June 2016 Messenger - Messiah Lutheran Church


June 2016 Messenger - Messiah Lutheran Church
A faithful, serving community, joyfully sharing Christ’s love.
Messiah Lutheran Church
Rev. Julie Haspel, Pastor
Church phone: 201-337-4900
Email: info@messiahoaklandnj.org
Contemporary Worship: 8:45am
Christian Education: 9:45am
Traditional Worship: 10:45am
God's plan
God has a plan for every life in Christ Jesus. What a wondrous truth … and yet how reasonable. Shall the architect draw the plans for
his stately palace? Shall the artist sketch the outlines of his masterpiece? Shall the shipbuilder lay down the lines for his colossal ship?
And yet shall God have no plan for the soul which he brings into being and puts “in Christ Jesus”? Surely he has.
Yea, for every cloud that floats across the summer sky, for every blade of grass that points its tiny spear heavenward, God has a
purpose and a plan. How much more then, for you who are his own in Christ Jesus, does God have a perfect life plan.
—James McConkey
Blessings bestowed
When author Gary Smalley asked 100 people to share how they knew they’d received their parents’ blessing, they offered these
memories of fatherly love:
My father put his arm around me at church and let me lay my head on his shoulder.
When my father faced a transfer at work, he purposely took another job so I could finish my senior year in high school.
When I wrecked my parents’ car, my father’s first reaction was to hug me and let me cry instead of yelling at me.
My father went with me to the store when I had to return a purchase I regretted.
My father let me practice pitching to him for a long time after work.
My father cried during my wedding because he was going to miss me being at home.
Synod Assembly – Be Not Afraid
The theme for the NJ Synod Assembly this year was “Be Not Afraid.” Interestingly
enough, I have preached on this very topic on numerous occasions. It’s one of those
Bible verses that brings comfort and hope and one that we need to hear over and over
again. Clearly, we are in need of hearing these words.
The word, Fear, is mentioned nearly five hundred times in the Bible and nearly onequarter of those references are some form of ‘Fear Not’ or ‘Be Not Afraid.’ Many times
it is spoken to people who are trembling in fear over some type of encounter with the
‘Holy’: shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night, or God uttering the words in
the book of Revelation.
I believe that it was very important to have this theme as the centerpiece of our gathering
as a Synod. We live in a fear-filled world. All too often, people use fear to motivate us
to do things we wouldn’t normally do. In addition, as we move forward, living into all of
the change that is necessary for us to be the church in this time and place, we will be
afraid. Things will be different and we can’t even foresee how different they will be.
The promise and hope are contained in what is the second part of the sentence: “Do not
be afraid, for I am with you.” The promise of God’s presence with us in every trial we
face can never be minimized. It is an amazing promise that fills us with awe, peace, and
wholeness. We are never alone, no matter what we face.
May this always be your hope.
Pastor Julie
Saturday, June 4, 9:00am: Property Work Day
Sunday, June 5 Outdoor Worship: We are beginning our monthly worship in the
Outdoor Chapel (ODC). Plan to join us in the ODC for the 8:45 service. We will
continue to meet outside on the first Sundays of the month. See you there!
Saturday, June 11 Church BBQ: Mark your calendars
because the church’s favorite BBQ will be here before you
know it! Appetizers will be at 4:00pm in the back picnic
area. Chicken and ribs will follow at 5:30pm. Sign up asap!
Sunday, June 12, 8:00am: Men’s Breakfast.
The Summer Schedule will begin on
July 3rd and continue through September 4th
8:45am Contemporary Service.
10:00am Traditional Service
May 18, 2016 meeting
 Council approved hiring Ray Pietrowicz to repair the urinal, to repair the 3 toilets
as needed, and to replace the faucets in the bathrooms at the north end of the
building at a cost of $712.00.
 Council approved researching the cost of replacing the 218 fluorescent tubes in
the building with LED tubes with a much greater life span.
 The June Council meeting will center on strategic planning as it relates to our
Mission Statement "A faithful, serving community, joyfully sharing Christ's
love". The goal is to strengthen our committees and set goals that relate to that
Oakland Community Vacation Bible School 2016
Sacred Sounds: Season of the Son
Location: St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 1 Church Lane Oakland, NJ
Monday, June 20 through Friday, June 24, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (Lunch included)
Ages: From entering Kindergarten to entering 6th grade.
Aftercare for any registered child available until 4pm at an additional cost.
For more information about VBS or how you can help, call Ponds Reformed Church at
(201) 337-6744. Registration deadline: June 5, 2016. Space is limited. A registration
offering is requested of $ 60.00 per child. Registration offering includes a T-Shirt, a
Music CD, master classes, and lunch.
Older youth and adults can volunteer to assist in program.
Scholarship Funds for Christian Service
Our benevolence of the month is Scholarship Funds for Christian Service; to provide
financial assistance to persons continuing their education in preparation for ministry.
The funds this year will go towards Kathleen Kerin’s continued studies for ministry.
Many Plants are in the ground!
The seeds have been planted with the hope of a bountiful harvest to feed
the hungry. We have planted bush beans, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots,
cucumbers, and even zinnias!
Reminder to please sign up to help weed the garden and pick vegetables
during the growing season. Make it a “Family Affair” or team up with
a friend or friends. It just takes a few minutes to pick vegetables or
even weed if kept up regularly. (Hopefully weeds will be kept to a
minimum in the path with the weed-block fabric put down!)
A sign-up sheet is posted, or you can call Brigitte Albrecht: 973-8350536, if you would like to help or have any questions.
We have had a terrific year in Sunday School! Our lessons continue to follow the
lectionary each week, helping the children make connections between the Bible and their
own lives each day. For the last few weeks of Sunday School we will be focusing on the
different roles we play in different parts of our lives and how to use our gifts and our faith
in each of those roles.
After Easter, the Sunday School children planted the remaining Easter flowers in
the courtyard garden. They enjoyed the garden work and requested to spend more time
there. We spent another week weeding, proving that many hands make light work. The
children are eager to reclaim the garden and will continue to work at keeping back the
weeds and adding new plants to make the garden beautiful. If anyone has perennials they
need to cut back in their own garden that might do well in the courtyard, or would like to
make any other contribution to the garden, we will gratefully accept them and cheerfully
plant them.
Volunteers Needed! If anyone is looking for any opportunity to serve, consider
helping out with Sunday School. We can use help with teaching, organizing crafts, and
sharing favorite songs or faith stories. If you are interested, please contact Cindy or
Pastor Julie to let us know how you’d like to get involved, or just pop in during Sunday
School and join us.
Confirmation Sunday
Congratulations to Victoria Boyce, Anna Rios, and Kimmie Zanetti who
affirmed their Baptism on Pentecost Sunday. It was a beautiful service
and a wonderful celebration. We all look forward to the work we will
accomplish together in Jesus’ name!
To All Members of Messiah Lutheran Church
Total Income in April was $15.8K and expenses were $18.6K,
resulting in a deficit of $2.8K. There is an YTD Operating
Deficit of $2.4K.
Dedicated Accounts increased $.4K, to $84.8K. Cash Accounts
(Checking and Savings) decreased $2.4K, to $82.4K.
Ron Rubner
Below is a financial comparison of April 2016 to April 2015.
Total Income in April 2016 was $15.8K vs. $18.0K in April 2015. Income for Ministry
at Messiah for April 2016 was $14.3K vs. $16.6K for April 2015. Income for Mission
Support for April 2016 was $1.5K vs. $1.4K in April 2015.
Total Expenses in April 2016 were $18.6K vs. $19.0K in April 2015. Expenses for
Ministry at Messiah for April 2016 were $16.7K vs. $17.2K in April 2015. Expenses for
Mission Support were $1.9K for April 2016 vs. $1.8K in April 2015.
Year to Date - April 2016
Income Accounts
Ministry at Messiah
Mission Support
Total Income
Expense Accounts
Ministry at Messiah
Mission Support
Total Expenses
Income Less Expense
2016 Actual 2015 Actual
Thank you to all who helped beautify the altar.
May 1: The Crovatto Family in honour of their anniversary.
May 8: The Boyce Family in honour of Sue’s Birthday
May 15: Gizem Timmin in honour of her mother, Oya.
Happy June Birthday to . . .
4- Andrew Costa
5- Violette Essman
7- Mitchell Hayek
8- Janet Godwin
8- Ruth Salhoff
14- Kyle Albrecht
16- Tristan Axtell
16- Ed Appleton
17- Lisa O’Neil
Happy June Anniversary to…
June 5 Martin & Deborah Treich
June 6 Alex & Sue Boyce
June 6 Ralph & Nancy Costa
June 9 Glenn & Claudia McCreedy
18- Barbara
20- Peter DeFelice
24- Joan Ludke
25- Andrew Boyce
25- Cara Kulmala
26- Barbara Schell
27- David Rumohr
29- Martin Treich
June 10 Jim & Lorrie Carscadden
June 17 Stephen & Michelle Monaghan
June 18 Curt & Kristen LeRoy
June 26 Michael & Violette Essman
Please keep in prayer this month:
Charlie Hashagen, the Haspel-Schoenfeld Family, Susanne and
Bill Herbst, Ruth Hendrickson, Darrel Henry, Jacqueline & John
Kartanos, Ida Keil, Harvie Klaus, Evan Krause, Astrid Bednarzik
Lascar, Joan Ludke, Lydia McClure, Debbie McCue, Kurt
Mehring, David and Fred Monk, Kim and Brandon Niland, Kayla
O’Neil, Eleanore Orman, Nancy Oshinskie, Marge Romaniello,
Al & Barbara Schell, Michelle Todd, Christy VanGenderen, Joan
Washofer, Kathy Whitford.
and the following friends and family:
Angelina, granddaughter of Lori Schmitt.
Erik, nephew of Kristen & Cesar Rios, cousin of Anna.
Erica, Kristen Rios’ sister.
Matt and Stephanie Cohen, Nancy Krause’s cousins
Popper/Hurst family, friends of the Rios family.
Max, grandson of Marge Romaniello.
Robert, Alex Boyce’s nephew and Paula, Alex Boyce’s sister.
Drew, West Point cadet.
Katie, friend of the Ludke’s.
Joseph, friend of Bob Fekete.
Sophie, Terry Vollmin’s sister.
Wendolyn Trozzo and family, missionary in Malaysia.
Charles, uncle of Lisa O'Neil.
Jeannene, sister-in-law of Mike & Lisa O’Neil, aunt of Kayla and Kristina
Wayne Vollmin, Terry’s brother-in-law.
Margante and family and Tammy and family, friends of Michele Weintraub.
Chris, friend of the O’Neils.
Michele Weintraub's father Christian and mother-in-law Gloria.
Diane, Carla, Jaime, Tammy, and the Fierro family, friends of Michele Weintraub, Kim Niland
and Kathleen Kerin.
Ron, Karen Bell’s father.
Larry, Barbara and Al Schell’s son.
Kimberly, friend of Sue Boyce and Terry Vollmin.
Carol Vara, Sharon Monk’s aunt.
Monica, friend of Sue Boyce.
Kyle, friend of the Krause’s
Jin Choi, Dae-Sung Choi’s father
The Family of Michael Ferrari, friends of the Krause’s and the Boyce’s,
All military personnel serving: Mike O'Neil’s nieces - Julia O'Neil (US Army, Germany) and
Katie O'Neil (US Army, ROTC).
Outcome of Resolutions from 2016 NJ Synod Assembly
A Resolution Supporting the Hunger Ministry of the ELCA
Therefore the Congregations of the NJ Synod are encouraged to:
* Learn about all of the ways that together we fight poverty and hunger through ELCA
* Financially contribute to this ministry that we share.
* Make ELCA Hunger a line item in your congregation's spending plan.
* Lift up all the hunger ministries of the Synod congregations in prayer.
* Plan an education event regarding hunger around World Food Day (October 16, 2016)
* Utilize the Hunger resources provided by the ELCA.
* Be aware that hunger ministry grants are awarded by the ELCA.
* Share within Clusters what each congregation is doing regarding hunger, and then
share with the Hunger Task Group annually.
* Continue supporting the Malaria Campaign through World Hunger.
(Adopted by the New Jersey Synod in Assembly, May 6, 2016)
Immigration Resolution
Therefore the congregations of the New Jersey Synod become aware of the needs of
unaccompanied migrant children and strengthen our church’s ministry among, with, and
for the most vulnerable of newcomers, and to continue to advocate for immigration,
refugee, and asylum laws that are fair and generous.
Therefore the New Jersey Synod congregations advocate for appropriate legal
representation for children and families fleeing violence and war by communicating with
our elected officials.
Therefore the New Jersey Synod encourage the ELCA in Assembly to encourage all
congregations to advocate for laws and policies that protect children and people fleeing
persecution and address the situation of migrants in transit.
http://www.elca.org/Resources/AMMPARO (Adopted by the New Jersey Synod in
Assembly, May 6, 2016)
A Memorial Affirming African Descent Lutherans
Therefore the New Jersey Synod Assembly memorializes the 2016 Churchwide
Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to be intentional in
the inclusion of the contributions of African descent Lutherans as part of the ELCA’s
observation of the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation.
The New Jersey Synod Assembly memorializes the 2016 Churchwide Assembly of the
ELCA to:
1. Direct the Church Council to create a “Declaration of the ELCA to the African Descent
Community” similar to the “Declaration of the ELCA to the Jewish Community
(4/18/1994)” acknowledging the Lutheran church’s complicity in the 400+ years of
slavery and the oppression of other marginalized groups; that people of African descent
were victims of slavery, the slave trade and colonialism and continue to be victims of its
consequences; and, the ELCA has perpetuated racism and discrimination through
attitudes, actions, policies and practices these communities still endure. The Council will
bring this “Declaration” to the 2019 Churchwide Assembly for its consideration and
action with a recommendation to include this Declaration in the governing documents of
the ELCA;
2. Require the Church Council to direct the Theological Education Advisory Council
(TEAC) in partnership with the Conference of International Black Lutherans (CIBL) to
recognize and dismantle white hegemony by lifting up, encouraging and incorporating
academic exploration of Black theologies across ELCA educational expressions, to
allocate funds for the development of resources and to accomplish this by the 2019
Churchwide Assembly; and,
3. Require the Church Council to direct the Domestic Mission Unit of the ELCA, to work
in partnership with the African Descent Lutheran Association, with the goal of increasing
by 10% the number of African Descent leaders, congregations and communities served,
thereby renewing its commitment to create, sustain, reinvest in and support this plan of
action by the 2019 Churchwide Assembly and to encourage Synods and congregations to
do likewise.
Therefore the Church Council directs Synods and congregations to provide clear policies
on workplace harassment and discrimination (including racial harassment and
discrimination), and to create clear procedures on how to proceed with any complaints
that may arise.
(Adopted by the New Jersey Synod in Assembly, May 7, 2016)
A Resolution Concerning Mental Health Awareness
Therefore the New Jersey Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in
assembly calls upon all members of the New Jersey Synod:
 to familiarize themselves with the ELCA’s Social message, The Body of Christ
and Mental Illness” and to share this document with their friends and loved ones;
 to encourage all those who suffer from mental illness that Christ’s call to “be not
afraid” is an invitation to seek help from friends, family, and mental health
 to encourage all those who suffer from mental illness and have received help that
Christ’s call to “be not afraid” is an invitation to speak out against the stigma of
mental illness;
 to encourage all members of the New Jersey Synod to accept Christ’s invitation to
“be not afraid” and stand with those who suffer from mental illness and challenge
the stigma of mental illness that exists in the United States;
 to impress upon our families, our congregations, communities, and society-atlarge that mental health is just as – if not more- important than physical health.
(Adopted by the New Jersey Synod in Assembly, May 7, 2016)
Resolution in Support of the Unification of PA. Seminaries
Therefore the New Jersey Synod expresses affirmation and encouragement to LTSG and
LTSP as they continue in the process of unification;
Therefore the Synod encourages all our congregations and other ministries to redouble
efforts to identify, nurture and support those who sense a call to public roistered
Therefore in order that the unified Lutheran seminary be able to continue in the tradition
of LTSP and LTSG, offering the highest caliber of theological education and leadership
formation, the Synod pledges its strongest possible continuing financial support, and
encourages all congregations and individuals to likewise continue and expand their
generous support.
(Adopted by the New Jersey Synod in Assembly, May 7, 2016)
The full version of the resolutions can be found on the synod website at