risd | Department of Teaching + Learning in Art +


risd | Department of Teaching + Learning in Art +
risd | Department of Teaching + Learning in Art + Design
Nitashia Johnson / MAT / 2014-2015
Unit Title: Drawing as Perception,
Communication, Invention, and Action
Unit Goal: Artists can use drawing for exploratory and observational purposes.
Lesson Goal
5th grade
VA: Cr1.2.2a
VA: Cr2.3.2a
VA: Cr1.2.1a
Drawing as Perception
Lesson Title: Object x 4
Visual References
Some artists use drawing as a way
to observe and recreate objects seen
in the world around them.
Wayne Thiebaud
6th grade
VA: Cr3.1.3a
VA: Cr1.1.3a
Students will use a one-inch photo frame and draw individual objects
given to them in class. Students are required to analyze their objects
and create four 4x4 inch drawings of the items from different
perspectives. Students are allowed to crop and distort the object while
using graphite, markers, or colored pencils. Students can focus on
smaller areas of their items by using the one-inch photo frame to
transfer what they see on paper. All projects will be mounted on black
presentation board when completed.
Students will listen carefully to a short excerpt read from John
Steinbeck’s book Of Mice and Men. Students will be advised about
their job of listening to the descriptive language being used in the
story in order to create a visual. By listening students will be able
create artwork that reflects the narrative. Students are not allowed to
see any images from the book until their work is complete. During the
class critique students will have the chance to discover what others
created by listening.
Some artists use drawing as a way
to visually communicate descriptive
language found in literature.
Jacques David
Marc Shank
Drawing as Invention
Lesson Title: Morphing
Some artist use drawing as a way to
create with no intention
Jackson Pollock
High School
VA: Cr3.1.3a
VA: Cn11.1.Ka
Vincent Van Gogh
Drawing as Communication
Lesson Title: Draw What You Hear
Michelle Winne
High School
VA: Cr2.1.la
VA: Cr2.1.5a
Drawing as Action
Lesson Title: How To
Some artist use drawing as a way to
guide their audience.
William Kentridge
Students will create a morphing project; they are required to alter a
photographed object by changing its form. The students will create
without intention; with their mark making the photographed objects
will become completely abstract. Students will create distorted
artwork by transforming the lines, color, and size of the objects found
in their photographs.
Students will create art with step-by-step instructions on how to
perform a physical action using gesture drawings or navigate a digital
device. The artwork must be created in a handmade accordion book
constructed in class. Students can refer to instructional guides and
pamphlets provided in class to influence their book design. For the
final critique all books will be photographed and presented in digital