2013-14 Biannual Report - Falls Church McLean Children`s Center


2013-14 Biannual Report - Falls Church McLean Children`s Center
At Our Best to Give Children
the Strongest Foundation
Falls Church-McLean Children’s Center FY-2013 and FY-2014 Biennial Report
Dear Friends,
This report of FY-2013 and FY-2014 recaps two school years that were packed with
accomplishments by our children, teachers and administrative staff, all of which were
made possible by our caring community of supporters.
Children demonstrated their remarkable ability to learn and thrive in our nurturing,
enriching environment, guided by our well-trained teachers. In FY-2013, 23 of our 26
graduates and in FY-2014, 26 of our 29 graduates achieved expected skill levels for
incoming kindergarteners. Those children with ongoing delays had their special needs
identified and plans for continued support services in elementary school.
All children grew stronger physically, with the healthy food provided for breakfast and
snacks by 10 faith groups and generous individuals and the wholesome, hot lunch
purchased with support from donors and civic groups. Children developed social
skills and emotional balance in our classrooms, and sometimes with the help of our
contracted specialists.
Our specialists’ services are made possible with grants from long-time funders including
the O’Shaughnessy-Hurst Memorial Foundation, Gannett Foundation, and
individuals who recognize the crucial window of opportunity that children have before
age five. Evolving science is helping us understand that simple, targeted interventions
can spark new neurological connections in children’s developing brains. Like an athlete
building stronger muscles, with repeated practice, children can create new abilities,
taking them to greater skill levels.
With a new executive director at the helm in FY-2013, the Children’s Center teachers
and staff evaluated current practices and identified ways they could better meet
children’s developmental needs.
FY-2013 ushered in several changes:
A Bilingual Curriculum
Recognizing that nearly half of the children enrolled at the Center each year
are from Spanish-speaking families, the Center adopted a bilingual curriculum
that guides children to build vocabularies in both English and Spanish. We
thank the PNC Grow Up Great Foundation and the Northern Virginia
Community Foundation for their grants that funded the new teaching
tools, in English and Spanish.
Single-Aged Classrooms
Teachers decided they could better challenge and guide children to build
their skills if they could narrow the activities to those needed by a single age.
Starting in FY-2013, children were assigned by age to classrooms where toys,
books, and activities are geared toward 2-, 3-, or 4-year-old skill levels.
Online Assessments
To avoid losing valuable learning time while teachers get to know each child
at the beginning of each year, the Center tapped technology available with
the new Bilingual Creative Curriculum. Results of teachers’ evaluations of
children’s six skill sets create an online record. Parents and new teachers
have access to results and corresponding suggestions of activities to guide
each child to the next skill level.
Of the 26 children who left to start kindergarten:
• 13 had skills below expected leves for their age when they started at the Center;
• 7 received support services that helped them attain expected skills;
• 12 were dual-language learners;
• 11 of the 12 became fluent in both languages;
• 23 achieved age-level skills;
• 3 had Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for continued services to help them reach their potential.
We recognize that in spite of the great cultural, ethnic, racial and socio-economic diversity in Northern Virginia, all children share the potential health hazards of
childhood obesity and early onset diabetes. The Children’s Center has always made
time outdoors a core component of its schedule. And in recent years, we upgraded our
lunchtime meal to make it healthier. Yet, we wanted to do more to safeguard children
from these looming health catastrophes.
With a Community Impact Grant from United Way, the Center initiated “Healthy
Me; Healthy You,” a year-long program for children and families. Teachers committed
to get kids’ heart pumping and foreheads sweaty with at least an hour of vigorous
physical activity every day. They incorporated creative ideas from the newly acquired
“Get Fit” curriculum to increase physical activity throughout the day. Parents were
invited to several evening workshops that started with a healthy meal to learn ways to
cook healthy meals on a budget and incorporate free physical activities in their family’s
NAEYC Accreditation
Like the Good Housekeeping Seal, we now proudly display the “NAEYC” symbol that
identifies the culmination of a multi-year effort. Just days before the end of FY-2014,
we received our accreditation by the National Association for the Education of Young
Children. It was a proud moment for everyone here, especially when we read NAEYC’s
commendations, which we share with you in this report.
FY-2014 Graduates
Of the 29 children who left to start kindergarten:
• 14 started at the Center with skills below levels expected for their age, of which 13 achieved age-level skills;
• 8 were dual-language learners; 6 of the 8 achieved age-level skills in English and were fluent in Spanish;
• 26 attained age-level skills;
• The 3 with ongoing delays had plans for continued services to address their needs.
We thank donors for supporting the Center’s program with financial gifts, donations
of nutritious food in our weekly program, and participation in our special events. Your
contributions are vital to our ability to keep our tuition rates affordable to low- and
moderate-income, working families.
Most important, your gifts give young children who are at-risk access to the Center’s
nurturing environment. The Center’s creative, “whole-child” program, with support
services for those who need them, spurs children’s minds, bodies and spirits to develop
to be fully ready to seize the academic and social opportunities that await them.
Thank you for your continued support.
Tim SheanSonya Powell
FY-2013 President
FY-2014 President
Board of Directors
Tim Shean, President
Potomac Financial Private Client Group
Sonya Powell, Esq., President
Powell Piper Radomsky
Sonya Powell, Esq., Vice President
Nadine Cipriani, Vice President
Community Representative
Molly Gravholt, CPA, Treasurer
Community Health Charities
Molly Gravholt, CPA, Treasurer
Community Health Charities
Nadine Cipriani
Community Representative
Suzi Podhorecki, Secretary
Founding Faith Group Representative
Daniel Hilton
American Supply Association
Daniel Hilton
American Supply Association
Rebecca Leung
The Hyphen Group
Community Representative
Rebecca Leung
The Hyphen Group
Community Representative
Cindy Oh, Esq.
Securities and Exchange Commission
Community Representative
Jessica Pannell
Conway and Pannell
Community Representative
Susan Poretz
Early Childhood Consultant (Ret.)
Founding Faith Group Representative
Susan Poretz
Early Childhood Consultant (Ret.)
Founding Faith Group Representative
Katherine Banks, M.Ed.
Falls Church-McLean Children’s Center
Executive Director
Ibonne Villarroel
Inova Health Center
Kathleen Woodward
Public Relations Consultant (Ret.)
Community Representative
Carmen M Wu
ING Financial Partners
Community Representative
Katherine Banks, M.Ed.
Falls Church-McLean Children’s Center
Executive Director
1. Relationships
NAEYC Academy commends your program for promoting positive relationships among all
children and adults to encourage each child’s sense of individual worth and belonging as part
of a community and to foster each child’s ability to contribute as a responsible community
The Children’s Center nurtures the “whole child,” recognizing that a young child develops
significantly -- intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially --between the ages of two
and five. Our goal is to help children develop all the
skills they need to be ready for kindergarten in our
rapid-paced society.
We place the greatest emphasis on social skills, knowing
that a child who is confident of his ability to navigate
through a classroom, ask for what he needs and wants,
and feel accepted will have a sense of self-worth and
confidence that translates into respect for himself and
Teachers cultivate respectful practices within the
classroom, starting with giving children the chance to set class rules that will keep everyone
safe and give equal time to play in classroom centers. Trusting that they’ll be treated fairly,
children learn patience and empathy as they that see their actions affect their friends’
Mounting research continues to demonstrate evidence of the positive effects of
a high-quality, early learning program on children who are at-risk of failing in
When Maria came to the Center at age 3 ½, teachers described her as a “sweet, quiet,
cooperative little girl, who speaks very little.” Assessments indicated that she was delayed
in many skill areas including language, math, physical and social skills. Her artwork of gray,
shapeless scribbles reflected her unhappiness.
Through weekly sessions with our speech therapist, Maria quickly improved her communication skills, which started a cascade of positive effects. Her classmates who could now
understand her invited her to play. Visibly happier, Maria danced and sang with her class.
Realizing teachers could understand her, Maria proudly raised her hand to respond and ask
even more thoughtful questions. They engaged her in conversations and offered books to
satisfy her desire to learn. In the spring, Maria’s assessments showed major developmental
leaps with scores in the upper ranges of rising kindergarteners. Most notably were changes
in Maria’s artwork. She filled page after page with colorful, detailed drawings of happy
family scenes, each one more adventurous than the last as she approached kindergarten.
2. Curriculum
The NAEYC Academy commends your program for implementing a curriculum that is
consistent with its goals for children and promotes learning and development in each of the
following areas: social, emotional, physical, language and cognitive.
With funding from the PNC Grow Up Great
Foundation and the Northern Virginia Community
Foundation, the Children’s Center purchased and
implemented the Bilingual Creative Curriculum that
coordinates learning activities with the Virginia
Standards of Learning for each age level. The teaching
tools provide our English-speaking teachers with “key
words” for every lesson to incorporate Spanish language
and culture into each lesson.
Through books, music and poetry in Spanish and
classroom materials labeled in Spanish, children hear and
see Spanish every day. For children accustomed to hearing Spanish at home, the familiar
language creates a welcoming, supportive and inclusive
environment, in which children can feel equally accepted.
All children develop an English vocabulary that they need
for success in school and a command of common words
and phrases in Spanish. Children whose parents continue
to speak Spanish at home, as teachers recommend, build
working vocabularies in both languages.
The Center welcomes all
families to share their
cultural heritage and
forms of celebration
with their child’s class, expanding children’s awareness
and building their respect for differences, and providing a
welcoming environment for the whole family.
3. Teaching
The Academy commends your program for using developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate and effective teaching
approaches that enhance each child’s learning and development in
the context of the program’s curriculum goals.
Teaching children at the Center is more than just introducing
them to the ABCs. Teachers work to build strong relationships with each child so they can help him or her at each
stage of development. Our goal is to meet every child’s social,
emotional, cognitive and physical developmental needs
through positive and rich interactions between children and
between teachers and children. “Each child can learn and it’s up
to us as teachers to find the way to help the child learn,” Ms. Gloria explained.
4. Assessment
NAEYC Academy commends your program for using ongoing, systematic, formal and informal
assessment approaches to provide information on children’s learning and development. These
assessments occur within the context of reciprocal communications with families and with
sensitivity to the cultural contexts in which children develop. Assessment results are used to
benefit children by informing sound decisions about children, teaching, and program improvement.
The Center has both informal and formal assessments of our children and our program.
Informal assessments draw on parent’s observations of their child’s abilities. Teachers
conduct formal assessments of each child three times a year to be sure each child is on track
to achieve skill levels expected for incoming kindergarteners. Parents and teachers discuss
the assessments during the two required parent-teacher conferences each year.
5. Health
The NAEYC Academy commends your program for promoting the
nutrition and health of children and protecting children and staff
from illness and injury.
With funding from a United Way Community Impact
Grant, the Children’s Center launched “Healthy Me; Healthy
You” fitness and nutrition initiative. Teachers made vigorous
exercise a daily routine for all children, which doubled
children’s attention span and improved their focus during
sedentary learning time afterward, increasing the time that
children can learn.
The grant also funded the purchase of the “Get Fit” Curriculum with tools and ideas to keep
children moving indoors and outdoors to help them avoid obesity and early-onset diabetes.
The Children’s Center continued its practice of providing hearing, vision and dental health
screenings for four- and five-year-olds to determine if children have any medical issues may
affect their ability to learn in kindergarten.
Former Director Margery Sher and son Jeremy
Sher with Ms. Gloria, his preschool teather.
Ms. Jackson marked her 40th year in 2014.
Ms. Velma retired in 2014.
6. Teachers
NAEYC Academy commends your program for employing and supporting a teaching staff that has
the educational qualifications, knowledge, and professional commitment necessary to promote
children’s learning and development and to support families’ diverse needs and interests.
Parents and their children who have attended the Children’s Center often stop in and ask
if the teachers they fondly remember are still here. With rare exception, they are, since our
teachers are known for their longevity, with an average tenure of 10 years.
Our three senior teachers celebrated milestones in FY-2013 and FY-2014. In July 2012, Ms.
Gloria Turner welcomed many students and parents and former Center directors to the
celebration of her 40th year at the Children’s Center. In her reserved style, Ms. Mary Jackson
made her 40th year anniversary just another day in class with the Center’s youngest children
in April 2014. In May 2014, Ms. Velma Williams drew to a close her 29 years as a preschool
teacher with the Children’s Center surrounded by her family and “church family” members,
parents, teachers, and the four executive directors she served during her long career.
By year end of FY-2014, 12 teachers had a Certificate in Early Child Development and 2
teachers were pursuing it; 4 teachers held Associate Degrees and 2 teachers held bachelor’s
degrees in Early Childhood Education. Three teachers and one staff member were pursuing
associate or bachelor’s degrees in Early Childhood Education.
7. Families
NAEYC Academy commends your program for the high
level of compliance with this component. Recognizing the
importance of a reciprocal relationship between families and
programs is essential to ensure that programs are meeting
the needs of the children and families.
The best child care is family care. Our teachers and administrative staff take the time
to get to know each of our families and their specific needs. We encourage parents and
grandparents to participate in field trips and classroom activities. We also require parents to
attend two parent-teacher conferences each year to keep each other informed of the child’s
development and any issues of concern.
8. Community Relationships
NAEYC Academy commends your program for effectively establishing and maintaining reciprocal
relationships with agencies and institutions that can support it in achieving its goals for the
curriculum, health promotion, children’s transitions, inclusion, and diversity.
The Children’s Center grew from the collective action of representatives of 20 area faith
groups who were committed to providing a safe place and a high-quality educational program
for young children while their parents work. Many of those founding faith groups and
individuals continue to support the Center today with financial contributions through their
mission committees and with deliveries of fresh food for a week’s worth of breakfast and
snacks twice a year.
New Dominion Women’s Club members have
been providing books to Center children to take
home for nearly 30 years as representatives for
Reading is Fundamental. Capital One bank
volunteers helped out in 2013.
Wolf Trap Performing Artist Kofi Dennis
brought his West African drumming skills and
instruments to lead the Center’s celebration
of newly installed outdoor instruments. A
challenge grant from the McLean Community
Foundation and contributions from families
and other donors listed on page 22 funded the
Nielsen employees of the DC metro area gave the Center a
thorough cleaning as their day of service in June 2014.
purchase of the 5 colorful, tuned drums and the xylophone-like “Swirl” that give children the chance to
make music outdoors.
The Center’s
connection with Wolf
Trap Institute and its
visiting artist program
continues to train
at least one Center teacher each year in innovative ways to
enliven lessons with movement, song, animated voices and
other performing arts methods to engage pre-schoolers build
math, science, language and literacy skills.
9. Physical Environment
The Children’s Center received a 96% rating. The near-perfect score assessed classroom design and safety
Since 2002, the Center has been fortunate to have
a great partnership with Fairfax County Public
Schools, located in its Lemon Road Elementary
School, in a separate wing designed and built
specifically for early childhood education.
Children who require special education services
can simply walk down the adjacent hallway to
the Special Education Classroom, then return to
the Center after class ends at 3 p.m. Occasional
collaborations with elementary students benefit
all children. Our preschoolers’ familiarity with an
elementary school contributes to their readiness for
kindergarten. All factors make the Center’s physical environment optimal for young children’s
growth and development.
10. Leadership and Management
NAEYC Academy commends your program for administering a program efficiently and effectively,
ensuring that all involved persons, staff, children, and families are included. The way in which a
program is administered will affect all the interactions within the program.
FCMLCC’s 6th
Kathy Banks
Along with an effervescent personality, Kathy Banks brought a master’s
degree in early child development, 27 years’ experience in early childhood
education, and 19 years in management with several public and private
organizations in Central Virginia YMCA and Community Services Board.
Here, she shares her perspectives on early education and her vision for the
Children’s Center.
Q: How has early childhood education changed your 27 years of experience as
an educator?
A: There have been huge changes. I entered a field that was known as “daycare” in
the 1980s. Teachers’ objectives were “to provide a safe, nurturing environment for
children while mom and dad work.” That changed as expectations for academic
achievement shifted to earlier and earlier years. Kindergarten’s focus changed from
socialization and the basics of numbers and alphabet to greater academic content.
Those changes affected the practices of children’s centers.
Today, with the benefit of 40 years of expanded knowledge of human and brain
development, high-quality, early childhood programs provide a safe, nurturing
environment and an enrichment program that respects children’s developmental
stages and the unique ways in which children learn best in these young years. Our
enhanced understanding of what is considered “normal” developmental ranges also
helps us identify children with special needs and connect them with support services
earlier in their education.
Q: Describe the traits you consider vital for a good teacher of young children.
A: The number one attribute that all teachers must have is a love for young children.
Without a genuine fondness for children, patience and education fall short.
Q: What attracted you to the Children’s Center?
A: I was intrigued by its comprehensive approach to foundational learning for children. In
addition to its high-quality early childhood education, the Center provides the resources
to help children achieve developmental milestones that are essential to their success later
in life. Speech therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral therapy are just a few of
these resources. Likewise, the Center’s diverse community provides a wonderful sense
of the world for children. Each day, they have the opportunity to encounter cultures
different from their own. This is unique and adds a zest to the Center.
I also appreciate the Center’s origin as one of the first racially integrated children’s
center in Northern Virginia. It was established through broad, community support that
continues today. That consistent support from founders, local donors and volunteers
makes it possible for the Center to fulfill its mission of providing an affordable,
high-quality program and the special environment that so many children have been able
to enjoy.
Q: What are your goals for the Center in the coming years?
A: During the first year, we focused on quality improvement through professional
development. I’m assisting our teachers with their next steps in their formal educations
and I’m building a strong core team. That will enable the Center to expand and grow in
the future. There’s a huge need for more quality programs in Northern Virginia. Within
the next five years, I envision our Center becoming an association of centers, using our
model program for a high-quality educational experience for ALL children under age five.
Student Ethnicity
10% 1%
Financial Summary
Statement of Revenue and Expenses for FY-2013 and FY-2014
Tuition from Parents
Fairfax County Child Care Tuition
Contributions from Individuals,
Foundations, Faith Groups,
Corporations and Events
Contributed Rent
Black or African American
Contributed Services
Investment Income
Miscellaneous Income
Asian or Pacific Islander
Family Income Levels
Total Revenue
Early Childhood Program
Early Intervention Program
Management and General
Extremely Low Income
Less than $23,850 (family of 4)
Very Low Income
Less than $29,813 (family of 4)
Net Assets at June 30, 2013
Low Income
Less than $47,700 (family of 4)
Net Assets at June 30, 2014
Moderate Income
Above $47,701 (family of 4)
An Audited Financial Statement is avalable upon request at
Total Expenses
Financial Summary
Tuition from Parents
Fairfax County Child Care
Tuition Subsidy
Contributions from
Individuals, Foundations,
Faith Groups,
Corporations and Events
1.6% .1%
.6% .2%
Contributed Rent
Contributed Services
Investment Income
Miscellaneous Income
Early Childhood Program
Early Intervention
Management and General
The Falls Church-McClean Children’s Center gratefully acknowledges the following gifts made
during the 2013 and 2014 fiscal years.
Fiscal Year 2013
$60,000- $100,000
Fairfax County Community Funding Pool
Freddie Mac Foundation
$10,000 - $30,000
Central Children’s Charities, Inc.
Devotion to Children Scholarships
Gannett Foundation
O’Shaughnessy-Hurst Memorial
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous Donor
Immanuel Presbyterian Church Mission
PNC Financial Services Group
Virginia Preschool Initiative
$2,500 - $4,999
Civitan Club of Tysons
Carl and Susan Kalish
Lewinsville Presbyterian Church
McLean Community Foundation
McLean Rotary Club Foundation
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
$1,000 - $2,499
Renee Boyle
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
Cares Foundation
Mary Craver
Ekko Title
Evangelical Lutheran Church Of The
Josh and Molly Gravholt
David Harrison and Tena Nauheim
A. Phoebe and Raymond Meyer
Sonia McCormick
New Dominion Women’s Club
Cindy Oh and Wes Bricker
Elizabeth Page
Susan and Donald Poretz
Jean Schiro-Zavela and Vance Zavela
Timothy and Sara Shean
Larry Rouvelas and Rebecca Leung
Liz White Tax Law
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Charles Wesley United Methodist Church
Melanie Smith
Nina and John Toups
Wells Fargo
$500 - $999
Don Beyer Volvo
Margo Buchanan
Daniel and Kristin Burnett
Divya Chadha and Naveen Joshi
Nadine Cipriani
Paul Denis and Cheryl Edwards
Direct Holdings Global Employees
Mary Friedman and Alan Felser
Jon and Judith Gabel
Bobbie and Charles Gambrill
Good Food Company
Erin Hammel
Harman Family Foundation
Karrie McMillan
Van Ness and Nancy Hough
Mary Jackson
Matthew Korn and Cynthia Miller
Abby and Bernhard Knutsen
Beth and Paul Melby
Sonya Powell and Michael Devine
Thomas and Kathy Raffa
Peter and Helen Raudenbush
Jonathan and Brooke Salkoff
Margery and Gerson Sher
Women of Temple Rodef Shalom
David Travers and Anhar Karimjee
$250 - $499
Judi and Mike Alexander
Mary Au and Tony Greco
Michael and Judy Aukamp
Shannon Barrow and Mike Stark
Ann and Robert Barth
Edward Bomsey and Rayna Aylward
Erica Bomsey and Chris Marrow
Chain Bridge Bank
Cox Charities
Falls Church Presbyterian Church,
Presbyterian Women
Freddie Mac Workplace Giving Campaign
David and Ila Good
Ann Gordon
Michael Gottesman
Deanna and Rob Heier
Ana and Daniel Hilton
Sarah and Travis Holman
Luisa Hurtado
Arthur and Amy Kales
Reverend Virgil Knipp and
Reverend Sue Knipp
Sally Larisch and Tim Brown
Brian and Laura Lauer
Rosemary Tran Lauer and Bill Lauer
Ledo Pizza Of Falls Church
Stephanie and Thomas Marsh
Dawn McGruder
Jose Penado
Pew Charitable Trusts’ Matching
Suzi Podhorecki
Alan and Karen Ram
Donald and Judy Rembert
Laura and David Savage
Maurice and Claire Sayegh
James and Nancy Scott
Lisa Shaffer
Eric and Sarah Ten Siethoff
Katie and Bob Sivinski
Daniel and Rebecca Smith
William and Gail Smith
William Stell
Jennifer Stevens and Steve Palmer
Trinity United Methodist Church
Gloria Turner
John and Janet Tysse
Juan Villar and Jennifer Jones Villar
Carolyn Walkley
Marilyn and John Wilson
Anhvinh Wright
Robert and Kristine Zechman
$100 - $249
360 Live Media
1001 Nights Middle Eastern Dance
Cynthia Allen
AOL Matching Gifts Program
Wendy and Ed Baird
Eileen and Peter Baldwin
Linda Beal and Randall Telep
David Beigel
Chuck Berlin and Carol Gabel-Berlin
John and Deborah Blacksten
John and Valentina Brougher
Craig Bury and Julie Kosterlitz
Carlton and Wendy Carroll
Clayton and Wendy Chinn
Deborah Chotner and Matt Van Hook
Clare & Don’s Beach Shack
Stacey Collins
Thanasis and Sandra Delistathis
Judith Diesenhaus
Karen Evans
Falls Church Post Office Carrier Annex
Postal Workers
John Foust
Mary Frase
Virgil Frizzell and Debra Lieberman
Mary Gabriel and Adam Knudson
Betty Gardner, Gardner Homes Realtors
Karen Glick
Frank Green
Elizabeth Gregg
Sarah and David Hagy
Lorraine and John Hannon
Jerry and Beth Harvey
Herbert and Ellen Herscowitz
Karen and Reed Hoofnagle
Janet and Hunt Howell
Robert and Joan Huffstutler
Reginald and Maritzabel Hyde
Rosemary Inlow
Jason’s Deli
Jessica Karnis
Julia Karpeisky and Ittai Kan
Marsha and Dana Kaufman
Rosemary and Timothy Kendall
Judith Leader
Jean and Rollie LeForge
Mary and William Lewers
Lewinsville Presbyterian Church Mission
& Service Ministry Group
Ellen and Henry Libby
Nerissa Lim
Elizabeth Lodal
Roye Lowry
Mad Fox Brewing Company
John Marshall Bank
Scott and Julie McDonough
Robert Moore
Debra and James Nieves
Noodles & Company
Thomas and Charlotte Norwood
Original Pancake House
Gerard Pelletier
Progressive Pediatric Physical Therapy
Randy and Elizabeth Rosso
Thorton and Janis Saferstein
Susan and Laurence Schor
Tin Tai
Teresa Terrones
Melanie and Thomas Tillotson
Sameer Ullal and Usha Adiga
Christina Waugh
Charles Wesley United Methodist Church
Susan Whitmore and Gary Frisch
Glenn Yarborough
Eduardo Zavala and Michelle Harris
$50 - 99
America’s Charities
Anonymous-Collective Donors
The Artisans
William and Fern Bekenstein
Troy Binkley and Megan Ling
Woodrith Blazek
Laurie Bolster
Alice and Ralph Braibanti
Classic Tales ‘n Tunes
Linda and William Cline
Megan and Gregory Counts
Curtsies & Petals
Sally and William Drohan
Zachary Emmons
Famous Dave’s
Foxes Music Company
Joyce and Pamela Giffey
Frederick and Jane Gilbert
Ruby Hissam
Henry and Barbara Jasny
Lenore Karnis
Mary Karnis
Can Korman and Nurhan Ayan-Korman
Kishore and Neeraja Koya
Carol Lasch
Douglas Lauw
Michael and Susan Lerner
Allison and Jeremy Levy
Stephanie Marks
Demetra Matthews
Courtney and William Mattison
Sonia McCormick
McLean Baptist Church Community
Franklin and Elizabeth Michels
Our Kids
Sue and William Owen
Frank Phillippi and Sandra Udy
German Reyes and Sandra Blanco
Sarah and Lee Rock
Sylvia Shenk
Richard Snyder
St. Anne’s Guild
Scott and Elaine Sullivan
Sheri Sylvester
Bill and Vivian Thomas
Phillip Troutman and Wei Fang
Scott and Ponneh Varho
Ana Ventura
Jennifer and Carl Wallace
Karen Welsh
Steven and Susan Zimmet
$5 - $49
Arthur and Susan Amchan
Blanca Avila
Shawn and Elizabeth Barry
Angela Brittingham
Daniel Cadima
Wilber Castillo and Erendita Martinez
Rachel Cochran
Susy Coro
Marcos Cruz
Ritza Diaz
Elizabeth and Gerald Egan
Eric Fernarndo and Ganga Peiris
Robin and Eric Fisher
Apolonio Garcia
Jessica Haynie
Zulma Hurtado
Fethiyaina Ibrahim
Anne Holton Kaine
Kristin Kenausis
Can and Nurhan Korman
Elizabeth Kuzmuk
Sean Landwing
Richard and Eleanor Linde
Alan Lundy-Ponce
Yanira Machado
Amber and Manuel Marez
Erendira Martinez
Jose Martinez
Harry and Betsy McAlpine
Michael and Allyson McGill
Jessica Muzo
Patrick and Cary O’Bryan
Leticia Ocana
Carol Osborn
Joan Parker
Eucebio Perez and Luciana Margarito
Daniela Ramirez
Lizbet Reyez and Percy Ledezma
Bernarda Rodriguez
Julie Ross
Ivania Ramos
Robert Rosenbaum
Waldo Salazar and Marlene Alvarez
Andres Salguero
Clarine Schmukler
Edith Shamrell
Scott and Anne Margarett Shawkey
Edward Smith and Sonja Schmid
Jody Snyder
Rosa Vasquez
Ibonne Villaroel
Suzanne Waltzer
Pearl Waxman
Doris Webb
Spy Museum
The Teal Center
Total Wine
Whitetail Ski Resort
Wintergreen Resort
Café Oggi
Dogfish Head Alehouse
Evo Bistro
Great American Restaurants
Greek Taverna
Idylwood Grill and Wine Bar
Kazan Restaurant
Lost Dog Café
Pulcinella Italian Host
Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse
Seasons 52
Wildfire Restaurant
Retail Stores & Services
Building Blocks Silent Auction
American Girl
Individuals Barnes & Noble
Barston’s Child’s Play
Ann and Robert Barth
Carousel Toy Shoppe
Tracy Bartz
The Children’s Playseum
Betty Boyle
Doodlehopper 4 Kids
Diane Clifford
Jammin’ Java
David Harrison and Tena Nauheim
Kettler Capitals Iceplex
Kinder Kick-It
Steve Nauheim and Bev Willis
Lava Yogurt
Debra and James Nieves
The Little Gym
Maggie and Robert O’Connor
Pump It Up
Special Thanks to Kevin Reynolds, for
Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania
Westwood Country Club member services,
Stampin’ Up!
Parents, Teachers & Staff for contributions
Toby’s Homemade Ice Cream
to Baskets, Creative Items & Services and
Maya Good for creative centerpieces
Tribute Gift Donor
Companies or Organizations
In Appreciation of Ms. Gloria!
The Artisans
Sarah and David Hagy
Bike and Roll
In Honor of Aden’s Birthday
David Travers and Anhar Karimjee
Child Care Aware
In Honor of Bethany Malter
Nadine Cipriani
Dancing Mind Yoga
In Honor of Bruce Heier’s Birthday
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Taarini Divya Chadha and Naveen Joshi
Discover DC Pedicab
In Honor of the Children’s Center Staff
Dominion Jewelers
Robert and Joan Huffstutler
Fair Trade Winds
Elizabeth Page
1st Stage Theatre
In Honor of the staff at FCMLCC, with best
wishes for the future
Imagination State
Elizabeth Page
International Cellars
In Honor of Elizabeth Page
Jack’s Boathouse
Mary Jackson
J.R.’s Custom Catering
Pamela Giffey
Lava Yogurt
In Honor of Elizabeth Page and all the
Mad Fox Brewery
wonderful work she has done for FCMLCC
National Museum of Crime and
Judith Diesenhaus
Ritz Carlton
In Honor of Elizabeth Page and In Memory
of Lee
Margo Buchanan
In Honor of Melanie Smith
Anhvinh Wright
In Honor of Michael’s Birthday
Mary Au and Tony Greco
In Honor of Mr. Zach’s Birthday
Renee Boyle
In Honor of Ms. Gloria Turner’s 40th Year
Mary Friedman and Alan Felser
Franklin and Elizabeth Michels
Rosemary Inlow
Wendy and Ed Baird
William Stell
A. Phoebe Meyer
Donald and Susan Poretz
Phillip Troutman and Wei Fang
John and Valentina Brougher
Abby and Bernhard Knutsen
Eric and Sarah Ten Siethoff
Melanie and Tom Tillotson
Cynthia Allen
Allison and Jeremy Levy
Donald and Susan Poretz
Brian and Laura Lauer
Anonymous Donation made thru Freddie
Mac Workplace Giving Campaign
In Honor of Ms. Jackie
Mary Louise Craver
In Honor of our New Director Kathy Banks
Mary Louise Craver
In Honor of Samuel’s One-Year Birthday
Cindy Oh
In Honor of Susan Poretz’s Special
Chuck Berlin and Carol Gabel-Berlin
William and Fern Bekenstein
In Honor of the Rainbow Room Teachers
Josh and Molly Gravholt
In Honor of the Tim Shean Family
Carol Lasch
In Honor of Young Explorers Room Teacher
Ms. Susy and Ms. Bernarda
Gloria Turner
In Memory of Louise Gabel
Roye Lowry
In Memory of Paul Karnis
Richard Snyder
Phoebe Meyer
Laurie Anne Bolster
Renee Boyle
Falls Church Post Office Carrier
Elizabeth Page
Lenore Karnis
Mary T Karnis
In Memory of Virginia Smith
Melanie Smith
Carlton and Wendy Carroll
In Support of Lucy Allca’s Work
Gerard Pelletier
Merry Christmas to Joe and Shirley LeForge
Jean and Rollie LeForge
In Recognition of Ms. Susy’s 10-Mile
Can and Nurhan Korman
Kishore and Neeraja Koya
Ritza Ibania Diaz
Fethiyaina Ibrahim
Anne Holton Kaine
Robin and Eric Fisher
Divya Chadha and Naveen Joshi
Ivania Ramos
Mary Jackson
Sandra Blanco
Ana Ventura
Scott and Ponneh Varho
Bernarda Rodriguez
Renee Boyle
Gloria Turner
Elizabeth Page
Katie and Bob Sivinski
Teresa Terrones
Shannon Barrow
Erin Hammel
Allison and Jeremy Levy
Abby and Bernhard Knutsen
Alan and Karen Ram
In Honor of the Wedding of Karen Gabel and
Steve Glick
Jon and Judith Gabel
Fiscal Year 2014
$50,000 - $60,000
Fairfax County Community Funding Pool
$25,000 - $49,000
Stockwell-Frase Fund
$15,000 - $24,999
John Edward Fowler Memorial
O’Shaughnessy-Hurst Memorial
$10,000 - $14,999
Devotion to Children Scholarships
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Ada and Albert Wibel Foundation
$7,000 - $9,999
McLean Community Foundation
PNC Financial Services Group and PNC
Grow Up Great United Way of National Capital Area &
Combined Federal Campaign
$5,000 - $6,999
Anonymous Immanuel Presbyterian Community
Service & Action Committee
Kids Connect Charitable Fund
Michelle Harris and Eduardo
Zavala $3,000 - $4,999
Carl and Susan Kalish
Community Foundation for Northern
Evangelical Lutheran Church Of The
Lewinsville Presbyterian Church St. Thomas Episcopal Church
$2,000 - $2,999
Renee Boyle
Civitan Club of Tysons
Conway & Pannell, PLLC
Jean and Ric Edelman
EKKO Title
Josh and Molly Gravholt
A. Phoebe and Raymond Meyer
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Lewinsville Presbyterian Church
McLean Rotary Club Foundation
MorganFranklin Corporation
Net ESolutions
Neustar, Inc.
Powell Piper Radomsky PLLC
Reed Smith
Susan and Donald Poretz
Jean Schiro-Zavela and Vance
Timothy and Sara Shean
Nina and John Toups
Kathleen Woodward
$500 - $999
Don Beyer Volvo
Divya Chadha and Naveen Joshi
Chain Bridge Bank
Charles Wesley United Methodist
Jessica and Thomas Craven
Paul Denis and Cheryl Edwards
Erin Hammel
Deanna and Rob Heier
Van Ness and Nancy Hough
Hyphen Group
Izacupcake, LLC
Reverend Virgil Knipp and
Reverend Sue Knipp
Rebecca Leung and Larry Rouvelas
Karrie McMillan
Peter and Helen Raudenbush
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
David Travers and Anhar Karimjee
Trinity United Methodist Church
Gloria Turner
Marilyn and Jack Wilson
Temple Rodef Shalom Sisterhood
$300 - $499
Katherine Banks
Maymie and Thomas Beers
Woodrith Blazek
Wilber Castillo and Erendita
Sarah and David Hagy
Mary Jackson
Cassie Kuo and Christopher Ko
Rosemary and Timothy Kendall
Ledo Pizza Of Falls Church
Pew Charitable Trusts’ Matching Gifts
Alan and Karen Ram
Road Runner Sports
Jonathan and Brooke Salkoff
Scott and Ponneh Varho
$250 to $299
Sirina Alhassan
Ann and Robert Barth
Edward Bomsey and Rayna
Erica Bomsey and Chris Marrow
Michael Devine and Sonya Powell Good Food Company
Kimberly and Daniel Green
Stephanie and Troy Giese
Lorraine and John Hannon
Ittai Kan and Julia Karpeisky Rodney Lee and Neha Mehta Elizabeth Page
Marianne Prendergast Team At Long &
Progressive Pediatric Physical
Pulcinella The Italian Host
Donald and Judy Rembert
Eric and Sarah Ten Siethoff
Daniel and Rebecca Smith
Diana Smith
Gail and William Smith
John and Janet Tysse
Carolyn Walkley
$150 - $249
Lucy Allca
Allie and Ellen Ash
Mary Au and Tony Greco
Shannon Barrow and Mike Stark
Chuck Berlin and Carol
Deborah Chotner and Matt Van
Mac and Meg Clayton
Jon and Judith Gabel
David Harrison and Tena Nauheim
Jerry and Beth Harvey
James Hayes
Robert and Joan Huffstutler
Rosemary Inlow
Abby and Bernhard Knutsen
Mary and William Lewers
Severin Lourenco
Thomas and Charlotte Norwood
Daniela Ramirez
James and Nancy Scott
Louis and Julie Smith
Susan Whitmore
Liz White Tax Services
$100 - 149
Arthur and Susan Amchan
Joan Begelman
John and Deborah Blacksten
Alice and Ralph Braibanti
Karen Briscoe, Huckaby Briscoe Realty
Timothy Brown and Sally Larisch
Margaret and Edward CampbellJohnson
Carlton and Wendy Carroll
Arlette and Bob Cataldo
Chiro Health and Wellness
Nadine Cipriani
Lizzy Conroy, Huckaby Briscoe Conroy
Realty Group
DC Capital Striders Running
Edible Arrangements, Falls Church
Marc Feldman
Mary Frase
Gayle and David Greene
Ellen Herscowitz
Reginald and Maritzabel Hyde
Jason’s Deli
Deborah Lamar
Joe and Shirley LeForge
Allison and Jeremy Levy
Roye Lowry
Marsha and Dana Kaufman
Philip and Deborah Kratovil
Joan Morton
Kevin Moss and Amy
Sherry Mueller
Our Kids
Gerard Pelletier
Pillar To Post
Plan Ahead Events
Barry and Barbara Poretz
Reveal Remodel
Sarah and Lee Rock
Simmons Team Mortgage
Marcus and Rachel Simon
Susan and Laurence Schor
Jane Strauss
Mark Vibes
Charles Wesley United Methodist Church
Zinga Fronzen Yogurt
Zpizza Falls Church, LLC
$75 - $99
Jeanne and David Argoff
Dawn and Randall Bakken
Shawn and Elizabeth Barry
Troy Binkley and Megan Ling
Sheila and Kiran Duwadi
Zachary Emmons
Foundation Fitness
Karen Glick
Heidi and Dennis Harrison
Henry and Barbara Jasny
Miriam Kleiman and Jason
Michael and Susan Lerner
James and Ewa Nunno
James North
Sali Osman
Savant Capital Management
Sylvia Shenk
Teresa Terrones
Diane Wachtel
Women of St. Dunstan’s Episcopal
Leo Wyne
$50 - $74
AOL Matching Gifts Program
Brad Avery
Brenda Barnes
Rod and Virginia Barnes
John and Ellen Canova
Musio Catarino and Guadalupe
Dominos Pizza
Carrie and Matt Dougherty
Kristine and Tom Finkenbinder
Frederick and Jane Gilbert
Ann Gordon
Beverly Hill
Carol and Robert Hopper
Arthur and Amy Kales
Donald and Hope Kraus
Leigh Lam and Jihoon Sung Elizabeth and Richard Lee
Leslie and Roger Lesner
Jeff and Merianne Liteman
Harry and Betsy McAlpine
Beth and Paul Melby
Franklin and Elizabeth Michels
Nicholas Montes De Oca, ING
Financial Wendy Morton-Huddleston
Panera Bread Company
Safety and Health Foundation
Cathie Shattuck
Adam and Lani Stockwell
Nadia Tongour
Bill and Caroline Triplett
Ravikumar Vedantam and Sreevani
Steven and Susan Zimmet
$25 - $49
Usha Adiga and Sameer Ullal William and Fern Bekenstein
John and Elizabeth Bowen
Amy Breeman-Rhodes
Mary and Fred Brumfield
Oliver and Mary Carter
David and Anne Coia
Susy Coro
Susan and Barry Erber
Anne Glenzer and Joseph
Norma Grobman
Ethel Guerrero
Susan Hecht
Michael Hecht
Herbert and Ellen Herscowitz
Ellen Keck
Richard and Eleanor Linde
Christopher and Kelly Miller
Michael and Allyson McGill
Patrick and Cary O’Bryan
Adrienne and Sherman Reiner
Lizbet Reyes
Bernarda Rodriguez
James Scarborough
Clarine Schumkler
Marcia Steele
Gina Thorson
Elizabeth Townsend
Ana Ventura
Nancy Viracocha
William Wallace
Pearl and Ronald Waxman
Paula and Bill Whitacre
Diane White
Glenn Yarborough
$5 - $24
Ritza Diaz
Ganga Peiris and Eric Fernando
Ms. Freudenthal
Matt Galbraith
Victor and Patricia Kimm
Sachiko Izawa and Sylvain Lacroix
Frances and Thomas Palladini
Amelia and Jose Rojas
Anne Spear
Dale and Ruth Sorenson
David Snyder
Breakfast and Snack Providers Judi and Mike Alexander
Serena Alhassan
Mamie and Thomas Beers Erica Bomsey and Chris Marrow
Jessica and Thomas Craven
Dulin United Methodist Church, United
Met­hodist Women
Troy and Stephanie Giese
Kim and Daniel Green
David and Sarah Hagy
Deanna and Rob Heier
Sarah and Travis Holman
Immanuel Presbyterian Church,
Community Service & Action
Anhar Karimjee and David Travers
Christopher Ko and Cassie Kuo
Rodney Lee and Neha Mehta
Erendita Martinez and Wilber
Beth and Paul Melby
Lewinsville Presbyterian Church,
Presbyterian Women
McLean Baptist Church
Alan and Karen Ram
Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, St.
Dunstan’s Women
St. John’s Episcopal Church
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Temple Rodef Shalom, Sisterhood
Trinity United Methodist Church
Gloria Turner
Scott and Ponneh Varho
Charles Wesley United Methodist Church,
United Methodist Women
Winter Essentials For Children
Children’s Charities
Betty Boyle
Donated Goods for Teddy Bear 5K &
Tony Estrada Photography
Famous Dave’s BBQ
Giant Grocery Store
Great Harvest Bread Co.
McLean Women’s Book Club
Potomac River Running
Red Star
Road ID
Trader Joe’s Company
Vitalia MedSpa
Wegman’s Special Thanks to:
City of Falls Church Police Officers American Legion Post 130
Friends of the W&OD Trail
Carlton and Wendy Carroll
In Memory of Susan Kinnemann
Gail Smith
In Memory of Nancy Tyahla
Charles Wesley United Methodist Church
In Honor of LJ and Sally, and In Memory of
Leo Wyne
In Honor of Rod and Virginia Barnes
Brenda Barnes
In Honor of Lisa Shaffer
Savant Capital Management
In Honor of Nathan and Zachary Goodman
David Harrison and Tena Nauheim
In Honor of Aden’s musically gifted
grandfather, Howard Travers
David Travers and Anhar Karimjee
In Honor of Her Sister Aubrey Marrow’s 4th
Emily Marrow
In Honor of Aubrey Marrow’s 4th
Edward Bomsey and Rayna Aylward
In Honor of Alex and Olivia Brown
Timothy Brown and Sally Larisch
In Honor of Susan and Donald Poretz’s 50th
Ann and Robert Barth
In Honor of Susan Poretz for her Loving
Support of the Center
William and Fern Bekenstein
Pearl and Ronald Waxman
Tribute Gifts
In Memory of Virginia Smith
In Honor of Ms. Susy’s 10-Mile Run
Sameer Ullal and Usha Adiga
Lucy Allca
Kathy Banks
Maymie and Thomas Beers
Edward Bomsey and Rayna Aylward
Erica Bomsey and Chris Marrow
Renee Boyle
Jessica and Thomas Craven
Michael Devine and Sonya Powell
Carrie and Matt Dougherty
Zachary Emmons
Anne Glenzer and Joseph
Eric Fernando and Ganga Peiris
Sarah and David Hagy
Deanna and Rob Heier
Sachiko Izawa and Sylvain Lacroix
Mary Jackson
Abby and Bernhard Knutsen
Allison and Jeremy Levy
Rodney Lee and Neha Mehta
Susan and Donald Poretz
Daniela Ramirez
Lizbet Reyes
Ravikumar Vedantam and Sreevani
Scott and Ponneh Varho
Teresa Terrones
Gloria Turner
Ana Ventura
Kathleen Woodward
Thank You Donors for Our Outdoor
McLean Community Foundation
$750 - $1,000
JP Morgan Chase Foundation, Matching
Gift Program
Sara and Tim Shean and Family
$250 - $500
Divya Chadha and Naveen Joshi
Josh and Molly Gravholt
Deanna and Rob Heier
Anhar Karimjee and David Travers
$100 - $249
Mary Au and Tony and Michael Greco
Katherine Banks
Michael Devine and Sonya Powell
Erin Hammel
Mary Jackson
Abby and Bernhard Knutsen
Allison and Jeremy Levy
Sarah and Lee Rock
$50 - $99
Wilber Castillo and Erendita Martinez
Musio Catarino and Guadalupe
Sarah and David Hagy
Susan and Donald Poretz
Alan and Karen Ram
Daniela Ramirez
Gloria Turner
$37 - $49
Usha Adiga and Sameer Ullal
Renee Boyle
Suzy Coro
Ritza Ibania Diaz
Zachary Emmons
Bruce Heier
Patrick and Cary O’Bryan
Bernarda Rodriguez
William Wallace
In Honor of Mary Jackson’s 40th
A. Phoebe and Raymond Meyer
In Honor of Ms. Lucy
Ibonne Villarroel
In Honor of Ms. Gloria Turner
Michael and Allyson McGill
In Honor of Rainbow Room Teachers
Erin and Jason Carver
In Honor of the Staff
Elizabeth Page
In Honor Of Teachers Who Represented the
Center in the Devotion to Children 4-Miler
Renee Boyle
In Honor of Ed Bomsey’s 70th Birthday
Jeanne and David Argoff
Edward Bomsey and Rayna Aylward
Margaret and Edward Campbell-Johnson
Arlette and Bob Cataldo
Susan and Barry Erber
Marc Feldman
Susan Hecht
Michael Hecht
Beverly Hill
Carol and Robert Hopper
Donald and Hope Kraus
Jeff and Merianne Liteman
Leslie and Roger Lesner
Sherry Mueller
James North
Frances and Thomas Palladini
Adrienne and Sherman Reiner
Cathie Shattuck
Dale and Ruth Sorenson
Nadia Tongour
Paula and Bill Whitacre
In Honor of Velma Williams
A. Phoebe and Raymond Meyer
Special Thanks to Our
Therapeutic Service Providers Elizabeth Lopez-Lingeman, LPC,
LMFT, Bilingual Counselor
Mary Craver, MS, OTR/L Pediatric
Occupational Therapist
Speech and Language Center of
Northern Virginia
Support Our Program
How can you help?
Volunteer! The Children’s Center welcomes volunteers, 14 years or older, to help in
classrooms or with facility and grounds, technology, or fundraising. You can also serve on
any of our committees: human resources, finance, fundraising, governance, and program.
Contact Assistant Director Sandra Blanco, 703/534-4907.
Make a Tribute Gift in honor or memory of a friend or loved one or in thanks to
a special teacher. We’ll send a card informing the honoree or family member.
How can you give?
Donate online at www.FCMLCC.org
Mail a check payable to: Falls Church-McLean Children’s Center to: 7230 Idylwood
Road, Falls Church, VA 22043-2714.
Designate the Children’s Center for your workplace giving program: United Way
#8213 or Combined Federal Campaign #77346
Make a gift of securities or a life insurance policy. Contact the Center to advise us
of the gift.
Include the Falls Church-McLean Children’s Center in your will or estate plan.
Become a Friend of the Center as a Monthly Donor. Tell us the amount that’s
right for your budget and we’ll make the monthly charge to your credit card. Or set an
automatic charge at www.fcmlcc.org/donate.
How does your gift help?
class supplies for creative activities for a week.
a half hour of special therapy for 2 children.
hearing and vision screening for 35 preschoolers.
a healthy breakfast and 2 snacks a day for a week for 75 children.
a classroom for a special field trip and related activity.
a nutritious, hot lunch to 75 children for two weeks.
a scholarship for one child from a low-income, working
family to attend our year-round program.
The Evolving Teddy Bear 5K & 1K Walk/Run
The first Teddy Bear 5K & 1K Walk/Run was
held on Sunday, September 29, 2013, on the
W&OD Trail in Falls Church. The beautiful
autumn afternoon encouraged a greater turnout
than expected, 173 walkers and runners of
all ages, including several toddlers in strollers
exceeding the numbers of t-shirts and we had
The event netted $6,200 from registrations and
sponsorships, a promising beginning toward our
goal of replacing the $40,000 grant from the Freddie Mac Foundation that was phased out
following the nation’s mortgage crisis. We owe VA Delegate Marcus
Simon, a runner himself and an advocate for early childhood education,
for the idea of the 5K as well as his consistent sponsorship and participation as a runner, along with his daughter Emily.
We thank the many runners and sponsors who have helped grow the
event since that year. With the race now starting on our school site
with the 5K course thru Pimmit Hills neighborhood, we are looking
forward to making this year’s Teddy Bear 5K & 1K even bigger than
the last. Look for details at www.fcmlcc.org
Thank You Founding Sponsors...
Falls Church-McLean Children’s Center
7230 Idylwood Road • Falls Church, VA 22043
www.fcmlcc.org • fcmlcc@aol.com • 703/534-4907