faith my eyes


faith my eyes
LCMS World Mission
800-433-3954/ /
Katie Lane
Serving the Lord in Peru!!
faith my eyes
Saludos from Perú! What a gift it is for me to share with
you all again at the end of another month. I pray that we all
continue to see how the Lord is surrounding us with reminders
of his great love for us each day of our lives. I also pray that
this newsletter serves to encourage you and strengthen you as I
share about some of the ways God is working in Peru.
University Involvement
October brought about more opportunities to remain involved at
UPC and UNALM here in Lima. The Lord has continued to bless
me with more relationships and contacts at both universities. This
Friday (November 4th), I am organizing our first “English-Speaking
Night” at the office in San Borja. Though this evening will be open
to anyone who wants to practice their English with native speakers,
the main audience will be the university students I have met over
the past two months. In November I will continue to teach two
conversation classes each week at UNALM and meet with a group
of students at UPC.
Office Update
The new office is proving to be a wonderful space and location for
all the missionaries to work out of. We feel very blessed to have a
permanent place to meet with one another and to take care of
work preparations and tasks. In September and October we were
able to buy some furniture so we could begin working, but we are
hoping to buy more pieces in the upcoming months in order to
finish furnishing bedrooms (for guests), bathrooms, and a few
office rooms. If you or your church are interested in donating
financially towards these purchases, please send me an e-mail and
I can let you know how you can do that. Thank you again for all of
your prayers in regards to the new office space!
Lunahuaná Worship
A steady group continues to attend worship each week we go to
Lunahuaná. October was a special month for worship in
Lunahuaná because we were able to bring some visitors along
from the US. Due to the Congregational Partners Meeting (written
about on page 2), former short-term mission participants were
able to reconnect with loved ones in Lunahuaná and worship the
Lord with them. What a gift it was to see a beautiful reunion.
Volume XV
October 2011
Turrón de Doña Pepa
During the month of October,
turrones de Doña Pepa can be found
all over grocery stores and
marketplaces throughout Peru. This
Peruvian treat is layered with honey
and wafers and is topped off with
multicolored sprinkles.
The turrón de Doña Pepa was
supposedly created in the Cañete
Valley which is where Lunahuaná is
located. Josafina Marmanillo, or
Doña Pepa, is said to have been a
slave-woman known for her cooking
during the end of the 18 century.
She created this treat in honor of
Señor de los Milagros (Lord of the
Miracles), a popular image of Christ
celebrated in Peru during the month
of October. Doña Pepa believed that
she had been shown favor by the
image through a healing and the
turrón was created to give thanks.
Though now thought of by many
people to simply be a fable, continue
to pray for the Gospel to be
communicated purely even during
traditional celebrations!
Visit from Pastor Martin Teigen
Last May we were blessed with the visit of our regional director and two former missionaries to Perú. One of those
missionaries, Pastor Martin Teigen, has continued to mentor the Peru mission team and work with us as we make
decisions and plan for the future. Earlier this month, Pastor Teigen made a two-week visit to Peru during which
we conversed about the ministry and the culture and were able to receive some great advice and direction. We
are thankful and blessed that God has provided an experienced mentor who can offer us encouragement and
wisdom as we serve here in Peru.
Congregational Partners Meeting
As the ministry in Peru continues to develop, we are greatly blessed by the support and encouragement of
congregations from the United States. This past month we were able to meet with leaders and representatives
from a few different congregations from the US who are interested in making a long-term commitment to Peru
through prayers, finances, advocacy, and the sending of short-term teams. The goal of these meetings was to
share the direction in which God is leading the ministry and discuss how these congregations can partner in what
is happening here. Their time spent here was full of great discussions and clearer direction as to how the
ministry is moving forward. God was also moving in the fellowship that took place during the visit of these
leaders. We were strengthened as we spent time in the Word, in prayer, and in conversation. Praise God for a
great week of meetings!
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-------------------------------------There are many opportunities to
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------------------------------------To support my work financially,
you may send a tax-deductible
gift to: LCMS World Mission,
Missionary Support, PO Box
790089, St Louis, MO 631790089. Make checks payable to
LCMS World Mission. Mark
checks “Support Katie Lane/
Peru.” Gifts can be given
securely online through the
LCMS World Mission Web site,
Prayer Requests
*PRAISE God for the new connections at the two universities in Lima. ASK
that He open up more opportunities for ministry and deepen the relationships
I have with the students.
*THANK the Lord for Pastor Teigen’s visit and the conference with
congregational partners from the United States. May we continue to
mutually edify one another and encourage one another.
*ASK that the LORD provide missionary Anthony DiLiberto with all the
support and funding necessary to return permanently to Peru.
*PRAISE God for continued worship gatherings in Lunahuaná and ASK that
God’s truth continue to be shared and leaders raised up.
*ASK that God guide my heart and mind as I begin to think about decisions
for the upcoming year.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of
our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the
cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right
hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2
Jamie and I with Erik and Annalise
after running a 5K in San Borja.
The whole Peru team on a sunny day in Lima!
Dinner with church partners from the States.
Reviewing the church service with
Pastor Mark before worship.