Willow Leaf August 2015


Willow Leaf August 2015
Willow Leaf
August 2015
Frank Muir—Aug. 5th
Hazel Ponte—Aug. 16th
Isabel Bonnyman—Aug. 25th
Jean Reid—Aug. 28th
Donna Peterson—Aug. 5th
Linda Mingo—Aug. 9th
Kelly Yantzi—Aug. 22nd
Lisa Gilbert—Aug. 31st
New Staff
Angela Minney
Kathy Dunlop
New Elders
Ruth Gammon
Nancy Kmera
March 5, 1934 to July 22, 2015
Bill Fukes
November 3, 1944 to
July 29, 2015
If anyone would like to share
special visits, b-days, weddings, anniversaries, stories,
etc., we’d love to hear from
you and we’ll put them in
them in the Willow Leaf.
Please email Shelley at
or Daphne at
Upcoming Events
July 31st
Woodwind Quintet Ventus Machina
@ Jost, 7pm Tickets ($20) at the
door. Wear something purple for a
($5) discount. Advance tickets call
August 1st
Mingo’s Estate Sale 1038 Upper
River John Rd. @ 11am
August 1st
Classic Car Show @ Nelson park
August 3rd—Civic Holiday
August 2th
Musique Royale - A festival of
Music in Historic Nova Scotia
7:30pm—Sharon United Church
Tickets ($20) available at CG Fulton & at the door.
August 6th
FAMILY DAY @ Willow Lodge
11:30am—1:30pm. Come join the
August 14th
Balmoral Kirk—Matt Miglewood
8pm Cost $20 Adult
August 15th
Tata Music Afternoon @ Nelson’s
Memorial Park. Bandstand Music
begins @ 1pm. There will be a
BBQ and Hot & cold drinks avail
able. Come see Hal Bruce, Jim Richards with Rusty Cage Band. Joan
Kennedy with her
trio, Noah Bartlett and C.%. & Bob
Prest. Over night camping will be
August 16th
Tatamagouche’s IncrEdible Community Picnic 11am—2pm
Lower lawn of Bonnyman House,
Main St. Tickets ($15), Under 12
($10), Two & Under—Free
August 21st—30th
Tatamagouche Fest
Nelson Park—Hwy 6 Loop
Gates open 9am—Saturday 16th.
Music begins at 11am. Sunday, Aug.
17th—Music features Modern Gospel Noon—5pm.
Tickets Adults ($10). Under 16 &
over 65—free.
August 18th
Fashion Show—Tata Legion
7pm Fashions from Marj’s Consigment Store—Tickets ($10). All proceeds for capital projects @ Sharon
Untied Church.
Sept. 1st
RCMP Musical Ride
Cameron Property—The Falls
Gates open 4pm Preshow 5:30—
Musical Ride—6pm Tickets ($10)
Adult, Children 12 & Under ($5)
Willow Lodge News
Trying to focus on this newsletter is a bit of a challenge this morning. Morning distractions and the lazy
hazy days of summer, even though they are wet ones.
Maybe the following explains why we are having so
much rainy weather:
Why do people watch the weather on St. Swithin's
A legend says that as the Bishop lay on his deathbed,
he asked to be buried out of doors, where he would
be trodden on and rained on. For nine years, his
wishes were followed, but then, the monks of Winchester attempted to remove his remains to a splendid
shrine inside the cathedral on 15 July 971. According
to legend there was a heavy rain storm either during
the ceremony or on its anniversary.
This led to the old wives' tale (folklore) that if it rains
on St Swithin's Day (July 15th), it will rain for the
next 40 days in succession, and a fine 15th July will
be followed by 40 days of fine weather.
However, according to the Met Office, this old wives'
tale is nothing other than a myth. It has been put to
the test on 55 occasions*, when it has been wet on St
Swithin's Day and 40 days of rain did not follow.
copied from projectbritain.com
Staff News***
Elder News***
Cynthia and her husband Geoff and their children
Naomi and Josiah from Thunder Bay Ontario. They
joined the group at the Gulf Shore Park where the elders were having a picnic.
Shona Patriquin had a lovely visit with her stepmother Jean Stairs of Fredericton earlier this month.
She was accompanied by her son. Shona enjoyed reflecting on old memories.
Elizabeth Tattrie’s (Laundry) Granddaughter Bryanna
travelled to Lawrence Town where she competed in a
horseshow and received Champion overall in the pony
division. Way to go Bryanna!
Happy Anniversary to Laurie and Allan Treen who
will be celebrating 42 years of martial bliss on August
17th .
A weekend 50th birthday party was held at Lisa Carmichael’s on the weekend. Classmates of the same age
were invited to attend. Two of our staff attended
Robert (HKG) and Janice (Dietary), sounds like a
good time was had by all. Only one minor incident, a
lost muffler in a hayfield. Some things never change.
Good old country living.
LET IT BE KNOWN...the winner of the prize donated
by CG Fulton went to Laurie Treen.
Let it be known that Laurie Treen is a kind, considerate and thoughtful person. Especially so today, because She cleaned all 96 fish from the fishing trip.
Well deserved! Thanks Wendy for the prize.
Barbra Frotten attended the afternoon garden party
held on July 26th at the Roberts home on Maple Ave. It
Pearl MacKay had friend Dorothy Hingley and her
son Wally in to visit. Dorothy and her husband Lloyd was a wonderful afternoon with lemonade, tea, wonran a meat shop in Bible Hill for 30 years, before de- derful sandwiches, sweets, pies and much more. There
ciding that they should try their hand at growing blue- was a silent auction as well as a Chinese auction and
door prizes. A lot of time and work went into this by
berries. I am sure there are lots of people who will
the Roberts family; the money raised was in support of
remember this couple.
the Food bank.
Cassie Cameron had an exciting month. Her birthday
is in July and she daughter Heather came home from Donald Ralph attended the North Shore 4H club
Vancouver to help her celebrate, along with her cous- achievement day, thank you to Lisa Hodder (RN) for
taking him.
ins Rhonda and Bob from Ontario.
Evelyn and Walter Blair have a new Great Grandson Scott Bartlett had his brother Hallie and his wife
Ardeth along with their son Joel and his wife visiting
born to Granddaughter Kerri Mattatall and her husfrom Georgia.
band Ian. Emerson Gerry weighed in at 8lbs. This
makes a total of 14 great grandchildren for the Blair's. Betty Byers' brother Bob and his wife Jean Barrett are
visiting, she and Don are from Mansfield Mass.
Chester Cameron had visitors from Mount Tom,
Tony and Loudell Steadman and Alvin and Glenda.
Stewart Day had some outings with his daughter
Willow Leaf Page 2
What’s Else Goes on at Willow?***
Have you noticed the clothes rack in the main
lounge? It has been providing a great deal of entertainment for several of the Elders, as well as staff.
Some of the elders make regular visits to the rack to
see if anything new has been added. There is a set
price of $2.00 for any item which goes to Alzheimer’s Society’s Memory Walk to be held September 3rd. We gladly accept clothing donations.
Memory Walk September 3rd –Last year staff and
family members teamed up with an elder, getting
sponsor sheets and seeking out sponsors. At 2:30 on
the 3rd we will set out in the park and make several
trips around the park. This will be followed by some
refreshments in the park. We had a perfect day last
year with lots of sun.
We are changing the day of our Elder Community
meeting to the first Wednesday of each month and
would encourage all elders to attend. Family members are welcome to come along as well.
There is a trip planned to the Wildlife Park August
18th, thank you to Deborah Dean (CCA) for suggesting and organizing.
Bev Turple (CCA) and Cathey Darragh (Dietary)
took on the organization of a float for the River John
parade held on July 25th. They did such a great job
the won Best Commercial Float category. Thanks to
Helen Weatherbie (CCA) & Jay Mitton (CCA) for
their help along with our elves Daphne (Admin) and
Karen (LPN), and Beth Cripps (Student) for taking
Elders in the MacKay Van to lead our float. Big
thank you goes out to our Santa, Danny Wilson. If
you missed the parade come out to the Fireman’s Parade on Labour Day. The parade starts at Noon from
Home Hardware. Just a reminder we can always use a
hand getting people out to parade that day. The best
place for us to see the parade is down in front of library.
Our center courtyard is out of commission as it needs
some work, we are waiting word on when that will
start. If you are looking to sit outside there is the deck
off the Bayview as well as the deck at the front facing
the hospital? There is also the park with the swing.
We have a garden out back thanks to Don Wilson
who has been planting and tending it faithfully; a big
thank you to Don. If there is anyone out there that
would like to give him a hand with the weeding I am
sure that he would appreciate this. He is usually here
in the evenings after supper, but you can weed anytime.
Family Day – Randi (CCA) has been busy getting us
organized for Family Day which is August 6th,
11:30am to 1:30pm, there will be food, music, games,
popcorn, cotton candy, bouncy house for the kids and
much more. We are looking for small toys or stuffed
animals for prizes for the games.
June we spent doing Rhubarb till some of the Elders
said they were allergic to it. July we were into the
strawberries. Elders have been enjoying strawberry
jam, fruits of their labour.
Community News***
A very successful Village BBQ was held at the
Creamery Square. Rain threatened but that did not
affect the spirits of all who attended. Sausages were
served on buns made by Gwen Boese, everyone raved
about the buns. Cookies were made by people in the
community and they were very tasty. There was lots
of good conversation and laughter.
Recently a group of volunteers spent the morning,
trimming, mulching, and tilling at the Patterson
Wharf. It really needed some TLC. Unfortunately one
of the little dories has gone missing; it is too bad as
children loved to play in them. I hope that people will
respect the area and leave it as they found it, when
they arrived. Such a pretty area and enjoyed by many.
It has been a wonderful addition to the community. It
was of nice of owner Chris Deveau at Home Hardware to donate the mulch for around the beds.
Another successful Strawberry Festival was held at
the Tatamagouche Fire hall. They raised approximately $4900.00. Some of the funds will go towards
a Healing Garden that is to be built behind the hospital for patients to enjoy. This will be a nice addition
to our community hospital. This is a long term project
for which money is being raised.
Willow Leaf Page 3
There has been a piano sitting on Main Street beside
the bank for about a month. The intention is that it
be a community piano, so if you can play you could
sit down and tinkle those ivories. Unfortunately the
piano need extensive work to make it playable, it
had been donated but had sit idle to long So the
hunt is on to find another piano. Anyone who has
one that they would like to donate, see Marilyn Ebsary at the bank. With all the activity on the street it
would bring even more life to our little village.
Tri County Dementia Support Group will meet on
Thursday August 13th @1:30 PM for a social to be
held at Dianne Arden’s home 309 Sand Point Rd
(the one with the Lighthouse) Any Caregivers in this
area are invited to attend. Please call Dianne 902657-3126 or Inez at 902-657-9336 for further information. The September meeting will be held at the
regular space, Willow Lodge Boardroom, second
Thursday September 10th 1:30 -3:30.
The October Federal Election is already heating up
as candidates are picked and begin to get organized.
What will happen in our riding of Colchester North?
Always a Tory strong hold, but this time there is stiff
competition as former Tory Bill Casey steps up to
the plate for the Liberals. Always well liked in this
riding can he beat the Scott Armstrong team? All
eyes will be on this riding, could be very exciting.
There is activity across from Home Hardware this
week. Big backhoes. The question is what is going
in there. Rumor has it that a Subway is going in with
apartments behind. Time will tell. Update is that the
equipment there is for another project going on road
work or such. Don’t quote me on that as my memory
is short.
Real-estate seems to be moving a little more these
days. There are some new places up for sale as of
late, Nonie Ritchey’s house on Pine Street and
Katherine Ross’s on the Brule Point road. Also auxiliary member Barbra Earl house is on the market.
Lots to pick from if you are in the market.
Don’t Forget FAMILY DAY
AUGUST 6, 2015
Two years ago, on July 24, 2013 Willow Lodge
completed Milestone One in our Eden Journey moving us forward to working on the next step, Milestone Two.
It is with great excitement that we announce that on
July 24, 2015, exactly two years to the day from
achieving Milestone One, we completed Milestone
Two on our Pathway to Mastery.
Over the past two years we’ve been working
through the assessment tool for Milestone Two, provided to us by Eden Alternative, with information,
guidance and challenges to help us work through
our journey. This assessment tool broken down into
three categories (Organization, Personal and Physical Transformation), guides us as we work toward
our goals.
We have a collection of stories, photos, and our assessment tool to show how far we’ve come in our
journey over the past two years.
Last Friday, on July 24th @ 1:30pm we had a Conference Call with Eden Alternative. This two hour
meeting was more like an interview to confirm with
Eden that we are on track with our journey and we
are ready to move forward. They agreed that we are
ready and gave their congratulations.
We invited our Core Team, Board Members, Family
Members, Elders and any staff that could spare
some time to join the meeting and contribute. We
had a huge participation with 20 people and other
staff coming in and out. We’d like to thank everyone who participated in the meeting, your support is
so greatly appreciated.
After the meeting ended the excitement didn’t stop.
Donna Langille and the Dietary staff prepared celebration treats for us all set up in the Willow Cup
Café for everyone to enjoy. It was lovely and we’d
like to thank Donna and the Dietary Team for their
Nothing makes you feel better than a job well done,
it takes a village and in our case it took our Community.
The work isn’t over, there is always
more….Milestone Three here we come.
Willow Leaf Page 4
We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! We Are
Visiting from Ontario Dorothy Hogg’s
granddaughter Krista and Great
granddaughter Peyton, to her son
John who also lives in Ontario.
Strawberry Tea
Gerald with the goats
Baby Chicks visit George Dunlap & Pearl MacKay
Picnic @ Gulf Shore Picnic Park
Oscar grooming Barney
Donald Ralph 2 4-H Achievement Day
Strawberry Hulling with Cassie & Frances
How many does it take to put a bathtub through a
A Helping Hand