parish weekly - Christ Church Raleigh
parish weekly - Christ Church Raleigh
PARISH WEEKLY WELCOME VISITORS! Please fill out a welcome card and place in the offering plate. Christ Church • po box 25759 • raleigh, nc 27611 • 919.834.6259 • Sunday, January 12, 2014 1st Sunday after the Epiphany Vestry Person of the Week Libbie Ward • 919.783-7755 Adult Formation Today: • Changing the World: Realities & Rewards of Parenting Children from Other Cultures Jodi Jackson Tucker, Adoption Advocate & Author Parish Hall • Spend a Night, Change a Life: Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network Will McElroy & Jack Arnold, WIHN Co-chairs Room 202 • Inquirers Class The Rev. Miller Hunter Library Stewardship Reminder SERVING TODAY ALTAR GUILD: Group II - Beth Blackwell, Chair VERGERS: Steven Hill, Jay Alley ACOLYTES: Mary Lewis James, John Gray, Leaders USHERS: 9:00 Bain Jones Team 11:00 Bob Grabarek Team 5:00 Lin & Tom Boyle LECTORS: Zach Allen, Valerie Cozart, Miriam Dixon, Howard Ellington CHALICE BEARERS: Sandra Griffin, Mary Lewis James, Bain Jones, Jane Forde, Harry McKinney, Kevin McLaughlin, Marti Medford, Ginger Jernigan, Beth Pergerson FLOWER DELIVERY GUILD: Susan Johnson Martha Abernethy NEXT SUNDAY: Jan. 19 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany 8:00a Holy Eucharist I (Chapel) 9:00a Holy Eucharist II 11:00a Holy Eucharist I Preacher: The Rev. Meg Buerkel Hunn 5:00p Celtic Holy Eucharist Homilist: The Rev. James P. Adams If you have not yet sent in your 2014 Stewardship Pledge, please do so as soon as possible. You may pledge online or pick up a pledge card in the lobby. The 7th Annual Run for Young 5k Run/Walk takes place today at 2:00p. Race day registration begins at 12:30p in the parish hall. Vestry Ballots Due Jan.15 A reminder that preliminary Vestry ballots are due at the church this Wednesday, Jan. 15. St. Adele’s ECW Chapter meets Jan. 15, 12:00n, at the home of Anna Ball Hodge, 2400 Lake Drive. Lunch will be served, and all are welcome and invited to attend. We are studying the Book of Ruth. Wine & The Word meets Jan. 15, 7:00-9:00p at the home of Lou Cansler,121 Village Mill Pl., continuing our study of the Psalms. Contact Shannon Johnson (919.787.7740, COMING UP: JAN. 25 - Lunch & Learn: “Once” at DPAC, 2:00p. Tickets $31—make checks payable to Christ Church (“DPAC/Once” on memo line) & send to Cassie Struthers at the church. JAN. 26 - 10:00a - Annual Parish Meeting (in the church) JAN. 26 - Evening with the Daughters of Christ Church, with Anne Neilson, artist & author of Angels in Our Midst. Book signing, wine & hors d’ouevres at 5:30p; program at 7:00p. $15/person. Online registration: JAN. 28 - Lunch & Learn: Fellow parishioner and author Francine Netter Roberson presents “Medicine’s Michelangelo,” her book about her father, Dr. Frank Netter, a well-known physician who painted what many believe to be the best medical illustrations ever done. Francine will tell us about her fascinating, talented father and present video highlights of his extraordinary illustrations (12:00n in the parish hall). FEB. 2 - 2nd Annual Parish Chili Cookoff. The winner will represent Christ Church at the Saint Saviour’s Chili Cookoff, Feb. 9. For information please contact Marshall Lamb ( FEB. 8 - Ruth & Peter Williams Symposium, 5:30p (Registration for reception/dinner). Speaker: The Rev. Chip Edens, Rector of Christ Church, Charlotte (at 6:00p) Topic: “Listening to Your Soul.” Chip Edens leads us as we endeavor to recapture the deeper meaning of life, the worth of our dreams, and the message our own soul proclaims. Watch for your invitation, coming soon. Reception begins at 7:00p in the lobby, with dinner served at 7:30p. Online registration is open: CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday School & Nursery Online Registration: Today in Sunday School: 2s & 3s: 4s: K-Godly Play: 1st Grade: 2nd-5th Grades: Jesus is Presented at the Temple Presentation in the Temple Parable of the Good Samaritan Communion Class with the Rev. Jim Adams God Gives Us Gifts of Life and Love 4th & 5th Grade Girls Bible Study Led by Jennifer Roberson & Anna Smith, this group meets Mondays, 4:30-5:30p, beginning Jan. 13. To enroll, contact Sloane Brooks (919.834.6259 or Children’s Ministry Calendar FEB. 6 - Children’s Ministry Meeting at 6:00p MAR. 2 - Baby Brunch/New & Expectant Parents, 10:00a, parlor A Little Help to Change the World If your children saved money during Advent for World Vision and the box is still on your kitchen counter... please bring it to Sunday School this week. We’ll send in our donation later in January, so please bring your offering and leave in your classroom—we’ll pick them up from there. Every little bit helps! And thank you. 1st Grade Communion Class (12 weeks) uses the curriculum Alleluia, Amen by Gretchen Wolff Pritchard, goes on field trips around the church and learns from guest speakers, culminating with a Communion service and celebration on Mar. 23. Christmas Pageant DVDs for sale in the lobby beginning Jan. 13. Please leave a check ($10) or contact Sloane Brooks or Carrie Seck, Children’s Ministry office (919.834.6259). YOUTH MINISTRY Youth News • EYC meets today, Jan. 12. • High school Bible study (Grades 9-12) meets Wednesday, Jan. 15, 8:00-9:00p, at Katie Dixon’s home. If you’d like to be a host for a night, please contact Liz Stroff ( • Middle school Bible study resumes on Tuesday, Feb. 4, 5:15p. Episcopal Youth Community EYC supplements our Sunday School program by providing fellowship and outreach activities to create a peer-based community with open dialogue about faith and spirituality, and offering opportunities for ministry in the church and the broader Raleigh community. EYC meets on Sunday nights, allowing for the different grades to join together. JAN. EYC SCHEDULE: Jan. 12, 26 (6th Grade joins regular EYC) Jr. EYC grades 6-8 – 5:30-6:30p Dinner– 6:30-7:00pm all grades Sr. EYC grades 9-12 – 7:00-8:00p SAVE the DATES: •Monday, Feb.10 - Chick-fil-A Spirit Night at Cameron Village, 4:00-8:00p, when 15% of sales generated by Christ Church is donated to our Youth programs. Remember, DriveThrus count too! • Pit Stop for the Modern Family, Gatherings for parents to take a break and refuel for their journey of parenting, featuring different topics and speakers. On Wednesday Feb. 5, 6:15-7:30p, Pit Stop will be led by the Rev. James P. Adams. •Y outh Outreach Day - Monday Feb. 17. Teacher workdays designated for youth outreach projects. Students can register online, first come first served! Check out the link below: PARISH CALENDAR JAN. 12-18 SUNDAY 8:00 a 9:00 a 10:10 a 11:00 a 11:30 a 4:00 p 5:00 p 5:30 p 6:30 p 7:00 p 7:15 p MONDAY 8:00 a 9:30 a 10:30 a 11:15 a 11:30 a 6:00 p TUESDAY 7:00 a 8:00 a 9:30 a 12:00 n 6:00 p WEDNESDAY 7:30 a 8:00 a 12:00 n 12:30 p 5:45 p 6:00 p 7:00 p 7:30 p 8:00 p THURSDAY 8:00 a 12:00 n 5:30 p FRIDAY 8:00 a SATURDAY 8:00 a 9:00 a Holy Eucharist I (Chapel) Holy Eucharist II Sunday School & Adult Formation Holy Eucharist I Run for Young set up Choir Rehearsal Celtic Holy Eucharist RSCM Novice Choir Rehearsal Jr. EYC RSCM High School Rehearsal EYC Dinner Sr. EYC RSCM Middle School Rehearsal Morning Prayer Buildings & Grounds Committee Staff Meeting Music & Liturgy Review Clergy Meeting St. Madeleine’s ECW Chapter EfM Alumni Group St. Clare’s ECW Chapter Youth Council Bible Works Morning Prayer Tuesday Morning Bible Study ECW Meeting Lunch & Learn Planning Committee 40 Plus Holy Eucharist II & Homily Finance Committee Holy Eucharist I with Healing Prayers St. Dorothea’s ECW Chapter Chant Choir Rehearsal StepUp Ministry Schola Rehearsal Wine & The Word Adult Choir High School Bible Study Morning Prayer Bible Works Adult Formation Committee Morning Prayer HS Basketball Winter League MS Basketball Winter League Altar Guild PASTORAL CARE During regular office hours, please contact Lin Boyle (834-6259 x106) or one of our clergy about events needing pastoral response. During non-business hours, the church recording provides emergency contact numbers for clergy.