August 2016 - Saskatchewan Synod
August 2016 - Saskatchewan Synod We are in this journey of faith together! The Sask Synod News is sent out periodically to inform the synod community of future opportunities to gather as people of faith and to inform the synod community of news happening around the synod. Please 1. Print and post on your church bulletin board 2. Copy and paste relevant material to your bulletins and newsletters 3. Forward by email to church council members, other congregational leaders and anyone who might be interested in the Sask Synod News. Summer 2016 Sask Synod Summer Office Hours: Fall Regional Synod Gatherings The Sask Synod office will be adjusting its hours for July and August. Please note that these events will take the place of the individual conference meetings as they will now be held at the regional gatherings. We will be open: Tuesday to Friday 9:00 am to 3:30 pm North: Saturday October 1, 2016 Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon 10am to 5pm Fall Leadership Conference South: NEW DATE** September 20 - 22, 2016 Guest Speaker: David Goa Registration: $150 for active clergy $80 for retired OLC/TWC Saturday, November 19, 2016 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Regina 10 am to 5 pm David Goa was born in Camrose, Alberta, to Solveig and Finn Goa who had immigrated from Norway to Canada. He studied history, philosophy and the history of religions in Chicago. He counts the eminent philosophical theologian Paul Tillich, the scholar of religion Mircea Eliade, the historian Zenos Hawkinson, the political philosopher Hannah Arendt, and Jaroslav Pelikan, Sterling Professor of History, Yale University, among the scholars who have most influenced his work. David has been involved in various research and documentation and communications projects both in Canada and abroad. He built the program for the study of culture through his field research work over thirty years at the Royal Alberta Museum. He lectures widely and is the author of numerous books and scholarly articles and is a regular contributor to the media. His work focuses on religious tradition and modern culture, culture and the civil life, and on public institutions in service to cultural communities and modern civil society. Please visit: for more information and to register. All congregational leaders are encouraged to attend. Cost: $15.00/person Day will include worship, lunch, bible study, Bishop’s Dialogue, conference meetings and a presentation by Rev. Dr. Gordon Jensen. For more information please visit our website at Find us on Facebook at sasksynod/ Please add to your newsletter email lists; we would love to hear what your congregations are doing! Have a story you would like to share? Please email Anno Bell at : Next issue: Sept. 2016 PAGE 2 Tending to a spiritual center-Generosity He was a little man. I wonder. Is that was where it all began? The bullies at school no doubt found him an easy target. Did anyone stand up for him? Did anyone notice him? It seems that he made his way into accounting. He was good at math. So when the occupying Roman government came calling for his skills, Zacchaeus took the job as a tax administrator. Why not? The community had always told him he wasn’t worth anything. Now at least he would have ‘net worth’. Being a tax administrator was a lucrative position. The Roman government did pay a decent wage but it was the ‘perks’ that were the most tantalizing. The Roman government expected to receive the allotted tax from each wage earner in this little country. What the tax administrators collected beyond that allotted tax was not examined with great rigour. Tax administrators, supported by a ready supply of Roman force, were known to be lining their pockets by over-collecting taxes. They were seen as traitors by their own people. They had sold their souls. Zacchaeus, however, did his job with great energy. His bank account was healthy. He had a staff that obeyed him. When he came calling, people in the community feared him. It happened that Zacchaeus heard about a wandering rabbi named Jesus. He was from the north-country, a carpenter’s son from Nazareth. This Jesus was teaching radical things. That Samaritans were human beings! (What was that about?) That God was like a father waiting longingly at the kitchen window for the return of a rebellious son. This Jesus was making his way to Zacchaeus’ city, just blocks away. ‘Well, it was worth a look, wasn’t it?’ On the day of Jesus’ arrival, Zacchaeus left the office building and joined the crowd on the street. But the little man could not see anything. And no one was very interested in making a place for him—they never had. So Zacchaeus did something he hadn’t done since he was a child: he climbed a tree—tearing his suit pants as he scuffled up the tree. He peered down the street for a glimpse. Then he saw Jesus, surrounded by his group of followers. As Jesus drew near, he looked up at the little man in the tree. “Zacchaeus.” he said, “Could I come to over to your house?” What was Zacchaeus to do? This rabbi wanted to visit with him. This rabbi knew his name! ‘Well, it was worth a look, wasn’t it?’ Zacchaeus clambered down from the tree, quite unsuccessfully straightened up his suit, and invited Jesus into his house that afternoon. What happened in the house? Did Jesus listen to Zacchaeus’ story? Did Jesus talk with Zacchaeus about the love of God, the loving Parent? What exactly happened in the house is known only to the two who sat together at that kitchen table. What happened when they came out of the house we are told: Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, “Look, half of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much” (Luke 19:8). The Zacchaeus story is a powerful picture of generosity. Generosity is one aspect of Dr. Martin Brokenleg’s Circle of Courage model that I mentioned in my last post. Dr. Brokenleg, as you may recall, spoke of a medicine wheel model of tending to a spiritual center in people with a focus on four universal needs: belonging, generosity, mastery, and independence. Generosity is a key theme in our life as faith communities. At times, the church has all but lost this broad meaning of generosity in the midst of falling into all too familiar ‘consumer thinking’, mired in too-shallow conversations about meeting financial needs. But in our worship, each week in our faith communities, we ‘pass the plate’. Yes, through the offering we are do ‘pay the bills’. But the offering means more than that: it recognizes our spiritual need to be generous. Like Zacchaeus, having been embraced by the gospel, we come to a realization that we have a goodness from which to share goodness, a loved-ness out of which to share love—when the plates are being passed on Sunday, and when we come out of the house and meet our neighbours in need on Monday morning. I would invite you to take some time as people of faith, and as faith communities to consider how we have in the past and how we might in the future address this spiritual need of generosity. Peace, Bishop Sid PAGE 3 You are invited to the Opening Worship Service of Lutheran Theological Seminary 114 Seminary Crescent University of Saskatchewan Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 7 p.m. Reception to Follow Please continue to keep Pastor Lynn Robertson and her family in your prayers as she continues to undergo treatment for breast cancer. Her chemotherapy treatments are finished and she has begun radiation treatments. Specialized blood work has revealed she is also at a higher risk for ovarian cancer so she will undergo further preventative surgery. Central Lutheran’s Radio Service from Moose SAVE THE DATE NOT FOR SALE: HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS DAY WHEN: November 5, 2016 HOSTED BY: Christ Lutheran Church, Rhein, SK in conjunction with NASHI REGISTRATION: $20 Lunch and coffee breaks provided. Watch for more information to follow in September. Jaw was first broadcast in 1956. The Broadcast has the distinction of being the longest running radio broadcast organized by a single congregation. The faithful support of Members, Listeners, and Pastors now sees this ministry in its 58th year. The Central Broadcast is heard each Sunday morning at 7:45am. on CHAB Radio Station 800 and our Website: Central Lutheran Radio Service 27 Hochelaga Street West Moose Jaw, SK S6H 2E9 Phone: 306-694-5575 SYNOD ANNOUNCEMENT: This month the Synod office says goodbye and extends well wishes to Deacon Gretchen Peterson, Youth Ministry Coordinator as she moves on to work for the National ELCIC office continuing to work with youth ministry. Thank you Gretchen for all of your hard work and dedication. God Bless! PAGE 4 Request for Photos We want to feature your church on our website! Please send photos of your church building to Lindsay at the Sask Synod office. Please email at Upcoming Meetings Kairos Lutheran Faith Community Future with Hope Task Force - September 12 Kairos Lutheran Faith CTEL - September 23-25 Community meets for Mission in Ministry - September 30 Tuesday evening House Synod Council - October 27-28 Church, a time to pray, discuss, reflect and eat! We WE’VE GOT A NEW NAME! begin @ 6 p.m. with a At the SK Synod Convention in June, the assembly passed a motion to approve the request of the Canadian Mission Committee to change the name of the committee to the Mission in Ministry Committee. This new name better reflects the work of the committee; encouraging, supporting, learning together with congregations, communities and individuals about where God’s mission is leading and calling us. Potluck Supper and rotate The committee will be meeting on September 30. If you have been thinking about a mission project, if you see a ministry need, if you have a passion for mission, put together a proposal and submit an application to the Mission in Ministry Committee through the SK Synod Office at: who is hosting… for more info contact Pastor Fran Schmidt at: kairoslutheranfaithcommunit Kairos resumes regular Worship in Osler, serving the Martensville, Warman and Evangelical Lutheran Broadcast Tune in each Sunday at 8:30 a.m. to: CKBI 900 AM MAX TV 824 Mailing Address: Box 1717, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5T3 All donations, large and small, are most gratefully and prayerfully received and acknowledged with receipt at Year End. “Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to may path.” Psalm 119:105 NSRV Upcoming Broadcasts: Osler area. We worship on Sunday, Aug. 21, Sept. 11th or by mail at: 114 Seminary Cres Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X3 Application forms are available on the SK Synod website under the Resources tab— Resources for Congregational Leaders. and Sept. 25th at 10:30 AM, Together In Mission for Others Rev. Linda Hall Mission in Ministry Chairperson welcome! at the Osler Senior's Centre, corner of 2nd Ave and 2nd St. in Osler. All are August 21 - Tom Brook, CLWR August 28 - Pastor Rick Johnson September 4 & 11 - Pastor Joan Jesperson September 18 & 25 - Pastor Mark Vinge October 2 - Dr. Bill Nelson PAGE 5 Events at Kinasao! Kinasao's Season Finale Banquet Saturday, August 27th Kinasao welcomes nationally acclaimed, award winning jazz pianist, composer, and arranger Chad Linsley to entertain at this year's Season Finale Banquet. This is an evening you will not want to miss with a beautiful four course meal, silent auction, and world class music. Tickets are $75 and can be purchased online at or by calling the camp office at 306-982-3327. Saturday, September 10th We welcome all volunteers to join our wood cutting bee- come and help us rebuild our supplies after all of our summer campfires! We will be cutting wood from 9:00-4:00 and will be provide lunch and supper for all who participate. Also, the new campground expansion (20 new sites) will be ready for viewing from 4:00-5:00 that day – come, look around and scout out your future seasonal campground site! Youth Retreat Friday, October 28 at 7:30pm – Sunday October 30 at noon Cost: $85 Ages: 11-14 Join some of your favourite Kinasao Staff back at camp for a fun-filled fall weekend! It will be a great opportunity to re-connect with camp friends and introduce other friends to Kinasao! We will have chapel times, wide games, free-time activities, and the usual awesome camp food. Register online at Canada Lutheran Correction: Well wishes to Pastor Dennis Serfas on his retirement March 1, 2016 as Director of Spiritual Care, Prince Albert Parkland Health Region. We wish you all the best! God Bless! FUNDING AVAILABLE FROM SASKATCHEWAN SYNOD SYNOD ANTIPOVERTY GRANT Synod antipoverty grants are for domestic poverty alleviation. SASKATCHEWAN SYNOD ABORIGINAL FUND APPLICATION (Southern Sask only) Funds will be used to support programs for Aboriginal Ministry initiatives. For more information on these funding opportunities please visit our website at PAGE 6 ATTN: Women’s Groups/Bible Study Groups Opportunity for Women's Gatherings Full-time Chaplain LutherCare Communities is seeking a full-time Chaplain with strong pastoral care skills to serve in If your congregational women’s group is interested in participating in a women’s area/synodical gathering please contact Lorraine Harilstad at Ph: 306-652-2497 a ministry to seniors at two independent living facilities, two intermediate care homes, and a day Email: program for adults with irreversible dementia in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The mission of Nominations to National Convention LutherCare Communities is to provide excellence in care, shelter, and support in a nurturing Nominations to be a delegate to the 2017 National Convention are still being accepted until September 30, 2016. Please fill out the form at our website (link below in resources) and mail to: Sask Synod 114 Seminary Cres Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X3 Christian environment for all entrusted to our care. For more information on this position, visit: Please submit resume by September 19, 2016 to: Renita Falkenstern, Director of Mission, LutherCare Communities, 1212 Osler Street, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0T9. Email: iPods Wanted! Do you have a lightly used iPod and a sturdy set of over-the-ear headphones? We can put them to good use at LutherCare Communities. Music has the power to touch the soul of a person with Alzheimer’s Disease, or other cognitive impairments, in a way that nothing else can. Music can help a person who is bored become happier, someone who is withdrawn become more engaged, and someone who is less verbal become more verbal. If you wish to make a taxdeductible donation, please make your cheque payable to “LutherCare Foundation” and mail to: LutherCare Foundation, 1212 Osler St. Saskatoon, SK, S7N 0T9. Indicate that your gift is for the “iPod Project.” All donations over $20 will be receipted. For more information, please call Renita Falkenstern at 306.664.0315 or email Thank you for your kind support! To contribute to Sask Synod News please email Lindsay at Attention students: Are you attending the University of Saskatchewan or Saskatchewan Polytechnic Saskatoon in the fall? Are you interested in living close to the university and being connected to a welcoming and comfortable Christian community? The Lutheran Campus Centre is now accepting housing applications for the 2016-17 academic year, and we’d be glad to have you be a part of our life together here. If you’re interested in applying or simply finding some more information, contact Paul Sartison, Chaplain at the Centre, at 306-653-2509 or at GERMANY 2017 A tour of Reformation sites us being planned through Rostad tours for midMay 2017. Reverends Mark & Heather Hedlin will host a tour that travels for 12 days to Berlin, Wittenberg, Eisenach, Erfurt, Eisleben, Buchenwald, Weimar, Halle, Leipzig, Dresden and Prague. Prices being determined but will be approximately $5000 per person. This will include flights, hotels, coach tour, tour guides, tips for all included services, breakfast & suppers, luggage handling at hotels, entrance fees at all planned exhibits or tours, airline taxes, fuel surcharges and airport fees. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Mark Hedlin at 306-652-3053 or cell #306-715-0452 or email Come and join the adventure in the Land of Luther! What Where to find it National Convention Form Fall Leadership Conference NOTE: RESOURCES ON WWW.SASKSYNOD.CA Sask Synod office: 114 Seminary Cres, Saskatoon, SK, S7H 2V2 Phone: 306-244-2474 Email: sksynod@elcic.