Spring 2012


Spring 2012
The Advocate
ISSUE 02, Spring 2012
A Publication of The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Kicks off
Summer with the
12th Annual Valleyfest!
May 26, 2012 | 11:00AM - 7:00PM | @ Massanutten Resort
Summer is just around the corner and that can only
mean one thing…. It’s time for ValleyFest, the Shenandoah
Valley Beer and Wine Festival! In its 12-year history,
ValleyFest has become synonymous with Memorial Day
Weekend and for many attendees is the official kick-off to
summer. Brought to you by Valley Honda Volkswagen and
the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce, this
year’s event will once again be held in the picturesque setting
of Massanutten Resort.
Quality wines and microbrews, live music, tasty fare
and high quality crafters draw many local residents, as well as
those from surrounding areas and guests of Massanutten
Resort, back to the festival year after year. “ValleyFest has
grown from a local to a regional event and we are gaining
more recognition and respect each year. The setting at
Massanutten Resort is a big advantage,” says Frank Tamberrino, President of the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber
of Commerce. He continues, “Each year we also look at the
selection of beers, the variety of wines and the mix of food and
crafts, keeping what people want but also making
improvements to keep ValleyFest fresh and exciting.” One
such improvement this year will be a layout change that shifts
the entire festival to the ski slopes, providing a more open air
festival feel and bringing all the components of the festival
into a more
addition to
fine wines
and microbrews,
are also
treated to
live music
all day,
courtesy of
entertainment sponsors, Blue Ridge Beverage and
MillerCoors. Back by popular demand to headline this year’s
festival is Richmond-based band Carbon Leaf. The band
made their well-received debut at VallyFest in 2011. Carbon
Leaf released their first album in 1995 and hit the Billboard
charts in 2006. They have played from coast to coast,
including the annual Mountain Jam at Hunter’s Mountain
(NY), Red Rocks Amphitheater, The Roxy and the Capitol
Theater. The group has a strong regional following in
Richmond, Charlottesville and Northern Virginia. Carbon
Leaf will perform their eclectic blend of Folk-Rock,
Americana, Celtic, Bluegrass, Rock and Pop from 4:30 to 6:30
p.m. on the main stage.
Hitting the stage before Carbon Leaf is The Hackens
Continued on page 5
Also Inside:
Vision2020 Update - p. 6
Governor’s Challenge to Chambers - p.11
Membership Benefits - p.10 New Members - p.14
“A Good Place to Be?
Signs Point to Yes”
STEVE TURNER, Chair, Daily News-Record
JOSH HALE, Past Chair, Farmers & Merchants Bank
HOBEY BAUHAN, Chair-Elect, Virginia Poultry Federation
CHUCK AHREND, Agricultural Interests
GREG CAMPBELL, Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport
Steve Turner, Daily News-Record
PABLO CUEVAS, Rockingham County
KAI DEGNER, City of Harrisonburg
DAVID DENMAN, Cottonwood Commercial
RODNEY EAGLE, Eagle Carpet, Inc.
MELISSA FORTNER, Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community
ANGELA GOCHENOUR, Cold Stone Creamery
REBECCA HAUSHALTER, White Oak Lavender Farm
JENIFER JACKSON, Comfort Inn Harrisonburg
CRAIG MACKAIL, Harrisonburg City Public Schools
JILL MCGLAUGHLIN, Classic Kitchen & Bath
DICK MYERS, Dick Myers Chrysler Dodge Jeep
JATHAN PAYNE, Medicap Pharmacy
JOHN RINER, LD&B Insurance
DR. JAMES SHAEFFER, SR., PH.D., James Madison University
JOEL SHENK, Dynamic Aviation
STACY SHIFLET, Blauch Brothers
CHRIS WEAVER, Lantz Construction Company
GLENDA WESTERN, MillerCoors Brewing
LAURA WOLFE, Kline May Realty
CHUCK (BERRY-HOOVER) BOLES, Mentor, New Member Dev.
STAN FARTHING, Director of Membership Services
KATEY HARBAUGH, Manager of Finance & Administration
ROY KELLY, Administrative Assistant
REBEKAH PAINTER, Director of Marketing & Communications
As a member of the Chamber, you have many opportunities to stay
connected with what’s happening in our thriving business community.
WEBSITE: www.hrchamber.org
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/hrchamber
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/HR_Chamber
BLOG: hrchamber.bluekeyblogs.org
YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/hrchamber
LINKED-IN: www.linkedin.com/company/harrisonburgrockingham-chamber-of-commerce
OFFICE PHONE: 540-434-3862
The Advocate, Issue 02, Spring
The Advocate is a quarterly publication of the HarrisonburgRockingham Chamber of Commerce. Read it online at www.hrchamber.org.
©2012. The information published in The Advocate are opinions of the
Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce.
2 | The Advocate
This just in, Harrisonburg and Rockingham County is a great
place to live and work. But, you already knew that and the numbers are
there to back up the statement. Last month, the Chamber hosted the
annual economic forecast at The Event Center and there was plenty of
good news to take away regarding the Harrisonburg metro area.
Unemployment numbers are consistently below levels posted around
the state and across the nation. While our range of jobs is spread across
many different sectors, such as manufacturing, service and retail, the
largest percentage falls under education and health care. The stability in
these sectors has contributed to the lesser affects of the recession in the
Shenandoah Valley. According to Billy Vaughn, director of community
development for Rockingham County, and Brian Shull, economic
development director for Harrisonburg, the local metro continues to
be an attractive area for new businesses. Recent announcements of
new retailers Ashley Furniture and Dick’s Sporting Goods as well as the
opening of Quaker Steak and Lube restaurant are a clear indication that
confidence in the marketplace is growing.
The featured speaker for the economic forecast was Ann
Macheras, economist for the Federal Reserve Bank in Richmond. She
stated that national unemployment numbers are falling quicker than
expected, however, challenges remain. In particular, the constantly
evolving workplace demands that we match and train employees with the
skills necessary to maximize efficiencies in production. A copy of her
PowerPoint presentation, along with Billy and Brian’s, is available on the
Chamber website at www.hrchamber.org.
In keeping with our stated policies, the HarrisonburgRockingham Chamber of Commerce believes that an aggressive,
steadfast, and sophisticated economic development program is crucial to
Virginia’s and our community’s success. The Chamber also believes that
such a program is best conceived through a highly cooperative and supportive partnership between the public sector and the business
Your chamber continues to offer events that encourage
development of business practices. For example, Business Smarts is a
monthly breakfast seminar providing you with business advice from
community leaders. The programs are held on the second Friday of the
month from
7:30 – 9:00 am at National College and are brought to you in
partnership with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and
Services Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE).
Mark you calendar and take advantage of all the benefits
available to you through membership in the Harrisonburg-Rockingham
Chamber of Commerce.
Calendar of Events
*Schedule complete as of press time; subject to change
“Lead, Follow or
Get Out of the Way!”
Annual Events
ValleyFest - May 26 11:00-7:00 p.m. - Massanutten Resort
Presidential Address (area college presidents) - August
President and CEO
Blue Ridge BBQ & Music Festival - September 2 Rockingham County Fairgrounds
I think that many people have heard or used this short but deGolf Tournament - September 21 - Lakeview Golf Course
scriptive phrase over the years. It is pretty well understood. You are either
out in front, leading, setting an example or making things happen. Or, you Connections2012 - October 25
are in a support role, taking cues from those in front or taking advantage
Pre-Session Legislative Breakfast - Nov./Dec. of the opportunities that are put in front of you. The third option is to be
an obstructionist or naysayer, because it is easier to critique than it is to be BUSINESS AFTER HOURS
*Held the fourth Thursday of the month, 5-7 p.m,
The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce has
plus 4-6 additional networking BAH events as warranted
worked hard these past few years to fall into the first category, that of a
May 24 - Harrisonburg Tourism/HDR
leader. The four key elements of the Chamber are:
June 28 - Courtyard
The Chamber is an 800-member business oriented organization and many
July 26 - All Things Virginia/Wine on Water
businesses and government leaders look to the Chamber for opinions and
programs that help make the community economically stronger and more August 23 - SoLace
competitive. We are a barometer of the business clime.
September 27 - Union First Market Bank
The Chamber established a LEADERSHIP program thirty-two
October 18 - First Bank and Trust
years ago, originally the Community Leadership Program and now
November 8 - Summit Community Bank
referred to as Leadership Harrisonburg-Rockingham, to help the
December - First Tee
community develop a continuous line of civic and business leaders. The
program is well respected for exposing people to the history, assets, issues
and potential of Harrisonburg, Rockingham County and each town, and
we added some additional components this year to strengthen the
* Held the 2nd Friday of each month, 7:30 a.m.
leadership aspect for its participants. Over 830 people have been through
National College, 1515 Country Club Road
the Leadership program, many contributing to the quality of life that we
June 8 - Using Video to Market
A new program being developed under the Chamber-inspired
July 13 - The Art of Selling
Vision2020 initiative is the Advanced Leadership Mentorship Program.
August 10 - Health Care Legislation Update
This is a program that will pair proven leaders (Mentors) with future or
potential leaders (Mentees) for a two-year period. The “students” will have September - 14 Strategic HR Planning
demonstrated some leadership skills and be willing to commit to give back October 12 - How to Be a Good Boss
to the community afterwards through their leadership and service and may
November 9 - TBA
be asked to mentor someone else in the future. This program is the next
December 14 - TBA
step in leadership development and ensuring that traits such as civic
commitment and philanthropy are passed on to the next generation.
Most recently, the Chamber, most likely through Vision2020, has been
asked to take a more active role in working with the County and City, in
partnership, on community image and marketing. We need to take a
Hospitality Committee - Third Wednesday of each month
serious look at where we want to be economically in the future and devise 2:00-4:00 p.m.
the steps to make sure we achieve our potential. It is anticipated that this
collaboration will take last year’s “branding” initiative to the next level.
Aging in Place Roundtable - Third Friday of each month
Let’s see the future and LEAD the way.
9:00-10:30 a.m.
And as you, Chamber members and DNR readers, look over this
issue of The Advocate, think about which description you want people to
give the Chamber, your elected leaders or yourself. Lead, Follow, or Get
Out of the Way.
Frank Tamberrino
www.hrchamber.org | 3
New Members Offer Varied Talents & Resources
Dillard, Ware & Nelson Insurance - Succeeding with Individual Client Focus
With historical roots in the Commonwealth of
Virginia, Dillard, Ware & Nelson was founded on a history
of providing risk management services and advice, including
insurance, to businesses, corporations and families. At
Dillard, Ware & Nelson, we work with our clients to help
them navigate the maze of risks and hazards and plan for the
We take the time with our clients to personally
understand their situation and to help them with the proper
coverages and solutions to meet their needs.
As an independent agency we can focus on serving one
client at a time, providing insights and quality service
regardless of the client’s size, complexity or need.
We have access to multiple carriers, and can focus on
insurance solutions that deliver the best products and prices
for our clients. DWN operates in a service-oriented approach
where we strive to meet with our clients in a location and
time that is perfect for you.
Give us a call today toll free at 866-667-1475, e-mail
us at lelkins@dwninsurance.com or visit our website: www.
dwninsurance.com. We will provide you with a free coverage
analysis, where we will evaluate your risk and the products
you have in place. DWN will then present you with
guidance and a package of options that are available to you
from today’s market. We are highly motivated to begin
serving you today.
Submitted By Larry Elkins, PLCS
Overlook at Stone Spring Offers
Luxurious Apartment Living
Harmon Infrared Gives Safety, Peace
of Mind to Customers
Overlook At Stone Spring,
Harrisonburg’s newest and most
luxurious apartment community,
offers the lifestyle you are looking
for, offering upgraded cabinetry,
blinds, granite counters and large
walk-in closets! Relax and enjoy
life in the beautiful clubhouse,
saltwater pool, cyber café with coffee bar, tanning beds, sand
volleyball court and picnic areas.
Every year in the United States, faulty electrical or
lighting equipment causes more than 45,000 structural fires.
On average, these fires kill 240 people, injure 1,200, and
inflict more than $1 billion in direct property damage.
Infrared testing has become the most widely recommended
method for detecting critical electrical faults before they cause
catastrophic fires. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
cure. Conventional electrical inspections often miss problems,
allowing whatever problem that exists to get worse. Thermal
imaging gets the job done right the first time by isolating
exactly where the problem spots exist, and does so in much
less time. The non-contact nature of infrared technology also
means that the electrical systems can be inspected without
the need to de-energize circuits or shut down production
lines. Using infrared technology can help to prevent electrical
fires, explosions, injury (to both contractors and employees),
systems and component damage, down-time and lost income
while benefiting from insurance policies that recognize and
favor the use of infrared electrical inspections.
At Harmon Infrared we believe in giving the best
possible service at the best price. Our small-business electrical
infrared inspection service starts at only $300 while our
commercial and industrial electrical infrared inspection
services start at only $600. Insurance verification, OSHA30,
NFPA 70E and W9 are available upon request.
Overlook At Stone Spring is more than an apartment - it
is a way of life. Your Life. Your Style! OPENING
SUMMER 2012!
We accept Purchase Orders. Call us today for a free estimate –
4 | The Advocate
Continued from page 1
Boys. This local favorite covers a variety of musical genres
ranging from Lynyrd Skynyrd and Pearl Jam to Jason Aldean
and Gary Allan. The Hackens Boys will perform on the
main stage from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. ValleyFest attendees in
the winery section will enjoy acoustic tunes from the 60s to
today performed by Mike Davis.
Although ValleyFest has grown to become a regional
event, the proceeds still benefit the local community. “ValleyFest is the Chamber’s largest annual event from which the
proceeds are used to directly benefit our local community
through educational opportunities and civic endeavors of the
Chamber”, says Chamber President Frank Tamberrino. “Our
ongoing success is a result of supportive Chamber members,
volunteers and local citizens.”
Volunteers are integral to the success of ValleyFest and
are needed in numerous areas throughout the day. To volunteer for a shift, visit www.hrchamber.org/valleyfest or call the
Chamber at 540.434.3862. All volunteers receive free
admittance to the event and a t-shirt.
ValleyFest is brought to you by the Harrisonburg-Rockingham
Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Valley Honda
Volkswagen, MillerCoors, Blue Ridge Beverage and Massanutten Resort. Leading Sponosrs include Interim Healthcare,
Daniel’s Promotional Products, Shenandoah Regional Airport,
Shenandoah Caverns, Capital Ale House, Comcast Spotlight,
The Daily News-Record and ClearChannel Radio. Additional
support is provided by Blue Ridge Architects, Travel Leaders,
Jacob Kline Automotive, B&B Electrical Systems and Valley
Contracting Group.
ValleyFest is a rain or shine event. We’ll see you there!
Ticket Prices:
Advance Tickets - $25.00
At the Gate - $30.00
Designated Driver/Underage Tickets - $10.00
Presale tickets are available online at
www.hrchamber.org/valleyfest and at the following locations:
Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce
800 Country Club Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
Valley Honda Volkswagen
296 Lee Jackson Highway
Staunton, VA 24401
Massanutten General Store
4620 Massanutten Drive
McGaheysville, VA 22840
2012 Sponsors:
www.hrchamber.org | 5
An Update
What is Vision 2020?
Vision 2020 Board Members
It is a Community-wide initiative to imagine and describe the
community we aspire to become by the year 2020.
The Vision: A community of unparalleled quality of life,
where natural beauty, friendly interdependent relationships
and diverse cultural economic and educational opportunities
John Hall, Chairman - Camp Horizons/Horizons Youth
Tony Biller - Nielsen Builders
Ron Yoder - Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community
Keith May - Cottonwood Realty
Dr. Krishna Kodukula - SRI International/CADRE
Tim Heydon - Shenandoah Growers
Jared Burden - Endless Horizons
Ken Newbold - James Madison University
Frank Tamberrino - HR Chamber
The Cornerstones:
Business Vitality & Entrepreneurship:
Ensure economic vitality and a competitive and friendly
business climate, emphasizing “opportunities for action”.
Current Tasks
• Host a signature event on business development
• Help push the technology park (Innovation Center) to the forefront of the region’s economic development strategy
Community Planning and Interdependence:
Recognize the importance of comprehensive and cooperative planning for
the future across government, civic and private sector interests
Current Task
County, City, Chamber and Vision2020 collaboration on community branding/image/marketing
World-Class Education and Workforce:
Emphasize the value of life-long learning including school
readiness, pre-k to doctoral education, workforce readiness,
vocational and skills enhancements, and continuing education.
Current Task
Compilation, assessment and searchable database of all education and training courses usable to students, employers and employees.
Community Leadership and Mentorship:
Continued leadership and stewardship of the next generation of
community leaders
Current Task
Leadership Mentorship program pairing experienced business and community leaders with future leaders for a 2 year commitment.
6 | The Advocate
Business Vitality & Entrepreneurship Members
Community Leadership & Mentorship Members
John Neff, Chairman - Community Champion; Nielsen
Jim Shaeffer - James Madison University
Dennis Zimmerman - Comsonics
Cathy Welsh - Lenhart Obenshain
Tracey Jones - WHSV
Laurie Deavers - Generations Crossing
Dixie Garber - United Bank
Dr. Karen Wiggington - Wiggington Consulting
Tom Mendez - BB&T
Community Planning & Interdependence Members
Mensel Dean, Chairman - PBGH
Joe Paxton - Rockingham County
Kurt Hodgen - Harrisonburg City
Daniel Michael - Valley Engineering
Austin Garber - Town of Timberville
Jim Mason - Virginia Poultry Growers Cooperative
Frank Tamberrino - HR Chamber
World-Class Education & Workforce Members
Dr. John Downey, Chairman - Blue Ridge Community College
Dr. Loren Swartzendruber - Eastern Mennonite University
Dr. Mark Warner - James Madison University
Dr. Carol Fenn - Rockingham County Schools
Alysia Davis - Smart Beginnings
Dr. Scott Kizner - Harrisonburg City Public Schools
Sharon Johnson - Shenandoah Valley Workforce Investment Board
Tom Mendez - BB&T
Leadership Harrisonburg-Rockingham Class to
Graduate May 17
The current class of the Chamber’s Leadership
program, and the first under the Leadership HarrisonburgRockingham name, will graduate on May 17, 2012.
Leadership HR, formerly known as Community
Leadership Program, is comprised of ten community-based
sessions held over a nine-month period with topics ranging
from Community Development and Sustainability to
Local Government and Legislative Affairs. In addition to the
monthly sessions, there is also a group project component
whose aim is to give participants the opportunity to expand
their leadership knowledge, perspective and skill while
contributing to the overall well-being of the community. This
year’s class chose to renovate several apartments at Mercy
House just prior to the holiday season. In addition to paint
and handyman work, the group also donated gifts for the
children of Mercy House.
The program has traditionally been an avenue for the
development of emerging community leaders. It offers
participants a collaborative forum in understanding the facets
of our community and the services provided to its citizens.
This year’s name change to Leadership Harrisonburg-Rockingham was intended to better encompass the overall goal of the
program - to cultivate leaders for our community’s tomorrow.
Save the Date
Annual Chamber
Golf Outing
September 21, 2012
Lakeview Golf Course
If you, or someone you know, is interested in being a 20122013 LHR Participant, contact Katey Harbaugh at 540-4343862 or katey@hrchamber.org.
For more information on the program, visit www.hrchamber.
Congratulations to the L-HR Class of 2012:
Lamont Appleton - MillerCoors Shenandoah Brewery
Brian Bence - Virginia Business Systems
Dwight Buracker - PBGH, LLP
Naleena Bynaker - Lantz Construction Company
Terri Dart - VBS Mortgage
Matt Drouhard - MillerCoors Shenandoah Brewery
Stacy Farley - Fine Earth, LLC
Kevin Flint - BB&T Bank
Katey Harbaugh - HR Chamber of Commerce
Rebecca Haushalter - White Oak Lavender Farm
Matthew Heatwole - Brown, Edwards & Company, LLP
Emily Holloway - Rockingham County Public Schools
Jennifer Kester - James Madison University
Phyllis Flack-Lam - Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community
Lynn Powell - James Madison University
Karen Propst - Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community
Melody Ritchie - Farmers & Merchants Bank
Meg Robinson - RMH Wellness Center
Tammy Shearer - Rockingham County Public Schools
Susan Totty - Big Brothers Big Sisters
Seth Whitten - Friendship Industries, Inc.
www.hrchamber.org | 7
Save the Date!
Blue Ridge
Sunday, September 2, 2012
12:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Rockingham County Fairgrounds
BBQ Competition |Car Show
Live Music | Corn Hole Tournament
Kid’s Entertainment Area |Food | Craft Vendors
And so much more!
Kansas City Society BBQ Sanctioned
Sponsorship Opportunities are Available! Call the Chamber at 540.434.3862 for Details
National Brokerage Firm Murphy Business’ Harrisonburg
Location Joins Chamber
Murphy Business is one of the
largest and most successful business
brokerage firms in North America with business brokers located
throughout the United States and
Murphy Business has a
location in the Shenandoah Valley
run by former CPA and business
owner Richard K. Halterman II and
Richard K. Halterman II, CPA his son Ben Halterman, a Certified
Machinery and Equipment Appraiser and licensed real estate
Murphy specializes in several different areas of
business transition. Murphy assists business owners when it
comes time to sell their business as well as assisting business
buyers looking to purchase. Murphy also has a wide range of
franchises they represent should that be of interest. Business
valuation and appraisal is also a forte of the organization. With a Certified Machinery & Equipment Appraiser on staff
and CVA Certified Business Appraisals in their repertoire,
8 | The Advocate
Murphy can effectively and efficiently meet the valuation
There is nothing more important to Murphy
than confidentiality and honesty when it comes to
assisting businesses. This is why Murphy of the
Shenandoah Valley has become a trusted partner for
CPAs, attorneys and banking institutions. With good
reason, Dick was awarded as a Top 10 Producer in the
nation at the last Murphy National Convention.
Murphy Business Mt. Sidney Location
Spotlight On... Hess Financial
Financial complexity
inevitably increases with both
maturity and improved
finances. We all have our
own set of unique financial
strengths and weaknesses,
which means that solutions
and financial strategies are not
always obvious. At
HessFinancial we are keenly
aware of the interconnected
nature of finances. Managing
Stephen Hess, CFP
and making decisions related
to Tax issues, Social Security, Pension Benefits, Estate
Planning, Insurance Planning, Retirement Planning, and
Asset Management often requires an outside perspective
for the sake of clarity and reassurance.
The decision to utilize the services of a
an indication that the management of your financial affairs
is important to you and that you are not inclined to make
impulsive decisions. Stephan Hess CFP® has 20 years of
experience in financial services and the ability to provide a
broad perspective.
DMV/Court Approved
Driver Improvement Course
offered at the
Chamber of Commerce
At HessFinancial we aspire to create healthy
financial relationships with our clients and are
dedicated to independence, objectivity and personal
privacy. Stephan Hess and Elizabeth Kibler are extremely
excited about joining the Harrisonburg-Rockingham
Chamber of Commerce and look forward to meeting you
at upcoming events. Please feel free to learn more about
our firm and our financial management processes by
visiting www.hess-financial.com.
Life Happens, Be Ready.
HessFinancial is located at 560 Neff Avenue, Suite 600, Harrisonburg, VA 22801.
Securities and Advisory Services offered through
Commonwealth Financial Network, member FINRA/SIPC, a
Registered Investment Adviser.
Partnering With Small
Businesses In The Valley
Since 1908
• Evening & Saturday Classes
• Classroom or On-Line
Register in person at
800 Country Club Road
Local bankers, local management, 9 area offices
For details, call 540-434-3862
or visit www.hrchamber.org
www.hrchamber.org | 9
Musings From A Membership Mentor
National study reports that
consumers are 63%
more likely to buy from
Chamber Members.
Wow! Talk about a competitive edge
for companies who display their
chamber membership (Hint: Need a
Chamber logo for your marketing materials? Business Cards? Website? Just contact us and we’ll send
you the HRCC logo.)
But that’s not all....yes, there’s more! In addition to a
competitive advantage, other “Free with Membership” benefits
• HRCC website with a direct link to your website
• HRCC hardcopy business directory
DISPLAY - Display your company business card and/or
brochures in the HRCC lobby
LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. Yes, we’ve “got you covered”
your employees will enjoy the benefits of membership discounts
at local participating businesses (posted on HRCC website
under M2M benefits)
will feature a 200-word profile (plus photo) showcasing your
business goods and services
RIBBON CUTTING – A special event ribbon cutting at
your place of business to promote a new location or expansion of your business to the public and your customers
Opportunities to connect with business owners and
interested citizens at our various councils and connection
events. (Some of our councils and connection events
include: East Rockingham & Greater Ashby business councils, Aging in Place Business Roundtable, Minority Business,
Connections after Hours, Military Support Fair, Economic
Summits, Business Smarts, etc.)
OK, OK, OK, I’m out of space. But this is only a short list
of the membership benefits designed to promote your
business at a very reasonable cost (as low as 63 cents per
So, if you’re already a HRCC member, please remember to
take advantage of your member benefits. AND, if you know
a business owner who’d enjoy a 63% competitive
advantage…………….well, contact me and I’ll get them
enrolled. If you are not a member, call the Chamber today.
Have a Most Productive & Prosperous Day!
Chuck Boles
MENTOR – New Member Development
540-434-3896 X106 or membership@hrchamber.org
MillerCoors Celebrates 25 Years in the Valley
Brewing Company
recently celebrated
the 25th Anniversary of the production of the first beer at
the Shenandoah Brewery. On April 1, 1987, the first beer
was produced at the Shenandoah Brewery by blending
Shenandoah Valley spring water with its product, thereby
officially opening the Rockingham County facility, then
known as Coors - Shenandoah, and making it the second
production site of the Coors Brewing Company.
10 | The Advocate
Since 1987, MillerCoors has made significant
financial investments to the brewery by adding production
lines, constructing a new brew house and expanding the
distribution facilities. These contributions have expanded
to the community in terms of high-quality employment and
the encouragement of employees to be active in local civic
and charitable organizations.
Congratulations to MillerCoors on this milestone
Governor Issues Challenge to Virginia Chambers
Last month, Governor Bob McDonnell issued a
challenge to the state and local Chambers of Commerce and,
by extension, to the business community. Virginians give
generously to many charities, including area food banks,
during the holidays. As summer approaches, the supply of
food in area food banks dwindles, but demand does not. The
Governor’s Bowl Chamber Challenge is designed to replenish
the food supplies for our fellow Virginians in need.
The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of
Commerce is working with the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank
to increase business support and contributions (food and
money) from May 28th to July 4th. Details and guidelines
will be included in our weekly e-newsletter from now until
July 4th and will also be available on line at www.hrchamber.
org, or www.brafb.org
The Governor will personally recognize the Chambers
at the top of their classes (small, medium and large – based
on community size and membership base), but the bigger
goal for the HRCC is to raise awareness of the need and help
re-stock the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank shelves.
Proud to be a part of Kline May Realty
ONE: Your home gets its own web site
TWO: Pictures of your home will be taken by a professional
THREE: Buyers can actually see a video tour of your home
FOUR: Premium advertising on Realtor.com, Trulia.com,
Zillow.com and Yahoo.com, the top four sites buyers are
using to search for homes!
Brant Suter, Lisa Oates, Jenny Burden and Chris Rooker. Learn more @ www.harrisonburghomes.com/sellers or 540.421.3179
www.hrchamber.org | 11
Halterman Karate Offers
Corporate Wellness
Of all the assets held by a company, none are more
important than its employees. Healthy employees are the
backbone of productivity. With fewer sick days and lower
health care costs for employers, the simple fact is that healthy
workers cost less. Improving employee health is an easy
way to increase the health of a business and a robust health
promotion program, like the proverbial apple, may keep the
doctor away.
The Approach
Halterman’s Corporate Wellness Partnership is a
unique and dynamic relationship that offers a fresh, hands-on
approach for each person in your company. The program can
perform as the single wellness option or enhance other wellness programs already in place.
Halterman’s Corporate Wellness Partnership is aimed
at curbing and reducing the negative health habits of the
average American worker. These goals are achieved by developing programs that are focused on the following:
Weight Reduction
Health Risk Management
Stress Management
Building Positive Self-Image
Personal Defense & Safety
Self Discipline
Also, be sure to check out these great summer deals
going for the whole family including Summer camp, Board
Breaking, Ninja Night, and Laser Tag just to name a few.
For more information call Jeremy at 540-209-7445, or
Is Your Directory Listing Current?
Do we have the most up-to-date information on your
business? Check your listing on our website’s member
directory and call us with any updates! 540-434-3862
12 | The Advocate
The Shenandoah Valley Small Business
Development Center presents
The BIG Small
Business Event of 2012
Wednesday May 23
7:30am - 4:30pm
Blue Ridge Community College, Weyers Cave
For business owners, managers,
and entrepreneurs ~
a day of presentations on all the
topics of importance to your business.
Keynote Speaker: Al Lautenslager, co-author
Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days
Financial Management, Branding,
Local Economies, Graphic Design, Exporting,
SEO, Business Valuation, Google Tools,
Business Growth, Email Marketing,
Digital Advertising, and a Social Media Help Lab!
$45 includes
breakfast & lunch
Full Agenda & Registration at
or call 540-568-3227
are you interested in strengthening your employee management skills?
if so, the shenandoah Valley sHrm (sVsHrm) Chapter cordially invites you to take a break from your busy
schedule to engage in what promises to be a productive and informative two days!
Knowing the essentials of HR will make you a better manager and help advance your career.
EssEntials of
Human ResouRce
Certificate Program | Two-Day Program
12 h o u r s o f H R C I credit p ending
august 8 & 9, 2012
8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. | BridgEwatEr CollEgE, BridgEwatEr, Va
rEgistration fEE (includes EHrm material):
register by July 1: $395 | after July 1: $425
Similar programs cost between $500–$1,000
rEgistration dEadlinE: July 20, 2012
Space is limited. Register early!
Topics covered: Human resource management, Employment law, recruitment and selection,
Compensation and Benefits, Employee development, performance management
Who should ATTend? small business owners, managers and supervisors; entry-level Hr staff,
employees with some Hr responsibilities, individuals looking to make a career change
for morE
Carolyn Fowler
www.hrchamber.org | 13
Help Us Welcome Our New Members
Second Home Childcare Center
Patty Sensabaugh
281 East Market Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
The Event Center
Steve Hill
924 West Market Street
Harrisonburg,VA 22801
June Martin
3330 Clayborn Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
Modern Woodmen of America
Matthew Robinson
308 Spotswood Avenue, Suite 3
Elkton, VA 22827
Mountain Creek Farms
Jenny Livelli
398 South Creek Road
Elkton, VA 22827
Halterman Karate Institute
Harold Halterman
16 Pleasant Hill Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Wendy’s of East Market Street
James Shifflett
1694 East Market Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Valley Contracting Group, LLC
Jason Seal
P.O. Box 750
Woodstock, VA 22664
Wendy’s of South Main Street
James Shifflett
1560 South Main Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Virginia Truck Center
Greg Witt
3243 Lee Highway
Weyers Cave, VA 24486
Dupont Community Credit Union
Reservoir Branch
Steve Landes
1925 Reservoir Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Fox’s Pizza Den
Rachel Cedeno
625 Mount Clinton Pike
Harrisonburg,VA 22802
Harmon Infrared
Mike Harmon
12 East Village Lane
Craigsville, VA 24430
DWN Insurance Services, LLC
Larry Elkins
114 Wynant Place
Bridgewater, VA 22812
Power Monitors, Inc.
Brandi Shifflett
800 North Main Street
Mount Crawford, VA 22841
Green Solutions Carpet &
Upholstery Cleaning
Barry Click
P.O. Box 670
Harrisonburg, VA 22803
Murphy Business Blue Ridge LLC
Richard K. Halterman II, CPA
2269 Lee Highway
Mt. Sidney, VA 24467
14 | The Advocate
Greenberry’s Coffee & Tea
Carolyn Burkholder
400 South High Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Institute of Certified Professional
Lynn Powell
1598 South Main Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
The Overlook at Stone Spring
Amanda Davis
1037 Port Republic Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Partners in Real Estate
David Spires
5964 A Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA 22303
New Members Con’t.
Corgan’s Publick House
Katharine Corgan
865 Port Republic Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Enlisted Auctions
Ben Yoder
1263 Cold Springs Road
Stuarts Draft, VA 24477
Vito’s Italian Kitchen
Katharine Corgan
1039 Port Republic Road
Harrisonburg,VA 22801
Rockingham Chiropractic PLLC
Dennise Perez
1589 Port Republic Road, Suite 1
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Infusion Audio & Video
Jeremy Sheffer
2040 Deyerle Avenue
Suite 205
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Trobaugh Group
(members of Kline May Realty)
Sallye Trobaugh
1962 Evelyn Byrd Avenue
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Get on the Schedule to Host
a Business After Hours
Our BAH calendar has the shortest lead time
that it’s had in years! Take advantage of the
opportunity to get on the schedule. Several
prime slots for 2013 are still available,
including warm-weather months. Contact our
volunteer Business After Hours Coordinator,
Kate Renalds of Ground Effects Landscaping.
Call her at 908-5391, or e-mail her at
The Chamber office is open:
M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Shenandoah Valley Security, LLC
Trish Landes-Sayre
21 Hannah Circle
Waynesboro, VA 22980
Hess Financial
Stephan Hess
560 Neff Avenue
Suite 600
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Trost Custom Homes, Inc.
Ben Trost
340 New York Avenue
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Digital and Print Solutions, LLC
Rose Antonio
1866 East Market Street
Suite 225
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
www.hrchamber.org | 15
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This issue of The Advocate is sponsored by:
and the T h e h a r r i s o n b u rg h o m e s T e a m
Proud to be a part of Kline May Realty
Saturday, May 26
11:00AM - 7:00PM
Massanutten Resort
4620 Massanutten Drive McGaheysville, VA
Specialty Beers • Microbrews
Regional Wines
Food • Crafts • And More!
Held Rain or Shine
Brought to you by:
or current resident
Video tour, web site, and professional
photography for every home!
Learn more about my marketing plan @
Live Music by:
Carbon Leaf
The Hackens B
Mike Davis
Tickets on Sale Now
$25 in Advance
$30 at the Gate
$10 for DD & Under 21