July 07_2 - Islanders Shag Club
July 07_2 - Islanders Shag Club
Clubhouse Phone and Info line 843-588-9095 www.islandersshagclub.com In Honor Brother when you weep for me Remember that it was meant to be Lay me down and when you leave Remember I'll be at your sleeve In every dark and choking hall I'll be there as you slowly crawl On every roof in driving snow I'll hold your coat and you will know In cellars hot with searing heat At windows where a gate you meet In closets where young children hide You know I'll be there at your side The house from which I now respond Is overstaffed with heroes gone Men who answered one last bell Did the job and did it well As firemen we understand That death's a card dealt in our hand A card we hope we never play But one we hold there anyway That card is something we ignore As we crawl across a weakened floor For we know that we're the only prayer For anyone that might be there President: Lamar Hardy 795-2854 Vice President: Jeff Denison 843-509-6403 Treasurer: Lynn Oliver 843-296-7190 vlomc@aol.com Secretary: Diane Chard 843-556-3722 dchard1016@bellsouth.net Membership: Francis Hubbard 556-6790 Social: Paula Mock 795-4710, Millard Smith 708-1022, Angel Grosse 853-2181, Susie Schwertfeger 795-4576 Newsletter: Harriett Grady-Thomas:email mysticlady@mindspring.com 843-814-0577 Publicity: Phone Tree- Pat Walker- phone 795-0502 Caring: Interim Marlee Jamison Hospitality and Welcome Committee: Marlee Jamison 871-0176 Bylaws: Parlimentarian: Open Your Executive Board and Committees Your Sgt @ Arms Marlee Jamison: 871-0176 Alan Karst : 737-0850 Call 843-588-9095 for The Islander Shag Club info line to get daily and weekly updates and leave a message & we will get back with you. TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Board Members & Committees……….……………2 PAT WALKER REQUESTS THAT IF ANY MEMBER IS NOT GETTING THE PHONE MESSAGES AND WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE THEM TO PLEASE CALL HER AT 843-795-0502 AND GIVE HER YOUR CURRENT PHONE NUMBER . Letter from the President………………………………………3 Flyers of upcoming events ………………….……………..4, 5 Islanders Shag Club Application …………………….………...6 Social events Junior Shag Lessons info ……………………. . 7 Business Cards/ Advertisers ………………………………….8 Calendar ………………………………………………………9 PRESIDENT’S LETTER Dear Members, I want to thank our past President, Nancy Strother, and her Board Members for their dedication to preserving our Shag Club for the past two and one-half years, especially after losing our Club at Folly Beach after nine wonderful years. I also want to thank Harriett for letting us have a home base at Pivots. I am proud to be your President for the remainder of the year and believe that the Club will go forward as in the past with support from new and old members. The Islanders Shag Club was formed in the late summer of 1985 a local Pub on James Island called “Pudgy’s”. Through the years it has moved to many local establishments and has always been known as a Social Shag Club. I would like to point out that we became a Member of ACSC in 1988 and will continue to support the teaching of our State Dance to junior and adult Shaggers. We have supported many fund raising projects, such as Hospice, Relay for Life, Ronald McDonald House, Camp Happy Days, Save the Lighthouse, many individuals in the shag community, and others. We have provided meals at Thanksgiving and have made children happy on Christmas morning. We will continue to be supportive of our community. We at present are refurbishing our dance floor so it will look good for the Santee Party, the Charleston Beach Music and Shag Festival and the Shag-a-Ton. We also are in the process of planning a fishing tournament this year. Do not forget the boat trip on July 7th, which we are hosting with the Charleston Shag Club. I look forward to working with my new Board Members. Socials and activities will be announced through the newsletter and the phone tree. Many thanks for electing me as your President. I need support from ALL members. KEEP ON SHAGGING, LAMAR Islanders Shag Club Membership Application New membership dues are 25.00 per person. Renewal dues are 20.00 per person. Dues are good for one year from January 1st 2007 January 1st 2008 Renewal N/A New Member Please make information legible Application date____________ Name:______________________________ Name:_____________________________ Address:____________________________ Address:___________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________ Phone: (W)_________________________ Phone: (W)_________________________ (H)__________________________ (H)_________________________ (C)__________________________ (C)__________________________ Birthday (M/D):______________ Birthday (M/D):______________ Signature:______________________________ Signature:_________________________ E-Mail:________________________________ E-Mail:___________________________ Receive newsletter by E-mail or Regular mail (Circle one) New Member must have two ISC member sponsors sign application Sponsor_________________________________________________ Sponsor_________________________________________________ Membership cards may be picked up at Pivot’s at the general meeting. If unable to attend, please send SASE. New members voted in at executive board meetings. Make checks payable to ISC and mail to P. O. Box 1452 Folly Beach SC 29439 Please circle one committee on which you would like to HELP YOUR CLUB WITH Community/ Publicity Junior Shagger Membership Social Food Social Decorations Telephone Ways and Means Dance Floor (Calling people to help with floor) Exhibitions Dance Connections Method of Payment: Check #_____________Cash_____________ Receipt #________ Club use only: Amount received___________ Date received:____________ Rec'd by:_____________ SOCIAL EVENTS FOR JULY July 7 ISC Annual Boat Trip to Kiawah Call the club for more information. July 13-15 Summer Workshop in Augusta FUN MONDAY FUN MONDAY TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE. PLEASE SUPPORT THE ACSC AND THE BANDS FOR FUN MONDAY. THE CLUB NEEDS TO BE INVOLVED IN HELPING SELL THESE TICKETS. ALL ISC OFFICERS , AND COMMITTEE MEMBER HAVE TICKETS TO SELL. July 18-22 Junior SOS July 27-29 Shaggin’ on the Santee August 11th Shag –a-thon— Northwoods Mall August 23-26 2nd Annual Beach Music and Shag Festival at Pivots and The Charleston Maritime Center E-mail mysticlady@mindspring.com GET YOUR TICKETS AT www.pivotsbeachclub.com Please go to shagparties.com, shagdance.com or keepshaggin.com for all the shag events. OCTOBER 20, 2007 ISC and GCSC (Greater Charleston Ski Club) will be co-sponsoring the Annual Fishing Tournament this year. More details to come!!!!!!!!!! Save this date! Junior Shag Lessons Each Friday evening from 6:30-7:30 PM will be Shag lessons for juniors under age 21. Dancing will be from 7:30-8:30. Encourage your children, grandchildren or any young person you know to come out and learn the South Carolina State Dance. After the lesson, there will be a time to practice what you have learned. Lessons taught by Jo Patrick, Joe Tucker, Charlie Leonard and Nancy Strother, Dot Smith, and Gail Robertson. Others are needed to help. Please contact Dot or Nancy if you are willing to help teach the juniors. Dot and Nancy would like to thank those that have helped. Thank you for helping out and continuing to promote and preserve the shag through the junior shaggers. Want to advertise in our newsletter? Business Cards- $50.00 for one year (minimum) 1/4 page ad-one run-$50.00 1/2 page ad-one run-$75.00 Full page-one run-$100.00 Discounts given for multiple runs. Ads must be high quality, camera ready in jpg or gif format. Ad design services are available if needed. Want to advertise on the internet through the Islander’s Shag Club website? Want a direct link to your website? Contact M. Burnett at 843-475-8964 f or more information or send an e-mail to the webmaster@islandersshagclub.com Dance Floor Rental Having a party? Need a dance floor? We have a beautiful dance floor that we would love to rent to you. Just give us a call and we will transport and place the floor at your party site. Call Lamar AUGUST 23-26 , 2007 Charleston Beach Music and Shag Festival , Charleston Maritime Center August 23-26 , 2007 AT THE CHARLESTON MARITIME CENTER. SPONSORED BY BEACH MUSIC AND SHAG PRESERVATION SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA J B PIVOTS BEACH CLUB AND 94.9 THE SURF TICKETS ONLINE AT www.pivotsbeachclub.com July 2007 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 Shag Lessons 4 5Shag Lessons 6 DJ 7 DJ Gerald 8 9 10Shag Lessons 11 12Shag Lessons 13 DJ 14 DJ 15 16 17Shag Lessons 18 19Shag Lessons 20 DJ 21 DJ 26 Shag Lessons 27DJ 28 DJ 7:30 The Wades DJ Mike Harding Dancing & Shag Music 9-12 7:30 The Wades DJ The Edwards Dancing & Shag Music 9-12 7:30 The Wades DJ Betty Brown Dancing & Fri 7:30 The Edwards Reggie Ricks Dancing & Shag Music 9-12 Sat Scott ISC/CSC Annual Boat/ Beach Trip to Kiawah 7:30 The Edwards Skip Lancaster Walter Dancing & Upchurch Shag Music 9-12 7:30 The Edwards Betty Brown Dancing & Shag Music 9-12 Jerry Burrage Shag Music 9-12 22 29 23 30 24Shag Lessons 25 7:30 The Wades DJ The Edwards Dancing & Shag Music 9-12 31Shag Lessons 7:30 The Wades DJ Walter Upchurch Dancing & Shag Music 9-12 7:30 The Edwards Walter Upchurch Dancing & Shag Music 9-12 Charleston Shag Club Social Reggie Ricks The Islanders Shag Club PO Box 1452 Folly Beach, SC 29439 ANNUAL BOAT/BEACH TRIP—July 7, 2007 Starting about 10 AM we will have regular pick up service to and from the Folly Beach boat landing until about noon. If you need a ride after that, please call one of the numbers below. The Islanders Shag Club and The Charleston Shag Club will be providing fried chicken. Please bring a covered dish, drinks, snacks, chair, umbrellas, etc. We will be playing horseshoes, etc. DON’T FORGET YOUR SUN SCREEN!!!!! Come join us for a day in the boat and on the beach! If you have any questions, please call Steve Wilkerson 795-5808 or Alfie Herring 270-3536
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