March 2014 Sketch - Battle River School Division


March 2014 Sketch - Battle River School Division
Volume 82, Issue 7
March 2014
Design Studies Students Compete in National Design
by Eduarda Garcia – Design Studies 30
Design Studies students are taught a variety of skills. Students can create, produce
and design almost anything. Students enrolled in Mr. Angelstad’s Design Studies Program are gearing up for the DX Design Challenge. This Design competition is held in
Toronto & students choose from six categories – Industrial Design, Fashion Design,
Costume Design, Architecture / Landscape Design, Interior Design, and Graphic Design. Student work is judged by professional designers & put on display in the Design
Exchange Gallery for thousands to see.
Composite Sketch
Other students have been busy working on their projects and doing their best to succeed in design class. Christian Ford has used his skills in architecture & interior design to build a cabin for a client in British Columbia. He designed a wonderful cabin
based on client need and specifications, which was plotted in full size professional
blueprints. Christian has succeeded and impressed not only his client, but everyone in
class with his final project.
Allie Nielsen and I have also worked with clients in Design Studies. We developed
advertising for sport teams using 2D AutoCAD. This real world project allowed us to
implement our design skills always focusing on the hard work and also helped us understand the business of design. I really enjoy Design Studies because Mr. Angelstad
allows us to be independent and work on our interests. This is different for me because in my country – Brazil – we don’t have this option. The fact that we can use our
creativity to design anything we want is awesome. Students collaborate with each
other, always working hard but still having fun. Design Studies is a great course and I
think everyone should try it sometime.
Rico Boosyn has been involved with Mr. Angelstad’s 3D Design Studies program for 3
years “…as a grade 12 student going into engineering it wasn’t mandatory for me to
take Design Studies but after looking at the design program and how it carries over
into engineering and designing in real life it seemed like the smarter option to take. 3D
CAD is what I spent most of my time in, it’s a challenging program but the fact that you
can make anything you want is pretty unreal. Combining the CAD program with the 3D
printer adds even more to Design Studies and gives you the option to not only design
something on the computer but to physically see it and see how the CAD program
translates over into real life. With all that is possible in Design Studies it is definitely
one of the more unique options at CCHS.”
If you want to know more about Design Studies see Mr. Angelstad or any Design
Studies student – better yet – stop by the Design Lab & check out what it’s all about.
Challenge Day A Success
CCHS is pleased to say
that we successfully completed another Challenge
Day on February 19,
2014. The 150 student
and adult participants experienced a day of learning and accepting each
other, building positive
self esteem, and removing all types of oppression within our school
and community. A huge
thank you goes out to all
the students of CCHS
and the adult facilitators
for participating with such
enthusiasm. We would
also like to thank the people who generously sponsored the event, The
Camrose Rotary Club,
The Camrose Daybreak
Rotary Club, Enerplus,
and the Camrose Sports
Development Society.
The Challenge Day
Organizing Committee
Textbook Roundup
We are well into the second
semester but still on the hunt
for over due first semester
textbooks and English novels….Mail notices have been
sent out, email notices and
phone calls have been made.
Please make an effort to look
for and return these books.
After 6 months they are declared lost and sent to collections.
Humanitarian Trip to Uganda
Ten Camrose and area residents will be visiting the Bosiru
district of Uganda during Spring
Break 2014. The Team, including Val Krushel, will interact with
local residents at schools, medical clinics, and churches, and
will be taking donations of clothing, medical and school sup-
plies, as well as children's craft activities.
Pictured here are Ashley Zubkowski and Val
Krushel, with bracelets
handcrafted by Ashley
to be shared with the
children in Uganda.
Ashley and Mrs. Krushel
The trip to Uganda will
take place April 2-15. If
anyone is interested in
more details, or in donating to the projects to be
undertaken by the Team,
contact Val Krushel in
the office.
CCHS Music Department and Music Parents Association Presents
(A big band „chili‟ experience!)
Individual $10.00
Family (immediate) $35.00
Preschoolers FREE!
A smorgasbord supper featuring different types of
chili and desserts. Please bring your own dishes, etc
as this is an “environmentally conscious” event 
Dinner music provided by CCHS JAZZ ENSEMBLE,
CHORAZZ! (a vocal jazz group), CCHS JAZZ
COMBO, and guests
Tickets available from any CCHS band member,
CCHS school office and in limited numbers at the
Music Notes
Music Variety at CCHS
Students who would like to learn
more about music should consider
adding a music course to their
schedule for next year. The CCHS
Music Department offers a variety
of courses in instrumental music
(band), voice training (choral music), and guitar. There are also opportunities to participate in extracurricular performing groups.
These include instrumental and vocal jazz in addition to band/choral
Travel is a vital party of the CCHS
music program as well. The bands,
CCHS Chorus and Chorazz! All
tour annually and participate in
competitions beyond Camrose. See
Mr. Spila for more information on
getting involved in one of the many
music programs offered at CCHS.
Congratulations to 8 CCHS music
students who were accepted in the
Northern Alberta Honor Band recently. They participated in 2 days
of rehearsal under the direction of
Dr. Angela Schroeder from the U of
A and then performed n a concert
on Sunday, Feb9 along with the
University of Alberta Concert Band
and Wind Ensemble. Students involved this year included: Haley
Clarke (flute), Regan Clarke (flute),
Gina Rupert (flute), Stephanie Olson (clarinet), Matthew Andreassen
(alto saxophone), Danielle McAfee
(alto saxophone), Carson Hvenegaard (trumpet), and Rachel
Wills (trumpet).
Congratulations also to the CCHS
Jazz Combo who performed at the
opening gala evening for the
Nordlys Film & Art Festival Feb
Music Calendar
Mar 2 = Some Like it Hot! (chili
Supper/jazz night)
Mar 20 = Concert Band at Alberta
International Band
Festival (Edmonton)
Mar 22-24 = Camrose Music
Festival Week
Apr 24-27 = Chorazz! At Canadian
Rocky Mountain Festival
Music Parents Association
The music students are working hard and
preparing for upcoming events. Camrose
and District Music Festival dates are tentatively set. Choral classes will be held Tuesday, March 25 and band and instrumental
classes will be Wednesday, March 26. Parent volunteers are needed for the tours. If
you are able to volunteer for Canadian
Rocky Mountain Festival April 24-27, 2014
or the Jasper tour May 15-17, 2014, please
let Mr. Spila know. We are also looking for
a parent who has access to a van who can
transport extra luggage and instruments to
Banff for the Rocky Mountain Festival.
Fundraising opportunities are available to
off –set tour costs. Grocery vouchers are
available at Richardson’s Jewellery. Vouchers are no longer available at LaScala. We
appreciate all their past support of the grocery store fundraiser! New opportunities are
coming up. Information on Tupperware
will be sent home soon. Fundscrip is now
available. Please see brochure attached to
the newsletter for further information.
Questions may be forwarded to Dwayne at
780-781-7495. Order forms are accessible
online through the Fundscrip website or
available from Mr. Spila by request. Camrose Bottle Depot fundraiser is also ongoing-just provide them with your student’s
name when you take in your empty bottles
for refunds.
Watching Women take the Gold in Olympic Hockey at Sochi
V O L U M E 8 2, I S S U E 7
Page 7
Brandon Kroeger of Battle River Community Foundation donated $540.00 to the Music Program , receiving is Curtis Mokry and
Taylor Johnson and Mr. Spila
Just a small contingent of staff and students that wore pink shirts in support of Anti Bullying day Feb 26th
Periodically, general school information is
sent home with students to inform parents/
guardians of events happening at the school.
In an effort to ensure that this information gets
home and to also reduce the amount of paper
used by the school, we would like to give parents/guardians the opportunity to receive this
information electronically.
If you would like to receive general communications electronically, please send your email
address to Additionally, please visit the Camrose Composite High
School website at
Tuesday, June 3rd
at the
Camrose Public Library
6:30—8:00 pm
Curling Team going to Zones in
Lauren Matiushyk, Taylor Johnson, Austin Anderson & Cole Adamson
Coached by: Tom Matiushyk
New policy at CCHS starting immediately,
all visitors to the school will be required to
sign in and out at the office.