our complete DonorPerfect matching gift integration guide


our complete DonorPerfect matching gift integration guide
DonorPerfect Matching Gi1 Integra3on with Double the Dona3on Guide provided by Double the Dona3on h4ps://doublethedona3on.com Double the Dona3on’s Rela3onship with DonorPerfect: DonorPerfect is a leading provider of donor management so=ware which helps cul3vate donor rela3onships and achieve fantas3c fundraising results. Double the Dona3on is a leading provider of employee matching gi= data and tools to nonprofits. This guide was put together to help organiza3ons who use DonorPerfect’s fundraising plaDorm incorporate Double the Dona3on’s employee matching gi= plugin into their fundraising pages. DonorPerfect and Double the Dona3on are two separate and unrelated companies. There are three ways nonprofits using DonorPerfect should integrate Double the Dona3on’s matching gi1 plugin into their fundraising strategy. In the Dona3on Process (Use DonorPerfect’s system) Across Your Other Fundraising Channels (Use your other systems) In Dona3on Confirma3on Emails (Use DonorPerfect’s system) Step #1: Log in to your DonorPerfect account and select “WebLink” under “App Links”. Step 2: Choose the dona3on form you’d like to add Double the Dona3on’s matching gi1 plugin to and click on the edit pencil. Step #3: We recommend including matching gi1s on the “Receipt Page”. You can find the dropdown by clicking “Edit Header / Footer” and then choosing the “Receipt Page”. Step #4: Add Double the Dona3on’s plugin by edi3ng the HTML code (click HTML at the boWom) to include your Double the Dona3on iFrame URL Notes: • 
To add the matching gi= iframe type <iframe src=“YourDoubleTheDona=onIframeURL” width=“600” height=“300”></iframe> Feel free to add an addi3onal sentence or two saying “Thanks for dona3ng” and describing matching gi=s before you add our plugin. You can access your nonprofit’s matching gi= iframe code by logging into your Double the Dona3on (h4ps://doublethedona3on.com) account. Step #5: Switch back to the “Normal” view to ensure the matching gi1 search is up and running. Then click “Save” to finalize the setup. Let’s explore how your organiza3on should promote matching gi1s across your broader fundraising In the Dona3on Process (Use DonorPerfect’s system) Across Your Other Fundraising Channels (Use your other systems) In Dona3on Confirma3on Emails (Use DonorPerfect’s system) Step #1 – Create a dedicated matching gi1 page on your main website. You can incorporate Double the Dona3on’s matching gi= plugin both within DonorPerfect’s plaDorm and directly on your own website Step #2: Direct donors to your dedicated matching gi1 page across your broader fundraising efforts For our complete marke3ng toolkit which includes suggested marke3ng loca3ons, downloadable graphics, sample wording, and examples visit: h4ps://doublethedona3on.com/marke3ng-­‐matching-­‐gi=s/ Don’t forget to modify the Dona3on Confirma3on Emails that are sent out through DonorPerfect’s system In the Dona3on Process (Use DonorPerfect’s system) Across Your Other Fundraising Channels (Use your other systems) In Dona3on Confirma3on Emails (Use DonorPerfect’s system) Step #1: Select “Set Email Op3ons” from the le1 hand naviga3on and then click “Email Header” Step #2: Highlight matching gi1s in the email that gets sent out to donors a1er dona3ng Suggested Text: “Make Your Dona-on Go Twice as Far: Did you know that many companies match dona=ons made by employees to our organiza=on? Click here to see if your company matches dona=ons and to access the appropriate forms, guidelines, and instruc=ons. It only takes five minutes!” Then insert a matching gi= graphic to call a4en3on to matching gi=s. Don’t forget to link both the sentence about matching gi=s and the image to your matching gi= page. You can design your own graphic or use one of Double the Dona3on’s premade graphics from h4ps://doublethedona3on.com/marke3ng-­‐matching-­‐gi=s/images/ Have Ques3ons About Double the Dona3on’s Service? Learn more about Double the Dona3on’s service by visi3ng our website at h4ps://doublethedona3on.com. View Double the Dona3on’s pricing or start your risk-­‐free trial at h4ps://doublethedona3on.com/pricing. Email Double the Dona3on at info@doublethedona3on.com. Use the contact form for Double the Dona3on’s customer support team at h4ps://doublethedona3on.com/contact-­‐us/ Schedule a demo of Double the Dona3on’s service at h4p://www.vcita.com/v/doublethedona3on/set_mee3ng.