January 2016 - Carlson Memorial UMC


January 2016 - Carlson Memorial UMC
Monthly Newsletter of Carlson Memorial United Methodist Church • LaBelle, Florida
From Pastor Peggy...
Birthdays &
Committee Reports
2016 Leadership
I love the beginning of a new year. It is like having a
brand new journal with crisp clean pages on which to write the
adventures of this coming year. We don’t know what God has
in store for us yet. We may have plans but God’s word says,
“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s
purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21. Understanding that,
let me share some of the plans that we have made for the first
quarter of 2016.
Blessing of the Animals
Leadership Retreat
Ash Wednesday Service
Palm Sunday Concert
Good Friday Service
Easter Sunday
January 9
February 5 & 6
February 10
February 14
March 20
March 25
March 27
One of those that I am most excited about is the
Homecoming. This is something new for our church. Carlson
has a long storied history in this community and we felt that
during this year when the Swamp Cabbage Festival is
celebrating their 50th anniversary that it would be a good time
to celebrate our history here.
continued on page 2
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD”
Proverbs 19:17
From Pastor Peggy…
De-Decorating Party
Calling all congregation members to come
and enjoy another Wednesday night dinner of delicious soups. Everyone who attended the Nov. 22 decorating event
knows that we began with the opportunity
to sample a variety of homemade soups.
It was such fun seeing so many going back
again and again wanting to try one more.
Begin now to think about who you
would want to invite. Think of former
members that have moved away and
help us to contact them. We want to
collect photos from years gone by to
display in the Narthex. One of the
pastors who was here for a long time
and was well respected in the
community is Rob Atchley. Rob will be
coming back to preach for us that
On Wednesday, January 6 we will
begin with dinner and fellowship at 5:45
pm, and then the de-decorating begins.
Please note there will not be individual Bible study classes for this night.
I loved being a member here at
Carlson for many years before I went
into the ministry and I love being back
here to be your pastor. I look forward
to ministering along with you in the
coming year.
Taking down the decorations, packing
them, and storing them is another church
activity that requires a lot of workers.
Please consider coming and joining your
Carlson friends as we get this task completed.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Peggy
If you are willing to prepare a crockpot of
your favorite soup to share, please contact Julie (863) 673-5511) or Diane (941456-6133).
Website and Calendar
Additional volunteers are needed for the
website committee. Do you have graphic design skills and can you work from your home
or office?
Carol McDonald has been doing and excellent job of updating the website calendar. Please email or contact the church office if you have events to add to the website
calendar. Thank you.
Committee Reports
Disaster Recovery Team
Operation Backpack
The Disaster Recovery Team will meet
on Thursday January 7 and February 4
at 11 a.m. in the Church Outer Office.
Peter Newman and Margaret England
recently became certified Ham Radio
Technicians. Please consider donating tools or supplies that you no longer need that are listed on the CMUMC
Disaster Trailer “wish list” which is
available in the Narthex. For information on upcoming Ham Operator,
Red Cross, or CERT classes and meetings contact Co-Chairs:
By Linda O’Ferrell
Thank you so much to everyone who
helped pack Operation Backpack
Christmas edition food boxes for our
students: The St. Matthews men, LHS
baseball team with Coach Burton and
many others. We packed 200 boxes in
about an hour and a half. Sadly, 53
were not picked up but that food just
goes back into our supply of food for
the weekly distributions in the backpacks for the kids. Also I would like to
thank everybody who may not have
been able to physically help us but
they have helped us a great deal in all
of their donations, prayers and support. We ask that if you can we would
appreciate that you continue to support us. We couldn't do this without
God, our financial supporters, and
prayer warriors. Thank you so much.
We will continue to do God's work in
His name.
Margaret England 863-674-0695 or Peter Newman 239-410-0715
By Rena DiPofi
The Budget Brochure outlining the
2016 Budget will be in the Sunday Bulletin on 1-10-16. Extra copies are available in the Narthex.
Stephen Ministry: A Caring Ministry
By Margaret England
Stephen Ministers will meet Sunday February 7 at 2 p.m. in the church office. A Stephen Minister
comes alongside a hurting person and meets with that person on a weekly basis to listen, care,
encourage, pray, and provide emotional and spiritual support. Men are paired with men;
women with women. Please call the church office if you would like to learn more about this
Caring Ministry or know anyone who has lost a loved one recently and would like to receive the
“Journeying Trough Grief” pamphlets.
Music Notes
Thank you to all who made the concert happen to the glory of God.
Thank you Linda Briner for coordinating the brunch for our
musicians and families between services.
Choir rehearsals resume January 12th at 6:15 pm.
Save the date: Palm Sunday March 20th
Worship and Music emphasis Sunday.
We are looking forward to a new year as we launch into worship at
Carlson 2016!
The Perrys thank you for all your special kindnesses and love for us
through the holidays. Your welcoming of Joseph and receiving his
ministry has been an inspiration to him. Happy New Year.
Blessings ,
Hannah Mary Perry
Please remember to wear
Children & Youth by Doug Russell
One of the many hopes of a church is that families are
provided a place where their children can fellowship
and grow spiritually in a safe environment. Carlson is
such a church and I feel blessed to be called to serve
here. This past year had it's ups and downs but all the
while God was in control. As 2016 arrives I remind you
that God is still on the thone and has great plans for His
people and their children if we would only heed the
call. Thank you to all of you for your support of our
children and youth ministries and may God renew our
passion this new year, for raising up the next generation
of people who would share their faith and serve others. God bless and Happy New Year!
your NAMETAGS. It helps
our visitors find a member
and it helps our members to
meet new friends. If you have
a clip style nametag and
would like to trade it in for
one that is a necklace style,
there are some at the information center. If you need a
nametag, please sign the
sheet in the Narthex.
Church Staff & Leadership 2016
Pastor Emeritus
Minister of Music
Contemporary Worship Leader
Youth & Children’s Director
Children’s Program Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Sound Tech
Video Tech
Website & Social Media
Peggy Benson
Joe Wallace
Hannah Mary Perry
Jesse Kroll
Doug Russell
Richelle Battams
Kelli Perkins
Greg Gunter
Becky Lapp
Margaret England
Eddie Mason
Admin Council Chairman
Financial Secretary
Lay Member to Annual Conference
Lay Leader
Membership Secretary
Campus Ministry Representative
SPRC Chairman
Finance & Stewardship Chairman
Trustees Chairman
Nominations & Development Chairman
Interpreter of Connectional Giving
Children’s Home Representative
Patrick Bridwell
Jeff Burton
Linda Lyons
Jim Sloan
Phil Keyes
Joy Bridwell
Kelli Perkins
Doug Russell
Jim Sloan
Rena DiPofi
Eric Baker
Pastor Peggy Benson
Jeff Burton
Amanda Baker
Church Staff & Leadership 2016
MINISTRIES Big Brothers, Big Sisters
Mark Lapp
Margaret England
Mark Lapp
Peter Newman
Disaster Preparedness
and Evangelism
COMMITTEES Gideon's Representative
Kitchen Angels
Mary & Martha Ministry
Operation Backpack
Prayer Advocacy
Prayer Nurse Ministry
Small Group Team
Stephens Ministry
United Methodist Men
Worship Committee
Worship in Motion
Amber Vojak-Spencer
Jesse & Kristen Kroll
Linda O’Ferrell
Joyce Salzmann
Nikki Yeager
Patty Gruhn
Margaret England
Phil Keyes
Eric Baker
Judy Lapp
Adult Ministry
Young Adult Ministry
Older Adult Ministry
Persons with Disabilities
Sharyn Schlitter
Kathy Sloan
Sharyn Schlitter
Joyce Conner
Don’t Forget… This Saturday is the Blessing of the Pets
Bring your pets to church on Saturday, January 9th at 10:00 am. Pastor Peggy will be
blessing your pets at a special outdoor service. Please bring any pet you like, but make
sure dogs are on leashes and smaller animals are in cages. We certainly wouldn’t want
any of our favorite friends escaping or getting hurt.
Mark Your Calendar
Special Events:
Wednesday January 6
5:45 pm
De-Decorating Party
Saturday January 9
10:00 am
Blessing of the Pets
Sunday January 10
10:00 Am
Youth Fundraising Breakfast
Monday January 18
all day
Martin Luther King Day
8:30 AM
Office Closed
SW District Leadership Training
Punta Gorda
Saturday January 30
Monthly Meetings:
Monday January 4
6:00 pm
Trustees Mtg.
7:00 pm
Finance Committee Mtg.
Tuesday January 5
6:30 pm
Evangelism Mtg.
Thursday January 7
11:00 am
Disaster Committee Mtg.
6:00 pm
UM Men
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Admin Council Mtg.
6:00 pm
United Methodist Men
Monday January 11
Thursday January 21
Every Week at Carlson:
10:30 am
6:15 pm
5:45 pm
9:30 am
7:30 pm
Prayer Group, at Aqua Isles
Chancel choir Practice
Wednesday Nights at Carlson
Prayer Group, Fellowship Hall
Young Adults, Sloan Residence
(Call Kathy Sloan, 675-0650 for Info)
Carlson Memorial
United Methodist Church
310 Campbell Street
LaBelle, FL 33935-5269
Tel: (863) 675-0656
Office E-Mail:
Office Hours
Monday –Thursday:
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
8:00 am to 12:00 noon
Closed for Lunch:
12:00 noon—1:00 pm
Check out the website
for details on all of the
events and activities at
Carlson Memorial UMC.