Minutes - Saskatchewan Synod


Minutes - Saskatchewan Synod
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
Sask Synod Council Meeting Minutes
March 26 – 27, 2015
Queen’s House of Retreats, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Roll Call:
Bishop Chairperson Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer Yorkton Conference Saskatoon Conference Prince Albert Conference Weyburn ConferenceSwift Current Conference Regina Conference -
Rev. Dr. Sid Haugen
Rev. Lori James (Yorkton Conference)
Rev. David Hunter (Saskatoon Conference)
Cheryl Bauer Hyde
Diane Mossing
Arlene Tangjerd
Kathy Pelletier
Merv Bender, Rev. Sheldon Gattinger
Tami Halvorson, Rev. John Dut
Barb Weiss
Valerie Davis, Rev. Sean Bell
Swift Current Conference -
Clergy - vacant
National Bishop –
Synod Administrator Youth Coordinator GSI Executive Director -
Bishop Rev. Susan Johnson
Joan Meyer
Gretchen Peterson
Lisa Thiessen
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Business Session #1 – Synod Council Processes
1.1 Call to Order
Chairperson Rev. Lori James called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm.
Opening Devotions were led by meeting Chaplain Barb Weiss based on Psalm 139 – verse
14 - “we are fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Welcome and Introductions – everyone introduced themselves using the theme of the
Chairperson Lori did a short orientation of the facility and reviewed the schedule.
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
1.2 Approval of the agenda –
SC-15-06 MSC that the proposed agenda be approved for the conduct of this meeting.
1.3 Grant Seat and Voice –
SC-15-07 MSC that seat and voice be granted to National Bishop Susan Johnson, Synod
Administrator Joan Meyer, Youth Coordinator Gretchen Peterson and GSI Executive
Director Lisa Thiessen.
1.4 Review of the docket and handouts
The meeting docket has been divided into four sections for the meeting:
Synod Council Processes
Delegating Authority and Responsibility to the Bishop
Strategic Planning
Reporting, Monitoring and Measuring
The material has been sent out electronically in four binders matching these four sections.
1.5 Approval of Synod Council Minutes
SC-15-08 MSC that the minutes of the Synod Council meeting of October 29-31, 2014
be approved.
SC-15-09 MSC that the minutes of the Synod Council conference call meeting of
January 29, 2015 be approved.
1.6 Business from the Minutes
Stewardship Mandate
The following item was identified from the March 2014 meeting: SC-14-22 MSC that a
Committee be set up to establish a mandate for a Stewardship Committee for the Synod.
They are to report to Synod Council October 2014.
Members to be Bishop, Rev. David Hunter, and Barb Weiss, Treasurer Diane will serve
as a resource person.
No report available; this item will be on the next Council meeting agenda.
South Sudan Motions from the Synod Convention
This item came from the 2014 Synod Convention: SSC-14-05 MSC that the ELCIC,
Government of Canada and people of Canada help and pressure South Sudan leaders to
accept PEACE IN SOUTH SUDAN, in order to save and rescue innocent victims who
continue to suffer and flee to neighboring states. Prayers are requested from our church’s
leaders in Saskatchewan Synod and across Canada to pray that Almighty God bring
Peace to South Sudan people. Financial support is requested which may be channeled
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
through CLWR’s “Seeds of Hope appeal” to provide humanitarian assistance to the South
Sudan people.
Council member, Pastor John Dut, was able to share information regarding the Sudan
situation. He provided the Council with details about Sudan’s current situation, living
conditions and the conflict between North and South Sudan.
Bishop Susan told of her Saturday tweets for peace; CLWR has been awarded $800,000
from the federal government for work with Sudanese refugees in Uganda through LWF.
Funds can be forwarded to CLWR for use in Sudan. Promotion of this project can be
through the Synod website and newsletter.
SC-15-10 MSC that the motion made at the Saskatchewan Synod Convention be sent to
the National Church Council.
SC-15-11 MSC that the motion made at the Saskatchewan Synod Convention be sent to
the Government of Canada; the Prime Minister and copy the Minister of Foreign Affairs
and Trade.
SC-15-12 MSC That an information piece for congregations be developed in cooperation
with CLWR and that a prayer petition be with the package.
Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women Motions from the Convention
This motion came to Council from the 2014 Synod Convention: SSC-14-22 MSC that
the Bishop urge all Lutheran bishops, congregations, pastors and ecumenical partners to
write to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern
Development, and the MP of their riding to request a national inquiry into the
disappearance and/or murder of aboriginal women.
This motion also came from the 2014 Convention: SSC-14-23 MSC that the Bishop
invite church officials of other denominations to join in a news conference encouraging
people to be concerned and to write to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Aboriginal
Affairs and Northern Development requesting an inquiry into the disappearance and/or
murder of aboriginal women.
Bishop Sid reported that on April 18, 2015 there is a conference being held at Mayfair
United Church in Saskatoon. Bishop Sid will be attending this conference. A lot of the
work is being driven by the Catholic Diocese in Saskatoon. The Aboriginal community
has not wanted a news conference to be called on this issue.
Is it possible to find out what individual congregations may be doing in their
communities? Continue to generate awareness of this across the church.
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
1.7 Correspondence – there was none received
1.8 Review of Dates for Next meetings
Tabled to the end of this meeting – Agenda item 4.13.2
1.9 Synod Council Committee Reports
1.9.1 Officers’ Committee
Chairperson Lori reviewed the Officers’ report with the Council. Recommendations:
SC-15-13 – MSC that Harold Hesje be appointed to the Congregational Constitution
SC-15-14 – MSC that Diana Florence be appointed to the Compensation Review
SC-15-15 – MSC that the step increase for the Bishop’s salary become effective January
1 each year.
SC-15-16 – MSC that the Synod provide accounting service to Lutheran Campus
Ministry pending an agreement for services be put into place.
1.9.2 Finance and Audit Committee
Treasurer Diane led the Council through the Finance and Audit Committee’s report.
Review of the Audited Financial Statement for 2014. The audit has been completed by
PWC and thoroughly reviewed by the Committee. Diane reviewed the audited statement
with Council.
The Report Letter from the Auditor was reviewed. The Council’s attention was drawn to
the sections of: Fraud and Illegal Acts, matters involving known or suspected noncompliance with laws or regulations and subsequent events that the auditors should be
made aware of.
SC-15-17 MSC that the audited Financial Statements for the Saskatchewan Synod of the
ELCIC Inc. as at December 31, 2014 be approved.
SC-15-18 MSC that a letter be sent to PWC reconfirming that the Synod Council is not
aware of any known, suspected or alleged incidents of fraud or illegal acts not previously
discussed with the auditors; the Council is not aware of any known or suspected incidents
of non-compliance with laws or regulations and the Council is not aware of any other
subsequent events that might affect the financial statements.
SC-15-19 MSC that the Synod Council retain the firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers as the
auditor for the 2015 Financial Statements of the Saskatchewan Synod of the ELCIC.
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
SC-15-20 MSC that the proposed 2015 budget be approved.
SC-15-21 MSC that the Synod Council approve the Policy for the Bishop’s Transition
Fund and Severance Pay.
1.9.3 Governance Committee
Secretary Cheryl Bauer Hyde reviewed the report and meeting minutes from the
Governance Committee. Recommendations from the Committee are:
SC-15-22 MSC that the Synod Bishop’s Mutual Ministry Committee/Synod Council
Relationship description be deleted from the Governance Manual.
SC-15-23 MSC that the following appointments be made to Synod Committees for terms
running from 2015-2018:
CTEL: Swift Current – Lay – Keith Bratvold (term 1)
Saskatoon – Clergy – Rev. Melissa Brooks (term 1)
Diaconal – Eldon Danielson (term 2)
Canadian Missions – Rev. Doug Schmirler, (term 1)
Examining Committee: Lay – Don Slind (term 2)
Diaconal – Joan Cole-Heine (term 2)
Funding Allocation Committee – Tami Halvorson
Investment Management Committee – Darryl James (term 1)
Synod Council Review Committee – Rev. Dennis Serfas
Lutheran Campus Ministry – Karen Routley (term 1)
St. Michael – Rev. David Kaiser (term 2)
1.9.4 Convention Planning Task Force (Officers)
SC-15-24 MSC that the theme for the Convention be our proposed strategic plan vision:
Strengthening Faith Communities for Service.
This will include the programming around the themes recommended by NCC and LWF
related to the 500 Anniversary of Reformation: Salvation – not for sale; Human Beings –
not for sale; Creation – not for sale.
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
SC-15-25 MSC that the date for the Convention be June 3-5, 2016 in Saskatoon at Circle
Drive Alliance Church or the Saskatoon Travelodge as a second option.
Council recessed for dinner.
Communion Service - Council members shared communion at a service led by Rev. Sheldon
Gattinger. Bishop Sid provided the message based on Mark 1:1-11; the hymns were led by Rev.
Sean Bell on guitar and Rev. David Hunter on the drum.
Business Session #2 - Delegating Authority and Responsibility to the Bishop
2.1 Bishop’s Report
Bishop Sid reviewed his written report with the Council. He developed it on the draft
Strategic Plan that will be finalized by the Council later in this meeting.
Engaged faith communities: Build leadership capacity
 The Bishop, as a member of the LTS Board of Governors, is working with the
committee in the follow up to President Ogilvie’s resignation
 meeting with congregations regarding pending calls especially small
congregations that cannot afford a full-time pastor
 NCC decision regarding a recommendation going to the National Convention this
summer from Faith Order and Doctrine regarding authorized lay ministries.
 NCC approval of a CECF recommendation to provide $200,000 over two years
in support of Canadian Mission initiatives to participate in God’s mission in our
changing context.
Sharing of resources: Operate as one team
 Contact with rostered ministers
 Contact with congregations
 Conference Deans
 Synod Office team
 Bishop’s study in Regina
 Future with Hope Committee
Community Involvement: Practice love and service
 Ecumenical Partnerships
 Canada Lutheran
 Website – Bishop’s blog
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
NCC Reformation Challenge
He concluded his report with a series of questions:
 How do we as Synod Council, handle the incoming $200,000 for Missional
 Regarding availability of leadership – a category on the roster for clergy coming
to the end of the three year “on leave from call”
 Regarding ecumenical relationships -- We have relationships with Anglicans and
United Church what about with other Lutheran groups?
CECF Report – the report provided and received for information
Roster Recommendations to Synod Council
SC-15-26 MSC
a) that Saskatchewan Synod Council recognize the retirement of Rev. Donald Hansen
effective December 31, 2014.
b) that Saskatchewan Synod Council recognize the retirement of Rev. Richard Prankev
effective December 31, 2014.
c) that Saskatchewan Synod Council recognize the retirement of Rev. Colette Baker
effective March 31, 2015.
d) that Saskatchewan Synod Council remove Rev. David Hanes from the Roster of
Ordained Ministers by his resignation effective November 14, 2014.
e) that Saskatchewan Synod approve “on leave from call – year 1” status for Rev. Chris
Bishopp through to March 31, 2016.
f) that Saskatchewan Synod approve “on leave from call – year 1” status to Rev. Jim
Halmarson through to March 31, 2016.
g) that Saskatchewan Synod approve “on leave from call – year 3” status for Rev. Jann
Boyd through to March 31, 2016.
h) that Saskatchewan Synod approve “parental on leave from call – year 4” status for
Rev. Amber Hoffman through to March 31, 2016.
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
SC-15-27 MS that Saskatchewan Synod remove Rev. Trent Felstrom from the roster of
Ordained Ministers due to the expiration of 3 years “on leave from call.”
MSC that this item be tabled.
2.1.4 Youth Report
Youth Coordinator Gretchen Peterson provided a written report for Council Members to
review. She highlighted a special project Saskatoon is doing with the ELCIC
congregations in forming a joint youth group. She also outlined several projects she
envisions for the future. Council members were given an opportunity to ask Gretchen
questions on Friday morning when she attended the Council meeting.
2.2 Report of the National Church
Bishop Susan brought greetings from the National Church. The National Church Council
recently had their last meeting before the July Convention. “Liberated by God’s Grace”
will be the theme. A challenge will be considered by the National Convention in
commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation to:
a) 500 new refugee sponsorships
b) 500 new bursaries for students in schools of the ELCJHL
c) 500,000 trees to be planted in Canada and around the world
d) $500,000 to be raised for the LWF endowment fund.
A guest speaker will be Commissioner Marie Wilson, from the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission. A resolution on the Doctrine of Discovery will be brought forward to have
it refuted. A session on Welcoming the Stranger – respect for other people’s faith
traditions. Motions on Climate Justice and the Canadian Criminal Justice System will be
She thanked the Synod for being a partner in ministry and all the gifts brought to the
2.2.1. National Global Mission Task Force will be meeting in April and a report will be
brought to the next Council meeting.
The meeting recessed for the evening. Council members enjoyed a time of socializing.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Morning Devotions – Meeting Chaplain Barb led us in devotions Luke 14:2–14 -- National
Caregiver’s day – Jesus cared for us and did not expect repayment.
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
Business Session #3 – Strategic Planning
3.1 Dream Team Final Report and Recommendations
SC-15-28 MSC that the Dream Team report be disseminated throughout the Synod and the
wider church.
Action suggestions: Post the report on the website; use the Canada Lutheran insert and send
notices to the other Bishops for dissemination. Use the Conferences, the Leadership Conference;
clergy clusters; congregational councils; bridge it to the Future with Hope Task Force and the
Strategic Plan. Consider using a short video and u-tube to stimulate discussion. The Dream
Team report can serve as the backgrounder for the work being developed and done through the
strategic plan.
How do we cultivate the concept that the “Synod” is all of us as members and congregations, not
an entity that is going to do everything for us? Do we need “permission” to be the church, are
we overly oppressive? We can’t have the Synod (office and council) doing the work for the
congregations, the congregations/members have to be engaged and feel that we are all the Synod.
3.2 Future with Hope
Cheryl Bauer Hyde reviewed the report from the Future with Hope Task Force. They will be
using the Study Conference and fall Conference conventions to have discussion on restructuring
the Synod.
3.3 Strategic Plan Review
Game Plan – the draft Strategic Plan was reviewed with Council.
Vision: Strengthening faith communities for service
Ultimate Success:
Stronger Faith Communities
The three Outcomes: Engaged Faith Communities
5 yr. foci
Build Leadership capacity
Sharing Resources
Operate as one team
Community Involvement
Practice love and service
A draft of “How it will be done; What will be measured; What will be done and Who will do it”
coming from the October Strategic Planning session was developed by the facilitator and
Officers and shared with the Council to start discussion.
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
The Council broke into three discussion groups to discuss each of the three outcomes to
determine if the measures and initiatives had to be revised and then to identify targets and
deadlines and to determine who the partners were to assist with the tasks.
Group One – Engaged Faith Communities – focused on building leadership capacity
Group two – Sharing Resources – focused on Operating as one team
Group three – Community Involvement – focused on Practice love and service
The Officers will review the notes from the discussion sheets and bring a final report back to
Synod Council.
Group Services Inc (GSI) Report – Lisa Thiessen – Executive Director of GSI
Lisa provided information about GSI in general and the national Pension and Benefits Plan;
statistics related to the Sask Synod; national initiatives and proposed upcoming changes.
She asked that the Sask Synod revisit the decision to withdraw from participation in the national
compensation strategy discussions. It is recognized that not all facets of the compensation plan
for the Synods are the same (i.e. weeks of annual vacation); but there are many areas where there
is agreement and national recognition of this would make for a more unified national approach.
Business Session #4 – Reporting, Monitoring & Measuring
4.1 Canadian Missions Report
Council reviewed the report from the Canadian Mission Report. They were also provided
the report on the Warman, Martensville, Osler, Church Plant project. There were
questions about making people aware of this project, especially in the Saskatoon area.
4.2 Committee for Theological Education and Leadership – CTEL
SC-15-29 MSC that the resignation of Rev. Jeff Tank from the CTEL be accepted.
The CTEL Committee provided a report of their activities and a list of questions they
hope to have discussions on in the future.
4.3 Lutheran Campus Ministry
The Committee’s report highlighted prioritizing care and upkeep of the Campus Ministry
building; their fundraising efforts and finding committee members.
4.4 Synod Roster Ministers Compensation Report
SC-15-30 MSC that the Synod re-engage in the discussion about Compensation
Guidelines with GSI and the other Synods.
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
4.5 Congregational Constitution Committee Report
Kathy Pelletier reviewed the report from the committee. At a recent meeting the
Committee approved five congregational requests and have six congregations that need to
be contacted for an updated constitution or progress report.
4.6 Funding Allocation Committee
The minutes from the committee’s meeting of the previous were distributed and
Council was asked if they had suggestions or preferences as to how the Aboriginal Funds
are used. Suggestions were scholarships for aboriginal students to attend our schools;
opportunities for ‘listening circles’ to understand aboriginals and their culture; not
interested in using the funds for capital purchases; not be used solely for aid but also for
ministry; is it necessary to identify a geographic area that would receive grants?
This committee will bring recommendations back to Council for consideration.
4.7 Companion Synod Report
The report submitted to Council was reviewed.
The Governance Committee is working to define a Relationship Description with the
committee and determining the appointment of members to the Committee.
4.8 LutherCare Communities
Rev. David Hunter highlighted segments of the LutherCare report. A new housing
development is starting in the Stonebridge area of Saskatoon. New initiatives are being
piloted between LutherCare and the Saskatoon Health Region.
4.9 St. Paul Lutheran Home
Arlene provided a written report to Council and reviewed the report with them. She told
of the flood evacuation St. Paul’s had to handle July 1, 2014. She explained the
‘immunization or mask’ policy that was implemented and the impact it had on the various
groups coming into the Home. They have budgetary issues because of the need of
increased staff for the dementia unit but the province has frozen funding to this unit. This
may effect of programing within the home. The Administrator has announced that she is
resigning her position.
Caring Lutheran Sunday – the committee is no longer functioning and the promotion has
been discontinued.
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
SC-15-31 MSC that St Paul Lutheran Home be given permission to do their own fund
raising appeal in the congregations in the Yorkton Conference and within the Sunrise
Health Region in the event the Caring Lutheran Sunday has been discontinued.
4.10 St. Michael’s Retreat and Ministries
Barb Weiss reported on behalf of the Board at St. Michaels. A new administrator is in
place, the facility has lots of bookings, and the Franciscan Friars are leaving the end of
June. A private group is still looking at purchasing the facility. August 22, 2015 2:00 –
3:00 pm will be the farewell tea for the friars. St. Michael’s will not be closing!
4.11 Native Ministry, Saskatoon
No report from the trustees
4.12 Relationship Reviews Report
Pastor David explained the reviews that will be conducted. Pastor Dennis Serfas will
be attending the next meeting of Council to evaluate Synod Council’s performance.
The Officers’ Reviews need to be done by two Synod Council members. The Review
of the Committees also needs to be done by three Council members. Reports are to be
completed by the March 2016 meeting.
SC-15-32 MSC that Synod Council members reviewing the officers are: Merv Bender
and Tami Halvorson.
SC-15-33 MSC that Synod Council members reviewing the various committees are:
Kathy Pelletier, Val Davies and Barb Weiss.
The Governance committee will be providing revised review forms for the members to
use to conduct the reviews.
4.13 Other Business:
4.13.1 Circle of Life Dissolution motions
SC-15-34 MSC that the net proceeds from the sale of 1459 Retallack Street, Regina,
Saskatchewan ($263,360) (completed in July 2014) be placed in a restricted fund for
projects designated for Aboriginal Ministry initiatives in Southern Saskatchewan. The
terms and conditions for the restriction, use and administration of the fund shall be
developed by the Saskatchewan Synod Council.
Draft Sask Synod Council Minutes
March 26/27, 2015
4.13.2 Review of Dates for next meetings:
June 16, 2015 Conference Call from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
October 4-6, 2015, St. Michael’s Retreat Centre, Lumsden
January , 2016 Conference Call (TBD)
March 10-12, 2016, Queen’s House Saskatoon
June 2, 2016, Saskatoon (prior to Synod Convention)
June 3-5, 2016 Synod Convention, Saskatoon
October 27-29, 2016 St. Michael’s Lumsden
4.13.3 Meeting Evaluation
The council members were asked to fill out meeting evaluation forms and return them to
the Synod Administrator.
Closing Worship – Meeting Chaplain Barb led the Council is the closing meditation.
She focused on the Lord’s Prayer – God calls us to pray.
Thank you was expressed to Bishop Sid for his hard work for the Synod and to Pastor Lori for
leading the meeting.
Adjournment – the meeting was declared adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
Minutes taken by
Cheryl Bauer Hyde, Synod Secretary and
Joan Meyer, Synod Administrator