November 12 at 1:30 pm in the lounge
Mary Magdalene
To prepare ahead, read Luke 8: 1-3,
John 19: 25, John 20: 1-2 & 11-18
This year the fourth Sunday of Advent (December 20)
will be the date of the Christmas program. We are
moving away from the traditional format of a
children’s program that has been used for some years
to a celebration involving all ages and all music groups
of the congregation. This will give more groups and
more ages a chance to participate and with the fourth
Sunday of Advent coming so close to Christmas Eve
and Christmas Day, it will extend our celebration of our Lord’s birth a bit. Holy Communion will not be
celebrated that day but will be offered at both services on December 24 th. There will actually be
opportunities to provide extra music on December 20th, the 7 p.m. Christmas Eve service and the First
Sunday of Christmas worship on December 27th. Below is a form that will help make planning easier. If
you or members of your family would like to offer extra music, please fill out the form below, cut it from
the newsletter and return it to Judy Vassar in person or in her church mailbox BY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Christmas Music
Name _________________________________
Phone _________________
Email address (if you use it frequently) _______________________________
Piano _________
Vocal __________
Instrumental ____________
Other combination ___________________
I would be able to participate in this service (check all that apply). You will be doing one but it would
help our planning if we could spread people out during the worship cycle.
Festival of Christmas Dec. 20 ________
Christmas Eve
7 p.m. ________
First Sunday of Christmas December 27_______
First choice of song ______________________________________
Second choice of song _____________________________________
Every effort will be made to see that you get your first or second choice, but remember, the more familiar
the song, the more people that will request to use it. If you have questions, concerns, your idea doesn’t
quite fit this generic form, fill it out as best you can, and write a note for Judy to speak to you in person or
contact the church office.
November Birthdays
November Anniversaries
Harold Traher
Tara Zedeker
Bonnie Cowan
Lucas McKenrick
Brayten Swisher
Roger Cole
Maxine Brunke
Bill Fent
Gail Keck
Julie Dixon
Ed Pulfer
Paul Karn
Conner Gamble
Jennifer Horton
Carl Gillespie
Madison Shields
Joe Eckhoff
Josh Eckhoff
Aaron Chamberlain
Chris McKenrick
Mary Pummell
Keith Krueger
Brent Swartz
Bob Mitchell
Winnie Bodin
Brooks Bodin
Andrew & Laura Burton
Bonnie & Richard Cowan
Mike & Julie Zoldak
Serving in Our Worship-
November 2015
9:30 am
Susan Wyckoff
Margie Anderson
Kevin & Robyn Miller
(11/25 7:00 pm) Dave Dishop
Megan Keckler
Samantha Starkey
Joe Eckhoff
Megan Keckler
Samantha Starkey
Corey & Renae Van Hoose
Jinny Fergus & Connie Regula
Paul Karn & Carl Gillespie
Max & Mary Pummell
Andrew & Laura Burton
Ted & Carolyn Hoy
Phil & Betty Fawcett
(11/25 7:00 pm)
Brandon Gamble
Sarah Starkey
Josh Eckhoff
Jacob McKenrick
Connor Rose
Communion Helpers
Colby Borgerding & Zane Gamble
Winnie & Lottie Bodin
Mason & Emma Swisher
Winnie & Lottie Bodin
John Gensemer
Rachel Gillespie
Kay Schroer
Jean Wright
(11/25 7:00 pm Beth Harman)
Communion Assistants
Kris Swisher
Dave & Cheri Comstock
Tom & Liz Rose
*open, but not staffed
*open, but not staffed
*open, but not staffed
Morgan Jenkins
*open, but not staffed
Worship Assistants
Cindy Weikart
Daniel Weikart
Beth Harman
Kris Swisher
(11/25 7:00 pm) Brenda Shively
Tyler Jones
Altar Guild
Jean Wright & Cindy Weikart
Here it is November already and we have fall all around us. The trees are gorgeous and in there
lies an ironic happening. They have to look so beautiful in order to fall off the tree and die. Fear
not! We have the promise of God’s creation that we will be in full bloom in four short months.
What do we have to look forward to? Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, the New Year,
Valentines Day, thawing out……I will stop there. Endless possibilities make life so interesting.
One thing November is known for in a Lutheran Church is stewardship. What does that mean? The Finance
Ministry Team is responsible for putting together a new budget for 2016 to be voted on at the Annual Meeting in
January. How do they do that? It is based on the pledges and unpledged giving in 2015 plus the new pledges for
2016. There is some “crystal ball” searching also. This Team knows that the church’s monthly bills will increase,
they know that not all pledged monies will be received, and they know that unforeseen expenses will occur. This
job is not taken lightly by any Team member. Their hope for the new budget is for the congregation to realize the
needs of the church; to look at their own house budget; and decide on how they can help financially. The Bible
asks for 10%. I have heard Pastor Saunders say in at least three sermons “first fruits”. But, the Team realistically
knows and respects that it is a personal decision.
Item two under stewardship is the amount of time each member devotes to First Lutheran. Please prayerfully
look at each Ministry Team and pick something that interests you. One item has to be cleaning the church. The
church can only afford so many hours for the cleaning service we use. There is no way he can get everything
cleaned weekly like it should be. Could you possibly help there for example? Attending Sunday school, annual
meetings, ministry team meetings, and church programs are other examples of stewardship. I sincerely hope this
helps you make an educated decision about your stewardship for 2016.
Rest assured that the Call Committee is still hard at work looking for our next pastor. We are at the mercy of
Pastor Wick (Synod rep.) to send new names for review. This is not a fast process unfortunately.
Due to the passing of Cheryl Walker, Council has hired Judy Vassar as the interim. She comes with much musical
experience, and we appreciate her services. Please let the choir, bells, organist, and any other musician that we
appreciate their skills in our services.
Norma Warren and June Godwin are the new co-chairs for Christian Action Ministry Team. This Team has many
projects they are responsible for and they could use some help. Please consider letting them know that you would
be available—men, women, or children. It is a fun bunch to be around.
Council met in a special meeting with an attorney to discuss the Code of Regulations for Lutheran Community
Services that was given to us by LCS board of directors. It will be reviewed and given back to us for further
discussion. Then, a meeting with LCS representatives to go over any changes will take place. At some point, this
concern will have to come before the congregation for discussion and possible acceptance.
KNOW THAT HE IS COMING!!! You will have to attend services to find out who it is. I might be talking
about November or December.
See you in church and Sunday school.
Respectfully, Carl Gillespie, Council president