Jun 04/Jun 05 Newsletter


Jun 04/Jun 05 Newsletter
June 4 & 5, 2016
What is a Synod Deacon?
A synod deacon is called to serve the
church in ways that are different from the
calling of a pastor. The Florida-Bahamas
Synod has a Diaconal Ministry in which
deacons are consecrated for a ministry of
Word and Service that flows from the
pastoral office of Word and Sacrament and
is accountable to it.
According to the constituting documents for the program
(1998): “A Synodical Deacon is one who is inwardly
compelled and outwardly affirmed for service in both the
congregation and the world. We understand a deacon as a
particular minister with gifts and a calling for providing vision
and practical leadership for the congregation’s ministries.
Through their common calling and theological training,
deacons, exercising their teaching responsibility, would
assist the pastoral ministry in underpinning the particular
ministries of their calling to the ministry of Word and
This Week
Men of Hope Breakfast
Thursday, June 9th @ 8am Cost $7.
Please sign up in the narthex
Our monthly meeting will be held on Wed., June 8th
at noon at the church in room 204.
After a short meeting, we will car pool to Eaton Beach
for lunch. If you plan to attend, please call Mary Jane
There is a sign up sheet in our folder in the narthex.
It's important that we have a good count for our
reservation. Please check the activity sheet for other
events scheduled.
We will not be packing snack packs for the months of
June and July. Any questions or for additional
information about On Our Own, please call Shirley
Deacons in the Florida-Bahamas Synod serve only within the
geographic confines of this synod and are not rostered as lay
ministers in ELCA.
Ms. Peggy Aiello will be consecrated
as a Synod Deacon at the 11:30
service this weekend. We welcome
Peggy and pray for her ministry of
Word and Service among us. Peggy’s
service focus at Hope will be Worship.
Peggy and her husband Frank joined
Hope in April 2016 after returning to
the Ocala area from California. They
have 3 sons and 2 grandsons, and
are expecting their 3rd grandchild in
October. Peggy loves to play tennis
and spend time with her boys and their families.
Youth Choir
Tuesday, June 21st @ 7pm
Imagine 65 high school students taking time from their
summer vacation to share their faith in Jesus Christ through
contemporary song, drama, dance, visual arts and much
more! This is their mission: to “Tell the Story” of Christ to the
world. This year’s program, At Your Command, focuses on
the 10 Commandments and their meanings for our life today.
Come and enjoy an evening of laughter, music and worship.
Bring your friends-the evening’s performance is free and
open to the public.
A free-will offering will be taken.
Hope Lutheran Church
250 Avenida Los Angelos
The Villages, Florida 32162
Email: info@hope2all.org
website: www.hope2all.org
People of God
Lead Pastor:
P. Barry Hunteman
Executive Pastor: Jon-Marc MacLean
Women of Hope
June 16
July 21
August 18
HOPE University
Wednesday, June 8 & 15th at 9am (room 203)
Summer Luncheons
3rd Thursdays @
Ancient Ways, Future Paths:
A History of Christian Worship
Discussion Leader: Pastor Dean Piper
During the summer months, the Women of Hope
meet at area restaurants for an informal gathering
and time of fellowship. On June 16th @ 11:30am
our “Summer Lunch Bunch” restaurant will be
Chicken Salad Chick (near Belk). Please sign up in
the narthex.
We will look at the importance of Liturgy and Music,
Art and Prayer and Meditation and their expressions
in the church today.
Care Team # 26
School Begins Early!
Webster Elementary has asked us if we might be
able to begin our campaign for school supplies earlier
this year. School begins on August 10. Some
children will not be able to afford the materials
needed to make a good beginning. (A reminder: 83%
of the children come from families living below the
poverty level.)
We will have our first meeting of the year on Wed.,
June 22nd @ 5:30pm in the fellowship hall.
There will be plenty of food, fun, easy games while
visiting your “neighborhood” friends from Hope.
Sales for school supplies start after July 4th. We have
printed the supply list supplied by the school. Please
pick up a copy in the information hallway. When
you see a sale – you will be prepared!
Please RSVP to Jon & Ginny Fortney (we need a
count for the food.) Menu: Pulled pork sandwiches,
potato salad, beans, coleslaw. Please bring your own
Prefer to let us do the shopping? We gladly accept
cash and checks (made out to Women of Hope; on
the memo line, write: for kids). Florida tax-free
shopping dates are 8/5-8/7.
The next step in
your faith journey.
Mark your calendars and spread the
word that on Wed., June 15th from
9 to 12 the Florida Department of
Children and Families Sumter County
Adult Protective Services will hold the
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
here at Hope.
Join our Church Family.
New Member Classes
Classes needed for membership will be held:
Class # 1 7/21 @ 5:30pm
Class # 2 7/28 @ 5:30pm
For more information contact our new Social
Services Advocate, Lenea Carnes here
@ Hope (750-2321).
This membership class will be received on
Sunday, July 31 @ 9:45am. Call the church office at
750-2321 to register, or mark the fellowship pad in the
Local agencies from around Sumter County and
The Villages will be in attendance as well as
government and community resources. These
agencies will be available to provide information
on prevention, alternatives and resources for our
elderly community. Guest speakers will provide
information and answer questions regarding
exploitation of the elderly, nursing home abuse
prevention, advocacy as well as members from
the local medical community.
the church office
closes at NOON
on Fridays.
May 17th
Next Regular Meeting—June 21, 2016
What’s your Church Council been up to????
Your council met May 17 for their regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting opened with a devotion by
Doug on scripture mandates to take care of our bodies, which are a gift from God. Here are the highlights of
the meeting:
Moments w/ Ministries
Val gave an update on staffing, including new positions and updates on staff members who are out on
extended medical leave. Three of our office staff members were able to be present and share a little
about themselves and their role at Hope.
Hands of Hope/House of Hope
Building #4 is ready for drywall; will add private shower/bathroom for director in building #1. Completed
rooms #6 & #10; will carpet next week. Ready for residents.
Considering donating trailer to Refuge @ Jumper Creek but would need permit to move.
5K Run in September; Garage sale in October; Gala dinner November 6
Finalized termite protection responsibilities
Received bids on septic system pumping and replacement of tank; will get revised quote
Friends of HOH campaign going well
American Legion Post will support veterans enrolled in the program
Need administrative help processing paperwork and helping to organize
Financial Report
Total current & benevolence income for April is 8.3% under budget; total operating expenses for April
were 7% over budget
Will make an additional $75,000 principle payment on mortgage
Pastor’s Report (Pr. Barry on vacation)
Pr. Marc:
Discussed policy & procedure updates
Reported on feedback from Pentecost services; was a special event—traditional services are not
President’s Report
Council approved draft of Lead Pastor & Executive Pastor job descriptions for presentation to pastors
Building use requests were discussed; Val to notify appropriate parties of decisions
Council Retreat
Finalized plans for retreat at Luther Springs
This is a summary of the minutes. Please contact
the church office to view the full copy of the minutes.
What’s Happening at Hope
We Lift You Up in Prayer
Monday, June 6, 2016
PRAYER LIST UPDATE - Permission to
place names on the lists is required.
8:00 am
8:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
1:00 pm
Please e-mail the church at
hopelutherancrch@comcast.net or call 352-750
-2321 to add/remove a member from the prayer
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
9:00 am WoH Crafters (205)
9:00 am Tune-up Moves (204)
10:00 am Grief Support Grp (202)
10:30 am Tune-up Moves 2 (204)
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
8:00 am Men’s 4th Day Reunion (202)
8:00 am Walk Away Pounds (FH)
8:00 am Core Fitness (204)
8:30 am Staff Meeting (200)
9:00 am Chair Yoga (204)
9:00 am H.O.P.E. Univ.—Pastor Piper (203)
10:00 am Chair Aerobics (204)
10:45 am HOPE U Ed Team (203)
11:00 am Private Event (FH/Kitchen)
12:00 pm On Our Own (204)
2:00 pm Hope 4 Rehearsal (SANC)
7:00 pm Carcinoid Support Group (202)
Thursday, June 9, 2016
8:00 am Men of Hope Breakfast (FH)
9:00 am Tune-up Moves (204)
9:00 am Men’s 4th Day Reunion (202)
9:00 am HoH 5K Committee (200)
10:30 am Tune-up Moves 2 (204)
1:00 pm My Time Respite (FH)
1:00 pm Ladies Bridge (202)
Friday, June 10, 2016
7:30 am Women’s 4th Day Reunion (FR)
8:00 am Walk Away Pounds (FH)
8:00 am Core Fitness (204)
9:00 am Strong Bones (205)
9:00 am Chair Yoga (204)
9:00 am Stephen Ministers (200)
10:00 am SonShine Ind. Rehearsal (SANC)
10:00 am Chair Aerobics (204)
10:00 am Al-Anon Family Group (202)
12:00 pm Church office closes
Saturday, June 11, 2016
2:00 pm Sonshine Team
4:00 pm Contemporary Worship-Communion
6:00 pm Traditional Worship-Communion/
Rite of Healing
Sunday, June 12, 2016
8:00 am Traditional Worship-Rite of Healing
9:45 am Traditional Worship-Rite of Healing
11:30 am Traditional Worship-Communion/
Rite of Healing
support list. Names submitted after Tuesday will be
on the printed list the following week. Names will be
left on the prayer list for eight (8) weeks unless
Friends and loved ones of members will be listed
on the prayer chain for four (4) weeks. If a
longer period of time is needed, please call the
church office (750-2321.) Please obtain
permission in order for us to publish their names
Please continue your prayers for all
members and friends and loved
ones of members on the prayer list.
Worship Attendance
We count people,
because people count.
Total Attendance Sat & Sun:
Walk Away Pounds (FH)
Core Fitness (204)
Chair Yoga (204)
Strong Bones (205)
Chair Aerobics (204)
“Bag Ladies” (205)
Saturday, May 28
4:00 pm = 246
6:00 pm = 84
Sunday, May 29
8:00 am = 182
9:45 am = 265
11:30 am = 305
Gladys Mueller (Glad), passed on May 25th. Glad was
born March 25, 1931. She joined Hope Lutheran on
September 10, 2000. She was preceded in death by her
husband, Bob, in February 2016. A memorial service
was held on May 29th at Hiers Baxley Funeral Home.
Please keep her family in your hearts and prayers during
their time of grief.
July “Dining Out” will be Oakwood
Smokehouse & Grill
Our heartfelt thanks to the members of Hope
Lutheran for the many good wishes and
prayers during Dan's hospital stay and the
following rehabilitation. Thank God for no
paralysis and the progress he is making to
recover his speech. We had prayers for him
from Minnesota, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arizona, Texas
and Florida. God is faithful to answer prayer and we give
Him all the glory. Muriel & Dan Strack
Please sign up in the narthex.
Newsletter articles should be submitted to
The preferred method to submit articles is electronically.