2015-11-05 Messenger
2015-11-05 Messenger
Meadowlark Hills Messenger Meadowlark Hills Retirement Community Nov. 5, 2015 Lonnie puckers up! Meadowlark Hills CEO wins HOG & Kisses Contest By Becky Fitzgerald Helga, the six -week old baby hog, had a lot to say when Tracy Musselman pulled her from her cage at HOGtoberfest on Oct. 29. [Above] Kissing candidates applaud Lonnie. During the [Right] Lonnie kisses Helga Hog. finale of the HOG & Kisses Contest, Helga’s squeals and grunts grew louder with each candidate I introduced, hogging the spotlight with her oinking and pretty, pink nose. I was reminded of a country song called “Shut Up and Kiss Me”! If Helga could talk, would those have been her words? Fortunately, Helga’s cuddle with the contest winner came quickly. Shortly after 6 p.m., I was thrilled to announce to the anxiously awaiting crowd gathered outside Cox Bros BBQ that Meadowlark Hills CEO Lonnie Baker was the top vote-getter in the 2nd annual contest, as his candidacy raised more than $1000. Lonnie gathered Helga into his arms, and within seconds, she was quiet and appeared content, seeming to enjoy his smooches on the top of her long nose. The contest, featuring four other candidates – Lori Bishop, Bud Cox, Vern Henricks and Kevin Lull – is a component of HOGtoberfest. All monies raised from the contest and other avenues, such as T-shirt and raffle ticket sales, benefit Meadowlark Hills Foundation’s Good Samaritan Fund. This fund supports residents in Meadowlark Hills healthcare households who have exhausted their financial resources. This year’s event netted more than $4300 for the fund, and in-kind donations totaled an additional $2500. Improvements on last year’s numbers were realized in several categories, including the number of T-shirts sold, the value of the in-kind donations and the size of the contribution from Cox Bros. BBQ. Bud and Bobby Cox had pledged to donate 10% of the day’s proceeds to the fund, and the amount of the donation grew by $100 this year, meaning HOGtoberfest sales increased $1000. It’s HOGtastic that so many hungry folks came to the party! Two of our prize winners have Meadowlark Hills ties. Sara Snell, Health Information Management leader, won the Louisiana pellet grill package, and Larry Grabinsky, husband of Sloan House LPN Shari Garten, won the K-State Football Experience. A Cox Bros. BBQ patron, Daniel Korp of Milford, won the barbecue meal for 10. Photos by Will Gold Many share the praise for the success of this event. I sincerely appreciate those of you who made a Cox Bros. purchase, voted for one of the candidates and/or purchased a T-shirt or raffle tickets. Thank you to the aforementioned kissing candidates, who raised awareness for the Good Samaritan Fund as well as dollars, and our event sponsors: Cox Bros. BBQ, McCullough Development, Q Country 103.5 and Flint Hills Beverage. I’d like to acknowledge staff members Sarah Duggan, Will Gold, Michelle Haub, Magye Loya, Rhonda Lund, Tracy Musselman, Chris Nelson, and the Hospitality team. Sarah and Magye helped with event publicity; Will served as the event photographer; Michelle and Rhonda greeted Cox Bros. patrons and sold raffle tickets; Chris Nelson counted the kissers’ votes and returned Helga to her farm after the contest, and Tracy helped me plan and execute the event as well as served as “hog wrangler”. The concierges kept track of Lonnie’s jar at the Hospitality Desk and sold raffle tickets. In addition, resident Pam Oehme watched Helga before she was called to duty. Speaking of Helga, she was loaned to us from Doug and Clara Ebert Farm of St. George. Thanks, again, to the many who ensured that HOGtoberfest was a successful FOOD, FRIENDS and FUNdraising event! UPCOMING EVENTS & ANNOUCEMENTS Partner’s in Parkinson’s Submitted by Don & Bea Rasmussen Participants in the Meadowlark Hills Parkinson’s Program accompanied Parkinson’s Program [Above left to right] Craig Kohls, Bea & Don Leader, Rasmussen, Michelle Haub, Kim & David Michelle Haub, Stevenson. to St. Louis to attend “Partner’s in Parkinson’s” in association with Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Michelle participated on a panel addressing 600 attendees. Manhattan area attendees commented that they particularly appreciated the way in which the seminar addressed explaining the status of research and living with the disease in terms that with those with Parkinson’s could understand and apply. Our local Parkinson’s Program is becoming widely known and recognized. Amazing research is being done and they said before the next 30 years there would be a cure—since it has been around since the 1700’s, 30 years does not seem that long. Joke of the Week I relish the fact that you’ve mustard the strength to ketchup to me. What’s the definition of a will? (It’s a dead giveaway). Veteran’s Day Parade Transportation Transportation will be provided to the Veteran’s Day Parade on Poyntz Wednesday, Nov. 11. The group will depart from the Village Entrance at 9 a.m. and will return at the conclusion of the parade. Cost for transportation is $3 for residents and Veterans are free of charge. Please sign up in the Blue Book located at the Hospitality Desk. Manhatter’s Luncheon Manhatters Luncheon will be held at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12, in the KSU Classroom. Hostesses Verta Riniker and Yvonne Crawford will share with you some interesting and fun facts about several of our former first ladies. Please sign up in the Blue Book located at the Hospitality Desk if you are able to attend. Cost for lunch is $8. Remember hats are encouraged, but totally optional! Come and meet some of the great ladies of Meadowlark Hills! Beach Museum of Art Discussion Card Making with Michelle Join Michelle Lehmer at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 10, in the West Conference Room to create greeting cards for Thanksgiving! Join Kim Richards from the Beach Museum of Art at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11, in the KSU Classroom to learn about Mary Cassatt, American painter and printmaker. All residents who are interested are invited to participate. Lunch Specials Nov. 8 – Nov. 14 Hours: Monday—Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday—Sunday, 9 a.m. to 3 pm. Sunday, Nov. 8– Goulash with Soup or Chips Monday, Nov. 9– Pesto & Tomato Grilled Cheese with Soup or Chips Tuesday, Nov. 10– Sloppy Joes with Tomato Soup Page 2 $5.50 $3.75/5.50 $5.50 Wednesday, Nov. 11– Cuban with Soup or Chips $3.75/$5.50 Thursday, Nov. 12– Loaded Baked Potato Soup with Side Salad $3.75/$5.50 Friday, Nov. 13– Chicken Fajita Quesadilla with Corn $3.75/$5.50 Saturday, Nov. 14– Ham Salad with Soup or Chips $3.75/$5.50 UPCOMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Kansas State Capitol Tours Shopping Trip Take advantage of the complimentary transportation to local shopping centers. Transportation goes to the following locations: Walmart and Dillons. The next trip departs at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11, from the Village Entrance. Please sign up in the Blue Book to register for transportation. Swingin’ Spurs The Swinging Spurs sustains and advances country twostep and swing dance by providing performances at local, state and national events. The talented group will be showcasing their swinging dance moves at Meadowlark Hills at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13, in the Community Room. The Osher Institute will be touring the capital, including the new visitors center, Notable Kansans Hall, the Rotunda Rooms, the State Library, the Old Supreme Court and much more. Additionally, the group will stop by the Brown V. Board of Education National Site. Registration is necessary at http://www.continuinged.ku.edu/osher/specialevents.php.Transportation will depart from the Village Entrance at 7:30 a.m. and the group will return approximately at 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 13. There is a $55 fee that includes transportation, admissions and lunch. Outdoors Encounters Submitted by Don Rasmussen As water temperatures drop in Bayer Pond, fish become less active and eat less. That is not to say that fishing is over, only that you will need to use enticing baits or lures and place them where the fish are (concentrated in deeper Festival of Trees display at Senior Tea water). Ladies, do you like hot tea or coffee? Do you appreciate When we reach freezing atmospheric temperatures we can creatively decorated Christmas trees? Are you 55 or older? no longer operate the worm farm. Also, as advised by the If you answered yes to those three questions, then consider marine biologist we will discontinue feeding the fish in early attending the inaugural Festival of Trees Senior Tea. This November and resume in early March. event, planned for 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18, at Continue to fish, using the prepared catfish bait stored in Houston Street Ballroom, is one of three Festival of Trees the east shelter or live baits purchased at Derick’s on events prior to the annual gala. All events are sponsored by Highway 24; just south of the dam, or at the gas station on the Flint Hills Volunteer Center and support the center's the SW corner of the Kimball-Tuttle Creek intersection. programs and volunteer efforts. Deep running lures may also be successful. The Celebrate the Season Senior Tea features live holiday Your skills are being tested!! Good luck… entertainment, sweet treats and your choice of loose leaf tea or coffee. Plus, you'll be able to view the many holiday Flint Hills Children Choir Performance displays and trees that will be auctioned at the gala and vote The Flint Hills Children Choir will be performing three to for your favorite. The tree earning the most votes wins a four songs featuring two different soloists. The twenty-five People's Choice Award. member group will be highlighting their songs at 6 p.m. For several years, Meadowlark Hills staff members have Monday, Nov. 9, in the Community Room. designed and decorated a tree for the Festival, and this year's committee is again hard at work, creating hand-made FOUNDATION NEWS ornaments. The Meadowlark Hills tree theme is "In the Key of Christmas," featuring ornaments that will prompt In Honor of Those thoughts of beloved Christmas carols and secular tunes. Living & Passed Meadowlark Hills trees won the People's Choice Award in 2012 and 2013, and a panel of judges named last year's Oct. 2015 tree Best of Show. Lincoln Deihl Cost for this outing is $8 per person, which includes the Helen Fairbanks tea ticket and transportation. Becky Fitzgerald, a member of Gene Hoerman Meadowlark Hills's tree designing committee, is your Ralph Miller hostess/driver. Other committee members are Kristin Rachel Nuss Bribiesca, Mary Harness, Magye Loya and Kinzie Jo Frances Siegel Zimmerman. If you'd like to attend, please register in the Blue Book by Donations were made to the Good Samaritan Fund, the 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16, so that event tickets may be Garden & the Wroten House. purchased. If you have questions, please contact Becky at 323-3843. Page 3 RESIDENT COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting Date: Oct. 5, 2015 Members Present: Sandra Emley, Don Rasmussen, Orris Kelly, Sharon Smith, Ed Lindly, Ed Skidmore, Loren Alexander, Polly Ferrell, Janice Parsons, Marilyn Ray, Jean Beatty, Ivan Tompkins and Jo Call Staff Present: Lonnie Baker, Sarah Duggan and Monte Spiller Sandra Emley welcomed all meeting attendees. Updates 1. General Update: Lonnie shared the renovations of Honstead and Sloan Houses are moving forward. The crew is now working on sunroom area. As January 1, 2016 approaches the board is working through rate increases. Keeping increases low has been, and continues to be a priority. Last year Meadowlark Hills had the lowest rate increase in over a decade. Lonnie also expressed changes are coming that could possibly affect the rates, which includes increase in minimum wage, the market, commodities and utility cost increase. In November, Lonnie will miss the IL Resident Council meeting due to attending the LeadingAge National Conference. While at the conference, Lonnie will work with LeadingAge to look for opportunities of other revenue producing avenues that will benefit Meadowlark Hills such as off campus services. Lonnie also stated he will be sharing a slide show with the residents from his bike trip. 2. Gift Committee: Sharon Smith stated the gift committee will be sending out reminders to residents on Wednesday, October 28, about the Employee Gift. The last date to receive donations is November 11. The checks will be written and distributed on November 18 by the Service Area Leaders. 3. Board Update: The board met in September and will meet again for a joint board meeting with the Meadowlark Hills Foundation Board of Directors in November. Approval of September Minutes: Motion to approve minutes was moved, and passed. New Business: 1. Resident Council members reviewed Meadowlark Hills campaign policy as a group and will review with their floors/neighborhoods. Additional Discussion Topics: 1. The next policy to be discussed at the council meeting will be the Motorized Personal Mobility Equipment Procedure. 2. Flu vaccine clinics have not been scheduled yet. Once the vaccine is received, the clinics will be scheduled; dates and times will be communicated via the Messenger and flyers. 3. A request to have fewer flyers hung on the boards in the elevators and Game Room was requested. It was also asked that the flyers be displayed in chronological order based on date of occurrence. Brief Description Page 4 Action to be Taken Leader Status 1. Flu shots & vaccines Follow Up Monte Spiller Completed 2. Flyers being hung in by occurrence Follow Up Monte Spiller Completed UPCOMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Open Enrollment: Compare Part-D Plans KSU Football Watch Party The Meadowlark Hills Finance team has partnered with the North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging on Wednesday, Nov. 18, for an opportunity to compare Medicare Part-D Prescription Drug Plans. For those who have signed up, please bring with you a current list of your medications, copies of your Medicare card and copies of your current Part D insurance card. Contact Rita Harsch in the Finance office, if you have questions at (785) 323-3891. Center on Aging Lecture Series Join Marla Day for the Center on Aging Lecture Series at 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12, in the KSU Classroom. Marla will discuss the story of Nelly Don: her American business set in the heart of the Midwest fashions and the true story that involved glamour, an affair, kidnapping, the mafia and the supreme court. The Vespers service, led by Reverend Michael Schmidt, will begin at 7 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 8, in the Community Room. All are welcome. Improvisation—Say “YES and…!” This Osher Class teaches you to think on your feet and develop your spontaneity in an acting improvisation class. Join Sally Bailey, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 9, at K-State’s West Stadium, Drama Room 117. The third class will be Monday, Nov. 16, at the same time and location as the first class. A sign-up sheet is available for transportation located in the Blue Book. Transportation will depart from the Village Entrance at 6 p.m. Technology Class Tuesday, Nov. 10, KSU tudents will be available from 6 to 7 p.m. in the KSU Classroom to answer any technology related questions you might have. DRINK SPECIAL Meeting Our Legislators Meet and greet our local legislators and listen to a forecasting of what is going on this upcoming election year. Legislators will be at Meadowlark Hills to discuss and report hot topics, such as education, and answer questions from 9:30 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 7, in the Community Room. Meadowlark Hills Parkinson’s Program Presents: FIT 2 FIGHT PD Vespers Services 00 Come and watch the Kansas State Wildcats take on the Baylor Bears at the Football Watch Party hosted tonight, Nov. 5, in the West Conference Room. The game will kickoff at 6:30 p.m. and refreshments will be served. Nov. 9 to Nov. 14 Carmel Apple Martini 1.5 oz Sour Apple Schnapps .5 oz Butterscotch Schnapps .5 oz Cinnamon Schnapps 1.5 oz Cream $3.75 Non Contact Boxing class for people with Parkinson’s Disease Wednesdays at 3 p.m. Beginning Nov. 4 KSU Classroom Meadowlark Hills Fit to Fight PD is a non-contact boxing fitness class designed to help people with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) improve their ability to live a fuller life. Research indicates that boxing-style exercise can help condition participants with agility, speed, muscular endurance, balance, hand-eye coordination, and overall strength. Classes will be led by Jeff, Kerry & Michelle, all of whom completed specialized training with Kimmie Beneke, Boxer & Personal Trainer. These free classes are designed for those with PD & are limited to them and his/her boxing partner. To register, call (785) 323-3899 or e-mail: michelle.haub@meadowlark.org Page 5 Prairie Star Grand Re-Opening Monday, November 9, 2015 Ribbon Cutting at 4:30 p.m. Dinner Menu $11 Amuse-Bouche Lump Crab and Wild Mushroom Cheesecake with Green Onion Coulis Choice of Starter Garden Salad with Dressing of Choice Spinach Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing Butternut Squash Soup Choice of Entrée Chicken Breast Oscar Grilled Swordfish with Beurre Blanc Roast Tenderloin with Bordelaise Sauce Choice of Starch Smoke Gouda Gratin Steamed Rice Vegetable Matchstick Stir Fry Vegetable Choice of Dessert Fresh Fruit Napoleon French Apple Tart with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and Caramel Sauce TOWN MEETING MINUTES Nov. 2, 2015 Meadowlark Hills CEO, and he kissed Helga the Hog. Lonnie’s jar raised over a thousand dollars. Overall, all hog kissing participants raised $2,900. Welcome, Monte Spiller Monte welcomed the Town Meeting attendees. Two new residents introduced themselves: Robert and Sue Reeves. Announcements, Monte Spiller Monte announced upcoming events including: Michael B. Performance, Pool Tournament, Veterans Parade Community Relations Update, Sarah Duggan Sarah informed the Town Meeting attendees that Lonnie is Transportation, Swingin’ Spurs, Prairie Star Winery and Little Apple Pilot Club. in Boston, Massachusetts at the LeadingAge Conference representing Meadowlark Hills as an organization. Adjourn The first IL Flu Clinic took place Friday, Oct. 30, with Submitted by Magye Loya the first dose of influenza vaccines. It is expected for the next shipment to come in later this week. This past ASK SARAH weekend, Michelle Haub, Parkinson’s Program Leader, along with a group traveled to St. Louis to attend Michael A new addition to the Sales J. Fox Foundation event. The event spoke to those living team! with Parkinson’s Disease and reported research is close to Submitted by Sarah Duggan a cure in the next 30 years. One of the great things about working at Kinzie Jo Zimmerman, Sales Leader, had great external Meadowlark Hills is the opportunity to learn and internal candidates to fill in the open Sales Specialist and grow within an industry that has so position. Kristen Martin, former Social Services Leader, many facets and options to offer. It’s accepted the position. She will be transitioning from her awesome when we are able to support an employee in former position to Sales Specialist. Annie and her team are growing in their career right here at home. in the process of filling in the Social Services Leader In 2011, Kristen Martin joined the Meadowlark Hills position. team as a Household Coordinator in Special Care. From there, she became the Social Services Leader and in Support Services Update, Jayme Minton October 2015, Kristen accepted the Sales Specialist Jayme reported that Prairie Star renovations have stayed position. on schedule and look wonderful. A Grand Re-Opening for Kristen works with Kinzie Jo Zimmerman, Sales Leader, Prairie Star Restaurant is scheduled at 4:30 p.m. Monday, to complete sales across the Meadowlark Hills community, Nov. 9, with a ribbon cutting and dinner to follow. John including receiving and processing all referrals for Gasser, Chef, has arranged a beautiful menu for the transitional care and 24-hour skilled nursing. Kristen opening. With the renovation, Prairie Star can now seat 20 works with the house teams to coordinate the move-in extra people. The Manhattan Room will be open for process for residents and guests. As a sales team member, regular seating until the end of November when they Kristen helps individuals and their families make decision install the glass wall then it will also be available for regarding their living experience and relationship with private parties. Prairie Star Restaurant will not be Meadowlark Hills. accepting reservations until Tuesday, Nov. 10. Kristen graduated from Cloud County Community College in 2009 with an associates of science. In 2011, she Project Update, Annie Peace Annie re-introduced Jon Bechtel, Project Manager, to the received her bachelors of science in social work at Kansas State University. Following college, Kristen was employed Town Meeting attendees. Jon reported the construction as a Leasing Agent at McCullough Development in around campus. Sloan and Honstead Houses are still undergoing construction but are doing a great job keeping Manhattan, Kan. Kristen is also an Internship Instructor for Social Work students at Kansas State University. the area safe and moving construction along. The Kristen lives in Wakefield, Kan. with her husband, Josh. construction project for third, fourth and fifth floors is in the process with lighting and rumble strips. The concrete The couple has two children, Easton and Ellie, and three dogs, Bella, Keilah and Odie. Her new office will be patching around campus is close to complete. located in between my and Kinzie Jo’s offices. We are excited to have her as a part of the Community Relations HOGtoberfest, Becky Fitzgerald team – please stop by and say hi. The second annual HOGtoberfest was a great hit. Becky See you next week and thanks for stopping by! thanked everyone who came out and supported HOGtoberfest. This years’ winner was Lonnie Baker, Page 7 Nov. 8 - Nov. 14 Includes beverage, starter and dessert. SAT. FRIDAY THURS. WED. TUESDAY MONDAY SUNDAY Monday to Saturday, 10:30 to 8 p.m. Sunday, 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Will start taking reservations again Tuesday, Nov. 10. A minimum of one hour notice is required for reservations. The restaurant can accept up to four reservations per time, depending on party size. Reservations can be made in person or by calling 323-3820. Nov. 8 ~ Lunch $10 Dinner $11 Grilled Raspberry Chicken Wild Rice Cake Vegetable of the Day Chili Cinnamon Rolls Vegetable of the Day Nov. 9 ~ Lunch $8 ** Dinner $11 BBQ Ribs Stuffed Chicken Breast with Supreme Sauce Roasted Red Potatoes Green Beans Grand Re-Opening Special Menu Nov. 10 ~ Lunch $7 Dinner $12 (see page six) (does not include drink, starter or dessert) Chicken Rigatoni with Tomato Vodka Sauce Fresh Basil, Roasted Garlic & Prosciutto Ham Vegetable of the Day Garlic Toast Nov. 11 ~ Lunch $8 Dinner $12 Roasted Pork Tenderloins with Balsamic Cherry Sauce Salisbury Steak Mashed Potatoes Pork Tenderloin Normandy Carrot Risotto Vegetable of the Day Nov. 12 ~ Lunch $8 Dinner $12 Chicken Broccoli Casserole Ham Loaf Polenta Peas & Carrots Pan Roasted Chicken with Pineapple-Chili Glaze Roasted Chili Reds Vegetable of the Day Nov. 13 ~ Lunch $8 Dinner $13 Sautéed Trout with Cream Butter Steamed Brats with Sautéed Peppers & Onions Fried Potatoes Corn O'Brien Shrimp & Mango K-Bobs with Lime Glaze Island Rice Vegetable of the Day Nov. 14 ~ Lunch $10 Dinner $13 Chicken Salad Melt Choice of Vegetable Pot Roast with Carrots, Onion & Celery Roasted Red Potatoes Vegetable of the Day Fajita Bar *You may substitute an extra vegetable for the starch on any special for no additional charge. ** Buffet Style (Includes Small Salad Bar, Condiments & Dressings, and the Soup Of The Day) Page 8 Grosh Cinema Movies Sunday, November 8 - Saturday, November 14 Show Times: 1, 4 and 7 p.m., Monday – Saturday 2 and 6 p.m., Sunday Sunday, November 8 – State Fair (1945) Singing, dancing, prize pig contests, carnival rides...even romance. It’s an unforgettable summer for this family. Co-Starring: Jeanne Crain, Dana Andrews & Dick Haymes Not Rated; 1 hr. 40 min. Monday, November 9 – Great Expectations (2012) Fate—with a little help from a mysterious unnamed benefactor—whisks young orphan Pip from poverty to a life of unexpected wealth. Co-Starring: Toby Irvine, Ralph Fiennes & Jason Flemyng Rated PG-13; 2 hrs. 7 min. Tuesday, November 10 – The Flat (2011) *Resident Request When Arnon Goldfinger’s grandmother died at 98, he was charged with cleaning out her Tel Aviv apartment, where he made a shocking discovery. Co-Starring: Michael Adler, Yaron Amit & Avrham Barkai Not Rated; 1 hr. 37 min. Wednesday, November 11 – Sherlock Holmes: Hound of the Baskervilles (1988) When Sir Charles Baskerville dies on the moor, rumors abound about a demonic hound, and Holmes and Watson are called in to investigate the mystery. Co-Starring: Jeremy Brett, Edward Hardwicke & Raymond Adamson Not Rated; 1 hr. 45 min. Thursday, November 12 – The Yellow Rose of Texas (1944) *Resident Request Working undercover as a singer on the titular showboat, an insurance investigator tracks down a fugitive and the loot he allegedly stole. Co-Starring: Roy Rogers, Trigger & Dale Evans Not Rated; 1 hr. 9 min. Friday, November 13 – The American (2010) A hit man finds something to live for while on retreat in Italy. Unfortunately, he also finds his next assignment. Co-Starring: George Clooney, Paolo Bonacelli & Violante Placido Rated R for violence, sexual content and nudity; 1 hr. 45 min. Saturday, November 14 – James and the Giant Peach (1996) Which would you choose? Despicable aunts or giant talking insects who take you on an adventure? Co-Starring: Paul Terry, Joanna Lumley & Pete Postlethwaite Rated PG; 1 hr. 19 min. Page 9 This Week's Opportunities November 8 - November 14 Sunday • November 8 Breakfast at Verna Belle’s—Omelets with Fruit 10:00 a.m. ~ Church Service, CR 2:00 p.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE 7:00 p.m. ~ Vespers, Rev. Michael Schmidt, CR Monday • November 9 Trash pick-up day Breakfast at Verna Belle’s—Biscuits & Sausage Gravy Dental Hygiene Clinic (By Appointment Only), Miller Spa 8:30 a.m. ~ Dental Hygiene Clinic, MS 9:30 a.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE 9:30 a.m. ~ Seated Strength, CR 10:00 a.m. ~ Meadowlark Mentors, KSU CL 10:20 a.m. ~ Weights 101, CR 11:00 a.m. ~ Sit & Be Fit, CR 11:30 a.m. ~ Meadowlark Valley Luncheon, LR 12:00 p.m. ~ Beginner Tai Chi, CR 12:00 p.m. ~ Yoga, KSU CL 12:00 p.m. ~ 1st Pres. Men’s Luncheon, CON 1:00 p.m. ~ Blood Pressure Clinic, GR 1:15 p.m. ~ Parkinson’s Exercise Class, CR 1:30 p.m. ~ Hearing Aid Doctor, CON 1:30 p.m. ~ Ladies Pool Table Time, BP 2:00 p.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE 2:15 p.m. ~ Parkinson’s Voice Class, KSU CL 3:00 p.m. ~ MLH Singers Practice, CR 4:30 p.m. ~ Prairie Star Restaurant Grand Re-Opening, PS 6:00 p.m. ~ Flint Hills Children’s Choir Performance, CR 6:00 p.m. ~ Depart for Osher Class: Improvisation, VE 7:00 p.m. ~ Community Bingo, CR Tuesday • November 10 Breakfast at Verna Belle’s—Breakfast Sandwich with Fruit 9:30 a.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE 10:30 a.m. ~ Steady Yourself, CR 11:15 a.m. ~ Chair Yoga, CR 12:00 p.m. ~ Seven Dolors Book Discussion, LR 1:00 p.m. ~ Tai Chi, KSU CL 1:00 p.m. ~ PEO Meeting, CR 2:00 p.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE 2:00 p.m. ~ Card Making with Michelle, CON 3:00 p.m. ~ Coffee Corner, CR 3:30 p.m. ~ Ambassador Committee Meeting, CON 4:00 p.m. ~ Newspaper & Bible, LR 5:30 p.m. ~ 4th Floor Supper, LR 6:00 p.m. ~ Technology Workshop, KSU CL Wednesday • November 11 Breakfast at Verna Belle’s—Breakfast Burrito with Fruit 9:00 a.m. ~ New Perspectives, LR 9:00 a.m. ~ Building and Grounds Meeting, CON 9:30 a.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE 9:30 a.m. ~ Seated Strength, CR 10:00 a.m. ~ Walmart/Dillons Shopping Trip, VE 10:00 a.m. ~ Worship Service, KSU CL 10:00 a.m. ~ Memory Support Group, CON 10:20 a.m. ~ Weights 101, CR 11:00 a.m. ~ Sit & Be Fit, CR 12:00 p.m. ~ Beginner Tai Chi, CR 12:00 p.m. ~ Yoga, KSU CL 12:00 p.m. ~ 2nd Men’s Club Luncheon, LR 1 to 2 p.m. ~ Fitness Center Office Hour, FC 1:30 p.m. ~ Pitch, GR 2:00 p.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE 3:00 p.m. ~ Fit 2 Fight PD, KSU CL 3:00 p.m. ~ Call Hall Ice Cream, KR 4:00 p.m. ~ Video Worship Service, LR 6:30 p.m. ~ Artist Discussion with Beach Museum, KSU CL 7:00 p.m. ~ LWV Board Meeting, CON Thursday • November 12 Breakfast at Verna Belle’s—Biscuits & Sausage Gravy 9:00 a.m.~ Messenger Ladies, CON 9:30 a.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE 10:00 a.m. ~ Meadowlark Bible Study, KSU CL 10:00 a.m. ~ Great Decisions, LR 10:30 a.m. ~ Steady Yourself, CR 11:15 a.m. ~ Chair Yoga, CR 12:30 p.m. ~ Manhatters Ladies’ Luncheon, KSU CL 1:00 p.m. ~ Blood Pressure Clinic, GR 2:00 p.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE 3:30 p.m. ~ Dementia Caregiver Support Group, KSU CL 4:00 p.m. ~ Center on Aging Lecture Series, CR 7:00 p.m. ~ IL Bingo, CR Friday • November 13 Breakfast at Verna Belle’s—Waffle or Pancake 7:30 a.m. ~ Depart for Osher Trip: State Capitol Tour, VE 9:30 a.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE 9:30 a.m. ~ Seated Strength, CR 10:20 a.m. ~ Weights 101, CR 11:00 a.m. ~ Sit & Be Fit, CR 1:00 p.m. ~ Hand & Foot Card Games, GR 1:15 p.m. ~ Parkinson’s Exercise Class, CR 1:15 p.m. ~ Parkinson’s Caregiver Support Group, LR 1:30 p.m.~ Brain Booster, GR 2:00 p.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE 7:00 p.m. ~ Resident Program: KSU Swingin’ Spurs, CR Saturday • November 14 Breakfast at Verna Belle’s—Omelets with Fruit 9:30 a.m. ~ Painting for Fun, KSU CL 9:30 a.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE 2:00 p.m. ~ Pond Ride, VE Room Abbreviations BP, Billiards Parlor CR, Community Room CON, Conference Room FC, Fitness Center GR, Game Room GC, Grosh Cinema KR, Kansas Room (Pub) KSU CL, KSU Classroom LB, Library LR, Living Room MR, Manhattan Room MS, Miller Spa PS, Prairie Star Restaurant TR, Tranquility Room VE, Village Entrance WS, Woodshop
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