Also known as "The Black National Anthem" - OCAC-CA


Also known as "The Black National Anthem" - OCAC-CA
February 25, 2012
Greetings in the spirit of Celebration!
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the First Annual Impact Awards Luncheon! I would like to
express my sincere appreciation for your support, generosity, and presence as we come together to
salute our 2012 Impact Award Honorees.
Orange County is a diverse community with many unsung heroes. As we honor the six that will receive
awards today, we know that there are countless individuals and organizations that are standing with them in
spirit. We are humbled by their dedicated service which inspires others to extend more of themselves. We
are also proud to bring attention to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Five Programmatic Thrusts of Educational
Development, Political Awareness and Involvement, International Awareness and Involvement, Physical and
Mental Health and Economic Development. It takes the concerted efforts of all who are committed to
improving our community across these five areas to make the IMPACT that is needed. Thank you, honorees
for your commitment to service!
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., is dedicated to providing scholarships to deserving youth in our communities.
Our Impact Awards Luncheon proceeds will enable our chapter to provide scholarships to our youth which
will allow us to continue making an IMPACT for generations to come.
Please visit our webpage at
www.orangecountydst for our scholarship information and applications. Share it with young people you feel
may need our support.
On behalf of Orange County Alumnae Chapter thank you and welcome to our inaugural Impact event!
Jacqueline Thompson, President
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
February 25, 2012
On behalf of the 1st Annual Impact Awards Committee we welcome you. We are
ecstatic over the response to the first ever IMPACT awards benefitting our scholarship
programs. We want to express our sincere appreciation for your support and attendance.
The idea for this event was born out of our chapter’s desire to, “Give honor to whom
honor is due.” Romans 13-7. Certainly all of our honorees are more than deserving of
our admiration and applause. It is with hearts of gratitude that we congratulate and
celebrate them today.
The creativity of our community is a reflection of our tenacity and strength. We are
proud to offer for auction two internationally acclaimed pieces of art that were donated to
our cause. Charles Bibbs and Martino Dorce’ both internationally renowned artists have
graciously donated artwork that resonates and empowers, while documenting our
struggle and daily lives. We hope that their work will inspire you to dig deep in support of
scholarships. We look forward to a lively auction and thank you in advance for your
participation and generous support.
As we celebrate Black History Month, a critical part of the vision for the IMPACT Awards
was to provide local artist , artisans and entrepreneurs a platform to showcase their talent,
skills, crafts and products. To that end, we have provided vendor opportunities and
booths located in the lobby area. Music for our event is provided by nationally
recognized, Miltda Haywood, who is an NAACP Image Award Winner for her musical
gifts. We are honored to provide the Orange County Community with another way to
celebrate and recognize Black History Month.
On behalf of the Orange County Alumnae Chapter Impact Awards Committee, we
want to thank all of our sponsors and a supporters, without you none of this would be
possible! Congratulations to all our honorees and may the light of happiness shine on
you as you continue to IMPACT the world!
Inger Kent,
2012 IMPACT Awards Chair
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established
programs in local communities throughout the world. A sisterhood of more than 200,000 predominately Black college educated women, the
Sorority currently has over 900 chapters located in the United States, England, Japan (Tokyo and Okinawa), Germany, the Virgin Islands, Bermuda,
the Bahamas and the Republic of Korea. The major programs of the sorority are based upon the organization's Five Point Programmatic Thrust:
Economic Development
Educational Development
International Awareness and Involvement
Physical and Mental Health
Political Awareness and Involvement
The Sorority was founded in 1913 by 22 students at Howard University. These young women wanted to use their collective strength to promote
academic excellence; to provide scholarships; to provide support to the underserved; educate and stimulate participation in the establishment of
positive public policy; and to highlight issues and provide solutions for problems in their communities.
The organizational structure and governance of the Sorority is invested in the Grand Chapter, which meets in National Convention biennially.
Regional Conferences are held in the seven geographic regions of the organization during non-convention years. In the interim, the Executive
Board, consisting of elected and appointed members, acts to establish and implement policies, as needed. A paid professional staff, under the
leadership of the Executive Director, operates the National Headquarters office in Washington, D.C.
The Orange County Alumnae Chapter (OCAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., was introduced to
the community in 1978. Members of the Chapter are college graduates, representing all facets of
professional life. The experiences of our members form a rich network which has a solid
commitment to community service in the areas of : Educational Development, Economic
Development, Physical & Mental Health, Political Awareness and Involvement, and International
Awareness and Involvement.
In our Chapter’s over thirty years of serving Orange County, we have provided over $200,000 in
scholarship awards to deserving students in addition to providing a myriad of exciting youth-focused
programs. The Chapter also partners with local and national non-profits and charities to improve life
for Orange County’s most needy.
Today, OCAC has over forty active members 100% of which are registered voters. Last year, the
sorority introduced Becoming A Responsible Teen (B.A.R.T.) program and also partnered with
National Council of Negro Women to host it’s bi-annual Women’s Health Symposium. Members of
our local chapter have also attended Delta Days at the UN as well as Delta Days in our Nation’s
Capital. We continue to strive to broaden our scope and impact by developing on-going
partnerships and programs that enrich our community.
Sisterhood, Scholarship & Service
2011-2012 OFFICERS
CHAPTER PRESIDENT - Jackie Thompson, 1st VICE PRESIDENT - Gerry Morgan, 2nd VICE PRESIDENT - Chantal Lugo, FINANCIAL
SECRETARY - Adrienne Matthews, TREASURER - Barbara Bagneris, RECORDING SECRETARY - Caryn Lewis-Bugg, Esq.,
HISTORIAN - Natasha West, CHAPLAIN - Dolores Ealy-O'Neal
Valerie Green-Amos, M.D., Barbara Bagneris, Belinda Bender, Shirley Berry, Niquell Burks, Shawna Chambers, Betty Colquitt,
Tricia Crosby-Cooper, Ph.D., Dolores Ealy-O’Neal, Janeya Griffin, Linda Hammond, Ph.D., DeVera Heard, Ed.D., Adleane Hunter,
Martha Ikner, Jennifer Jackson, Nancy Justiss, Aileen Kennedy, Inger Kent, Ed.S., Jerilyn King-Brown, Karen Lewis-Bugg, Chantal Lugo,
Janice Macon, Adrienne Matthews, Pharm. D., LaVerne Matthews, Mary McCurdy, Pamela Middleton, M.D., Sharon Middleton,
Tamara Middleton, Jerry Morgan, Joan Powell, Elizabeth Pringle-Hornsby, Jenese Reid, Harriet Russell, Rev, Hermia Shegog-Whitlock,
Felicia Stewart, Jacqueline Thompson, Sylvia Turner, Mildred Watson, Natasha West, M.D.,
Tonya Whiteside,
Jacqueline Wyatt-Gray, Katrice Yokely
Inger M. Kent, Ed.S., Chair
Joan Powell, Co-Chair
Valerie Green-Amos, M.D., Barbara Bagneris, Shirley Berry, Niquell Burks, Caryn Lewis-Bugg, Esq., Tricia Crosby-Cooper, Ph.D.,
Adrienne Matthews, Pharm. D., Pamela Middleton, M.D., Dolores Ealy-O’Neal, Jacqueline Thompson
Also known as "The Black National Anthem"
by James Weldon Johnson
Lift ev'ry voice and sing,
Till earth and heaven ring.
Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise,
High as the list'ning skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
Let us march on till victory is won.
Stony the road we trod,
Bitter the chast'ning rod,
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
Yet with a steady beat,
Have not our weary feet,
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered,
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,
Out from the gloomy past,
Till now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.
God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
Thou who has brought us thus far on the way;
Thou who has by Thy might,
Led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,
Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee,
Shadowed beneath thy hand,
May we forever stand,
True to our God,
True to our native land.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Farwest Regional Director
Sandra Phillips Johnson of Henderson, NV, was elected the 28th Farwest Regional Director in July 2011. She is
the first Nevadan to serve in this historic position.
Ms. Phillips Johnson has been an active member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority for 36 years and has supported
the sorority in a wide variety of positions. She has received numerous awards and honors at the local, regional
and national levels. Most recently, she is the Past President of the Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter, where
membership more than doubled to over 200 during her four years of leadership. She just completed a two-year
term on the National Program Planning & Development Committee and was co-chair of the International
Awareness & Involvement Committee. She has also been Chair of the Delta Academy, member of the Farwest
Leadership Team under many administrations, Delegate on the Mission Trips to South Africa & Swaziland,
delegate for Delta Days at the Nation’s Capital, and is an often sought after speaker for chapters around the
United States.
In addition to her work with Delta Sigma Theta, she has been very involved in the Las Vegas Community. Ms.
Phillips Johnson received a Masters Degree with Honors in Economics from the University of Nevada Las Vegas
(UNLV) and has over twenty-five years of experience in strategic planning and program implementation, both in
a professional and a volunteer capacity. She helped to charter and led over six years as Board Chair of Delta
Education and Leadership Training Academy (DeltaEd), a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that teaches life skills
to youth; is 1stVP of the UNLV Alumni Association and serves on the Nevada Kids Count Advisory Board. She
has been a faithful UNLV Foundation supporter and has served on the UNLV College of Business Alumni Board.
She has also been the Associate Director, Center for Business and Economic Research, and an Adjunct Professor
of Economics at UNLV. She is a member of First Christian Church, and served on the Congregational Board,
sings in the choir and supports the God’s Groceries Food Pantry. She has received numerous awards, including
the National Action Network’s Women Changing America award and recognitions for service by the City of Las
Vegas and the City of Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
Sandra Phillips Johnson was born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. She has two sisters, Sheila Phillips Hawes, Esq. and
Robin Phillips Perry, M.D., as well as a brother, Japhas Andrew Gordon, II. She is a daughter of a Delta Woman,
Mrs. Lola Davis Gordon. Ms. Phillips Johnson is married to an Omega Man, Charles W. Johnson, who retired as a
senior executive from a Fortune 100 corporation and also served as the Interim President of his Alma Mater, Fisk
University, providing Ms. Phillips Johnson the opportunity to serve as First Lady from 1998-99.
She is inspired by many writings, one by George Washington Carver which says, “How far you go in life depends
on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant
of the weak and the strong; because someday in your life you will have been all of these.”
J.J. King has been involved with many civic, political, and social organizations in his 47 years in
Orange County. He most recently served the community as the Southern California District
Chair for the Martin Luther King, Jr., National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. In past years J.J.
served as Chairman of the Labor and Industry Committee for the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Orange County Chapter. In the late 1960’s, he was
the Assistant Manager for the “Jesse Berry for School Board” campaign that successfully elected
the first African-American into a political office in Orange County. J.J. was a charter member
and treasurer for the Orange County Black Business Men’s Association, and a charter member
of the “Second Edition,” Orange County’s first Black newspaper. In addition, J.J. was the founding President of the Southern
California Military Retirees, President of the Western Medical Association’s Board at Santa Ana Hospital, and was a Board
Member of the Santa Ana Kiwanis Club. He also was on the Formation Committee for the Orange County Human Relations
For many years, one of J.J.’s favorite activities has been participating as a member of the Robert Allen Laymen Male Chorus at Santa Ana’s historical 2nd Baptist Church, one of the original African-American churches in Orange County. An avid
golfer, J.J. King is retired after serving as an administrator for 21 years for the Rancho Santiago Community College District on
the campus of Santa Ana College. A family man, J.J. is married to Janice, and they have two adult children, Jerilyn KingBrown and Raymond Robinson.
Dr. Jefferson-Freeman graduated from Jordan High School in 1970 as
Co-Valedictorian and continued her education at Pomona College in Claremont where
she received a B.A. in Psychology. She completed her graduate studies at Wright Institute,
L.A., where she received her Ph. D in Social-Clinical Psychology in 1985. Dr. JeffersonFreeman has worked with children throughout her career. Her official training and love for
social work began in 1982 where she first worked at MacClaren Children’s Center as a
treatment counselor and then on to be a Social Worker for two years for the Los Angeles
County. Prior to this, she worked as a street gang counselor for the city of Los Angeles assigned to the Jorden Down’s Housing Project.
In 1989, Dr. Jefferson-Freeman ventured out and founded the Fred Jefferson Memorial Homes for Boys. She loved children
and wanted to provide a quality home-like environment for children in need of out of home placement. She has operated up
to five group homes at one time. In 1995, she opened the Fred Jefferson Foster Family Agency where families are certified
and trained to provide out of home care for children removed from their birth homes due to abuse/neglect. In 1996 she
opened Freeman Enrichment Center, a non-public school, designed to provide a nurturing educational program for children
with special educational needs coupled with behavioral problems.
In 2004 she received the ‘Ronald Regan Gold Medal Award”. In 2005 she was nominated as Business Woman of the
year by President Bush. Dr. Jefferson has been recognized by the Los Angeles Business Journal as one of the “top 100
Women-Owned businesses within Los Angeles County. Although she has been recognized for her effortless endeavors with
the Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernadino Sacramento, and Las Vegas areas, Dr. Jefferson was installed June 28, 2006 by King
Otun Yeye Moken Zebu-Ife and the government of Nigeria as Chief Yeye Moken-Oodua Ijebu-Ife in recognition of her
persistent work within the Nigeria community aiding in the progression of education and empowering women in owning
their own businesses. This honor is celebrated throughout Nigeria and Yoruba Kingdom that extends to Brazil, Jamaica, and
Helen Forbes’ career in the hospitality industry spans 15 years. Her current assignment as
General Manager of the Anaheim Fairfield Inn By Marriott began in April 2003.
Her experience in the hospitality industry includes the following positions: Director of Human Resources, Torrance Marriott, 2000-2003; General Manager, Placentia Residence Inn,
1999-2000; General Manager, Placentia Fairfield Inn, 1996-1999. Prior to joining Marriott International, Helen ran her own management consulting firm, Forbes Management Services,
for 9 years in Orange County. Additionally, she served as General Manager and VP of Operations for Rogers Cable TV, and worked in the telecommunications industry, serving in numerous management positions with Pacific Bell and AT&T.
Mrs. Forbes is a board member of the Anaheim/Orange County Hotel and Lodging Association. She recently was selected to participate on the Marriott Advisory Board for Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC). She serves on the advisory councils of the hospitality and leadership development programs at Orange Coast College. Mrs. Forbes’ community
service passion is filled through her membership with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, a public service sorority, and Orange
County Chapter of The Links, Incorporated.
A native Californian, Mrs. Forbes is a graduate of UCLA, with a major in Political Science-Public Administration specialization. She and her husband, Fred, have been married for 42 years. They enjoy traveling, the performing arts, sports, movie
going, and an active social life with family and friends. Their son is married and has 3 daughters and 1 son, and are the
pride and joy of their grandparents.
A recognized health care leader in Southern California, Keith Wilson, MD has over twentyfive years of experience in the health care industry; twenty of which have been with Talbert
Medical Group. Under Dr. Wilson’s strategic leadership as President, Chairman, and CEO
(1996-2010), Talbert became one of the first medical groups to implement a fully integrated
electronic medical records system in 2005. Shortly thereafter, Talbert became the first
medical group in the nation to share electronic medical records with a hospital partner.
Other significant contributions Dr. Wilson made to Talbert Medical Group’s fortitude and
community presence include the 2008 opening of Talbert’s first Physical Therapy and
Fitness Center specifically devoted to seniors and developed in partnership with Healthways
SilverSneakers™. In September of 2009, Talbert Surgical Associates, an ambulatory surgical
center serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties, opened its doors. Today, Talbert Medical
Group continues to offer progressive programs and services to its patients. Always a forward thinker and cognizant of the upcoming changes in health care, Dr. Wilson worked
diligently to align Talbert with a strong health care performer and one closely supporting Talbert Medical Group’s vision
and values. To that end, Dr. Wilson orchestrated a merger with HealthCare Partners in May of 2010. Today, Dr. Wilson
serves as the Regional Medical Director of the newly formed Talbert Medical Group, Region 6 within HealthCare Partners.
Dedicated to the communities he serves, Dr. Wilson takes an active part in committees and forums affecting the
groups he represents: be they patients, Talbert Medical Group, or the community at large. Recently the State of
California’s Department of Managed HealthCare selected him to be the Chairman of the Financial Standards Solvency
Board due to his extensive experience and leadership in the health care industry. Dr. Wilson provides this important
group with expertise vital to the issues continuing to address the delivery of health care services to Californians. This
expertise also led Dr. Wilson to Washington, DC in June 2010 where he presented "Hardwiring Your ACO the California
Way” at the National Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Summit. In May, 2011, Dr. Wilson testified before the
Congressional Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health.
Reverends Mark and Hermia “Mia” Whitlock, married 27+ years, have
committed their lives to serving God and the Church. Rev. Mark is the
proud pastor of Christ Our Redeemer AME (COR) Church in Irvine, CA
and Executive Director, Cecil Murray Center for Community Engagement, University of Southern California. Rev. Mia serves as COR Chief Operating Officer, leads several church ministries, and acts in her unofficial
capacity as “First Lady.” Their combined passion for the community has
resulted in enormous programs and projects that benefit all the places
where they have served and worked. Pastor Mark’s business acumen
coupled with Reverend Mia’s legal
background has allowed the
Lord to use them in many areas but most prominently in educating the
community about opportunities and programs to help improve the quality of life from health and wellness to legal redress and economic development – The Reverends Mark and Mia Whitlock are making an IMPACT
in the community.
Before his full-time call to the ministry, Pastor Mark served as the founder and executive director of FAME
Renaissance, the economic development arm of First AME Church, Los Angeles. As the executive director,
Pastor Mark raised over one hundred million dollars in grants, loans, and contracted service initiatives that
created over four thousand jobs in South Los Angeles. Under his leadership, FAME Renaissance Venture Capital
Fund and Commercial Loan programs funded over two hundred small businesses. FAME Renaissance’s Home
Loan Program has created over two hundred new homeowners and has trained over two thousand home
loan candidates.
Pastor Mark is a member of several Boards of Directors including the Harvard Divinity School’s Summer
Leadership Institute, Fuller Theological Seminary, The Red Cross, Orange County Human Relations Commission,
First American Title Corporation, Genesis Los Angeles, and the University of Southern California Passing the
Mantle Program. He is a former California State and Los Angeles City Commissioner.
After graduating cum laude from Walnut Hills High School in Cincinnati, OH, Rev. Mia earned a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Communication Studies with honors from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL and a
Doctor of Law Degree from the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. Upon retirement from practice in 2010 she
was Senior Counsel, i.e., served as a “mini-general counsel” for Northrop Grumman’s Network Communications
and Ground Systems business units in San Diego and Redondo Beach, CA, and real estate counsel for its
Information Systems sector.
Rev. Mia’s community and service work and awards include, a 2007 Citizenship Award for Jurisprudence
from the Orange County Branch of the N.A.A.C.P.; 2006 Woman of the Year, for the National Negro Council of
Women, Orange County Section; and Jack & Jill of America, Inc.—Los Angeles Chapter, for which she served as
Chaplain, Regional Teen Conference chaperone, and Parenting Workshop Chair for the 38th National
As they work to IMPACT the community through love and support of the church and one another, they delight
in their church family and the ability to be God’s foot soldiers. The Reverends Mark and Mia Whitlock have two
sons and two grandchildren. Please visit the Church’s website to learn more of their amazing ministry,
community programs, and honors too numerous to list.
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Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to the
2012 Impact Awards Committee:
Barbara Bagneris
Shirley Berry
Niquell Burks
Valerie Green-Amos
Caryn Lewis-Bugg
Tricia Crosby-Cooper
Adrienne Matthews
Pamela Middleton
Dolores Ealy-O’Neal,
Jacqueline Thompson
Your dedication and zeal helped to make our
IMPACT Awards a success!
Inger & Joan
The Anaheim Fairfield Inn by Marriott
wishes to congratulate and offer best
wishes to the Orange County Alumnae
Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
Inc., on its 1 Annual Impact Awards
Anaheim Fairfield Inn By Marriott - 1460 S. Harbor Blvd.
Anaheim, CA 92802 – (714) 772-6777
Sisterhood, Scholarship & Service
Congratulations to
on making an
IMPACT in the Community
Christal Foster
LA South Bay Alumnae Chapter
Best wishes for a most memorable
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
on your
Soror Amber Wilton
Diana Foster
Lancaster Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
Presents The
1st Annual Impact Awards
Welcome…………..…………………………………………………………………………….…………………….....……..Inger Kent, Chair, Impact Awards
Song…………………………………………………………………………………….………….Black National Anthem, by James Welden Johnson
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….……….………Valerie Green-Amos, M.D.,
Mistress of Ceremonies
OCAC at a Glance……………………………………………………………………………………..…………….……..Jacqueline Thompson, President
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
Invocation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………….Dolores Ealy-O’Neal, Chaplin
Lunch is served
IMPACT Poem…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……..…………..Written by Inger Kent,
Performed by Jenese Reid
Introduction of Keynote Speaker……….……………………………………………………………………………………..……….......Barbara Bagneris,
Past National Second Vice President
Keynote Speaker……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Sandra Phillips Johnson
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated, Farwest Regional Director
Presentation of Orange County’s Unsung Heroes
Political Awareness and Involvement…………………………………………………………………….……………………………….…….....James “J.J.” King
International Awareness and Involvement ………………………………………………………………………Cecilia Jefferson-Freeman, Ph.D.
Economic Development ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………...Helen Forbes
Educational Development………………………………………………………………………...…………….………Reverends Mark and Mia Whitlock
Physical and Mental Health………..………………………………………………………………………………………..……………….…………..Keith Wilson, MD
Overarching………………………………………………………………………………………………………....Webster Guillory, Orange County Assessor
Live Art Auction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………….…….…………….Inger Kent
Closing Remarks………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……....……………..Inger Kent and Joan Powell
Chair & Co-Chair, Impact Award
Impact Awards Sponsors:
Wal– Mart
Christ Our Redeemer AME Church
Fletcher Jones Motor Cars
Special Thanks to;
Sandra Phillips Johnson, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated, Farwest Regional Director
Anaheim Marriott Suites
Matilda Haywood, NAACY Image Award Winner, Keys & Vocal Stylist
Gerry Morgan , Flowers
CJ Latimore, Unique Awards
Charles Bibbs, Artist
Martino Dorce’, Artist
Louis Brooks, Photographer
Congratulations OCAC
Pearls of Orange County
2012 Impact Awards
2012 Impact Awards
Erica Melbourne
Century City Alumnae Chapter
Joyce Williams
San Diego Alumnae Chapter
Dear Soror Barbara Bagneris & OCAC,
May your 2012 Impact Awards be
everything you imagined.. Best wishes
for a wonderful event!
Aisha Childs
LA South Bay Alumnae Chapter
Congratulations OCAC on your
Cynthia G. Hunter
LA South Bay Alumnae Chapter
OCAC & Honorees on the
First Annual
Mary Etta Designs
Impact Awards
Mary Etta McCurdy
Window Fashions Certified Professional
Anaheim Hills, CA
714-974-6571 p/f
714-309-2783 c
Inger M. Kent,
Co-Chair, Impact Awards
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
Most Dynamic, Awe Inspiring
Sorors of Orange County Alumnae
Congratulations on a Splendid
1st Annual Impact Awards!
Soror Valerie Green-Amos, M.D.
Congratulations to J.J. King and
Soror Helen Forbes as unsung
Heroes of our Community. Your
achievements have made a
difference in the lives of many.
We celebrate you both as
Honorees for the 2012 Impact
Awards from the Orange County
Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority, Incorporated.
Tamara Middleton
J.J. King
Political Awareness and
Thank you for the “Impact “
that you have made in the
Orange County Community!
Sharon Middleton
Congratulations to all the
Honorees for your tireless
service to the Orange County
Community. Your dedication
to uplifting the community
will have an IMPACT for years
to come.
Martha Ikner
Orange County Alumnae
Jerilyn & Janice
Thank You,
Your Impact
Our community!!!
Jackie Thompson
President, OCAC
In Honor of the Belden Family
Congratulations to the members of the Orange
County Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Annual Impact Awards 2012
Everyone can be great because anybody can
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Gertrude “Gerry” Belden
In Honor of the Smith/Richards Family
Congratulations to the members of the
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Annual Impact Awards 2012
Love runs through our families,
Reaches hearts and lives,
connecting distant members over
Congratulations OCAC on such a wonderful
miles and time,
Tribute Event. When I am a DELTA, I will help to
Through memories.
salute those who have lead the way for us all.
Inspired by Maya Angelou
Kudos to all the honorees from
Shirley Richards Berry
Tabitha Louise Szczesny
(Dr. DeVera Heard’s grand-daughter)
Congratulations to the
Pearls of Orange County
On your
Pamela Middleton, MD
Marion White RHPV Chapter
Congratulations to the Orange County Alumnae
Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta on your 1st Annual Impact Awards!
With Love and Sisterhood,
Soror Anita Green
Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter
Certified GAPS Practitioner
Holistic Medicine
Nutritional Medicine
to my dear
Friend & Soror
Darkness can not drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Martin Luther King
Your light and love has made an
IMPACT on all who know you!
Soror Paulette Mostiller Fredrick,
Los Angeles Alumnae
Your dedication and love for the
community has been an
inspiration to me.
Soror LeVerne Matthews
Rolling Hills/ Palos Alumnae
Congratulations to the Sorors of
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
Congratulates LaVerne and OCAC
for a great job on your 1st Annual
Impact Awards!
On your
First Annual Impact Awards
Your service to your community impacting the lives of the
youth and community is truly appreciated and remarkable.
Welcome to our Fearless Farwest Region Leader,
Sandra Phillips Johnson
Soror Kimberly Usher
Rolling Hills/Palos Alumnae Chapter
Soror Cynthia Giddens Hunter
Member, Farwest Region Nominating Committee
Los Angeles South Bay Alumnae Chapter
Kudos Helen!
You are an amazing and generous woman whose
Light shines bright.Your service to others has
had a positive IMPACT on the citizens of
Orange County and beyond.
We are blessed by the gift of your presence in our
The Greens: Ron, Jennie, Justin,Laurence,
Miles,Julian, Michelle, Lauren and Baby Noah.Julian
Congratulations to Inger Kent and
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
on your
Ericka J. Hudson,
Inkster Alumnae Chapter
Congratulations to Inger Kent
and Orange County Alumnae
Chapter on it’s 1st annual impaCt
LaTonia Clark George
Northwest Arkansas Area
Alumnae Chapter
Alice Yu
The Southern California Conference
Women In Ministry of the African
Methodist Episcopal Church
Pastor Mark and
Rev. Hermia Shegog-Whitlock
on their well-deserved Impact Award!
Rev. Felicia R. Bagneris, SCCWIM,
Coordinator and member,
Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc.
to my Sister and Soror
Impact 2012 Honorees &
and the
Orange County Alumnae Chapter of
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.
and the twins
‘’Greatness is not measured by what a man or
woman accomplishes, but by the opposition
he or she has overcome to reach his goals.”
Dr. Dorothy Irene Height
“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.”
African Proverb
Joan Durnell-Powell
Co-Chair Impact Awards
Sorors in the
Orange County Alumnae Chapter of
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.,
Reverends Mark and Mia Whitlock
on making an
IMPACT in the community
2012 IMPACT Award recipients.
Martha and Mathurin Daniel
Secretary, OCAC
Hair Stylist
Award Shows
Congratulations to my lovely
Soror Helen Forbes
On her receipt of the
Studio Hairstylist
Photo Shoots
Delta Sigma Theta
Orange County Chapter
Specializing & Promoting
Healthy Hair Care
Chemical Services (color, relaxers)
Natural Styles (Twist, Strawsets, Etc.)
Press & Curl
2012 Impact Award
You have always been an
inspiration to me.
With much love,
Soror Gerry Morgan
National Council of Negro Women Inc.
Congratulations to
LaVern Matthews
and the
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
Orange County Section
Congratulates our affiliate the
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
on your
Annual Impact Award 2012
Mission Statement
NCNW promotes education, ethnic pride, self-development,
achievement, and cultural enrichment for African American women, and
their families and communities.
Essie Jeffries,
Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter
Meetings are the 3rd Sunday of each month at the
Downtown Community Center at 250 East Center
Street Anaheim, CA 92805 from 2:30PM to 4:00 PM
P. O Box 1283 Anaheim CA 92815-1283 Telephone:
(714) 578-1006
Congratulations to the 2012 Impact
Award Honorees.
Your contributions to the Orange
County community and beyond are
Jessie Uncanin, Independent Representative
Janice Macon,
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
Cell: (949) 648-6258
Like it...Place an online order today!
Congratulations Sorors of Orange
County Alumnae Chapter on your
1st Annual Impact Awards
Congratulations to The
Orange County
Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta
Soror Marion T. White
Soror Mildred L. Watson
& Family
Ritual & Ceremonies Commissioner
Congratulations to the
Impact Award Recipients
All the best to you in all of your
Damon & Felicia Alexander (Member
OCAC) & Family
Soror Harriet Russell
Congratulations to you and OCAC on your
On your
Soror Ajai Cribbs,
Soror Dawnyulle K. Russell
San Francisco Peninsula Alumnae Chapter,
San Francisco Peninsula
Pledged: Omicron Gamma Chapter
Spring 2003
Nine Jewels of Destiny
#7 Triple-A
Gouvion & Grant Dentistry
Caring for our patients dental health
Orange County Alumnae Chapter
for 3 generations!
and the
2012 Impact Award Honorees
Dolores Ealy-O’Neal
OCAC, Chaplin
18124 Culver Dr. Suite H Irvine, CA
Meeting your Assessment, Consultation, and
Intervention Needs
Tricia Crosby-Cooper, Ph.D.
575 Anton Blvd
Suite 300
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel. (714) 202-2564
Tel. (866) 275-2026
“A life is not important except in the impact it
has on other lives.”
Adleane Hunter
Carolyn Macias
Cheryl Williams
Della Brenson
Jennie Spencer Green
Mattie Jordan Gaye
Maureen “Mo” Daniel
Nancy Smith Justiss
Sylvia Turner
Adrienne Matthews
Independent Stylist
LaVerne Matthews &
Congratulations to my
Aunt and Soror,
Orange County
LaVerne Matthews
Alumnae on your 1st Annual
IMPACT Awards!
on the
Pomona Alumnae Chapter
Soror Monica McBride
Thanks for your dedicated service to
your family, friends & the
Orange County Community.
The Guillory Family
Congratulations to
on our first ever Impact Awards.
OCAC has some of the hardest working Sorors
in all of
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
on your
We are just ordinary Sorors doing
extra-ordinary things and making an
Impact in Orange County!!
Barbara Bagneris
"In 2-0-1-2; it's not what you say, it's what you
Dr. Valerie Green-Amos
Congratulations to
Catherine Frederick
LaVerne Matthews &
of Delta Sigma Theta
Orange County
Flint Michigan Alumnae Chapter
Alumnae Chapter on your
Soror LaVerne Matthews
& OCAC on your
John Frederick
Omega Psi Phi (MI)