DIBELS® - Dynamic Measurement Group
DIBELS® - Dynamic Measurement Group
newsletter DIBELS ® August 2012 Volume 4 No. 4 measures. For more information visit http://dibels.org/dibelsmath.html. Release of DIBELS Deep. A new diagnostic reading tool is available from DMG, the authors of DIBELS. DIBELS Deep currently assesses phonemic awareness, word reading, and decoding and aligns with the Common Core State Standards. To order, visit http://www.soprislearning.com/. 155 141 190 238 220 285 330 290 330 391 357 372 415 344 358 380 85 89 97 100 111 109 145 180 180 235 280 245 290 330 258 310 340 280 285 324 10 30 5 20 No benchmark set for LNF 20 40 40 10 25 25 17 28 27 43 15 18 33 47 35 Whole Words Read 1 8 13 13 8 recommend 0 58 3 6 72 87 70 86 100 115 111 120 130 107 109 120 16 32 37 55 65 55 68 80 70 79 95 96 101 105 90 92 95 90% 90% 96% 97% 95% 96% 97% 96% 97% 98% 98% 98% 99% 97% 97% 98% 82% 81% 91% 93% 89% 92% 94% 93% 94% 95% 95% 96% 97% 94% 94% 96% 15 16 21 27 20 26 30 27 30 33 33 36 36 27 29 32 8 13 18 10 18 20 14 20 24 22 25 25 16 18 24 Retell Quality of Response 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 8 11 19 15 17 24 18 20 24 18 19 21 5 7 14 10 12 20 12 13 18 14 14 15 Retell 0 Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Mid End Daze Sixth Grade This is a summary of the DIBELS Next benchmark goals. For a full description, see the DIBELS Next Benchmark Goals and Composite Score document available from http://dibels.org/. DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. This page is adapted from a chart developed by Cache County School District. generating reports. The official benchmark goals are calculated according to the way that DIBELS is designed the UO do not meet the DIBELS Next technical to function, and interpretation of the goals specifications for official benchmark goals. is defined in the DIBELS Next Assessment The UO goals put the typical benchmark goal at around the 72nd percentile. This identifies over 70 percent of students as having less than adequate reading skills, without supporting documentation for the technical adequacy of the goals. By contrast, the official DIBELS Next benchmark goals are typically around the 39th percentile, which is consistent with the 2011 of reading skills judged to be basic. According to the NAEP, “basic denotes partial mastery of prerequisite knowledge and skills that are © 2012 Dynamic Measurement Group 103 68% on which 33% of students scored below the level D MG 90 78% National Assessment of Educational Progress, T he Official Home of D IBEL S “Former Goals” when 6 52 Beg 47 Mid Accuracy 23 benchmark proposed by Scores below the benchmark goal and at or above the cut point for risk are identified as Below Benchmark. In this range, a student’s future performance is harder to predict, and these students are likely to need Strategic Support. 54 DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (DORF) Words Correct using the official goals. The goals official goals by selecting CUT POINT FOR RISK (small red number in each box): Students scoring below the cut point for risk are unlikely (approximately 10%–20%) to achieve subsequent goals without receiving additional, targeted instructional support. These scores are identified as Well Below Benchmark and the students are likely to need Intensive Support. Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) Correct Letter Sounds system can access the BENCHMARK GOAL (large black number in top of each box): Students scoring at or above the benchmark goal have the odds in their favor (approximately 80%–90%) of achieving later importing reading outcomes. These scores are identified as At or Above Benchmark and the students are likely to need Core Support. Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF) conducted by the authors. Users of the UO’s data DIBELS Composite Score: A combination of multiple DIBELS scores, which provides the best overall estimate of the student’s reading proficiency. For information on how to calculate the composite score, see the DIBELS Next Benchmark Goals and Composite Score document available from http://dibels.org/. Letter Naming Fluency (LNF) End early numeracy and computation 130 Beg Standards in Mathematics and includes 113 First Sound Fluency (FSF) Dr. Roland H. Good, III, 119 Mid aligns to the Common Core State 13 122 End 2013 school year. DIBELS Math directly 26 Beg available for grades K-5 for the 2012- Kaminski and DIBELS Composite Score Mid release version of DIBELS Math will be Dr. Ruth A. are based on research DIBELS® Next: Summary of Benchmark Goals and Cut Points for Risk End DIBELS Math Early Release. An early The authors of DIBELS, DIBELS Next benchmark goals, which Beg of DORF Retell. Schools should continue to use the official authors have not changed. Mid DIBELS Next regarding the importance DIBELS Next benchmark goals developed by the End message from the authors of https://dibels.org/). Beg view an important benchmark goals for DIBELS Next. The official Mid http://dibels.org/ to goals and cut points for risk is available in the DIBELS Next Technical Manual (available at End Message. Visit The University of Oregon (UO) data system ® recently released an unofficial version of the Beg Important Mid ® End News Official DIBELS Next Benchmark Goals Beg DIBELS Next ® fundamental for proficient work at a given grade.” A complete description of the procedures used for establishing the official benchmark Manual in Chapter 3, “Interpreting DIBELS Next® Data.” Data Management Options Other data services are available to schools which continue to provide reports using the official benchmark goals and follow the official decision rules made publicly available by the authors. These include: • DIBELSnet®, from the authors of DIBELS at Dynamic Measurement Group: https://dibels.net/ • Wireless Generation’s mCLASS® service for users of DIBELS on mobile devices: http://www.wirelessgeneration.com/ • VPORT®, from DIBELS Next publisher Cambium/Sopris Learning: https://secure.vport.voyagerlearning.com/vip/ newsletter DIBELS ® t: 541.431.6931 f: 866.211.1450 Dynamic Measurement Group Support i ng School Succes s One Step at a Time info@dibels.org Dynamic Measurement Group Scholarship Award Recipients for 2012 Two students in the University of Oregon’s College of Education have been awarded the Dynamic Measurement Group Scholarship Award for 2012. The Dynamic Measurement Group Award was established at the University of Oregon’s College of Education by the founders of Dynamic Measurement Group and authors of DIBELS, Ruth A. Kaminski and Roland H. Good, III. The scholarship is awarded annually to graduate students in the College of Education who have demonstrated academic excellence and whose academic studies are primarily focused on the importance of early literacy, prevention of reading failure, or related areas. The 2012 recipients selected by the College are Emily Barrett and Cody Gion. Both recipients are first-year students in the University’s School Psychology program. Barrett, said, “This award will allow for my continued work toward becoming a school psychologist to be far more achievable and will allow me to dedicate more of my time next year to promoting early literacy.” Promoting the work of future scholars in the field of reading education is an important goal for Kaminski and Good. The scholarship program was initiated in 2005 and has been awarded to two scholars annually since its inception. Gion said, "Receiving this award has inspired me to continue to demand excellence from myself in order to create school environments where all students succeed. The use of dynamic measures gives educators reliable and valid information about student performance. I plan to use this information to ensure that students, like the ones I grew up with, have the skills needed to succeed in college and their chosen careers.” Kaminski and Good hope that recipients of the award will go on to further the field of reading research and make meaningful differences in the lives of students struggling with basic early literacy skills. Barrett said, "Promoting literacy promotes resiliency and success in all aspects of a child’s life and I am truly honored to have received an award from a group that works to ensure these vital skills in children.” F A Q Corner Answers to your DIBELS Next Questions Do you have a question about DIBELS Next scoring, administration, or data interpretation? Email DMG at info@dibels.org. Q: If a student reads over 40 words per minute on the first DORF passages and is given Retell, but then reads less than 40 words on the second and third passages and does not do Retell, how do I record the median score? What if the student is given Retell for two passages, but not the third? A: If a student is only given one administration of Retell, then record that score (the median of one score is that score). If the student is given Retell for two passages, you will need to calculate the average, because the median of two scores is the mean of those numbers. To do so, add both scores together, divide by 2, and record the result. If the result is not a whole number, round to the nearest whole number http://dibels.org/ Coming Events Nashville DIBELS Institute Dynamic Measurement Group will present a summer DIBELS Next Training Institute in Nashville, TN with the authors of DIBELS Next. The institute includes workshops for those new to DIBELS and for those who wish to serve as DIBELS Mentors in their school or district and traing others to use DIBELS Next. For more information or to register, visit http://dibels.org/. Oklahoma Training Events A series of DIBELS Next workshops will be available to educators in Oklahoma, including DIBELS Next Essential and Transition Workshops, a DIBELS Next Data Interpretation Workshop, and a workshop on Planning Effective Reading Instruction. For more information or to register, visit http://dibels.org/oklahoma.html. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook! For the most up-to-date DIBELS News, follow DMG on Twitter and Facebook. DIBELS updates and information are regularly posted, along with training events, photos, and FAQs. Like our page on Facebook and participate in our back-to-school contest to win a $25 gift card for Amazon.com! Find us on Twitter @DIBELS4Success or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/DIBELS. (following standard rounding conventions, a .5 rounds up). Q: Is DIBELS Next available in Braille? A: Yes, a Braille version of the DIBELS Next benchmark materials is available for purchase from DMG. If your school would like to purchase Braille materials, email info@dibels.org. © 2012 Dynamic Measurement Group Email dibelsnews@dibels.org today to start receiving the DIBELS Newsletter! ®
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