kieranshelby 03 30 08 - St. Kieran Catholic Church


kieranshelby 03 30 08 - St. Kieran Catholic Church
"St. Kieran Catholic Church is united and strengthened by faith in Jesus and by our sacramental
celebrations. We live and proclaim the Gospel and strive to meet the needs of all God's people through
Evangelization, Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service and Stewardship."
Welcome Home!
March 30, 2008
The Deacon’s Den
Happy Easter everyone! We continue to celebrate this very special event
throughout the Easter season, which ends Pentecost Sunday.
Our Gospel today recounts the first appearance of Jesus to his apostles after his
resurrection. In this account we find the apostles locked in an upper room and
terribly frightened. As well they should have been, for as close followers of Jesus,
who had just been executed, they couldn’t be sure that the Jewish leaders who had
succeeded in getting Jesus crucified might not be looking for them.
Suddenly, without warning, Jesus appeared in their presence. How could this be?
They had just seen him brutally tortured and killed and now here he was standing in
their midst. That must have been quite a shock. As Jesus greeted them, their fears
were abated and they rejoiced in his presence.
All believed except Thomas, who had been absent. Thomas, when told what had
happened, expressed doubt about what they were telling him. To this day we use the
phrase “doubting Thomas.” Given these same circumstances who of us would not
also be a doubter? It is important that we recognize the distinction between a doubter
and a non-believer. Thomas was a believer. He was just being cautious. Remember
that Thomas was the one who, when the others were trying to discourage Jesus for
going to Jerusalem for fear he would be killed, stated that he was prepared to go and
die with him.
On the other hand, we are among those about whom Jesus said, “Blessed are those
who have not seen and have believed.” We have chosen to accept on faith what
Thomas needed proof to believe. We believe that Jesus is God. We believe that he
suffered and died for us and subsequently rose from the dead. We believe that by his
death and resurrection Jesus made our salvation possible.
To doubt and question our faith is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact it can have
positive results. By doubting and questioning we are challenged to look more deeply
into what we believe and why we believe it. We read and talk with those more
learned in the faith: theologians, priests, deacons, nuns, or a layperson trained and
employed by the church. The end result almost always results in a stronger faith.
So we can take heart that when we doubt and when we question we are in good
company. Even the Apostles and great Saints had times when they struggled with
their faith. By prayer and reflection they were able to persevere. We can too.
Have a happy and blessed Easter Season. Peace, Deacon Jim
You can make more friends in
two months by becoming
interested in other people
than you can in two years by
trying to get other people
interested in you.
~Dale Carnegie
Our Hosts:
Family & Friends
of Jackie Terranova
Sunday, March 30
Coffee & Donuts After All Masses
9:30 a.m. Nursery
12:45 p.m. Baptism Parent Mtg/CR
Monday, March 31
11:00 a.m. AA/WR
7:00 p.m.1st Euch Parent/Child /Gym
Tuesday, April 1
9:00 a.m.-Noon Walking in the Gym
11:00 a.m. AA/WR
11:30 a.m. Resurrection Choir
4:00 & 5:00 p.m. Faith Formation
5:15 p.m. Kaleidoscope Practice
6:15 p.m. Teen Choir Practice
5:30 p.m. Evangelization/CR
7:00 p.m. Book Club/FF
7:30 p.m. Men’s Fellowship/CR
7:30 p.m. Prayer Group/WR
7:30 p.m. Adult Choir
Wednesday, April 2
9:00 a.m.-Noon Walking in the Gym
4:00,5:30,7:00 p.m. Faith Formation
6:15 p.m. Worship Comm/CR
6:30 p.m. Out of Sequence/GR
7:00 p.m. RCIA/GR
Thursday, April 3
9:00 a.m.-Noon Walking in the Gym
1:00 p.m. Retirees/GR
Friday, April 4
9:00 a.m.-Noon Walking in the Gym
10:00 a.m. Sunday by Sunday/FF
6:30-7:00 p.m. 8th & Parents Mtg/Gym
7:00-9:00 p.m. 8th/Gym
8:00 p.m. AA/GR
Saturday, April 5
Ethnic Night Tickets On Sale
10:00-Noon Inner Healing/WR
7:00-9:00 p.m. Adult Open Gym
7:30 p.m. Ushers Euchre
Sunday, April 6
Coffee & Donuts After All Masses
Ethnic Night Tickets On Sale
9:30 a.m. Nursery
1:00 p.m. Baptisms
7:00 p.m. SKY/WR
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St. Kieran Parish, Shelby Township
Beyond Easter Sunday
“Did you know that Easter is not merely one day
but an entire season? It’s true! The Easter season is
50 days long, from Easter Sunday to Pentecost (when
the Holy Spirit descends upon the apostles.) This
Easter season is marked by the joyful celebration of
Christ’s resurrection and the Church as a witness to
the Resurrection. Notice that the Sunday readings
change during the season; the Old Testament reading
is replaced by stories of the earliest disciples evangelizing in the Acts of the Apostles. In the car on the
way home from Mass this Sunday, talk about the reading from Acts and how we are still called to witness to
the Resurrection more that 2,000 years later!”
From: Take Out: Family Faith on the Go
How to Find Joy In Every Day
Begin each day by thanking God for all the good
things in your life.
Give God all of your fears and worries.
Offer up all of the suffering and disappointments
you experience.
Be a forgiving person. Let go of anger and resentments that drag down your spirit.
Take a moment each day to appreciate the beauty
of nature.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Learn to laugh
at yourself.
Find ways to show family members and friends
how much you appreciate them.
Try to live more simply. Get rid of material possessions that are not essential to your happiness or
your joy.
End each day by thanking God for all the good
things in your life.
Polish Ethnic Night
Saturday, April 26, 2008
5:30 – 10 pm
Dinner at 6:00
Polka Band 7:00 – 10:00 pm
Polish Traditional Menu
Beverages included
$15.00 – 12 and older
$7.00 – children 5-11
Under 5 free
Tickets on sale after all Masses
April 5th & 6th
April 12th & 13th
Sunday by Sunday
This gathering is designed to connect us with the
weekend readings and it incorporates personal studies and group discussion. This program focuses on
shared prayer, questions that invite
the gospel into our lives, justiceoriented activities, up-to-date scripture interpretation, and the gospel in
reader parts that draw adults into
dialog with Jesus and one another.
Join us every week to bring the
gospels alive.
We meet on Friday mornings at 10:00 AM.
For more information
please call 586 781-6515 ext 22
Words of Wisdom
“We need not set out in search for a friend….rather,
we must simply set out to be the friend Christ modeled—
anticipating the needs of others, wearing ourselves out at
giving. Jesus died doing it. The rewards are infinite and
joyous!” Peggy Benson
St. Kieran Parish, Shelby Township
Page 3
Sessions resume
April 1st
April 5th
April 6th
April 13th
April 18th
April 20th
4:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
12:30 pm
“Rock” Mass
Leave for retreat
Home from retreat
April 18th
Gathering for
Parents and Child
Monday, March 31st
7:00 pm
8th Grade
April 4th
6:30 - 7:00 pm
Parents & Teens
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Teens only
Why Do Catholics Do That?
Why do Catholics fast before Holy Communion?
In the Old Testament, people fasted before coming
into God’s presence or doing a special job for him.
For example, Elijah fasted on the way to Mount Horeb
to meet God. Moses fasted when he received the Ten
Commandments. So we follow this tradition and fast
before encountering Christ in the Eucharist.
Why do Catholics attend Mass every Sunday?
The church instructs us to attend Mass each week
because that is where Jesus gives us what we need to
stay strong in the world.
Just as we take food into our bodies, so we take in
Christ through the Eucharist. His body is real food
and his blood is real drink. The resulting grace helps
us to live as true followers of Christ.
Did You Know…
Parish members can donate
books, videos or DVDs from their collection that are in good condition and are appropriate for a church library. We will place a special book
plate on them as being donated by you, if you wish.
Do you have a special event you would like to
commemorate? You can purchase new items in
memory of an individual, anniversary, communion,
confirmation, baptism, birthday or other special
event in your family. This item is then placed in the
library. For this purpose we will purchase some
items for our library and you can select from these
items. We will have a list along with the prices in the
library. A special book plate will be placed on the
item designating the person honored, the occasion
and the donor.
There is a basket of books and order forms on
the bookcase in the library. Instructions for ordering
will be provided. You can then place the form and
the payment (checks only) in the box provided and
the book you selected into the basket next to the
We will do the rest!
Library Hours:
Mon – Wed 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Mom’s Time Out
Moms, put a “spring” in your step at our next
Mom’s Time Out meeting on Tuesday April 8 at
9:30 a.m. in the White Room.
Join us for fellowship and a craft.
Questions? Please call Cathy at 586 786-5921.
Page 4
St. Kieran Parish, Shelby Township
Weekend Liturgy Schedule
April 5/6, 2008
Saturday 4:30 p.m.
Mass Intentions St. Kieran Parishioners
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Sunday 11:30 a.m.
Annabelle Kasprzyk
By Don Beattie
William Marks by
Men’s Fellowship
Mike Leo (5th Anniv)
by His Family
Fr Johnson
Fr Zeeb
Msgr Koper
Fr Johnson
Tom Petz
Tom Valentine
Mary Phil Rose
Angie Coyle
Enzo Paglia
Deb Paglia
Monica Thimm
Chuck Vine
Contemporary Group
Teen Choir
Team 29
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Altar Servers
Weekday Liturgy Schedule
March 31 - April 4, 2008
7:00 p.m. Joseph A. Pace by His Wife & Children
Lector: Stacey Stemple
11:00 a.m. John Sulik by The Resurrection Choir
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Communion Service/Perpetual Help Devotions
9:00 a.m. Communion Service in the White Room Chapel
9:00 a.m. Shirley Sova by Angela Spalla & Family
Cell Phones & Pagers
Not only are they disruptive when
they ring in church, they can
potentially interfere with the
sound system…
...please turn them off.
Children under the age of 12
are to be accompanied by a
responsible adult if they need to
leave the church.
Readings for the Week
of March 30, 2008
Acts 2:42-47/1 Pt 1:3-9/Jn 20:19-31
Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Heb 10:4-10/Lk
Acts 4:32-37/Jn 3:7b-15
Acts 5:17-26/Jn 3:16-21
Acts 5:27-33/Jn 3:31-36
Acts 5:34-42/Jn 6:1-15
Acts 6:1-7/Jn 6:16-21
Next Sunday:
Acts 2:14, 22-33/1 Pt 1:17-21/Lk
The Rosary Is Prayed
Movie, Television
& Theater Ratings
Confused about what
m ov ie s,
telev isio n
programs or theatrical
appropriate for you and
your family? Visit the
Catholic Bishops website for
reviews and ratings at:
Now Hear This!
Having difficulty hearing the
Priest during Mass?
Notify an Usher at the rear
of the church. We have
hearing aid devices to help you!
Monday - 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday - 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday - 11:00 a.m.
Thursday - 8:30 a.m.
Friday - 8:30 a.m.
Community of God’s Love
Prayer Group
Prayer & Praise every Tuesday
St. Kieran’s White Room
7:30 p.m.
Please join us, or
for information:
Kathy (586) 781-3503
Mike (586) 731-0284
Walking In The Gym
Ends April 4th!
©Liturgical Publications Inc.
Please refrain from
eating or drinking in
the church. Doing so
creates problems with
unwelcome “guests” as
well as the maintenance and
appearance of our church.
Chewing gum is also inappropriate.
Open Gym For Adults
April 5
April 19
May 3
May 10
7-9 p.m.
St. Kieran Parish, Shelby Township
Page 5
You talked...we listened!
After World Youth Day, many of you asked...
“Why can’t we have more Masses with music like this?”
Well, here is your chance to show your preference!
Come to the “Rock Mass”
Saturday April 5th 2008, 4:30 PM
Music presented by Gillespie Band & Friends
Guaranteed to be lively & loud!
Join in singing your favorite Christian Rock songs
If organ music is your gig, this Mass is not for you –
Fair warning!
If rockin’ for Christ is your way to worship, come to this Mass...
& bring a friend!
More Easter Flower Memorials....
In Memory of Ben & Sophie Golas, Bob Marcell by Kathryn Marcell
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mirochna and Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Naminsli by Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Mirochna
In Memory of John & Henrietta Boardman by Mr. & Mrs. Roger Bechtel
Page 6
St. Kieran Parish, Shelby Township
March 2008
Gavin Allen Byrne, son of
Bradley & Christy
(Lezanic) Byrne
Joseph Anthony Collier, son of
Curtis & Michelle
(Bonnette) Collier
Riley Shee Coughlin, daughter
of Patrick & Jennifer
(Rye) Coughlin
Gino Salvatore DeGrandis, son
of John & JoAnn
(Furca) DeGrandis
Santino Michael DeGrandis,
Son of John & JoAnn
(Furca) DeGrandis
Seanna Lily Heilman, daughter
of Steven & Suzanne
(Franco) Heilman
Thomas Louis Kotula, son of
Mark & Margaret
(Dudley) Kotula
Jared Allen Lamb, son of
Christopher Lamb &
Jenna Halifax
Charlotte Rebekah Long,
daughter of Robert &
Ginger (Davidson) Long
Andre Zoe Paxton, daughter of
Lance Paxton &
Bertha Alicia Flores
Josephine Marie Macleod Roth,
daughter of Thomas
& Darlene (Macleod) Roth
Intentions To Marry
I Brian Chamberlain
& Angela Emery
Buried in Christ
Monday, March 17, 2008
Delphine Rozan, survived by
three children and three
...blessed are those who mourn.”
Debra Alexander
Kym Black
Ralph Blust
Don & Denise Burris
Blasé Byrd
Esther Cadili
Bill Carbone
Gail Carvlin
Denise Chapman
Pam Conger
Russ Cook
Ginny Dalziel
Kloie Devault
Don Foster
Charlie George
Georgette Ginzinger
Bill Goodwin
Armando Graziani
Herbert Hice
Rose Kavanaugh
Monica Kmita
Hub Kraemer
Marguerite LaConte
Patrick Lamb
Aaron Lawrence
Elsie Laws
Virginia Masseth
Marissa Mazur
Angelo Mazza
Nick Mazza
Robert Meeker
Jim Megel
Nancy Sefick Miller
Patrick Nagy
Richard O’Donnell
Fay Pytlowany
Jackie Ross
Justin Schultz
Elizabeth Stahl
Rita Thibault
Father Richard Ugolik
Kazmira Wojdan
Ethel Wolf
Carlton Allen
Joel Arthurton
Jesse Dailey
Bill Deagan
Christopher De Santo
Leon Frederick Horne
Ryan Kresse
Joseph Matheny
Joshua Page
Eric Thompson
Steven Wadman
Air Force
Richard Black
Steve Kauten
Jeffrey Mangiapane
Eugene Meade
Jeff Michal
Brianna Obert-McCarrey
Richard VanOoard
Brian Hasse
Philip John Postma Jr.
Christian Shotwell
Nicholas Shotwell
Christopher Benincasa
Justin Cholewa
Trey Cholewa
Thomas Gorry
Benjamin Carl Horne
David Mydlarz
Nathan Pesch-Scott
Ted H. Shroyer
Kaitlyn Sierzenga
Carmine Tenaglia
Bradley Wing
Robert Wing
Please contact the Parish Office if
you have a family member actively
serving in the Armed Forces at
(586) 781-4901.
Men of St. Kieran
You are invited to
participate in weekly
gatherings on Tuesday
evenings at 7:30 in the
Main Conference Room.
Come and join those of
us who have been
strengthening each other by
sharing our Christian experiences.
St. Kieran Parish, Shelby Township
FLOWER: Families Live Out the Word
in Everyday Routines
“Peace be with you”
Perhaps the biggest challenge for families is to be
a haven for peace. We can too often get caught in the
fast paced roller coaster of life, going through
motions, meeting deadlines, accomplishing tasks and
forgetting to touch base with those closest to us. Like
Jesus in today’s Gospel, in the midst of profound
fear, His first words are: peace be with you, it’s me –
we’ll get through this together. We have received the
same Holy Spirit as the disciples, but do we trust
Him to show us the way of peace?
ear Father Johnson,
Please express to the people of St. Kieran Parish our gratitude
for their generous response to the appeal for the Retirement Fund
for the Religious. Your parish contribution of $19,395.00 is a vital
part of making this appeal such a success.
The religious who gave so generously fifty, sixty and seventy years ago in
responding to the needs of the Church are retired and now find themselves
in need of your support. Your generous response throughout the years bears
testimony of your appreciation for their dedicated service.
Know that you, in turn, are remembered in the prayers and good works
of those retired religious who benefit from your gift. May our loving God
multiply back to you in the measure of your giving, and even more, as we
are told in the scriptures”….pressed down and running over.”
Evelyn Booms, IHM
Archdiocesan Coordinator
Theology For Everyone
Have you ever thought about
taking a course in theology? Are
you thinking about working or
volunteering in parish ministry?
Do you just love what you know
about your faith and want to dive
deeper? Hundreds of lay men and
women just like you are studying
at Sacred Heart Major Seminary,
and want you to join them! And
what is even better, it may not be
as difficult or costly as you might
A representative from the
Institute for Ministry at Sacred
Heart Major Seminary will be at
our parish the weekend of April
5/6. All your questions can be
Page 7
St. Kieran Adoration Chapel
N.E. Corner of the
Religious Education Building
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament surpasses
all other works of piety.
It is the work of piety
and source of all others.
St. Pius X
Adorer’s are always needed, be it
substitutes or weekly committed.
Call PAT 586-739-9694 or
BEV 586-781-3329 to commit to
an hour of prayer in the
presence of the
Blessed Sacrament.
Tues 2PM 3PM
Thurs 9PM
Tues 7AM 1PM 5PM 7PM
Thurs 10AM 11AM NOON 4PM
Come Join Our 55+ Singles
Ice Cream Social
Saturday April 19
7:00 p.m.
Green Room
Ice Cream & Drinks Provided
Cards & Games
Bring A Friend
Divine Mercy Sunday
Cathy 731-1019
Mary Ann 739-1643
March 30
St. Lawrence Church
Mass 3:00 p.m.
Eucharistic Exposition & Benediction
Divine Mercy Devotions
A Family Perspective
by Bud Ozar
Help Save The Unborn
In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us:
“As the Father sent me, so I send
you.” Become who you are called to
be….ambassadors of peace and
Helpers of God’s Precious Infants
In need of Prayer Warriors
& Sidewalk Counselors.
Training provided.
Call Leigh at (586) 781-3924.
Page 8
St. Kieran Parish, Shelby Township
Inner Healing Day
Samaritan House
Do you have
to help other Parishioners?
Members in Action
needs your help!
We are in dire need of
parishioners willing to
help us with the
April Pantry Needs
Helping Hands Ministry
This ministry provides meals to
those who are recovering from an
illness, surgery, etc.
April 5, 2008
Beef Stew
Tomato Soup
emotional hurts through special
prayer,” also known as the healing
of painful memories.
In this
prayer, the Lord is asked to heal
emotional and psychological scars,
which were often caused by those
closest to us.
On Saturday April 5, between
Pancake Mix
Canned Tuna
through prayer by one of several
teams under the auspices of the
Renewal Center.
Call 781-4942 ext 14 for
more information.
This private,
personal, individual prayer will be
conducted at St. Kieran in the
White Room.
Samaritan House is located
58944 Van Dyke
Washington MI 48094
Business hours are:
Tuesday & Wednesday
10am to 6pm
10am to 4pm
Income Tax Preparation
Starting the end of January and
through early April, Samaritan
House will offer Federal and State
Income Tax Preparation to individuals with a gross income of
$20,000.00 or less and families with
a gross income of $38,000.00 or
less. Call 586-677-7590.
Words of Life
Life In The Spirit Series
Begins Tuesday April 1
“When I saw the embryo
through a microscope at a
friend’s fertility clinic, I suddenly realized there was such a
small difference between it and
my daughters. I thought, we
can’t keep destroying embryos
for our research. There must
be another way.”
Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, pioneer in reprogramming adult
cells to behave as embryonic
cells, quoted in the NY Times,
Dec. 11, 2007.
St. Kieran’s Community of God’s
Love Prayer Group invites you to
participate in the six week session
of “Wind & Fire”- a Life in the
Spirit Seminar:
Tuesday Evenings
April 1 through May 6
7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
This seminar will help you to
know who the Holy Spirit is, and
how we can become the person God
created us to be, living the life we
have been called to live.
This series is for those who
feel something is missing in their
lives, are searching for a better
understanding of God’s love and
the empowerment of the Holy
Spirit. Don’t miss this opportunity!
For more information please call:
Mike (586) 731-0284
Christine (586) 781-2381
Kathy (586) 781-3503
We hope to see you there!
St. Kieran Parish, Shelby Township
Page 9
North Macomb Vicariate
Archdiocese of Detroit / Adam Cardinal Maida, Archbishop
53600 Mound Road, Shelby Township, Michigan 48316
Parish Web Page: / Vicariate Web Page:
Parish Office: 586-781-4901
After Hours: 586-781-4942
Fax: 586-781-6516
Religious Education Office: 586-781-6515
Absence Hot Line:
586-781-6515 ext. 4
Youth Ministry:
586-781-5 SKY (5759)
Faith Formation - Religious Education
Coordinator: Linda Plotkowski
586-781-6515 ext 5
E Mail:
First Reconciliation/First Eucharist/Confirmation
Marcia Marks
586-781-6515 ext 7
E Mail:
RCIA: Kathy Vine 586-781-6515 ext 28
E Mail:
Adult Faith Formation
Pat Thies
586-781-6515 ext 22
E Mail:
Youth Ministry
Coordinator: Pat Radacsy 586-781-5759 ext 14
E Mail:
Confirmation Service Opportunities
Laura Henk
586-781-5759 ext 4
Youth Ministry Hotline
586-781-5759 ext 6
Secretary Faith Formation/Youth Ministry
Nancy Kicinski 586-781-6515 ext 6
Sacristan and Bulletin Editor:
Christine Albrecht
586-781-4942 ext 31
Bulletin E Mail: Deadline Wed 5pm
Baptisms, Marriage, Ministry to the Sick
Contact the Parish Secretary 586-781-4901
Pastor: Father H. Thomas Johnson 586-781-4901
Weekend Assistants: Father Charles Zeeb
Msgr Frank Koper
Deacons: Steve Marks
James Cron (retired)
Pastoral Minister: Patricia Radacsy 586-781-4942 ext 14
E Mail:
Parish Secretary: Barbara Becker 586-781-4901
E Mail:
Worship and Music Ministers:
Leszek Bartkiewicz
586-781-4942 ext 8
E Mail:
Christian Service: Patricia Radacsy 586-781-4942 ext 14
Accountant: Kathleen Parzynski
586-781-4942 ext 15
Plant Maintenance: John Hankus
586-781-4942 ext 30
Office Hours: Monday - Friday - 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monday - Friday - 6:00 a.m. - Midnight
After Saturday 4:30 p.m. Mass
Saturday & Sunday - 6:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
St. Isidore Catholic Community is Hosting
A Benefit Dinner for Patty Cooper
Saturday, April 5
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
If you would like to register with the parish, but
are unable to come to the office during the week,
please complete this form and put it in the
collection basket. Registration forms will be mailed
to you. Also, if you have moved recently, please let
us know.
Name ___________________________________________
Address __________________________________________
__________________________ Zip_____________
Children Living at Home ______Yes _______ No
This is a New Address
______Yes _______ No
Basket Raffles
Musical Entertainment
Deluxe Pasta Dinner will include:
Pasta Choices
Meatballs/Italian Sausage
Salad/Homemade Desserts
Adults $10
Seniors $8
Children $5
Patty has been diagnosed with
Pulmonary Fibrosis
and is currently awaiting a
Lung Transplant