Greetings from NID Michael Zimmer, Mission Facilitator: Schools
Greetings from NID Michael Zimmer, Mission Facilitator: Schools
Greetings from NID Michael Zimmer, Mission Facilitator: Schools and Commissioned Ministers Revitalize, rejuvenate or re-generate? How shall we address the state of affairs in the Church today? What does this mean? How is this done? The “system” and the good ole days Born at Lutheran General Family heritage- Mother prayed/ Dad spanked Church was packed An honor to be usher captain Festival Canticle Grown up? “The Te Deum” CTC-RF had LCMS profs everywhere Then the late 70’s came along… Dinner table conversations about the “walk out” The neighborhood changed > White flight to the burbs Church attendance began to decline Declining enrollment in the school > Tuition My friends parents stopped going to church > Church wars, embarrassed over life choices, angry about constant requests for money, “tuition” suddenly made the public school look good! Then God Called me out of the system… But while I was gone, the system changed!!! LCMS – Membership Gain or Loss 20,000 10,000 0 -10,000 -20,000 -30,000 -40,000 -50,000 -60,000 Probably transfer to LCC -70,000 -80,000 -90,000 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 LCMS – Adult Confirm/Baptism 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2012 LCMS Worship Attendance (5,970) 500+ = 215 = 3.6% 250-499 = 579 = 9.7% 100-249 = 1,739 = 29.1% 99 or less = 3,437 = 57.6% What do the numbers say? In 1971 LCMS had 2.89 M. Today around 2.3 M 72 churches (not just LCMS) close in the US / week In 1971 LCMS had 64,000+ Baptisms. 28,000 in 2012 NATIONAL LCMS ELEMENTARY ENROLLMENT (K-8) 180,000 160,000 155244 147613 143322 130395 140,000 120684 120,000 100,000 98181 91181 90904 2011 2012 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Current LCMS School Statistics 2013-14 > 2012-13 Schools = 2334 > 2,255 (1,285/880/90) Students = 230,815 > 221,301(87,728/113,919/19,655) Uh, Oh! We’re in trouble! What must we do to help our church survive? “We need to go back to the good ole days” “We are getting old; we need young one’s to take over” “Our volunteers are burning out” “We want to add more staff” “We are having trouble meeting our bills” “If only we had a Pastor like “_____________” Name that shark!!! From 1897-1917 the LCMS experienced A 50% increase >We gathered the German’s Questions to Ponder Q: When you were a child, where was the “mission field?” Q: Where do you see mission field opportunities in this community today? The Church in America: 1945-present Denominational “Our beloved Synod” Attractional “If we build it, they will _____” Post From denomination transaction to transformation Practice *Growth from within system *Strong Education: LES/SS/Youth Group/Adult Ed * Growth by attraction * Programming: Youth, Mission trips, * School: Excellent Priv Christ/Safe PS *Stand and share absolute truth *Safety/Trustworthy *Community of Care/Relationship Not yet connected Congregation Christian Community It is NOT… A lack of people in our communities Because people don’t need grace Because people in the church “do not care” A lack of activities in the church Because people in the church are unfriendly “But our church is friendly” What is the difference between? Kind Friendly Inviting Inclusive Caring Spiritual concern Reasons to gather Social Fellowship Religious Moral Safe training environment for children and youth Honor the family heritage Provide Pass Rituals good services for the community on the faith to the next generation God’s Mission – or man’s structure? God’s Plan Man’s Structure Passion for the Lost Daily turning over to the Lord Competition for resources How can we control and build? Relationships dominate Facility dominates Transformed lives Transactional membership Mission is messy Policies and procedures rule Tradition is valued in light of the Gospel Tradition is valued as an icon Revelation 2:4 Jesus says, “Ephesus…You have forsaken your first love…” Does anything in your church ever take the place of God? •Bricks and mortar •Traditions •Heritage and history Finances Institutional Competition Causes Chaos Silos Can be useful for the mission Related but independent Have their place in the yard Can become stand alone units “God’s Church” will always prevail… “Man’s Church” will not God’s church- the congregation (gathering) of saints, in which the Gospel is rightly taught and the Sacraments are rightly administered. Man’s church- Too often becomes a building, budget, “good works” center, organizational structure, or family heritage builder masked under the guise of religious activity. What is God’s Mission? 1991 CTCR Document states: “Mission begins in the heart of God” “God...wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 1Timothy 2:4 CTCR Document states: “God’s mission is to and for everyone” “God’s mission is our mission” What is God’s Mission? “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Philippians 2:9 Q: Every knee? Why do we sometimes hesitate reaching out to others who do not yet know Jesus? Have you heard these questions? If we go thru a “healthy church program” will our church grow again? Will birthing a new church help our church survive? If I befriend my neighbor will they join our church? Will new programs help us get new members? Living Things Grow & Multiply! New Significant What mission start “new ministry” community need is NOT being addressed right now? 3 A church which is 0-3 years old takes ___ attendees to reach 1 person for Christ. 7 A church which is 3-10 years old takes ___ attendees to reach 1 person for Christ. 89 A church older than 10 years takes ___ attendees to reach 1 person for Christ Tom Nebel & Gary Rohrmayer, Church Planting Landmines “Let’s find a church growth program” TCN NCD The 72 Refocus Consultants Workshop What I have learned… Programs can help…or hurt New plants may be an answer…or a waste of time Strategic Planning is great…don’t count on it The Pastor is important…but not the solution Sticking your head in the sand does not help There is hope! God’s Word and Sacraments are what this world needs The “system” possesses great resources 6,000 congregations CUS + Educational Focus Missions “Mission Focus” DaySchool Preschool/Child Care Member Expectations Service Activities Programs Worship Member commitment Finances Forming around God’s mission Phase One- Why? Celebrate our unity around the mission of God in this church. (Mission Statement) Phase Two- Who? Identify the values and gifts in this congregation. (Congregational strengths) Forming around God’s mission (cont) Phase Three- Where? Understand the unique needs of this community and beyond. (Community Connecting Points) Phase Four- How? Establish and align mission activity based on the needs and resources (Goals) 3. Community 1. Mission of God 2. Congregation 4. Goals 3. Where? 1. Why? HOW??? 4. Goals 2. Who? How is this done? Program Study comes second to mission and grow together Willingness Love to repent for people So what steps should we take to “grow” our church again? Get on your knees Pray for your Pastor Get in the Word Revel in the Sacraments Serve your community. Corporate and individual. Share the hope you have in Jesus Christ Two Non-negotiables #1 - The truth of God’s Word is clearly and boldly preached. #2 - The Sacraments are faithfully celebrated. Where is the mission field? “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 Which is easier? How have these gotten closer? What opportunities lie ahead? Revitalize, rejuvenate or re-generate? How shall we address the state of affairs in the Church today? What does this mean? How is this done?
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