Newsletter - GeoEngineering Centre at Queen`s


Newsletter - GeoEngineering Centre at Queen`s
2013 Newsletter
Golder Associates funds Fellowship and Visitor programs
9th Victor Milligan Lecture
Awards and Honours
International projects on mine waste management
New Tunneling and Sustainability projects
Rockfall Projects
Containing Diesel Contaminated Soil in Antarctica Using Geosynthetics
The WaterMAIN project
Guidelines for the use of Design Methods for Reinforced Concrete Pipe
Recent Graduates and Postdocs
Personnel (graduate students and research directors)
New Golder Associates Fellowship program, Page 2
New Golder Associates Visitor Program, Page 3
Dr Michele Jamiolkowski delivers
the 10th Victor Milligan Lecture.
Page 4
Kerry Rowe elected Fellow of
the Royal Society Page 4
Golder Associates supports two new programs
1. The Golder Fellowship Program
Golder Associates (Canada) has committed $500,000 over five years to initiate two exciting new
collaborative research programs in the GeoEngineering Centre. The first involves support for
three faculty members in Civil Engineering and Geological Engineering at Queen’s University.
Each Golder Fellow will receive $20,000 over the calendar year to strengthen collaborative
research and graduate straining with technical experts from Golder Associates.
Richard Brachman, Professor and
Golder Fellow, is working with MASc
student Ryan Waud and Frank
Associates (Mississauga) on the
project `Field-scale monitoring of
construction`. This project involves
work by to measure displacements
on a landfill side slope along gravel/
geotextile/geomembrane interfaces
during construction and waste
placement, to evaluate local downslope shear induced indentations,
and to quantify the effects of sand
cover placement method on the fate
of wrinkles in HDPE geomembranes
for landfill base liners. The work will
provide new insight into how shortterm construction issues may impact
geosynthetics used in landfills.
Ryan Waud undertaking field work in
Barrie with Golder Associates in 2013.
Andy Take, Associate Professor and Golder Fellow, is working with MASc student Lisa Wheeler
and Senior Geotechnical Engineer Graeme Skinner of Golder in Mississauga on the project
‘Optimization of mass stabilisation of peat rail subgrades’ is using novel techniques employing
multiple high-speed digital cameras to isolate ground vibration from optical measurements of
rail and sleeper movements under railways. The project will develop new methods of
measuring longitudinal and vertical rail displacements at full track speed and provide new
insights into track support mechanisms.
Heather Jamieson, Professor and Golder Fellow, is
leading the project ‘Speciation of arsenic in lake
sediments near Giant Mine, Yellowknife, NWT’ in
collaboration with Arthur Cole, Principal of Golder
Associates in Edmonton and Hilary Machtans, Senior
Fisheries Biologist in Whitehorse. This project with MSc
student Martin Van Den Berghe involves installing field
instrumentation and taking field samples of sediments
in three lakes west of the former Giant gold mine and
ore roaster. The project will provide new insights into
the origin, age, bioavailability and long-term stability of
arsenic present in the lake sediments.
Martin Van Den Berghe
taking sediment samples in the field
2. The Golder Visitor Program
The second new initiative is the Golder Associates Visitors program. Each year, this program
will fund four extended visits to Kingston by international scholars and experts from different
technical communities within Golder Associates. Visits will last from one to three months, and
permit collaborative research, delivery of seminars and short courses, and productive
interactions linking the visitors to geoengineering faculty members and students, as well as
other technical experts from Golder Associates. The program initiates early in 2014 with a visit
from Dr Vassilis Marinos, from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. Dr Marinos
will collaborate with faculty members from Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering at
Queen’s and Civil Engineering at RMC, delivering lectures at Queen’s as well as a webinar at
Golder Associates in Mississauga.
9th Victor Milligan lecture
On October 9, 2013, Professor Michele Jamiolkowski delivered the
Ninth Victor Milligan Lecture. Dr. Jamiolkowski began his academic
career in 1969 at the Department of Geotechnical Engineering,
University of Torino, Italy where he is currently Professor Emeritus.
He is author of over 200 publications and reports and holds many
prestigious awards, including the De Beer Award from the Belgium
Geotechnical Association, the Karl Terzaghi and Ralph B. Peck
Lecture Awards from the ASCE, and the Italian “Saviour of the Art”
Award. Dr Jamiolkowski served as President of the ISSMFE (1994 1997) as well as the International Committee for Safeguarding the
Leaning Tower of Pisa (1990 - 2001).
Funding for the Victor Milligan Lecture is provided by Golder Associates, in memory of the late
Victor Milligan, one of the founders of the company, the first Editor of the Canadian
Geotechnical Journal, and a Terzaghi Lecturer for the American Society for Civil Engineering.
Professor Jamiolkowski’s Milligan Lecture “Soil Mechanics and the Observational Method:
Challenges at the Zelazny Most Copper Tailings Disposal Facility” was the 53rd Rankine Lecture
prepared for the British Geotechnical Association and presented on March 20, 2013.
Awards and honours
Queen’s University professor Kerry Rowe Civil Engineering and
GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC has been elected a
Fellow of the Royal Society in the United Kingdom. Dr. Rowe is
one of only four Canadians, and the world’s only civil engineer,
elected to the prestigious institution in 2013.
Kerry was also awarded the Queen`s University Prize for
Excellence in Research, and was also the recipient of the
Queen’s award for graduate student supervision.
Dr. Richard J. Bathurst began his 2013-2014 term as President of
the Canadian Geotechnical Society. He was also awarded the
2014 Giroud Lecture by the International Geosynthetics Society
which will be delivered at the opening session of the 10th
International Geosynthetics Conference to be held in Berlin in
Professor Jean-Louis Briaud, President of the International Society
for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering has announced
that Dr. Greg Siemens has been selected as one of just three
recipients of the ISSMGE Young Member Award. In announcing
the award, Dr. Briaud indicated that Greg was selected after an
international competition of some of the best that this world has
to offer. This international recognition in GeoEngineering is
awarded to up to three young members in recognition of
outstanding contributions to the development of geotechnical
engineering through scientific and technological work. The award
will be made in Paris at the occasion of the 18th International
Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
NSERC has announced the award of a Discovery Accelerator
Supplement to Dr. R.J. Bathurst who is a member of the
GeoEngineering Centre. He joins Drs. Jean Hutchinson and Kerry
Rowe who received the same award last year. These highly
competitive awards, are given to about 1 in 25 discovery grant
award holders nationally and are awarded to proposals that suggest
high-risk, novel or potentially transformative research that could
contribute to groundbreaking advances in the area of study. The
GeoEngineering team has been exceptionally successful receiving
these funds since the accelerator supplement program was initiated
six years ago. A total of seven of these awards have been made to
our sixteen team members, a success rate that is almost ten times
the national average.
Kevin Mumford has received funding to support three new projects.
A Strategic Research Grant from NSERC was awarded for study of
contamination of river beds by oil spills (with four other researchers
including Principal Investigator Ana da Silva). Work is underway
combining electrokinetics and electrical resistance to heat the
ground and produce groundwater remediation (work funded by
Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.). Finally, funding from the American
Petroleum Institute is supporting work on in situ remediation of
hydrocarbons in the subsurface, work with six other researchers
including Principal Investigator Neil Thomson of the University of
The Engineering Institute of Canada has awarded the John B.
Stirling Medal to Dr. Ian Moore. In its press release, the Institute
indicates that this is one of five senior awards of the EIC that
recognize “outstanding achievement or service to the engineering
profession". In particular, the Stirling medal is "for leadership and
distinguished service at the national level within the Institute
and/or its Member Societies". It recognizes Ian’s contributions to
the national society through editorship of the Canadian Foundation
Engineering Manual published in 2006, his term as Vice-President
Technical of the Canadian Geotechnical Society in 2003 and 2004,
and his contribution as founding chair of the Kingston Chapter of
the Canadian Geotechnical Society.
CGS recognizes GeoEngineering Centre Members and
students at GeoMontreal
Several members of the GeoEngineering Centre and their students
were recognized at CGS events held in conjunction with
GeoMontreal, the 66th annual conference of the Canadian
Geotechnical Society.
PhD student Ryley Beddoe received the first prize for best Graduate
Student Paper in 2013 for her paper titled Physical modeling of
rainfall induced landslides. She gave a presentation of her paper
during the morning plenary session on the last day of the conference.
The runner-up winner of the Undergraduate Report Award Individual prize was Dale Brunton
Civil Engineering for his paper Characterizing the Instability Line of Silica Sand as a Potential
Landslide Triggering Mechanism.
The first prize winners of the Undergraduate Report Award Group Category were Gary Cui,
Jessica Galavan, Duncan Leung, and Matthew Lloyd Geological Sciences and Geological
Engineering for their paper, Holmestrand Underground Rail Cavern.
Jean Hutchinson was the recipient of the CGS Thomas Roy
Award. The Thomas Roy Award is presented to honour an
individual for his or her excellence in the field of engineering
geology OR to a group of individuals for a paper that makes a
significant contribution to the advancement of engineering
geology in Canada. Thomas Roy was one of Canada’s earliest
geologists and civil engineers whose work formed the
foundation for the profession in Canada.
Take, Rowe and Brachman at
the Godfrey test site.
Quigley Award Honourable Mentions were awarded to two
papers in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal. The First
Honourable Mention went to Kerry Rowe for his paper Shortand long-term leakage through composite liners. The second
Honourable Mention went to Kerry Rowe, Melissa Chappel,
Richard Brachman, and Andy Take for their paper Field study
of wrinkles in a geomembrane at a composite liner test site.
This team also won the award for the best Geosynthetics
International paper published in 2012 (for their article
Chappel, M. J., Rowe, R. K., Brachman, R. W. I. & Take, W. A.
2012. A comparison of geomembrane wrinkles for nine field
cases. Geosynthetics International, 19, No. 6, 453–469.)
Fawzy Ezzein and Dr. Richard J. Bathurst are the recipients of
the 2013 ASTM Hogentogler Award for their paper A
Transparent Sand for Geotechnical Laboratory Modeling, that
appeared in the November 2011 edition of the ASTM
Geotechnical Testing Journal.
Dr. Yoshi Miyata and Dr. Richard J. Bathurst are the
recipients of The Japanese Geotechnical Society Best
Research Paper Award 2012 for their paper Reliability analysis
of soil-geogrid pullout models in Japan, which was published
in the August 2012 issue of Soils and Foundations.
They also are the recipients of 2013 Technical Achievement
Award of the Japanese Chapter of the International
Geosynthetics Society for their invited paper Geogrid pullout
model for limit state design of reinforced soil walls,
Geosynthetics Technical Information, Japan Chapter of IGS,
Vol. 28, No. 2, 8 p. published in 2012.
Research projects on mine waste management
Supervised by Heather Jamieson in Geological Sciences and
Geological Engineering
Prairie Creek Mine, NWT
Located at a fly-in only location in the Mackenzie Mountains and encircled by Nahanni National
Park Reserve, the owners of this zinc-lead-silver mine are seeking permits to reopen. Our
research is focused on identifying how potentially problematic elements such as arsenic and
mercury are hosted in the ore to improve predictions of water quality and remediation design.
MSc student Drew Stavinga.
Recovery of valuable metals
from acid mine drainage
This is a collaboration with Barrick Gold under an NSERC CREATE award Mine of Knowledge
aimed at offsetting the costs of treating drainage from mine waste in Peru and Chile. MSc
student Lori Manoukian, PDF Bryn Kimball.
This project involves sampling sediments and water from a tailings
lake at an abandoned mine at a remote site in the NWT to improve a
wetland remediation design. MSc student Andrew Bubar.
Arsenic in Tailings Lake at Terra mine, NWT
New Tunneling and Sustainability projects
supervised by Nick Vlachopoulos, Civil Engineering at RMC
An Investigation into Sustainable Building
Evaluation Strategies for use within the
Canadian Forces and the Department of
National Defence MSc, Ms Tina Basso
PhD Student, Connor Langford, Application of
Reliability Methods to the Design of
Underground Structures completed
MASc Student, Brad Forbes testing tunnel
support elements using fibre optics; The
Development of a Distributed Optical Sensing
Technique to Monitor Forepole temporary
support elements employed within an Umbrella
Arch System New
LiDAR scanning of Rail Tunnel walls as part of
research involving the factors affecting realism
of Discrete Fracture Networks for Mechanical
Stability Analysis MASc Student, Ioannis Vazaios
Rockfall Projects Supervised by Dave Gauthier and Jean
Hutchinson, Geological Engineering
Rockfall monitoring using terrestrial LIDAR, Thompson River valley, BC: M.Sc. student Ryan Kromer is
using repeated terrestrial LiDAR scans of a complex rock slope, taken at up to twice daily intervals, to
identify rockfall sources and runouts, and is searching for any potential precursor displacements
associated with both small and large failures. Early progress includes identifying small rockfalls around
the perimeter of a larger, subsequent failure which impacted the railway, and potentially measuring
bulk movements of the block prior to rapid failure.
Rockfall modelling in three dimensions, using terrain and rockfall observations from terrestrial LiDAR:
M.Sc. student Matthew Ondercin is using detailed terrestrial LiDAR-based terrain data of a complex
slope, and rockfall source locations and trajectories measured there, as inputs for both traditional GIS
rockfall modelling, and in a novel, true 3D approach that he is developing. Early progress includes the
ability to model the performance of railway track protection measures based on cumulative rockfall
Containing Diesel Contaminated Soil in Antarctica Using
Daniel Jones (PhD Candidate),Supervisor: Kerry Rowe.
During the Antarctic summers of 2012-13 and 2013-14, Dan Jones travelled to Casey Station, Antarctica
to assist with the onsite remediation of 800m3 of diesel contaminated soil.
Despite the use of best practices for fuel handling, spills can and do continue to occur. Seven
geomembrane and GCL-lined biopiles were constructed from 2011-2013 to remediate the soil on site;
this is the first time geosynthetics have been used on the continent. Geosynthetics were the ideal choice
for containment given the lack of low permeability soil in the area. Testing of new geomembrane
materials was also conducted, with one biopile being lined with a coextruded HDPE/EVOH/HDPE
geomembrane which has never before been used in full scale field trials.
It was unknown how well geosynthetics would perform in the harsh Antarctic climate. The continent is
prone to extreme temperature fluctuations, high UV during the summer and generally very dry and arid
conditions. This environment can accelerate the degradation of geomembranes as well create a very
difficult task for GCLs up taking moisture.
Some of Dan’s specific tasks included sampling of geomembrane sundeck experiments, where samples
are placed on rooftops to allow maximum sun exposure and destructively sampled yearly. Dan also
conducted GCL hydration testing in the field, which will be mimicked in the laboratory at Queen’s,
allowing the GCLs to hydrate at field conditions to be compared to expected saturation. Financial and inkind funding for Dan’s work was provided by the Australian Antarctic Division AAD.
Figure 1: Dan Jones Queen’s, Tim Spedding AAD, Dr.
Lauren Wise AAD, Dr. Kerry Rowe, Queens and
Johan Mets AAD at Casey Station, Feb 2014
Figure 2: Photograph of 5 of the 7 biopiles
The WaterMAIN project being undertaken by Ian Moore
with Neil Hoult, graduate students, and four industry partners
The media now provide regular reports of catastrophic failures of water and stormwater pipes, such as
the severe flooding caused by the watermain break on St. Catherine St, Montreal on January 28th, 2013,
and the corrugated steel culvert failure on Highway 174, Ottawa on September 4, 2012 which caused a
sinkhole that 'swallowed' a car. Canada's water infrastructure is reaching a point where safe and
efficient operation cannot be guaranteed without a better understanding of the failure mechanisms
associated with corroded pipes, and guidance on assessment and repair strategies.
In September 2013, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada granted $571,950
over three years to Dr Ian Moore and Dr Neil Hoult to study remaining strength and pipe repair issues in
both cast iron water pipes and corrugated steel sewers and culverts. The Water: Management and
Assessment of Infrastructure (WaterMAIN) project will address key issues by investigating (a) the
remaining strength of buried deteriorated cast iron and corrugated steel pipes after they are damaged
by corrosion, (b) the impact of soil erosion adjacent to pipes due to water flow, (c) novel methods of
identifying, monitoring and assessing these structures, and (d) the short and long term performance of
repair techniques. The research project capitalizes on specialised infrastructure for conducting buried
pipe experiments at Queen's, permitting unique experiments at full scale that will provide seminal data
on pipe behaviour and the performance of assessment tools, and will produce significant advances in
numerical modeling of deteriorated structures and the soil surrounding them. Both the existing test
facilities at Queen’s and new capabilities being developed to simulate soil erosion around deeply buried
pipes will be utilized. The project will advance scholarship on the interaction of soil and deteriorated
pipe structures, and the development and impact of the erosion voids beside pipes.
Industry partners Michael Maher (Golder Associates), Kevin Bainbridge (Robinson Consultants Inc.), Ian
Doherty (Trenchless Design Engineering Ltd.) and Mike Zantingh (City of Hamilton) are providing in-kind
support of various kinds. Work will include development of a module on sewers and culverts for
program GoldSET. This software is a tool developed by Golder Associates for characterising the
environmental, social, economic and technical challenges during infrastructure project planning and
Figure 1: David Becerril Garcìa and Graeme Boyd install an
HDPE slip-liner within a deteriorated culvert being tested in
an earlier project.
Figure 2: Surface live loading of the
deteriorated culvert using the MTS
Servo=controlled testing system in the
GeoEngineering Laboratory.
NCHRP 20-07 Task 316: Guidelines for use of Design
Methods for Reinforced Concrete Pipe
Katrina MacDougall supervised by Ian Moore and Neil Hoult
Buried concrete pipes are designed using two different procedures in North America. The first, Indirect
Design, is a simplified approach that uses an empirical ‘bedding factor’ to relate strength when buried to
the strength during ‘pipe-only’ testing. The second, Direct Design, features estimates of moment, thrust
and shear around the pipe circumference and the use of conventional reinforced concrete design
approaches to determine steel amounts. This project sought to determine whether Indirect and Direct
Design procedures are consistently conservative, and to explain and potentially reconcile discrepancies
between the two methods. Firstly, two 0.6 m diameter pipes and two 1.2 m diameter pipes were tested
under single wheel pair loading at burial depths of 1.2, 0.6, and 0.3 m. The test pipes did not crack at the
applied service load of 110 kN and did not exceed the crack width limit of 0.25mm until between 2.5 and
4 times the service load. One 0.6 m diameter pipe was also tested under simulated deep burial and was
found to have cracking load almost 2 times greater than the calculated value. Both methods provided
conservative strength estimates for the test pipes. An investigation of the Direct Design procedure
found that by considering thick ring theory and the Modified Compression Field Theory with two layers
of reinforcement, the required amount of steel from Direct Design could be made to align very closely
with Indirect Design. Additional tests were performed to measure radial earth pressures on a shallow
buried 0.6m diameter test pipe using the ‘null’ sensors of Talesnick. These pressures indicate that lateral
soil stresses acting on the pipe springline are much lower than those that arise from use of standard
pressure distributions.
This project was funded by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program of the Transportation
Research Board (National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C.) as Project 20-07 Task 316. The project
was directed by a panel of highway and other engineers with the specific goal of suggesting changes to
the LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design) Bridge Design Specifications of the American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
Figure 1: Preparing to test 0.6m diameter concrete pipes in
the West pit of the GeoEngineering Laboratory.
Figure 2: Ian Moore, Katrina MacDougall,
and Neil Hoult
Recent Graduates and Postdocs
The following GeoEngineers associated with the Centre have recently completed their training,
and have moved on to the next phase of their career:
Mohamed Almahakeri, PhD, supervised by Ian Moore and Amir Fam has a position at Central
Michigan University.
David Becerill Garcia, PhD, supervised by Ian Moore currently working as a Postdoctoral Fellow
in Civil Engineering, Queen’s University
Sarah Bryant, MASc, supervised by Andy Take, is working for Thurber Engineering in Calgary,
Stephanie De Sisto, PhD, William and Mary College (faculty)
Michael Eastman, MASc, supervised by Richard Brachman is working for Thurber Engineering
Ltd in Toronto.
Andrew Gault, PDF, Alexco Resources
Huma Irfan, MASc, supervised by Kerry Rowe and Richard Brachman
Shahriar Kakhi, MEng, supervised by Kent Novakowski
Bryn Kimball, PDF Whitman College (faculty)
Allison Laidlow, MSc, Golder Associates
Van Thien Mai, MASc, supervised by Neil Hoult and Ian Moore, working at GeoTerre Limited in
Brampton, Ontario
Vanessa Mann, PhD, supervised by Kent Novakowski
Owen Miles, MASc, supervised by Kent Novakowski
Christopher Murray, MASc, supervised by Andy Take and Neil Hoult, is working at Thurber
Engineering Ltd in Ottawa.
Tyler Nash, MSc, working at Queen’s
Joshua Potvin, MASc, supervised by Andy Take, is working for Thurber Engineering in
Colin Purdy, MSc, now with Artkis Solutions
Amanda Sheppard, MEng, supervised by Andy Take
Drew Stavinga, MSc, now with Artkis Solutions
Howard Swartz, MEng, supervised by Ian Moore is working at Envizion Solutions in Toronto.
Yu Wang, MASc, supervised by Ian Moore, working with URS Corporation, Hong Kong.
Ashley Wemp-McKenzie, MASc, supervised by Bernard Kueper, is working at SLR Consulting
Canada Ltd, Toronto.
Chen Zhao, MASc, supervised by Bernard Kueper and Kevin Mumford is working for Morrison
Hershfield in Ottawa.
Publications for 2013
Abdelaal, F.B., and Rowe, R.K. 2013. Antioxidant depletion of HDPE geomembrane without
HALS in an extreme environment, Geosynthetics 2013, Long Beach, USA, April, 127-133.
Allen, T.M. and Bathurst, R.J. 2013. Comparison of working stress and limit equilibrium behavior
of reinforced soil walls. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 230, Sound Geotechnical
Research to Practice Honoring Robert D, Holtz II, pp. 500-514
Almahakeri, M., Fam, A. and Moore, I.D. 2013 Experimental Investigation of Longitudinal
Bending of Buried Steel Pipes Pulled through Dense Sand, Journal of Pipeline Systems
Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. accepted February 21, 2013, doi:
Almahakeri, M., Fam, A. and Moore, I.D. 2013. Longitudinal Bending and Failure of GFRP Pipes
Buried in Dense Sand under Relative Ground Movement, Journal of Composites for
Construction, ASCE , Vol. 17:702-710, September.
Awad, A., Rowe, R.K. and Safari, E. 2013. Aging of HDPE geomembranes used as bottom liner
and cover for storage of soil contaminated with PCBs, Canadian Geotechnical Conference,
GeoMontreal, Montreal, September, Paper 240, 4p
Balkaya, M., Moore, I.D. and Sağlamer, A. 2013. Study of non-uniform bedding support under
continuous PVC water distribution pipes, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol.
35, No. 1 of 1, pp. 99-108, April.
Basso, T & Vlachopoulos, N., 2013. Investigation into the Suitability of Green Building Evaluation
Strategies for use within the Canadian Forces and the Department of National
Defence. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering CSCE. May 29-June 1, Montreal, Quebec.
Bathurst, R.J. and Zarnani, S. 2013. Earthquake load attenuation using EPS geofoam buffers in
rigid wall applications invited State of the Art/Practice Paper. Indian Geotechnical Journal, Vol.
43, No. 4, pp. 283-291.
Bathurst, R.J., Allen, T.M., Miyata, Y. and Huang, B. 2013. Lessons learned from LRFD calibration
of reinforced soil wall structures. Modern Design Codes of Practice - Development, Calibration,
and Experiences. eds P. Arnold, M. Hicks, T. Schweckendiek, B. Simpson & G. Fenton. IOS Press.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 261-276.
Bathurst, R.J., Allen, T.M., Miyata, Y. and Huang, B. 2013. LRFD calibration of metallic reinforced
soil walls. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 229, Foundation Engineering in the Face of
Uncertainty Honoring Fred H. Kulhawy, pp. 585-601
Becerril Garcìa, D. and Moore, I.D. 2013. Behaviour of Bell and Spigot Joints in Buried
Thermoplastic Pipelines, Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2332, pp. 29-40.
Becerril García, D. and Moore, I.D. 2013. Response of bell and spigot joints in culverts under
vehicle load, ICPTT 13, October 16-18, Xi’an, China, 10pp.
Chen, J.F. and Bathurst, R.J. 2013. Investigation of interface toe sliding of reinforced soil block
face walls using FLAC, Proceedings of Continuum and Distinct Element Numerical Modeling in
Geomechanics, Shanghi, China, Itasca International Inc., 15 p.
Damians I.P., Bathurst R.J., Josa A. and Lloret A. 2013. Comparison of finite element and finite
difference modelling results with measured performance of a reinforced soil wall, 66th
Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montreal, Quebec, 7 p.
Damians I.P., Lloret A., Josa A. and Bathurst, R.J. 2013. Influence of facing vertical stiffness on
reinforced soil wall design, 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical
Engineering, Paris, France, pp. 1959-1962.
Damians, I.P. Bathurst, R.J., Josa, A., Lloret, A. and Albuquerque, P.J.R. 2013. Vertical facing
loads in steel reinforced soil walls. ASCE J Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol.
139, No. 9, pp. 1419–1432.
Elshimi, T. and Moore, I.D. 2013. Modeling the effects of backfilling and soil compaction beside
shallow buried pipes, Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 44,
04013004-1to 04013004-7, November.
Ezzein, F. and Bathurst, R.J. 2013. Estimation of tensile loads in geogrid specimens tested in a
transparent granular soil, 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montreal, Quebec, 6 p.
Gauthier, D. and Hutchinson, J., 2013. Are stepped failures related to thin weak layers in
sensitive clay landslides? Evidence from case studies and comparison with snow avalanches. In:
Proceedings, International Workshop on Landslides in Sensitive Clay, , Quebec City, QC, 1
November 2013
Gauthier, D., Lato, M., Hutchinson, J., and Edwards, T., 2013. An annual cycle of rock
movements on a slope affecting the railway corridor in the White Canyon of the Thompson
River, BC, from serial LiDAR scans. In: Proceedings, GeoMontreal – Canadian Geotechnical
Conference, Montreal, QC, 29 September – 3 October 2013
Hegele, P.R., K.G. Mumford 2013. Quantitative visualization of gas dynamics during electrical
resistance heating, Presented at the 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 11th joint
CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Montreal, Quebec, September 29-October 3, 2013.
Hodson, P.V., A.M. da Silva, K.G. Mumford, S.R. Brown, A. Rutter 2013. Hyporheic flows in rivers
as a vector of oil contamination of fish spawning shoals, Presented at the SETAC North America
34th Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, November 17-21, 2013.
Hoor, A. and Rowe, R.K. 2013. Potential for desiccation of geosynthetic clay liners used in
barrier systems, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 13910:
Hosney, M.S. and Rowe, R.K. 2013. Changes in GCL properties after two years in a cover over
arsenic-rich tailings Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 503: 326-342.
Hutchinson, D.J., Lato, M., Gauthier, D., Edwards, T., Kromer, R., Ondercin, M., and MacGowan,
T., 2013. Remote sensing approaches for assessing railway ground hazards: Applications to
railway rock slope instability in western Canada. In: Proceedings, 10 th World Congress on
Railway Research, Sydney, Australia, 25-28 November, 2013.
Jamieson, H.E., Bromstad, M.L., Nordstrom, D.K. 2013. Extremely arsenic-rich, neutral-pH
waters from Giant mine, Canada. Mine Water Solutions, Conference on Extreme Waters, Lima,
Javankhoshdel, S. and Bathurst, R.J. 2013. Simplified probabilistic slope stability design charts
for cohesive and c−f soils, 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montreal, Quebec, 7 p.
Jones, D., McWatters, R., Hince, G., Wilkins, D., Bouazza, M., Gates, W., Rowe, R.K. and Snape, I.
2013. Evaluation of geosynthetics used in barrier systems to contain hydrocarboncontaminated soils in Antarctica , Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoMontreal, Montreal,
September Paper 457, 8p.
Lim, B.F. and Siemens, G.A. 2013. An unconfined swelling test for clayey soils that incorporates
digital image correlation. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal. 36:6 823-833 [doi:
Mabrouk, A. and Rowe, R.K. 2013. Some factors affecting deep excavation in clay over gassy
bedrock, Geotechnical Engineering: Journal of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society 441:18.
Mai, V.T., Moore, I.D. and Hoult, N.A. 2013. Strength of deteriorated metal culverts,
International No-Dig Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Mumford, K.G., P.R. Hegele 2013. Gas dynamics during thermal remediation invited, Presented
at the 9th annual hydrocarbon summit on transport, fate and remediation of hydrocarbons in
the subsurface, Waterloo, ON, August 28-29, 2013.
Oke, J., Vlachopoulos, N. and M.S. Diederichs, 2013. Pre-Support Nomenclature and Support
Selection Methodology for Temporary Support Systems within Weak Rock Masses. World
Tunnel Congress, 2013 Geneva, Switzerland.
Oke, J., Vlachopoulos, N. and Marinos, V. 2013. The Pre-Support Nomenclature and Support
Selection Methodology for Temporary Support Systems within Weak Rock Masses.
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Journal. Volume 31, Number 5, October 2013. DOI
Oke, J., Vlachopoulos, N., and M.S Diederichs, 2013. Modification of the Supported Longitudinal
Displacement Profile for Tunnel Face Convergence in Weak Rock. American Rock Mechanics
Association, June 2013. San Francisco, USA.
Oke, J., Vlachopoulos, N., and M.S Diederichs, 2013. The Reduction of Surface Settlement by
Employing Umbrella Arch Systems. GEO Montreal, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Oct 2013.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Opio, F.K., Peacey, J., Jamieson, H.E. 2013. Arsenic immobilization from industrial effluents. 5th
International Congress on Arsenic reviewed proceedings paper.
Powell, J.S., Siemens, G.A., Take, W.A. and Remenda, V.H. 2013. Characterizing the swell
Rouf, M.A., Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A. and Rowe, R.K. 2013. Geosynthetic clay liner gas
permeability relationship with moisture content and suction under pre-conditioning stresses,
International Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics, Torino, Italy,
July, 435-441.
Rowe, R.K. 2013. Recent advances in understanding and improving the performance of lining
and capping systems for landfill and mining applications, Keynote lecture, International
Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics, Torino, Italy, July, 3-20.
Rowe, R.K., Abdelaal, F.B. and Brachman, R.W.I. 2013. Antioxidant depletion from an HDPE
geomembrane with a sand protection layer, Geosynthetics International, 202:73-89.
Rowe, R.K and Abdelatty, K. 2013. Leakage and contaminant transport through a single hole in
the geomembrane component of a composite liner, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, 1393: 357-366.
Rowe, R.K, Brachman, R.R.W., Irfan, H., Smith, M.E., and Thiel, R. 2013. Effect of underliner on
geomembrane strains in heap leach applications, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 40: 37-47.
Rowe, R.K. and Hosney, M.S. 2013. Laboratory investigation of GCL performance for covering
arsenic contaminated mine wastes , Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 39: 63-77.
Rowe, R.K., Rayhani, M., Take, W.A, Siemens, G. and Brachman, R.W.I 2013. Physical modelling
of nonwoven-nonwoven GCL shrinkage under simulated field Conditions, Geotextiles and
Geomembranes, 40: 12-19.
Rowe, R.K and Verge, A.E. 2013. Prediction of geosynthetic clay liner desiccation in low stress
applications, Geosynthetics International, 205: 301-315.
Rowe, R.K and Yu, Y. 2013. A practical technique for estimating service life of MSW leachate
collection systems, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 502: 165-178.
Rowe, R.K. and Yu, Y. 2013. Modelling of leachate characteristics and clogging of gravel
drainage mesocosms permeated with landfill leachate ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, 1397: 1022-1034.
Rowe, R.K. and Yu, Y. 2013. Modelling of Leachate Collection Systems with Filter-separators in
MSW Landfills, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 139 8: 1042-1052.
Rowe, R.K., Yu, Y. and Hosney, M.S. 2013. Interaction between clogging of a leachate drainage
layer and leakage through a composite liner, International Symposium on Coupled Phenomena
in Environmental Geotechnics, Torino, Italy, July, 283-290.
Santos, E.C.G., Palmeira, E.M and Bathurst, R.J. 2013. Behaviour of a geogrid reinforced wall
built with recycled construction and demolition waste backfill on a collapsible foundation.
Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. 39, pp. 9 -19.
Shoaib, M. and Rowe R.K. 2013. Durability and long-term strength of seams in HDPE
geomembranes , Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoMontreal, Montreal, September,
Paper 342, 6p.
Siemens, G.A., Peters, S.B. and Take, W.A. 2013. Comparison of confined and unconfined infiltration in
transparent porous media. Water Resources Research. 49, 851-863 [doi: 10.1002/wrcr.20101].
Siemens, G.A., Take , W.A., Rowe, R.K., and Brachman, R.W.I. 2013. Effect of confining stress on
the transient hydration of unsaturated GCLs, 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics
and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris, September, 1187-1190.
Siemens, G., Take, W.A., Rowe, R.K.R. and Brachman, R.W.I. 2013. Parametric study of transient
hydration of unsaturated geosynthetic clay liners. Proceedings of the 18th International
Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013, 1187-1190.
Simpson, B., Hoult, N.A. and Moore, I.D. 2013. Experimental Investigation of a Rehabilitated
Corrugated Metal Culvert under Surface Loading, NoDig 2013, Sacramento, CA, March 3-6,
Paper WM-T3-05, 9pp.
Sleep, B.E., M.M. Krol, K.G. Mumford, R.L. Johnson 2013. Impact of electrical resistance heating
on subsurface flow and mass transport, Presented at the Advances in Thermal Remediation
Conference, Austin, Texas, January 8-9, 2013.
Taechakumthorn, C. and Rowe, R.K. 2013. Reinforced Embankments on Soft Deposits:
Behaviour, Analysis and Design, Invited paper for Special Issue, Geotechnical Engineering,
Journal of the South East Asian Geotechnical Society, 444: 70-77.
Taghizadeh-Saheli, P., Rowe, R.K., Petersen, E.J. and. O’Carroll, D.M 2013. Diffusive transport of
multiwall carbon nanotubes through an HDPE geomembrane, Canadian Geotechnical
Conference, GeoMontreal, Montreal, September, Paper 246, 5p
Take, W.A., Wolinsky, E. and Siemens, G.A. 2013. Development of a centrifuge tilt-table device
to investigate instability phenomenon under simulated infinite slope condition. 66th Canadian
Geotechnical Conference, GeoMontreal 2013, 29 September – 3 October 2013.
Verge, A.E. and Rowe, R.K. 2013 A framework for a decision support system for municipal solid
waste landfill design, Waste Management & Research, 3112: 1217-1227. DOI:
Vlachopoulos, N. and Basso, T., 2013. Determining the Policy and Performance of Green
Buildings. Climate Change Technology Conference, Engineering Institute of Canada, 29-31 May
2013, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Vlachopoulos, N. and Diederichs, M.S. 2013 Appropriate uses and practical limitations of 2D
numerical analysis of tunnels and tunnel support response. Geotechnical and Geological
Engineering Journal. GEGE-D-13-00064R1.
Vlachopoulos, N., Diederichs M.S., Marinos, V., Marinos P., 2013. Tunnel behaviour associated
with the weak Alpine rock masses of the Driskos Twin Tunnel system, Egnatia Odos Highway.
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2013, 501: 91-120, 10.1139/cgj-2012-0025.
Vlachopoulos, N., Fortsakis, P and Oke,J. 2013. Investigation into the Influence of Parallel
Excavation of Twin Bored Tunnels within Weak Rock Masses. GEO Montreal, Canadian
Geotechnical Society, Oct 2013. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Vlachopoulos, N. and Skordaki, E.M. 2013. Development of Statement of Operational
Requirement for Incinerator Unit for Options for the Polar Continental Shelf Program PCSP and
Canadian Forces Arctic Training Centre CFATC Operations in Resolute Bay, Nunavut. Natural
Resources Canada, October 2013.
Wang, Y. and Moore, I.D. 2013. Structural design equations for bell and spigot joints in culverts
under vehicle load, ICPTT, October 16-18, Xi’an, China, 10pp.
Yu, Y. and Rowe, R.K. 2013. Effect of grain size on service life of MSW landfill drainage systems,
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 501: 1-14
Zhao, C., K.G. Mumford, B.H. Kueper 2013. Investigation of co-boiling behavior during in situ
thermal treatment: experiments and modelling, Presented at the 66 th Canadian Geotechnical
Conference and the 11th joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Montreal, Quebec,
September 29-October 3, 2013.
Zhao, C., K.G. Mumford, B.H. Kueper 2013. Remediation of non-aqueous phase liquids using
heating, Presented at the Water Research Centre Student Symposium, Queen’s University,
Kingston, Ontario, January 25, 2013.
MSc Students
Abdel-Mohsen, Shahynaz
Ashe, Lauren
Bentley, Michael
Berg, Nancy
Bossé, Maxime
Brunton, Dale
Burdett, Shawn
Burnett, Alex
Bubar, Andrew
Chong, Andrew
Day, Jennifer
de la Concha, Tony
Elias, Alex
Forbes, Bradley
Gillies, Bradley
Haririakbari, Aidin
Hegele, Paul
Inculet, Clayton
Kennedy, Cara
Kromer, Ryan
Logan, Andrew
MacDougall, Katrina
Maitland, Kirsten
Manoukian, Lori
McKenzie, Brendan
McKnight-Whitford, Heidi
Miller, Garrett
Munholland, Jonah
Nash, Tyler
O’Connor, Shaun
Oghabi, Pegah
Ondercin, Matthew
Palleske, Cortney
Paraskevopoulou, Chrysothemis
Pitts, Michelle
Plourde, Richard
Poon, Eric
Purdy, Colin
Regier, Caleb
Tetreault, Hulley, Civil, RMC
Rowe, Take, and Brachman, Civil, QU
Take, Civil, QU
Take, Civil, QU
Bathurst, Civil, RMC
Take, QU and Siemens, Civil, RMC
Hulley, Civil, RMC
Moore and Take, Civil, QU
Jamieson, Geological, QU
Bathurst, Civil, QU
Hutchinson and Diederichs, Geological
Take, Civil, QU
Take, Civil, QU
Vlachopoulos, RMC and Diederichs, Geological
Take, Civil, QU
Take, Civil, QU
Mumford, Civil, QU
Gerhard, Western U, Kueper, Civil, QU
Hutchinson and Diederichs, Geological
Hutchinson, Geological
Kueper, Civil, QU
Moore and Hoult, Civil, QU
Jamieson, Geological
Jamieson, Geological
Brachman, Civil, QU
Lake, Dalhousie, and Take, Civil, QU
Mulligan and Take, Civil, QU
Kueper, Civil, QU
Jamieson, Geological
Harrap and Diederichs, Geological
Moore, Civil, QU
Diederichs and Harrap, Geological
Diederichs, Geological
Diederichs, Geological, and Vlachopoulos, Civil RMC
Diederichs, Geological
Novakowski and Champagne, Civil, QU
Moore, Civil, QU
Jamieson, Geological
Hoult and Moore, Civil, QU
Shojib, Mahmudul
Sills, Lee-Ann
Singh, Vijay
Thebault, David
Van den Berghe, Martin
Van der Pouw Kraan, Michelle
Vazaios, Ioannis
Walton, Gabe
Waud, Ryan
Weinhardt, Klaus
Wheeler, Lisa
Wolinsky, Eric
Wu, Di
Yang, Fan
Zhang, Robyn
Mumford, Civil, QU
Mumford, QU and Siemens, Civil, RMC
Jamieson, Geological
Vlachopoulos, Civil, RMC
Jamieson, Geological
Diederichs and Hutchinson, Geological
Vlachopoulos, RMC and Diederichs, Geological
Diederichs, Geological
Brachman, Civil, QU
Diederichs and Hutchinson, Geological
Hoult and Take, Civil, QU
Rowe, Civil, QU
Take, Civil, QU
Novakowski, Civil, QU
B. Sleep, University of Toronto, Mumford, Civil, QU
PhD Students
Abdel Aal, Fady
Abdel Razek, Ahmed
Acikel, A. S.
Awad, Ramy
Azad, F.
Beddoe, Ryley
Borcinova-Radkova, Anezka
Bou Jaoude, Issam
Brown, Mike
Day, Jennifer
DeSisto, Stephanie
El-Jaat, Majda
Ezzein, Fawzy
Ghazvinian, Ehsan
Haitao, Lan
Javankhoshdel, Sina
Jones, Daniel
Joshi, Prabeen
Kalia, Sumit
Khader, Omar
LeBlanc, Jean-Marc
Li, Tikang
Lim, Bee Fong
Rowe, Civil, QU
Rowe and Brachman, Civil, QU
Bouazza, Monash University, Rowe, Civil, QU
Rowe, Civil, QU
El-Zein, University of Sydney, Rowe, Civil, QU
Take, Civil, QU
Jamieson, Geological
Novakowski, Civil, QU
Moore and Fam, Civil, QU
Diederichs and Hutchinson, Geological
Jamieson and Parsons, Geological
Hulley/Tetreault, Civil, RMC
Bathurst, Civil, RMC
Diederichs, Geological
Moore and Take, Civil, QU
Bathurst, Civil, QU
Rowe, Civil, QU
Rowe and Brachman, Civil, QU
Mumford and Kueper, Civil, QU
Novakowski, Civil, QU
Brachman, Civil, QU
Rowe, Civil, QU
Siemens, Civil, RMC
Liu, Kevin
Luo, Ning
Martin, Eric
Mohammed, Obai
Ni, Pengpeng
Ocay, Barry
Oke, Jeffrey
Perras, Matthew
Praamsma, Titia
Radkova, Anezka
Rentz, Amy
Saheli-Taghizadeh, Pooneh
Schauerte, Morgan
Shoaib, Mohamed
Tabiatnejad, Bardia
Trimper, Shawn
Walton, Gabriel
Warren, Bartholomew
Rowe, Civil, QU
Bathurst, Civil, QU
Mumford and Kueper, Civil. QU
Mumford, Civil, QU
Moore, Civil, QU
Rowe, Civil, QU
Vlachopoulos, RMC, Diederichs, Geological
Diederichs, Geological
Postdoctoral Researchers
Becerill Garcia, David
Gault, Andrew
Gauthier, Dave
Kimball, Bryn
McWatters, Rebecca
Yang, Ping
Yu, Yan
Moore, Civil, QU
Jamieson, Geological
Hutchinson and Diederichs, Geological
Jamieson, Geological
Rowe, Civil, QU
Rowe, Civil, QU
Rowe, Civil, QU
Diederichs, Geological
Novakowski, Civil, QU
Jamieson, Geological
Brachman, Take and Rowe, Civil, QU
Rowe, Civil, QU
Novakowski, Civil, QU
Rowe, Civil, QU
Siemens, Civil, RMC and UBC
Kueper, Civil, QU
Diederichs, Geological
Jamieson, Geological
Members and Areas of Expertise
Research Directors
James Archibald
Richard Bathurst
Richard Brachman
Mark Diederichs
Jean Hutchinson
Heather Jamieson
Bernard Kueper
Steve McKinnon
Ian Moore
Kevin Mumford
Kent Novakowski
Vicki Remenda
Kerry Rowe
Greg Siemens
Andy Take
Nicholas Vlachopoulos
Areas of Expertise
Geomechanics and Geosynthetics
Geotechnical and Geosynthetics
Geotechnical, Geoenvironmental, and Geomechanics
Geotechnical and Geomechanics
Geotechnical and Geomechanics
Geochemistry and Geoenvironmental
Geoenvironmental and Hydrogeology
Geomechanics and Geotechnical
Geotechnical, Geosynthetics, and Geomechanics
Hydrogeology and Geoenvironmental
Geoenvironmental and Hydrogeology
Hydrogeology and Geoenvironmental
Geoenvironmental, Geosynthetics, and Geotechnical
Geotechnical and Geosynthetics
Geotechnical and Geomechanics
Geotechnical, Geoenvironmental and Geomechanics
Associate Members
Don DeGroot
Dave Gauthier
Rob Harrap
John Poland
Ken Reimer
Allison Rutter
Stephen Walker
Geotechnical and Geomechanics
Geographical Information Systems, Hazard Mapping
Environmental Assessment and Remediation
Environmental Assessments and Biotechnology
Environmental Remediation and Analysis
Geochemistry and Geoenvironmental
Contact us:
Executive Director, Ian Moore, +1 613 533 3160
Administrative Secretary, Jolanda Noble, +1 613 533 6370