arsenic in geothermal waters of costa rica - Mark
arsenic in geothermal waters of costa rica - Mark
ARSENIC IN GEOTHERMAL WATERS OF COSTA RICA A Minor Field Study Lotta Hammarlund Juan Piñones December 2009 TRITA-LWR Master Thesis ISSN 1651-064X LWR-EX-09-02 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 ii Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ARSENIC IN GEOTHERMAL WATERS OF COSTA RICA A Minor Field Study Lotta Hammarlund Juan Piñones M.Sc. Program Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure KTH Main Supervisor Prof. Prosun Bhattacharya KTH-International Groundwater Arsenic Research Group (GARG) Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM, Sweden Co-Supervisor Prof. Jochen Bundschuh Prof. Guillermo E. Alvarado Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), San Jóse, Costa Rica Examiner Prof. Jon-Petter Gustafsson Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM, Sweden Stockholm December, 2009 iii Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 iv Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica Royal Institute of Technology International Office PREFACE This study has been carried out within the framework of the Minor Field Studies Scholarship Programme, MFS, which is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. The MFS Scholarship Programme offers Swedish university students an opportunity to carry out two months’ field work, usually the student’s final degree project, in a Third World Country. The results of the work are presented in an MFS report which is also the student’s Master of Science Thesis. Minor Field Studies are primarily conducted within subject areas of importance from a development perspective and in a country where Swedish international cooperation is ongoing. The main purpose of the MFS Programme is to enhance Swedish university students’ knowledge and understanding of these countries and their problems and opportunities. MFS should provide the student with initial experience of conditions in such a country. The overall goals are to widen the Swedish human resources cadre for engagement in international development cooperation and to promote scientific exchange between universities, research institutes and similar authorities in developing countries and in Sweden. The International Office at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm, administers the MFS Programme for the faculties of engineering and natural sciences in Sweden. Sigrun Santesson Programme Officer MFS Programme/LP Programme International Office, MFS KTH, SE–100 44 Stockholm, Sweden, Phone: +46 8 790 7i83 , Fax: +46 8 790 8192, E-mail: v Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 vi Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... VII ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..........................................................................................................................IX ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................................XI SAMMANFATTNING .............................................................................................................................. XIII SINTESIS ....................................................................................................................................................XV 1. BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................................................... 1 1 .1 G E O T H E R M A L S Y S T E M S ................................................................................................ 1 1.1.1 Classification of geothermal systems......................................................................................................................................1 1.1.2 Classification of geothermal systems......................................................................................................................................1 1 .2 E N V I R O N M E N T A L E F F E C T S O F G E O T H E R M A L A C T I V I T Y ................................................. 3 1 .3 A R S E N I C I N G E O T H E R M A L S Y S T E M S .............................................................................. 3 1.3.1 Dispersion of arsenic and environmental contamination ........................................................................................................3 1.3.2 Health effects of arsenic and risks ........................................................................................................................................3 1 .4 H I S T O R Y O F E X P L O I T A T I O N O F G E O T H E R M A L E N E R G Y I N C O S T A R I C A ......................... 4 1 .5 R A T I O N A L E O F T H E P R E S E N T S T U D Y ............................................................................ 4 1 .6 T H E S T U D Y A R E A S ....................................................................................................... 5 1.6.1 Miravalles geothermal field...................................................................................................................................................5 1.6.2 Rincon de la Vieja geothermal field......................................................................................................................................9 1 .7 A I M S A N D O B J E C T I V E S ................................................................................................. 9 1 .8 L I M I T A T I O N S ............................................................................................................... 9 2. ARSENIC IN GEOTHERMAL WATER.................................................................................................10 2 .1 T H E S O U R C E O F A R S E N I C I N G E O T H E R M A L S Y S T E M S .................................................... 10 2.1.1 The source and nature of geothermal fluids .........................................................................................................................10 2.1.2 The source of As in geothermal fluids.................................................................................................................................11 2.1.3 Arsenic from host rock leaching..........................................................................................................................................11 2 .2 S P E C I A T I O N O F A R S E N I C I N G E O T H E R M A L F L U I D S ....................................................... 11 2.2.1 Dissolved arsenic................................................................................................................................................................11 2.2.2 Low sulphide, reduced fluids ..............................................................................................................................................11 2.2.3 High sulfide, reduced fluids ................................................................................................................................................11 2.2.4 Redox state........................................................................................................................................................................12 2 .3 A R S E N I C D E P O S I T I O N F R O M G E O T H E R M A L F L U I D S ....................................................... 12 2 .4 A R S E N I C I N H O T S P R I N G D E P O S I T S A N D S C A L E S .......................................................... 12 2 .5 T H E F A T E O F A R S E N I C F R O M G E O T H E R M A L S O U R C E S ................................................... 13 2 .6 S U R F A C E W A T E R S ....................................................................................................... 13 2 .7 G R O U N D W A T E R .......................................................................................................... 14 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS ...............................................................................................................15 3 .1 F I E L D I N V E S T I G A T I O N S .............................................................................................. 15 3.1.1 Field location and sampling ...............................................................................................................................................15 3.1.2 Collection of field data........................................................................................................................................................15 3 .2 L A B O R A T O R Y I N V E S T I G A T I O N S ................................................................................... 21 3.2.1 Alkalinity .........................................................................................................................................................................21 3.2.2 Major ions.........................................................................................................................................................................22 3.2.3 Trace elements....................................................................................................................................................................22 3.2.4 Arsenic (III)......................................................................................................................................................................22 3.2.5 DOC ................................................................................................................................................................................22 vii Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones 3 .2 T R E A T M E N T OF ANALYTICAL DATA TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 ............................................................................. 22 4. RESULTS.................................................................................................................................................. 23 4 .1 G E O T H E R M A L W E L L S .................................................................................................. 23 4.1.1 Field measured parameters.................................................................................................................................................23 4.1.2 Major ions.........................................................................................................................................................................23 4.1.3 Trace elements....................................................................................................................................................................25 4.1.4 Correlation between various chemical parameters ................................................................................................................25 4 .2 T H E R M A L S P R I N G S -N E U T R A L A N D A C I D ..................................................................... 26 4.2.1 Field measured parameters.................................................................................................................................................26 4.2.2 Major ions.........................................................................................................................................................................26 4.2.3 Trace elements....................................................................................................................................................................28 4.2.4 Correlation between various chemical parameters ................................................................................................................30 4 .3 C O L D S U R F A C E W A T E R S .............................................................................................. 31 4.3.1 Field measured parameters.................................................................................................................................................31 4.3.2 Major ions.........................................................................................................................................................................31 4.3.3 Trace elements....................................................................................................................................................................31 4 .4 A N O M A L O U S B O R O N C O N C E N T R A T I O N S ....................................................................... 32 5. DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................................... 33 5 .1 A R S E N I C C O N C E N T R A T I O N S I N M I R A V A L L E S A N D R I N C O N D E L A V I E J A ........................ 33 5.1.1 Geothermal wells................................................................................................................................................................33 5.1.2 Thermal springs.................................................................................................................................................................33 5.1.3 Cold surface waters ............................................................................................................................................................33 5 .2 C O M P A R I S O N O F T H E D A T A W I T H O T H E R G E O T H E R M A L F I E L D S I N N E W Z E A L A N D , USA A N D P H I L I P P I N E S ............................................................................................................. 33 5.2.1 Concentrations of arsenic and variability ............................................................................................................................34 5.2.2 Arsenic concentrations in Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja ............................................................................................34 5. CONCLUSIONS....................................................................................................................................... 36 7. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 37 viii Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This Master of Science thesis comprises the final part of our degree in Environmental Engineering at KTH. This study could never have been realized without the assistance and support from several persons to whom we would like to express our gratitude: Prosun Bhattacharya, Jon Petter Gustafsson, Gunnar Jacks and all the other people at the Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering (LWR) at KTH for advice and guidance throughout this study. Our local supervisors Jochen Bundschuh and Guillermo E. Alvarado from Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), who provided invaluable guidance and support during our fieldwork. Antonio Yock, Paul Moya and other staff at ICE, for support and help during our work and for making our stay in Costa Rica a pleasant and memorable experience. Sida/SAREC for partly financing this project and Sigrun Santesson at the MFS Programme office. Ann Fylkner and Monika Löwén, LWR-KTH, for laboratory assistance and supervision at the laboratories of LWR-KTH. Carl-Magnus Mörth, Universitetslektor på Institutionen för Geologi och geokemi, for laboratory analysis. …and all the sympathetic people in Costa Rica that made this project an unforgettable experience. Lotta Hammarlund Juan Piñones Stockholm, December 2009 ix Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 x Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ABSTRACT Arsenic (As) contaminated land and groundwater is a serious health problem in a global perspective. Long-term intake of water with high As concentration is directly linked to various life threatening diseases such as cancer and skin lesions. In geothermal areas As contamination occurs in two main processes: i) natural contamination where the gothermal waters reach the surface as natural springs and then mix with surface water flows or shallow groundwater bodies, used by humans for both irrigation and drinking water supply; and ii) human exploitation of geothermal waters as an energy resource causes mobilisation of As and other heavy metals contained in the geothermal waters to reach the surface and then contaminate surface and shallow groundwater bodies. Both of these processes may affect the environment and the health of humans and animals. Typical symptoms that arise due to the use of contaminated waters include skin lesions and different forms of cancer. The study area is located at the areas close to the volcanoes Miravalles and Rincón de la Vieja in Costa Rica. This area is rich in geothermal resources and the geothermal waters and thermal mud contain high levels of As. Concentrations up to 30 mg As/l have been recorded and thus present a problem for a country which is utilising these geothermal resources. It also indicates potential health problem as it exceeds the WHO drinking water guideline (10 μg/L). The purpose of the study is to investigate the occurrences of As as well as an overall characterisation of the geothermal waters in the areas of Miravalles and Pailas-Borinquien geothermal fields. The specific objectives are to characterize geothermal waters extracted from geothermal wells used for power generation, natural thermal springs and cold springs in the surroundings of Miravalles and Pailas-Borinquien geothermal fields. The results from this study have also been compared with the geochemical characteristics of the geothermal waters from geothermal wells and thermal springs in New Zealand, Philippines and USA. Totally 50 sample were collected at 49 different places in the surroundings of the Miravalles and the Rincon de la Vieja volcano areas. Water from three types of reservoirs was collected; geothermal well fluids, thermal springs and cold surface waters. In 35 of the 50 sampled places As concentration exceed the WHO limit for safe drinking water. All the geothermal well fluids greatly exceed the WHO limit while all the cold springs fall below that limit. Sampled geothermal well fluids are generally of Na-Cl-B type with an almost neutral pH. They contain an extremely high As concentration. Sampled thermal springs can be divided into neutral thermal waters and acidic thermal waters. The neutral thermal springs (pH almost neutral) are generally of HCO3-Cl type while the acidic thermal springs (pH 1.97-3.25) are generally of SO4-S-Cl-Al type. They contain low to high As concentrations. Sampled cold surface waters are generally of Si-SO4HCO3 type with a neutral to alkaline pH and contain low As concentrations. As comparison with New Zealand, USA and Philippines show that the well fluids used for geothermal energy in Costa Rica have extremely high As concentrations. Keywords: Geothermal energy, arsenic; boron, geothermal systems; thermal springs, Costa Rica; Miravalles; Rincón de la Vieja. xi Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 xii Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica SAMMANFATTNING Arsenikförorenad mark och grundvatten är ett allvarligt, globalt hälsoproblem. Konsumtion av vatten med hög arsenikhalt under lång tid är direkt förknippat med flera livshotande sjukdomar, t. ex. cancer och störningar på centrala nervsystem. I geotermiska områden förekommer arsenikföroreningar i huvudsakligen i två processer: i) naturliga föroreningar där geotermiskt vatten når markytan genom naturliga källor och som sedan blandar sig med ytvatten eller grundvatten som används både för bevattning och som dricksvattenkälla, och ii) exploatering av geotermiska naturresurser för energiutvinning leder till att arsenik och andra tungmetaller som finns i det geotermiska vattnet når markytan och förorenar yt- och grundvattenkällor. Båda dessa processer påverkar miljön och hälsotillståndet hos människor och djur. Vanliga symptom vid konsumtion av arsenikförorenat vatten är olika typer av cancer. De aktuella studieområdena är belägna i vulkanområdena Miravalles och Rincón de la Vieja i Costa Rica. Här finns rikligt av geotermiska naturresurser med höga halter av arsenik i både geotermisktvatten och lera. Arsenik koncentrationer har uppmäts till 30 mg/L och är ett problem för ett land som utvinner energi från dessa naturresurser. Dessa halter indikerar en hälsorisk då halterna överstiger WHO:s gränsvärde för säkert dricksvatten (10 μg/L). Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka förekomsten av arsenik i de geotermiska vattnen i området runt Miravalles och Pailas-Borinquien geotermiska kraftverk. Målet är också att karakterisera vattnet från: de geotermiska naturtillgångarna som används för att utvinna energi, de naturliga termiska källorna samt ytvattnen i omgivningarna runt Miravalles och PailasBorinquiens geotermiska kraftverk. Resultatet från den här studien har jämförts med karaktäriseringen av vatten från geotermiska kraftverk och termiska källor i Nya Zeland, Phillipinerna och USA. 50 vattenprover från 49 olika plaster samlades in i omgivningarna runt vulkanområdena Miravalles och Rincón de la Vieja. Vattenprover togs från 3 olika typer av reservoarer; geotermiska kraftverk, termiska källor och kalla ytvatten. Arsenikhalten översteg WHO:s gränsvärde för säkert dricksvatten i 35 av de 50 proverna. Alla prover från de geotermiska kraftverken översteg kraftigt WHO:s gränsvärden medan alla prover från de kalla ytvattnen föll under gränsvärdet. De geotermiska vattnen från kraftverken är av vattentypen Na-Cl-B med ett neutralt pH.. De innehöll extremt höga As värden. Proverna från de termiska källorna kan delas in i neutrala eller sura vatten. De neutrala termiska källorna (pH nära 7) är generellt av vattentypen HCO3-Cl medan de sura termiska källorna (pH 1.97-3.25) generellt har vattentypen SO4-S-Cl-Al. De innehåller både låga och höga arsenikhalter. De kalla ytvattnen var av vattentypen Si-SO4-HCO3 med ett neutralt till basiskt pH och innehöll låga arsenikhalter. Jämförelser med arsenikhalterna i Nya Zeland, USA och Phillipinerna visar att vattnen som används för utvinning av energi i Costa Rica innehåller extremt höga arsenik koncentrationer. Nyckelord: Geotermisk energi, arsenik; bor, Geotermiska system; termiska källor, Costa Rica; Miravalles; Rincón de la Vieja, xiii Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 xiv Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica SINTESIS La contaminación de agua subterránea causada por arsénico es un problema serio para la salud y de importancia a nivel global. El consumo prolongado de agua con altas concentraciones de arsénico esta relacionado con diferentes tipos de enfermedades mortales, tales como cáncer y con efectos degenerativos del sistema nervioso y de la piel. En areas geotérmicas la concentración de arsénico ocurre en dos procesos principales: i) contaminación natural causada cuando las aguas geotermales alcanzan la superficie en forma de ballestas naturales y consecuentemente se mezclan con corrientes de aguas superficiales o sistemas llanos de aguas subterráneas usadas por los habitantes para la irrigación o como provisiones de agua potable y ii) la explotación de aguas geotermales como recursos de energía causa una mobilisación de arsénico y otros metales pesados que se transportan con las aguas geotermales y asi alcanzan la superficie y sistemas llanos de aguas subterráneas. Ambos síntomas que surgen por uso de aguas contaminadas incluyen lesiones de la piel, diferentes tipos de cáncer. La área de estudio está localizada en Miravalles y Rincón de la Vieja en el norte de Costa Rica. En esta área se encuentran grandes recursos geotermales y las aguas subterráneas contienen altas concentraciones de arsénico. Las concentraciones de arsénico registradas han alcanzado hasta 30 mg/L en agua subterránea y por lo tal presenta un potencial problema de salud a un pais que hace uso de sus recursos geotermales. Adicionalmente señala un riesgo para la salud al exceder las indicaciones de 10µg/L en agua potable determinada por OMS. El objetivo de este estudio es de investigar las concentraciones de As y hacer una caracterización general de las aguas geotermales en los alrededores de los campos geotérmicos en Miravalles y Pailas-Borinquien. Los objetivos específicos son de hacer caracterizaciones de las aguas geotermales extraídas de pozos geotermales y utilizadas para la generación de energía, fuentes termales naturales y fuentes frías en los alrededores de los campos de aguas geotermales en Miravalles y Pailas-Borinquien. Los resultados tambien han sido estudiados en relación con las características de las aguas geotermales de pozos geotermales y fuentes de aguas termales en Nueva Zelándia, Las Filipinas y Estados Unidos. Un total de 50 muestras fueron recogidas en diferentes lugares a los alrededores de las áreas volcánicas de Miravalles y el Rincón de la Vieja. Las aguas fueron recogidas en tres diferentes tipos de reservas, corrientes de pozos geotermales, arroyos termales y aguas frías llanas. En 35 de las 50 muestras analizadas la concentración de arsénico sobrepasó el límite de recomendación de la OMS en agua potable. Todas las corrientes de aguas geotermales de los pozos sobrepasaron notablemente el límite postulado por la OMS para agua potable. Mientras que las ballestas de aguas frías estaban bien por debajo del mismo límite. Por lo general los iones dominantes en muestras de corrientes de pozo geotermales son Na-Cl-B con pH neutral. Sin embargo, estas contenían altas concentraciones de arsénico. Las ballestas de aguas termales pueden ser divididas en agua termal neutral y agua termal acída. Los iones dominantes fueron generalmente del HCO3-Cl en las aguas neutrales (pH casí 7) y SO4-S-Cl-Al en las aguas acídas (pH 1.97-3.25). Estas contenían de baja a altas concentraciones de arsénico. Las muestras de aguas frías llanas sobrepasaron el límite de la OMS en agua potable. Los iones dominantes fueron Si-SO4-HCO3 con pH neutral y contenían baja concentración de arsénico. Una comparación con los resultados de Nueva Zelandia, Estados Unidos y Las Filipinas muestra que las aguas de pozo usadas para la energía geotermal en Costa Rica contienen concentraciones extremedamente elevadas de Arsénico. Palabras claves: Energía geotérmica, Arsénico; boro; sistemas geotérmicos, aguas termales, Costa Rica; Miravalles; Rincón de la Vieja xv Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 xvi Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica 1. BACKGROUND • Geothermal waters are related to active or inactive volcanism and change their specific chemical composition during their pathway from deep seated sources to the surface of the earth. The presence of arsenic (As) is high in these waters. Several gaps exist in our present day knowledge of the genesis and mobility of As in geothermal systems and its geochemical processes and kinetics in the near-surface environment. This lack of knowledge is of particular concern where countries utilise geothermal waters for energy generation and actively facilitate the movement of potentially contaminated water at depth to the surface, which is the case in Costa Rica. This study forms a part of a recently initiated collaboration between Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), Costa Rica and the Department of Land and Water Resource Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. Binary-cycle plants transfer heat from moderately hot geothermal water to a secondary fluid with a much lower boiling point causing the secondary fluid to boil. The resulting vapour is then used to drive turbines. Low- and moderate-temperature resources can be divided into two categories: • Direct use, which uses the heat in water (over short distances) without a heat pump or power plant to heat buildings, industrial processes, greenhouses and resorts. Geothermal district heating systems supply heat by pumping geothermal water through a heat exchanger, which transfers the heat to water in separate pipes that is pumped into buildings. After passing through the heat exchanger, the geothermal water is injected back into the reservoir where it can be recharged and used again. This method involves the extraction of water from the ground and can therefore impact geothermal features. • 1.1 Geothermal systems 1.1.1 Classification of geothermal systems Geothermal systems can be classified into three different categories: • Dry steam plants directly use geothermal steam to turn turbines. Geothermal heat pump system, which consists of pipes buried in shallow ground near a building or inserted in a vertical well, a heat exchanger and ductwork in the recipient building. In winter, heat from warmer ground is passed through a heat exchanger and used to warm any cooler environment (e.g. a building or a body of water). The process can work in the opposite way in warm environments; drawing cool air from below ground into a building and using the ground as a heat dump (National Park Service, NPS Western Energy Summit, January 21-23, 2003 ). • Flash steam plants pull deep, highpressure hot water into lower-pressure tanks and use the resulting flashed steam to drive turbines. 1.1.2 Classification of geothermal systems High temperature geothermal systems occur all over the world; in the Philippines, New Zealand, USA, Hawaii, Japan, Russia, Italy, Iceland, Chile • Low temperature (< 90° C) • Moderate-temperature (90° - 150° C) • High temperature (> 150° C) The temperature determines the method used to extract the energy. High temperature resources are generally used only for electric power generation. Wells of varying depth tap steam and hot water to drive turbines that drive electric generators. The three types of geothermal power plants most common today are: 1 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 Figure 1: Map of Central America showing principal sites of geothermal resources (Birkle & Bundschuh 2007). ii) regions around ‘hot spots’, where local magma chambers rise from near the mantle to shallow depths in the earths crust, and iii) in rift zones where the tectonic plates diverge. Geothermal active areas occur where deeply circulating groundwaters are conductively heated in the crust and an unusually high geothermal gradient allows hot water or steam to appear at the earth’s surface. The temperature of geothermal fluids may be elevated by only a few degrees, above ambient levels (Ellis & Mahon 1967). Heat may be derived from volcanic or magmatic activity, metamorphism, faulting and radioactivity. The hot fluids are of lower density than surrounding waters and rise through the host rock. As geothermal fluids rise through the crust, a decrease in pressure allows high temperature single-phase fluids to separate at shallow depth into two phases: steam and water. This process can also occur wherever there is a sudden decrease in pressure due to the presence of a rock fracture or fissure (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). Many geothermal fields have been developed, or are targeted for development, to generate energy from the steam and hot water reservoirs beneath the earth’s surface (Bundchuh et al. 2002). As part of and in all of the central American countries (except for Belize). All Central American countries (with the exception of Belize) are endowed with significant geothermal potential due to their location within the Pacific Rim volcanic zone. The geothermal systems of Central America are so-called ‘convection systems’, related to an active volcanic belt, and derive their heat from magmatic bodies at shallow to intermediate levels. Such geothermal systems provide a natural energy source for many developmental activities. The countries in Central America utilizing these sources for power generation are Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. An initial assessment study of geothermal resources in Central America was performed by the relevant national authorities during the 1960’s and 70’s (Birkle & Bundschuh 2007). The most important sites are showed in Figure 1. High temperature geothermal systems are generally associated with three distinct plate tectonic environments: i) within proximity of the plate boundaries, 2 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ the exploitation process, reservoir fluid is drilled and brought to the surface under pressure. When it reaches the surface the water is “flashed” to a desirable temperature to generate the steam to run steam turbines. The extent of steam and water separation (boiling) can be artificially manipulated to maximise plant efficiency (Webster 1999). construction of power plants. Exploitation can also lead to ground subsidence if the fluid withdrawal exceeds the natural inflow (i.e if reinjection is not effective). It also causes emissions of incondensable greenhouse gases, H2S and other pollutants (Bargagli et al. 1997). 1.2 Environmental effects of geothermal activity Worldwide, little is known about geothermal As, its genesis, speciation and mobility. Little is also known about the geochemical and biochemical processes which occur with the fluxes of As from the geothermal sources at the surface, where pressure, temperature and oxidation conditions change. It is also an issue of primary environmental concern, to investigate the characteristics and behaviour of geothermal As and its impact on the natural ecosystems. It is also important for developing strategies to improve the socio-economic conditions of affected areas. 1.3 Arsenic in geothermal systems Development of geothermal fields for power generations tends to increase the rate and volume of geothermal fluids reaching the surface. The water formed during the process of separation becomes a waste product. This wastewater often has higher contaminant concentrations than natural hot spring water because the processes that remove or immobilise contaminants in natural geothermal features, such as the precipitation of mineral-rich sinters, have been bypassed. Disposal of these waste waters can be problematic. In most modern geothermal power stations, waste waters are re-injected back into the field. However, at some older fields such as the Wairakei Geothermal Field in New Zealand these waters are still discharged into surface drainage systems (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). One of the most important environmental effects resulting from geothermal activity is the contamination of natural drainage systems by (As) and other harmful elements. Arsenic is a typical component of active geothermal systems. It commonly occurs together with other environmental contaminants such as boron (B), mercury (Hg), antimony (Sb), selenium (Se), thallium (Tl), lithium (Li), fluoride (F) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S). These elements are also recognized as typical contaminants of geothermal systems (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). The concentrations of As frequently exceed 10 μg/L and have been measured as high as 2000 μg/L from some areas of geothermal activity. Water flow through the surface and subsurface catchments therefore has the potential to transport As and other harmful elements beyond the boundary of geothermal fields. In the area surrounding geothermal systems, contamination of surface- and groundwaters is common (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). The exploitation of geothermal resources can also change the landscape with the drilling of wells, lying of pipelines and 1.3.1 Dispersion of arsenic and environmental contamination Arsenic contamination occurs due to two main processes: 1) Natural processes: Geothermal waters reach the surface as natural springs and then mix with surface water flows or shallow groundwater bodies. These fresh water sources may be used by humans for both irrigation and drinking water supply. 2) Geothermal exploitation: Human exploitation of geothermal waters as an energy source, causes mobilisation of As and other heavy metals contained in the geothermal waters to the surface. This then increases the likelihood of surface and shallow groundwater contamination. Both of these processes may affect the environment and the health of humans and animals. Typical symptoms that arise due to the use of contaminated waters include skin lesions, hyperkeratosis, melanosis and different forms of carcinoma and lung cancer (WHO 1993, 2008; Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 1.3.2 Health effects of arsenic and risks The acute and chronic toxic effects of As are well documented. Arsenic has been declared a human carcinogen, contributing to a high incidence of skin and other cancers in populations exposed to high levels of As in drinking water (WHO 1993, 3 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 2008). The WHO drinking water guideline for As was lowered from 50 μg/L to 10 μg/L in 1993, and the new value has since been adopted by many countries as a drinking water standard (Table 1). Even though only about 8.6% of the geothermal capacity was installed in 1994, the energy produced represented about 15% of the total energy produced in Costa Rica, according to the comparison made during 2004 (Paul Moya, ICE, pers. comm.). The most studied areas for geothermal exploitation are the volcanoes of Miravalles, Rincón de la Vieja and Tenorio (Figure 2B) (Moya 2005). The largest thermal manifestations in the area are in the Las Hornillas zone on the Miravalles volcano and in the Las Pailas zone on the Rincon de la Vieja-Santa Maria volcanic complex. They contain lakes and acid-sulphate springs, steaming ground, fumaroles emissions, small craters and mud volcanoes. The geothermal reservoir in this area are high-temperature and liquid-dominated (Gherardi et al. 2002). As a consequence of increasing exploitation of geothermal resources, there has been emerging concern about associated environmental impacts in the surrounding region. The geothermal waters and mud in Costa Rica are known to contain high levels of As; concentrations up to 30 mg/L have been recorded in the geothermal waters. Arsenic presents a serious potential environmental contamination and a risk for human health. As concentrations in many places are above the WHO drinking water guidelines limit of 10 µg/l, (WHO 2008). However, the geothermal waters have highly varied characteristics that indicate differential patterns of hydro geochemical evolution. It is therefore difficult to predict environmental risks on any practical level without detailed study. Table 1: Guideline values for arsenic recommended by World Health Organisation (WHO 1993) for different purposes. Use of water Drinking water limit Protection of aquatic life Stockwatering Irrigation µg/l 10 19 20 10 Arsenic concentrations in natural surface drainage systems frequently exceed 10μg/L in areas with geothermal activity. Symptoms of chronic As poisoning such as skin lesions and high As concentrations in hair and nails have been reported from geothermal areas but this may not always be as a direct consequence of drinking water contamination (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). At the Mt. Apo geothermal field in the Philippines, for example, the two rivers draining the field carry elevated As concentrations due to hot springs activity in the river beds. During developments of the field, alternative clean drinking water supplies were provided and used by local residents, but the symptoms of high As exposure appeared to persist (Webster 1999). The accumulation of As in edible aquatic plants is likely to have been to blame, as high levels of As have been reported in aquatic weeds in other river systems receiving geothermal fluids (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 1.4 History of exploitation of geothermal energy in Costa Rica 1.5 Rationale of the present study Several gaps exist in our present day knowledge of the genesis and mobility of As in geothermal systems and the geochemical processes and their kinetics in near-surface environments. Since there are an increasing number of areas where outflow of geothermal waters come in contact with human beings and grazing animals understanding of As behaviour is of great importance for the future development and management of geothermal resources. It is a trend of increasing exploitation of geothermal resources for energy and tourism therefore the understanding of geochemical processes that occur along the pathway of geothermal waters is essential. Hydro-geochemical and geochemical investigations of surface and During the 1970’s, Costa Rica satisfied its electricity needs using hydro (70%) and thermal (30%) energy sources. The continuous rise in oil prices, especially during the 1973 crisis, motivated the national electricity authority (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad [ICE]), to study the possibility of using other energy sources for the generation of electricity, including geothermal energy (Moya 2005). The first three deep wells were constructed 197980 close to the foot of the Miravalles volcano. ICE started to generate electricity in the beginning of 1994. Since then more wells have been constructed and the installed capacity today is about 163MWe. 4 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ deep geothermal waters and the sediments found in the areas surrounding thermal springs and fumaroles are essential for developing effective strategies to safeguard the human health and the environment. The geological history of southern Central America is dominated by the growth of a Cenozoic magmatic arc that is superimposed on a Jurassic-Eocene ophiolite basement that consists of basalt and volcanic – sedimentary units. Costa Rica is tectonically complex because of the interplay of four plates: Cocos, Caribbean, Nazca, and the South American block (Figure 2A). The figure shows the subduction of the Cocos Plate beneath the Caribbean Plate, which has caused the development of an inter-oceanic volcanic arc all along the Middle American Trench. The Costa Rican Volcanic Front is associated with the north eastward subduction of the Cocos plate beneath the Caribbean plate with a well-defined Benioff zone with a maximum depth of seismicity at 200 km and a subduction velocity of 9-10 cm/year at an angle of 60 to 70˚ (Alvarado et al. 1999; Montero 1999). The four mountain ranges in Costa Rica, known as Guanacaste, Tilarán, Central and Talamanca ranges. The Guanacaste range is a NW-SW trending chain of Quaternary stratovolcanos; predominantly andesitic in composition. The range comprises mainly of pyroclastic (fallout, surge, and flow) rocks, lava flows, and fluvio-lacustrine deposits that have formed gently sloping plateaus on both sides of the range. The area is under constant regional stress due to the subduction of the Cocos Plate under the Caribbean Plate and due to the regional uplift of the volcanic arc (Vega et al. 2005). Surface indications of geothermal activity include numerous springs, fumaroles, vents and boiling mud pots. These geothermal expressions form beautiful landscapes in combination with volcanoes and tropical rain forest. The unique visual nature of this landscape combined with its high biodiversity has created a region of high value tourism. This industry contributes significantly to the economic and social development of the country (Vega et al. 2005). vicinity of the volcanoes of Miravalles and Rincón de la Vieja based on the sampling of the geothermal wells, natural thermal springs and cold springs. The following section gives a brief overview of the study areas. 1.6.1 Miravalles geothermal field Miravalles is the most studied geothermal area in Costa Rica. Here 53 wells are drilled; from which 32 of them are used for production while 14 are used for gravity injection of residual waters (Maniere 2005). Figure 2: A) Tectonic sketch map of Central America. The subduction of the Cocos Plate beneath the Caribbean Plate is showed, which caused the development of an inter-oceanic volcanic arc all along the Middle American Trench. B) Geographical map of Costa Rica showing location of main volcanoes and Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja geothermal fields. The Guanacaste arc consist of the Orosi-Cacao, Rincon de la Vieja-Santa Maria, Miravalles-Paleo Miravalles and Tenorion-Montezuma volcanic complexes (Gherardi et al. 2002). 1.6 The Study areas The present study focuses on investigate the occurrences of As as well as an overall characterisation of the geothermal waters in the 5 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 Cross section of Figure 4 Figure 3: Geological-structural map of Miravalles geothermal reservoir and well field located in Guayabo caldera. The Map section of La Fortuna Graben is enclosed by a black frame (Birkle and Bundchuh 2007). 6 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 4: Geological-structural cross section of parts of the Miravalles geothermal field: A) from well 51 in the south to well 58 in the north, and b) from well 58 in the northwest to well 64 in the southeast. The estimated 220˚C isotherm is also plotted. Locations of the cross-sections are shown in Figure 3 (Birkle and Bundchuh 2007). during the Pleistocene after three separate phases of volcanic activity. Within the Guayabo caldera the volcanic activity gradually shifted in a northwest direction and then south-westwards during these phases. Revealing the existence of strong tectonic activity, four main fault systems have been identified in the area (Gherardi et al. 2002) all of which contribute to the hydraulic permeability of the geothermal reservoir (Vega et al. 2005). In order of decreasing age, they are oriented: 1. NW–SE direction sub-parallel to that of the main Central-American mountain chain, and, in particular, to the axis of the Guanacaste volcanic belt. 2. N–S, formed during the Holocene, and has produced a graben-like structure about 3 km in width known as La Fortuna Graben (Figure 3). The La Fortuna Graben has displaced part of the Guayabo caldera and forms the eastern and western margin of the geothermal field. 3. NE–SW, sub-parallel to the migrating eruptive centres of the Miravalles volcano. Miravalles geothermal area is located in the northwestern part of Costa Rica in the Guanacaste mountain range of Guanacaste Province. The Miravalles volcano is a Quaternary strato-volcano rising to 2028 m a.s.l. and is currently inactive. The geothermal reservoir is high-temperature and liquid-dominated. The Miravalles field area is characterised by the Guayabo caldera (Figure 3) which is an active hydrothermal system of a caldera-type collapse structure of about 15 km diameter (Bundschuh et al. 2002; Vega et al. 2005). The highest reservoir temperature measured was 255 ˚C with typical measured temperatures ranging between 230-240˚C. The north-eastern part of the Guanacaste Cordillera seems to be the main recharge zone. Regional groundwaters and reservoir fluids have been identified to have several mixing trends (Gherardi et al. 2002). In order to study the hydrologic relations between the reservoir and the surface water bodies’ samples were taken from zones surrounding the Miravalles geothermal field and from geothermal fluids. Geo-volcanological framework The Miravalles geothermal field is located inside the Guayabo caldera (Figure 3), which formed 7 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 Figure 5: Conceptual model of Miravalles geothermal reservoir, with a heat source related to Miravalles volcano. Also shown are main aquifer systems of the geothermal reservoir with flow directions, which are influenced by major faults (e.g. Las Hornillas fault) (Birkle and Bundchuh 2007). 4. E–W, intersects the graben surface, and has been encountered in several productive wells. This is the youngest fault system and is expressed at the surface as hydrothermal alterations, sulfataras, mud volcanoes and hot springs (e.g., Las Hornillas at Hornillas fault) (Gherardi et al. 2002; Vega et al. 2005). In the Guayabo caldera, surface geological mapping combined with lithological descriptions from the 53 geothermal wells reveal different stratigraphic units (Figure 4). Three phases of volcanic activity can be distinguished: pre-caldera volcanism, caldera volcanism and post caldera volcanism (Birkle & Bundchuh 2007; Vega et al. 2005). To get to know the temperature distribution in the geothermal field, information on water-rock interactions and resulting hydrothermal alteration was obtained from the 53 geothermal wells. Three temperature zones, partly overlapping, could be distinguished: 1. a smectit zone (<165˚C) 2. transition zone (140-220˚C) 3. an illite zone (<220˚C) The highest temperatures are found in the north of the production zone indicating that, (1) the heat source is related to the Paleo-Miravalles and Miravalles volcanoes, and (2) that fluid movement is generally north to south. This provides the conceptual model of Miravalles geothermal reservoir shown in Figure 5. From this figure can be observed that the temperature of the production zone decreases to the south, east and west (Vega et al. 2005). Characteristics of the manifestations There are three types of water associated with natural manifestations in the Miravalles area, other than the water of the geothermal reservoir: • Cold water from streams, shallow aquifers and rivers, • Neutral pH thermal waters, • Sulphate-rich acid thermal waters. The neutral pH waters emerge from the inside of the caldera, following a N–S trending belt that coincides with La Fortuna graben, while the manifestations of sulphate-rich acid waters are found along the slopes of the volcano at relatively high elevation (> 500 m a.s.l.). The surface waters are present over the whole area and form a dense hydro graphic network of streams of relatively low flow-rate. The largest thermal manifestations in the Miravalles volcano are in Las Hornillas zone. The thermal manifestations contain lakes and acid-sulphate springs, steaming ground, fumaroles emissions, small craters and mud volcanoes (Gherardi et al 2002). 8 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.8 Limitations 1.6.2 Rincon de la Vieja geothermal field Rincon de la Vieja is the only active volcano of the volcanoes in the Guanacaste Volcanic Range. It is an andesitic stratovolcano located in the northwest of Costa Rica near the border of Nicaragua, at about 25 km NE from the city of Liberia (Figure 2B). Rincon de la Vieja is a complex volcano, with a maximum elevation of 1916 m (Santa Maria cone), consisting of seven craters, forming a 8 km long NW trending ridge within an older, wider caldera. The majority of thermal emissions of Rincon de la Vieja volcano are located in the western outer flank of the Active Crater. The origin of the thermal discharges is mainly due to the boiling of a shallow aquifer heated by inputs of magmatic-related hot fluids and the expressions of geothermal activity in the area mainly consist of hot mud pools and hot springs (Tassi et al. 2005). The largest thermal manifestations on the Las Pailas zone in Rincon de la Vieja are the Santa Maria volcanic complex which contains lakes and acid-sulphate springs, steaming ground, fumaroles emissions, small craters and mud volcanoes (Gherardi et al. 2002). The chemical behaviour of As in sulphide-rich fluids has been the subject of considerable and ongoing debate as there are several major obstacles to the accurate prediction of As speciation. In part, this reflects the lack of a complete thermodynamic database for As species. Stability constants for ion pairs and complexes between the oxyanions and polyvalent cations are few and limited in applicability. Also, polymerisation of arsenite, arsenate and thioarsenite complexes in high As or high sulphur solutions appears likely, but is largely unconfirmed. These reactions could significantly complicate As speciation. However, reliable thermodynamic data are available for some As species, and these can be used to interpret As behaviour in many geothermal systems and surface water environments, as long as the limitations are recognized (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 1.7 Aims and objectives The purpose of the study is to investigate the occurrences of As as well as an overall characterisation of the geothermal waters in the areas of Miravalles and Pailas-Borinquien geothermal fields. The specific objectives are to characterize waters extracted from: • Geothermal generation. • Natural thermal springs. • Cold springs. wells used for power • Suggest protection measures to avoid As contamination. This study is expected to give an opportunity to compare similarities and dissimilarities of As concentration with results from geothermal wells and thermal springs in New Zealand, Philippines and USA where these issues have been investigated. 9 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 2. ARSENIC IN GEOTHERMAL WATER Inorganic As is known to be potentially toxic and a hazardous to humans. Arsenic is a strongly redoxsensitive element and in natural aquifer systems is present in two dominant redox states; As(ΙΙΙ) and As(V). As(V) is generally the stable species in oxidizing environments while As(ΙΙΙ) species predominates under reducing conditions. The toxicity (and mobility) of As(ΙΙΙ) is greater than that of As(V). As(ΙΙΙ) is toxic since it coagulates proteins, forms complexes with coenzymes, and inhibits ATP production (necessary for metabolic processes) (Bhattacharaya et al. 2002). The uprising geothermal waters are normally reducing (suggesting the presence of predominantly As(ΙΙΙ) species) at depth. While it comes in contact with shallow aquifers or mixes with surface waters, the redox conditions become oxidising. In such oxidized systems, the mobility of As is a function of the redox transformation of the As(ΙΙΙ) to the oxidised As(V) species. The As(V) species is then sorbed on oxide minerals, i.e., amorphous Al-, Mn- and Fe oxides and hydroxides. However, if residence time of water within the geothermal system is short, redox transformations are rather incomplete and thus As(ΙΙΙ) species may be present at the surface outlets of thermal springs. The mobility of As in reduced systems is also governed by the dissolution of Fe- and Mn-oxyhydroxides in the aquifer sediments due to microbial mediated biogeochemical interactions (Bhattacharaya et al. 2002). Geothermal waters, which are mineralised with over 1g/L of total dissolved solids change their specific chemical composition during their pathway from deep seated sources to the surface of the earth. Since geothermal waters are related to active or inactive volcanism, the presence of As is everywhere in these waters. The concentration and speciation of As depends on the thermal sources at depth and subsequent hydro-chemical evolution of water chemistry along its pathway up to the surface. Due to interactions with the sediments and other unstable constituents generated during the volcanic activities (fumaroles, gas vents etc.) the concentration and speciation of As change and leave behind hydrothermal mud (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). Geothermal fluids may contain as much as 50 mg/L As, although concentrations between 1 and 10 mg/L are more typical (Ballantyne & Moore 1988). 2.1 The source of arsenic in geothermal systems 2.1.1 The source and nature of geothermal fluids Active geothermal areas occur where an unusually high geothermal gradient allows hot water or steam to reach the earth’s surface. Heat sources may be related to magmatic or volcanic activity, faulting, radioactivity or metamorphism. Regardless of the heat source, deeply circulating groundwaters are heated in the crust. The hot fluids (that may be heated by only a few degrees or by hundreds of degrees above the surroundings) are of lower density than surrounding waters, and rise through the host rock, to complete the circulation system. The pressure decreases when the geothermal fluids rise through the crust and the fluid separates into a steam phase and a water phase. This usually occurs at a shallow depth, but can occur wherever there is a sudden decrease in pressure due to rock fracture. Different kind of surface features can be seen in areas of geothermal energy. They can be grouped into two main types, on the basis of their relationship to the rising geothermal fluids. Hot water springs is a direct discharge of the hot water phase. They are rich in chloride and silica and have an almost neutral pH. Steam vents and acidic, sulphate-rich springs are formed by the interaction of the steam phase with shallow aquifer waters. This mixture of water and steam lead to precipitation and sublimation of elemental sulphur which follows by microbial oxidation to sulphuric acid. Intense alteration of the host rock caused by the fluid can lead to an unstable ground surface and the formation of bubbling “mudpools”. Geysers and carbonate-rich springs are also examples of hot water discharges and include steam-heating and steam-phase mixing (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 10 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2.1.2 The source of As in geothermal fluids The presence of As in geothermal fluids has been known since the mid 19th century. Many studies have been performed in the Yellowstone National Park which contains one of the largest geothermal systems in the world. Here As concentrations in the thermal features generally range from <0.1 mg/kg to 10 mg/kg. This range is observed in most active geothermal fields except for the geothermal fields in Iceland and Hawaii where As concentrations of <0.1 mg/kg are consistently reported. The reason for low levels of As in those areas is the occurrence of fresh basaltic host rock, low in As, in the reservoir of the respective geothermal fields. High As concentrations of >20 mg/kg are not uncommon in geothermal well fluids. Therefore the As concentration from geothermal fluid are usually three orders of magnitude greater than those in uncontaminated surface and groundwaters (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). As concentrations are higher in neutral pHchloride hot springs compared to acid-sulfate features. As is retained in the wastewater, during the separation of steam and bore water in geothermal power generation. The high content of As in the wastewater from geothermal fields is one of the main problems in the disposal of this water (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 2.2 Speciation of arsenic in geothermal fluids 2.2.1 Dissolved arsenic The chemical behaviour of As in sulphide-rich fluids has been the subject of considerable and ongoing debate as there are several major obstacles to the accurate prediction of As speciation. Part of this problem is the lack of a complete thermodynamic database for As species. However, reliable thermodynamic data are available for some As species, and these can be used to interpret As behaviour in many geothermal systems and surface water environments, as long as limitations are recognized (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 2.1.3 Arsenic from host rock leaching Significant quantities of As were leached from non-mineralised andesite during hot water-rock leaching experiments performed by Ellis and Mahon (1964; 1967) with concentrations up to 1.3 mg/kg in the leachate. Experimental leaching of greywacke with hot water also indicates significant leaching of As, together with Sb, Se and S. This leaching occurred despite the experiment being performed at temperature less than those in many geothermal fields. It can therefore be assumed that neither magmatic fluid input, nor As mineralization at depth, is a requirement for high As concentrations in geothermal fluids. Most reservoir fluids are under-saturated with respect to arsenopyrite and other As minerals and for this reason As leaching, rather than As precipitation, is predicted to occur in a reservoir. Most geothermal waters show a positive correlation between As and Cl but the interpretation of trends in the As/Cl ratio requires caution; the association is more a function of common behaviour, than of a common source or direct chemical association. Chloride ions may be sourced from host rock leaching, seawater or may be gaseous HCl associated with magma intrusion, while As is derived mainly by host rock leaching. As and Cl remain in the fluid phase during subsurface boiling and phase separation. 2.2.2 Low sulphide, reduced fluids As is likely to be transported as arsenius acid (H3AsΙΙΙO3) in most hydrothermal solutions, according to Ballantyne and Moore (1988). H3AsO3 is considered to be the product of both As oxide (As4O6) and orpiment (As2S3) dissolution in reduced fluids. This occurs over a wide temperature range and at an acid to neutral pH. Orpiment solubility increases with temperature, to at least 300 degrees. The orpiment solubility reaction: 0.5As2S3 + 3H2O Ù H3AsO3 + 1.5H2S The solubility of Orpiment is independent of pH under acidic, or acid-neutral pH conditions, but increases with further increase in pH (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 2.2.3 High sulfide, reduced fluids In sulphide-rich hydrothermal solutions, orpiment solubility as H3AsO3 is inhibited but solubility as thioarsenite complexes increases. The thioarsenites are a group of covalently bonded As-sulphide complexes that may or may not include oxygen. 11 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 facilitate arsenite oxidation at temperatures > 50˚C remain not completely understood. Bacteria influence the As(III) oxidation in geothermal systems and therefore studies is being made in the identification of the thermophilic bacteria that can oxidise As(III). The ability of H2S and thiosulphate (S2O3) to reduce As(V) to As(III) is well known because geothermal waters containing sulphide or thiosulphate will preserve As as As(III) until the reduced sulphur is oxidised or volatilised (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). Reactions between arsenate ions and dissolved sulphide can result in the successive replacement of oxygen with sulphur. The exact nature of such thio-As complexes still remains much debated. By assuming that a trimmer structure occurs in a saturated geothermal fluid the following reaction gives the solubility of orpiment: 1.5As2S3 + 1.5HS + 0.5 H+ = H2As3S6The solubility of orpiment increases with pH and sulphide concentration but is not greatly affected by temperature changes below 200°C (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 2.3 Arsenic deposition from geothermal fluids Deposits of As, Sb, Au and Hg occur predominantly near the surface in geothermal systems while base metals such as Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn will be deposited at greater depth. The metal zonation is due to a three-step process of fluid boiling, gas phase transport and acid reactions within metal-bearing waters. Base metal precipitation occurs due to boiling and the pH increase which occurs when CO2 gas is driven off. During boiling, As remains soluble as an oxyanion under the higher pH and lower sulphide concentrations present in the fluid. Precipitation of orpiment then occurs in response to the acidification of hot spring waters with acidsulphate waters, subsurface cooling of the fluid or increased H2S concentrations. At many geothermal fields it has been noted that As was mainly concentrated in pyrite at depth. Arsenic minerals such as arsenopyrite (FeAsS) appear to be uncommon in the rocks of geothermal reservoirs themselves but a range of As minerals are precipitated from geothermal surface features such as hot springs (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 2.2.4 Redox state When the redox conditions in low sulphide fluids become sufficiently oxidizing, oxidation of arsenious acid to arsenate (H2AsνO4- or HAsνO42-) is likely to occur. Oxidation occurs when a rising geothermal fluids is exposed to atmospheric oxygen or mixed with another oxidizing fluid, such as a shallow groundwater. Arsenate ions appear to be formed in hot springs and their surface drainage systems. Hot springs form from reservoir fluids contain mainly As(III) , whereas acid-sulfate and bicarbonate features are more enriched in As(V) . Important to notice is that reported As(III) concentrations may be underestimated if the sample has not been appropriately preserved prior to analysis. To preserve the sample it is important to perform on site filtration through a 0.45μm (or finer) membrane to remove bacteria. The sample should be stored cold and without air contact. It is also often recommended to acidify the sample with HNO3 or HCl to pH 1.5-2.0 because this inhibits oxidation of As(III) by chemical oxidants such as Fe(III). Although, in some waters, acidification has been observed to change As speciation slightly, reducing As(V) to As(III). Geothermal water collected immediately after steam separation, and before entering the drain, does not show a similar rate of As oxidation. Instead there is no noticeable As(III) oxidation in the waste water (collected directly into a sterile glass bottle), even if bubbled with air for several hours. Rapid As(III)/As(V) oxidation kinetics is apparently catalysed by microbial activity, although the specific mechanisms by which bacteria could 2.4 Arsenic in hot spring deposits and scales The coloured precipitate forming at the periphery of hot springs, hot pool and geysers can have a high concentration of As ranging from two to a couple of hundreds mg/kg. It can be difficult to determine the mineralogy of these coloured precipitates though As:S ratios may be affected by other sulphide-bearing minerals and the colour can vary. For example, amorphous realgar has a bright red colour but so have stibnite and cinnabar too. 12 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ Orpiment has a yellow-green colour that remind of native sulphur. However, in hot springs with low levels of antimony and mercury, the yellow precipitate is commonly orpiment. Realgar does not seem to deposit in hot springs but does occur as coating and veins in the altered rocks of the geothermal field. Other types of deposits have also been reported from around the world but so far little is known. The scales which form in pipes and drains of a developed field can also be rich in As. The As deposition may occur due to adsorption on Feoxide (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). not matter because As is largely reduced to As(III) and methylated. Another issue is the processes by which As interacts with sediments and organic and biotic substrates in freshwaters, as this affects both As concentration and speciation. Studies of As in the rivers draining two geothermal systems: Yellowstone National Park and the Taupo Volcanic Zone, have shown that As is principally transported in dissolved form. “Dissolved” in this case is defined as passing through a 0.45μm filter membrane. On a macroscale As also appears to behave conservatively downstream of these geothermal systems, with little change in As mass flux down the river or in lakes and estuaries. Studies of geothermal-derived As in other freshwater systems support this observation (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 2.5 The fate of arsenic from geothermal sources One of the most significant negative environmental effects of geothermal activity is the contamination of natural drainage systems by As. While direct soil contamination will occur to some degree near a geothermal field, this is typically only a local effect generally considered acceptable. The main risk is presented by the transportation of As beyond the boundary of the geothermal field via water flow through the surface and subsurface catchments. It is chemical contamination of surface water, rather than groundwaters, which is most commonly detected in the vicinity of geothermal systems. In surface waters, As enters a cycle of chemical and biochemical reactions which affect its potential impact (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 2.6.1 Dissolved arsenic speciation The presence of bacteria in the oxidation process may be very important both in river waters and around the outlets of the geothermal springs. Wilkie & Hering (1998) noted that As oxidation in Hot Creek did not occur if the river water was filtered under sterile conditions or after an antibiotic had been added. Their conclusion from this was that bacteria attached to submerged plants were mediating As(III) oxidation. Some of the most common bacteria capable of As(III) oxidation are Pseudomonas sp, Xanthomonas and Acromobacter. Significantly, while As(V) may be the predominant form of As found in an environment, the As(III) form can still occur due to seasonal changes in water and microbial conditions(Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 2.6 Surface waters Hot springs, geysers and steam features all produce an excess of fluid at the surface that usually drains directly into the nearest catchments system. Even after orpiment precipitation, many hot spring fluids will still contain >1mg/kg As because orpiment is a relatively soluble salt. For that reason, water used for drinking, stock watering and irrigation or supporting aquatic life may have unacceptably high As concentrations downstream of a geothermal system. Arsenic contamination of drinking water may cause serious health problems and has therefore received lots of attention. Arsenic speciation is important in surface waters because acute toxicity of As(III) is greater than that of As(V) or the organic forms of As. For human chronic toxicity, the redox form of As may 2.6.2 Transport and removal from the water column Part of the As released into a river from a geothermal system will be incorporated into the biochemical cycle, interacting with plants, biota, suspended material and bed sediments. A strong association between As and Fe-oxides in river and lake sediments has been reported. This association is attributed to the adsorption of arsenate onto the Fe-oxide coating on sediment particles. The life-cycle of aquatic plants may also affect the concentration of As in the water column. The uptake of As by aquatic macrophytes (plants) has been reported in rivers contaminated by geothermal waters. There is often a significant 13 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 degree of As enrichment relative to the water column. High phosphate concentrations can inhibit As uptake by plants, as well as As adsorption on Fe-oxide surfaces. Finally, As interacts with macrobiota either directly or via the food chain. As well as the issue of toxicity, there is the potential problem of As accumulation in animal flesh (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). 2.7 Groundwater Even though As-rich groundwaters are common, there are relatively few examples where the As is clearly related to geothermal activity. Geothermal fluids are themselves effectively deeply circulating groundwaters. The thermal attractive force to the surface limits the spreading of these As-rich fluids at depth. However, at or near the surface contamination of shallow aquifer systems can and does occur. Groundwater contamination is a concern for geothermal developers because there are several potential pathways for aquifer contamination (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). These include: • Unintentional re-injection of spent geothermal waste water into an aquifer. This will normally occure only if the integrity of the casing around a well is breached. • Seepage from poorly-lined or unlined, holding ponds for the retention of geothermal fluids and from pipelines. • Burial of As-rich sludge from waste treatment process or from drains and pipes. 14 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS sample was collected from the cold spring of Hotel Guachipelin. Figure 10 show an overview over Rincon de la Vieja area and Figure 11 show how the sampling at Rincon de la Vieja was carried out. 3.1 Field investigations Fieldwork was carried out during September 2005. It consisted of field measurements and water sampling. Totally 50 sample were collected at 49 different places in the surroundings of the Miravalles and the Rincon de la Vieja volcano areas. Water from three types of reservoirs was collected e.g. geothermal well fluids (GTW), thermal springs (TS) and cold surface waters (CS) (Table 2). 3.1.2 Collection of field data The following data was collected/measured in the field: • GPS coordinates, information given from ICE • Well depth, information given from ICE • Temperature, using a portable EcoScan pH 6 meter (temp range 0-100˚C). Temperatures for the geothermal wells: information given from ICE • pH, using a portable EcoScan pH 6 meter (pH range 0-14, +/- 0.01) • Eh (redox), using a portable EcoScan pH 6 meter (-1000-1000mV, +/- 2 mV)) • Dissolved oxygen, sing a CyberScan DO100 • -Conductivity, using a portable EcoScan pH 6 meter • Field estimation of total As concentration, using a Hach Field test kit (range: 10-500 µg/l). 3.1.1 Field location and sampling Miravalles Twenty eight 28 samples were collected around the Miravalles volcano area. 13 of these samples (PGM-11, PGM-14, PGM-62, PGM-31, PGM-08, PGM-45, PGM-43, PGM-12, PGM-20, PGM-46, PGM-29, PGM-07, PGM-19) were extracted directly from the pipes which are pumping up the water from the geothermal well at a depth varying between 960-1998 meters of the geothermal field of Miravalles (Figure 6). 11 samples (Termal Guayabal, Sitio 13, Corralito, Termal union, U1, Hornillas Miravalles, Colegio fortuna, San bernardo 1, San bernardo 2, Salitral bagaces and Panteon) were collected from thermal springs and 4 samples (Toma guayabo, Toma casa maquinas, Toma fortuna, and Toma colonia) were collected from cold surface springs (Figure 7). The equipments were checked and calibrated before the field measurements. The pH-meter was calibrated once a day using buffer solutions and the redox electrode was checked with Zobell’s solution several times during the investigation period. Field measurements of redox potential (Eh) are known to be problematic with questionable reliability (Appelo & Postma 1993). Water samples were taken from each location and brought back to the laboratory of the Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm for further analyses. A set of four bottles was taken, one plastic bottle of 50 ml volume, one 50 ml bottle with dark glass and two plastic bottles of 22 ml (see below). Rincon de la Vieja In the Rincon de la Vieja volcano area, 21 samples were collected. Among these, 4 samples (PGP-01, PGP-03, PGP-04 and PGB-01) were extracted by pump equipment directly from the geothermal well at a depth varying between 1414-2595 meters of the geothermal field of Pailas-Borinquen (Figure 8). 16 samples were collected from thermal springs (Figure 9) among which 5 were extracted at Hornillas hotel Borinquen, Hornillas Parque, Pailas agua, Santa Maria Caliente and Azufrales. The remaining samples were collected from 11 hot water springs in this area from Rio Salitral, Rio Tizate1, Rio Tizate 2, Salitral las lilas 1, Salitral las lilas 2, Salitral las lilas 1+2, Pedernal, Nacientes Nieve Arraya1 and Nacientes Nieve Arraya 2. 1 15 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 Figure 6: Map pf Miravalles geothermal field with sampled geothermal wells. 16 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 7: Map of spring locations around Miravalles 17 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 Figure 7: Figure 8: Map of Las Pailas-Borinquien geothermal fields and the sampled geothermal wells. 18 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 9: Map of spring locations around Rincon de la Vieja. Figure 10: Ooverview map Rincon de la Vieja area. 19 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 Figure 11: Sampling at Las-Pailas- Borinquien (1-3) and Miravalles geothermal fields (4). 1) Construction of pump equipment 2) Winch used to lower and extract sample equipment into boreholes 3) Cooling ponds 4) Releasing the gas before taking sample at Miravalles geothermal field. 20 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 2: Overview of the samples collected from Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja geothermal sites Sample nr Sample ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 PGM-11 PGM-14 PGM-62 PGM-31 PGM-08 PGM-45 PGM-43 PGM-12 PGM-20 PGM-46 PGM-29 PGM-07 PGM-19 (öppen) Termal Guayabal Sitio 13 Corralito Termal union U1 Hornillas (Miravalles) Colegio Fortuna San Bernardo 1 San Bernardo 2 Salitral Bagaces Panteon Toma Guayabo Toma casa maquinas Toma Fortuna Toma Colonia PGP-01 PGP-03 PGP-04 PGB-01 Hornillas hotel Borinquen Hornillas parque Pailas agua Santa Maria Caliente Azufrales Rio salitral (Hotel buena vista) Rio tizate 1 Rio tizate 2 Salitral las lilas 1 Salitral las lilas 2 Salitral las lilas 1+2 Pedernal (NE de C Fortuna) Naciente Nieves Araya 2 Naciente Nieves Araya 1 El volcancito Las Avestruces El albergue agroecologico Hotel Guachipelin Location Sample source Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Miravalles Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Rincón de la Vieja Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Cold spring Cold spring Cold spring Cold spring Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Geothermal well Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal river Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Thermal spring Cold spring WL84 W 85 10´55.774" x 85 11´15.855" 85 11´25.249" 85 11´44.568" 85 11´54.829" 85 12´4.878" 85 11´43.921" 85 11´50.390" 85 11´43.145" 85 10´30.171" 85 10´45.090" 85 11´23.373" 85 11´37.173" 85 11´52.648" 85 11´38.53" 85 11´46.396" 85 11´37.876 85 10´45.83" 85 12´35.667" 85 12´10.239" x 85 14´24.114" 85 12´57.37" 85 11´27.084" 85 10´50.520" 85 11´40.640" 85 11´14.620" 85 21´42.980 85 21´6.635" 85 21´32.571 85 24´30.555 85 24´54.507" 85 22´24.0" 85 20´43.8" 85 19´30.0" 85 19´39.5" 85 24´24.9" 85 26´14.7" 85 26´26.175" 85 28´11.9" 85 28´18.5" 85 28´18.5" 85 27´26.0" 85 19´39.4" 85 19´39.4" 85 19´29.7" x x 85 21´46.2" Water samples collected from each well involved: • 50 ml filtered samples for alkalinity and major anion analysis. • 22 ml filtered acidified samples (14M HNO3), for major cation and trace elements analysis. • 22 ml acidified samples (14M HNO3), kept frozen when possible, for DOC analysis. WL84 N 10 43´6.000" x 10 43´7.997" 10 42´37.539 10 42´25.736" 10 41´59.767" 10 42´3.971" 10 41´18.524" 10 41´25.179" 10 41´47.299" 10 40´40.117" 10 42´58.249" 10 41´51.316" 10 45´16.444" 10 44´18.953" 10 44´20.46" 10 43´8.110" 10 42´33.761" 10 42´51.05" 10 40´25.262" 10 35´56.798" x 10 35´49.765" 10 42´16.52" 10 43´34.234" 10 43´46.701 10 40´46.309" 10 40´37.395" 10 45´51.235" 10 46´19.767 10 45´29.037" 10 48´24.866 10 48´49.132" 10 47´3.8" 10 46´21.9" 10 45´38.6" 10 45´33.2" 10 48´41.1" 10 46´28.9" 10 46´25.602" 10 48´19.2" 10 48´12.6" 10 48´12.6" 10 49´1.6" 10 53´52.9" 10 53´52.9" 10 54´35.2" x x 10 45´42.6" X Lambert North 299,780 x 300,577 299,843 298,908 298,547 297,750 297,880 296,482 296,687 297,366 295,296 299,541 303,791 302,026 Y Lambert East 407,149 x 406,791 406,539 406,251 405,663 405,350 405,044 405,677 405,481 405,703 407,915 407,473 405,902 405,427 299,849 298,793 405,611 405,867 294,850 286,600 x 286,396 404,100 404,850 x 400,780 300,650 301,030 295,492 295,216 x 305,788 304,232 309,652 310,400 307,150 305,850 304,460 304,350 310,150 306,100 306,000 309,500 309,300 309,300 310,800 319,700 319,700 321,000 x x 304,650 406,200 407,312 405,774 406,564 x 388,607 387,814 382,425 381,700 386,260 389,300 391,540 391,250 382,600 379,250 378,900 375,700 375,500 375,500 377,100 391,300 391,300 391,600 x x 387,400 Elevation m(asl) 719 702 692 643 809 593 578 516 517 584 473 738 608 610 575 590 550 625 754 380 335 335 165 510 610 780 480 455 659 757 631 699 535 760 763 715 725 630 330 300 245 250 250 315 435 435 410 400 400 595 Well_Depth Max Reservoir Temp m °C 1450 242 1396 See graph 1758 238 1724 234 1200 232 960 235 953 229 1596 227 1700 231 1198 233 1380 230 1998 239 1260 232 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1418 240 1772 244 1418 229 2595 276 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x colloidal material and micro organisms that can effect the dissolved As(ΙΙΙ/ V) ratio. Some of the samples were also acidified with 5 ml HNO3 per liter sample. Bottles were closed avoiding air bubbles. The samples were put in a cooled box during transportation and stored refrigerated until the analysis was completed in Stockholm during October, 2006. • 3.2 Laboratory investigations 50 ml filtered through a Disposable CartridgeTM filter that removes species of As(V) and then acidified in a dark glass bottle, for As(III) analysis. The dark glass bottle was used for storing the water meant for As analyses. Before bottling the water was filtered through a cartridge filter with the pore size 0.45 µm. to remove most of the The water was analyzed for major ions, total As and other trace elements and further for As(III), DOC and alkalinity. Below follows a description of the methods used for each of the analysis. 3.2.1 Alkalinity The alkalinity was measured following the standard SS-EN ISO 9963-2 (SIS 1996). 21 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 3.2.2 Major ions Anions were analyzed at the laboratory of the Department of Land and Water Resource Engineering at KTH on a Dionex DX-120 Ion Chromatograph. In order to save the sensitive equipment samples were diluted between 1 and 100 times prior to analysis yielding lower concentrations of ions. Dilution was made with guidance from the field-measured conductivity. For anion analysis untreated samples and an IonPac AS9-SC coloumn was used. The chromatograph was run several times until almost all results were within the calibrated interval set by the standard solutions used for verifying the results. Cations were analysed with ICP-OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) from Varian Vista Ax.. These analyses were performed at the Stockholm University. 3.2.3 Trace elements Acidified samples were analyzed at the Stockholm University with an ICP-OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) from Varian Vista Ax. 3.2.4 Arsenic (III) Samples used were directly filtered in the field through Disposable Cartridge filters that removes As(V) and then acidified. Analyzes was performed at the Stockholm University using the same instrument as for trace elements, see above. 3.2.5 DOC Dissolved organic carbon was analyzed at the laboratory of the Department of Land and Water Resource Engineering at KTH on a TOC-5000 SHIMADZU Total Organic Carbon Analyzer as NPOC (Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon). 3.2 Treatment of analytical data AquaChem 4.0 (Waterloo Hydrogeologic, 1997) was used to determine water types and create piper diagrams of major ions in the sampled waters. Scatter and Box plots was also carried out. 22 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. RESULTS Table 3: Summary of the field measured parameters for water samples at the study areas Results of field parameters and the concentrations of major ions, selected minor ions, trace elements and DOC in geothermal wells, thermal springs and cold springs from the study areas of Rincon de la Vieja and Miravalles are summarized in Tables 3-9. S.No. Sample ID Miravalles 1 PGM-11 2 PGM-14 3 PGM-62 4 PGM-31 5 PGM-08 6 PGM-45 7 PGM-43 8 PGM-12 9 PGM-20 10 PGM-46 11 PGM-29 12 PGM-07 13 PGM-19 (Open) 14 Termal Guayabal 15 Sitio 13 16 Corralito 17 Termal union 18 U1 19 Hornillas (Miravalles) 20 Colegio Fortuna 21 San Bernardo 1 22 San Bernardo 2 23 Salitral Bagaces 24 Panteon 25 Toma Guayabo 26 Toma casa maquinas 27 Toma Fortuna 28 Toma Colonia Rincon de la Vieja 29 PGP-01 30 PGP-03 31 PGP-04 32 PGB-01 33 Hornillas hotel Borinquen 34 Hornillas parque 35 Pailas agua 36 Santa Maria Caliente 37 Azufrales 38 Rio salitral (buena vista) 39 Rio tizate 1 40 Rio tizate 2 41 Salitral las lilas 1 42 Salitral las lilas 2 43 Salitral las lilas 1+2 44 Pedernal (NE de C Fortuna) 45 Naciente Nieves Araya 2 46 Naciente Nieves Araya 1 47 El volcancito 48 Las Avestruces 49 El albergue agroecologico 50 Hotel Guachipelin 4.1 Geothermal wells 4.1.1 Field measured parameters A summary of the field measured parameters for water samples are presented in Table 3. The temperature of the geothermal well fluids had to be cold down before measuring could be carried out. The measurements were taken at a temperature of 9-90 °C at Miravalles and 24-29 °C at Rincon de la Vieja. The reservoir temperature at Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja varies between 230-255°C and 229-276°C respectively. The pH in the geothermal wells is neutral and values ranges between 7-7.8 in samples collected at the wellhead at Miravalles with three exceptions of PGM-29,PGM-07 and PGM-19 which are weakly alkaline (pH 4.8-5.7). The samples collected at the bottom of the wells in Rincon de la vieja (PGP-01 at 1414 m, PGP-03 at 1773 m, PGP-04 at 1419 m and PGB-01 at 2595m depths) were neutral to weakly alkaline (pH 5.72-7.77). Field measured redox potential (Eh) in the geothermal well fluids varies between 99-431 mV at Miravalles and 160366 mV at Rincon de la Vieja. Electrical conductivity (EC) is high, ranges between 8.940-15.150 mS/cm (with one exception 130.310 mS/cm) at Miravalles and 8.00-12.85 mS/cm at Rincon de la Vieja. Date T °C pH Eh mV EC µS/cm As (Field) µg/l sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 90,7 15,9 17,1 31,8 34,9 10,6 29,6 9,8 11,6 9,4 25,2 12,3 13,3 62,9 33,7 35,6 38,1 51,2 88,9 42,8 44,9 45,5 41,1 35,5 23,3 14,2 24,1 23,6 7,72 7,74 7,2 7,81 7,53 7,16 7,57 7,3 7,71 7,41 5,74 4,91 4,8 2,28 3,25 2,72 5,9 7,25 1,97 6,44 6,25 6,3 5,63 6,32 6,63 7,18 6,57 6,78 99 212 200 236 292 395 262 333 308 289 339 392 431 683 192 635 456 349 240 376 396 388 428 272 439 437 419 426 1300 1290 1236 1238 1271 1370 13031 1515 1472 1492 894 1225 960 484 255 257 40 71 180 64 94 97 26 122 22 14 30 25 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 25-50 50-100 <10 10 25 <10 50-100 50-100 50-100 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 sep-05 26 28 24,8 29 26,4 91,2 87,3 36,4 43,7 44,4 38,4 37,9 71,2 70,7 26,6 39 55 28,4 61,3 36,9 36,4 27,1 6,37 5,72 6,1 7,77 7,63 3,75 2,17 5,27 3,32 7,6 6,6 6,58 6,09 6,1 7,84 7,15 5,96 6,68 6,62 5 3,98 6,01 294 366 160 304 309 181 404 9 120 293 392 393 239 233 334 385 263 358 237 69 564 430 800 1285 1043 968 19 49 353 28 76 32 39 40 946 958 38 14 525 585 577 73 190 21 >500 >500 >500 >500 25-50 50 50 25 25-okt <10 <10 <10 >500 >500 50 <10 25-50 25-50 25-50 25 <10 <10 The water from geothermal wells has high Cl content range between 2865-4947 mg/L at Miravalles (MV) with one exception of very high concentration as high as 8935 mg/L. The Cl concentrations varied between 2455-4444 mg/L at Rincon de la Vieja (RV). The SO42- and HCO3concentrations are relatively low (MV: 46-329 and 0-273 mg/ L, respectively and RV: 93-169 and 41121 mg/ L). All the geothermal water is of Cl-Na type. 4.1.2 Major ions Variation of major ion concentration in samples at Miravalles (MV) and Rincon de la Vieja (RV) is presented Table 4 and also plotted in Box and Whisker diagram in Figure 12. Cl- and Na+ are the dominant ions in both geothermal waters. Na+ is by far the most predominant major cation (MV: 1289–2178 mg/L, RV: 1125–1809 mg/L ), followed by K+ (MV: 192–362 mg/L, RV: 245–457 mg/L), Ca2+ (MV: 23–109 mg/L, RV: 23–109 mg/L) and Mg2+(MV:0.04-7 mg/L, RV: 0.26-0.78 mg/L). 23 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 Figure 12: Major ion chemistry of the geothermal waters plotted in Box and Whisker diagram from the productions wells at Miravalles (to the left) and Rincon de la Vieja (to the right) sites. Table 4: Major ion chemistry of the geothermal waters from the productions wells at Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja sites. Sample nr Sample ID Miravalles 1 PGM-11 2 PGM-14 3 PGM-62 4 PGM-31 5 PGM-08 6 PGM-45 7 PGM-43 8 PGM-12 9 PGM-20 10 PGM-46 11 PGM-29 12 PGM-07 13 PGM-19 (open) Rincon de la Vieja 29 PGP-01 30 PGP-03 31 PGP-04 32 PGB-01 Ca2+ mg/l K+ mg/l Mg2+ mg/l Na+ mg/l Clmg/l HCO3mg/l SO42mg/ NO3mg/l Ion Balance % Water type 54,8 69,1 60,9 74,8 71,8 82,4 85,0 109,2 103,6 94,7 66,7 29,7 23,1 307 305 298 299 313 363 331 343 338 313 193 309 302 0,11 0,09 0,07 0,13 0,06 0,09 0,05 0,19 0,11 0,12 1,31 3,63 7,32 1855 1734 1760 1807 1825 2002 1988 2179 2107 1983 1290 1769 1656 3843 3437 3828 4117 4333 4822 4543 4947 8935 4316 2865 3421 2974 93,8 48,6 42,8 58,7 30,5 26,9 28,3 49,1 57,6 65,9 273,5 0,0 0,0 61,6 46,7 140,5 144,5 149 155,5 142,5 254 297 199 143 237 329,5 1,6 3,6 6,5 6,0 15,5 24 10 23 34 58,5 9,0 32,5 8,5 -9,9 -6,5 -12,3 -14,4 -16,2 -16,5 -14,1 -14,5 -42,2 -12,8 -15,7 -8,1 -5,4 Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B 60,1 99,3 101,0 94,8 245 457 331 274 0,35 0,68 0,27 0,78 1125 1810 1566 1438 2456 4444 3635 3148 120,7 41,8 58,7 121,0 92,75 144,5 169 135,5 3,8 14,5 18,5 10,0 -11,4 -15,1 -13,6 -11,5 Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Table 5: Selected trace element chemistry of the geothermal waters at Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja sites. Sample nr Sample ID Miravalles 1 PGM-11 2 PGM-14 3 PGM-62 4 PGM-31 5 PGM-08 6 PGM-45 7 PGM-43 8 PGM-12 9 PGM-20 10 PGM-46 11 PGM-29 12 PGM-07 13 PGM-19 (open) Rincon de la Vieja 29 PGP-01 30 PGP-03 31 PGP-04 32 PGB-01 As (tot) mg/l As(III) mg/l B mg/l Al mg/l Fe mg/l Mn mg/l Ba mg/l Li mg/l Si mg/l DOC mg/l 25,58 24,46 25,13 25,70 25,58 27,42 27,46 29,13 29,07 26,92 11,86 26,34 25,89 6,79 6,84 6,90 6,82 7,13 7,69 7,31 7,60 7,58 7,55 3,63 7,58 7,31 49,3 47,5 50,3 51,8 51,4 57,1 57,5 60,1 59,7 56,7 33,9 54,2 49,2 0,31 0,32 0,27 0,26 0,30 0,28 0,26 0,24 0,26 0,26 0,04 0,19 0,07 0,003 0,008 0,018 0,043 0,015 0,213 0,039 0,009 0,069 0,044 6,416 0,795 1,479 0,05 0,02 0,02 0,05 0,02 0,03 0,03 0,04 0,04 0,05 1,25 0,58 1,73 0,44 0,26 0,29 0,60 0,30 0,31 0,26 0,77 0,69 0,58 0,16 0,23 0,18 8,77 bdl bdl 8,17 bdl bdl bdl 7,55 bdl 7,50 6,75 8,24 7,06 305 305 296 275 280 275 285 241 258 251 199 314 271 1,66 1,54 1,09 1,57 1,83 2,91 0,86 1,16 1,28 1,15 3,24 0,41 0,76 7,81 13,00 12,80 5,99 2,34 3,45 3,57 1,63 20,6 33,1 30,1 27,1 0,04 0,03 0,05 0,04 0,560 0,891 0,891 0,054 0,23 0,45 0,33 0,03 0,04 0,06 0,06 0,03 5,90 bdl bdl bdl 176 203 206 170 4,22 3,73 4,08 4,36 24 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4.1.3 Trace elements A summary of trace elements for the geothermal wells are presented in Table 5. Extremely high concentration of As (MV: 11.9-29.1 mg/L, RV: 5.99-13.0 mg/L) and B (MV: 33-60 mg/L, RV: 20.6-33.1 mg/L) are the typical characterise these geothermal waters. The concentrations of Fe and Mn were low in all geothermal wells at both Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja sites with concentration ranges between 0.003-0.89 mg/L and 0.02-0.58 mg/L respectively. However, in the wells PGM 29 and PGM-19, the concentrations of Fe was high with respective values of 6.4 mg/L and 1.5 mg/L while the corresponding Mn levels of 1.25 mg/L and 1.73 mg/L. Some of the geothermal well fluids have high Li concentrations. Seven sampled wells at Miravalles have Li concentrations ranging between 6.75-8.77 mg/L and one of the sampled geothermal fluids in Rincon de la Vieja revealed Li concentration of 5.9 mg/L. All of the sampled geothermal wells have high Si concentrations (MV: 198-313 mg/L and RV: 169205 mg/L). In general, the concentrations of DOC and HCO3is quite low in the geothermal well fluids of Miravalles area with one exception PGM-29 which has high DOC and HCO3- values. At Rincon de la Vieja the DOC is high while the HCO3- is low. 4.1.4 Correlation between various chemical parameters Figure 13-15 show Bivariate plots of the geothermal wells (GTW) showing relationship between the concentrations of: 13. Total As with a HCO3, b SO4, c Fe, d B 14. DOC and a As, b HCO3 15. SO4 and a Ca+Mg, b Ca Arsenic has high positiv correlation with HCO3(MV: r=0.76 and RDLV: r=0.94), Figure 13: Bivariate plots of the geothermal waters showing relationship between As concentration and a HCO3, b SO4, c Fe and d B 25 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 Figure 14: Bivariate plots of the geothermal waters showing relationship between the DOC concentration and a As, b HCO3 Figure 15: Bivariate plots of the geothermal waters showing relationship between the SO4 concentration and a Ca+Mg, b Ca High correlation are also seen between As and DOC (MV: 0.68 and RDLV: 0.74) and between HCO3- and DOC (r=0.81 for both areas) Sulfate with Ca+Mg show a positive correlation (MV:r=0.75 and RDLV: r=0.87) and so does sulphate with Ca2+ (MV: 0.74 and RDLV: 0.88). Hornillas parque: pH 3.75 and temperature 91.2˚C). The redox potential (Eh) were between 192-683 mV at Miravalles and between 9-564 mV at Rincon de la vieja. The electric conductivity (EC) at Miravalles was between 0.26-4.84 mS/cm and at Rincon de la vieja 0.143-9.58 mS/cm. 4.2 Thermal springs -Neutral and Acid 4.2.2 Major ions The thermal springs can be divided into two main types: Acid thermal springs (TSA) and Neutral thermal springs (TSN). The major ion characteristics of the thremal springs at the two study sites are presented in Table 6. Variation of major ion concentration in samples collected at the thermal springs at Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja are presented in Box and Whisker plots in Figure 16 for Acid thermal springs and in Figure 17 for Neutral thermal springs. Figure 18 show Piper diagrams for Neutral thermal springs (TSN) at Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja. 4.2.1 Field measured parameters The temperature ranged between 33.7-88.9°C in Miravalles and between 26-91˚C at Rincon de la vieja. A summary of the field measured parameters for the thermal springs are presented in Table 3. The thermal springs have pH interval ranging between 1.97-7.84. Four of the sampled thermal water in Miravalles and four of the sampled thermal waters in Rincon de la vieja were acidic (pH 1.97-3.25 resp 2.17-3.98) while the rest had a neutral or weakly alkaline pH (5.63-7.25 resp 5.007.63). The two most acidic springs at Miravalles have the highest measured temperatures (Hornillas Miravalles: pH 1.97 and temperature 88.9˚C and Thermal Guayabal: pH 2.28 and temperature 62.9˚C) and the same states for Rincon de la vieja (Pailas aguas: pH 2.17 and temperature 87.3˚C and 26 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 16: Major ion chemistry of the Acid thermal waters plotted in Box and Whisker diagram from the productions wells at Miravalles (to the left) and Rincon de la Vieja (to the right) sites. Figure 17: Major ion chemistry of the Neutral thermal waters plotted in Box and Whisker diagram from the productions wells at Miravalles (to the left) and Rincon de la Vieja (to the right) sites. Figure 18: Piper diagram for Neutral thermal waters at Miravalles (to the left) and Rincon de la Vieja (to the right) sites. 27 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 The acidic thermal springs (TSA) had high SO42- content (MV: 493-2699 mg/L and RV: 352275 mg/L). The Cl- content is low (MV: 21-642 mg/L and RV: 2-434 mg/) as well as the NO3(MV: 1.4 -16 mg/L and RV: 1-5 mg/L) and the HCO3- (MV: 0 mg/L and RV: 0 mg/L) content. Ca2+ (MV: 19-145 mg/L and RV: 15-164 mg/L) predominates over Mg2+ (MV: 8-91 mg/L and RV: 6-26 mg/L), Na+ (MV: 15-73 mg/L and RV: 6-79 mg/L) and K+ ( MV: 6-13 mg/L and RV: 2-14 mg/L ) in the acid springs reflecting SO4-water type: (MV: 62-146 mg/L and RV: 64-188 mg/L) and Mn+ (MV: 0.32-6.1 mg/L and RV: 0.23-4.23 mg/L). The DOC content is low (MV: 0.4-1.23 and RV: 0.9-1.39 mg/L with one exception of Pailas aguas 9.62 mg/L). The neutral thermal springs (TSN) are rich in HCO3- (MV: 0-608 mg/L and RV: 0-535 mg/L), Cl- (6-2914 mg/L) and SO42- (MV: 6-237 mg/L and RV: 23-812 mg/L). Mg2+ concentrations are low (MV: 2-19 mg/L and RV: 5-301 mg/L) as well as K+ (MV: 8-22 mg/L and RV: 2-186mg/L). The water type can be divided into HCO3-Si-SO4, ClNa and Cl-SO4. Two of the samples (Salitral las lilas 1 and 2) in Rincon de la Vieja differs from the rest with a really high Cl- (2667 resp 2914 mg/L) and Na+ (1242 resp 1250 mg/L) concentration. Concentrations of Ca2+ (145 resp 150 mg/L), K+ (186 resp 180 mg/L), HCO3- (250 resp 310 mg/L), SO42- (210 resp 212 mg/L) are quite low. One hundred meters downstream the river from Salitral las lilas 1 and 2 is Salitral las lilas 1+2 sampled. The concentration of Cl- (76 mg/L) and Na+ (46 mg/L) are much lower in this sample in comparison with Salitra las lilas 1 and 2. Ca2+ (15 mg/L), K+ (6 mg/L), HCO3- (47 mg/L), SO42- (25 mg/L) and Mg2+ (5 mg/L) are also much lower. The water is designated as Cl-HCO3-Na-Si type. Figure 19: Box and Whisker plots for Acidic thermal waters at Miravalles for As, B and Fe. The neutral springs (TSN) have a low DOC. Fe and Mn are both low while the As concentration (0.005-10.9 mg/L) exceeds the WHO limit in 13 of the 20 samples. High boron concentrations occur in all the samples (0.65-25.7 mg/L). Two of the samples (Salitral las lilas 1 and 2) in Rincon de la Vieja differs from the rest with really high As (10.9 resp 10.6 mg/L) and boron (25.7 resp 25.6 mg/L) concentrations. The Mg concentration (13 resp 14 mg/L) is also much higher than in the other samples. One hundred meters downstream the river from Salitral las lilas 1 and 2 is Salitral las lilas 1+2 sampled. The concentrations of B (3.09 mg/L) and As (0.13 mg/L) is still high here but in comparison with Salitral las lilas 1 and 2 the concentration has to be considered low. 4.2.3 Trace elements A summary of the trace elements for the thermal springs are presented in Table 7. The acidic thermal springs (TSA) have a high content of A, B and Fe as showed in the Box and Whisker plots in Figure 19. Other trace elements in these waters include S2(MV: 202-814 mg/L and RV: 57-598 mg/L), Al3+ (MV: 20-453 mg/L and RV: 0-141 mg/L), Si4+ 28 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6: Major ion chemistry of the thermal waters from the productions wells at Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja sites. Sample nr Sample ID Miravalles 14 Termal Guayabal 15 Sitio 13 16 Corralito 17 Termal union 18 U1 19 Hornillas (Miravalles) 20 Colegio Fortuna 21 San Bernardo 1 22 San Bernardo 2 23 Salitral Bagaces 24 Panteon Rincon de la Vieja 33 Hornillas hotel Borinquen 34 Hornillas parque 35 Pailas agua 36 Santa Maria Caliente 37 Azufrales 38 Rio salitral (buena vista) 39 Rio tizate 1 40 Rio tizate 2 41 Salitral las lilas 1 42 Salitral las lilas 2 43 Salitral las lilas 1+2 44 Pedernal (NE de C Fortuna) 45 Naciente Nieves Araya 2 46 Naciente Nieves Araya 1 47 El volcancito 48 Las Avestruces 49 El albergue agroecologico Ca2+ mg/l K+ mg/l Mg2+ mg/l Na+ mg/l Clmg/l HCO3mg/l SO42mg/ NO3mg/l Ion Balance % Water type 104 312 146 36 60 20 46 43 42 9 100 7 14 9 9 19 8 14 20 21 9 22 25 92 22 13 16 8 20 17 17 2 76 65 74 41 26 55 16 45 91 94 39 74 642 148 177 13 19 22 16 100 62 17 51 bdl bdl bdl 190 318 bdl 386 395 396 140 608 2700 1613 1303 40 66 494 58 27 25 6 238 16 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 18 bdl 4 12.7 10.8 14.3 0.4 6.2 43.8 12.7 19.7 15.3 23.2 4.8 Al-SO4-Cl Ca-Mg-SO4 Al-Ca-SO4 Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3 Na-Ca-HCO3 Al-SO4 Ca-Na-Mg-HCO3 Na-Ca-HCO3-Cl-B Na-Ca-HCO3-B Na-HCO3-B Mg-Ca-Na-HCO3-SO4 14 15 15 22 29 26 23 23 145 150 15 11 325 340 354 63 164 6 5 3 4 9 5 7 6 187 180 6 3 130 147 144 14 14 6 7 9 9 11 8 13 13 14 15 5 6 280 294 301 14 26 10 14 7 17 30 26 34 34 1243 1251 46 8 307 323 334 58 79 10 3 2 7 23 11 13 13 2667 2914 77 6 1200 1326 973 92 435 33 bdl bdl 35 bdl 141 174 182 251 310 48 69 535 510 531 37 bdl 42 36 2275 96 294 24 52 53 210 213 26 8 813 894 667 178 353 bdl 2 1 0 3 2 1 2 13 9 3 2 9 21 19 5 5 21.5 -8.5 46.2 4.5 Ca-Mg-B-HCO3-SO4 Na-Ca-Mg-B-SO4 Al-SO4 Ca-Na-Mg-SO4-HCO3 Na-Ca-SO4 Na-Ca-HCO3-SO4 Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 Na-Cl-B Na-Cl-B Na-B-Cl Ca-Mg-B-HCO3 Mg-Ca-Na-Cl-SO4 Mg-Ca-Na-Cl-SO4 Mg-Ca-Na-Cl-SO4 Ca-Na-B-SO4-Cl Ca-Cl-SO4 7.1 9.3 22.9 25.8 32.3 31.5 4.9 6.2 -7.4 28.6 15.1 Table7: Selected trace element chemistry of the thermal waters at Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja sites Sample nr Sample ID Miravalles 14 Termal Guayabal 15 Sitio 13 16 Corralito 17 Termal union 18 U1 19 Hornillas (Miravalles) 20 Colegio Fortuna 21 San Bernardo 1 22 San Bernardo 2 23 Salitral Bagaces 24 Panteon Rincon de la Vieja 33 Hornillas hotel Borinquen 34 Hornillas parque 35 Pailas agua 36 Santa Maria Caliente 37 Azufrales 38 Rio salitral (buena vista) 39 Rio tizate 1 40 Rio tizate 2 41 Salitral las lilas 1 42 Salitral las lilas 2 43 Salitral las lilas 1+2 44 Pedernal (NE de C Fortuna) 45 Naciente Nieves Araya 2 46 Naciente Nieves Araya 1 47 El volcancito 48 Las Avestruces 49 El albergue agroecologico As (tot) mg/l As(III) mg/l B mg/l Al mg/l Fe mg/l Mn mg/l Ba mg/l Li mg/l Si mg/l DOC mg/l 4.564 0.224 0.099 0.008 0.012 0.017 0.010 0.271 0.281 0.188 0.005 1.531 0.193 0.158 0.012 0.013 0.018 0.011 0.017 0.024 0.012 0.012 2.730 3.029 2.098 0.994 1.557 1.833 0.925 2.355 2.432 1.145 0.923 453.646 56.809 133.971 0.007 0.013 20.449 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.039 0.015 76.738 16.817 28.176 0.001 0.006 16.802 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.017 2.850 1.775 6.104 2.696 0.004 0.002 0.325 0.802 0.000 0.000 0.019 0.334 0.017 0.015 0.008 0.063 0.013 0.051 0.056 0.087 0.085 0.084 0.056 0.172 0.060 0.048 0.011 0.094 0.008 0.016 0.379 0.392 0.110 0.036 133.6 62.1 85.8 77.6 104.0 146.6 74.0 80.7 82.2 64.4 59.2 0.79 0.63 0.40 0.59 0.80 1.23 0.90 0.94 0.87 1.49 1.74 0.008 0.005 0.024 0.015 0.007 0.006 0.007 0.007 10.853 10.633 0.132 0.005 0.053 0.053 0.050 0.017 0.009 0.014 0.009 0.026 0.008 0.010 0.007 0.008 0.015 1.629 3.256 3.044 0.008 0.033 0.034 0.033 0.016 0.008 1.709 1.534 0.729 0.657 0.595 1.670 0.755 0.722 25.724 25.634 3.092 1.907 2.514 2.758 2.798 6.764 1.724 0.062 2.682 141.387 0.181 0.860 0.011 0.015 0.012 0.011 0.011 0.065 0.006 0.011 0.012 0.009 0.073 11.238 0.681 5.859 194.899 0.039 0.120 bdl 0.002 0.004 0.030 0.008 0.050 0.002 4.396 0.513 3.496 0.710 0.010 0.084 0.269 0.424 0.119 0.226 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.747 0.838 0.025 0.000 1.485 1.312 1.125 1.095 4.235 0.050 0.075 0.055 0.036 0.032 0.030 0.041 0.041 0.357 0.338 0.047 0.034 0.047 0.049 0.052 0.036 0.040 0.005 0.015 0.005 0.022 0.011 0.015 0.031 0.031 6.440 6.356 0.245 bdl 0.519 0.561 0.598 0.296 0.092 44.5 84.0 188.9 30.9 64.1 51.1 70.2 70.9 54.7 52.5 39.4 59.2 93.8 97.8 98.8 63.9 82.9 4.96 1.39 9.62 1.40 0.91 2.50 1.16 0.37 0.61 0.74 1.46 1.35 2.53 1.24 0.71 2.64 1.23 29 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 r=0.01) at Miravalles while there is no correlation at Rincon de la Vieja. The relationship between SO42- concentrations of the thermal waters with Cl-, Mg2+ and Ca is presented in Figure 21. SO42- has high correlation with Cl- (MV: r=0.89) while its low with Mg2+ (MV: r=0.08) and Ca2+(MV: r=0.05) while there is no correlation at Rincon de la Vieja. 4.2.4 Correlation between various chemical parameters Bivariate plots the relationship between the concentrations of total As with B and Fe in the acid thermal springs (TSA) waters are presented in Figure 20. Arsenic has high correlation with B (MV: r=0.96) and low correlation with Fe (MV: Figure 20: Bivariate plots of the thermal waters showing relationship between total As with a) B,and b) Fe ´ Figure 21: Bivariate plots of the thermal waters showing relationship between the SO4 concentration and a) Cl, b) Mg and c) Ca 30 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ The dominated ions in the cold springs at Miravalles are HCO3- (38-97 mg/L), SO42- 22-49 mg/L), Si4+ (38-44 mg/L) followed by Ca2+ (1526 mg/L), Na+ (7-11 mg/L) and S (6-14 mg/L) in less concentrations. The dominated ions at the cold spring at Rincon de la vieja are Si4+ (49.8 mg/L), SO42- (49.1 mg/L) and HCO3- (41.1 mg/L) followed by Cl-, Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+ and K+. The sampled cold surface waters are generally of HCO3-SO4- Si or HCO3-Si type. 4.3 Cold surface waters 4.3.1 Field measured parameters A summary of the field measured parameters for the cold springs are presented in Table 3. The cold springs had a temperature range of 14.223.6°C at Miravalles while the cold spring at Rincon de la vieja had a temperature of 27.1 degrees. The pH is almost neutral for the cold springs at Miravalles (6.57-7.18) while it is weakly alkaline at Rincon de la Vieja (6.01). Field measured redox potential (Eh) range between 419-439 mV and the Electric conductivity (EC) ranges from 0.141-0.304 mS/cm. 4.3.3 Trace elements A summary of trace elements for the cold springs are presented in Table 9. Elevated concentrations of As and B occur in the cold springs (0.0052-0.007 mg/L respective 0.71.42 mg/L). The DOC concentration of the areas is quite low as well as the Fe and the Mn. 4.3.2 Major ions Variation of major ion concentration in samples collected at the cold springs at Miravalles (MV) and Rincon de la Vieja (RV) is presented Table 8 and also plotted in Box and Whisker diagram in Figure 22. Figure 22: Major ion chemistry of the cold surface waters plotted in Box and Whisker diagram from the productions wells at Miravalles (to the left) and Rincon de la Vieja (to the right) sites. Table 8: Major ion chemistry of the cold surface waters from the productions wells at Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja sites. Sample nr Sample ID Miravalles 25 Toma Guayabo 26 Toma casa maquinas 27 Toma Fortuna 28 Toma Colonia Rincon de la Vieja 50 Hotel Guachipelin Ca2+ mg/l K+ mg/l Mg2+ mg/l Na+ mg/l Cl mg/l HCO3mg/l SO42mg/ NO3mg/l Ion Balance % Water type 21.7 15.9 26.9 25.1 2.6 2.3 3.2 3.0 7.1 4.0 7.1 7.0 8.5 7.3 11.4 10.1 6.5 4.1 6.4 5.8 97.8 38.6 86.8 85.5 22.4 29.0 49.3 45.0 0.9 0.2 0.7 0.9 22.8 -4.2 19.4 21.3 Ca-Mg-B-HCO3 Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 Ca-B-HCO3-SO4 Ca-B-HCO3-SO4 19.9 2.4 7.6 7.6 10.4 41.1 49.1 0.1 22.6 Ca-Mg-B-SO4-HCO3 31 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 Table9: Selected trace element chemistry of the cold surface waters at Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja sites Sample nr Sample ID Miravalles 25 Toma Guayabo 26 Toma casa maquinas 27 Toma Fortuna 28 Toma Colonia Rincon de la Vieja 50 Hotel Guachipelin As (tot) mg/l As(III) mg/l B mg/l Al mg/l Fe mg/l Mn mg/l Ba mg/l Li mg/l Si mg/l DOC mg/l 0.0052 0.0064 0.0052 0.0065 0.0075 0.0000 0.0113 0.0102 1.42 0.716 1.2497 1.1014 0.0101 0.0092 0.04 0.0178 0.0075 0.0035 0.012 0.0036 0.0003 0.0002 0.0011 0.0003 0.0336 0.0132 0.0181 0.0149 bdl bdl 0.0031 bdl 44.0 40.3 39.2 38.3 1.16 1.26 1.02 0.74 0.0052 0.0086 1.0709 0.064 0.0019 0.0067 0.0558 bdl 49.8 0.86 plant analysis can be recommended to precisely predict the growth of plants on high B soils. If B contaminated water sources in Costa Rica are used by humans for irrigation and drinking water supply are still not known. Neither are the environment effects on animals and plants from boron contaminated water (Nable et al 1997). 4.4 Anomalous boron concentrations Extremly high boron (B) concentrations were found in all the samples. Especially high was the amount of boron in the geothermal well fluids, between 47-60 mg/L in the Miravalles area and between 20-33 mg/L in the Rincón de la Vieja area. High concentrations of boron (ranging between 0.66-6.76 mg/L) were found in the hot springs with two exceptions which differed a lot from the rest. These two were the springs called Salitral las Lilas 1 and 2 with extremely high boron concentrations (25.7 mg/L resp. 25.6 mg/L). The third sample were collected at the site where these two springs entered a stream about 100 meters down from where these springs entering the river (called Salitral las Lilas 1+2) which indicated a B concentration of 3.1 mg/L. The concentration of B in the cold springs ranged between 0.72-1.25 mg/L similar to a previous study by Nable et al (1997). All the samples exceed the WHO drinking water guideline for boron which is 0.5 mg/L. High concentrations of boron may occur naturally in the soil or in groundwater. It can also be added to the soil from mining, fertilisers, or irrigation water. B-rich soils are also of importance though they might cause B toxicity in the field and decrease crop yields. One typical visible symptom of B toxicity is leaf burn. It can also lead to fruit and bark disorders. Although there are various methods of determine the levels of B in soils, these analyses can only provide little more than a general risk assessment for B toxicity. There are several methods to ameliorating high boron soils but to get rid of boron in soil and water is extremely difficult. At present neither soil nor 32 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. DISCUSSION Salitral las lilas 1 and Salitral las lilas 2 have their outlet into a river. To find out how diluted the As concentration becomes when entering the river a sample Salitral las Lilas 1+2 was collected 100 meters downstream in the river. The results show an As concentration of 0.13 mg/L, which is higher than the WHO limit for drinking water. This shows that thermal springs with high concentrations of As are mixing with cold surface water of low As concentration. 5.1 Arsenic concentrations in Miravalles and Rincon de la vieja Findings indicate that high As concentrations occur through out the entire study area. 35 of the total 50 samples exceed the WHO drinking water guideline for As, which is 10 μg/L 5.1.1 Geothermal wells The results show that the highest As concentrations occur in the geothermal wells. The geothermal wells at Miravalles (mean 25.9 mg/L), show higher concentrations than those at Rincon de la Vieja, (mean 10.3 mg/L). Of particular importance is that the As concentrations in the geothermal waters used for power generation are extremely high at both Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja. Power generation requires substantial amounts of water to be extracted. During the separation of steam and bore water in geothermal power generation, Ass is retained in the waste bore water. High As content is one of the main problems in the disposal of this water (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). To prevent contamination of cold waters used for irrigation, re-injection of thermal waters to the reservoir is necessary. This also acts to recharge the aquifers of the thermal waters (Gemici & Tarcan 2002). We have stated that high As concentrations occur in the water used for geothermal energy in Costa Rica. It is unknown if any leakage occurs in the geothermal power plants in Costa Rica. Further investigations are needed to answer this question. 5.1.3 Cold surface waters The concentration of As in the cold springs do not exceed WHOs guidelines for drinking water. Although the As concentrations in the cold springs are relatively low (Miravalles 0.0052 0.0065 mg/L respective 0.0052 mg/L in Rincón de la Vieja) the risk of thermal water mixing with cold spring waters can increase the As content in the cold waters. This might occur due to i.e flooding during the rain season or due to leakage from the geothermal field for power generation. It is unknown whether contaminated water sources in Costa Rica are used by humans for irrigation and drinking water supply. Neither are the environmental effects on animals and plants from As contaminated water in the area of Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja. We do know that thermal springs with high concentrations of As are mixing with cold surface water of low As concentration which might lead to problems if this is used by humans and animals. Therefore further investigations are needed to mitigate where the highest risk of mixing between thermal waters of high As concentration and cold surface waters occur and investigate how this mixing process affects humans and animals in the area in the long term. 5.1.2 Thermal springs High As concentrations occur in the thermal springs. The As concentration in the Miravalles area ranging from 0.005- 0.28 mg/L with the exception of one sample, collected at Thermal Guayabal, with a measured concentration of 4.6 mg/L. The concentrations of As in the Rincón de la Vieja area ranged from 0.005-0.13 mg/L with two exceptions, Salitral las lilas 1 and Salitral las lilas 2 with As concentrations of 10.9 and 10.6 mg/L respectively. This high concentration of As affects the area surrounding these springs. 5.2 Comparison of the data with other geothermal fields in New Zealand, USA and Philippines The results show extremely high As concentrations in the geothermal wells and thermal springs of both Miravalles and Rincon de la vieja area. So, how high are the As levels 33 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 Table 10: Arsenic concentrations in hot springs and in production or exploration well brines at Yellowstone National Park in the USA, which is mainly drained by the Madison and Yellowstone Rivers, the Taupo Volcanic Zone in New Zealand, which is drained by the Waikato River, and Mt Apo in the Phillippines. Field As (mg/kg) Reference Wairakei, NZ Waiotapu, NZ Ohaaki/Broadlands, NZ Tongonan, Philippines 1.0 - 5.2 2.1 - 3.9 5.7 - 9.0 28 (mean) Ritchie (1961) Ellis and Mahon (1977) Ewers and Keays (1977) Darby (1980) Miravalles, Costa Rica Rincon de la Vieja, Costa Rica 11.86 - 29.13 mean value 25.8919 5.99 - 13.00 mean value 10.302 Geothermal wells Thermal springs Yellowstone Nat Park, US Wairakei, NZ Waiotapu, NZ Ohaaki/Broadlands, NZ Mt Apo, Philippines 0.16 - 10 0.23 - 3.0 0.71 - 6.5 1.0 3.1 - 6.2 Stauffer and Thomson (1984); Unpublished data, USGS Ritchie (1961) Webster (1990) Ellis and Mahon (1977) Webster (1999) Miravalles, Costa Rica Rincon de la Vieja, Costa Rica 0.005 - 4.56 mean value 0.0991 0.005 - 10.85 mean value 0.015 (6.5 mg/L) in New Zealand. It also has got a lower concentration than reported from USA (10 mg/L) and the Philippines (6.2 mg/L). levels in these areas in comparison with geothermal fields in other countries? Let us take a look at table 10 where As concentrations from New Zealand, USA and the Philippines are presented. 5.2.2 Arsenic concentrations in Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja The thermal springs can be divided into to main types: Acid thermal springs (TSA) and Neutral thermal springs (TSN). The acid thermal springs consist of hot water and steam having a low pH and are rich in sulphate. They are formed by the interaction of the steam phase with shallow aquifer waters. This mixture of water and steam lead to precipitation and sublimation of elemental sulphur which follows by microbial oxidation to sulphuric acid. Intense alteration of the host rock caused by the fluid (Webster & Nordstrom 2003) has lead to an unstable ground surface and the formation of bubbling “mudpools” at several sampling locations. The neutral thermal springs having an almost neutral pH, are rich in carbonate, chloride and silica. They are examples of hot water discharges and include steam-heating and steam-phase mixing (Webster & Nordstrom 2003). Two of the neutral thermal springs (Salitral las lilas 1 and 2) stand out from the others with As 5.2.1 Concentrations of arsenic and variability Arsenic concentrations reported in geothermal wells from geothermal fields in New Zealand (Wairakei 1.0 - 5.2 mg/kg, Waiotapu 2.1 - 3.9 mg/kg and Ohaaki/Broadlands 5.7 - 9.0 mg/kg) are substantially lower than the ones from this study in Costa Rica. The mean As concentration presented from the Philippines (28 mg/kg) are higher than reported from this study in Costa Rica (25.9 and 10.30 mg/L). After this comparison it is possible to state that the As concentrations in the geothermal wells of Costa Rica are extremely high. If we then compare the result from the thermal wells we can see that Rincon de la vieja has the lowest as well as the highest reported As concentration of all (0.005 - 10.85 mg/L), while Miravalles have a higher maximum concentration (4.56 mg/L) than Ohaaki/Broadlands (1.0 mg/L) and Wairakei 3.0 mg/L) but lower than Waiotapu 34 Arsenic in Geothermal Waters of Costa Rica ___________________________________________________________________________________ concentrations reaching 10.8 mg/L and 10.6 mg/L respectively and the water of Cl-Na type differs from the other thermal springs. Measurements from these two springs have more in common with recordings from the geothermal wells used for power generation. Similarities noted are a neutral pH, high conductivity, similar Cl-Na water type and high concentrations of both As and B. Possible reasons for this similarity might be: 1. Water feeding Salitral las lilas 1 and 2 come from the same deep natural geothermal source as the water extracted for power generation, while the other thermal springs in the area get fed by shallower geothermal sources. The high concentration of As and boron recorded at the surface of the springs suggests that this possibility may be unlikely however. This is because water feeding natural hot springs goes through several chemical processes (such as precipitation) on the way to the surface which substantially reduces the levels of dissolved contaminants that reach the surface. In contrast to this, the rapid extraction of geothermal water for power generation prevents these chemical changes. Contaminant levels are therefore relatively unchanged when the water reaches the surface. 2. The development of the geothermal fields including the drilling and extraction of water has disturbed the natural groundwater systems and increased the rate and volume of geothermal fluids reaching the surface. Two things which may have artificially increased the level of contaminants in the springs are leakage of fluid from the extraction pipes or an increase in the natural spring flow rate. Increasing the flow rate might lead to a reduction in the intensity of the natural chemical processes that occur in the water on the way to the surface. 3. Reinjected waste water is feeding into the aquifer of Salitral las lilas 1 and 2. If the thermal springs of Salitral las lilas 1 and 2 are influenced by the activity at the geothermal field, it means that the reservoir fluids from the geothermal field are mixing with the groundwater in the area. More investigations of groundwater and sediment samples are needed to draw conclusions on whether geothermal extraction is affecting nearby groundwaters. 35 Lotta Hammarlund & Juan Piñones TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 09-02 5. CONCLUSIONS The present study indicates that high As concentrations occur throughout the entire study area. 35 of the total 50 samples exceed the WHO drinking water guideline for As which is 10 μg/L. Extremely high As values were measured from the geothermal wells (11.86-29.13 mg/L) while concentrations in thermal springs (0.0052- 4.56 mg/L) were low to high and cold surface water (0.0052- 0.065 mg/L) was low. High boron concentrations (33.9-60.1 mg/L) also occur through out the entire area. • Arsenic concentrations exceed the WHO limit for safe drinking water (10μg/L) in 35 of the 50 samples. Geothermal well fluids greatly exceed the WHO limit while all the cold springs fall below that limit. • Boron concentrations exceed the WHO limit for safe drinking water (0.5 mg/L is the B limit recommended for drinking water by the WHO (1998) in all of the 50 samples. • Sampled geothermal well fluids are generally of Na-Cl-B type with an almost neutral pH and with oxidizing conditions. They contain extremely high As and boron concentrations. • Sampled thermal springs can be divided into neutral thermal waters and acidic thermal waters. The neutral thermal springs (pH almost neutral) are generally of HCO3-Cl type with reducing conditions. The acidic thermal springs (pH 1.973.25) are generally of SO4-S-Cl-Al type and with reducing conditions. They contain low to high As concentrations. • Sampled cold springs are generally of Si-SO4HCO3 type with a neutral to alkaline pH with reducing conditions. 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